The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 7World's Greatest
Short Stories
No. IV.
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tIC A T � 11 A!1
By Fi p r he
'hroet Isms. seems were
It. t1iA r.ostly » seas tea Mut
abut dory 1a tile lark lesiesge.
• 1'1s choke of Oesverswr Nerds
.lure 'red Pelt d tis Renee if
OAK"' by Edger Alis rear bier
wed world roam so a short story
1111111111ALLQ/ writes
' INUIT 1.
11=1119 the whale et a doll ortesdthg from the roof et the beO4-
lade and *well— day is the lag t• trout. mad. its ;way loam W
antenna e0 the year. whoa the wall 10 • zigzag dtrectios until 1t be-
• os& bass op reszted7 low ams lost to the sullen waters of tbs
' fh• soaves% 1 had hes psalm tars.
Nil* ea heresbaok. throng! • shirtier Noticing them things, 1 rode over a
d emr7 tract et asmlUy, sad a1 short c•neetwsy to the boon. A pert-
ber amid dried. as the diadem et hit la waiting took my horse. and 1
ta•rg Oar
is. within view et the
elaleley Hew el tam. 1 know
it haw It was. bet. .with the Ors*
mom eft the Widths. a mesa, of is
illetable gloms pomaded ray whit
`hotel upas at acme Ware -
pea the may hoses and the Maple
*•thee,e features of the domed,
psi the bleak waUs. epos the .anted
!data wtsdows, upon • Lae raak
aegis sad upon • few white trunks el
Way! U. with as otter deposed=
le sal whk! I can compare b es
mealy _•atlas more property time
ie the attar dream of the render upon the bitter lapse tato every day
Ids. be bil)w• draggles of the veli
flee wee as teles, a diddled •
Mdimdsg d the Mart. an .ared,emed
are•el••s of theogid w1Neh tea goad.
lag ei the u•gi••tioa said torture
late await of the whales I nisei
zekberme to the predplbei bruk d a
and lord tars that lay is fir
trued thaw by the dwelling mad
/NW laws. but with a shedder wen
wzt 0 tine befot...tepss the
'r md.lM mut Mmrtd Wages or the
'gray sedge gad the ghastly tree steam
*M the mast sad eyelike windows.
themothsl*aa 1s. this saaalon of
althea I taw trimmed to myself a 5r
Sala, at psio walla its preedeteti
ielhreh Odder. [lir bow w et m7
bees oau/adara >r htglthd, blasts
you. had dsp.eI slab air but bomb
tom. A bib hs-Nv r. had lately
e athod w la a distant part of the
____ -a !eller from Yes- •beth. 1.
Ill wkly breertaetta eaters. bad ad
treed etas other teas a perms"' n
017. '77w lows—!rt gave emblems of
ne = .QtWMUs. The writer scab
et able hellb9 Waite. of a mamba dile
cedar wine e.ed lis and of an
mime lttsfta eo sed mo as ley tee early boyhood. Yet the character of
••` tag. ids only personal mesa his face had been at all times remarks- myself. and during this period I was
wt! • view of attempd.g by o. isle. A cad*verousheas of completion; busied In earnest endeavors to allevt-
lYesirtaI.en• et my society some at an file large. IIquId and Iuminuus b.- ate the melancholy of my friend. We
leviathan of ids malady yood comparison; Ups somewhat thin painted and read together. or 1 llsten-
______l as qqe we had been Wet and very pallid, bot of a surpassingly d u It In • dream to the wild impro-
. Mimes aaodetek yet 1 really blew b••atltnl cane: a nese 01 • delleat• vlsadoo• to his speaking gatta.
