The Signal, 1915-12-2, Page 3• THE SIGNAL : OODERICH : ONTARIO THE IIIIIIAL ONLY iENOINE 11WAB1 OV �.e IMI A- i•ONI SOLD ON THB KRUMT8 OP WWI BOOKBINDIN(G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 'IOLD LETPBRINU � �sel on LEATHER GOODS tee eNt 7Hi eMliLla`O. .. •a ra.+.e A- R. TAYLOR, Rtra Joao. KSDICAL GRU. HEILKMANN. ORM PAT3L sesslaD- is wemea's sad s%littmmade.. ashes, *seer ommita rtiva�las �a� rmkass awisi meetie ae4taaa Aide- asltls searevet Mks= the kale. tilos .t mrMmm. sere= Nelms sed et. A�lla6i,... =este. as hems sass Msu a s, wdard.ys aeds.tenea/s: as messing by •.eN.tressil IIIL F. J. R. YO118PBR--BYI., EAR. Tait .M' 4. m MEL �Na•'lr., ch.sY j' s�. ... wtla.al�aept..m..teSa Telsebesi AUCTIONEZR. THOMAS GUNQR N� ii ASIA (IC21uas�s mat ate. irfsGm elle o� • LIGAL l:. HAYH ER. &rLICITOB, biOTART limb ��srtt�rl:$UL Xft. a Osaselsa Tei - ti nR fkmr0a hr sa Inrl thade Lear sad 3aseressa PRUCDPuUT, EILLORAN t M PROUDPOOT14 itikee1Mik eCiUlcrIt 6th. NorAilts OUR OTTAWA LETTER ***WNW**, M r GaoseTO�hteOp Ottawa, December t -The onkelen le freely .apr....d here that the Ds Io lea Bowes es* tleatlbekekrl i, to uM us bu.etrl el w bailie t M Lathe eta If me .�OeoirbM tY�e Wet beteg appointed le as meth (lard meet r It ought se do for • while sad Chat.lamt.Iog the resources e1 Vas- a& baa be lett over until there M a . lack spot. Tele Iiia easy to hang are In the maker good works. wbigb has already to • 1m 11 ba at teethes Sid a Med. dis0ies who er+aere_ d their back to the Deesldea Rewe.... be Mewed Oemm sloe, whees(taek nt enlighOwtssut sed reseeeratloa is, like t st•tsmme s's frock coat, sot for an age but for all Gee. Th. object of the Dominion Resources Commission Is presumably to Lod and suggest resources whic wIU keep the won from the door, and the way to keep the wolf from the door is to head bine off beton he gets then, sot to wait until he n eating the vieftole In the front parlor. For this Gadd many other reasons good boyars are strongly hoping that the Dominion Resources Commission will proceed to concentrate immediate- ly on Its important labors and that it will not follow the example of •o many other Uover.ment cutumiaelons, composed ot prominent but tired busi- ness men, wbo consider that their duty is door when they sive the pub lie welfare the dregs of their activity, bold a few meetings at coaventently long intervals sod draw up a report in which a few conclusions of a genets) and obvious =lure are witably eat- balmed. I -ROM IRANI'EIZ TO '(" ' r� r g. r.r tam .Ila rt r.rrMr lei. O. r mr1 . ••• f Yr •llo . e.•b- Jrerr ti r yObialsommerw m.a ors d .Yliw omit ..• rr .m=r odor mmbbmm ..s Weer lar pal 4rm I.r .�W� ••-s •dyd,�r w.� rrrtt�l�l Ile tuts s 'm•• "''..•r.d ..w1 e� b• rr•• pen mambo,AAA .a blab am r lowlei Gm e . web •Y,.m.4 Wo:r.•I.an.rr SEIM SET b..ru.,Areas - ..:..:'wor Th.miLY LLb'irn ..•a r-. wee. - male Asa + r - _ba •••.. ply ..r• ►•.4 been rnmm.• ..aa •. •..•..t ICY 1.111 ✓ ersa•• r• .•r ; .swa•Y.wd Y p• r. 107.10 ma MAL�•,b Nr fa la. Y. al•AAndo Y tm.. •ee•e relr•Oarr, sift Nur •m are bad W rrw•An •ar.w Yd••me..•daaW.rewr.