The Signal, 1915-12-9, Page 4CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS
remedy is Chamberlains Stomach a dU.erTablets. which
stimulate ton hoer to healthy activity. remove famai stabs.,
gently clines the .tomaeb and bowels and taw the whole
digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at
night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get
Chamberlain's today-druggista 25c., or by mail from
Cha_'-- Mediae Cem*egy. Tarsal
• TsowaT. DaI':It..s S. $t
Isn't It'
If there is any one thing har-
der thou soother it is to
know what best to give a
If you come to this stole you
will have no trouble. We
have volved the problem
for you -that is our busi-
ness. With oar well selec-
ted stock of men's wear :
Cravats, Gloves. Mufflers,
Suspenders, Hosiery.
Handkerchiefs. Sweater
Coats. jewelry-, Bath Robes.
Smoking Jackets. Collar
Bags, Shitty. Underwear,
etc., you will have no
trouble in making your sel-
ection. Cloths;r-
Oer +•s�
Is filled with a choice .tock of
men's and boys' Overcoats
and Suits at ver.- low
prices considering the state
of the woollen market today.
Call early and get the best
W. C. Pridhut
Special orders taken for
Society Brand Nt g
wg_naT. Des8.
FaarrEas' Ouse. -The artall astet-
ittg of the Catboat@ F.rmm.' (a•►
w held in the TLmp swine Malt �-
Mtos of (w� •
y bnidast
• Hugh Hill give • brie( .ceosat of the
work of the Club dense the past ass-
' son- Tbougb the ('lub had hese is
opstation for only about eight tit o.Ne.
!newly fletqu sort se t eequally baseness
been hndle!. sbquod ided
between buying asagas
tbe iMuesce and e'er tingle of the Clsb
the towosbip costal1 had purchased
the scales formerly controlled by os.
drover and consequently t . farmers
had received the benefit of more eom-
other forward movement had been the
sftllistioo with the United Partner• of
Out.. io, ILO or emission which is
likely to become the official organisa-
tion ..t the farmers- The secretary
reported that there were
three mes.hers, eight public meetings
and bad been held. atwelve addresses
'on topics relation to agriculture bad
• been given. The report of the soler
• niaDajer .bowed lbs coat Of handling
• the goods bought and diet ributed. and
showed thaavast* t. oiling the avage price
at which similar goods were sold to
others and the prices received for farm
produce sold. fully $4110 had been saved
I.v abut thirty-five members who had
done business through the Club. The
officer* elected for 1916 wine : Hub
Hill, president ; Attbur Fisher. vi--
president ;A. M. Straughan,sretary-
Gamier, and J. N. Keroimban, tales -
manager. The membership fee was
fixed at 61. to include amlistion tee
' with the United Farmers. An Mehra -
uoo was rzteoded to evirynoe inter-
ested in agriculture to become mem-
bers and help this co-operative move-
ment. The next meeting will b. beld
et Bentuiller OD December 16th and a
program of addresses on topics iater-
estiog to farmers will be giveo.
t't tiu
o in the sale of their stock. Au -
MONDAY, Dec. h.
int_". -Mr. Morgan Dalton wade •
bootie*, trip to South Huron Zest
week Miss Agatha O'Connor was
• London visitor last week Loon
Reilly. of Eden (,rove, and his hey -
pressing ging hate been busy in this
Ineatity for the peat couple of week-*
buying, pressing and shipping hay....
ASHFIELD. Mrs. Margaret Sprague and Milo Mary
WcostenA', Dec. s. Dean. who spent for past summer in
\Vinnipeir. have al rived home . Mu.
The Soldier,' Aid theSocietyewill meet \Vin. MK'arthy spent last week in
at the hell .t Port Albert on Wringer- (ioderi:b, the guest of bee sister, Mrs.
day, December 13th. Monthly weer- P. Fion.
into will 1.e held on the third \fed• UretxATu CLUB. -At +meeting of
nesday of each month. the young people of this loe*tity held
recently a Dramatis Club was org.n-
i:ed and the following often elected :
w aaa.�
G -I -F -T -S
that are nsglul are always de-
sired for Christmas cheer.
