The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 8,
• Taoaatete. Novelette 111, I016
i %.ts..1
Rev. Iola Davidson. of
Thanes. Owe.. writes :-"1
have had coastdsrebde trote-
w with lay throat. quell
by pubat speaking In heated
be .ad exposure to
daakFftsdehllb atmosphere.
I Had SRP. very effective
la serables the throat."
Rev. Edward G. Heaves.
M•rksvllle. Oat-, writes z -
"I have seed PEP. and fieJ
they give considerable relief
to the throat. 1 have also
toad tbem very beneficial
toe colds."
PEP. Is the direct treat-
ment for Coughs, Colds.
D,uschttls, Asthma. Hoene -
sees. Laraygltis, and other
allamets of the throat, chest,
sad Image. As PEP. dissolve
on the toogme. healing vapors
=rated which are
down direct to the
erne places- Liquid cough
alltteNe, etc., c.nnot be
labeled. they go to the
sleuth set the +ung.. PEPS
gat Soda seat of the trouble
PRP. are sold only In tin
bones. All druggists and
store. 51c. box. 3 boxes $1.25.
Seed this article, risme of
paper, sad lc. .tamp for poet
age to PRP. Co., Toronto.
Winnipeg. or Montreal. and
we will stud tree package.
Brown -"it must be terrible for a
Mager to know that ob. has lost her
voles." "Yes," said Robinson. "but it
is move terrible if .be doesn't know It."
Kirk Deacon -"Whin i look at tbe
congregation seated in the pews 1 eek
nmsel Where's the puirr When r
look at the collection at the doer of
the service 1 ask, 'Where are the
Tim (hard up and always on the
borrowing track) -"lea', it hard, Jack,
to toes one's esteems r Jack (well-
to-do. sued given to the putting of ha
baud in his pocket) -"Well, it seems
to Inc almost impossible."
Father-'Olad to see ou sae back,
Donald. They my I'r an 'wfu'
wicked place. Did you erotica scy-
thing of that Soo -"Ay. I had some
•wfu' adventures! One night. i found
myself in • terrible place. Why, mon,
the wbtuky was so bad i veers nearly
left it !"
Fined a Quick Cave in Dodds Kidney
Southampton. Oat., Nov. 4cith.-
(3psci•L)-After suffering 1roc rhea -
nations for twelve years, Mire. George
Greaser, • well-knewo resident of this
ooce more able to walk
around h and do her wort without paid.
and to sleep with comlort. She glees
Dodd's Kidney Pills e11 the credit for
bee cue.
"I suffered with rheumatism in my
knee for twelve year," Mrs. (looser
Nates. "1 was attended by three
doctors, but did not get any perman-
ent relief. 1 was also troubled with
neuralgia and dropsy. My appetite
was fitful and at tiara 1 bad .harp
pain and pregame on tbe top of my
"1 just took one bon of Dedd'. Kid-
ney Pills and they cured me."
Annie Cowan, wife of Thos. Mttr
' rove, of pterin, died on November ell
Mb In her fiftieth year. b1a
War. Sproat baa purchased the ham.
fife y -acre grass tarns of Alex. tlproal Hve.
&remindag hb own near Kipp.
John Jeffrey, of lb. 1lib 0000eeeion u
of H•y, cage reed five raccoons in one =Lee,
iM. Of 'family of nine
t aas still livtag.
n. W.1. Mlfiw, et Hul-
remoeieg ho Oljatoe
seeds t w
seae assipieets et a
gddttl� •od (N gift of so
sod rotor by a
of r treiebbo wbo
tree while bt unung day ay rwsouie
y et ib Ir bons nos evening
('has. Wilson. of Kincardine. shot )newly foe s swill bout.
en eagle recently that measured over Mrs, Tbos, Itobartos passed away
six feet from up to Up of is erteuded at the koiae of her mother, Mrs. Wm.
wines Riley, at Loodesboro', o. la(oeeasb.r
F. (1 Clark, of (tepee towwhip, aa..ttse havin( bona in Pow health
h as bough' the term of Juha Huwa) fine pmatiaw. lion M ser.+vad b wle
o[ ItJn concession of biddulpk
vJ. w r NW •
(leo. Awa', of Harley, near Brant-
ford, M the new mason agent at
Bruoefietd. He is a wool John Owen.
of Bruce/told.