It of my mast gy mem Y.4 Hebrew mean. Det with ■ breadth of I shall ever bear about me a memory
n ostril unusual in similar formation; of the many solemn hoar 1 thus spent
a Sony molded chin. .peatln1 in Ito alone with the master of the house of
want of peomineoce. of a want of Usher Yet I should fall in any a-
moral energy; bale of • mom than tempt to convey an Idea of the exact
weblike softness and tenuity -thea character of the studies or of the oe-
features. with an Inardtaata WO"' emotions in which be involved me or
d es ahoy* the memo or the heap". led me the way. An excited and high -
Made op •ttoiether • toeabease'• mot ly distempered ideality threw • smI-
estly to bo fortuities' The now sheet penman loafer over 111.
ly pallor 01 the *in and the now Oue of the phantasmagoric coocep-
e araerUloos tenter of the eye. above all tion. of my friend. partaking not so
things, atartld and even awed ms rigidly of the spirit of ab•trecUon, may
but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour
and quality to itlhake you a permanent customer.
We will even
you will drop us a postal to T aToronto. first trial
ree if
[the .vents d Ms referee net In them-
selves. but he tear results. I shedder
at the tbooget oe any, eves the most
trivial incident. which meg. oporeta
upon ibis intolerable agitation of Bowl.
I leave indeed no sbborrenw of danger
except 1n its abeoluts effect -in terror.
In this umeervd. In thin pltlebls eoodl•
01, 1 feel that lbw period will moose '
er later arrive wises 1 moat abandon
Ws •n4 reason together le some streg-
tie with the grim phantasm -fear."
I learned. moreover, at Intervale
sad through broken hid equivocal
hints, that be was enchained by certain
superstitions Impressions in regard to
the dwelling which be tenanted and
whence, for many years, be bad never
ventured forth.
metered the Ootbk archway of the He admitted. bowever. although
hall. A valet of 'Maltby step thence with hesitation. that much of the pe-
e0sdactad ser. Ip silence through many culler gloom which [bus amlcted blm
Sark hid intricate paemges In my could be traced to ■ more natural sod
p1bgreas to the studio of his masterfar mon palpable orlglu. to tis severe
On • staircase 1 met the pbysi and long continued illness -indeed. to
elan of the family. His countenance. the evidently •pproschleg dissolution
I thought. wore a mingled ezpr.•alos of a tenderly beloved tester. his sole
of low eun•ing and perplexity. He ste-
esome d me witb trepidation and pasasd
es. 'TM valet now threw open a door
and sabered me into the premnee of
his master.
The room in which I found myself
was very large and lofty. The win -
companion for long years, his last and
only relative on earth. "Her decease."
be aid with a bitterness which I can
never forget. "would leave him -him
the hopeless and the frail-tbe last of
the ancient race of the Ushers." While
be spoke the Lady Madeline -for w
dews were long. narrow and pointed she was called, passed slowly through
and •t so vast • distance from the a remote portion of the apartment. and
Mack oaken floor as to be altogetber without baying noticed my preeeuce,
teadmedbisi free within. Feeble disappeared. I regarded tier with an
gleams of encrimeoned light made titter astonishment not unmiugled with
their way through the trellised panes dread, and yet 1 found It Impossible
and served to soder sumdently dia. to account for sucb feelings. A sensa-
ttaet the mor. prominent objects tion of stupor oppressed me. as wy
.Lead. I felt that 1 breathed an at eyes followed ber retreeting steps.
msspbers of sorrow. An sir of stern The disease of the Leidy Irsdellue had
deep sad 1rt.dee neable gloom bung oven long barred the sk;Il of ber physicians.
aid pervaded a11. A settled apathy. • gradual wasting
Upon my entrance Veber aroma from away of the person and frequent al-
a sofa oe which be had been lying at though tnnsleot affections of n par-
ttW Smith and greeted me with • tleUy cataleptleal character, were the
vivacious warmth whkb had mach la unusual diagnoses. Hitherto she had
ft. 1 at first tbougbt. of an overdone steadily borne up against the pressure
e rdienty--of the coa•tralned effort of of ber malady. and had not betaken
herself flnaily to bed; but. on the clos-
ing 1n a the evening, of my arrival
at the beu•e slut succumbed las her
brother told me at night with Inex-
pressible agitation) to the prostrating
tic. ..nays man of the world. A
glanm however. st bis eoanttmoce
convtoeed ma of his perfect sincerity.
