The Signal, 1915-10-14, Page 44 TuvaeoaY, Ot•arostta 14. 191* l'HR SIGNAL GODERICN . ONTARIO • Men's and Boys' Overcoats Overcoat seams is as We are prepared to show 10D the largest stock of Over- coats we have ever shown, and please take notice, we bought them at the old prices. Any person buying an overcoat this season without seeing ours is going to miss it. A great variety of goods in Mel - tons, Whitneys, Chinchillas, Cheviots and Tweeds, at prices that will save you money. It's an old saying -goods well bought are half sold. All we want is a chance to show them and they will be fully sold. Men's Overcoats $10.00 to $22.00 Boys' Overcoats $4.00 to $12.00 W. C. PRIDHAM'S Good Clothes. • GRAND TRUNK SYE DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO - MONTREAL FOR CHICAGO Le we TORU\TO Au a. m.. Aur p. in.. and 11.45 p, m. daily. FOR MONTREAL Leave Trutt'\Tee �.. r a. m . :n p. m .:end ILmpm d.i ). r•(tuipment the guest on all trains. PANAMA PAICIFIc IICKPOe1TIONN R•dereed asst. to Ass Fr.eriw.. 1,r. Anatole,. seed 1't.e Diego. t'u't particnl.re cad beth wers'M Inaa vert alpllentia. to i•. V. LA .t tt NICE c SONS. 'l boos e Thanksgiving Day EXCURSION FARES Betvass all .tot/... to leads, sr' tEil• ltam.nd ra.t.sed t-• It ere mole. Lstrdt. Mi -a. Huff.lr and Ni.an . ra1..N. Y. Sinp/e Warts. sad a ane Monday. (ei.orr I L h. to urn hei Mend ay. O. toker La13. lrlotms& charge, al CNA., Fare .ed th.'-'h,rl, goo.l eelag a4eber Sell. Pith ;rad Int e; r"utru Lose , Tee,day, Lich hn 13th. ISIS Mini num tb tree. tr nett t.. Apply t , Jo- K aid! P. tt. ticket for particular*, ur woos WM. FULTJN, M. O Mt•RPBY. .t•.-. Di.t. Pe... air. D,.r. Par As, . Tot sots. ('or. Kin, it Venire St...Toronto. ISAYPIELU. TVpuaY, Oet. 12. The road treader Is at won k these days to Howard and Charles streets. turnpikioogg and grading the roads. Dr. Walker, formerly of Thessaluo. intends locating in our village and is bore this week looking for a suitable bouse.- Mrs, Stanbury eetertaind the semis - here of the Mtattooer y tirciety of the Presbyterian church at her cottage. "Cedar Lodge," on Thursday of last week. Mr. Robert Bslley, who has bees manager of the Sterling Bank bele for the past four or 'live yuan, has been imam red to ibe same position in 8sbringviUe and left no Monday. Mr. D. Shearer. of Godes Acts. has been ap- pointed in his piece. TYMPKRANt It ADDatu+e.-Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's cburcb on 8abbetb morning in the interest of the Huron county branch ot the Dominion Alli- ance. He gave a very Interesting and instructive address on the working of the Canada Temperance Act In Huron ant, showed bow it is being enforced. The Act, it is claimed, is really atrooger than the local option law, for iu a cafe which occurred recently not only was the man lined who had ordered the liquor but glen the express scent who allowed it t pass, the auto drivers who carried it and the man who allowed it to be concealed on his property. In addition to Ibis one of the party who pet jurrd 'limpet( in giving evidence was sentenced t-' ten days in jail as punishment. Floss were ale imposed, in another recent case, on a party of men who. through one of their number, ordered • (piste tity of liquor and consumed it at • gathering ' Although one man or- dered and paid for it tbe evidence showed that it wits not merely for "personal or family use" and judgment was given accordingly These jndg- ments will form precedents a, shot io future it will be envier to obtain a con- viction bhould a similar infraction t t the law occur. KINGSBRIDGE. TUESDAY, OCt. 12th. Miss Kathleen Kennedy. of Tee*- • water, is the guest of her cousin, Mies Pauline O'Reilly. Mise 9ertrude .loge returned to De- , tree on Saturday after a visit under the P+rental roof. Mi.. Annie Hurley, td St. Paul. Minn.. left on Thursday for Detroit. I after a vi.lt with Aahfleld friends. Mr. encl.blrs. Charles Lsngdown and child moved lest week to Ingersoll, where they intend to teside. ' We are plowed to report that Mies I*Nellie Sullivan, who underwent an op- eretion in St. Joarph's ho.pit+l, Lou- don, recently, ie improving nicely. Messes. Thutuaa Harvey and Morgan [Diatom, who added- to the improve- ment of their buildings last mer by erecting large concrete tilos. had the new structures filled with turn I last week. Tbaoksglring visitors - Rleenor Joys, (i,nevieve O'Connor, Madeline reullirn°, Joseph 0.rvey and Maurice I Griffin, of the ti U.I. ; Mrs McDonald and ADO Dors Dalton, Parkhill ; Mier Marie Sullivan, Guelph ; the Mimes Steil* Deur and Gladys (hull. Bt. Augostine ; sad Messrs. Jelin and *Al- , phone* R.,yle, tit. A.gtstine. CECIL ,3for 5Ot VALOR. 2for 25c NOW Fal I awtatetr Collura WtLUANS. GIME& MK HEAD STUFF p FRO • CATARRH OR A COLO. Stric N P F lieds �L_tti g►t What Doctors Use for Eczema. A soothing combination of oil of wintergreen, thymol and other healing ingredients called D. D. D. Prescrip- tion is now a favorit+ remedy of skin epecialiats for all skin diseases. It penetrates the pores, gives instant re- lief from the need distreesing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed t issues. Teat its soothing effect. All drug- gists have a generous trial bottle for telly :ic. Come and let us tell you about our money -hack guarantee offer to free you from your distress. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. .IAM. A. CAMPBELL. Central Drug Store, Godericb. 0. D. D. is made in Canada Stop Backaches Don't e.mpl.t..beet peas la your barb wires the remedy lies right to t..nd. Gin rills stop ta,eka te.44 .s they do it 1■ an ay saturnl rl bI to the root of the trouble KItYCn Gia P111. act on the Millefy11 sad oke Makin. They senate awd keel Osit Ialamed orgasm, which are oring the sagerla& Neglect yoga kidneys and swollen loads and feet. wrists sed ankles, are tritely to 41,4141w. A doe d Gla Pills la time m. • would of pare. You will realise their salve when you read retest Mrs. J. P. T. Wedge. of wmmerstde. P.E.I. writes. "01. Pills are the greatest d •11 Et6- nes remedies and • medlcise wield" ls at prevent doing nee . world of good. They are worth their weight in gold to any esgerer. ' Get GIN Ptt,2,6 may at your deafer's. ase.. boa, ore bases for 1111.311. Trial treat- ment eau if you write National Drug ik Chemical Co. 06 Canada, Limited, Toronto t-- -- -- -- -- - - visiteti friends in'tbie vicinity over the holiday. Mies Kate Brophy, of Cuetharn, i. visiting her parents, Mr and Mn. Oen. Brophy.. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Itthertso' L'isknnw, spent Thanksgiving at Wm' McAlleter's. B.)rn-Un Theeeley.Onrotuer 7th, to Mr. an, Mee. Wm. ' BTyle, a eon 1 He n ry; l esepb). - --leto pr lull will ►ave good ceRev, I' IFCORSETS 1,. pwud er their *lurch . Ra.,RE I/ipSIER Y b t 1lvrtght, of Turonue, ningh .TObooth i• obs a,rerutnR .red ,or ing ta00� GLOVES ylbiIIb moratr. 