The Signal, 1915-11-11, Page 8• =wlldtear, tlArliandle 11. ENO
listen' icuti Nee, OoNil at•ed lips Pane 1•
May the booms of nationssetae Lae
cause of American "prep•redaesar'
ted merle peowub matt said
thee'at tremblesbare tried to core
peseta'these mesh grope.
Wag testes ash the Moe late their
ae.asssAa Ana mistake 1 Tbe
Pegs coq le alienist.
*eye are minims mode .pot Pim
extracts sad snedtelssl emeacee.
which wben pee ham the inmate
into 'imbue'imbuedirer vapors. to the
▪ e estbed boa direct
Lasa, throat .ad bro.cblal tubas
- sot sw.Nowed down to the
stemech, which le not Ming. Try
• M. beat of Peps toe year cold.
All rdr.{sM ° .•deed germcough. breschltie et Peps
Co., Tomato. will supply
County and District
Mr. sed Mn. Hack well, ay., ut Me- frlgnna
"Dikes. have rel lied from farm life and Mn
removed to Walton to reside. dent .•t
Newton McCauley, of Bru beim s. bas bo1
leased the I'll -arra farms of Ales. Rue. en her
sell ma the oto tuooessios it Morris.
lobs Keouedy, Ro1K. L•Idles. %V.s.
Moore sod Bet t Holds, all of White-
church •Uinta y. bore •nkat d rod have
gone to London foe tratulhg.
Miss Lillie Bobinano. of Centralia.
and Janna Blair, ol Unions, township.
quietly Methodist
the explosion.
Fothergill, an aped ted-
N'awentmb. died at her
w1 November 1st. She was
__-rah year and bad resided
is that bDwmahiy for filly yeah iter
Maabasd, Ilse son. and three daughter.
w,rvire. Mn. Henry McVittie, of
(loitered', le a daughter.
Pte. H.bert White ',turned to hi.
home at Oreditou on Novrwlw 1-t
after Davison loot no sight of one rye
while flgbtlog in Flanders. H. view
sleet startled •t the 1 vrw ler ivies au enthtaiaauc receplwu sod
ono ammo,. leottsliw. on presented unix an address and a wrnt-
Thos. Rt+n.11. • forms' well known watch. With the .xeeptioo of the in-
jured optic be is physically sound and
reeidsoL ouraz,- tltb cor,oss+iun of may yet return to the front.
y K. Cl. Raskin le t clerk at the
Mies Lydia Harding was married ILA Bank ret Mese Scotia etteceeding Harry
bei Fos, who reeeZned t.r •apse•
hair baste at Wroxeter un Notes•
Sed to J. Ynticio Stocktow, of Paris. Numbly home fain will he hold
Rev- G. W. Rivers performed the Brit or I I. winter
ntros waset e unreels. The
eld ou No -
ceremony. f
Morro, died recently at 'Saginaw, BRUM.MKIJ4.
Mkblg•o. He was in his eighty•tbird the
- ------ - - _._ Jobs Shipley. •m Med resident of ve'moerdtb.
` 1 too• a creat and will he et -
ie dols nir,wl y ) of the 71+t Bat
warren migrate deemeageogg &tweed. --
of Um earliest settlers ret that district. latched La D Cbmpaoy
A grown-up family survives. talion with winter quarters at Wood-
The Woodstock llesathel-Res iew logo was ,harried to MM. Janet Barr, The vim of !7010 was subscribed on
telt of the bosom •meting to that town daughter of the late Rev. Matthew Trafalgar Day for the British Red
of Warren HUdred. • former I.uesnow Barr, of Hupurbey. was killed reheat, Cross f uuhedd.towichn with
twiUse g a total
rant of
boy, who was wounded in Ypres on ly at Calgary on the C. P. K. 01111500
May tkh, oceans loch bb left eye and ie Joseph Smillie. • resident of the 1NR\KTER
otlerwioo red about els l,.ad M emoaasioo of Mures township, died at
e hsapoel wounds. but 4..trpng, hearty bps boas al Noy.misr 3rd. aged Herbert Harrell severely cut his font
and cheerful. Whoa war broke out yctuoR Mildred eighty-two years He i. suniv hist when M struck it with an axe one dry
Oregon but cams to b4.' ode. tour eons sod one chaste nceotly.
was {° Portland, then Alez Floss formerly td Grey town- I TM sue ret SIY.'t was raved by the
Wioaipe�to enlist. end iben with hie ship, diel recently la CaliforniaSoWtots A 7
bristlier John joined the reinforce -
meets to the Princess Patricia's.te and
was i. Jaa.ary, and Y
February She two were in Flanders.
