The Signal, 1915-10-14, Page 71 TRE SIGNAL GODICRICR ONTARIO fisismonew. OtooOnas, 14, 1Q 1 LUX Won't Shrink Woollens , 1DESIDES being a 13wonderful cleanser. LUX adds to the life of woollen and flan- nel garments. Keeps all loose I y woven fabrics from shrinking or thickening in the wash. L U X dissolves readily in bot water, makes a smooth. crearn-like lather which can- not injure the filmiest fab- rics or the daintiest hands. LUX -pure essence of soap in flakes -is the favourite washing preparation in borne* of refinement. 9 Sold at 10 cents Made is °swede by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. THE MYTH FAIR. Elsa : laadscaps la oil, Kim IBrigham. Livtageteme; lesedscaos UM o( Frismeriesont at Let Week's in water color, Kiss vt.psno. area Helabibee. I mons or vies. Mn E a. Myrtle Livingtose, burnt work on teenier, Wei Followiag is the ass of lo-isowisosts jlovinestose. burnt work ea wood, Yew at the Myth fall fair, beth lasts watt I Brutes/Ma, Lena Burliest, palanee oe LitDIE0' WORK bolting dote, Kiss Livingstone. Miss Byelingtoe; plates, head palated, Wa Drigtiam, Kies Livingstose, pencil draw - lag. Miss Livingstone. pastelle, Kies Livleeprioae; painting on gime in on, Mho Brigham, Miss Livingstone. -.fudge -Kim Hunter, Brume's. GRAIN Bushel red fall wheat. Wm lectiow- EYnitneten. clothier' Ion in Cainn ea, J K Wise; bushel white fall wheat. lace, Mrs. Tisniblyn, crochet work in J K Wier.. Wen McGovnen; wine wheats KYrtle„Mins BYming J K Wise, Wen McGowan; six rowed boa. aloha* son en, belgilaRmi. II." barley. J K Wise. Wm YoGowan: two TIN ROOF Applique W0111. IIITT111) LIviespenzeith Trunbiri, bedroom *tippers, lumnin made, Mn. Tamblyn, gyve", lalvias- moor, Bettenburg lace, Kittle Liviag- stone. Mrs. Lawson ; baby's outfit. Mat- ted In wool, Myrtle Liv Mrs. Lawson, crochet quUI, Kies Symi0g- t011MI.. lierclay. crouching, Else Bards). Miele Idrinestolle, crochet rowed barley. J K Wise. hill KCOw ivi work in move's), braid, Kies LLrail an, %hoe oros, j mew. Wm me. *Was, Mrs. Tumble:1. collection of • (Iowan, white osta. abort, K Wise. W ime work, Mn. Tenstelyn, Era Lawson: McGowan. black oats. J K Wise; .m&1 crochet work in cotton, Yrs. Tamblya, pees. mire; mese pea..3 view. Myrtle Livingstone. crow stitch em- Shortreed; half bushel timothy seed, bregstered. Tarublyn, Myrtle Lie- setae. era wee,' red dove, reed, ingswee. embroidery usi William cloth. J K W. six best stocks ensilage oorn, John .1 Masora John Barr. Jodge-Jno Potter. Myrtle Livingstone. Kra. Tamblyn eyelet centre piece, Irene Barclay , Miss Symingtonembroidery on silk and mat- te. Myrtle Livingswne. Mies Sytning. ton; embrvidery, Kensington, Mrs. Tafel:dye. embroidery. Roman, Mrs. Tamblyn, Myrtle Livinmitone, em- broidery, abadow, Mrs. Lawson. Miss Livingstone o fancy toilet wet, Myrtle Livingstone, Misr Syruingroo. tasty pin cuehion. Mr* Tamblyn, >Lisa LiT- ingetune, fancy tiendkerctilef case, M. Ltsingstone, Mrs, Law eon. fancy glove case, Myrtle Livingstone; etch• tag on material tine or coaree. Mee Law - Macy corset ROOTS Collection of garden produce. Jagies Jacksoa, .1 J Mason; early potatoes.Was Jackson. Bobt Wightman. laW potatoe*. Haggitt Bros, field carrots. J Pollard, W K Soott: garden carrots. Jas Jack- son, F Toll; Swede turnips, F Toil. Jam Jackson; turnips. any otber kind, W Some; beets, E C Smith, John Barr: sugar beets, W McGill. Alex McGowan; mangold wurtsels,long. J Bollard, James