We est down. and foe some moments,
while be spoke not, 1 gamed upon him
with a feett•g ball et phi, half of power of the destroy*. and 1 learned
awe. Sorely man had never before that the glimpse I had obtained of her
so terribly altered in so brief a period person would thus probably be the last
as bad Roderick Umber. it was with
dimculty that i could bring myself to
admit the identity of the one being
before me with the companion of my
' 1)�l asciti t. The
words el w of these rllapaodfes 1
have edgily remembered. I was per-
haps the more forcibly impressed wub
K as b. viva It. because h the ander
Or mystic cermet of Its mee•Ing I ten-
ded that I perceived. and bar the first
Wm a foil consciousness en Me pert
se Usher of Use tottering et his lofty
moss upon bee throne- The verses,
which were entitled '"PM Haunted
Mace" nn very nearly if not accu-
rately thus:
/n the greenest of our valleys
Dy good angels tenanted
Ona a tair and stately palace -
Radiant palace -reared Its -head.
In the mesarcb Thought's dominion
It stood there.
Never seraph spread • pinion
Over fabric half so fair.
Banners yellow. gtsrloua. golden
On its roof db float and now
(Thls. all this. was in the olden
Time long ago).
And every gentle air that aimed
In that sweet day
Along the ramparts plumed and pallid
A winged odor went away.
I should obtain -that the lady, at least
while fvfng. would be seen by me no
For several days erasing her name
was tmrnentloued by either Usher or
Wanderers In that happy valley
Through two luminous windows saw
Spirits moving musically
Te a lutes well tuned law
Round .tout • throne. where sitting
In state his glory well befitting.
' The ruler of the realm was .sea
And all with pearl and ruby glowing
We. the fair pasts door.
Through which came flowing. flowing.
And sparkling evermore
A troop of Echoes. whose sweet duty
Was but to sing
In voices of surpaming Dealty
The wit and wisdom ot their king.
lbw always eme•sles and habitual
1 was aware. however. that kap very
odes[ badly had Mss noted. time
est of did. Ore a pseular ..ndbint7
mit displayhig Remit
through keg apes to waxy worts of
..deed aa1t aatd martested o[ late >•
s.pd-M Mrd waalleent yet es.
ehtenNe draft se wed as b a pew
rtgrla l.vdlom b tic. Meead•r, pa'
Imp [Med twee than to the erthsds
IW weft rosogidsable butts% of TM slltem heir, tis ked Deen stiffened be ■badowd forth. although feebly. In
ria 1 e•4 Mused. tee. 10 [tow an umbeeded. and aa. to its i words. A email picture presented the
1!. v s twtk•M• feet lint des
wUd i0•••mK tmrstte.r K Ottatd rather interior of an Immensely bug and Tee-
thes fell about the hoe 1 cooed not. t•ns•l* vault or tunnel. with low
seed as it weer had gut teeth�� >a M sues with ef[ort conned its Arabesque wags, smooth, white and without in-
ai t qtly a 0.. ay Kpr.••to• with any idea of simple bum l terripdon or device. certain acre.. made him what I now saw hem-wkal
tri that r• endo termly h d 1s. tsmtatty son points of the design served well be was Such opinions need no cora
r• greet lea fie dream 1 !.d •b lm t. moaner of sty' reseal 1 oafs to convey the idea that this excavation wont. and I wtl}Ibake nuns
HIM was very Mew sat very tab �•�•-
perdu emida os. as Isis. It was fele
perhaps, et collateral twee
al Os cerssequest , l.viatiai tsar
Math from fire to sou of tis p•tet-
desny oats die WIN wbiek [tad at
Omega so klaantgad the two se to
111.o the origins! tette of tis ertats
` tis quad and etlrvsrel appear
am d tis 'Bean. d 1ltlbsi -am sp
"dales l httb sweat to laded, is
w alar elf !ser pbwstry of* mod
0 lava rho tila14► alllt the aausbn.
