The Signal, 1915-7-29, Page 4•
Are you hard on your
If you are. try a box of Hole -
proof guaranteed Hose.
Six pairs guaranteed for six
months -you get a new pair
for every pair with a hole
in within the six inouths
Six pairs for
$1.50 and $2.00
Men's Cuff Links 25c
Traveller s samples -just
three dozen. regular 50c. on
Saturday 25c
W. C. Pridham
Sole agent for
"Society Brand Clothes"
Holeproof Hosiery
Ilioaaneo, July*
Na. Dioutoes Arroarruawr -Mr.
Fel. W. Darrel bee beee chore as
principal of tbe Einem-dies bigh scaooL
Mr. Duero, who is a sou of Mts. T.
K. Domain, ut Dungennon. has been
'seeking at Cornwall
SMITH-WIIYARLE -IL quiet w.:1-
.111We* Whyard on Tuesday morning. "Fruit -a -lives" Nov Kano as
ding tonk pleca at the boar c . •
when her daugbier, Mae Cleo*, was
united in marriage to Mr. Jobe Smith,
illiam Rev. l. A McKee
Womes Best Medici*
of Fort W
vie cfficiated. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left 1 the rate day for Fort Williun. ace "FRUIT-A.TIVES," the famous
comp killed by the good wishegof many fruit medicine is particularly well suited
foetid.. for eire sue of wanes, because of its mild
lielltri1.-Oetobr 7 and 8 •re the and gentle action and its pleasant taste.
• beds
&Ices of the Dungannon fall fair ....
Mr. Howard Cie,. of Regina. son of
Dr. T. IL Casa is holidaying here....
Mr. and Mre. W111. Begley. of Hamil-
ton, were visiting here the part wee
%Vedneeday next, August lth is the . • •
°toy medicine needed to correct
aur. oint Farm will be tbe chief point such troubles and restore the snfferet
eel b. irairotannen's civic holiday.
In severe cases of es Oa/ ,
(taloa. Bloat's:, Site Headscher, Ana
la Mr Batt, Neuralgia, or Genera
Ram -Dews Coashishoor,"Frouteetives"
of attraction for Dungannon people
thet day. .
(011 lit -Rosz.-0ii Wedneede •
evening. July 21st, a happy event to k
piece at tbe bente of 3tr. Jas. Rose. and build up strength and vigor.
Ieee daughter. Mary Isabella, 1.061136[ We. a 1.10i, 6 for rek, trill site C.
'ward iu niateascre to John Wesley At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit,-
Dratpun. inc ceremony was per- sitves Limited. Ottawa.
1. rtned hy Rev. 6. Gomm. On Mote.
d .v evening of thio week there was a
reception at t'ee home of the Moues
fothei. when the choir of Entine
to complete bealtb.
As a tome. "Fruit -a -Lives" is Ines-
luable to purify and enrich the blood
Ure Wintuill. of Siadeatcbewen. end
elviri It a. theled preanted
aoel Mrs McKerzie. e.t Dongeonen : also
...cel wed, 1..4 sidt le Mr- three soi.,,. Thomas. of baskaieliewan
headline who hut been a member of of Huileto met Hebert, on
the homestead. The funeeol took.
!Ascot. Dungannon cemetery on lues -
day afteloorin and was largely at -
the choir.
EVERY It WY ‘V.totTIIMIV.-Tbe ear -
dim party un ler the 'wispier of Er-
skine eburch. held last evening on tbe
masses it todudv Witt I gra y g . NILE
Celts. People came from ter and near
and tbe Attendance waq eetirnixoel at TC1.44DAT. July TT .
OW. Vent rile, psi.' Chit lie. of Toronto. NiLe Norte -Cbarles Girvin bad
"" the en'eitainer ni the evening. the wiefottane to deli fror4i a load of
and he give that wee heart- tiny on Friday. injuring he. .101ek and
II! e0/)Ted. It"- G. 6 "nu'. Paet"v shoulder. His teeny friends are glad
of Emilie church. presides] over the i to awe that he is not dieablegl.. .... 'Miss
gathering and Rev. Meier'. %Valiant. 1 Minnie Tabh hes tecorereS from her
and Melieliie, of the Anglican and tees" mat," and is am, 11 h. ...01
Methodist chnrchee, brought t he I *alio . ... Miss Olive anti Hower' Me- Oleo- ron4regstiow. The i ore, are spending the vacation with
praceeds were 11141., . I friends at Nile Mire Ropy. wbo
DEATH tIV e1**. PLUNK ETT. -An oin lies been visiting at (.n. curirie r. has
Ind respected respieneof West Wawa- returned to her hone et Toronto
nosh has pawed sway in the person of Mrs. A. J. Cooper and two children. of
Mr. John. Plunkett. who died at the; 6 Nierich, ere visititeg at the home of
residence of her son, Rellor•, end ono' , lee. John lhotow.
