The Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 10le Ttl olosa r, Nov.n.ats 11. Mt SPECIAL VALUES FOR YOU Frllda y and Saturday Always the best of everything' for less least money. Rajah Lima Nota Paper Rajah Lines Note sr special. fell pound pt . eases Oood hues 11nisbed Envelops*. correct shape, to match Rajah 1 sown. Friday and Saturday, 4 regular 10e pwrkages for *So 'Toilet Paper Oood quality, los rolls, Yiiday and Saturlday :w- Fr=all, 4 large IOc packages, sal Saturday Rao. Wall Paper Keuserkable values in the W.Il 104Papc .tdma rnc. I, 15c, b[k The Colonial Bak Store OHO. PORTER MentesenensereneseeserwspreseedWeeseses Cure a Cold in a Lew hours Dominion Laxative Cascara and Bromide Quinine Tablets "Made in ('anada- w i11 cure a cold in a few hour.. Only 25c a leu Ca L. COULTIS, Phln.B. DRVUO1ST AND CHEMIST ?HONK 19 APPLES WANTED .The undersigned is prepared to pay the highest market price for all grades of Fall and Winter Apples. Do not sell before seeing me. ' P1IyortE f7 8 R. R. ELLIOTT Oodericb PRESENT A FOUNTAIN PEN To Your Soldier Boy! Most men cat raga Fountain Pen becao m It is always rtady to use. It is practical and convenient. It is An Appropriate and very useful gift for a soldier. Orden left here may be deliv- ered to soldiers on any bettle- tront from the Swan office in London. England Price .one here *. in England. .'w additional for postage. Swan Pena gu ranteed to give satisfaction et .sumo busk. Jas. A. Campbell PHM e CENTRAL DRUG STORY_ Corner North Sr rod !i.luarc Ooderieh Bus IC 'PHONES Rea. !tL4 14acEcuan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Any quantity beet all Maple Slabs, Sized Wood, i3m..loek telt! fgbadli0R (Cedar es now) XIIMIPRU111,11..iw iM t , tatilhase Meer w THE SIGNAL - OODER.ICH ONTARIO IN OLD IRELAND. I a Toys on= >ts moss. slAlff mutt Ool ur1yATED Osetil rend teem page 1. Gap, where owi.g to the rough metiers of the oou.tr7 you have to gm ahead e. Irish pales. These beaepq if their aposae0e..00001. foe amytbisff, mese sea of the ark. bet WeU Dee, always aSmsyte to Rieke Iles trip of els nines Al ais.g the reale are leiik beggars frying to get a mem* 01 pewees oat d you. bat tby owl mot meek lack in any ease At the bead of she upper lako you are met by tee(a row- boats sod attar bavimg i.d in your beach start os the prettiest part of your trip. It i• one of tie most bearslllnl.ae bye one e.. luseig ss. os* wbich I amid not possibly describe aad se do not lobed to try. Ail I dors do le send a couple of views wile► I Imagist at A Uarsey and then send tome of the snaps whish I took, as soon w I gel there developed printed. You lead at Rose Oamtb after paasisg through the these lakes and passing under the "(Ad Weir Bridge" aad the "Meeting of Use Waters." Ross Castle was a 'Aroeg- hold of the Irish chieftains and was one of the few nestles which did not tall at the time of Charles the Fleet. Flout there you return to the hotel at Aleut 5.31) p.m. The third day you Det go through the dearaue (ands u( Muchroes, which at present are owned by Vincent. The abbey wan built by the Franciscan friars in ile fifteenth century. The most ruble thing about it is the yew tree growing in the centre of rase of the cloisters. The tree is supposed to be about 700 years old. You also make a visit to Inoiefrllen Island, where you see the ruins of this' old abbey. It was in this abbey that all the old Irish kings were educated. But 1 will never get this letter finished if i do not stop this lite. We left Killarney Wednesda • after- noon. going back as far as Mallow„ Here we changed trains and went down to Blarney. reaching these about Bb). We immediately went out to the Castle and naturally the first thing to do was to kiss the stone -end be - 1 g leve me it was quite a job. You 0n your back and lettiog 'pontoons h your feet you bend down barkw until you nearly break your back. is a long way to the ground, but one no one ever falls. The Ceti is by far the strotorest of those we sa In our trip and appetite as if it wou ataed