Jobe Campbell. of Winthrop, had
his leg brokeu near the ankle b' beim(
struck with a tree stump which bis
team was drawing
Mn. Kobe. Ferguson'
at bar home at Oratrger
aseea away
township, on. November Kb, aged Aloes* MacDonald, who has recent. -
forty -two years. ly become business manager of The
The township council of McGillivray Toronto News, learned the elerneuts
paid the sem rd;, to • farmer of for printing trade at ('limon,
Angus Johnston. at o . time • resi-
dent of Clintoo. died at bis home s1
tluatturd on November gib in bb
uloetletb year. In May last he cele-
brated the sixtieth amivraary of his
By • vote of 06 to 8 the village corm- Rev' H. M. Manning, lortnerly pets
nil-uf Uranwn has been authorized w for of Wesley church, Clinton, retied
contract with the Hydro-Blectric true Lha setive minlatry recently a•d
went to live at Toronto. He found re-
tired lite irksome and has opened a
mission at North Tomato in • dia-
cbief to
sold for
The haadk.tebief we. put up for
auetloe at an entertainment and
brought the sum of •110.43. J. 11
Moiler, of Berlin, was Me purcbaser.
ben) Oeo. -
b. is alteter.
Bale, a Seam, hawker of
ptesaptsd s bsgdker-
Red Oros Society to be
Msiflt of the soldiers.
named E11 Bice for twenty-six sheep
which were killed by dogs.
Thos. Clark, a former resident of
Morris, died oo October 311t at Prose,
Sask., in hie sixtieth year. Mrs. Wm.
Geddes, of Moms, is a sister.
Commission for electric power.
Mrs. J. C. Clausen, • former rei-
destt of H.nsall, passed away resent', carded hotel.
at bar hoose at 'Jaron, Mask. her
husband. four sons and one daughter A pretty wedding seen solemnized at
survive the horn* of Mr. and Mrs, W. T
Tete residence of /Whet t Farber. of 1 O'Neil oo November 10th, when their
the 3rd concession e Monis,, was 1 daugbter. Hazel, became the bride of
Cur -
destroyed by fire with practically all rent,
kE. }teas, M. D., C.
Swift Cur-
ie• content.. Only $101 i Seek. Ree. K..TheHary ung
' I formed the ceremony. The young
couple will reside at swift Cutreat.
was carried.
W. W. Irwin. of Ripley, hes paid
over *IOW in fines fur selling liquor
is "dry" territory. Three informa-
tions were laid and he was convicted
on each chat ge.
Mies Mar Wrigbt, of Cromarty,
was ,parried at the torn tbere un
November ':lid to Earl Rose of Fuller- Mrs, Moore, wife of Win. Moore, of
ton. They will reside un the groove s W tugbam, passed away on Novewbrr
Uth. at Guelph aged forty-nine years.
James Wiley received a severe •(alp
wound when be fell agaiwt a mockers
while at work at the ,Venters
John McKay, father of Mrs, W. A.
Mrlier, of Wirehaut, pared away at
Moorefield on October 34th in his f(ty-
n ioth year.
Mn. Peter Reid died at the home of
Joon Hs of Tuckersmitb, her sou -in-law, J. A. Anurreotu, of
7.peered Kincardine, on November lith, in her
ewer un Novewt'er7th, He bad been eixty-fifth year. Alex. Reid of town
unwell for some time but was not is a ,ons
Miss Annie Filter has
G uelph to train as • nurse,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bowman at-
tended the funeral last week at Mdver-
tod of Mr. Burgman's mother.
gone to
fern. et Mount Pleasant.
The engagement is announced of
Maris Isabel, daughter of Mr. etµ'
Mrs. A. Clarke, of Welton, to William
el. titration, of Atougbton, bask., the
marriage to take piece tbis mouth.
The engagement is aneouaeed of
Celiste Gertrude, daughter of Mt.
Henry Oakes, of Gudericb township,
to George A. McVittie, orHullett, tbe
marriage to take place this month.
,bought to be serloualy 111. He It sur- Mary Henderson, reliet of the late
vived by hes wife, three sons and two
daughters. Wwssse
. Simpson, of Culross, and mother
of Mrs. A. H. Musgrove, of Wingbam,
Mrs. James :Malloy, formerly Miss died on November 8th. The inter -
Maggie Mitchell, of Moaeewortu, died meta was toads in Wtogbam mime -
in hospital at ).dmootm recently of
typhoid fever. db. is survived by her
husband and two young children. Her
husband had enlisted and is in train-
ing at Calgary.
