The Signal, 1915-11-18, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERI ►; ONTARIO llwasaav, Messina * MB EAST STREET GARGE 1 OWN!D AND OPERATED BY A PRACTICAL MAN 2. PHOltlt 243 A. M. GLOVER GODERICH LOCAL TOPICS Nurses to Graduate. Tbe graduating exercises for the our.. graduation class of the Alex- aodra'bopltal will be held at Oddt l - lows lint on Wednesday, November 31tb, et 8 o'clock. The public Le cor- dially Invited to attend. Thomas McGillicuddy Coming. On Monday seeming, November 21t, Mr. Thomas 'Mete Ulieuday, of Toronto, • former editor of The Signal, will lecture in the Baptist church under the auspices of the choir. Some spec - 1a1 music wilt be provided byGoderirb talent. The subject of the ture will boa "Your Neighbors." A bile.r cnl- lection In all of the choir fund will be taken during the evening. A Talented Company. The Boyer -Vincent Stock Co. pre- sented the play "For Her Sister's Sake" at Victoria Opera House on Fa iday evening before • well-filled house. The members of the company showed talent in the presentation of the parts allotted them and the audi- ence was well satisfied with the per- formance. A warm welcome will be extended the comp•o)- when they return for their next engagement. To Discuss Conscription. The first monthly meeting of the Canadian l'luli fur tat .e•aon will be held in the M•soeic Temple on Tues- day evening. Nom -elute r :00th, at 8 o'clock. There will be no lunebeoo. but the meeting will take the form of a general diecumion ern the subject of "Conscription." Two Leaders will be appointed, roe advocating and one oppoeibg conscription, and following their addresses all the other members will have an opportunity to express their views. Watson -Shane**. The Toronto Oahe of Tuesday had the following:. "A 'cable to Mee J Reginald $baalaaa.lesterd•y morning renounced the ~liege on Saturday of bet eldest daughter, Dorothy. to James Graeme Wetmore lieutenant in thl. 74tb B•t tallln, eon of Mr. and Mrs J. p W. Watson. of Toronto The wedding t wok plass in St. Mary'. North Audley street. Loedoa, loomed lately on tke arrival of the bride. wbo galled from home oa November 8." The bride is a daughter of the late J. Reginald Rkat aosi. M.D., of God.elcb. Craven -Leonard. An earl 'owning welding took place at tits home of Mr. and Mrs. Jags L oserd, Elgin avenue, on Monday. when their second daughter, Margaret Isobel, was marded to Char- les Ernest. Crave. of 1Ntrolt, formai - Iy of Loudon. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Geo. E. Rose in the presence of only • few of the immed- iate relatives of the contractingpar- ties, the couple Ming unattended. The bride was attired in her travel- ling drew, • Wit of nave blue broad- cloth with black bat. Atter the cere- mony • dainty wedding breakfast was partaken of and the young couple left on the early G. T. R. train tor Detroit. where .bey will make their home. Among the maw pretty and expen- sive wedding gifts wet. • number from the management and the staff of the McCormick Biatui: Co., of Lon- doc, with whom the beide had been connected as stenographer. Wedded at New York. 'The tam -nage took place in New York on November 9 of Mrs. Annie R. Sharpe, of Toronto, and William M. onlyconstructed, and the result wouldAnderson, of Havana, Cuba. The in the probably be so satisfactory that other e.remooy was aolemoixed much -travelled Collegiate church. Fifth uab-travrlled roods would receive avenue, Rev. P. H. Milliken, D. D., the same treatment. _.._..J�..�.....��.-._..�.--�•- -w�... Ate. ■ ■ .r --yr .-r••-.r..-1P-r--,.-.