for considerable cannonadi et before falling. it must be a coo 1 hundred feet up to the Blary atone and tbey tell of the fat o merican who was plodding up t iral rtairease puffing and blowio n his way up be met a young iii ill who had lust kissed the Moos Id e then kissed the stone by pool is was one of the places we we lather rushed, butt we wanted to rough to Cork that night. W Tent Id have another hour look in around, but it got dark and we bad content with what we load seen. We spent the night stork. which e ought to be a vry 11100 city es L we could see. The streets were Bo d wide but there was nothiog spec as to go to e. There were Iota o ulster Fusiliers on the streets and erytbing seemed ver bright sod Woeful, owing to the fact that the the Glieseelne t come to di IrNaIV to Whim, an en they leave the all (thins. 0 can hardly imagine what London ks like with nu street lights. n the morning we went as far as eeostowo, which is the extreme th of Ireland. This is when the erican mails are all taken on and for the British isles. It is quite • nus harbor and at present is full of nes. We visited St. Colman's hedral, wbich is the largest Roman hone ore in Ireland. It has been Of construction for forty -six years :a not quite completed yet. From spire where the janitor took us, bough it was not supposed to be n to the public, we got a great w of the surrounding country. I e a couple of views 1 will rod e time. but we were warned against Ing any snap°, As they said if we eel any camerae we would he noted, and so 1 did not get soy po. We walked out to the reme- to see where the victim* of the ittnia were buried. There are huge graves, with between now dyed and two hundred bodies. ere ie no tombstone yet and nothing mark the graves except some Atha from some of the British ins-. You should hear the 1birth- oftlueenatown tell you what they Id do if they ever caught any (her- s neer there. Shooting them 1d he too good for them. 1'hey say the Jay the news of the disaster bed the British. trench"° there was a single Berman prisoner taken. e started on our return trip for !in Thuredey afternoon on the re lith eepeeaching Dublinlin at pet time. i travelled in the same with an Irishmen atom the Dar - Iles. He was there when the Ht it• evade their first landing and nat- ty was very interesting to talk to. • sailed at w.:rn and reached Holy - 1 about 1 a.m. it was w glorious with calm sea and a heauti- u0on. We once mon travelled night. reaching Landon abort, m. We spent Friday and Saturday g some mon of the big, city, but he other two had never been there toed them moot of the things i before. Hm /lot this time i got the ugh 1 he Tower and mw the Bloody or whore the ptlncee wow Isar - and when Ste Waiter Rak4.h imprisoned. The Crown jewel's are iervellous, brut none tan touch them 's crown with the faotisKohinoor lord in it 11 do not know foe Burr thee that i. the right word or rent, n were also all thergh the armor - where all the old tiarmore armor i• g. . You see the gun-oer.4 oxt h Ring Rdward'body was taken Weatminetet. to the Paddington on its way to Windsor Castle. all through 1440 main part of the .t Ragland. salt there N to see in It. We went tbr4 crypt of SVsetmiheter, which was the last time f was in the city.or left for be at a 45 last night, here at 1.15 tale ISoenleg. I to eb rob seryies ted. anomiastiredWog td slept all alteesota aad west nearly all emotes seep. tale 4 certainty enjoyed the hers two momooting get to (omorrt, we mid to If . lie old lards 1! tee w Id ng pie Id he sh y re get e q to • r e Woeful, (1 Ap O Th tb coo be as 1Jl stn lel . Y v c Miers prair Yo lot sou Am off fern mi Cat Cat and and the alt ops vie hair som t.k oho An' snit Las three hun Th to w re Mar men wou roan won that mac not tV Dub Eng sup Mat. dine lab oral W hes. trip full all a N . Mein M t 1 she San thee Tow dined esu all n King duan who We w, kept wile from matins Iwas Bask fisc armed W. wenVet and have Mug trip y d Leek e1.Ikerf N tongue 1e ee••s4 serener dole bowel. web 'Vail /Orsi. Syrup ef pigs" 11llo11in .an rest easy atter eletsa "Ca.lwraia Syrup of Pipe" became 1m • tom haws all the .Mggeb-se waste. agar MI* mei termeaUag food gnat* ammo out d tke wird., sad you have a wee. pitayhl child age*. Sisk 'Mem medal be moaned to take Ibla barakw. "frvtt lanative." Muhle of mother* keep it heady be- muse they Imam its motion ea the aaditionsb. liver Land bowed' L promo Aak Plair IMO* lira Went bet- "Oallerala *ma P110." which oa.td.. di eeflaus for babies. Whine alt till ages sad for grow. -ups A RIC*UiTING POSTER 01 Fifty Yew Age-Isrmd is C.dtrich by Mayor Dauer T1s. Poet Williams Times -Journal of emetic data had the following which will be of Interest to many in Oode- ach : The recruiting pouters of today are more elaborate than those which calleJ leen to arms halt a century ago, but with this call to the manhood of the country going on today it {e interest- ing to recall what was tb.n done. John V. Dettlor, (athero[T. W. Dilutor. of Poet William, was then Mayor of Ooderich, and one of the original posters {,erred by him during the Fen- ian raid of 1M08 ie in the pos••..ion of C. H. Bowman, . f 221:1 Yooge street, Town to. Headed by the' royal coat of arms and the letters "V. R." it reads as fol- lows : '• PROCL.VV ATION !" Whereas our common country has been invaded by unprincipled maraud- ers and as W IS ARE THREATENED by the mese in our town, it is neces- sary that eve's- loyal man and well wisher to the penetration of peace should place himself in • position to DEFEND OCR RIGHTS Familier and Homes. I heteby, by virtue cf my ofticr, as rtlirf Intnirtrate, call upon every male inhabitant of the town, who hos Ott who can obtain arms to CUME UP TO THE PUBLIC SQUARE THIS EVE., at the hour of 7 o'clock. that they may receive such orders as Major Rosa may deers. expedient and neee.rary. John V. Detior, Mayor, ' (iodericb, June 2nd, 1508. Signal Print Mr. Bowman, who has received the old paper from his brother, who is now in the West, is to hare it framed and will stake it w present to the pin- eal Mayor of (.odericb, C. A. Reid. "Do you .teas to say, Prt, that your last master treated you,better than 1 do ?" Yee sort," replied the Irish man -"a„.(1 citrase." MAKING OTHERS HAPPY. Why Put It tee Till Tmwerrew When le May lb. Den. Today? Way should we postpone nor iortng and the being happy that goes with It? The wife we are going to allow more affection for as soon as we hare made. a lolls more of a pile. The husband we are going to be more companionable and smuttier with as noon as we get a little more service in the bonen the children whose tires we will eater tato more tally as soon as we feel the Ma - sure of circumstances a little less, the people we are going to show hew ge- nial we really are as soon as we have thea -none of these ways of loving de - peed, on the things we are welting for. Indeed, our opportunity comes metre DOW than It will come when we have these things. The very premiere of oar days bring us in contact with msay people who most need a show of kind- ness and wbo will moat warmly re- spond to it The wife most needs and seal meet valise lora In her days when she Is most being a helpmeet. The husband most needs and most prizes lore in bre retire of struggle. what are wa waiting for? The king- dom of heaven is within and will mot come of rtrrometznces.-Naetlloe Enalneeeine Triumph. 'Why are you studying that dachs- hund .o intently?" "1 consider him an architectural tzt- ompb of Mother Natart'a," ertp1*teed the bridge builder. "See how nicely the strews 1s alleviated to Um 'PIM" - Judge. *l0. past Uses baled the pies set. wash r the neea ba --i be Meta Brantford Roofing Suitable for all kirxlsof bnild- ings : houses, barns or sheds. Crystal (in teed or green),$3.50_ per square. No :t Asphalt Roofing, $3.50 per square. No. 2 Asphalt- - - - • per aquarr. No. 1 Asphalt Roofing, $2.25 per square. Mohawk Roofing, $1.75 per square, OM f 'MI W. R.PINDER Phone tbd Hasseitea Street I11c1DRIITs OP CAMP LIP*. Attar lleeallob Wass