The Signal, 1915-12-16, Page 12PO THCrnaDAT, DrellNada 16, 1915 ••••••••••••• It's Cutter -Time! OMNI. slIMMINI VW'ouldu't a fine new Cut- ter be just the beat Christ- mas gift imaginable for somebody you know i? We- handle the Gray and McLaughlin makes, the bent in Cattadl. STOVES We 1i ive a number of Ranges and Heaters left and can give you good value for your money. High-class Gasoline Engines for pumping and power. Conte in and see them. ria RORT. WILSON • Agent for Massey -Harris Implements Hamilton St., Godericb i♦00•••••••••• Choice Cut Flowers Plants for Christmas ROSES CARNATIONS LILY OF THE VALLEY • VIOLETS ORCHIDS Order early. Mock will be (114 as my limited. Geo. Stewart Florist •Phone roe Bruce Street THE UNIVERSITItSCOMPANIES. One Christmas Eve Bo Harm T. Barter (Copyrlgkt to Western Newspaper Usiw) Hs was grinning like • scboolbey at the gyrations ot a mechaalcal clown. His bluff hearty laugh seemed to come straight from kis heart. His long white whiskers, bearskin cwt. merry eyes and full -round figure - suggested the veritable Kris Kringls to • T. Men, women and children were all smiles as they looked him over. but too polite to linger and embarrass him. The proprietor of the store. ob- serving the slight halt In the paving procession. beckoned to the stranger. "My Mend," be spoke rapidly. "could i have • word with you'" "A dozen, If it snits you," respond- ed the other heartily. and followed kla Interviewer Inside the store. "It's lust this." explained the stare man: "we've got a Santa Claus -tat him yonder. in that booth. shaklaf hands with the children!" "I see him," nodded the Westi,rner. "Ile Is un till midnight and I can't spare him. A family here -the Moody! -best people In town -want me to send them up a Santy. You're just made for it. Come -ten dollars cash and it won't take you ri hour I'll furnish the robe and cap." The Westerner smile eueerly 111 take Cho job," he replied. Directed by a lad trom the store. he was piloted to the Moody m:.nsion. admitted and shown into a room off the main parlor, where a Christmas tree stood, loaded and ablaze. All around it the hired Santy gazed keenly, almost eagerly. He appeared to be scanning the various framed por- traits on the wall and seemed disap- pointed. as if in that Inspection he missed something he had expected to find. A servant came and helped him on with his costume, directing him In what he should do when the children entered the festal room. An admlr- kble Santy he made. He went through his part in a merry heartsome way. then quietly slipped out through the side door and proceeded down the street. He seemed to hare been over the ground before, for be reached his destination by pursuing lanes and by- ways where he would not be observed in the costume he still retained. it was in the 'avow -citified gere- den of a neat but humble little cot- tage that he final- ly halted. '1'11 do !t," be spoke to himself, "if i can work it. Maybe I'm not forgot•n here!" He knocked on tbe door and a - woman opened ft. "Don't be scared. ma'am." spoke the Westerner. "You sae. I've Just been up to the Jloodys-relatives of yours, I believe -acting Santa Claus. Knew that you had a little one here. saw the tree and thought maybe i. could make her happier- by going through my act." "Oh. would you'" cried the lady in quick delight. "Indeed. it would cap the climax of all her Christmas eve OM?' 'Smuggle me into the room with the' Christnpas tree." suggested the Westerner . buoyantly. "I'll do the itesrxtieg Nose /soiag oe. el.,Mastreat for a Fifth Company. Tot- Universities Companies are now well known throughout Canada. A (Ir -h company is rair.ed, equipped and paut+elly trained about every two months. sed it is unnecessary to ad - vett • ; for treelike inasmuch as each • ,,w y is made up of brothers or e_sativ.