While working around • threshing
machine on the farm of Henry Al-
coek, of Grey township, James Mpeir,
of the tith concession of Morris, had •
large part of his right band cut off
when be got it entangled in a part of
the machinery.
Albert L Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. ':ole, of Morris township, was
u narmed at Rainy River on October
27th to Min Annie Rey Price. The
young couple will reside at Regina,
Sank., where Mr. Cole is engineer of
the city power plant.
Mr. and Mrs. James Russell, of the
5th concession of Morris, celebrated
the fiftieth anniversary of their wed-
ding on November ler. Tbey were
married at Clinton in 1885 and lived
for • number of years in tioderich
township. Mr. Russell is a native of
A little daughter of Chas. Rolph had
a portion of • finger cut off by • lawn
Mr. and Mts. H. W. Strasser have
removed to Acton, where Mr. Strasser
is employed.
Mrs. H- Murphy and daughter Mabel
hays gooe to Sault Ste. Marie to spend
Use winter with relatives.
Seefortb bockeyista are looking for-
ward to an enure season. "Dot" Reid
has been elected president of the club
and Otto Dick.eeretery-ueeeurer.
The Oddfellows Lodge presented
Thomas Govenlock, tan of 114 r. J. M.
Uovenloct. Warden of Huron county,
with an address and • sigmet ring un
the occasion of his last visit to l5es-
forth, before tear Log for England with
the Uaiver•ity Corps to reinforce the
Princes. Patricia's regiment.
Word hos been received of the sud-
den death at Saskatoon of Duncan
P.e.- doweve st M owed ILItelamor,
Me beg ..e tale ora Minim
"The War Summary"
.almn.t from the very day the drat 'atop*. war begat fa Auden
• lb out.ta■dint fanny b /'aaadl.■ serialise corning the mullet
i... t..'. -it "T4s war nreraery" dally or ppeas I mad 2 of Tan GLOOM.
1. ah. wsrtaat poaatble torn tap wataer Me gar% Y1. )sedan a
pow manure the dewl.emssts 1a all part. of tM weed. IID time
d.t,11. of tb. m..ww■■ta the eatoedo4 bathe. have set hese
o..N.oked tb* r..d.r. of Tan ut.oana have berm enabled to follow
Int.11lgeatly a.4 with tM met.n1 wallas* .1 the .t.p.sdea
coati.t. TO. Wee •smeary' .t TOR GLOMS la rwletwd rad 4.117 07
s.r.rsl papers 10r.schet the Manias.
The Editorial Pam
Tilt 01..0.5 .. 1ts .dttorul page to strive. to plate 001... the
plant la properpoespeetlr. IM brood Metaf
gre4 fir (aa Weak
straggle T11a ..else .f •Rlelr■ hr .ltrart0 W atteatba .0
a oma .t
the ramifies gel.. bat .f (wring ars •04 gears/aim 1 an
of taw world. roma. naafi,' up to tM r, +h• �mq ret
lat. 11. r..4 ..d the remits HMO te Hem they *!ball.. se
beeline. Mr. Malt with 1a that bold a eimr-amt term Mame.
torten." of TER LOUR*. editorial pan•.
Nems Service
The Moro feature., Is *Minos to • .•its sae lewan
e& sre from the
treat .smatrb.4 Is r here plamwd TER 014 ter 1a Me leted.1
)'.median papers sal partly .. 1. *0. ph..erM01 amass fie IS14
pa mot. Is Tat 01.0EE'e etzemlatl.a Nits. meet math.. ,
Other Features
TO. spent.. pace•, M Sonnei a.4 tlw w.m••'m
parrs, We. ot. , will 104 adeltleaal paps Is w 4,1==.
ts earn aM rommtry I lift." an tea ■ta10N WWII
n • .t..da0 that Ma Jsatlied T* to fife 11
f'annie's tiatfwl Now.Mp•r, •.4 ha. errs• It y m0e) tb.mb M
lemon rlreabtles of •.y a.retag paper la the fl lI ' ' i .
Local and City Papers
Ill all seems fare 7etw Mal papa), hilt le Ike a teeId�,`t g
to 0• . 4 Tr sod.. t. 4arb1111 1 res t the M
ats pe
he rem) m.•tee--these deem me year.
THE GLOBE„ Tortoni.
McOallusz, foram* fit Re fnetb. Mr.