ceseion of Woo Wawano.b, on Sun 1 CHFRull iere- The Epwottb
d y July °Vb. Deceased had resiJed Les le which nos been in a dortnent
in West WaerstsosO for Ottet clay
sears and on tate farm on which elle
Watiensetiate Jetty 11.
Mr. Robert Lociliont arrived hoer
Monday stab' tes vidt bI. Paostril1
Mr. sad Kra Wailer Steens and
family. of tows, were* Oeisi More eta
civic holiday.
Mse D. ti _dais sa Mir Eirigreas.
of Londerro. sword the peers
hem oa
Mies Bertha ArOistroaff, of Bruseida.
has returned ou bey bore after visit-
ing leer relatives herr.
The Miser McKenete;' of Kippre
visited Weir suet. Mae. ibos. St raufb-
on. the eau of Wet were
Mir Kraus Sy mitsgeen bas arrived
hoer Loot the Mier to biscuit the
holidays wi,h bar soother.
John J. %Vitra, Jacob Wagerer and
Noah Plretser trade 'aid & !toter to a
buyer for the Saskatoon ntarlet.
Rev. A. Lerog rod Rey. W. Coo -
way are •teentitug the reamer school
for minister" aaNi teachers this vier.
Our teacher, Mir M. E. Blyth. 1. 10
be cutgrotuirted to her ..crew 141
pairing all her entlailea Limo, two
with boners.
1011r. and Mrs../oho Soylis and fain-
tly, at or spending n ally set en mono his
✓ usting in uureing tbe formet's par-
e nts, lett for their home on Moody.
14r. ""d moo 0. MotIveeti, of ie
and Mr. seed Mt se Howden outoed
up on bunday lo A. Asquith's. The
two gruileinea teturoed uu Monday,
leaving the holies to setae to tete *Lai hal
of Auuurn.
eentenees civic HOLIDAY.
coorlii i en for borne time, was reopened
late Tueeday by e. tally. A otoA 10
died for over. forty year'. She a. ',Milne *darer. g van by Dui pia -
loon a patient .isoffeier for erveral foe, Kee. J. Hedioy. which gave
voire, roil wa• predeceeeed by her , the soci,ty, „ impetos mi. it,
, "husband aixteen veers age. Mile o.00miay evening a loitio cohltio.
; Phrkett wit. a worthy member tbe gation latened with plasetere and
• Methodist chareb and use in her profit to Rev. - Me. Hedley, wbo
meetlttrt4eUy rAt`. She is survived by pees...heel a sermon from the sot jilet..
/mot donation's -Mot- Wo•le7 ami -The Religion of the eiecond Mei..'
Jonathan Pattierm. Winghain taking for bis teat Mott. 5 : 4. Mr.
liedley'e tensions ewe ebaractevietie
- their itelplulneet far everyday life,
1 as well as intereat tog end .edruce tire.
is - - - .....•64,- .. -.^.110.01.11011C 1,1 WV- ‘1111.2.-1--- --- '', --r."-•=6- -.=11==a1===S''':
1 nUALITY, STYLE sod LOW PRICES make a (twee that irresistibly draws into this store
s se the best .patrooage of both town and country where we keep goods above suspicion
chosen with great care and judgment and suitable tee tbe refined tastes.
The black. blue and brown Serges that we have been so long waiting for have comae and
.4 are ready to show them to our customers. You will find no better value anywhere than
are showing.
Friday of last wrath Watt Atantin'e
civte holiday mid the event wee cele-
mated by si tanioster meow hilt
the Maitland Rivet neut. Shortly tete+.
nuott its crowd gathered and rieveial
huodred people took pelt la OM
noon's teetivatee. In tae crowd were
ft nuniber dt young lames wearing the
langur of Heed Clore uunws who per-
sooded a great niany to piece emote-
butious tu their boxes tur tLe Red
Corr fund and., in Ie n presented
the donor.' with antilopl newer, or
smell deg". It was notice...L.4e that
pactirelly alt else p.enickers were sono
decor*, ed. One of the at . actions was
a tistepond, which. oe utelerrano.