11: pedally for (wilding h+1og packed tt�' SKIRTS doors. Chile attention was given to Ib. short cwt interesting dlscour►ee, in the course of which the epcaker made merltI4 O1 the fact that be bad been the natio* of tbs bufuing of the fleet Lev -burn church over fnr1 y years I ago ; 1.e pr each.d hie farewell set sena there uu October 24. Mee and .,twat then he baa Wet ehurotase In a harp I r metier of places. Mr. 1.i -weight ban old two over, bring over r igbty, but he seems to hove all 1 is Iseult es still un- impaired. The collections of the day amouot*d 'altogether to uvrr gen. which will go W help the be.itding fund. HEALTHY CHILDREN. A child • health depends upon the state of his stomach and bowel+. If they are kept regular end stere the little one is sure to be healthy. Baby'. Own Tablets are the ututher'• beat friend in ►•*'ping her little ones well. They act a« a genus laz.tivet are ab- solutely safe end are plea. ant to take. Concerning them Mrs. David Ste. Perpet ire, Qie., writes: -"My baby was so troubled with constipation that he could not sleep day or nicht. I gave him Baby's Own Tmhlets and now he i+ a hug healthy bey." The Tablet* are poi -1 by medicine Jesters or by mol at ffi rents a (ox trout The Dr. Wittiest: Mdicioe Go., Brock- ville, Ont AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 13. Conrad Schultz is plastering Thoe. Adam.' hones this week. Mew M. E. Blyth spent the holiday with her parent+ at Durham. Mr. Roy Munro is home recuperat- ing aft+r his operati in in Onderich hospital. The Auburn braes hand anpplied music for Blyth and Duogennon fain lest week. De. and Mn. Weir ,pent Th.nks- giving with the Doctor's mother at Strsthroy. Mrs. Wray and son, of Burlington, former r*siatenta here, spent the week• end visiting ret Mr. Jaa. Carter's. Or. Wee McClure. returned mission- ary from Henan, China. will occupy Knox church pulpit nest Mahhath morning and will &dere., the Women's Foreign Miasion S.w•iety. Joseph Cater hes the contract of gravelling the station reed end the street from the bridge to the top of the hill, seed has flee teams drawing gravel from R. J. Mc(i"e's pit this week. s Instant 'relief -es 'wahine. Yent clogged wertrils open right up: the air of r head elear aid you ma freely No mon hawking. some lime Mowi•g. ttestheh*, drys No 'strwprling for breath •l eighty yew_ '+Nd or catarrh disappears, (lit • small bottle of Ely's Lersra- S•tm ?mai your deemednow. Abi • ie of this feared, aatI.e ffhss1*egoma rin year nostrils. It pea- ' at.a through every air passage et bks seethes the MAaurr or nesse NIL . sembr.ae toad n s( toss U' ar11m • yjets as. nset soy ste1s$ilit a - er p5817 e•tarrk. -- - - • DUNGANNON. TvttsoaY, Oct. 121b. Mr. B. J Beninger 1s baring his An house bricked with Milton red brick. This will make quiet an improvement. A SPLENDID EFFORT. -lite ladies Of this neighborhood and el +olllL number of ladies from St. Augustine roved bot dinner and bupps r to a large none her of people who artseeded the fair on Friday Met. The money rated is to be spent In aiding the Red Croce So- ciety, The meals were served in J. M. Roberti old stores, and for quail' y and Appearance the t toles would be hard to beat. klowrr+ and evergreen dec- mati')rle were every',beer, also rel , error's to tell eh tt the work was for. A number of children also bold flag j pine, wh'eh broueht in a considerable return. The ladies worked hard ar.d .uceeeded in raining eltogetber over SIG. which. considering the d.v, was doing very well. The ladies of the Is-' stitnte j in in thanking all Ibose wbe� so kindly helprd to mak- the cosh • suceers. The ootcnnre of the day goes tu,shuw what the ladies can de along ' this line. An abundance of Aad and' went we. 1 -ft over. THANKaa:1VISti St PPE.i.