We have a full line of
articles suitable for etery
member ..f the faun!)
English and Fresco Ivory Toilet
Articles as low as 13e.
Solid @busy one-piece goods.
Perfumes and hoop, leak domes-
tic and foreige. in popular odors.
Contents Filint and Supplies.
iS.. our Vest Pocket line.)
Willard's ' Cbocolatee. known
everywhere a "toe best."
G. L COUPS, Pko.$.
moxa 19
T(rseoav, Nov. SL
gas Cuomo 1%area-lis ...tial re-
port cif the Sad Ors. society shows
t►. toOowis, t
The toilowi g bear best shipped
from Arius !lied (lens Mae durtam
the yeor. for the !ted Cruse sod
ee•rsher-11M Ma dried imptss-
JNosty Sl -Ane tat • suit, 1 quilt,
2 pairs of boss. 1 woollen blacker. 1
pair eansei.tta W.aaet., 112 patre of
socks. i sone. shirts. d poly, 1od bed
seeks. l! 1 diem los .kesaliWe
let=ebb tit 112 work sbMi.. its 9U
1(areb 9
pain socks, 1 deem b t.l shins,
wearier dose. ebetrss, 1 rull old tattoo.
Marek 1t -Forty paws of socks. 18
piloweDierw l quilt. 4d haodames. 2
dose hssdtesebieh. 1 toll old cotton,
1 doses abets, l8O montbwiper, 4 sling",
18 sheets.
June 10-0oe hundred ..d twenty -
fire mouthwipes. 5 sheets, 1 dosis
hospital shirts, 19 bandages, 6 pillow -
coven, 1 pair pillows, l roil olid cotton.
51 pairs of socks, 'i do a fn basdker
September 21 -Purl -eimbt pairs of
socks, 2 dozen hospital shirts, 1 pair of
pillows, 1 pair pilbwcovers, 1 pair
toweia, 2 parcel of old Baso.
November 12 -Fifty -viz pounds of
Christmas sake.
November 8a -Slit • pairs of tacks,
2 doseo hospital shots. 2 doses wosk-
ehiets, 58 querns of (rulL
The rees•urer also sent 81Z in ,sato.
M.s. W. T. RlnnsLL, Sec'
Ykristma3--ent•Aichto. °ur
ghoughts•• oak, S
• Chnietneas
township council for their generosity
in granting the Society abs sum of 143
at their November meeting. The presi-
dent also wisbes to thank those eine
bet• who w generously gave of their
time in getting the knitting and sew-
ing in io time for the shipment at the
beginuiog of the month. row is the
time for the members to get busy and
'' their bit-
with warmtbe
clothing be provided
during the winter months.
Bxigye.-Mr. J. J. Moore arrived
home last ,week from Erntold. Sask.
Lorne Moore arrived home on
Saturday evening. He states that the
harvest was a wonderful one and work
was vet y plentiful. He certainly
looks as if his holiday bad *greed with
bin:. . Mr. W. Gledhill also is on
his way home, but is visiting in "eyelid
of the cities on the way ... The Ben -
miller Sunday school is busy at present
preparing for an entertainment and
Christmas tree to beheld nn the even-
ing of December 22nd. More particu-
lars later.
trtrnded terra were . ' Executive committee- J es. J. Oaf Ott,
N'tt ameepa). Dec 1 President : Jnr. 1. Sullivan. secretary-
tr4sthltrer. Mutit t•.stifeciase-Mier.•
l',w ORA Nk o. John Co hntne.o November rt M.rgaret Velton and . Mr- Homes
bou lir. John Cochrane, of the north iienta- Dratsati: direct fie-Edwrrd
daughter ( J bbd• Dow
knit and Joa. r. SditiY.0. Thine.!.
daughter were
Mr. quietly
Latta. of Chili- her* of the club are now ieheersiog
home t, were quietly parent..
to the Nr s play which they intend to pr'e-
bomeof the bride's and nt: After r dint .bout the .at of this month in
points th a trip se London down nd other the new Kingsbr.dge parish hall,
gpoints fine far gHai. on the' which is now under rrocess of coo-
wisbi ns them
in Hoy. All join s struetiotl. the King.briate
waning them boo voyage over the i correspondence next week for pettt-
ma` rimo°ial tea.