Jackeononangokl wurtzeis globe,J Jack- son, rtle Livingstone; 1' Toll; wao$e,I wurzels, yellow he euo„. mum 8)3,31.3100m ejno etwron. termediate .1 Pollard. W Scott. pump - fancy work beg, Mrs. Ls , Mn. Tatublyn; fancy apron. ?dm. Tam- ; s kin, W M Wort, J Jackson: equash, Yrs Fenwick, W M Scott: red onions. .31.4 m Mrs Lawsongent'netts. Jackson, W M Scott; Yellow onlone. Mess» unagton. Moulton or point lace, Celine Dodds; 'silver pickling onions. Jas Mrs. Lamblyn, Myrtle Livingetone; Jackson; white field beans. J Jackson, KI**. c.itrone, J Mason, J Jackson; cabbaste. , Herdaneer Norwegian work, !Symington, Myrtle Livingstome hand..• Benham.. ./11/005 hiLek•OR: red cab- kernhoml.,. tundier.isbmcyrrie 'Avow. bage. .1 Jackson, Mn Fenwick; cauli- baud flower, James JACID1011, celery. J Jack- quot, Symington, Leus Burling; 8t'°. W flint cora. W McGill; sweet corn, Jae Jackson, It knitted lace in cottou, Mi'.'. Symington, Wightwan. Judge -John Speir, Brus- Moe Laws*: trotted or crochet fancy wool shawl, Mrs. Lawson. Mess Sser. ingtou, klicben apron. Myrtle Living- DAIRY AND PROVISIONS '.tone. Ileary.Yousg: lace handkerchief, Batter, 50 Res, .1 Mason; croAt but - Myrtle Livinsstotre. Mix Taint/lye; ter. Albert Howlett. J Jackeon; lo Ibe lauadry bag, Myrtle Liviagetone, Miss butter in print's. Chas Wightman. Robe Synainotoa; 'Mount Meiltck embroidery, Wiglatioan; 3 Om butter ei 1 Ib prints', .1 Mise Liviretstoet: one set table meta Pollard. Chas Ali:honer'. two 2 Ib Mrs. Lawsun. Lena Burling: one set of losses of hose made bread. Pollenl, doylies'. Myrtle Livingeitune, Mix Tam- R Wightman: two 2 Ib loaves home blyn; pillow shame. Mr* Tainblyn, Mrs made bread made by girl under 16 years Lawson: patch work quilt, J Pollard: ot age. Lorne Scrimgeour; extracted patch quilt in cioth. Lena Burliug. piano honey, 11 Richmond. J F Leidlaw: dist la • of "Ltic;Dien.iMorine. '4500 1rene Barclay: knitt:ed F F P°41ard; field ea.°. Dent- W K .3 Jcklo HE STRUCK IT RIGHT AT LAST Altar Safaris. A/mem Two Year% Freniaeseives' Bresegio Relief. slidn•t come be tisane,. Monosson* had to mike Tin lord is good property if well need. W ELL•flADE TIN ROOFS are what Teeter/no of thi. oboe are &figured of. Our work li 01 de- railed because it last,. Engage us for your roof tinaing• Fred Hunt . or Isidro:aril scut, Myrtle Leine/etc/tie. hooey in comb, A II Carr: p ) Mrs. Lason: photo frame, any kited, bete and their producte, A B Carr: Mn "W‘Elle Myrtle Givlagetone,pi1ow maple syrup, 11 Richurond, 0 Short - ease embroidery!, Irene Barclay . Lena reed: collection of canned or .Preserved Itutlin,e punch work embroidery.. Miss fruit, .1 Pollanl. Russel Richmond; Lismootone. Mi,' Lawson. pair woolen grape wine. Thee Pollock. 1/ Laid - sock,. so stockings. Mr's Tatublyn: oath, law; six plain tea -Weenie:. 0 G any other kid. lrensi Barclay. J J Pol- McGowan, Dune Laidlau: eix hoee. hint olk crazy, Irene Barclay; ; made buns. .1 Pollard. David Latillawf rible.0 work. Myrtle Ltvingstone; got1 two pie.. .1 J Pollard. nolo Short - pillow. Lena Burline, tome Barclay: ! reed: lunch for workingman. Albert slumber robe. Duncan Wittier, Miss Howlett: layer cake, Cha'. neightman: Symington: tatting, Myrtle Living/4one, Albert Howlett: pair dressed chickens. Mrs LAW.6011: table centre piece, white, - A Howlett. Henry Young: tomato cat - Irene Barclay: table cover, five o'clock, sop, J Jactosoo, DuncLaidlaw: pickles, Myrtle Livingstone. Mx* Lawson; tray lone quart. It G McGoeean. Jas Jackson: cloth, Irene Barclay. My rile Living pickle*. one quart. any other kind, Robt Molter tea easy, Myer* Ltringstone. lirswighttran. 