- �.r-'r-•r-�r-r-v-.r�lr.r- r Bares at Singer Store isr Saturday rMONDA Y and TUESDAY, Nsaiswsber 20, 22, 23 ii Ladies' Double Neck Frills, regular 30c These three days, each lac. Hair Ribbon for school girls at a diaconnt, at 5c, lOc. 15c, _Nle and 2.ic yard Winter Bonnets for babic-a and little tots ■t a discount. Some one-quarter o1. Christmas Novelties and Skipped Goods on hand now. Blanket Cloth for children's coats and carriage robes, by the yard Pillow Cottons, Towellings, Linen and Bath, white and tan Linens, etc., by the yard. Do your shopping at the Singer Store. Every 25c purchase entitles you to a guess on the bullets. The person guessing nearest will get a Singer Sewing Machine Free. Mrs. L. B. Tape, The Square, GODER ICH Goo turns nut rock of the verioust charter. England, with • cargo of steel sizer needed. The rough weather of products and it wee feared she had the last few days has interfered with tut disaster. The Dunelm was owmed the completion of the work, but when by the Canadian Ste•mahip Lines, the job is finished it promisee to be • Ltd., and bad • grow tonnage of '1419 big Improvement over the gravel old. tons and, a net of lith . Tbe vessel It is suggested that the whole of hast wintered at Goderich two years ago rtreet sbould be macadamized. as a and was thoroughly overhauled by great deal of heavy traffic peases along the Doty Eng'ioe Co. the road, and it requires almost con- The only arrival at the harbor this scant attention to keep it in passable week was the Rimmer Mariska, which condition. The Dominion Rout Ma- unloaded • cargo of 1111,4100 bushels bf chlnery Co. would doubtless lend its wheat at the Godeticb elevator on co-operation in having the road prop- Wednesday. officiating. The bride looked 1ove1 Police Court Cases. .lLandedA charge against W. Bird. at six days. This 1. particularly note - cloth with sable, and a white tta crepe scarf edged with the! ,,f bringing liquor into worthy in view of the very unfavor- Ueor fur. while •smart little rose and I Huron county wan to be bear.! by Polies able weather which has prevailed dur- um), blue velvet hat alio fur -trimmed. Magistrate Kelly on Friday, but was Ing November. While many or the blue velyted the costume. Immediately fur-trimmed, adjourned owing to the defendant's larger std moat reaworthy veeael, onutafter the ceremony the wedding party I failure to appear. A warrant wailhave required to shelter for days at. • motored to the Lafayette for an in - sworn out for him arrest. time the M.risk• bas deviated tut formal reception and dinner. Mr. Wed The bearing of a charge of drunkta. little from the straight course across Mn. Anderson then Telt for an rx- nemOccupied 'leveret hours of MagillLukes Superior and Huron. Captain leaded trip through the Southern trate Kelly's time on Friday. The de -1 Playter bail. !reit Callingwood, and States and later will take up residence fence had several witnesses two abed, ie one of the old retool of Canadian in Haven• The bride is • daughter l that the defendant esnot intnxi- mariners. ha Godr•rated, tesu not he attended to business in • handsome gown of white I. What is somewhat of • record is the achievement of Captain George Play - ter of the steamer alariska, in making eleven round trips to Fort Williamu and back with grain in the pt nine week., or an average ut a trip every L LOCATOPIC* 1N BRIEF. Tia fiteueet 1Jsehentea V .1vMlt a darer at Oddsdiow.' u.0 ea yi Med fait. iloeaealads wady far sale al the tGen l usu � a tea on Pride', TIM amount collected In the towo- slap of Walt Wawanusb for the British lied OrohTW Orem rued was $. Goderich is having • taste of ',tater this week. There bei as bum • light .oar /n of ow us the ground for several days, but it I. dteappe•rieg to- day. The Bags et the court house and Lite peewees were at Mamas oa 'T'Treggae,.arLe day, as a mark of reggae,. to the um - ory of 81r Cherie. Tapper. wbu was buried that day et Halila=. The little moo ul Mr. wad Mme. Ohms. Mack, • report of whose.eriuo. buss- ing was in our teat issue, is progress- ing rogre..