=arty in Marek they bird their fleet in the tenches, and they
were there when the Germane made
costlyand futile drive
{ `•ek paired way on October 28th Howard fluff bee received • cow -
stock -Badly Waa°did lid Cbaarftd I Mr. MCNaugbtoa. who two yeah stuck
the id Societyb an rolertaiu-
result of s paralytic stroke. He 1111. anent give° in the Opera House o0
=serried lees than a year ago. The October 3kh.
remaine were interred in tiorrie cells'. ..Tbe residence of Wm. Balkwill, o
trey. Huron street, has ta'r't rid by suc-
Mra. David Pipe, for many year* a tion, U.e purchaser leing Mrs. Am -
resident of the fish eonceesion of Morris.' bros. cattle.
died at the honer of ber daughter. Mn. 1 Tho fifty-third anniversary of Jetmea
tbsit desperate, el R. J Young of Hullett, on October
Fb.Chaets.l ports.R.
Methodist church war celebrated
A patb•tie I.ature d Pt.. Warren Jth. She was in her •twenty'eeeend , by special services on November 7th
indeed'@ hotm.'eatminR is that be bas year,
and 8th. Rev. Dr. I aultedge, of Clin-
e tlt m.• his brother, PM. Jack HU- Word was recent'? masa' by Wmn. . towar the •peeial preacher on Sun.
• awn tie mamor•ble Ssb of May Gibson. of Fordwicb, that hs aunt day. and on Monday Rev. J.F. Knight,
cob.e the two were Ilebting Root J. bad been burned to death i0 of Heosall. delivered an eddies. o0
Wawa aids by side. rep.UMt the Get- a prairie An at Abbey. Sask. The I ..o„,, shy and World Power."
eh•e Wankel r.oslved Gov, body is being sent to Leordwich"for in- WINI)HAl1.
wowed@ woe. German shells tore away termsoL I The Union furniture factory well
• section of the trench in which be Eva Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.! operation, as an order
Mies. 0i .ztrksdng hlmeslf W. M. Johnston. formerly of Stanley soon be pat into open
M uv.r•1 .br•p.r WO UOda. towoebip, was married at bet boons at for shell -hones has been nerived.
Hle k kola.. Jack, w@. not ,.,,,,....w°11.1...,`'''''"
on than Corinne, Sask., on October 27th to l Mr. pant. Boos Da. void his reeidenee
twelve bat •way from Lim •t ibr UDS. Geo Howard Squires, of Dabiada. to H. J. Thompson, the new agent of
la the terrible ordeal of his wounds. Beak I :be Metropolitau Lsfe Insurance Cu.
t1 .
years a merchant of Realm tb. peeved
away at the home of hit niece at Owen
Stand on October :14th in his esghty.
third year. He retired from t asst res
in Seaforib about two years ago. The
interment was made in aeatorth ceme-
tery. Thr deceased war unwearied and
was the Tart of bis faintly.
and the eoof+sion crested by
Ws In of the tresebes. Warren loot
track of his brother and never sow him
atter. It M his glaios that be was
buried hi the dobrr. and this opinion
is .hared by aporal wbo was near
Jam Mitred, and whom Warren hetet
afterwards in England. Of course it
le possible that Jack escaped death or
injury and was take
mo Wen yet,"nret
, "sod we are all hoping that
this may Moo.'
W • bad each dug out a little place
in the trench to sit in and it was while
I was in the little dugout that the
trench side was blown in. After 1 got
out the shrapnel was flying every-
verywhere and piece of it got toe. 1 was
rendered 0oeoo.olooa for a time, but 1
got up and knowing that it would be •
cam of the German hayoosts about
twenty other mos end myself made a
dash through a bail of fire for the
dressing station three milts back.
About halt of the quad fell beton we
had got very far,
enough W Ret rough without ge buthfortunate was
farther wounding. (Toe chap wbo was
rreai right pant me was shot
t the neck and 1 thought be was
• goner. I was mole than surprised to
meet him in Loodon after L got there.