• pin 127.10 GUARANTEE Mme ewe es.. Y ow/ r••�f•aY Y rm all motive awry n •• , re r rdp.w -sr, Dors ••••• mad W Y 221 Haim lash• production is to tale care of war debts, newly acquired Government railways and such. One t.hiog they Much criticism hes been passed on Due almost tore to ask for is good the habit (Government commisrr as roads, w that transportation will be have of bringing in a report after tb..asier ad cheaper and the cast rd public has lost interest in the eut.ject food correspondingly diminished to and letting it goat that. But judging ,tbe city consumer, who dwells in a from ouch reports aa have seeu prior ring fence of protected interests and in the past oblivion was the hest that pays high taxes for the privilege of could happen to them. The poor being rubbed by the tradr.inen. The things should never beet b.endragged Commission, we repeat, will be strong into the light. The wisdom they die- for good roads and rite Governmeut played. the boiled -owl kind of wisdom will receive encouragement to In log that says nothing that everybody. In again Its good rods bill, the object doesn't know already. is eotitied to. of which was to put the good roads deoewt burial. Simply that and nosh- wherever they would do gond work in in more. haulier in good vote.. If the prinei- be other kind of wisdom, the wi.• p1e of the bill Is modified so that the doss that revesls truth, that ezpoese good roods ran be used to carry toed injustice, points out fauna and iodi- products as well as votes, it. will pass sites remedies -the wisdom, in short, the Howe flying. that gets down encases, names names It's • sate bet that the Commission and calk spades spades, that kid ot, will all attention in stately language wisdom may get as far ea • report but to the fact that what this country It seldom gets as tar as a the book. nerds to pay intermit cheque and The Government treasures the inform- build up urine for three trast.contin- •tioo so much that it won't let any- ental railways -one rd a half of body else have a look in. So it puts which will probably be on the Gov• it In a vault and hoards it there. ernmeet's hands - is immigration, For example. the Government has based -picked, personally -conducted ini- t. band tight pow, bas in fact bad migrants who will be eerorted to their a bad for a yet' beet, & moat vale- band allotment, ay, et hefty wens &We and inter stiag report ons the each -forty arra is aa mush as owe bigh Croat of living,drawn up bya bold man cern cult twat there, and fearless investigator. Mr. R. W. helped if overseers with money. seed Coeur, of the Department of Labor, ad machinery, in a word anchored Nr. Coact is probably the brit in- instead of drifting off into the cities ea armed statistieia. .d r000mie they do at present. Tb. (\ommissien, larreetigaier mdldyeh we wilt eetout the tbil- overnmentispprivileged wb ley of giving r1.d to the setler enjoys his servicer. Investlgat.in` the it the Government has any lad lett high cost of living is just Ilk bard to give, or selling it to him at a r'eav- opable pries if the railways have any of that kind of land to tell. It may possibly argue (bat it is more profit- able to have millions of small holden paying all the taxes the land can bear than two or three railways who won't pay land taxes at all. hut it won't be the drat time attention bas Leen called to that fact. The Dominion Resource. Commis - PUBLIC. sm. tires sa the liquor•, esmoi ems trim Wry frw pmt, (ioa.raoa. Mbate hma• t. bra .t l.wea ratio. W. Psoceroor. ILC. J. L Kru.w.. N'. oneoureer, Ja. �.g�AAMliltgx. K..O...�BARRIS a�imgssa titws' _ jamsea*h7 �d tr., EAt t.'ttsase Z1msdV d cash week is r Albert BtwK r-upi d by Mr. these row t area. to i. . la/LULUS OARROW, LL.B., / AN- �/r�t, atsseese, •etmttsr. oto-. tiede. Mdael r W as lower rte. SHAOER, BARRISTER, SUL- sye M ss-t*iseu.rt oHl. Pe0bodda Urstrei ar ' INSURANCE. LOANS, LTG. �off tLLOP MUTUAL VIRE lN- aURANCB co. -Warm sheIssiat.d taws pe.p•rty laser.& Ota.w.