-The an- KINTAIL. Tttbo*n.ty, Oct. 12. Threshing is the order of the day. Some from our 1 erg •trended the fair at Dungannon .n Pridsy la.t and report a very g-)od exhihitlnn. Communion services were held in Ashfield Presbyterian "bur'ch lett week Iter. Mr. McKenzie, of Kin - lough, assisted in the preparatory set - viers. Home for the holidays; Mr. Cherie. McGregor. of Mehringville; Mimes Ella Cowen and Anna McKeoz e, of the Norm el School, Stratford; Misses Bernice Drennan, Violet McLennan and Bessie McKenzie, of the Gaderich Cnllege Institute., The ladies of the Women's Institute are donating a barrel of fruit to hos- pitele for wounded soldiers. Anyone wishing to contribute to this worthy cause may du so by leaving their gifts at Mr,. Neil McDonald's, Metall, on or before Monday, October hitt*. PORTER'S HILL. Tvesoar, Oct. 12. Ncnaa,-Misses Stn and Lily Sart, Hubert Start and Will Dean, of Woodstock 'pent the holiday et 0 W. Potters Mrs Schmidt and children. of titratford, spent Thanks - gluing with bur parent+, Mr. and Mrs. Diem Newton Mre. John (lex is visiting her daughters at Mpringh•nk. Min \'alters and Mae Mae Lindsay, of (.oderich, spent Thanks - riving at Mee. Llndhay's ...Mr. end 111I v. W. taeareen end daughter and Mr and Mrs. Hndgens. of *Mines, attended the funeral of Wainer Wes- ton nn Tuesday Ira .Mt sod /Are. \Velton, of Olandeboye, visited in the neighborhood last week. DUNLOP. TUESDAY, OJt. 12. Mite Anna Stewart, who has been eery ill, is convalescing n:owly. Miss Jessie Lioklater Ira* returned to Crediton after her short holidsy. Miss Winnlfred Shaw. who spent Thanksgiving at home, has returned to Toronto. Mre. Keith McQusrrie, of H.v'i- stoke, BC., has arrived to make an exteoded visit with friends and rela- tives here. Legnutte CHURCH RIC-0PENtto - Oa Sunday last the church at Lembern was formally re -opened. after having been closed fot earner month,. The in- terior of the church bas been thor- oughly remodelled and i meente a very pleasing appearance. and when the outside is hrscad and flntehed the ST. AUGUSTINE. Trans. Oct. 12. Corn-enttieg is the nyder of the day. Mr. John WIt•on, of Adverse relied on friends on T resday. Miss A. Brophy, of the 0. C. I., •pent the week-eeA at lest home hews. Mr. Shearer Willies. of Losdtw. • IIOne tar the moot danger- ous and repulsive forms of grLrj Disease is BOPS �r which Onodi Kidney l�tws, err the only certain In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually /smwe1 qt. and the water, which should he expelled in the fest, of urine, flows back Ind lodges' in the cells of the Arch and puffs out the skin. Remove the Alth which purr up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. Then is only ors Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS-- nRFSS GOODS OUR DRESS -GOODS SECTION invites you with a truly fine assortment of the world's finest and latest weaves for you to choose from, rich in tone and color, such as any lady of refined taste would admire. Leading colors are blue, green, grey, brown and reds. Serges and broadcloths appear to be the most wanted. Come in and look through them. Buy them now if you are ready ; if not, why, the examination of them will be of assistance to you in making your selections when you are ready. Bele in mind that the early buyer is to fare the best both in sel- ection and ptice. HOSIERY We stat the fall Hosiery business with the Iaree.t stock we ever offered to the buyer. This simple announcement means mucb to thou+ who want Hese. In Mach last we gut a dean -up lot from • Drill, some fleets and some 'scolds, and we are offering them at leu than makers' present prices. Some children's hesvy wool, 5 and 54, for 15c to 2..e Larger sizes :e)c to 23c. Ladies' wool and cashmere, from lie to 501, in all size s. diets and bey& Hose, ti, 64, 7, 74 and 8, at price* front '25c up to 50c. If you want the hest all -wool Stocking to be load ask for ilk. L..11mir SKIRTS A late shipment bas brought us • very See collection of black sateen and Widest' under- skitta and at prices quite in keeping with tbequal- ity •red style of the skirts. Ranging in prices frau) 41.15 to 42.80 WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN, MEN. BOYS. (.IRLH and CHILDREN If you haven't everything you need to carry you through the season, buy them soon. Prices are sure t) lie higher iter on Prices now are the sante as (tat year, re, sits and etc. All wool. SSc, $1.00 and $1.25. t'otne hen and get the best going at the priers. KID GLOVES A lei¢ shipment of Kid Gloves Ismt week in Hack. white end ten to t* add at 41.00 and $1;26 Every pair guaranteed. DON'T WAIT.! Do It Now H.