Tbe .bot had taken effect in ,be neck,
but it hadn't toothed the jugular
1 was three weeks in Versailles after
being soot on 'roan the base hospital
and then I was sect to Portamustb
b..spital. when I was recently die
Cures when otbere fail - \Vi*li s
Syrup of White Pine and Tar.
Frank Darling. of Henelall, wbo had I Burglars entered the .tore of N. K.
been an invalid for the past two years McLeod one Sunday recently and rifled
as the result of a paralytic stroke, died the desk. but got little for their psina.
at his home on October 30th. He isAbout • dozen packages of tobacco
survived by his wife, two daugblere I were the only things mi0sing.
and two sone. Tbe interment w•a i Margaret Leggatt. wife of John
made at Seafortb. Hamilton, formerly of \Vin'eham.
Rev. F. W. (unit, Methodist minis- ed away at her home at Gilbert
tee of the Walton circuit. was married Plaine, Man., on October 22nd. The
on October 21st at the home of thedeceased was • daughter tai Mr. and
bride's parents, at Montreal, to Miss Mn. Robert Leggatt, of \Vingbam.
Myrtle va Peterkin, daughter of Mr. and is survived by her husband .0d
and Mn. E. H. Peterki0. -four young children.
Annie Christine, daughter of Mr.1 SKAFORTH.
Crow the advocacy of those who urge
us to be "like Germany." May It it mein t%i"wlw•"
avert from the peoparvdneee campaign' the algid bard
lbs effurt• sot Mom wbu bold up Eng- I which bung down tris •eche oe • welts
land as a "horrible example." Mae box, relaxed and drugged metol
TM first plea is the best possible tabs or my foot 1 covered U tents
way in which to block preparedness : urs foot Quidly and a phis later on
for is the ,test tart 'Pity.! i ed It up •d Pocketed It I tea'
More then that, mte{Utrr argument is l�
humanly sound ; neitber Ota into the Booed that la kin last struggle Ids
Weals and purposes foe which the baud meat have •rad flat object ea -
'sited `tutee of America weef.woded. 1 wittingly sad bdl 1t to a daate pip.
Maladroit dominoes, 04 prepared- : Al ibr hotel that • .6,6, tbs agate tel
teere Letting ue stow that German ' tC of eoorereaWm /tl the potltDN
efficiency la to he admired by wand f1essOloos sot peptlee mad pcoWWtleel.
ide• als be above •ll other motional � � ds d M� �wmlL 1
Weal' because it is rhakiag so R
showing in the meat European war. beard me ma say to a group at IM
A. we see it, thele good ibnwb lora:
rankly uver•,tin •ted. Il s toa{ngnd.d"*" my oplttlot, pcasing.tlee. casing
tau the world's fear of what Germany' wee murdered by sumo d dove so se.
Vaal* ruing In do more than on what, kWbed money. He W
she has actually d.ioe. Mee set• out dee asters wkiel M Mewed
for Pari., and the world immediately No this •[terseen. Vetter** bee there. Bin set. Mp
eat for to .etal .dm.e urigl•nd via Calri.. and the world one whoa ke wee feed tea mass tm
her ill Loudon. Sbe sets out (oi Petro- not es W person."
grad, mad the wool! counts Der as I lett trio city the out mning
oret 9.
arrived. Yet in no ease does e old u the train via• ere.stsi this
actually in what her net •eocr doing. over the Cumberland river 1
ice y should
suon has tern ber bridge • lbw hors
Whyeshtuld it le otherwise in the toot out a my pocket ye
Serbian drive 7 The world's tear hart overcoat button the Mae of a airy
seen llerrnany go through S,rtn* to not pee. with frayed ends of coarse
Constantthnl.le end into Sue.. Yet. twine unto, frottli ft, and cad it oat
sew matter of fact, she hes ,lune dont of ibm wtiadow Into the slow, madly
fifteen wilts rend is ahead)• calling for waters
mote ween
Nor ito we believe that the situation 1 I wonder what's doing iD Berate!
ni the Allies is .w black as the world's
fear pants. They have taken tbe' Theatghr
offen•'ve from Germany on both the t7oeatry wi
dow whoa• but west
,.rt and neaten
ibr Hulg•rs i0 Hera*. Dig u
England.atill contents tete sees. She H1pa them tittle te
torlbls• ars scut es.d
hus m million .e so soldiers as yet , by Providence for oar goo
unused. She is financing the was''aald Mrs. Hlip-O4) yea. dr. Bot wbat
.he is not eI-ins iron currency, as is a comfort It Is to know tbat tbsn's
Germany. Mustily, too. with s stelden- res above a■ won't let proudest'. w
that would bare been idered M fir!-1\rroato Gbba
ewe-oispitinS had it been • German
Mr. and Mee John Cerhensnaredert, sot Hui -
lett, have tored to Clinton to live.