3 S Pollard; 4 lbs. soap. D Lan -son. towel's. embroidered. Myrtle Laidlaw. James Jackson. Judges -Mrs Livingetone, Mr*. 1./11/.011; table centre ' Thomas Sloan and Mrs W 31 Scott. piece. colored, Irene Barclay. Myrtle FRIT Jevons:stone: wisk bolder. Myrtle Lir- tiresome. Miss, tlymington. Wallachien Six named varlet*, of winter apples, work, Myrtle Livingstone, ,Ira. Taw- J B TierneY: Baldwin. J 0 TiersaY. Jas blyn: work drawn, Myrtle Livingstone, Deoholm: Northern Spv, .1 B Tierney. Mom Synilogronv fancy uetting, Myrtle Alex Mcoowan: It. I. Greening*, J Livingstone. Mime ymingtoe. Judge - Tierney. J Pollard: Itibeiton Pippin. Jae S Denholtn. EC Smith: Golden Ruesett..1 B Carter. Tierney, Dkl ay.l.aidlaw. Roxboro Rus - FINE AltTS ' I set. C K Taylor, Irene Barclay: Wagner, Animal*. elaille or grained. In 011. B Tieroay, J Pollard: Ben Davis, Myrtle Livingstone. Mee Adame: anim-' las Deshohn. E C Smith: Grevenetein. als, 'single or grouped. neweter color, ' Jae Deabolm, J 0 Tierney: Blenheim Myrt1_, Livingston(); 0011ection of pierced Pippin.. E Smith. C'bas Wightman: brew, Myrtle Livingstone. Mrs Lime:in:1 Tanta& :Sweet, J B Tierney, las ',re- collection of pen and Ink sketches, Myr. {holm; Mame Duncan Laidlaw. 0 C tle Living/eon--; collection of China. 6 'Smith: Snow, JIM Denholm, 3 B Tier - hand paInted, Myrtle Living- I nay; Ostario. J B Tierney. J Denholm; stone. Miss. Brigham: collectiotiof China 1Wealthy, 2 C Smith. J B Tierney: Can- tu 'mitre. Myrtle Lis ingstone: collection 'Oa Red, II 11 McGowan, Colverts, Dua- of oil paintings, Myrtle Livingstone; cel- can Linellaw.: Jae Denholue Alexander*. lection water color paintinge, Myrtle : Jas Jackson: W 31 Scott; Crab 'Apples. Hamilton Street pow, LivIngstone. Mies lIngharo: fruit or i Duncan Laidlaw, jas Jackson: any flowers in oil. Myrtle Living- other variety, 0 C Smith. Jae Den- 11410040.04444/44"ree404011.0044.40 ‚.tone, MIK* Brigham; fruit or flow- twine Fail pease, named, cosmic Iloilo., ers in water color. Miss 'Brigham. Rota Wightman. named plums, any Tar- - Myrtle Livingstone; figure painting in lety. ('has Wightmen. ('a'.Me Dodds. "Scibool Days" Nees School Shoes nil. Myrtle Livingstone: 'Were paintine. ' collection of plume. 5 of each. James eater color. Myrtle Livingstone: hand- Jackson; twelve tomatoes, Jim Jackeon, painted placque. in oil. Mies K Taylor: collection of grapes. 3 var. ton, Myrtle Livingstone; hand painting ieties, 3 hunchea of each, W 31 Scott: on silk. satin or plush, Miss :Brigham.. eight peaches.1' K Taylor, (WIghtmen. MR. WHITMAN Ste St. Veber St., Moutreal. "In 1912, I was taken suddenly M with Acute Stomach Trouble and dropped in the street. I w a treated by several physicians for nearly two )ears. I vrassin constant misery from my stomach and my weight dropped down from 225 pounds to 160 pounds. Several of my friends advised me to try 'Fruitoi-tires' and I did so. That was eight months ago. 1 Wan improns almost with tee first dow. %No ether/ - medicine I ever useslacted 50 pleasantly and quickly as 'Frult-a-tives', and by using it I recovered from the distressing. Stomach Trouble, and all pain and Constipation and mere cured. completely recovered 1.y the use of 'Fruita-tives' and now weigh 208 