\VE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BEBORE THE SPRING-, RUSH BEGINS, AND -T'- AVOID THE RUSK ;:------ All wiring done, by the latest Hydro -Electric rule. s All work guaranteed. '1 Electric "repairing of all kinds promptly attended to, at rea- sonable prices. We carry a complete and up- to-date line of Electric Fixtures and Supplies; at; all times. ROBERT TAIT Electricisa ELECTRIC' R.1.1VGES and HEATERS 1 SPECI.3LTY Office 82 -JUST PHONE -House 193 HAL JOHNSON In the comedy .uccese, with mu.ic, "Stirs-," at Victoria Open Hots, October 16 and 1e. nna! Think +giving supper and eon -1 PAttitoTic MAKTING.-A patriotic) cert under tn. austere.' or the Anglican met ting of citizens of I)ungannen and ch'irrh, given last Monday night, wa. ( vicinity assembled in Mr. Allen's hall • decided succmM. Everything peened off on Saturday evening last to Co honor wet'. The evening eras Went, the (oweI to one of our citizens. Mr. Ernest ;nipper es usual relished with sat i.tsc- Segues, who utas enlisted to go to the tion an I lb- program pond. After f.ou•. While this honor was given supper, whet, war served in the bass- bur. Segues it was also thought an op- ulent of the Aeri •ultural Hall, the p.)rtune time to remember thole who crowd teetered to the hall, wbirh they have gone before this to the front and almost 11 lel to Its capacity. Th. pin to make erovisien as well for those grew, wb ch cmmistei of spsecha., who would follow. 'As • consequence solos, duets, etc., wet listened to with an organization resulted with the intense reeve -wee etch selection being following officers: F. Ross, president: heartily encored. The address given by Bert Wiggins. secretary; Geo. Horne, Rev. .1 R. Fother ingbam, of Goderich. treasurer. Eighty fire dollars has on "Bra ret and Blo.,d" was indeed • been already subscribed and the five masterniere and the ')esker was fru- who have already enlisted are each to goently apolviseleJ he the eager receive Stu and the same provision if listeners. R+v. U. Gomm brought possible will he maintained in behalf greetings from the Presbyterian of those who will joie later. A real obureh in • pleasing manner. Rev. and true spirit At entbnsieem and H. Welliun, ocnupied the ehatr, and patriotism was felt tbrougbuut the at the rinse thanked all who had come meeting ROT 0. Gomm read an ad - to assert in the everting • proceeeinga dress to Mr Segus, while Mr. Wks. Yrs. Jnynt, Mn. T. Clerk and Mr. T. gins made the presentation Mr. 4. Reid. of Lueknow, took a very Segues replied feelingly, after which active part, as did also Messrs Par- the gatberir•([ arose and sang "He. • tares. Sturdy and Doty from Ooderieh. Jolly Good Felem. " Excellent p•tri- Thw receipts of the evening were gilt. otic sperthee were delivered by Rev.A, Woe Ittea Ixa'riru•rg.