After residing for two years at To-
ronto Mr. and Mrs Joerpb Townsend
have returned to Cliutou to live
Gideon Sthoetrert. father oof Mrs.
(Rev.) F. Harper, of Clinton. died at
his bows et Hillsdale on October24th.
and d Mn. W.T. O'Neil announce
the engagement of their third daugh-
ter. Hazel, to Donald K. Russ, M. i).,
of Me ii t Current,Bunk.
Miss Jean K. Beattie, asaietant mil-
liner at ('ouch k ti0.'. .101411e, woe mar-
ried on October 2`itb to J owes H. Park
of Midland, by Rev. S. J. Alvin.
Mir Edna Allan, daughter of Mr.
anti Mnm
. Ww. AUwu, formerly of
C tam, was 'married at Toronto re-
cently to Lorne R. R. Bartlett. The
young couple will reside at \Vrtt-i.
The vim of SIC. was handed to the
Women'. Patriotic Society me a result
of • concert put on by the Lapels of
the Mutirl Schaal in, the evenings
of Friday and Saturday, October 31.h
and 90th. t.
Mina Remit. P.u•r, who via. one of
the survivors of the •tea -hip lir.per-
ion, winch was tinpetlord bya Ger-
man submarine, ha.t arrived at New
York and after visiting friends at
Montreal will return to (liesten to
• lid Mrs. I)•0iel Uoopsr, passed away , The proceeds of a smoker bell on
. ur
• bee berme in Grey townabiP 'tee October lith in aid of the soldiers' lo -
October 31st after • long illness. Sbe bacco fund amounted to 941.
was twenty-three year• of age and b Norah A.. daughwr of the tate Kd-
wnNd by 6.r nano:, nue brother , ward and Margarita Hickson, formerly
and two sisters. 1 of Seafbrtb, was married at Toronto
Tbo11e W, Johns o5. • feemer reel' O0 October 271h to Wen. B. Spink.
haur dort•n fronts. Franc tonne loddedi-Well, you know, Mrs.
Arthur F.rr tee. teal merchant. nes
killed at ibr G. 1'. It. seniors on Nt.
vender tth l y the' 6. T. R passenger
Lain. lie torpors] tr oat Rehired s'.ute
coal core as the tlaih Wit!, b.cki'.g into
the atatio n atter letting the L , H. & R.
train pate. rhe wee oevered Al
MO thigh+. He tswrvived by his wife
and a grown-up fauuly.
Rev. Wm. Wade petard away at.
the hornets, his son et Fort \Villiamn
October 30th. He was born in England
eighty-seven years ago and carne to
Canada wbrn nineteen years of age.
He we. for many years a euinis'er nn
the Bible Christian church and was
ttationrd at Clinton ,.ver forty
ago. Ai the time of Me union with
the Methodist' he mind faint the
ministry and after some years spent
in the United .ai'.a:me he returned to
Clinton to reside. Two ys.rm ago be
removed to Fort William to live with
his eon. He le tau' rived by three sons
and two daughters. They ars \Vat. 1..,
of Fart William ; Ralph H.. of Aber-
deen, South Dakott ; John, biro. E. G.
t'ourtice and Mew.' Wm. 7ltdady, sot
Clinton. The funeral took plots to
Clinton cemetery'.n the 3rd inst.
deaf of Grey towoabip, died w the, The Robert Bell Engine Co. has re-
alest oe October 11th He wan one of , •sired a second contract from the
the cart ertrtlre ih Chic didrict but Militia 1)eparintent. for 30,IIU, .bells.
ytr.w . 11to . the
int4)1. eightieth' This is twice the amount of tbtepn-
vioua tenser.
year. ' etre. liner, wife of 13. D. Ross, of
The engagements are announced of Tomato. paned away at her home
tbs two daughters of Mr. and Mrs, there recently. In the earlier days of
Geo. Squires, of Uaborhe-Lottie May Seatortb Mr. Rose was a piowiueut
to Alpert Wm. Scott, of Farquhar, business man bete.
and Verde Pearl to Ot•rence Alfred James Canino, a one-time resident
(Wooing. of Woodham, the weddings of Srsforth, died in hn.pitel at %Vinni-
to take place this month. I peg as the rsnult of a peculiar accident.