THE rets W RILEY -List Wed -I eul•rs wgDrtsDAt, Dec. R.
newley all that was [aortal of the late ' Mrs.J. Pekoe. of Goderieh towa-
N illiam Riley was laid away in ship, is visiting Mrs. James Dalton.
Mr. Edward J. Dalton arrived home
on Monday alter speeding the sum-
mer in Northern Ontario and Duluth
He°aall .'Lion cemetery. The late
Mr. Riley was • lorkebirewan, in -
Wooly loyal to the old Empire, who
senig.ated. to this country about forty
years ego. He was quiet and indtse-
triou•, beloved by all. A man of con -
side, Able intelligence, bis reminis-
cences of the old land were always
innervating He was seventy-one years
old and bad never man ird. His
funeral was under the auspices of the
Forestv, of which he was ..member.
To Mothers of Delicate Children
Palmyra` Ps -" My little girl had s
chronic cough and wsa so thin YOU could
count her nibs and she had no appetite.
Nothing we gave her seemed to help her,
until one day Mrs..Neibert asked me W
try Vino. and now she is hungry all the
time, her cough i. , she is stouter
and bas a more healthy color. I .wish
eve mother who has a delicate child
would try Vino. "-Mrs. ALFRED Sum.
We guarantee Vinod, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic. W soaks delicate
dtildren healthy and strong.
H t'. [hinlop, Druggist,(ioderich
Tt•ESDAT. Dec. 7.
Mrs. Leech. of Ooderich, is visiting
her sister. Miss D. Holmes.
The regular meeting of the Mission
Circle will le held this Friday after -
0001 at the home of Mrs. Cox.
The Foregoer' are mating prepare- Rev. P. K. Dsyfoot occupied the
tions for their annual fowl supper (0 pulpit of the Baptist chureb on Sun -
be held next Tuesday evening day
day after tions and that of the Pres. -
E worth Leaguers are looking for -Lelia° church in the evening and p.e-
wai to their s it a to Ontario street tented adv work ote.ibc $ hoatie
League. Clinton, next Monday even-
1VgDsgtioAT. Dec. 8.•
Mies Rena Pattersoo had returned
home from Toronto.
Mr. Russel King has returned home
from his Western ho vest :rip. He
brought with him Mr. Jas. Ingram for
• visit.
Messrs. Henry and Geo. Sturdy. F.
Krratt and Robert Ferguson are at-
tending the winter show at Guelph
this week.
The Auburn band bas taken in sev-
eral new players and expects to ba in
full strength again for summer en-
Mrs \Vm. J . Roberton and her
sons, Hoy and Frarcie, arrived bore.
last week from their Western trip,
where they were visiting relative..
The auction sale of Mr. Holland's
tattle at the Auburn House on Friday
drew a large number of farmers and
all the stock was soon disposed of by
Auctioneer Gundry at good prices.
Mrs. Wm. Jasper Dobie has been
called to hpr borne at Big Forks,
Rainy Ricer. on account of her
fathers severe illsae. She is accom-
panied by M-. John and Miss Tena
Laidlaw, of \Vbitecburtb.
Mise F. Gray, • returned missionary
from Pott Simpson. B. (' , Mir. ti. B.
Hick and lin. Leech, of lioderich.
addressed the ,Vom•n'e MiMissionary
ea y
Society os Wednesday of
TrttSDAt, Dee. 7.
Woxds Ixeorrioz Notts. -The
8t. Helena Womeo's Institute tact at
the hone of Mrs ileo. McRoberts o0
Novemler:Cab. There were twsoty-
five ladies present; A splendid paper
was read by Mies M. Murray on
With:. end
deerrd byother ntemisers.Al
gether a very proltsble hour was
"pent. . The Institute has sent
away • barrel of fruit icontaining IY
jets for .tie eoldlers, also 19 bospital
"beets and 24 pain cf socks to
the Red Cross Society. We thank
the women who .o kindly do-
nated. the fruit. Mr. Buchanan was
paid ea for work done in the cemetery.
Mat. it K. MILLER, sscretary.