- 1. B. Melee& Pegs-, a.Wrtb P.0.; ass, (sonv io . Ud.P. o.- Z. Mar} s.c-Tees.. toaSarta P. O. U. i. Jle(irssor, n.derta ; Jeans h....eve,wwess, k;w'WraRW.C• gyro. B.aaew.n, IarodhoR.a ; Jw ivaM woodhreeess�Yerrts, liarbok ; WMm el J. W. YM HolervUM ; Ales., kry=aChalon ; WUllar 1.T ry tloatwth ; titacbiry, 8satostb. PYby-briar, ansa a.tsumeni sad set fade Garda ai 1•. J. MarrW'. Cwtaiag atm. B- 1. t'afa. 6reesry. arras stmt. loa.ar J. H. Reid'. General More, Daya.ld. 1Wai r�Q PRIVATE NG01a44Arty to IL 42. a W R. ROBKRTSON. IT ' INIURANclt AGKNT. irs .ern Lwarsure t Deals& Camelia emit •ooma r IotrrLen rtoTts' Luk. err : rite am Wm ite omasu nal s..w.m.. ai$JO. ". i r Itd.tfty and6B.m,WmmOsm..ar. Oar u reed.aee� am/bm =wee who- .. 'Ph.as Inds ..d at David's m. Ix -asaaaAss YR -/i11 WALT/Ill coos cS. oi4T. P" StDUsi O/ MARW0Ii UCKNSMIL Patent aeliertsr W/. S. BABCOCK, Lawyer see (V.&)m sir Prost Adored. IV momfgar aaidl pat.atifs Export album M patset welts, M- onet ebwir.al to all ewneries. N at, Amos Wrest. Mswtred, terift oar loderorior eliairseertraterrinaltleerifteltelleetrftre Brophe3 Bros. GODIWOH The Laidig Penni Dwcisrs and ElsoIaisers cows _._.fully atMied to at all beets, oleo sr day. kind of job that Mr. Coate likes to tackk, and when, to satiety a peewees' detour, the Government put him to work about a year and a half ago he went to it lose a terrier to a root. That report was Snlirbed perhaps eight months ago and bas been in the manuscript stage ever since. When Mr. Crotbers was asked alprut it in the House of Comwob. Isar April words could bardly express bis adutir- sion may strive to make the farmer ation fur Mr. Coati great work. It happier and more prciperou. by sug- iums, he .aid, one of the most thorough testing cheap loans, co-operative mar- aud satisfactory reports be had ever keting, better roads, improved farm- rrad, a masterpiece of illumination, ing methods and other devices, known and the only thing that kept it nut of to habitual investigator., but one print at that time was a trifling indis- hardly sees how ♦ Commission with a position of Mr. Coate,who would soon, hom middleman in the mi Idle of it can however, he well enough to read the logically band out tip. to the farmer proofs. After that the report would on bow to sell for more money what go forward rapidly. and would soon the consumer is going to buy for lei.. Iry in the handy of all tho.e who were Middlemen are what you might gall anxious to kern the cause of the high the crux of the situation, and as they cost of lining and how to get around have nut hitherto been reguded as re - it. That was seven month. ago Mr. source. the Dominion Resource. Com - Coate is now completely restored to mission will probably find it coneeni• health, but his world -.baking report ent to overlook them. H. F. G.on the high frost of livinmains just where it was when etothers praised it se highly cast April -in cold storage. Apparently Mr. Coati didwork well. MacEwan Estate Thea report not only showed up causes but looked straight at, if it did not name, offenders who were tariff. friends of the Government. On second thoughts Mr. Crothers probably de- cided that the naked facts ought not to go out to the public just now. One war at a time i. enough. The LkenInico Resources Commie - don may bring In a report too good to he true, or one too true to be printed, hot In either case it .tarts out under serious h tad icsaps. On. observe. 