•. u: friends ot those who bare � ► .rd. p' rc iters eumpsnies. Tire ; Baal R1 )punr under (enu- re erclay has j dosed the Pyree o nm Patrkia's Canadian 14111 infanty and has been for some time in the trenches The Second Company,pnder tbe com- • 'nand of Captain (leorgr McDonald and Captain Percy Molest also is on the Continent. The Third Company went overseas about Mei 'irreg. and has rained a golden reputation et Shornclif.•. Tae Fourth Company is at full strength and has now embarked. In quality it is in no respect idferior to i(r predecessors.. A Fifth Company has. been author- rx a large number of applicants are osi the waiting list, and recruits will be welcomed at Montreal on or after Novembet.27th. Those who wish to join must receive a rigorous medical examination Ioerlly by an army medical officer. Those who are not medically and phjrsieally Rt are not' wanted, so there is a suber- quent examination on reaching Mest- erei. The recruit should also be at- tested locally before Ihenearest jostire of !the peace, and transportation to Montreal can ie speedily obtained by standing • night lettergrani to Captain A.S. Eve.:it2 Shetbrooke Street West, Montreal. On snivel the recruit is issued without delay his blankets. pal- liasse and uniform, and his training velment,* on the, campus of Malill University and on the slopes of Mount Wye). As to barracks the Canadian Nuitbern Iand company lends the headquarters building, Meli1H Univers- ity lends the Molson Hall: and the students not only lend the top floor of the (niton, but alto give the soldiers the privileges of the building as though they were students. Moreover, the Y. M. C. A..opens. its,Quarters and pl:,ces the swimming pool at their dia- l'.sal. Tbe training is varied and in- cludes *booting at the C. P. R gellery, drill, tactics, bayonet Ightlng and physical training. Nearly0 men have already been raised 1111 y this organization; which is efficient and also eeonoill ical, inaafitrrh as there are no officers above the rank of captain. been for two Christmases That's A considerable number of young hien who cannot get tomrnissions in him.' and ahs pointed to the holly- llan.d• are joining the Universities wreathed portrait He'll Name hark companies with s view to a commiwiou some tlm• . though Mamma says so. iw l''ngland. About fifty met• who don't you, mamma! And every ('hriet Oiled es privates have 'dread, maw 1 put • nice card In his old stocking. and then I save them all up, to give to him when he comes back." A choking sound ram. from the throat of the 1Cesterner He turned aside and reached under his robe It wan to unclasp a great pelt buckle, a belt bulging with gold. -Your Christmas glft. Mary" be moi 10 the mother of little Rather "Only a trifle nut of a whole reinr- It's full of the stuff.' and he threw It Into her lap Then off went costume and cap. "Ilan-, yon knew me. Mary"' "Uncle Reuben"" she gasped "Uncle Reuben and Santa Claus. both In one'" shouted the Westerner hilariously "Little Mather-coeus'" 1 And leather benaded into his arm s wild transport of recognition and �ellght THE SIGNAL GODERICHe ONTARIO N TiE W11f1 HOUSE Hew Presidents of Past Enjoyed Christmas Holidays. Ne Celebratlea by John Quincy Adams Use He Regarded Retigisua Festival as • Foolish £irtravagance- ('CORDING to ►idery the only president of the Ualted States who did not dteasate Christman tbeause he regarded it sa a foolish extravagance) was Jolla Quincy Ad- ams. "the most eonnomlcal man Meows 1n public lite." Mn. John Adams. the wife of the second president of the United States, had a most discouraging time trying 1n make merry In the White Howie daring the Christmas holidays. (She was the ant wife of • president to 'ilebrate Ckrlatmas la the executive tlraaslon in Washington. for the presi- dent and Mrs. Washington were al- ways at Mount Vernon to the boll - 1 ,ys )) She bad eq dominating sense of e- onoay. but it was tins *bite House itself that was shabby. and • Christmas reception gives to are mem- bora of congress by the president illred,ter point of view, to be ly failure. President Jefferson was a widower with four daughters, and during kis second administration Martha. the eld- est- was the bead of her father's household, and