Wen; dry brfei.e the *nu
pence of the fishermen were ex-
bausted. A hoot' for dispel -sing We -
cream. liquid reereshuont, candy, pea -
Call 'and inspect our new
stock of the above hi h -
grade Buggies.
We have the !Meet 1915
designs to suit all re-
lie M tbe worts belt of satire.
Have you tried our
new Bread ?-
ere -la -Malt
-the tastiest in town.
soft crust - close-grainet!
:nade from Flei,chinanu's
Yeast. Everybody says it is
the best yet. Try a loaf.
Thee) h. thinourit sittisftefion
1, r those who buy our Cakes
and Pratt y. If yule do not know
how good they are, we should
like you to try them.
Smith Bros.
Tr Old Relates East St. Saari
l'hone lei.
Freckle -IF ace
See est Wend *rag Out Ugly Spas
-Howe" Illesweve Esedy.
Be sure and get some of these ends. They are fully 20 per cent. less than piece -priced
goods. Some of them 36 inches wide and some as low as.
We have 400 yards of these 15c Crepes still on our tahles, all good colors and neat small pat-
terns. Yon can buy any of them now for ..... I2i4C
About 200 yards left. Some 121c 311t1 some I5c Your choice now
Selling more and more all the time. Scores of ladies now ask for D & A. They appeal to ibe
eye. meet all demands of fashion. comfort and health. give graceful carriage and are pliant. Bon-
ing nnrustable. Try the front -laced. a new feature this season and are big sellers. • Buy &
A and be sure you have the best at the prices.
A new shipment of Silks just in, Al inches SI.00 and $1. 25
,,oiturqurquornirkfrorfroovvvvrftlirocur Ftwimuft
nut• end erieternielun otd a good bust- rake a gram of sotto to flesh
swell tbe proceeds of which went 10 if madder bothers yee_Drieh
lo che spurting even., the main in lots of water. • , .
ibe Red Laos, fun)
treat centered arteinsi the imeseleall
gain.. bet literi -the twartwa sod ate
single useo, which trete:eel at the
elcwe of the tifth inning,. m a rteterz
for tbe, Michel -ire ti! 16 ...ere ul 15....
The lineup was:
Married -Willi. m Mareh. I h; W.
Medd, c; A. ituiLieson. it: 6. Sturdy.
3b; M.•Tre &U. el ; %VI, eltaeltb..e..
sit : R -"Taylor. If ; J. Carter, 2u ; Ed.
Lawson, r.
niogle--W. Oartic rf : R: Munro...
ef ; tt King. 1 b: W. Plunkett. 1.1(1.
NeNoll. 2 Li; S Marto If : J stalker.
as :13. Marsh. 3 b; J. Tuber% tee, rc.
Cuipire--Jace Artbur.
A game ot valley -bell between Csr-
low and Auburn resulted in • win for
Ailing -a by three ends to one.
A 1.15 &d -Wer between transit cip-
tained by W. T. Riddell and George salts is made from the sell of grapes
Denstedt meaner lir a tin, smelt pulling and lemon juke. co/shined with lithis,
Here's • clisied:1111o4 lersoktelase, to
try a remedy for feel.. .wish tbe
guarantee of A rtlielder dealer that it
will or cost 7)0 a 'newly unless it
Iremoves the feeekle. : white if it due"
, give you a deer compleaion the ex-
, tievise ie tritheg.
simply get An ...mee of othine-
i doable strength -from any draggle,
! and a few ',plicate's°, *build show
1 7011 how easy it is to rid youreelf of
Ole horn'''. freckle* and get a beauti-
ful eimplexian. Rarety is ante than
one 'xit,ee nee:ded ler the worst ewe.
i 'Be Wire 1) ask Or tittig/t14L fur tee
double sovngtn °thine, as Ibis is the
prescription sold tinder gtuir how of
montsv hack it it fail. CI remove
. .,
TUFeDAY. July.17.