I when 1 addle speed s.7 myna to
Oe bum stat feed Its Immo to the
Ssm1 the. Orw la ay tibiad a atraap
bogy. 1 W w t olio l mom
agbatkil to belle . flat
blood Or whale auartll and 'mala
Oars alba aa sbn*pketl Paean" b
opMgI WM& had N alb
Wry with the ale et Naves, hat which
lad filial tblea Os loss ad onoo
sad aha gray wag aid Outlast lore-•
patelest sad mystic moor. doll.
bled1 dboeW nlsod bodes
abbe at from ay .pelt whet
Bust hart ham a tram. I sassed
arm vrb abort sr the
MINI* Ito /eibilpMSwan wood
ampereto be Oat aa
'h. dioaehrarsn Ind her
goat ltlsab floe meer.r.•d the
But eve things 1n robes a Barrow
Assailed the monarch's high etnate
(Ah. let us mourn. for hev.B.rnerroW
B h.rt anon upon him. deedatel).
And round about his home the story
That blushed and bloomed
Is but • dim remembered story
Of the old time entombed.
VI. , r
And travelers now wltkht that valley
Through the red Mean widows sae
vast for ilial move tmes*.Uo&B1
To a discordant melody.
While. like • rapid (Matt, Myer,
Through the Bale deer
A hideous throng rush out forever
wthw•y these. wilts we gethhsd ti
were carefully ..seed 1!1111 awes
The Mor. et maniere bed, and boas
also edm0aey protecte11a ladaddl
t asediftlly
grades woadasustt woofSI Idea Oa
Having deposited ewe e.s.fd br
den span trestles within title regime
of horror, we partially termed Bede
the yet unscrewed lid of the cels sad
looked upon the face of the Meant. A
striking similitude between tragi broth
fir and deter now lint arrested my at,
tention, and Veber. divining perhaps
wy thoughts, m.rmored out some few
words, from which I learned that the
deceased and himself bad been twins
and that sympathise of • seercely in-
stelligible nature had always milted
between them Our gleams motel
not long repos the dead, for we could
not regard her gnawed. Tieo was
a faint bluets upon the bosses sad the
fees, with that saepldoua)1 Underbid
smile upon the lip which 1s so terrible in
death. We replaced and screwed down
the lid and secured the door et iron
And now. Boa days of bitter grid
having slapped, an observable chaise
came over the [mature of t1e meatal
disorder of my Mood. Hl ordinary
•tanner bad vanished. His ordinal
occupation were neglected or forgot-
ten. He roamed from chamber to
chamber with hurried. unequal •n0
objections step. The pallor ot bis coun-
tenance had aaumed It possible a
more ghastly hue, but the luminous
nem of his eye had utterly gone out
Tbe once occasional huskiness of his
tom was heard no mon, lied a tremu-
lous quaver, as of of eetreme terror.
habitually characterised his utterance.
1 felt creeping upon me by now yet
certain degrees the wild lndnences of
his own fantastic yet impressive super
It was especially upon retiring to
bed late 1n the night of the seventh
or eighth day after the placing of the
Lady M dellen within the donjon that
1 experienced the full power of sucb
feelings. Bleep came not near my
couch. while the boars waned and
waned away. I struggled to reason oil
the nervousness which had dominloe
over me. i endeavored to believe that
much. 1r not all of what 1 felt. was
due to the bewildering influence of the
gloomy furniture of the room -of the
dark and tattered drag eries which. tor
Lured Into motion by the breath of ■
rising tempest swayed! fitfully to and
fro upon the walls anti rustled noes.