-Tree Dungan- 1. McKelvey. Rae. 0. Gomm. Mr. J. eon branch ot the Wom.n's Instiiute Young,.Mr. W. Bailie, Mr. Killoagh, mot in the Presbyterian church nn Mr. oting, jr. (a recruit), and mai y Thursday, September 301b, Consider- other'. Mr. F. Roes acted as chairman able time was spent in appointing The meeting Hosed with the singing committees to erring., for serving of the Natloosl Anthem. meals nn fair day. biome clothing to Pgowugai Mexru,N -Mr. McFar- be made up Lor soldiers at the front lane, of Carleton Place, is here visiting was also distributed. Mise Mary Me- hia son. Mr. J. C. McFarlane Mr. Kenzie, of Pott Albert, gave an excel- Roy Willie, wife and child, of Toronto. lent p.per en "The Problems of the spent the Thankagiving holidays with Oki nn the Farm," which wu listened Mr. and Mn. B. J. Crawford Mr to with mucb interest and pleasure. Rd. Durnin. of Kincardine High A number of these gond papers are Srbodij, Misses Pearl McKenzie and being saved to bei sent t o ether Ethel Case, of Toronto, were all borne ln•titnt• branches that have asked for for theTbenksgiving holiday... . Mr an them. It it rvgnesttd that awho and Ides. Pattison, of \Vingam. wen base (lathing or knitting don. for the the greats of Mr. and Mrs. R. McRerr- soldier•s hrtng it to Dungannon post• pie the. week J Johnson,• form• Oboe. SW t hale is to he packed err anon eft! of Dungannon, but now of Wine - as possible. Also it is regoested that ham. has been viriting friends and are each lady in this recites, kindly rim- qualntances hers during the Dungan - tribute a quart jar of preserved fruit to non fair end obs Chankegiving boli - he peeked Inc newel to las sent to the days Vn Msdd, ot ♦atmrn, lees Red Cross Moi'Iety for the use of the he the guest of her palmate, Mr. end sick and wounded enldiers In hnepital• Mrs H. M. Duff, for a few ays this It is en little we can do : Int u. Meer- week Mr. and Mee Stores, of folly onntribnts this to sbow we .p- Seaforth, visited Mies J McMath for a preetats In • secure how great a few days....Misses Kerslake and seeriflre they are making fee us. -Coo. Walker. Willows, hats been to their More News of Walters & Co.'s Shoe Store (Week October lith ts 2111t) Here's a Wonderful Sale of Women's Boots, best qualities, new styles, values to $5.00. at $2.95 per pair Everything combines to give rousing interest to this -.ale of Footwear. THI, BUTTON AND LACE BOOTS to he offered at $2.95 a pair are our very hest makes. being reg- ular $4.50 and $5.01) lines, and what's more most of them have just passed into stock, so are the last word in style and ,.hape. Here are the details of this very attractive sale: Women's Lace and Button Boots Patent leather with tote of black or colored cloth, gunmetal and tan calfskin leathers, Goodyear welt and band -sewed soles, Cohan and eouia heels, toes plain or with tips, 311 sizes available. $2.95 Specially marked for week Oct. 14th to 21st, at per pair N.B.-Look at these goods displayed in our store on table and in window Rubbers! Rubbers ! ! Rubbers ! ! ! Says 1 to myself, says 1, to Walters and Co. I'll fly to buy me Rubbers at sac and up. See large display ist wiedow hi the twee at $3.95 per paw Meti s S3 7b S2.9 Mens g3 2r ell Mal Work Shoes i oa7V Work !(bees* LesiO Ra $3.19 East Ride Rluare Deal Moore Shore Look Like -- •• vv• New Galeria, °aefie Telephone No. 271 Prices as Usual Successors to J. H. McOlineoe Teems Gash rsper- ave bones for Menksgtying holidays. .... Mr. J. Wilson. of Riots, M the gnat of Mr. J. Davidson this! week .. Mn. R. (bar risers hes been engaged to teach at Richmond HIE and lea Knee to fulfil her ditties Mr amt Mn. Thos Menylle ntnrned to Dungannon last week after spend - Ing the armme, at Western pd nta.. len. John /Medley, nnntsin Oros., Rronteeae county, Is vlehleg her daughter. Mrs. David Sproul. 01 Wes Wiwwe•h and her brother . g ltaedseeorl, of btings.nnoe and Mrs. Vu raeer L. Creighton, of Detente spent the Tbsnksgl•Ing heti- deys at Ow hoose of the tatter's pare enta, Yr. and Mrs. A. M Kirke, Dee - operettas 011ver H. Kirke, of the C4.0. 1.. pct the Tbsek•givleg holi- day NM, hoes at Dewganeoe.