Me0•Iloso wee • ernids•t hese until
Owes) Visas ase sed seam three times
Mayor of the 1n. WbUe here be
was ma•ager a the Beatwth MMus
Oce. He wast three years et ego
sad 1. survived by bis wlfe and one
John Floyd received a painful in-
jury by runniest • wire into his eye
one day recently.
Ussvieve, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
D. A. Bowereaaa. formerly of Reeler,
was marded at Ileemoonie. Wis.o0
October 16th to O. H. Dutton, of Wis.,
Philip Hero, who had received no
tidings of his son, Pte. Loftus Here.
since May, bas reeeteed • letter from
a comrade of the latter which swots
to indicate that Loftus was killed in
The abdverery service, held at
Jane street Methodist cburch mm Hun -
day sed Monday, November 7 and 8.
were very sueoemful. Rev. Dr. Rut-
ledge. ue Clinton, was the special
speaker on and un Monday
Rev. J. F. Knight, of Hensel'. deliv-
ered a war lecture. The total ptoceeds
amounted to 0675.
James Jerkell, for many years a
resident of Exeter, died at the Moans
ret lir son Thomas at Port Huron, on
November kb. He was born in Eng-
land seventy-nine yetis ago W bile
living In Exeter be followed his trade
of rerpeoter and bad removed to Port
Hums but • few noon hs sin.. He is
survived by five soon and four daugh-
ter*. The funeral took place to Exe-
ter cemetery.
Mr. IMoorbouse Mitchell is away
on • business Trip tr. the 013 Comae y.
Mir Donald• Hogan, of Lanes. is
learning telegraphy at the local uAlce.
Mrs. Jansen Irving has returued
house from • visit to Western points,
The Lucknow table factory is ruo-
ning overtime from tf:4) to U o'clock
each night.
The Lueknow Dramatic Club is pre-
paring for the production at an early
date of the play "Under the Flags,"
founded in Ouida's noiel.
Mr- Thomas Corrigan has received
word of the death of les sister, Mrs.
W. K. Taylor, which occurred al Al-
liance, Nebraska, on the bib 'elm
Mr. Lloyd Alton has suffered a seri-
ous breakdown in health and has gone
to the Uratenburst sauitarlum for
treat,nent. Mr. Alton is a civil en-
gineer and wee rug/aged during the
summer on surrey work in Northern
Two hundred and twenty quarts of
conned fruit were collected recently by
the Red Cross :Society for the use of
the soldiers in lb. hospitals.
Harold Hood, i,youogest son of Mrs.
Adam Goes, of Searatoon. formerly of
Brussels_ etalivted for the defence
,f the Elsie, was taken 'is prisoner
and is now keeping up his muscle by
employment in • ruck .alt mine, under
the direction 01 the Germane.
The citizens of Brussels turned out
en manes ore Monday of last week to
give en enthusiastic send-off to fix
young volunteers who were home
eros London map for the week -end.
The town souncel wpplisd the funds
to present each soldier with a wrist-
watch and they were also presented
with an addles.. The soldiers were
Ptes. D•nbow, Hewswortb, Crawpsey,
Pendgrif 1, W ode and Campbell.
After is Long illness Mrs. Leckie, wife
of Mr. John Leckie. Reeve of Bruseels,
passed away in Wellesley hospital, To-
ronto, on the 8th last., in her fifty-
niuth year. Mrs. Leckie went to To-
seronto a few weeks ago to visit rela-
tives and old friends and also to con-
sult • specialist as to her condition of
health, and she was so tzhauitted with
Um trip ,bat she was unable to return
home. Her husband and three
sons were with her at the end. lb.
cause of death was pernicious anaemia,
The'remains wets brougbt tome and
Use funeral took place on the 10th inst.
to Brussels cemetery, the services be-
ing conducted by Rev. A. J March,
•seisted try Rev. D. Wren. Mn.
Leckie'. birthplace was Ethel, ter
maids. nabs beteg Annie Oliver. She
was married to Mr, Leckie in 1888.
Their three sons ars Jack. Hob sad
Cherli..'ewe whom Ne in Toronto.
The Brussels Post concludes its obit-
uary notice of the deceased with
these wuN- : 'The stnbject of
this soden pueesssed great vivacity
in her day sed wee the lite of
any circle where she was always wee
ou1ue. Mb. M hospitable at 1 de-
lighted in giving her friends, both
young and oto, the best time poWnle.