1n the very middle of it • couple of gen- tlemen not uneonoected with the high poet of living and 1t nay as be their polity to give trade secrets away. If they have their will of the Commission it will probably not tell slough truth to shame the devil. it takes a lot of truth to shame his Satanic majesty ed tae chances are that nes i. la Ito danger braes the Dominion Resources Commission, which will naturally tall just ass ncb troth as the public mlmid oan absorb without straining, witch is as much truth as the ordinary blue book usually eoetaine. The Dominion Beeources Commiadon will tell the Math. but it won't rub It In. That Medd Melly be expected of • number of gwtMsa.a oboes male duty is to sonsethiegi reassuring. _ AMWW feet ire may expect the t9e...rtttn to develop away tow oee �isry new, bet ee Wes. net orlelsol ,, Mid tbs.ef.e. comforting. /re Moir se. (t wlr posed u w�knesmky M In- adekte, lest wills= peas it to they .stent of doseemates with the Oohed Gneiss in easier twills to ergot* meter esarkets be the Increased iEwhsas Mats bo Pee Illostrelles. �the kl o GtMM MAO der denial the Mined bap tlrNagR daft he M stir usenotfty ofmelds. son Ills mow attrundwe� sod d jee�Mbla 110 looreosed Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Any quantity beet all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock ad Kldling !Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHUNas, Dice et rseidmce raw M Ontario's Sort Bw ssa.a College. ter I.d•sd.e. are erpe.i•..ea. Peelle ret learv1eal atlooldos nae error. are. Mss.) t. pftliftsyss. Ws sus e..drad paeYisss w mass& mesa etnesab erg mews* ane ore lied ear ger tae sus - sew all w V h tee_ede pea B. A. lest•Ao■LAlt, plwdpm. MARKET QUOTATIONS Tertiaries Cattle Market Heavy choke steers ....21. 76 to 18 00 Wilr choio. steers.... 7 110 7.26 7.00 7.1x0 da 6.25 0.75 do. teem= 6.60 6.26 Heifers, choice 7.00 7 40 do. good 6.60 0.00 do. medians 4.00 6.60 Botcher cows, tholes. , 6.00 1.10 no. good 6 60 1.06 do. medium 4.60 6.10 Bells. choke ..... 1.10 0.60 &s. Clean 1.25 1.61 do. bologna 4.00 4.76 Feeders, 900 to 1.100 Ibs. 1.26 4.26 do. bulls 6.06 6.76 Stockers, 750 to 900 lbs6.10 6.66 do. med., 410 to 761 6.66 6.00 do. light 4.76 6.66 Clasen 3.25 4.11 Cutter.. 4.00 4.76 Milkers, choles, each76.00 110.10 do. medium to good60.10 71.10 do. common 46.00 61.10 Springers 20.10 100.4e Calves, veal, good 2.60 10.10 do. medium " 00 2.00 do. common 4.76 7.10 do. Bras_ 4.00 4.75 Yearling sheep 4.00 6.75 Spring Iambs, cwt. 9.00 9.76 Cull Iambs 6.60 7.50 Sheep ewes. light 6.75 7 00 Culls a 2.60 3.50 Hogs, fed and watered. 9.50 9.20 do. -light and heavy. 9.00 9 30 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Not quoted. Manitoba oats --All rail. delivered, Ontario points, No. 2 C. W., bay ports, track. 49%c. American cors -No. 2 yellow; Tor- onto, 76%c; No. 3. 71c. Canadian Corn -No. 2 yellow, 74c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per tar lot, 94c to 96c; sprouted and tough, according to sample, 90c to 93e; sprouted or smutty and tough, according to sample. 76c to 88c. Ontario Oats -No. 3 white. 36c to Slc; commercial oats, 35. to 37c. Peas -No. 2, per car lot, 92.10; sample peas. $1.60 to 82, according to sample. Barley --Good malting barley, out- side, 64c to 58c; No. 2 feed, 49c to 62c. Buckwheat -740 to 76c. Rye -No. 2, ilio to 87e; tough, 60c to 113c, accordtag to sample. Manitoba four -First patents, In Jute ban. $4; seconds, $5.50; strong bakers', 96.30, fa jute bags. Ontario dour -New winter, $4.10 to 14.35. according to sample; seaboard or Toronto freights, in hags. Mlllfeed-Carloads, per ton, deliver- ed, Montreal freights; orsn, $22; shorts, $23; middlings, 825; good feed dour. bag, $1.50. Wholesale Produce Torieee - sheienle prices 20 the trade: 's Eggs - Special (c_rt's) wrwlaid$ .42 to Extras (selects) storage .32 13 No. 1 straight storage.. . 