The Signal, 1915-7-29, Page 3THE SIGNAL : OODERTCR : ONTARIO T3ruaralay. dins ft 1916 a t' hI MENU .&NI OILY 1 ENGINE BEWARE 01 IMiTA- TION8 SOLD ON T$E M*RITB OP MOM BOOKBINDINCi MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES b000d or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHZR GOODS leu at TM dlu. Oedmis►N w Y•vlse A. E. TAYLOR letaaTtrOan. MEDICAL 1111. GEO. 1iK1LE1[ANN. 08TE- L PATH. emetallst Iw sasses's and era dna's Mama sesta avers sod acnes dL- metevs. era. or sew sad ibseal, racial deal ma. hemMae and rheematie moonier Ad. Wes nerve• t witb•et the knife. sates et essYeoes. owner N.1 - .ad n.. Aediew's wawa. at lure eda•e Mesdara, Wednesdays sad estemars: Gay corm by .wsI.toaat Neer 6F. J. R. FORSrEa-ITS. RAR. T�iliO ad Moat midi Meal .1. Arles.. le r MMeeessa�d Itall. MN WO i07y 0.�rte £ su1 ► s.ass 9. Smi..m.. T m O' a Tttaabene -4 AUCIIONELL 1 GUMMY 1 wttcrsunlfRI;Neu er.Orieriek. y 1011 ISI M atgsat salt a willM�sswmW t .d.d L.a lt.rdeaes sdseeene �a LEGAL R. („ HAYS BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY Pt atm,. a -rt,. =IsmHoak rack. t6amntes asset. eise•m•t Meal finesse Leas. and Iwssear. rWUDpilriiT, YILLO&A1f A PROUDWUOT RAMW$TLRS. s.41t.lCr 01111. ROTARIES PUBLIC. ETC. (M6ss eh the Serra river dant hem Raw Mee wrest, uee.rr-` rnlvtste tear to was al area rates. W. Paovaeoor. IL.t'. J. L. hair ass W. Pa000eowr, Ja LG, OAMBRON. Y. 0.. BARRi8 T. negates. emery pwklts. Eidson cis Mom Wdertek. talyd deer tee a.is.r.. At date Tb.r+da7 of each week is she. oa Albeit Street eeeasied by Mr. j{eepr vides Maw 9. s.aa t. i pa f *14 £ KLKbl GAJiIW W. LL.B.. 1lAK- V ltWTl� stawaev. esWttae, ells.. Geer trrsiieeekhh Money sewed at lowest safe IMAGER. AGER. BARRISTER. SOL - `ie leiter. Notary Pulite and Cr •Sae-U.ort Roam Oedertek. 0►t>r L$SUSAMCs, WAM3. ITC. jw)U �t00 PRIVATE FUNDSTO sw- VVV leas. yen te M. O. CAY- s V'barrsa m Ramillies .tree(. 4isdm4ah. IA/R. HOBSRT1Oh. ▪ • IX$VMANCS AGINT. Visa Gas Liewrwnss t aratsb. Ca.ralan ase noonissirr,ssarino Asa a ort s Wmt. ese Inernier.Anv ss vin rrielp Gw. VV.& r1W1ty.aad Wale& el Ores.sseamCsm s6a s. edlse u terdsess. nsetbeass sasses er VI. leads end R 1sa'M'e swsss.. Pb.ee ata Io[ILLAP MUTUAL FIRM 1I4- 1 Oanraltt�C scio.-renes and Waled t (7msssr .f. D Md.eas. Pres.. Maasr1 P.O. vIIs sse.6..=s issMta P. Q War YeGssaer, asoMM ; Jobe byword; aas.e wrtisrm•16a.CwafasiesA4�aI::.1. W.1. W,y�y�aMsriw•Y•ilaimssM•AIpi• �,s��b Carr : Wiliam all sa�srekmlttra. sed she mads nes M `J. Morefrbl Clothing Mierat,yy. sr at R. 6L V.m s G.ewr -. Errww sseel Gedmleh. 10...41 MAAAIAGE LICMMS'S wALTK �t>KM, 0)1?.p" NOVER Or ISA AOL 1.10113111131111. Patent $Wiutor fl. S. LL I refer tuAlas 1 w ur bidet AttwtNlt TR la sod milli% ▪ Expert witness in patent suits. Pat - q efellittall M ail tlOwAtriee. 99 ata JameNreet, MealnaL Write ler I.. . 1111101110. Brophey Bros. 0ODERiGH The Leading Femoral Directors and Embalmers Orders easwftsly .Ne.Ied to at all boon, West or day. R•41•44MGOe K P. aa9OavmmmomN1 Ottawa. July 17. -The good guessers at the esp:esl are apprehending from the Ma. Arthur Me4bea's published resasrkr that the chief role of able ris- ing row.n statesman, who acts MI undmitady to all the leading eharset- ere la theact, le to kesck the Na- tional Treasoontisental Railway. His method is to talk rapidly about the N. T. 11. and w divert attention from the Government's shortcomings with the Canadian Northern. This is more- l] an expression in words of the policy wbicb has been actively pursued ever since the Borden Government took office. The National Tracscootiosotal Railway is in many respects an ideal railway. Outside the material helm- ets it would briug to toe country. tt e Laurier 4usernm.nt was inspired by the laudable ambition of having here la Chemist the best railway in tt e worsts, as we already have the biggest In the shape of the C. P. R. Oa teat pricciple the N.T.R. was built, • high- class railway with heavy rails. stI,d roadbed, steel bridges, low grades and e..y curves -a railway that would be laid down like Shakespeare's fame, not for an age. but for all time. Gad would Cost very little for Latching. As far as possible the National Transcontinental was built td those standards, w that wbes the ('ooser- tives came in they found it almost too Rood to be true. They et once pro- ceeded to ley hands on it and spoil it as much as might be necessary for their purposes. These purposes were two -to cast discredit ou the Laurier Government and to help their chosen friend, the C. N. 11.. by their acts of omission and commission toward the National Tr•oacont tam tal. It Is quite obvious that Goy peaky which makes the National Tranecootinental a worse railway than it was intended to be helps the Caoadien Northern, which was as good.as it might be. At all events, the Borden Government has always goo* on the prin:iple that while anything was good enough for the National Transcontinental, noth- ing was too good for the Canadian Northern. For this policy the Cana- dian Northern is not absolutely to blame -the affection of the Bordeu Government was largely "wished" on them by the Government's desire to acquire merit hr boosting a project of its own. The C. P. R. not being any Boger in the geld, the C. N. R. saw th ,text hest bet. The Nasional Transcontinental bas been seasoned in two ways -by word and deed The words include the Staunton Gutebus