BRIEF" -Meters. John Mc4 uiltip
Jaime Miller, Elliott Miller. E. Snell,N .
E Taylor and W. 1. Miller are taking
is the fat cattle show at Ouilph this
week Mr. Elliott Taylor is laid
up with an attack of pneumonia.
We h^pe to see him around very soon.
Mrs C Durnio bee gone to
W inghase to spend the is inter with
her daughters ... Mrs. W e. Tay-
lor tad her mother. Mrs. McVittle. are
spending • few days visiting friends
Atwood Mr. J C Mu..L,.
TrgnDAt. Dec. 7.
PTS. Et.o-tiN Loa: REcu\gRlx0.-
Word ha been received from Pte. E.
A. Long. who was in the Moore Bar-
racks hospital for aeon weeks, of the
succewful treatment of his wound !e-
ceived at Ypres in April. He was re-
moved to a con rale. est home, "Lid -
well V. A. I).. lam" (i.isdburst, [sent,
Eng.. on the '1.36 of November and ex-
puts to be there until after New
Year's, wben be hopes to rejoin his
unit at the front and do another "little
bii' Inc King and country.
Ref) CHOP. NOT It !The B.n town-
shipCross Society
ship shipped a bale of woods valued at
11$;.21) on December 3 to the bead
office at Tomato. Toe hale contained
the following articles : 18 white flan-
nelette baptist shirts15 II pairs lnel
shirt.. 11 ruing of pajama.
bediincl•, 102 pairs sock., 131 hospital
bendkerebiefs, 90 linen facecloths, a
*quer...'linen, teed wipe a. The thanks
of the Society are due to the Colborne
"Beautiful Hair"
Makes any woutan attrac-
tive and youthful, and
ladies who would make
their appearance what
they etould like it to be
should see
Dorenwend's Display of
Fine Nair -Goods
at The Hotel Bedford. Ooderfch
on Wednesday, December 22nd
tiwit hes, Braids, Transformations, Ponape -
fowls, , Was, etc. -the products of Canada's
oldest and largest hair -goods house.
++ A Dorenwend toupee is an
Bald Gentlemen ,hnolute necess=ity to the
man who is bald. It will
our health and make
leaappear years younger.
1 and see then. on day
.f Visit and have
schools in our Dumlnioo in very tot ce-'
ful discourere.
CAxt.iTA. - The onion - Seeder
srbools of Auburn are preparing •
cantata. "Hope of the Oar i•tmae
City, t0 be given in the Foresters'
ball on Wednesday sewing. Decem-
beritnd. The music of lire cantata
. beautif el. and the character+ will be
in costume, taking g very inunestiag
p�rro�ddoetixo. Admiaeios 15c •ed mac.
f kers should he a very large u tend-
TIIOD+I-, DK. 7.
Lcrrnlwx LOIALS• -Mr. and Mrs.
A. D. Culbett arrived home from the
West last week to spend the winter
soothe here Mr. Peter Cook is
.pending • few days visiting friends at
Guelph es number from here took
in the anniversary services in the
Methodist church, Lucknnw, on Sun-
dae evening Mr. Leslie Me -
Keith has moved into hie new house.
Jack Swan is visiting friends at
Wru.tutDwt. Dec. 8.
THE finest, newest, most attractive stock of Christmas Dry Goods to
be found anywhere is here for your inspection. We can satisfy your
taste no matter how exacting and prices as low as you can
expect to find them.
A big shipment just in for Cbristaaas buyers
in black, brown, tan. ('upon and navy. 98 intoes
wide, good to wear and will nut cut, 11 and 11 ::i
Corded Velvets, 27 inches wide. colors nary in
two shades, trews in two shades. cardinal two
shades. cream, all 60c a yard. Navy, purple and
fawn, a much better quality. 11-35, for $t.^:3. In
plain velvets the largest variety of shades et er
(Meted. also cream and black.
Our stock Collars and � and Cuff..
bought ezpeessly for the Ghettoise toed,. u
larger and better then ever Mote. i}Pn`w from
rbc to *1.00 for collars.
Everything in collars. the latest having been
made in the last two weeks.