Adolphus Hooper, who lives on tm.1 While climbing over • fence with a
ke road, near Exeter, plaesd •o , pipe in bis mouth In fell rod the stent
ooverrebarge of powder while blastingbof the pipe penetrated the rxo( of Iii.
rock. with the melte ewer practically mouth, from the result of which he
all the windows were broken in his died
barn and the citizens of Exeter were Alexauder U. Ault. for over fifty
By reason of
the changing
shape when in
motion this tire
clears itself of
all mud
and diene.
Bala of Waiter. (heads." by W.
Armes tn.lek. come M • shmenst aur
prix. to many who have ( idea that
the Cs adi•n West has not made any
othelsellal proKtea• There le ea
! letallist
emitted arresting iV`e�Moat nett. white
ebould los widely read.
Some ,mew are greed heme.e they
find it cheaper than bet.g lid.
act. she has cleared German comma em CURRENT LITERATURE.
tat of the locked waters of the Baltic.
As for her Cabinet crisis. in all bee THE CwRAdAR MAmwtdxs.-1. Th.
oral wan it has meant simply that she I Caowdiao Magaxiw for November
has "just Mill.) to fight, pr, J. D. Lorena expounds the theory
\\'e du ate believe, ,ben, ,Dat the I sof thew titter, regatdisg the elle.-
41. n system e i {a quite so successful i h,_the_
thirties Tb. articI. M .oUi1d
in its immediate •ppgeation to ibis t The Tbtrtesath Gtsed," •red io it Dr.
war or that the English system is I Logan. while treating thi�s �wlp�e�n,n�tl-�
quite w uoruccessful as advocates of I tion M an Inteeesiing p.yebo ".•`^--
't'eutonthv make sats We an con study, bug .till es • stapentitlo., le-
t!.•, in their larger •aped: our people' iNt11 t aocrnt°eu toe floe pryh.s
(rel limit the twc system. have • coo-' frltacy 01 opposing that it i. uolnaky.
porion of value that is exactly the „fir Groot National Ward en' t.y
reverse of this.
abroad through America that t1M
Irancis Mlb Tlyse itant
O,Iee, for instant•, let the idea , crFanalro oif IDs ttutee's•rr.,net In wmbiehporwe
wa0tnoly IOW" molly .00aiomies that
country is to hate • "prepamight be praetised. 'The Legislative
policy like that of Germanyy,. and I
••preparedo,er," would he thrown once -
hoard with geld dispsteb. The
ret,. wTt 7: .. .
Os j� w r 1+�
"The War Summary" -
.V nm,t fr„u. 41 - err. char th. crest tnrnpeaa war bent 1. Aersu
}sat. the uui•la.'.11u-_ l.alun• In 4, .roil.', Jorruallem covering the'onaMt
.a• hoer `Tet. weer •r..msrr- daUY en page. 1 mad 2 of TES OLO.*.
Ill 41.4 ur(-less( pe.•Ible torn 11. writer Ms eves ell renders r
pe. Omar* of the developments la all aorta of tie world. While tba
details of Ile moet.Mts •lore (b. egtoaded batten bay* sot bees
overlooked, the readers of TRU /a.Ott*R base bees enabled top ef•ollow
lotelllgeatly sed ,lib rooadee.• Ia. vernal outlines orfs the ata mtbmis
r•oaalet. "T1e war a.e•marye of TRU CMOS* L rep 4
enteral papers ibrorgilout tbs Domiolua.
The Editorial Page
TUX GLOSS on its editorial rate has attires to plan borer* the
p.bIk 1. proper �p.wrapertlet Ow bread bset�a�d .f ter tlgatt
..rrgl•. Tills lodes of •rtIrks ►ret •ttncted the attention set tonic eC
the Cements peep:. but of loading noes rad Journals Ir all ports
or tee the
ts conduct d tM rwork, TM maws �tns Italy tto o door from (1. comattmrwar taw erearrata r rf
bmotllltle• beer beer dealt slob in that bold sad elsar- en form ebarre-
torlpk of TeX GLOWS'. .dlt.rlal page.