made Christmas the happy and festive occasion It was de- signed to be from that time when the star stood still above the manger in Bethlehem Then were trees. and decorations. and all sorts of entertainments for the children of the official families. as well as gifts for the poor of the capital. Although the Iladisoas did not spend all of their Christmases in the White House. on account of the little historical interruption by the British. when they occupied other quarters for a time, the brilliant Dolly managed a record for holiday hospitality and Merrymaking that has never been sv- Wbea Andrew Jackson came to the Whits Horse he was bowed sad bra- kes by the death or his wits and de- pressed by political animosities. He had neither heart nor the slightest In- clination for holiday celebrations. yet bi petrel! blmetstfl* N..x at Christ- mas time, and saw to It that the day MOLL- OOMetktag balmy to ',hose 1n the White House • In the me.Lttme the Monroe admin- istration was marked by nothing In the way of holiday celebrations be- yond what was conventionally pre- scribed. and after President Jackson's efforts at keeping the spirit of Christ- mas In spite of his own personal sor- rows, President Harrison did not Uve to see a Christmas in the White House Mrs Teter lived to celebrate only one Christmas 1n the White !louse. After his second marriage the Tyler administration was noted for its bril- liant entertainments Whether It was Christmas or 'any other time of the year. hospitalities were dispensed in the old Virginia stele. and there wav no stint of merrymaking at the White House. The Polk administration reverted to the grim and practical idea of John Quincy Adams. Perhaps it was not economy that changed the Christmas celebration at the White House. it Is dialcult to define the reason why Pres- ident folk did not make the holidays a festive event In the executive maw - Old Bill's Gift Bp OCtaMta Robert 10.1114111+111.1111111+111111+10+111+111+11+10 (Copyright t) Western Newspaper Union.) Bill, more familiarly "01d Bill" -be had sever beet& known to mention a family name -looked around his "haves of holiday comfort," as he termed k. with a chuckle of supreme satisfaction. "It's great!" he gloated, "with only Me thing missing --a Christmas tree.' B111 was a character. The lova ns - people designated Dim • tramp. Some- how. however. the appellation did not teem to fit. He did not drink nor swear. He did not beg. His willing ways had made him popular. and wheat Bill was "down on Die luck" and passed a doorway hungry -looking, his wents were general!', provided for u:i- solicited. 1t was the day before Christmas. Ne bind the patient gleam In "Old Bills" eyes lurked some sentiment of memory that impelled him to celebrate. This es- pecial year he had been preparing fc: fife event with the eager ardor of a tekool boy Bill had mete n0 C' " • dant*. Quietly sato enjoyably he had laid his plana. These were now perfected. A week back Bill had "gone to house- keeping." lie had discovered an ol.l abandoned barn just beyond the town limits. The lower part bad lost doors and windows and was bleak and cheerless Indeed. A ricket~' stain, however. led to a room in one corner of the loft. It was cozy and warm and at one time had been a har- ness room. Here Bill had "camped." He had fished out an old oil stove, a tot. a table and chair from the town dumping heap. A particular housewife had present- ed him with a roasted chicken because one side was slightly charred. On the rude table beside it were half a dozen homemade doughnuts and a real mince pie. Bill took a last look at the goodly array of comfort then went out to seek a branch of arbor vitae which would terve as a Christmas tree. As he neared the barn on his return be came to a speedy halt. A light glowed ored i iffier .sorter of- tbe place. it proceeded from a lantern feet In the feed box of a manger. in Use manger itself across the stale hay It contained a blanket was spread and, swathed in coverings upon this. as revealed by the