Eating meat regularly eventually pro-
duces kidney trouble in some form er
otter, says a well-known autoority. be-
cause ties uric aeid in meat excites the
kidneys. they become oserwortec ; tee
sluggish; Aloe up and eause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and. so.. -
C17 in the kidney region: reel:erotic twin-
ges. byre Iseaciaers. acid irtemach, cen-
startes. torpid Ltd:. laeet lotleeee,
bleeder and urinary irritation.
T1se moment your lock turte oe kid-
neys aren't acting right. or if bladder
botbers nu. get about four ocre es of
Jad Salts froal any good pharmafy;
. take a tablespoonful g.ass of water
before breakfast for a few cLeyi and your
kidneys will then act flee. -AO fa.motus
and his been used for generative& to
tbAr citt.bete tient.: Iiiracol"Oasseria.1141P., eon. eiders ble fit" elodllsd hidnent and Itimulate them
atunsenient. It was run in three re.
t0acill6clarinaia ItheactiLinite sollis'itt4nor
lay'.. The contestant ran fifty yarra.
then. from e plate placed on the ground totes, thus ending bladder diaorcierc
took a pie:e of benana in hi. mouth Jed Salts cannot injure saYona;
without teuching it with 4,3 hand.. - makes a delightful effer.cacent Whir
wwomenater drinktake wtsohwichanmdilthettlions toot keepmenatt
returuing. he had t . st•ia at the 27;
yard mark end .0111.11e, then I U0
home. wben lel neer torture see, up kidneys and urinary organs clam, thus
non, A. R dlin•oo read W. Pitinkett serious dart*.
: '
the race. It resulted : First. 6. JeLb- aertlenit kidueY
**tend, A. WA..e, H. Walters and
' Newe ov Tee Vi Eric -A neenber
I, of people fr. m Catlow sod. ved an
afternoon with the melee of Auburn
at their picnic 1.111 the nate or the M•tt-
lard River on Friday text Mr.
.1 ehti 1...evy ie busy werket log hire*. p
I of raeptorries A lied Crews flo-
clet y meeting will le. moo 0, Noisome.
arty elle-room' at the Moue 1.1 ,Mee.
Edward Fieber. This is a good work
and we hop* the women of the ettal
munity will turn out in bill force to
these meetings . . Rev. F. J. Ruth. r.
ford. of Reitmiller, will 1144t111" the
Young People's S +Orly on Wedne -
day ,aglevenitig Last. Wednioday
Mrs. W.' Agnew, of Selby. thee,
tmtertained the Society sills a erre
delight fill reading . . . . Mee M 1'
rendall is viaitiirg her permits 1..
tioderieb for a few day• .. The
twisters have to hustle to get in their
hsv betweret the shower. this year....
Rev. A. Laing r
will Iv- "booty for
years ap
Graaeltather get
ea individual
"Ye 014. Olde Sugar X
Loads" mad* by John
Redpath, in what was OrgAS4 Mien
then Canada's only
Sugar Refinery. roata
Now, at leas than hall the prim, his gnmailaughter
gwts a much Unproved
vet' • • - ,
Mena waleirgrace-W. Walter,. A.
Men'. lOoyer14 dersh-W. Plunkett, HAYFIELD Bniere.-Mir. Thom. of
W. Medd, It Walters Loodon. te • guret at the home of Mite.
Loiter face. cruet; - Helen PLAIN:It. Mere lied M'st Cheisena Mon -
h Mr• otteith and 4141.1•16-
W•rg‘•149•Y. July IS
- :-AND-.-
Wnte for Partacalars •
Med Bac. iDnneltio Principal:
Address; -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
toeuneri leave eon Meee-ol Roeder.
Treader.. There:taro awl -or -
r Mgr. •IL:LT OF- MARI t. PORT
AMMER toil FORT W3Lbil AM.
itteerner -Realtoba" how Part Relge-Il
We isreaday tail. at Owea M. uod eon law.
12 IS p.m. rib. reeve Friar, maines
sweet eineseijzawith 16•0111116011 *1 rats,
ItieNtieell ea &ago
sois.ems ..1- A L I I .110.1 1 EXPOSITS*" •
a,,..„.,:•414.4 Hewn.
- et ewer. ' Bee Weet
t .0 Hard
lithi.k.e.• Leta.
i.00101(k and Frelterol River.
Verera 1110.r
fusz..artea Lat..
n Lek*, Kir.