SPECIAL PRIZES breed, Albert Brtgliatu 1 and 1: tat cow or heifer, &ay breed, Robert Harrison, John Barr; beet animal any breed, sweeptakes. Jobs McElroy, Herd two .Wens ad two females, Albert Brig ham .1111.40 Coental, Jade). SHEEP oferswoen Wallace Potter took all the prises III thls claw. Lialti3TRA las Buell a Soo woe all the 'Inas sad Chair. Wightmen the mecca& ORROPSHIRSDOW1413 Albert Beighion woe all the prises In this class. ANY OTHLS Loth Pair of ewes haviag raised iambs in 1916, Albert Brigham; fat aheep, ewe'cir emitter any breed, Albert Brighazu. Jas Spell & Son; pair ewe lambs, Albert lerighithe Chas Bambruige, Judge. PIGS YORDSHIDIE W Grieves took all the prises ln this clam. Chas Bainbridge, Judge. POULTRY Pair of turkeys, any large variety, las Jack•on; silver Campine*, James Jackson. pair gemie, large breed. Jew Brown: pair geese, small breed. !leg- gin Bros: pair Itooen ducks. Haggai, Bros. 1 and 2; pair Hamburg*, spangled, Haggett Bro..; pair liambuirge, peewit est, Chas Watoon; pair Wyandottes, .bite, Haggitt Bros.; pair Leghorns, white. 'Angle comb, J and F Lateness; pair Leghorn'.. brown, single comb, Haggitt Bros. 1 and 2; pair Leghorne. any other variety, C Watson 1 and 2; peer Orpington*, Haggitt Bros. ; pair Drab - ma.., dark. Haggitt Bros. ; pair Minor - cat, Haggitt Brom.; pair Plymouth Rocker. barred. Chas Watson ; pair Plymouth Rocks, shite, liaggitt Bros.: pair black breasted lied Game, Hee- gilt Bross.: pair Red Caps, lieggitt Bros., .1 Barr; pair Rhode leland Reds. John Bare pair fat chickens, Chas Wat- son 1 and 9. pair guinea fowl, Jame* Brown, collection of pigeons, Reggio Bros. 1 and 2. Alfred Seeker, Judge. We are headquarters kr Qchool '3hoes Our stock contains a large assortment of Solid and Sub- stantial Shoes for boys and girls. Mit for service. with due regard to comfort and appearance as well. Is; o - Where will you find a better selection or better values. arias the Scholars Here! Wm. Sharman oroer East Street and Square Goderich Foplestone N Gardlner's prize for best pounds. I cannot praise 'Fruit -a -nye.' , enough". 11. wilprm. .yet , colt foaled in 1915, Jas. Smilie. '- Jas. Dodd,:prize for best brood marc, 30e. a box, 6 for $2.90, trial size. 2.5e. 1G. min P .. At all dealers or sent poetpaid by 1 T. McMichael & Son. for best- brood Fruit-a-tives Limited, mare and four of her progeny, Robert Wat t . - - Thos. Stewart. for beet 2 21b. loaves of , bread. Duncan Laidlaw. Wm Fothergill, Judge. Myth • Standard for pure bred Dur - CHILDREN'S CI IMPET ITION 1 ham heifer calf, John Barr. Dr. Allison's prize for twat exhibits. Crochet work in wool, W M. Scott; I crochet work in cotton, W al Scott; .MiPi LITingbtOne• work by children. same to give Bete of R. 11. Robinson. best %Ingle driver in birth on entry "beet and acknowledge hal.DessWeicakitbeor."Calyriadeliellovalt. foaled in 3914, the work their own. W 11 Scott: collec- tion of inseete injurious to Vetere, OM- EL Watt. , eil, W al Scott; darning on socks or Dr. McTaggart, 6 lbe. butter in print., stockings, W M Scott. John Parrott: one , Wm. Taylor. fiannellette night gown, one plain ap- AIBlyrithBarit:zitr.d for best single driver, rnn. darn on stocking and patch on be et3,th, *0 done b y baba. W 11 ecogo, pen. Dr. Milne, throe head's caulii 3 over, .1. cel drswing, W If Scott. Dorothy How- Inelesell. ' ards sofa cushion, W M Scott. - ', Dr. Milne, 101We:butter in print's, A. !Howlett. SCHOOL CBILDREN'S COMI'ETI- , J. M. 