Ity about the decorath fns of the bed
But my efforts were fl vftleas. An 1r
repressible tremor grN'nally pervade[
my frame, and at length there at ague
And laugh. but mile se meal
1 well remember that suggestions
arising from this ballad led us Into a
train of thought wherein there became
manifest nn opinion of Usher's, whkb
I mention not so much on account of
its novelty (for other men have thought
those as on account of the pertinacity
with which he maintained It. This
opinion. in its general form, was that
of the sentience of all vegetable things
1 lack wads to express the full ex
tent or the earnest abandon of bb
persuasion. Tbe belief. however, war
connected (as 1 have previously hint
tell with the gray stones of tbe home
of his forefatbers. Tbe conditions of
the sentience bad been here, he 1mag
Ind, fulfilled In the method a col
location of these atones. Its evidence
-the evidence of the sentience -war
to be seen, be said (and 1 bere start
ed as he spoke), to the gradual yet
certain condense tion of an atmos
pbere of their own about the waters
and the walls. The result was dls
coverable, he added. in that silent yet
importunate and terrible influence
which for centuries bad molded the
destinies of his fatally and which
at .see Brock with an becobe nee- ky
at an exceeding depth below the
a• tncosdstm•e3, and 1 5003 toad 011 surface of the earth. No outlet was
t1 •rte, flus • •5[1.0 01 (sob"' waft observed in any partial of Its vast ex -
futile s4'aggloe to overrode an Mb"' tent, and no torch or other ar uncial
MI tr.ptdaut7- SD •acaadve nervom source of light was discernible. Yet a
satetlea 4o0d of Intense rays rolled throughout
.Ade estater. tombs r a imp um -
eel w*trweeh tree O. ewes Tot eta
ago was sport trim say osttserdla•r7
�•Vlw Perhaps Serge of a nerve
ether.r tight haws dise•0e'
PAIL+ 11.
NE evening. having Informer
me abruptly that the Indy
Madeline was no more, be stat
was alterestely viveckrW d bis intentiao of preeervtnh
action and bathed the whole In ghastly end her corpse for a fort*lgbt, prey l)
sad when His voice vaned npldly inappropriate splendor. to Its final in interment, one of the
from a tremulous lmddpe (oaken the The words of els wild fantasias (for numerous vaults , to the mats
aaemol spirits well" little/ aber he not anfregtantiy sccm
opanled Wm' wails walls the bolkllns. The braises
a d e.a
lame to that towel iuttc con .elf on the guitar with improvisation)
sins -that abrupt, weighty. unhurried were the moult of that intense OS
bad been led to his resolution os M
sod bellow wending esusdation: that told tae) by consideration of the an
ledtedtiess and concentration to wind ttetial character of the malady of 04
iendee. sit balanced sad p•rtortl7 I have previously alluded a observer rweessed. of certain obtrusive and
aadWt•d g.tturul ettertace whkb 111"1117 Is- ruleen
r momts Libit eager inquiries on the part of err !midi
bb r
bay to °arred e bet runtar0
Or the trndalm•bts eater et Optus.
1palmi tita periods et W mot Im am
11 ase OM that M •poke of tis os
WI of my visit, et Me ear.•• desire
to ems tea alae et the melees be exiled,
ed mo 1. effuse hie. Ha mitered al
wet Ionia f0 0 whit M es.Osved to
M tis mate.a et ib melody. It Mr
played 1t5.K Is a lost ot t aerersl
emowtl•sa Heat red wadi from a
mortal/ *emboss• .f tM resew: r•
meat Wiped toad wee •Mae sadw'blel
hhe bold wear arty esraoste et roe
taster.: the des of all Sewer/
weln oppressive: kis eyes were teeter
M by. oven a hist 11Ot. itett,bold
were bisnt t Idler oods
[res*Awl Ieeren•°ob old
tbt tae/lr. Nle• with berm.