Fast Tim.. Convenient Train Service. Modern Equipnesnll
Serosee Nastier Ottawa. Toroato. Detroit. Clibraga
WINNIPEbIt Titit WAY '1') G sad VAN:OWN" enetateweeksig
Vartieatur. fr3131 Jo... REM. C.P.B. Wren, or write M:0.311111011417.D.F.e.. TOWN&
hold up their hands. A few !handle 1
went up Th ea who had &tie:el
and found fault with the choir were
then requeotei to make it manifest.
A beoaci grin ra. the only 'wpm:lee.
Choirs like menv other useful inatittb.
Kukpatreg. tett , •
di few k for ranted
A boontitul wines. 110.40 04e, eeo et e 14•11% vt. Si. flit(0(3. are epee OK it COO.. Are t. t•II !A e g -
fella !tut ester re es y
0.ciock to which oppareotly everyone
did tell Jeanie,. cut Use tirovoion
ses-resed litre hen...title.
teen 1". swinging. children's lisweele
and 1 tithing aft Mei a r lee.* “it tbe
prnetrans of the dee, well.* ti.t.te a
111 the lame of Mee Jobe
Peleek. .. Mrs. Jetties Ceroeron, of.
Tolerate, is ypeodieg tbe summer
with her pergola. Mr. and Mee
Was Evan*. of the, 8eul4e line
Dr. John Stonintry. cf Toonto, and
ton Diteitiass event the week -end
eith Dr. Stanhory'• cuetber et her
-wrestler tentage here Re•. J. (.:
stewart. td Lotion, who is holiday-
ing herr. will take the services in lit.
Andreae, church next al•hboth
Noreen rarty meter the auepires 01
T.inity church. held nn the rectos]
ermine. on Tuesday evening, was •
decided soccer, both in point of
weather woe 10 attendwece. The
"Kitty hood of Clinton waa in at-
hi. *anted Tar 11041. We ysi•e hen
eery pleserint holiday ... Mr. R. M.
Young bad his shed 'steed this week
.... 1 McKnight. of Atihutn.
*hireling Mr. Eing.weirs harri the'
week .. Mr. 1) McKay boa his new
driving shed sod garage nearly com-
somber were kept Witty in turning the
ice-cream treeser Arid otberwiw at-
ter-mit:r te the needs of the harpy
party A stunitter frous ti eiericn,
(*.Allow and other pJint, were presenta. .
,ieiI re true eel) live to the Minis.
Jett.- vicinity of Aubura The pro-
ceeds for Red Crews purpose* anonoted
to nearly VW
No matter bow long *tending your
ram may no don't deepsor, et a tot.
Ile id Rheum* i.t.i ti. L Cou Cs
sells it with a guarantee to benefit y„.•.
Rheum° is wonderful in its quick ric
ton- the pain mews. the mu.Ci and
bone* are rid of soreness and stiffneee
and very soon a Rheum° patient is
able tn here the arture strength and
vitality of youth. Rheum., bullies
blood rio rich and Rd, k that Ude acid
eanoot poreeibly exist. Rheuino entre
eerily *1 1(1 fer a lame textile from C. 1..
Counts or direct, all charges prepaid
from n. V. Marton Co.. Blidgebutg
Oct. •
Wetoterwee. July e3t.
lee cream will be served on the 1.00
at the village store every etatesetay
efternoon and evening during tbe SOW -
Wee months.
Dont forget that Was. Math. eon
runs excursions in hie fine motor hoist
every tleturday evening, and has •
very mode' ate cheeses..
PearsoeeL.--Mies Maud Millais, of
Goderich, is the guest of her sister.
Mts. Alfred gutted Master Tommy
Gray is also visiting there Mn.
Op. Stewart and little daughter ro-
istered to Omit home at Detroit es
Saturday afternoon sifter spending six
weeks with Mr. and Mn. W. O. 8
Brow. and other relatives Mrs.
Jere and Miss Jeso Joesee. of Nile.
visited with Mr. and Mre Wr.
Isetwiltry last week ... Allis. Kamilla
lebeenbals, of Chown. Is visiting with
Mende in this ...Welty for a week .. .
Kr. and Mrs Clove Myer, and chit.
dere Of Rtratford, are apendina eserstral
weeks M their summer boner by tbe
lake Mrs. Robe. Drain and ebil-
dor. of HeIterirl00, wed Mir Grare
Orawford. of tiaigsay, Alta.. who ie
boast for a couple of senothe. ars
esearsing •1 the lake. south of Mr.