- ing very favorably. The doctor n still in daily attendance, however. Be sure to attend the "Business Meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Mohawk Orossruads," by the ladies of Knox church choir, on Friday evening. Nov- ember dSth, in Knox church. Admis- sion 25 cents. Kincardine is complaining of the Th removal of the lifeboat tbere. e Reporter says that, though fortunate- ly there have been few occasions fur its ure, it has at times rendered good service and saved live.. (inc of thew occasions was when the Singapore went ashore and aloe or a crew were taken off. A meeting of the executise of the Godericb Patriotic Fund was held at tbe office of Sheriff Reynolds last week. Tbe treasurer. Mr. Geo. Wil- liams. reported cash on band to date 18,1164.75 and total amount subscribed .17,869.75. The treasurer was in- structed to forward • cheque for 10,500 to the treasurer of the Canadian Pa- triotic Fund at Ottawa and b. has re- ceived the following acknowledgment: of the tate Jamas Buchanan. ofmatteon the Dight in question,rich. matter* talked with venous persons, and was Why Not Macadamize East Street? in no way under the influence of h is being twit at intersection the of Crown had not shown the defendant A sample piece of macadamized mad liquor. Tee magistrate held tat the Boat street and Cambria road, by co- was intoxicated and. dismissed the operation of the town and the Do- case. Crown Attorney Seager ap- rhinion Road Machinety Co. The rock Qeared for the prosecution and Mr. J. need was cru.bed by one of the Com- tJ- Killoran for the defence. p•ny'a cruabera, welch .t ons opera- Two men charged under the town bylaw with being drunk were on Mon- day fined *10 each by Police Magis- trate Kelly. Public Library Board. Tbe Novemr meeting of the pub. lie library board was held on Saturday eve tying last- The attendance was good, those present being Mr. Killoran lin the chair), - Messrs. Fowler. Galt, Tom, Longo Rev. los. Elliott and Dr. Strang. Two accounts for books supplied by Mr. Porter were ordered paid -one for 11110.M for books deliv- ered in the early summer and one of more recent date for $80.50. An ac- count of 12.03 for Hage for patriotic use also was passed. Inspe.;tor Tom gave an interesting account of the subjects discussed at the meeting of the Library institute at 8t. Marys, which be attended as the representa- tive of this board. The list of maga- zines and newspapers for the coming Tear was directed to be the same as last year, with the addition of the Windsor Magazine and an extra copy each co The Evening Free Press and The Evening Advertiser. Tbe librar- ian reported tote' receipts for the month from cards and fines to be St.:N and an issue of 1,475 books and magazines. WEAK - LUNGS Brsacbitis - Asthma --Coughs Night Swab -Debility and THOSE CONDITIONS LEADING TO CONSUMPTION Some Extracts from Sworn Evidence Randolph E. Palmer. on oatb, says : " 'Nature'. Creation' is what helped not." Charlie Knopb, on oath, syr: "My night sweats stopped, and my hemorrhage stopped from the flat day." Louis C. Zink. on oath. says : "I have to thank 'Nature's C'rea tion' that 1 aw here today." serSend for Booklet containing complete statements. on oath. from those who have used "Natures Creation.' Nature's Creation Company of Canada, Limited Room I. Cosgrave Badding, Toronto, Canada Marine Notes. The daily papers on Tuesday re- lented that