To as •medals•a modes d terror 1
Med mu • bombs slay '1 ago/
" anti ba "1 std ..0M f•
cal man and of tbe remota and exposed
skeatlom of the burial ground of the
family 1 will not deny that when 1
SOUR, �� STOMACHS, Called to mind the slnlstercotutenance
GAELS OR II(DI(iE�TI01f of the person whom i met upon the
Bain -sae o• the day of my arrival at
gab "P Dlaperpeln" dtpesta 7000
'miss food. ending all minutes.
a what 1 regarded a, at best. bet 5
'Wary In flue rrelnutee
barmier and D7 no means an must
Time it! in five mlantes ail stoat end pneaeuse
soh distress w111 go No Indigestion. At the request of thus*• i personally
heartburn. 'aweless or Deleting of aided him to Use arralr*emersts for the
ran, add. or ersctataosa of u.digested ts emhamDmeNt. the body
no diasinesa, bloating, foal •>•D0r•ri
breath or headache
having been eocomned. we two Noes
Papa's Dtsp.p Ia 1. noted for la tore It to its rest The va.lj in w►SN
speed la regulating upset we D1}cod It was .mail. lap and
It is the retest, quickest settntj witbost means of admission
047 1e the whites world and it for 11gbt. lying at greet depth Immo
te brmi.aa Put •a end to 41•tely beneath that patl•a of 11e
tremble forever by Leat., • brp mistime in which was my own sleep
so ane • h the IMMO I bad no desire to oppose
TTecswAT. Novsreaor 111. lea 7
GII'TS that combine exquisite
beauty, durable usefulness
and reasonable cost, are
shown in delightful variety in
our display of genuine Depos- Art
Ware. Just the thing for wedding,
birthday, or Christmas presents.
You are cordially invited to see
Chas. C. Lee
Goderich, Ont.
f u I ("tinning. bat I'ad "called
It • favorite of Usher's mon In sad
teat than 1n earnest. for, to truth.
there is little 1n its uncouth and un-
imaginative prolixity which could have
bad Interest for the lofty and spiritual
Ideality of my friend. It was, however.
the only book Immediately at band.
I had arrived at that wall known
portion of the story where Ethelred.
Um hero of the trine, having sought 1n
vain for peaceable admission into the
dwelling of the hermit, proceeds to
mate good an entrance by force. Here.
It will be remembered. the words of
Use narrative ran thus:
"And Ethelred, who was by nature
of a doughty hart and who was taw
mighty withal on account of the pow-
erfulness of the wine wbtcb be bad
drunken. waited no longer to parley
with the hermit. who. In Moth. was
if an obetlnate and mleifceful turn.
bat feeling the rein upon els shoal- I No sooner bad theme syllables gamed
den sad fearing the rlelng hit Ute my lips than, as if • shield of bream
tempest. tiptifted his mace outrigbt bad indeed at the moment fallen hove
and with blows made gslckly room In ill upon a Boor of 'liver. I became
the plantings ' of the door for his
of a distinct hollow, metallic
g.untletedband and now, pulllns 'and dansorotls yet apparently mooed
therewith ster:Sy, be socrackedand reverberation. completely unnerved. I
rtpped and toreall asunder that the reaped to m7 feet. bat st a measured
nous of the dry ■end hollow Bounding erecting movement of Usher was
wood •larummed and reverberated disturbed. I rushed to the chair as
throughout the forest." which be sat. His eyes were bent fix -
At the termination of this sentence wily before btm and throughout his
1 started, and for a moment paused. whole countenance there reigned a
for it appeared to me ultbough I at stony rigidity. But as 1 placed my
rocs coocloded that my excited fancy band upon his shoulder then ream a
ad deceived mel that from some very strong shudder over Ms whole p.rs03,
remote portion or the mansion then t sickly smile quivered about hie lips.
came indistinctly to my ears what and 1 sew that be spoke a kiw. hurried
might have been in its exact similar- and gibbering murmur. as 1f unron-
ey of character, the echo ;but a Weed semis of my primmer Beading close-
ted dull one certainly) of the very ly over bio. 1 at length drank in the
!racking and rlpptng sound which Sir
Launcelot bad so particularly describ-
ed. 1 continued the story:
"But the good champion Ethelred.