In her relation to the Presby-
terian ebureb she was ever
ready to do her share and took
an active pest in the promo -
tine of even y good cause. Deep sym-
`(tt9y Is expressed for the bereft
fassll , espeoy Mr. Leckie, wbo to
faithfully patterned his part in his
endeavor to aid the restoration of his
wife during bee long and et tl•...
severe Innen."
Would Not Be Without
Baby's Own Tablets.
Thousands of mothers throughout
Osaada have wrltta of their tM►ak-
Ielaese for whet 14;40:n
lr Own TTabletss
base acne totes` assn
them Is Mrs. t
Ont-, who sats : 'i would not be
without Baby's Own Tablets, as they
were of great help to eve wbss my a-
te bey was teaseled ebb eo.ralptloa
awl soar stomaeb." Tbs T• late ear*
Indigretlon. nolle and ninepin teras%
coal, sitarernis and promote beat thy
:td�ee,pp,, ere sold by inedisiss
ete or (Mil at M eras a bus
fratovensitipt Dr. Williams' Medicine 0o..
Larry--"Treehpaseles. is wait *1 We de Rade } 1�
wall do as he ilbe thle sad IWfti
that wee', ' he Matta for
hawed Mmllag terID the C.aely lied
Hen es Tuesday, 'terve sbe) ptb
Tb. arsenal mssd•g of the Huron
eotsaly breath of the ()bldree'• Aid
Osci.i I0o1d et the men homes
Mee e1 T..tssdi , November 11*. who*
a (peed eep..s.•t•tioa wee mewed Ie
tom abysses K the preeddeste, *r. Jas.
Mltelsll, Rev. J R. Ford was tep-
pdaMd tasse ran. The treawrret's scr-
awl otaia s.t was Wsisat.d by
Iff ed& lead wee es follows :
I leave plaaertse 1. sobwittlee here-
with the forth he•neisl etatemeat
of horse some re Ohidreeee W Mo-
edef , roe the marimbas(Odohee 314,
Nit TM toe sty bee to 1n weft a
Oakum o• heal rf tllgg lies end the
1111aebeth McKee& helmet of S1M,10
deposited to a (pedal senna). as tee
beginning, 1t le boped, of • fund for
the sem loo of a cbildren's shelter.
now se badly needed.
R. W. Rstxot.oar Treasurer.
Uo1ela4 Nor. let, Illi.
apatwu (k-roasw Sher, (1116.
rm.mrrethemes es pp
Omar Nana
Xev. est. tet 1f� m
e ei amew+h .....
it. Auows s leis se's IMlea ie H M
Neem oriels, smalatmaaes for ward
wteaf It wt W swarth
Wweehip of Ho
aMrr N ainaa i issitem
s west wars:. innate,.
Ran Ira Y. 4 0 t'., Vk..r% street s.a�
llama .01p .e . and donations
axes' serf: aa.
Ctld.e.'a dealer nae .hues
1)s.114 .seas, tare00. .
ursmand .,A 4 ttodsty
Kamm it. resat? wane yRola Mass . .
▪ tases)/
▪ phelai 0 7. mimes tiry..... ...
=areaway foss. .... ..
L ....
ttas•eaeam�tf sessetare. u.v.Ol.g ..p•a■r..
la mummy order dip . ......
8almaso an hand .. ........ . ..
RH 52
The membership contributions were:
Thos. Jackson, Clinton, 35.25; Mn.
H. I. Strang, Rev. W. K. Hager, Mrs.
Wm. Coate, A. M. Robertson, W. E.
Elliott, Dr. Emuser.o., F. J. Lewis,
as each; Miss Helen Atrang, $4 ; J. P.
Hoowe, Mitchell & Vanes ter, $1 each ;
W. L Horton, MIS P. Mclearlaoe,
G. F. Harris, Mrs. N.F. Wbyerd, R.A.
Itobertern, D. J. Naftel, Mrs. Leech,
Mia Ford, (iso. Porter, $2 each; Dr,
Strang, Mrs. W. T. Hays, Mrs. J. L
Aitken, Me. D. McDonald, J. H. Mil -
Ilan, Mrs. A. Davidson, Miss C. Beam-
mont, Matthew Bates. H. R. Long,
M. W. Howell. Exeter 'Waisted In-
stlIuy, Mrs. Wm. Ithyo••, Wm. Bay-
ley, H. E. Becker, blurs M. J. Robert-
son, Mrs. Mew.) Fond, Miss .lassie
Ford, A Friend, E. Gilchrist, A Friend,
Mise Washington, Mn. F. Hodges.,
Mise Mall b, 'tea, R. Cr•igie, Chas.