et Dens a1 Camas. Haigh*. The_ leflovias w alum wl» shore Woe at 'e she g �; eon e/ the boys iin khaki ore gig 4 hesoypesa yea are vresteriago bowesent Ne peemrtireather mes at OM - lag's te. Altheagli Moe east toiler lar dra� lie NMI la reader wrttq toe w• � very Rias► me yei Item Mistiest* of Ow old. la fent. every ams swore tat be eojoyasg life as venal eat takes the cool weather as a smatter of eosin*. You may hesitate a few wsan.ate to enwita r out trees wtheass h your warm Wank** for physical pared. at 6 a. m , but *boa you realize you are doing it for Ring and country you are up sod out. Be- afdes, when you double arouod the parade inutesosoon grounds you leheated up. anent or w HHow- ever. the boys bop. to gee transferred to warmer qusrtere et an early date - if sot across to Ragland. Tbi. to Sunday morning. We hare been on guard all night and have just f been dismissed. We ars certainly not' 1 sorry. either. for when the grey dawn of another day appears one hole s lit- tle drowsy. During this interesting and important duty we ere two hours on and four hours off. Our leisure moments are spent in eating, sleeping or sitting around a stove outside a guard tent. An old dishpan that has become useless for the purpose it had so lone served has been appropriated as a "beater," w the boys call it. Ibis,' filled with coke, "pinched" from soa.o• where around, wakes • dandy Bre. Here probably half a dozen of us sit aed *bat as if we had known each other for Years. Man) interesting stories are related by old soldiers who have been through recent wars. At least the say they have been. All we , oung fellows can do is to listen aad look wise. There may also happen to be a 8r otebman-right trona the "Bee. lands" -in the hunch.He has x few et:Amine stoner to tell of bonnie Scot- land. The following is a very popular song at camp : .LCL: eEu.a or .c*rn o. O where. tall nee where. iv yoar Highland die gone O whete, telt me where is year Highland bad. die genet Rei+gone with streaming banner., ebony mho deeds rills done. And my sad heart will tremble. ti 1 heease, safely barna O where• tell me where. did Tour Highland laddie stay 1 1) sots.. tan rte where. did roar Highland laddie clay l Re dwelt horeat* t1» holly tree,. beside the rayed Spey. And many is bkasing followed him, the day he west ewer, (1 what. tell rte what does your Highland lad die wear 1 O what, tell me what.'does your Hi.kla.d tad. dna 0ee0 1 A bonnet with a lofty plume. the gallant badge of war. And a Dla!d errs -s the manly brim-:, that yet shall wear • Aar. Route marches are coming pretty' frequeotJy now, We have about thin! every week. The following convene- , tion very often ensues before one of these : "Did morrow, fellowiisr"lb N'A order,fnotber route march." "Wbat ! Another route march ?" "That's what they my." ••1 wonder how far they see going to take w this time ?" "I'wemtyBve mike witb hall equipment I beard." "Say, Jack, I'm going sick in the morning, so if they .ab you when I am just cell thea I'm • little under the weather! and don't think I'll be able to under- take the walk to the country tomos, row. although i believe the ennzeinel and trash air would do me good. weir g that we don't get much of that kind of stuff at Carting's Heights." "Say, 1 Jack, report me sick in the morning. too, as I hare a new pair of shoes and they pinch my fret awful." "All right, c -grade, l'II jest do that." in the morning the orderly -corporal le kept busy for quite a while taking thenames of the creek . The poor doc- tor, too. is kept. exeeptionelly busy for the greater part of the morning pre• scribing for cold.. corns, blisters, bun- ions, e1C. During one of these tramps we hap- pened to be baited in front of a small country general store, and you know soldiers have always pretty good ap- petites. in a few minutes that store was packed with hungry n...n, all trying to get waited on at once To see that storekeeper and his partner. in -life serving out rakes, candies, gin- ger beer, rte., to et -use youths would