'Hamilton, for best collection of TION i ponitry, Hewett Itruto Write the digits with the correspond.: J. M. Hamilton. best nerd Short Horn . ing Rowan notation once, David Laid- Mettle, T H. Tay tor 41 Sun. law; B. foto chihtren under thirteen, 15.1 Jas. McMurchie, 5 lbs butter in rolls, A No. 10. Eau waws.aoso._ - _ 4 3. Pollard. , James Centime 2 bnehels ohne rate PLiNTS AND FLOWERS I to be shown by competitors ill the field Collection of foliage.. varieties. Alice crop competition in 1915, Win.. Mc - Gillespie, Cassie Dodds; collection of Gowan. ferns in poto, 4 varieties, named, Cassie! It. IL McKay. best amateur photo - Dodds: display of plant. in flovver, in graph, H. W. Tamblyn. pots, 5 plants, distinct, Lena Burling,' E. Bender for cooking, Russel Inch. Caesie Dodds: geraniums in bloom, two, mond. .7 . Pollard. Cassie Dodd.. Mrs Cawing, dodge. i Win. Pollock. white oats. Wm. Me - CUT, FLOWERS Gowan. Hay- Bro... for the beet collection of Collection of dahlias. Delia Syming- ton, Cassie Dodds: collection of pansies, grain, Wm. McGowan. Lena BurliJas. Matron, for the largest and heav- etoDodds. w scowg; collection of aster*. Can- band bouquet. J... lest dozen hen eggs, Henry Young, A. n Jackson. Della Simington. table bon- 111.3cman, The Woman's Ineetiene quet,MrsFeuvrick. Delia Syniington.Mrs vege- table c . . - 'school =mention. I. Dion S. S. No. 12 CumIng. Judge. Morris : S. S. No. to East Wawanoeh ; HORSES U. S. 11. No. 3, Morris end East Wawa - GENERAL PERPO3E nosh: S. S. No. 11 East Wawancesh. Brood mare, having raised foal in I Plano eoinPotition. Nikkei' Brown. . 1915 foal by ber side. A Windmill. 0 Birdie Ferguson. Clare Cuming. Taylor. I) Boyd; foal. horse or mare. 0 Ii Taylor. A Windmill; two year old geld- •now to Cook Roman Meal log or tilly, 0 Taylor. John Varrott; one year old gelding or filly. Albert Brig - Porridge. ham; team of milre'4 or geldings, J II Tyreman, 0 C Johnson. 0===1 • • C===I•• McLEAN BROS. IGLO VES Wehaveastyfleuls1.-and complete line of the • Big Drop in Prices of FAND FUR URS GARMENTS No matter where you live or what you or your family want in Furs. eur garments, you can boy cheaper and better by dealing.direct with us. It will pay you to send for our Fur Style Book, rels-ie edition, SENT Sc PObit WOO ERI Teen 00 requeet TM& ermtalz•• *4 Pori .4 T13•Kr•eno.• tl fIN• •• .011 WA p.m 1...nr yea ea bay Amp., awl Iwo. Ann. ••••••• ear iyillan• or /Ref TR.A1PPIR TO3 WEAR1111 88.111 Rim yen nob.. Own we so Ur Iambi Iowan .4 ha. Y•r• in I •ftiwIlk. 111. 111 11..• An 7.41 Irdb eloyem.• tow,. UM* b•••••......Y bby 44.4 •4. D.. 11.”4. &OPP* Far an4 b. .is worm. ••411.4 &net by ANA .••• y••.a 1•600.•••••• • 1111.414a Tim Ina ba thy ty.04- 1ut 1.1m yob e. pn,b000fr •••• nor • Milo •igng...•,...7 woo • vas le uteri/. 11400.4% NM on tonne I& pr..* DM en* betern. onnns.tigety 4.- Am% of W. lellympedi stan.••• arv.-mot t.r• way 1.44 • Owl, Sao INTO Ao/A/Y • smAir w, prY...•••• •100m10.1.4k sal ti 1.1. so vs or 5 Dry .04 Oro a weift •••• ow 1 an N...1.1eer see or4 os... ois ad • I a 114m..44.• Vac roweeee wee wa 'AT 1P11111VS111% O ....bitl.W.,. ...l•bIYottoirl4,wIw11*1.1..1A11.1.•.:r011.1f1114rOwo1o,1'm • .1,.1..,Irr:I:DAWt .. IA:WY YD.va.n"=•1Ms Wolff Th... •PeNFU M. r11•74Int •::WsoOmm.wwh 0.41 s,' On a 4414, 4.745 .4 ow4 ., ...e.. V.i 0.1 polvelv.gdet . saaorwrot, wireakaa I'*? .,::::::::=Afr,....? enA r l; ..... .1.,„ . ... .4.....,.. ,....., •••••44.4 M.o.! a*. dm Iltay ..nor=4:01.1" 0,,y- ".6.4. era". ystons""; . 