now entering wlthls the door. was
tore enraged and amazed To perceive
no signal of the mallcefnl hermit; but, I sot -dared not .peak N'e have trot
in the stead tbereof, a dragon of a bee tieing In (he tomb: mild 1 not
scaly and prodigious demeanor. and of
t fiery tongue. whlcb ate 10 guald
afore a palace of gold. with a floor
of silver. and upon the well tbere hung
t shield of shining brass with this /ig-
en d enwrltten :
Ned ent.rsth herein
gnat party lifted us flops our Leet It Neo alone the dragon. the .shield be
was, indeed. a tempestuous yet sternly I sneak w1n.
beautiful night. and one wi idly *Ingo- td alt Win.
lar In 1m terror and Its lesauty. A
wblrtwtnd bad apparently collected its
force in our vicinity. for tbere were
treguent and violent alterations in the
direction of the wind, cud the exceed-
,tng density of the elovds (which bung
so low as to preen upon the turrets of
the house) did not pr event our perceiv-
ing the lifelike rd odty wtth which
they dew careerist g from all points
against each otbe r. without paestng
■way into the di' stance I ay that
even their exceed .Ing denaltl did not
prevent our perp riving thy. Yet we
bad nos glimpse ' of the moon a elan
nor was then •m y tlasbtng forth of 0.
lightning. But the under surfaces of
ibe huge masse s of agitated vapor, as
well as ail tee 'trial objects immedi-
ately •round 1 r. were giowtng fn tis
oanatunl i1d tt of a tal3tly liminess
and dt•tlneSI t viable g•s•oom i•Mia-
tlon wbfeb a mbroudd the amaeloa
'Tow neat not -yon shall not behold
titer midi I •hodderingty to Usher a
I led bites s rah a gentle ,1.,lem(.. few
the window r to • meat. 'Thole sneer-
tsar•. war :h bewilder pea .re merely
abet/legit phaoweue mot 30C°ewea.
er 1t ane y be Hist they have tselr
p••tP • ride in the rut miasma of
rhe taco Iwt ns elan tote c.e.mertt.
Ile, air te eb111lnt •m4 d•nge'o.• 60
tett 1* ens Hen L ose et Tier h-
retlher .mens•• I will reed. and you
dalb>t ,tea, hid so we will pees sway
fete r tlble night together."
Tae mater* voin es whlcs I hid Mk -
my very beart an incubus of nttsriy
ceaseless alarm. Sinking this off with
a gasp and a straggle 1 uplifted myself
upon the p11ows, and. peering earnest-
ly within the intense ds rknss of the
chamber, hearkened -1 know not why.
except that an lnsttnctkve spirit prompt-
ed me -to certain low and Indefinite
souu 1. which came through the
pauses of the storm at long interval.
I knew not whence. Ovee'powered by
an intense sentiment of horror, unac-
countable yet unendurable, I threw on
my clothes with haste, for I felt that
I should sleep no more during the
night, and endeavored to atones my-
self from the pitiable condition into
which 1 had fallen by pack's rapidly
to and fro throagb tbe •pert tent
I bad taken but few tetras In this
manner when a light step on an ad-
jolning staircase .crested t•7 atta'ntloa
I presently tecognlsed K as that of
Usher. In an instant afterward be
rapped with a gentle touch at my door
and entered. bearing a lamp. His coun-
tenance was, a usual, cadavtroOsl7
wan; but, moreover. tsar) was a We -
cies of mad hilarity in ¢!n eyes, an ev-
idently restrained bystertt In hie whole
demeanor. His air appalled me. but
anything was preferable to the sol1tede
which I had so long endured.
"And you have not seen 11?" be aid
abruptly after having stared about
him for some moments in sileuc• -"you
have not then seen ft? Hat stay! You
shall" Thus speaking and having
carefully shaded bis lamp, be bnrrled
to one of the carameots • nd threw It
freely open to the storm.