Newton. J. McClinton, Mies Dean,
Win. Harr, Reg- S6araeaa. Mrs. W.
Her Rev. J. Grosse. Wm. McCteeth,
R. J. Aeberon, $1 eat;b, making a
total of $102.21,.
Accounts totalling $21.83 were pre-
sented by the county agent, Mr. O. M.
Elliott. and were ordered to be pad
Mr. Elliott then gave • report of his
wink since the last monthly meeting
end also the following summery of Use
won k of the peat, year
Applications for childrtls remised,
78; visits in the interests of chlldrea,
370; children involved during lb. year,
177 ; ebfldren made wards of the So-
ciety. 13; sent to industrial school, 1 ;
complaints Ieceivrd re children, 116;
investigstiooa, 82mail seat out, 1,4f1D;
mail received, 601; meetings addressed,
18 ; mileage (approximate) covered,
3,854; interviews. 430; police court at-
tendance, Z); warns in foster homes
heard from, 126; wards placed or re -
pieced, :71 ; wards returned to shelter.
5 ; ward. visited, 203 ; warnings gives,
The election of r Mc±rs was then
proceeded with and the follow ing were
elected : Hoeorary president, Judge
Doyle ; president, James Mitebell
vice-presidents, the resident mini.Ws
of Goder'ch ; county agent, G. M. B1-
liott; ,secretary, A M. ltobeeteon ;
tr, e•asrer, Sheriff Reynolds ; and tha
following dietrlct representatives
C. D. Boeck, Dr. C. W.
Clinton ; A. D. t'utberland, John -
snn, Ssafortb ; Abner Como*. John
Grates, Wingham ; B. Bender James
Outt, Blyth ; James Foe, W. H. Kerr,
It wee decided to hate the annual
report printed for distrlb.ti'n, sad
also to hate disputatious Walt upon the
various municipal councils in the
county for the puree«. of asking tot •
reasonable grant towards the work of
the Society.
In the evening • public meetlag was
bad in the lector* room se Kern
eburch. Rev. Oen- N. Rose pseeijed.
Sheriff Reynolds read the ensue! fie -
social statement and Mr. !Wien gate
a summary of his yeses work. Mr.
Orville White rang M • •oto, "Same -
body's waiting for me " The attmeth.
teeters 0t the evening wee a eaweop-
tleon lecture dealing with the week of
the sloeiety la Huron county ted ow-
ly one hundred slides wee. thews et
ebildren, and their past ,tad
home•, who have been psesmeaft desk
with byMr. 1pllntb Denies tbe p0...
of the Il
x1i a number Of pie were
exhibited of warden/ the Illadely who
have mended ash alae a /Mere et Pts.
Brown, who remedy returned from
the front Tbs.. PLWsaa were fol.
lowed by • coapts et *bonuses by
twenty-two hogs, who fern a Pocket
Testament League of verses. argot
Methodist rbareh. They wets under
the leadership of Mr. J. M. Adams.
The dna chores, "We're from Cars -
edit," won so b.•rtJly applauded that
�b,y4Mw .. d.dd M with "The Man
i. hie deeag seemeis the shames
spoke of the seed el • i=esre MM.
tee In Ged.rteh W
who mlgbt be the )riser at 1 wliabM
Imes: y h Mrs ke du.*1.. It to the
i. The digging et filed Mee the
Vag beveled the proeseftme to a
Mai , L% traria=
Mike $
MIJAINtwalrr 1111=11.
ICestisese hem pas 1.1
soil, - =bt
breathes et the bsr0dtls Mese and Mee
Math cry of the draga ash NM OR'
toe et the Mislb-+q, sate, W IMA
big et her mills -and tbe grating of
the has Maple K bee prise aa+ bete
rt the'ebb=the oehipered
Oh. whither ehall 1 171
1?111 she not be here sass? le the ass
barytes to uphseia see toe my hems?