Sestet's earns.
TUESDAY. July 27.
Tb. iowarhip round' WImeet cn
Monday. August th d at 1 en o'clock
floras. - Mies Edna McKwate of
Ooderieb. is wwwidier • fine day. with
Moods is this vicinity ...Miss
Lewis. was a truer at the hom• of Mr
Woe Dort last week ....M• Ayr Lorne
Orwell. of Salami. 'seat wit sere
with Mesas ow the Molt Wad Mist
Aa. Agin le visiting with relative In
ibbvteialty tbie week.
Trisinus July Ti.
News Norim-The Leareville Sun-
day school held it. antisa, picnic at
Lakeview Perk on tlatordey Miss
Annie Clark is rioting relatives in
this vicinity Miser Rawlings and
Crossly are lb* guest.' of Miele Olive
McMurcite .... Mr. Chinn* Motireg-
or has returned fromwhe. e
he bas been visiting for the las; couple
of week. Mr. Oswald Rohr is
visiting e1 the home of his memo Mn.
Alrert liecksot.The girls of th•
1*-0-1o0-C.C•fi camp has• re-
turned to their reepeet lye homes after
speedier" an enjoyable ten days at tile
lake. Dr. and Mrs. Heileman and
Mims Edwards, of Ooderich, verited
McDonald's one dation week.
PATItli Eric flocem.-On Fetter,
August th. tbe sarabere of the Veiled
P•triotie Roeiety of limber& Town-
ship will meet at ibis boats of Mew T.
M. Jobastoge Taylor's (.nieler. A large
reendanos 1. desired for the 'retro
of seleires for the ensuing year The
lest bale of good, shipped emettined
411 hospital obit.: 31) priors rock, 7(E
sanerheripes : 1(17 fees elotb• Mo-
sel pieces sad some head sees Siem'
4 dew. sled 4 gents or fruit bay* brew
ferwarded for the Cardidian soldiers.
Miry tbeaks are doe to there wbo
bar so generously seetelbuted.
Hosea Obverse? Leat Astudwe
111101010, the pairtakiwit leader of the
klethedist their. aotionataal to tha
conerogatina tbat for the Pest Sear
weeks the shirr wools! take a risoden
sod the eonmearsion do the slanta,.
The pastor Uwe mewl oil tboes err
had spoken • klpd weed of steeetwerge
most to the Ourtsg the leer b•
Run No Risk!
Von will retake no
mistake in purchas-
Vv e Have Nothing
But the Best
The best makes, the
best slyles, the best
leathefs, anti we give
you the ben fit. That
caps the climax for
Coe Kest 8t sad Swiere.
Sumner Strrice to Highlands of
Ontario from Toronto
2-,Y. a.m. daily ter I! nakoka hake.. daily re
rept Pewter fer Lake ut lisy.. Aliteregala
I MaireeeteotiaRivi rand liasaiestal Lake
1 paint...
law daile except ttendav for Iliewolen
Hay. Late of Dap. •••d Ragareetew.e 100,er
"ant: `rt.; w. daily eteer l'and', ler Me.1.01m.
Lear.. Lake of 1:4-7.. and Algonquin Vara.
1 111.
sorra Toronto •
A rely.. terrale Were • 4.•W e IN.
goo, releaday. Wedaroday. sad reo.airdey. we -
Peeling woe V.N. 1.0. • palatl .1 itteant.ette fier
Haelt ete. Maria. Port Anent. Fort Xtillawa
. end Delete. wed at Feet Lt Ottani a eh O.T.
omes, ter Whialpeg and palate la Wanton'
tnvia. 1 ewers, p.a. r LAI...try-CALI* and
...rt. r 1 (Ir .rt Ha" et e•r • bet wean Towels
and Vera.. 1. east.
7.11 pert ker.+ and tielt.or• on atrottrallee 10
k gore. T10
!mut Ticket Ageote. Panne A O. R. 11.17741M
RAW. Illekin. 11/110.1. Pease 2 .1..
Terser rep est lee fir:WW1
krs ease
............ 41646.0.0.A...adi.
Having purchased the
1 v. ry, 1 into'.* of W.
Knox, 1 am improving
vs- tquipnwst and in-
to*d to provide
Good tlorses
Prom pt Bsrvice and
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All orders will receive
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Ttunotrora No. IT foe
a good tannest.