the steamer Dunelut badSealahipt oysters.olat was and not been beard from since she left! - always fresh at Edward,' Orden 4M Sydney, N. S , on October 10 for Mao- j livered. Phoebe 20). LARGE VOTE AGAINST UNION Knox Church, Godariah, Vote fid For 519 Against. The congregation of Knox church, liodericb, bas voted heavilyagainst the proposed union with the ethodist and Congregational bodies. The bal- lots, east on the last two Sundays, were counted on Monday evening, when the vote was found to be asfol- lows : i Tuesday, December 21st, is the date Eldew the for, 8 against, *elected by the offer* of the Baptist l ham rents $7•for,rferr, 4M atgaiost. Munch school un which to bold the T mal vote fu n l . ; no enc Christmas entertainment. Toto vote Wr union. : aKaioat, 589. Majority against union. 133. Rev. 0. M. Holmes will preach in The total vote cast was 72.1„ which the Baptist church next Sunday morn - will probably be one of the largest in ing on "Nahum, the Prophet." In the the Dominion. in Bowe of the olge, evening, Rev. R. R. McKay, the Bap - large Presbyterian coog,rg•tions of list foreign mission Held secret.try, :he country the cote bas been cow• will speak on the work he represents. paratively small, betokening • luke- Rev. W, K. Hager will preach at warm interest in the question. botb services at North street Metho- In 1912, whet: the previous vote on dist church next Sunday. Morning church union was taken. Knox church subject, "The Kind of Man God Can congregation cast. Olt ballots, divided Talk With ;' evening subject, 'St. es follows : Paul's Answer to the Question, What. for, S sg.inet. I. Conversion :'" Communicant --11r2 for, 354 against, to Koox church next Rebb•th will he celebrated the fifth anniversary of the ministry of Rev. Geo. K Room in this congregation. The day will be barked by erproptiat.e service'', witha epeeist music ill program. and a full at- gendance ret the congregation is ex - peeled. Mr. Roma will preach morning and evening, taking as the suhjecta of itds disconreem, "The Joy of Service" And "A Review of Five Years' Minis- try." The World's Temperance Stolid** was r •corn' cod in Goderich by a rally of the vartoup Sabbath, schools at Knox church. the auditorium of which wee well tilled by the youthful i.•roers. Two addressee were given, "Canadian Patriotic Fund, Ottawa, November 5th, 1015. 10.51111. The Canadian Patriotic Fund grate- fully acknowledges the receipt of Six Thousand Five Hundred dollar* from litderich Patriotic Fund per (lrorge Williams, Treasurer, Golertcb, Ont. On behalf of the Feud, W. T. WIIITK, Honorary Tt•e surer. per W. B." Igrmaa 11.441.41K. f A _Vaiaabk halm. Na Joist Acdu ) opened with the Union Bank of Canada In the names of two persona, is that tf one dies the family funds are not tled up just when they are likely to -be moat needed. The survivor can v tthdraw the money without delay'SDr formality. Think It over -then open a Joint Account , Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. the first by Principal Hume of the Col - testate oa the story of Daniel and his Ann resolve, and the other by Rev. 43 M. Holmes, who .poke on the pledge King George had given not to have intoxicating liquor at his table during the period of the war. Mr. J. K. Torn presided and Revs. J. B. Ford, Geo. K. Roue and W. K. Hager awiated with the devotional exercises. The offering, which was devoted to the work of the Committee of One Hundred recently appointed in commotion with the. Do- minion Alliance, amounted to 113.0) Headquarters for pure hnme-made taffies- Blackstone'., phone 214). PERSONAL MENTION. *too Reward. $too. The neuter. of tais taper will be ple..ed to learn that