Kid Gloves
!(elliag at Ill 0) and *1.S. black. white and tan. all
guaranteed. Lynton Soglih walking gloves, in
tan. 11.110.
Do you went one to maks the house look °'ore
cherful these long sister evenings? A pick from
our lot will t,e found right io every way and the
cart only trifling
Handkerchiefs •
Embroidered coroers at sic with beautiful deaigoa
Initial in several prices.
Our stock was never so large and rovers every- •
thing from 2 for 5c to 111..10 each. Child's fancy
2 for 3c. others 3c barb. rokred borders ie, white •
embroidered S- and up to 1(lr. 13e, !k, 3$e. rifle. •
; , 401, Zoe, tttk, 7:tc. that. 11 00. W. will tell you
more about them next week.
Yuletide Suggestions
DON'T leave your gift buying till the last moment. We have the goods yon need
and lots of them, too, in useful articles and inexpensive as well. Dresser
r Cap.
5c and 1t"ic. Aprons 50c. Tray Cloths, pure linen, Fick. Centre-pieces,Scarf:, Table Covers, Battenburg and Embroidery designs. Table Napkins from 51.2•'
to $1.50 a dozen and hundreds of other useful articles for your Christmas buying.
ince Ree A• Esisla's1 Lsbmms.
AM R... G. (it'mm. d Reeklaeebureb,
will exchange pulpits mat Sunday . .
A new supply of ver valuable books
Ilaa arrived as an �111a0 t0 the Ine
gannon public library
ebstma is to here • Ohsiennas enter-
tal.e sot on Wedneed• sv.sing, De-
cember t2od . Bart Wilson. soy of
W. H. W liras, West Wawasosb, hes
joined the 71st Battalion and is in
training at Galt.
D,,ATH or JANEit Niviss.-The
death of James Nivioe oecurred on
Friday lac at his home in Wert Wa-
sJanash. eft.* en dines" of some dura-
tion. The deceased was in his sixty-
ninth year and had been for malty
years • resident of the township He
leaves a widow. four eons and one
daughter. The funeral toot place to
Our windows are real temptation
tables these days. Bee ahem. Dunlop,
the Rexall Store, Godeticb.
•t tw
of Lucksow. gave a very .14. addrw Dungannon cemetery as Satu y
on the budget in ('alvin church laic afternoon and ass largely muscled.
Sonde) morning sod Rev E. 0. Rev H it- WI/halal ate aloe omei-
Powell. who is doing lsmperaaeework at log clergyman.
is Huron eouoty, addressed the mint- Nawa Noris, -Mn. Geo. Butkus
ing in the evening.... Toe Utmary and two ebildres have arrived here
Society bold its opening meeting on from Cinema, Sask.... We regret to
Friday. Aide addressee were given report then Mrs. 1.. Whyard coati -
and the vocal silos and singing by the u.s very pooriy. Her eros. mark,. of
OI ('lebwere all greatly sojoyei.,.. \\irtdanr ase here from Saturday W
Woods left for Guelph on Frid• home Durnin is hoesftrom Kinard
ith soar floe calves foe the fat eat t� Rltscardina. blab school. of b�
The members of the United Patriotic
Society of tioderieh township will
have • aewing at the home of Mn.
Elliott, Bayfield road, on Wednesday.
December lath. The ladies of tbe
neighborhood are cordially invited to
Fannon -i CLt'it.-A meeting of the
Farmers' Club of (ioderivb township
was held at the Orange Hall os De-
was in then chair. Resolutions of con-
dolence wets passed. to be mast to the
families of the bite Robert Elliott and
the 1st. Wm. Bieban. The Club de-
cided to assist the Women • Patriotic
Mr. Jas. Barbour ad Mr. Sister Tuesday nn • • 't to her Yr. K.
"bow We hope to seg them bas. V the pristine!. is dosed wail after
boma carrying the red tickets New leer's on account of an epidemic
Another of oar bora has enlisted for of meals. Rev. R O Powell• of
overseas service Calvin Cameros baa miaow,miaow,gime a vele awn adore•. is
gone to \si inwham. whet. be expects Erskine c►arch on "Stmday morsi°g,
to drill dialing the winter Mr. his theme befog the canes of temper -
Hugh Rutherford is moiety to Toronto
this week with five tat elven for the
Christmas market Mrs. Cranston
le spending this week with friends at
Guelph and Georgetown.