lantern rays. lay a little sleeping babe. Near by a serious -faced man was shaking' the snow from his shoulders. Beside Itlm. seated on an old suitcase. was a comely but care -worn woman. The man began to speak. Bill. agape. drew into the shadow and listened. It was to bear enough to learn that bad tick was driving these homeless ones from their former tome. penniless. on foot. to the fa- ther of the wife, ten miles further �c on. The storm had driven them to temporary shelter The husband and father bad takes a well- •, thumbed volume- :root olume- ::os hs pocket. its bean reading aloud. it was of !:;aper room." of a master and his 61:uee4 dtjclp'.es. of • supper never 'n lie fortotten in the memory of Dian - Mon: it may have been the tempera- lit 4. ment of the chief executive. perhaps still stood like one transfixed. What it was because Mrs Polk did not be- tether chord had been "truck that he Ileve' In the gay and festive way of celebrating the holidays. •s. according to Intimate history. she did not President Fee -hairy Taylor. brilliant figure in military history. who bad an chance whatever In the social history of the White (louse, because he died in little more than a year atter be had taken his Solt as president of the United States. and spent only one Christmas in the White !louse. be- queathed his administration Inlstoe people Fillmores, pp) p 7 guished by sorrow aid in no way adapted to the social obligation. of the great nat'.nnal responsibility of susra(ning MLe political and social ob- ligations of the White House ")shortly after becoming president." aom"on' writes of President Fillmore. "his wife died. and a year later a daughter. an only child, passed to the great eternity.' rest." it was passing strange. but, conduct- ed Into the apartment and half hid- ing behind a screen. the Westerner studlel the walls of the room.clrcum- spectly, just as he had done at the Moaly mansion. A great glow spread over bis fare as he noticed a portrait over the piano. In the special place of honor It was wreathed with holly and evergreen. "fp. not forgotten; that's certain." be uttered in an intense tone. "1 guess I've landed in a real home spot." The little one of the household ram:' In. leading the children of some poor neighbors. They screamed and then fluttere•1 with delight as Santy came into 'view - Then their eyes danced as bli. jolly manner restored onfidence He handed Ont the pres- ents from the tree The air quivered with the joyful shouts of the happy little ones. '"For Uncle Rcnben. he read the card pinned onto an old worn woolen sto,'king Where's he' ('ome on. Uncle Reuben he shouted into space. and his tone was a soh. "Oh he isn't hero." prattled 111(10 Either, step;dng forward. ' He hasn't den app'.inted a. officer.. Inform - 1 eiun has been received from inn- idon t hat there is room for bit y to fifty • month It seaside men ate forth - e ' :alai. 1'er l imam a nifty he ot.t „ined from Captain A !c ler, :bet Bherbr•oke Ktrrel \Vrt.!, Montcesi. who is in titmice tat the depot. CONSUMPTION SEND FOR FRLM1_K- LLT CONTAINING PVW. PARTICULAR Or OUR TRLATM. NATURES CREATION CN?A11T sr(•.r ••In IJmi'•d leen 14 =allies w Yeege St CAWADA A Frozen Santa Bg Hurn Bochum +Neuf erfelf•4+114-sefferfe9t+Me+9. •'I was in • Cheat mountain camp Wt Christmas erg whet someone mow tioned the name ot 'Billie' Burke. There was an Instant stillness In the cabin; the boys dropped their cards. and the words 'poor Billie' were on almost every Hp. I was somewhat Misled 'Who was B1111e Burke!' 