then 4 et inset ole dreedud dl. - ease that rewrite he. been able to cure in all its mac... rid that i. catarrh. Celanh bruise gr. idly Influenced by con t ltationalcondit l ma require. cooatltutlooal treatment. Hell'. Ca- tarrh Core 1. taken internally and' acs lhiotrik tie blood on the macou..urfacw.of the system. terrear dearer ins the fouudadn000f the dis- ease, gi.1nt the patient wtrangth by budding .p the constitution ard a,I441541 nature in doing Its work. Tbe propl'letot+ bare .e much faith In the earls' ice power. of Fislt. catarrh Cur, that they offer one hunched dol a-"6 for any mote that It fail, to cure. Send for li-t of add tom. Wadley. nprrnaUag the [hex elwrb Mer•'l:1ub Mr. L 8. Wtge is at Triomf. that Weak at- teadlag iha eeestanasal meeUsg of the o0usrl1 .11" ilatarlo Cellars of Pkanaoy, of entre he r • tsewhar. Mr. /Lit Maw 4, Iua►lae alter bV b.,inew is hi. ab,eatie. Yra 0. T. MeeUea se of tat MM.Ma (ir.71s of CieMW Iiy.Mt obergaa1 a�.e�- waded the sumo, esaveattsa of the w Ladino' Miriewary riaelerte. ole Oster wed, bald at ret. Thaw•n last week. Upwards d 170 delrmstae gnarled the waattao: - • ,••• Oa till! M 1Mwue1 t Ido hen relented frets bre trip to tae Went. Ile +Wee flat then wen .till about thirty pee teat. of rte threaded to be dose 1a IM eelgbkorloadal Calgary and .meth_ The thermometer W readied tkr zero e.t.a on two or three ,,n•awtsae wad then was shoat tares inches of orow wham bele& Mrr F W. Lockey 1. vWting friend.' at ih• trait sad Kt Tkomaa Mho Lite G'Grsdy. of Stratford. 1. ri it*ne her ardor. aft.. D. u Men. Mro. C. 5*'...s i. vision. Mr,. D. aedteude. seer Ireyaeld. for • few day.. Mimes 1Apbinr and Adelaide Sake have to tweed to town after • pleasant rldt at Di- rect*. nrecd. Mir F. Juhn.ton. of N est Monkton. M • vi.. Itor 1M1. week at the home of Mr. earl Mr.. J.II. Marshall. /diet Cole. of gid. Thom••, w.,. the gue.t of Mra Mciadye,. fur a week and Worms' house on 1'ue.day. Mr. Sa,n rl rade retnraant no Tue. t:.' front Rath ,tit a•-. Alen.. where h,• .i,..n the pa.t three month.. Mr. Carl t .uuplon ha, ram to i'oehren,• to take a p. -:tion on the .tall of the Imperil Hank there. Mies Flo M.Motald hag returned to lie troll liner .trtdi rex the .uwmet at her haue. Llghthou.e .t met. Moe Jennie Well. len tad week for London. where .h. ha. 'Aiken • paition in Ur. Ken- nedy's dent:' oMoe. Mrs. It H !Smith left this afternoon for Kt. tool,. when. .he will .pend the winter with her .on. Mr. It H. Smith. 1114- Jean Nairn returned home on Saturday aver an extended vldt with friend. at Walk- er•yHle. W Indwr end Detroit MI.. Evelyn Hayden has opened ..n art d talk, a: 1l3 Erle .trcet. 84 rat ford Mi. Har- den 1. • cl.. er minx eitl-1 and dc.erce. eom. Mr. CliffordMcl'artneey la hew efraea Deteett, *pealing eat enforced vacattun tlre.g� g lavlm 'severely burned hie bated while h•mdling .eche t Addr�'v.l I F. J. ('HENEY a Co. Tol.de. Ohk.e sleet dem) CSW 1 .ace•. Sold by ell drugghd•.73c. Mr. K. V. I.ewroa attended the "co.ferenre. for eider boy,' et London from Friday to Toe.- CHURCH NOTES. eoao day. and wa, acmpkd by Graham Mc." Adberenta-2S for. 114 against. Total -138 for, 1 ft against, a major- ity against union of 33e.. Dr, Montague Dead. Winnipeg. Nov. 14. -Hoo. Dr. Moe - risme. formerly Minister of Putdie NVorks in the Roblin Government of Manitoba, died suddenly of apoplexy at his 'apartments here yesterday afternoon. Df. Montague was • mem- ber of the Dominion Government for some years prior to 189E. Y MORE GOLD FISH We want you to know gexall. 