MONDAY. Dee. 6
Nitwit or Tag Wawa. -Master Gal.
low Smith has been spendmE a few
days at the home of i.. uncle, Mr.
Brisdlov. cur vivre.... Sr. anti Mrs
Percy !Wields esfertained a few of
their friends oe Thursday evening last
to a dance Mr. sod Mrs. Cam-
eros mad eblMess, of R.owMlu. Man..
are vasitis at the bona of Mr andWallace
Mac. 'Walker Mousy
CttsalMbam, of Clinton Model School.
Pali • eying visit to the boli. of W
paiests. Mr. sod Mrs. Na. Cussing -
ham Tt • ladies of abs Red Orals
Hnoelty arsntism
odd of thte for aas quilt 1.
...Rev. S. G.
tonitieusee Mid secretary 0f
Byres toasty, presaged a ysr im-
prussies ..vaso. is It. Andrew's
ebor•r beet ere 8s sdsy . Mas and
edit ay R. AKtis, d Lone% wished M
the war's borne. Mr. FfMmsiatr•
bfrml, no lslssd y Mi. Jam
f•goesbaa sone rd so from Mites
no Saturday. With alter the lsM
o/ hes sols .. Mr. Thomas RMbas•
ens tb..•hed for Me. Carey en tattae,
day, thus 'riding ep • vary sMsasalfr
‚-.s tbrenbibe.
is the . aadlltfit r molany te 1moat
nad ie orti coDodd.•
Kidney P111. was --
caos of Bright '•
They haat
one mrigie easy.
the only re'stedy t ever
ham cored h. and they ars
the only remedy that can.
Thera aro intttatioss of
Theirs Kidney
brim sad sats.-krrt WAIF
orientalmortise .sed o'�re
mortise srigat . �j�saess�a �w
Society in the matter of retsina mosey
tad an entertainment sill be arranged
for in the sear future It was oleo
decided to recognize in some tangible
form those who had enlisted for war
service from the -township. The elec-
tion of oft! `ars will take place at the
next meetiog, when a full attendance
is desired.
Winter Teem Opens January 3,4.
TORu\h). ONT.. 1. sr+_
.. N.
tikes -else. tumeees Ciel its lest
The tearer -
tree i• .snot... Write today tee
our catal groo. Misr mew.
Theirs i0dh••y Nib we
Sir edea • bet at as
for Your Gift Giving
O matter where the gift may go --at home. or abroad -to kinsfolk or friends-
sensible thing is to give a useful present- NATIONAL CONDITIONS
is going to make you more careful in your selections. We are backing up the idea in
our store, showing a large range of practical and nada! Christmas Gifts.
For Sister- -
A pair of patent colt. gun
metal or black satin Pumps
for evening wear
$1.98, $2.48, $2.98
per psi'.
A pair� Dancing Pumps,
Bedroom SlippersClub Bag,
Suitcase or Trunk.
For Her -
A pair of Ladies Kozy or
Juliet Slippers. We have
then in red. sky blue. black.
brown and faocv shade., all
'it' 89c up
For F !#her and Son
A pair of 5ne gunmetal or
patent leather Shoes, but-
ton or lace See onr $5 00
shoes at $3 -Ft' p5 per pair.
For Modsttr-
A pair of black patent or gun-
metal Shoes in cloth or
calf skin toptt, button or
lace, Vassar, Cleo and
Lady K'lgi. .sakes, all sines,
selling reg. 55.00, for $3.95
" 4.50, for 3.69
" 4.25, for 3.19
" 4.00, for '1.95
Skating Boots - Meccaains - Rubbers -Overshoes-Spats-Club Bags-Pumpe-
High-sop Ladies' Shoes -Leggings.
Goose is ala look arorad -we are prsp&riog for geishas'.
ilea is les
Walters 6' Co.
Tskipbeme /to. III
Sincenesrs le
J. R. Utica bas
Let olds sitars Dead Store. Theme Cash.
i; -