30 .31 No. 2 , .25 .26 • Batter - Creamery prints, treah. .33 .34 Creamery, solids '_ .00 Dalry prints 18 .30 Bakers' 22 .23 Cbeeee-Large. 17:4e; twins, 18c. Honey -Buckwheat, barn is, 6%c to tins. 7e to 8c; clover, .ins, 1014c; do.. 10 -Ib. tins, 11c; do. G -lb. tins. comb honey. No. 1. per Joz,•.., 32.40; do, No. 1, per doze:), 82. Poultry Lire Dr'ersed Old fowl, lb. .. 8c lle 13c 14c Chickens ..... Ilc 12c 16c 16c hprir.g broilers 12e, lac 17c 15c Turkeys 14 15c 17c 23c llucklir.gs 11c 12c .7c 18c Geese 8c 9.: 11c 12c East Buffalo Cattle Cattle - Receipts, 3.000; settee: prince .:errs. is to $9.50; shipping. 87 75 to 1' 7 butchers. 16 G0 to $8.25; heifers, 85.50 t0 $7.50; ( owe, :3 to 4675: halls, $4 to 87; stockers and feeders. 45.70 to- 87; stock heifers. >4 50 to 97.25; fresh cows and spring - ere, active and strong. 55'1 to 8190. \ eals- Ile, elpt s, 700; retive and steady: 44 to 812. Hogs -Receipts, 20.00.1; active; heavy. 87 to $7.10; mixed. $6.90 to 17; 'others. 16.50 to 11.95; pigs, 86.25: roughs, 85.80 to $6; stags. 44.50 to 85.60. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 11,000 head; active; sheep steady; lambs, 16 to 29.35; yearlings, 85 to 87.60; weth- er, $5.75 to 86: ewes. 81 to 46.50; sheep. mired. 15.50 to 85.75. Toronto Fruits and Vegetables Pineapples. case $3.50 to 44.00 Oranges, new 5 00 4.00 do. navel 4.50 4.75 Lemons, case 4. fit 4.35 Grapes. 24-I5 box 2.50 2 75 do. Malaga. keg 5.25 7.50 Grapefruit, Jamaica4.25 0.00 Paan. Cal.. box 3 00 0.00 (!esnberrlee. barrens .. 7.00 1.76 do. boxes 3.00 0.00 Bananas. hunch: 1.75 2.25 Onions, 75 Ib. 1.26 0.00 Cabbage. dozen .40 .60 Celery, dozen 2.26 4.00 Sweet potatoes. hamper 1 40 0.10 Dressed Meats Torosto wholesale houses ars goat - leg to We retail trade ibeef, forequarter ... no. hindquarters do. carcass*. choice do. cowman, ewt. Vests. COMMIS. cwt... do. medlar d.. prime flossy hogs M limp hogs ea light Spring lambs as follows: t 1 50tn811.11 13.00 14.00 11.00 11.7$ 16.00 11.00 6.60 6.10 1.66 11.60 11.60 10.64 12.66 2.00 14.0e 14.60 Chigoes Uve Meek Cattle- Receipts. (16.000; market Mindy, calves klgber; bser.s. K.10 to 70; crows end betters. INN to 8t ; halves. K.M t. 110.11. flap►-5R1Mlrts. MON; motet swab; MOM. K.N to K.M; utast (o 17; hares. KM to 17; T. N 4* KU; fro. • Se KM; ben Wen �..�� ftill MOW market 110 hiller: lambs, meth% 411 M Mi Peoattwa, Decersaa 2. H46 a i i D.MILLAR SON Special Showing of NEW WAISTS flany new styles in Lawn, Voile, and Silk Waists just to hand for the Christmas trade. New Voile Waists in dainty all-over designs, very stylish and becoming models. Sizes 34 to 44. Price each 11.10 Tailored Silk Waists are much in evidence this season. We are showing some very smart styles in heavy quality Habutai Silk in white and black at each $I.75toS2.75 Two Black Silk Specials No. 1 -Positively the best silk value we ever offered, rich quality, black pailette silk, full 36 inches wide,beautiful sheen. Special per yard /1.00 No. 2 -Special 36 -inch Duchess Mousseline Silk. Will give thorough sati.fac- 31.50 Special value Silk and Wool Georgette Crepe in all evening shades. Beautiful 60c tion, rich salad finish. Special per yard, quality, 38 inches wide, per yard Sweater Coats make ideal Christmas Gifts. Full stock of ladies', men's and children's Sweaters in all the most popular styles at all prices. Penman's, Monarch -knit and Turnbull's. Misses' and children', Wool Caps in great variety. Misses' Brush -knit Toques, all colors, very popular, each 50c Children's Brush -knit Toques, all colors, as above, each •••• . 