New* Service
Tar .toms moues is addition h • (-able and lett.? staler hon the
treat nem.acbd la r' have proved TSR WARN ear 1• tM Wald of
(.5.dla■ papers. sad pertly septate the pbraom.aal Iaervess .r .:1.0
pot rest Is TU. mt.OSO-r eireelallos during retest sahtba
Other FeuHrresTbs, sportful' sad rossomarrtal ps
Paan rt mIr . wltla tat �ddi4/an.11 pager i• wydr.4.fei law aerated
t. "taro .54 co.atry Lite" •r• oal•tal..d at� a 14)�lib etaal.r4 of
.ser0ssre. • standard (hat hu Josttliwi Tee Gla. 1n Its title of
(•oas4'■ lfewupap.r. sad bee glean It by allay themes4 the
largest rtrrekltloe .t say morning parr 1. the D.a451.5.
Local and City Pdipers
By an mesa in. rest ler•l piper. bet 1a the 4/a of ■
Mws/}oars TSR GLOOM rngo.etl.Mbty earn yea tie rem:
se be lh/ in commas O(r,v N t. -day- S elate Mr neatb-s.o dart
OM foes tee.tho-lbeee Mims nee.
*HE GLOBE Tomato.
United States wou rather take its
ehatices of destruction in its good old-
fwbioned. slip.bod way than to see
it,elf mode into • memos Gentutny.
To be "like Germany" in our made
west for war would wear, Hist, tbb
renrgenized u0individualietie state,
and, secondly, the elevation of pre-
parrduess for war to the ',meows
place in the purpose of it nation.
Neither of these things can be con-
templated with equanimity by Amer-
i.e. If our Awericao expeei,.ent is to
fail, it wi[ht as well fail through
foreign comment as tbraugh domestic
rejection of 1t+ paramount principle.
For this reason'. if no
America cannot logically consider
England.,ar a "horrible example"
For even if England ix now in the
deptha.nt despair which ber smug crit-
ics paint, rvei if she has met diem
lwintment and defeat as the day s
charge's tun, even if Db. has prolonged
the war to her own staggering cost in
talked and treasure --even i( all these
w1.foIttines have come to ber-we still
,tic that Eugleod is "ahead of the
game . i"
Sh , . abe.ol of the same eves:• 0(
there forty -tour .year, in which she
has lived the life of $ free people
insteset of the life of a state machine
pr••pariog for war.
England may have loot in a year
of war thouspnde and thousands of
lives of ber youus men in o way that
would nut hive leen uecee+ary had
she been hinted to the winute as was
lieisoany. But U. balsnee this Ions
.he has in the long rents gone by
saved thee, of the bast yearn of life fur
each yea' generation cowing 10 loan.
j figlan.l leas always "muddled
There wax ea hriga.lier-zeneral in the
Am,iican ei, h War who woe so
earnest in his religious efrowt• that in
a abort tune Ire had delved• o every
man in the brigade exeet't one hard.
treed trautteer. tieing t' hie Com-
mander one Jet) Ibis 01+n...i.1. a.denm-
ty : -General, I am tar -entre Every
man in the camp bee been ...nrelt.',f
except we. 1 suppose It -' lite ratio
thing, tut 1 don't .et hue 1 ••.in moan.
age it. "Why, my god follow,"
mid the grurrs.% '•I .er uo 'ifhculty
in the way o1,it if roll will just sur-
render vn.Ir own will and •ek for guid-
ance." "rhet's jest it, gesi rat,'. said
Inc trrtil.ler. "If 1 men . nnverted,
who in blazes ix gobs' to dr:v• the.'
If your Back is aching or Madder
bothers, drink Iota of water
and eat Lem mirk
When your kidneys kart and year leek
feel. sore, doe't get seared and proceed
to load your stomach with a Id ref drugs
that excite tbs kidneys and irritate the
►•tire nrinary tract. Tamp your kidneys
clean like you keep year b'wrls clean,
t'y flushing them with • mild. harmless
•sit, which removes the lady's urinous
waste and stimulates them to their nor -
'eel activity. The Deletion of the kid-
nrv$ is to biter the blend. in 24 hells
they strain from it 400 a.-raens of •rid
. ad was' -e. so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the kid-
neys active.
Drink lots of aster-yoit een't drink
tno suet; she get,fren any phoneme+s1
about four owns; of Jed Salta; take
• tablespoonful 10 • slam of water
before breakfast each morning for a few
Stye and your kidrsy. will an flue.