41......4 r.14. - •••••••• ow 1••••1 1.-•••••••••• ••••• .64 a,. _eoyfte r.4 pr.•••••• . 41,W4,0 .,114 - maw ore ••/10. p••••0 boy y,I .4. ••4-4•••1 _s_ WOW. MAY. .0"11....."arae"-les".""b da 1:44.."4",,,"'","....4.4.6""nle, NA. #.1. 4.. -Ir•-•,..= 0.40.7 mg" *Imola •416 hoot. MI map.. •••• &yr eye. a all s. ay... i.... 0•4114 gr.* ••••••••,d li 41•111,nait al ..-4.• .11..4 11110*.....h wt..' owl Malailig11441101:11jerre/14111011"."00/ 41;;M4........44......4....eie..H... ..lree... VA Po Ida isa. ai• 0. an. Apo mi. 0. 1.10 Whit 61 11 ti I a 11 Mil Imp 111 Maw lhaiding, Tara* Canada W• *aa 1&IMMINI1P CAM «vases « ilium roes au CAIRN. Invariably use double boiler, or set boiler in basin of boiling water. Have AGRICULTURAL water boiling:1n both vessel.. that in Brood mare haring mixed foal in 1915. inner one wilted to tisate. Slowly stir foal by her '.Me, It Watt. John Row- in one r kip Roman Meal to each two cliffe, 0 Taylor: foal. boom or mare, cups weter. Cover, Ye C in outer yea - John Rowcliffe. R Watt: two-year-old eel. and never stir again even while gelding or filly. Ituesel Fear. Elliott serving For early breakfast cook at Taylor: one year old gelding or ftlly, evening meal and warm in morning, Elliott Taylor 1 and 2: team of mares using a little tem Roman Meet. It. a or geldings. Albert Brigham. dnrk nut -brown, granular. rich por- nr.Arr. MALI= ridge. It noorishes better than meet,. prevent Brood mare having mined foal in p315, igest ion and Me neves constipation, or "money back." foal by Aim side. (1 Dahl it Son. James SwblIe, -3 Grieve; foal. horw or mare. Ask your doctor. All *wheel", 10 cents Jae amine. Dale A Son: two year 'Ail and 20 cents. gelding or fitly. R Watt; one year old lie Didn't Knows. gelding or R Watt; best four cotes foaled in 1913, sired b any registered Young Arthur had recently taken heavy draught horse. Nesbit. the study of anatomy at s:/bool, anti had shown great interest in it. 11.' ARRIAOIL drank in all information about the various parte of the body with elmerb- ing interest. The progress at echool, Brood mare having raised foal in 1415, however was too slow, so he sought to foal by her side, T Coulter; foal, home gain more information at home. One or mare. .164 BLOWn. T Coulter: two after noon. upon returning hone achool, year old gelding or tiny, A Sloan: one as he .at hungrily devouring • Rimer - yea' old gelding or filly, Erased Rozen, ima sized piere of breed and tuolawee, W McGill; single driver. Albert he asked Ms panther. in grave perplx- ham, D. Gardiner. Scott Brom; lady ' -Mother. I know where my liver driver. 11 Ferris 1 and 2; sweepetakee, ie, but where is my bacon 1.---Harpet's mare or gelding. any claw, Dale A Son. ! Monthly. J Mclearruld. Jud1ge. , Silence-elerege -"b mart have order I in court I must and will have leen CATTLE incase rind confuoion here 1 have el - Pt It': BRED IIURHAII4 ready diapoaed of three important Mitch cow having rained calf in 1913 CA/P, Witt ttttt t being able to hear one br with calf. potence proof required. J word of the evidenee." The poor man wants food for hie appetite: the rieh man wants appetite fur his food 11 LINED and 11 UNLINED From the finest Dress Glove to the m warmest and nitIst comfortable work- ing Glove. Team cf mares or gelding's, II Ferris. ROA DST 1-.R8 McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors 11=1==• • ===i• • ====.11 0 1 Many women with disfigured complexions • never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing Inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions- as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish; and waste matter accornulatea which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The beet CHAMBERLAINS -TABLETS remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tabletft, which stimulate theliver to healthy activity, remove fermentetraan, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today -druggist. 23,e, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company. Toronto 13 Tambiyn. Itobt 11111/1+100; two year Old heifer, T H Taylor A Soli. /tote Her - neon. one year old heifer. John Barr. 1 and 2. heifer calf. John Beer. T a Tay - lee & Bon . bull over one year and nosier two, .1 H Taylor .e eon who alem took Met for the Bell calf sad Herd. hull and two tenial*": seed bull, John Mc Elroy. ‘11111RDEF% ANOVA A. Met:Isom took all the prizes In this cisme I WA /Web cow having rattled coif in 1915 or with calf. positive proof required, Ab- , beet Brisham. John item two-year oldl heifer, A Brigham, T 11 Taylor & Son. tirn year old steer, Albert BrighaUl. owes year oia heifer. T 11 Taylor Jr Son.1 John 'tare ose year old steer, Albert , Brigham. Robt Herrieoa. better ealt, John Parr. R steer calf. A Brigham, R Harrison, tat steer, say Pril Shorthand We It Schciol London. ()ntario 2 n ••••• '''.ep1 111 tt .5111M.i fWIUfWl Great Reductions in Prices OF Summer Goods Lawn Mowers wail 10.10, now $4.011 Was $6.00, now NV AS $6 25, now W as 87.50, now Vies, Wse $10.00, now $8.00 Screen Doors Vere $2.50, now .. . - - 12'.20 Were $2.23, now $1 90 Were $1 73, now . ..... .. $1.50 • . . $1.20 Were $1 25, now...... •$1.10 Hammocks Were $5.50, now Were 114.25, now - Were $3 50, now iVere let.Z., now Wt.!. 64.1111, now " 'Were $2 25. now and many others. 11-4.25 151100 1$2.75 $2-5ii 11.75 Refrigerators One was 871.4444, now . . 118.141 One was $35.00, now P11.141 One was $8.00, now $0,50 Screen Windows \Vere :Kyr, now.... ete. Were :Mc, now Zia Garden Hose One -half-inch corrugated, was I7c, now I5c per foot. Bicycles 0111, Ritnibier. 5411.141, now pine One WeslAnd. 1r4:i IQ. now $2K0111 Two were 11.36 W. now ....1126 One S. 33. Gent's 1113 141 One oires Wheel .......$35 141 A great snap in Graniteware-15c each for pieces worth 2.!",c to 35c, and if you purchase five of the Vic pieces you can get a pail, dish pan or large sauce pan for 15c. Are you going to require any inder Twine for your corn ? Now is the time to get it, as there is going to be a shortage. ave you any patching to do toyour walls ? If so, Ilse Par', stone Wall Plaster. It is all ready for use. For the finishing Coat use Monarch Uateil Lime. It is slacked • an4I ready fot use. .. . Now is the time to nave your furnace overhauled before the dirty weather sets in. We keep competent men for the Tirpo...e. Send your order in liow and it ill he promptavattentioi . i We carry a complete stock of ppy Thought Ranges and Ra diant Home Heaters. Call and see our Stoves before making a purchase. In Shelf and Heavy Hardware Our Stock Was Never flore Clmplete I Let us figure on your Plumbing. Heating. avestroughing and . lectric Wiring. All work proniptly attended to and fully guaranteed. - Chas,. C. Lee STORE 22 - - PHONLS - - - HOUSE 112