33c Children's Wool -knit Toques:in red, navy and white, vary ponalar for the kiddies ••••.••.•..•. 9•.•• . . each 30c Special Values in Blankets and Comforters Linoleums Nairn's celebrated Linoleums will give best of satisfaction afrd stand all kinds of hard wear. A large; range of floral and block patterns ; four yards wide. Special price per square yard.... 6Se PERRIN'S GLOVES OLD BLEACH LINENS McCALL'S PATTERNS DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Ph°11. 56 Millar's Scotch Store Phone stt� CANADIAN PICTORIAL - Nineteen more shopping days before Canada's Most Artistic and Popular Magazine. Christmas ---Get busy ---Advertise This elegant wag.zine delights the eye while it instructs the mind con• cerntng the picturesque dotage of an interesting and highly entertaining world. I1e war pictures are alone worth the money. Each issue is literally crowded wi.h the highest quality of phologravuree, many of theta worth lemming. It is the most popular "Pick-me-up" on the wait ingroom t.blrs of the lead- ing doctors throughout the Dominion, and in the big )cubit, libraries it is literally "used up' by the many wit, 'are attracted by its eitettaining and beautiful pages. It's a "love at night- publication and it has departmental features of great interest to the young woman and the home -maker. ' Of it -just to quote one man's praise from .nrong,thoueands-tbr late Rt. Hon. Lord Strathcona wrote : "The Can.ditn Pictorial is a publi- cation which, if I may he petmttted to say so, is a et edit to Caned*. (signed) STRAT11(1.NA On trial to new subscriber. -twelve menthe for only Oh cY.le. Thr Canadian Plctoriel is ppubli.brd by THE PICTORIAL PI'BLISHIN(, (Jo., "Witnraa" Bl..k, Mootre.l, Can- ada. Try k for • year me ateme veer. With Reservations. A country convert, full ,.f zeal, in his first prayer meeting remark• offered himself for servo... "1 am ready to do anything the Lord asks cf me," Bald be, "so long as it's honorable." -Argo uaut, TSIQJt. QLllr OT RAIZ flu MON DAIIDRI117 SIAM Try It 1 H a Ir este 1041. =awe hOaMlf.i-0.0 a :I own Ml *s et Desseer4rs, if you care for heavy hair that glee tens with hasty and le radiant with Me; has an I.eomparable softesss mid is terry ted Starrett. try Dsadselna- Just one appllcatloe deobW the ^manly of year bale, besides it hese- dktely dissolves every partlele of dandruff. Tou ran anthave site heavy. heathy hair 1f you have daadrud. This destructive scurf robs the hair of Its lustre. Its strength sad Its very 1410 amid if sot overeeeee it prod•Old a Merlahriele ted Melee of the soap; the hair rests faawk. loon= sad die; then W hili tab out fast. Gur'ely eat a 31egot bottle et Knowlwa's Dnmid.dao lows w dog store W jest try 1t now. LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC :-AND-:-- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. P. LINFO1TH WiLLGOOSE, Registrar. M ns. Sac i ()toelm I Principal Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont THE WAR AT YOUR DOOR You Can Read the Story of the Great European Struggle in The Weekly Mail and Empire Whi.h we can supply you a:ong with Our Paper, the two together, from NOW TILL JAN. I, 1916, FOR 30c or to new uihs.nbers from NOW TILL JAN. 1, 1917, FOR 11.60 A First-class Metropolitan Weekly and the Best Local Paper, giving you just the news you want. Said K Brill All Orders to TIE SIINAL, (NZARIO