Drake you gaze with wonder and stir - prise. Evian 11 a fellow did drop • few extra take* from the box into his bag whits the "miosis" was away gratin; cifange, what did it smatter, for all ion fair in love trod war. Well, I guess 1 had tetter close, as i think 1 have said snoogb. ARTHUR 1111C31 ATH A lady told ser, se a true story of • soldier's wit that a eddies- in a hos- pital on recovering consciousness said "Nurs., what is this on my head r ' • Vioegar cloth.," she replied. -*You hare had fever." After a pause : "And what is this on my chest ?" "A mustard plaster. You have had pneumonia." "Anil what le thin at mr feet ?" "Mali hags; you have had frostbite." A soldier noon the Imo bed looked up 01111 mid 1 - "Hang a pepper -hoz to his nose, nurse, then bon will bre, a covet." OBITUARY. URA. TORR YA>tATTtti . 5T1L4770 w. The death tions red at Stratford 0m Saturday eantt.lmg let of Joan Vaun- ter, widow el lle00mthe latre Join Vss.tter, in bee ear. Death was 4.671M. .11is. TIM funeral took p.ag• 1nMy ondafternoon ao IRtratfo d, f.eae+es wow the Mr wate�tw atekoseke� Arthur The Vanatiw, d Tomato, ..d Jobe In Vanatter, of Ooderieb, sad Meows. D. McKay J. L RaKner, R R.i_•ssas oil P. Dura. T1. Iota Mrs. Vamoose, ow berm io Beeerly leer (ink. }M Reed is set fees rto Lha Iswty-Atniptse -70050. merry*.Mr. Vasestelr *bast �ftes �e0n *ga Msa r, Vntt0r.ecd.eemd ki. wif. `y abort Are asealb0 ost7 Mrs. Vamoose had .. Meagre.. and wee the yeOSg et 8011 monad 1F&�' Crown Jewel Cotton Batting Use dna batting aad you cam sleep in firm auureooe that the quilts and comforters that keep yowu s'through. t arm res aaautaY aif ills Crown Jewel Couto,. Bisbee is gods from choicest long Mire cotton thoroughly cleaned and ossified. No seeds, dust, or odors-iuet the downy, &iffy cotton, soft, sweet and clean. Crown Jewel Cotton Mat- ting revelry* too sewing or adtching together. as the bag Libre cotton enema have etfic eat efroagth t0 present pwrtt.g, buacbiog, oe krwttfag- Crown Jewel is Sani- tary and Hygienic 'ell. knowledge that you are mine Crown Jewel Cotton Bat- ting is an assurance of the per- fect cleanliness of the inside of your quilts sod comforters and is • good aid to restful sleep. : Special Introductory Sale : of a New Make of American Cotton Bats SATURDAY we introduce a new make of American Cotton Batting to the people of Goderich and surrounding country. It is a make that is much superior to any here- tofore used in Canada in every point that goes to make a Cotton Bat of high quality. In order that as many people as possible may be- come acquainted with its merits in a short time, we have arranged for a special Introductory Sale, at -prices that are very much less than regular. There have been between Soo and 600 bunches placed at our,disposal for this Special Introductory Sale and we start it Saturday morning. Take ad- vantage of this most remarkable opportunity to secure good high-grade Cotton Batting at the price/ofinferior quality:' Here are the two Introductory Specials :1 o. 2 3 Bunches for 55c This i; an exceptionallyJ good Hat, very superior qual. icy, absolutely clean and pun, large size, free from all Im- perfections. Regular lSc quality, :)pecl•l introductory price *lb OA* No. 1 3 Bunches for 35c Three benches large soft Buffy absolutely pure Amer- ican Cotton Bats, open out easily, ideal for making com- forters. Standard 15c qual- ity, cannot be sold for less when tbiv offer expire,. Sat- urday morning, 'pedal 3 (00 35c 3 for 55c when the lot . e have exbouetmed uited o°utrepyea tthew.atOn this saleprice for the first time Saturday morning. Muskrat Coats $45.00 and $60.00 These are the beet value in Muskrat Coats won have had for many a day. Tbey are this season's at yle and stock. The ammo one is mad. Irons choice southern Rat Skins of prime quality. evenly marked and thickly furred, and is a Coat that will gine splendid serviee; the 146000 Coat is made Prow cboiee.t oortbern Canadian Rat Skins.. close and heavily furred, beautifully marked, eat heavy