Have 1 sot heard bee tests* es lane
eta►? De I silt dlotfsgsir Sit basvy
and hssdble Manna et her heertT
ILednaar-home be means furiously
w bis test est mbefabell ask hie WOW
thee b 1t la the effort be seem strew
age hle ,seal-"Madmeal I toil yes that
the sew Mama walee the deer"
da It he lbs wpsehslsas seep et
Me etleo.aee t'heee bad bees teed the
peewee •e • 15.11, w begs aatfrp -
made to which the speaker pedaled
Weer slowly back epos the Ittetea1
!heir ponderous sad soup jaws It
was the met et the reeking gest
Beet. ,thele, wtthest ,boss doers there
!la stand the lofty ao l esabreedsl
Isere of the Lady Madeline of Daher.
Mere was Wed shore bee white robes
tad tbj seldom* of some bitter strag-
gle upon every parties of her emtcd.t.
rd frame. ler a moseent she remota-
ed tlemb1ag sad reeling to ma Pe
spas tb. threehdd; Mee, with a low.
sonatas cry, teal heavily inward upas
the person et bar bratser atN, la bee
dolma and now Baal death teatles.
Dore him tow Boor s corpse aced a
Fettle& to the terrors a1. had anti&
?tram that chamber and from that
nannies 1 led aghast The .toes was
1101 abased fa all Its wrath as I Coned
myself cronies as old awwsy.
tuddssty there abet aleag t!. path a
« 114 light, aid I tossed le see wbace
t gleam so unusual weld have foam&
for the vest Muse get les absdows
were dose behind MIL The radiance
was eat et the hi. setting tad bleed
ed moon, whle4 new theme vide)
Ihmsgh that secs basely rsoeesthU
lanae et week! 1 hem helyse MOM
te sutaerag teem the Ant et the
_Mlles la a slims dirtied's be Eho
Mille 1 pine thla theme rapid -
g widowed them semis a geese Mea
)t the while ed, the Metre orb et the
mtelt a hunt at wee mess flay alght,
my Waft reeled ss I sew the mighty
walls rutdbleg assailer. dere was a
Snag. t.mmlluea 'ahmutlsg mend rib
the voles oe a dimmed wahine geld
the deep aM last tum at tip get
Seed setledy sad Mealy sear the
bagmeate et the "Reuse et 1,2101.%
Thee'( is °sly nae good point about
big froubiss-they eat up Irttls ones.
"If I were to die you would never
Ret Mother husband like nee." "Whet
makes you %beet I'd ever want an-
other beshaod Eke your'
'Whet is the first emotion of •
Mak r"*When Pbaraob reosived a
check on the bank of the Red ties amid
Morse crossed it."
"lt's a risky hornets tie asekln1. of
pointed remarks about your
bon ''Why r "wee, you me, yeas
may have to swallow them-"
If your motile neo
bead is SSW nal e
body bsmana of a tar
gel a .man batW of
at any hue
.m.s eaaa>i-att 1
las (acrd lot - It ps�Is1
a ii��aege
- • Iwo goat 1t
bib .n taut k sreed.� -"-
. sera ba. -�
what safsnes 1Ie� baa,
lamb .'set 11'. a
melt lees AM Meda
Itgsabs ,Chown ham tale's& ate
' lamb, deargofi
s. he itregaldtt}am MeatM_K, le
a lased gig wlleR laieis
bamboo 'MU 1t IoM MM
and melt a Ind K elite,
Waugh talo a1r W eases( :DStar to Mato sad selects
soehaelioa. Afi
eagle Carnes by fife WSW
the 11241ps0e6-eiat fn, by (he
t ees ta the dr seated by the m 4.
018. medente et tea tllea4. it V
bigot .114,14511 ur *00
idigh emt•hla snag M el
emit by the meas week w �r-
so of ea sat WY&
!left a aealletlrlelt er fatal e-. 1.
�oP. fa the 111 )1i7 tat 1f'Ma.$b
tog et betehs aye Sonar 1141aIlak
the botaba-LasItiantaS.
Pale K ,Crest
~vie the psis
et apses,? 4i -Tin let ,MRV la
a malatlipPlirliva 11x1 ssblsea • .
• gnat ,tum to M wire sena tka
alma nd his
Greatest Newspaper Vibe hi , ,
S+ S, e
11.1 t 'i-� tik
Rvery Day By Rall
The Best es
Well__ e--uu
tftee "reef o Mord go t. prem
The Advertiser started the Say-te-OallAo Mot+ ewse- Ir
was the first aswapa`eer to take op the lrgdlhl-Cadlde teat.
The Advertiser's cimee{atioe blas mesa doubled in aye It
and a ba11. THERE'S A I1.BABON. •
Address THE ADVERT1SER, London, On.
itis I
on thou.