9jexall goods are made in Canada. MORE GOLD FiSH Friday, November 26th Friday, November 28th Last Friday morning was a busy one at the Rexall Store and we believe that a record for quick business was established. We had advertised 400 Gold Fish to be given away. Our doors were opened to a waiting crowd at S a. m. and in exactly one hour and a quarter evey aquarium had leen taken. The demand for Gold Fish has been so unex- pectedly great that we have been compelled to hold another Gold Fish Day, Friday, November 26th Last Friday morning we opened a reserve list for aquariums from our next shipment and by Saturday night there were 200 names on this list. Should you wish to take advantage of this adver- tising offer, see that your name is listed at one!. Don't forret the date and be early. /t was a genuine rush let time. MORE GOLD FiSH Friday, November 26th Make your select: REXALI. Lilac Lotion ')5c Violet Talcum Powder ..25c Harmony Rax Talcum. 25c 'flesh and white) Trailing Arbutus Tale... 25c Toilet Cream ... 25c Cream of Almonds Cold Cream .............. 2: tc Disappearing SkinCream'25c Camphorated Cold Cream25c Tooth Paste 25c Tooth Powder 2.5c Tooth Wash 25c Shaving Sticks 25c Shaving Powder .... 25c Shaving Lotion... 25c Kidney Pills , 50c Kidney Remedy Mk, $1.00 Rheumatic Remedy ...$1.00 Muco -Tone 50c, *1.00 (internal Catarrh remedy) Silk and I.*ce Cleaner.. 2.ic on from this list. RENAL'. Throat Gargle ..........'25c Baby Cough Syrup 45c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup. 2.:5c and 5.)e Bronchial Tablets.... 10c Tickle Stopper. 10c Cold Tablets 25c Wine of Cod Liver Oil *1.00 Headache Wafer. tic Seidlity Powders. 23c Little Liver Pills.. 25c Stomach and Liver Pills..2.ic Robbing Oil Vic White Liniment 25e irJC Mentholine Balm ..... Healing Salve... 25e Carbolic Salve 25c Arnica Salve tic Witch Hazel Salve 25c Corn Solvent ........ . Eye Wash 2 " Chilblain Remedy 2:• Loron:encitig at S a. in., with each purchase of Rexall Goods amounting to :40c or over and a 1O. package of fish food, we will give away ABSOLUTELY FREE t int half -gallon Aquarium, two beautiful Gold Fish, living green Water Plant and Shining Sea Pebbles. This is purely an advertising offer and we want you to have these de- lightful e- lightful little creatures in your home. se H. C. DUNLOP Globe lad Theda, Store IC. SEXSMITH. Maw. 000ERICH RESERVE UST NOTICE. flare to POW early on Friday for year MORE GOLD FiSH Friday, November 26th YOUR PORTR A iT-a gift that emery cala't buy, but for yon to give the very thing To friends and kinsfolk your portrait at Christmas will com- a message of thoughtfulness that is next to a Pere:mat visit. Make -the appointinent today. THE SALLOWS. STUDIO THE HOUSE OF HIGH-CLASS PHOTO PLAYS NOTE THE PROGRAM - FRIDAY • "EXPLOITS OF ELAINE." "THE PROPERTY MAN," -reel Chaplin. SATURDAY "THF. KiNG'S MINISTER," 3 -reel feature and others. MONDAY • "THE BROKEN COiN" and others. Ti'ESDAV AND WEDNESDAY Everybody's favorite, MARY PI CKht)RD, in "Such a Little Queen ff Come early, as our productions arc dlrawing capacity houses and everybody wants to see the most -thought -of movie star playing today. ADMISSION 10c and 5c • El OU are invited to attend i the ;II opening of the Bowling Alleys in the basement of the Pastime Billiard Parlor : : : There is no indoor game that equals Bowling for Health, Exercise, Recreation .. B owl in The Ba.y Man'. Health Regulator Q 1101alers ndver get appendicitis. 01 Bowling, an unsurpassed recreatitlfl. Q Bowling cures stomach fag q Bowling. a ten strike in exercise. q Bowling, the lest indoor enjoyment.' A suggestinn- One hour's bowling Relieves indigestion. One bolo'. howling, One hour at bowling. Thr easy plan Time well spent, To mak• the world An eminemeet A healthy man. innocent. Cass s awl ask >wrseN. F. H. WOOD, Prop.