pelt that will stand no end of wear. Both Coate ars lined throughout with heavy furriers' satin of superior quality. We sen give you any size in either Coat, and at $43.00 and 11110.00 we are saluted to have you match them against any values you can get anywhere. The Sale of Hats at $3.415 Our Special hale of Trimmed Bata at 143 43 will continue for another week, and our milliners have trimmed up some cf the season's best shappeese. using good trimmings and producins um. the actual value of which is at least $5.00. This is the his November Special for the Millinery Depart- ment and Saturday we offer you your choice of 3i or R) of these really beautiful Hats, at each oaty 1113.4a. SALE OF SUITS CONTINUED Our big Sale of ladies: Tailored Suite at $12.75 and $17.75 is now in full owing. We are clearing a lot of *3).00 and Min ladies' high-grade tail- ored Suits at these prices. They are strictly up- to-date sttyles, made Irmo the mention's west pop- ular materiels, and can he had in navy, green or black. Regular values 616.50 to 1423.00. Clearing now at $12.75 and $17.78 The "Wear Hard" and "Wear Ever" Linoleum Thi. Linoleum is British -made. All are cloths of undoubted worth. They have the waarisyl qualities that make them last for years under or- dinary service. Splendid assortment of Weekend floral patterns in both qualities. Clean, fret*, new stocks just in. All laid by an expect. Felee per square yard BOe and 00sa Yarn for Soldiers' Socks Splendid quality of soft Scotch F.neeriog Yarn, manufacture -I •pedally for knitting Socks for the soldierit is soft yet very strong sod durable We bays it in two eludes of grey, aleck or khaki, at per pound 01.28. Hodgens Bros. Direct Importers -- Goderich, Ont. Now is the ties. to get Cphot,teriog doge. W. do it end do it well. and only surviving member of heir family. Mrs. Simon Cornell, of ingot- soll, is a sister-in-law of the deceased. She leaves to mourn their loos her two stepleugbters, Bare Vanatter, Chesley, aad Mn. Ella Darling. of Chicago ; and bet four ,teprocia, Arthur A. Vanatter of Toronto, F. R. Vanatter of the American merebant marine .07,40*,Chu. A. Vanatter of ' Rio Janiem, and John W. Vanatter of Ooderich. w. alt -A AN. Mr. Wm. Sieben praised awayvetrryy suddenly at his hots In (1odsliek township on Tuesday morning. He had torsome time been troubled with muscular rheumatism, lett no rdow results were evpec•ed. He retired Monday night apparently es well as usual, but early Tuesday Morning paved away in bed. The d.e.saed was born sixty-two7ware ago in Oara- trarts towtaob{p, Wellengtao roomy. In the year Iwo he married Mina Isa- bella Atana4Rl.g. who, with a family of four shptbeim. ~Firm 4tem. Twn years later Ma iRr tel.seed to Dederick 10W=.11= breams t . aowas A en *cranes Clad was leak d .p to sal reeproted loyal who Ras* bass. H. wee M Met In U.bm Presbyteries stoma 5.4 ons. at oats time a embed otiose Me. Bisbee was ,a ns whet of 1M A. 0. 17. W. of the family ars : w. *tete taches at Bow.a.vWs Robert, Dorothyalous ad Allan. at es The toss- .ra) toplace th{e afteruoos to Malt - lead esemery and wee ley largely attended. Rev. James H*anllt0., d Bderieb, emanated lbw tmlito01 OM, rises aced the pall -hearers were ■ep.es, Thos. Oos, ft. R. M'Math, Rabe. Ibsidems. Thos. D Amy, Robt. Mc- nwsls and bees Salkeld. A hematite, army of floral tribnies Imre Aleut toitlmewty to tee esteem in whish the dsussesed was odd. Heartfelt eyes - le ezteaded to the serrowiettg In their aad bereavement. 41111111111111111111111.111111111141111111 furniture and Furflisbiogs AT HOHMEIER'S The Store of Useful and Practical Gifts Great Opportunity for Practical Christmas Shopping When you give Furni- ture you have some- thing decorative and serving for general utility also, and a little money will get at this store a choice cf many articles that will make appropriate and satis- factory presents. Come in and look over our stock. Goods purchased now delivered at Christmas if desired. HOHMEIER THE FURNITURE MAN Agent for Nordhelmer Pianos