The impetuous fury of the entering
present ease at Pop.'. Dtapspad Mg apartment it had been fwd ail
Aon arty drug stere. Toe magma ■ p•reatb in reunete tbdal tomes to
Two tea* !sea m0541se5 K a b sal.ay Me worn pnrpses of • donjon kis
for @M meadertodlgoottes. ammonia or •s.7 and 1h late day. as • plass se d•p•MI
1llseaatf► eb�M'dm►. It's rhe eplehe,t. fee meths
ether M
OW _.e
trembled as Be were marauding In-
audibly. His bead bad dropped upoo
bin breast. yet I knew that be was not
asleep from the wide and tied opeu-
11 prodie. The mutiou of his body.
tao. was at variance with tam ides.
for he rocked from side to side with •
gentle yet constant and uniform sway.
I resumed the narrative:
"And now the champion. bevies es-
caped from the terrible fury of tbe
dragon. bethinking himself of the
brazen shield and of tbe breaking np
of the elochantment warts was upon
it, removed the carcass from oat a
the way before blin and approacbed
valorously titer the silver pavement et
the. castle to wbere tbe ableld watt
npon tbe wall. witicit In emelt tarried
not for his full coming- bot foil down
a his feet upon tbe silver door with a
mIght7 great and terrible ringing
hideous import of hie words
"Not bear it? Yes. 1 beer it and
have heard it. Long. Anil( long. many
minutes. many boars, many tilos bare
1 breed it. yet I dared not -oh, pity me.
miserable wretch that I am -I dared
MAI 1-zia-tha_
;truck upon the bead of the dragon.
which tell before him and gave up his
oesty breath. with a (shriek so horrid
Ind harsh mod withal so piercing that
Ethelred had faln to ClOPO hie ears
with his bonds Agatha the dreadful
toles. of it. tbe like whereof was nee -
w before beard.'
Here again I palmed abruptly. anA
sow yrstn a feeling of wild amazetneuL
tor there could be Do doubt whatever
that in this instance I did actually
bear, although tron3 what dIrmtmo It
proceeded I found it impossible to say.
t low and apparently distant. but
berth, protracted nnd most unusual
screaming or grating sound -the exact
counterpart of what my fan( y hod al-
ready cooiured up for the dragon • un-
natural shriek
Oppressed. as I certainly WRP. epos
the occurrence of this Reeved and most
extraordinary coincidence by -; Hem-
med condicting sensations. in wtocb
wonder and extreme teri4 were re -
dominant I still fetal outfit -lead
presence of mind to avoid eseltIng by
tiny obeervntion tbe sensitive nerroute-
am of my companion I woo by DO
Means certain that be bbezeirticed (be
Wends in ;pieties. alt assuredly
a strange alteration bad dosing tiso
last few misutes taken place in Isis
demeanor From a pooltkin treating
my °Si be had gredually brought
around lb chair tori am to sit with as
dice to the floor of tbe chamber. sad
mos arum bat PartiallY Oseedvo
that my senses were acute? I now
bill you that 1 beard her first feeble
movement in the bollow main. I beard
tbem-roany. many days ago -yet
dared gat,_ -_1 dated oot speak! And
(Concluded on S,
Take a= Baits if your Beak huts
sr bothers Too -Drink
more water.
If you emist have your meat betty day.
eat it, but flush yoOr kidneys with salts
tells us that meat forms uric seid Wash
almost paralywe the kidneys in their ef-
forts to expel it from the blood. They
beams sluggish and weaken, then you
suffer with a dull misery in the kidney
region, sharp pains in the heck or sick
headache. dirtiness, your stonmeit entire.
tongue is coated sad whey the weatime
is bad you Imre rheumatic beluga The
urine gets cloudy, fall of sediment, the
channels often get tore &ad irritatell.
obliging you to meek relief two or three
time derive the sight.
cleanse the kideer; aad took of the
body's urinous waste get four seams elf
Jad Salta tram any plormary harm
take a tablespoosfel in • glass of
luster before breakfast for • few Ors
aed your kidneys will thee set ins This
femme eats is made from the aid a
and limos juice, eombinsd with
firt117, been used for meratisso
to tusk sad stimulate sluggish kilasys.
des to aeutralise the ands la
so it so Seger irritsees. thus snake
Jed Sales le iserpmeive; meek to -