1 inquired. For a moment no we an- swered. One of the boys called on old Sam -'Uncle Sam' they called him 'You tell him. Sam; you knew Billie longer than any of us.' "The boys all drew their chairs near the flre and Sam told tbe story. "'Yes, I knowed Billie from the time he was a wee shaver; me and him Used to pelt each other with stones, tree coons and steal whisky together. You know Bill and his pop were 1n the moonshinln' business before the revenue officers copped it. "'A bad cuss was that young Billie Burke before he was sent to the re- form school. But what chances did be bare! He knowed no better; the .w 1olo blooming family were in that one -roomed log house; the old lady digging ginseng In the summer to get enough to buy the winter's supply of snuff and chewing tobacco. and the old man running'his still Intthe ravine. using the corn for whisky that should have made pone cakes for the kid- dies. "'Wel. ■tr, 1 never seen such a change In a youngster as Billie when he came back. He read; he wrote; he wore good clothes and tine shoes. and he was a gentleman. His people didn't know him at Ent. Then Billie !said he was going to meet it on the A CHRISTMAS HYMN kers leamp of m•rrhtng analog. No hnnners flaming far; A Wee wltMn • •table And In the sky • Plat Their hymns nI p.a'. stud a•1s4w• .• T.. • with th. '•ng.ls brought. Their ellnei• In Esreh•I•• T. earth 1M •ngele taught. When 1.4 rh. Mwlr manlier Th. It..ly Nearer Najd in '.nae, .Anest•on 11,r Italie rat Mates Iwk, torn lowly In 1h. d..rkaes•. Awl none •• pone .. 'Ie. The 11,11 •'IIleiren of IA. poor 1114.4.•% ours shall M Nn rush of 'Instil* orioles 1h.n. Nu' 11.t 11.e Mrllnne sheep The angels singing of the Christ And all the work, •steep closed his eyes! He was back forty ye'lrs in memory. at his mother's knee. How vivid. how appealing -a picture she had shown him of the Christ -child U a manger. of the devoted father and W then. as here before him. a proto- tyle of that holy eve so real, so touch - Ing -the First Christmas! A mighty thought mored him as he quietly spoke: "Friend, upstairs you will and com- fort till the storm 1s over. Call it a ('hrts•mas greeting -seer and was gone. 111 strike out for Farmer Dale's haymo•n-," shivered Bill, after half an hour's desuitory wandering. and he turned about -to start. to shout out. and then to run. For there In the distance the fa - anther f:lrmbouae showed no illumina- tion • (thin. but beyond It a glare shot up- a haystack on fire! 1 reached the farmyard. The Sind had blown the Eames against one gable of the bouts* and it was burn- ing ile rue to the stable for • plteb- fnrk Then began • fierce battle. Bucket after bucket of wetter he car- ried rried Th. last spark was dashed out and Bill sank exhausted to the ground as the farrier and his family, visiting at a neighbor's end attracted by the blaze. casae rushing upon the deems. "Pea." declared Farmer Dal*, two noun later. as he showed Bill we the stairs and late a comfortable chamber, "this is your room, tad yoe will sleep here. sad you're • tree boarder Wag as yon like, understand! Wily. there'd be no hoose to sleep in it It wasn't for Ims- Old 11111 was • long thus getting Into bed. Ute to • child he auk tato a peaceful slumber, hes saftemed Writ In radiant dreams waaderiwg through that "epee* room" lilted with the tads of those however bumble. who bed he.tpsd to make tree "Peace es esrtb good will to wee " MODEL -THEATRE root* Lv INC LYRIC THE HOUSE OF REFINED PHOTO PLAYS OFFERS NEXT TUESDAY AND R'EDNEESDAI', DECEMBER 21st and 22nd Broadway's dazzling comedienne Mane Cam in the `creaming farce comedy success "Judy Forgot" On Christmas, Dec. 20th, will be shown a big Special Holiday Programme, matinee and evening. Admission will not be changed on Ibis date. Ou Christmas Eve I Dec..'-lthl. •'THE ROMANCE OF ELAINE," which i- getting more thrilling than ever. A feature picture is shown every night, consisting of a big variety programme, something for every taste. Only five more episodes of "THE BROKEN COI. ADMISSION 10c and 5c aquare. •' 'While he was at home the last time he met the schoolmarm of the Red Sulphur Spring school and he tell in love. I suppose, though, he never said anything to no one but me; he laid it to me real earnestly. Any gal would have been proud to have Billie: a straight, strong. Clean and good- hearted boy. Why. the president's daughter wouldn't say no to him. 