This famous site is made from the
juice. Bombi ted
sea used for {geaaqsses.
mnlste elogeedlk)id-
alies the acid* ie
. rid of grape sad 1
with lithia, art has
tints to clean and i
one; Stan to ter
Write Its 11 se haw is a sorts of irri•
patina, than mane Madder weakens.
Jae Faits is inerpenaive; cannot in-
Jere;mass ma delightful Mfurveree.t
linin-pstte drink wheel name* sheen
{ take now and thee to keep their bri-
bers clean and retire. Try thea, alae
I tees y up the webs drinking. sod se
t Toe rt �
reed& 10
�g1 1. Nadal No
T. Alt Pmosg.a
All What eelhtl Te.r Agri ass.
tells eyes right up, the b••d Lire Maar l 7 pemeass beeithe
Memos d Ike
iet:barge Madmen
fer ! at sight. year coli
er ritarn is gena
Dont stay hitched ! Gee s'andl
battle ef druggist sew.
• Al slyate • a trem Mtn d +elf.
Nap•aR ast�ismaeettie sswamiela Tauri nie
Ist itding a5.
tl�edfine�..4 41b. b.•d'9 edbs I. t baht
cr.�jMs, fa6m.i lase.. is 1
lariat' _Apo%
Rana )hes 101114. 11111
bet ••More Money" kir yomirellanak
Muskrat. Raceme, Pe1mee.W1Me Wessel. FINNS
sed ether Psr bowers collected le youswam
VMS let taCT eiM4elgfN
O asUsed e aloe eserrrrN tease
a ter t•emotede ea eaYrmrbed rev-
etment exismia fee "snore NM antra se a cantagfitiVor
AND nerd BLII alar w w tinier
AND PRO/ A Mersa M .r�r
atcWrrao menet reset and lit
Wefts M M-1r1M-Mee IMRE
manna goodies
Ibl ALe ria f AhIlm
ells aYy retlabsa. Ml�
A. B. SHUBERTE TBER r lac. =12gAZInta
,home .- The words bave hreonee a
entree's. Why are they not • Justin -
eakot, ? Why are they not a pi •gtua•
fir proof that a nation can be saved if
It has the rexoor•crs to call upon ;n ter
hour of nerd instead of plotting war
and breeding spies night and day
thy -nigh all the hours of peter.
Tho.. who tell us that for our
national preservation we must be
"like tierlusny" and nct "like Eng-
land" tell us something that will in-
evitably defeat ill own object. Kspee-
laily and *hove all else will it defeat
the movement to maks no put through
a program of military t•repare.lnees.
However we may welcome the good
in Getman industrial organization, the �'
German militaristic idea is in direct
and implacable conflict with every
ideal upon which country
touodi•'i. The republic
accept it or anything that comes in Its
name. -- -.
Nome Town Is Best After All.
1f yon meet a teem who is down in
the rronli', ooh, thinks th.t hi• town
i. all wrong. knit Ink". him arid• nr
Five hint n mid• and hand bin, this
qu.lnt little song : "There are fancier l
I 'ons than our own lltlle town, there
Ste townie that are bigger than this.
and the henple who live In the tinier
towns all the city excitement will'
mins. Them are things you can as. in
the wealthier towns that you ran', In i
tl.. town that i.tenall, and yet repand,
dna there is no ntber *awn like orrr
own tittle town after a11. it m+y hs
the Street. through the cart of our;
town Isn't long, inn'( steal hl ; but ibr
neighbors you know in y r own tittle j
town with a welcome your coming
will wait. 10 the guttering streets of
the glittering town with It• palate and
pavement and i hall ; in 'he midst of
the ibrneig you'll frequently Ina, for
our own little town after a11. If
you live and work rued trade -i• your
town in .nit• of Iia fact that ht's
smell, you'll and ,bat your town, your
own little Lowe, is tb. beet Lied of
tows atter a11."
Flip .4
""No more Dyspepsia for Us
'here M't a member ef the family seed suffer from iedigantieA sigh
ted steemele ete., 11 he et she will tidie
Omeberlsis'. SI.mseed Leer Tablets. They dame the stems&
ad bowels
activi___ee Woe up dm
whole .yst d Tek ball Night ..i ya.the Ever te 'rre MGM' Is the nam .
• YJ'wim>hawb.aglam Chambelda Nalli.Csesps y. Tw ets. 1i
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