'I can see him yet as he left this camp the last day I ever seed him. 1 tone told letlm' to waft for the log train that went at tom: bat he couldn't watt. lie start- ed over the short-cut trail to Durbin- & six -mile tramp. There was some- thing In the air; I thought ft was snow. There seemed a terrible silence over the whole woods when Billie left at dawn. That was the last time I seed him alive. "Good -by, Uncle Sam!" he shouted from the hill as be waved his hand; "and a merry Christmas to you; and don't get drunk. Be sure to make good reiolutlons for the New Year. Good -by!" "'Ne stopped at the Widow Jones' house on his way to Durbin. and she made him drink a cup of hot coffee. which she and the kiddies were hav- ing at breakfast. Then he told her about the Christmas he expected to spend at home. He was just bubbling over with joy, and the widow started to cry. At Christmas. she said, the thoughts of the ones that are departed are green 1n one's memory as the holly leaves that grow on the holly tree, and like a circle of holly leaves are they entwined in a wreath of memory. "'Then Billie tried to comfort her, and asked her why she was crying She said that her kiddies wanted to know about Santa Claus because the Paxson children. who went sledding on the hill. told them what Santa was going to bring them, and they asked their maw when Banta was oomtng to them. She told them that be wasn't coming; there wasn't going to be any Christmas for them because they were poor. "'That stuck 1n BB11.5 craw. and he aid he would go to Durbin and get .something for'sm. and could ati11 make No. 9 train in the afternoon for home. "'That trail te bad enough in summer. 10 say nothing about It 'in winter. One trip • day over that Chest mountain slope Is enough for any man. i don't see how Billie could have been so thoughtless of him- self when be always was so thoughtful of others. " 'Wel. sir, when he got to Durbin It was high noon. They say it was snow- ing hard and he was covered with the soft flakes. He never tarried, bet as soon as he could get a sack full of dolls. drams. candy. oraage• and a Med he started for tee hills. it was snowing hard whes ke came Into tows. aced drifting under a light wind whet be burned rack. Aad R got awfully act --30 degrees below. Toa know the rest: they found Mei at the font of the precipice, lean ing, mulling. with the seek on his back- so more than a quarter of a mile from the widdei s barna. 1 believe. *s We parson read- "Insnaeeh as ye bare dame R unite e« of these - "The )mmberjaeks are sot muck for matiaest, bet let me ten roe, when Nd lima had Subbed his story you sada see that it bad affected every see of thea'-PLfladelpkia North •Martae- I No nem of .n,. ,n.r'we M•a,wrR Nn I.rftne• r,.l afar A lamp wlthta • N•hle And In the sky • Marl -Margaret L t•saMes, la Centers Weekly ORDER YOUR Ykrh$ tma� *oceried as early as possible, and to secure the best satisfaction order them from McEwen's. A complete line of supplies for the holiday cooking. yresh Mock of 'Ckriitmaa }ruitd Everything at closest prices. �• �•" Pitteiewe e3 •c-. GROCERIES AND CRIrCKERI Phones 'Stott* 46BF,IWF RD BLOCK - 'Rea. ltll 1 Ocistrtas &eetitts Cams Not too late to order Christmas or New Year's Cards with your own name and greeting on them. CbC %What has a beautiful line for you to choose from. a S'3alm�ral safe Having purchased this business from Mr. T. J. Salkeld, 1 am right in line for the Christmas trade with a complete stock of fine Confections, and should like to meet all of Mr. Salkeld's old customers as well as any new ones. A splendid line of HOLIDAY BOXES, Chocolates, Bon- bons, etc- Fresh goods in beautiful packages -.-all prices. Try our Home-made Candies and you will say they are delicious. 1. 44..Robbins Balmoral Cafe 'Phone 64 fsommo LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC - :-AND-:- SCIIOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OP SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wet, for Partscnlssa LOTTIE ARMSTROONNGG. sr. P. rGM Demist) Slv Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. emea Seven more shopping days before Christmas