report. which, in spite of the commimiooen' ferocious intentions, failed to smear the road with • bad reputation. The words also include the hired efforts of • Yea - hoe writer, wbo succeeded in getting his stuff Hilo an American magez'ne Gad to that extent made N. T. R. fi- nancing in London difficult. Mr. Meigben'e invidious remarks are the latest contribution to this campaign of detraction which bas been hacked bycompetent deeds. The word. and tdeeds. ea Finance Mistletoe Whits world put It, synchronise. Fee example. While Mr. Mei ben M Ow the .sump, Mr. Cochrane and Mr. Gutellue are buying a lot of second• hand locomotives. superannuated freight cars and other junk. so that the railway of their hatred wall be crippled with poor rolling stock. More- from end to end by a private com- pany.over. during the two years Messrs. The N T H oat the otter band Have beautiful window deconttions Nothing gives so much pleasure as a well decorated window. Your windows will be the envy of your neighbors if you use the coTts.e.A Flat Rod -fee emreshe sad reins Caole1me11d scot to sae or tarnish 'Vert is a Kirsch Flat' And in c-lor to Meta your woodwork or draperies. Every rod cosmos a written rammer dist k wig not sag of tarnish. k's war away to Uwe ass ettwser. esdwlese . A the XbacA Bet Reel Come in and see them GEO. HOHMEIER Seaso nable Footwear WE feel the very least we can do for you when you come into this store is to give you Shoes or Rubbers • that will be absolutely cotn- fortable and will wear to your satistarticn We want you to realize that your well- ies a is our tint consideration Our prices are ascot reason able. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North side of Square Goderich Moue of the patents and freedom from Government control of rates until its dividends are 10 per cent. on its capit- al -said dividend having been success- fully dodged up to this moment b cutting melons, embarking in branch eoterprises and other devices well known to financiers. The C. P. R., with all its spet.iel privileges, i. owt.ed Staunton and (iutelius were entered was built without laud grant tax on their 0150 • day report. the De- exemption, or Provincial or local aid of any kind. The Government has ab- solute control of freight rates -end the railway is under the iurisaictioo of the Railway Commission throughout its whole length, which the C. P. R. is not. The Act also provides against over -capitalization and secures run- ning rights to other roads throughout its whole length. The only financial aid given to the Grand Trunk Pac`.flc was • guarantee of interit.t, and if the Borden Government had not inter- fered with the arrangement the Gov- ernment-owned and constructed sec- tion east of Winnipeg would have been rented to the (:. T. P. at a sum sufficient to pay interest on the •mount invested. The Dominion of Canada owns ooe-halt of this great transcontinental railway in fee simple and has lien on the other half for se- curity of its guarantee of interest. On the whole the National Trans- eontineo_al, as the Liberals left i1, was a great railway, with all the modern conveniences and precautions in the way of Government control of rotes, overcapitalisation and like matters. What is it now ? The Hon. Arthur Meigben is doing his best to aalwer that question. 11. F. 1.. talent of Railways was busy lam- bing them with corroborative evi- dence by putting in switchback grades, increasing curves, submit wooden bridges for steel and monkey- ing with the works generally. Tide policy, whetter one of spite against the Laurier Government or deliberate- ly collusive with railway corporations which dreaded the loon of competi- tion and cheaper freight rates. has been successful to the extent of enab- ling the G. T. P. to refuse to operate the Eastern part of the road, on the ground that change= were made in conettuction which did not receive the approval of the company's engineer as per agreement, made and provided in the Naticnal Transcontinental Rail- way Alt. It bas also landed • Government, which is not keen on public ownership, in the morass of public operation, which tends to show how far • bunch of reactionary politician, will go in the matter of biting their nose off to spite their face. Marred and shorn thcugb it is by partisan meddlers, the National Trans- continental retains manl of is good features. It is approximately ae straight as the crow Hies, and short- ens the journey between Great Brit- ain and the Far East by five hundred miles. The Borden Government has made It a little harder for the crow to fiy •trsiebt by sharpening the curves, but otherwise• the advantage bolds. The road has, generally speaking, grades of 1 in 230 for the eastbound traffic and 1 in 170 for westbound traffic, which means fewer trains, h eavier loads and a saving in freight rates, which allows it to compete suc- cessfully with the waue routes. As a matter of comparison, the hauling power of an engine on tb. N. T. R. is seven times as great as it le on the C. P. R ineidentatly the N. 1'. R. cut s off 2D0 miles of the present Interonion- ial distance between Quebec and Can- ada's an- ad:s Dearest winter port. Ht. John. His the Daly all -British railway on the continent. under one management, traverse Canadian soil from ocean to ocean, •sd by its connection with the U. T. R. transfers the through -traffic interests of the O. T. R. from the proton) 5t•tee t0 Wsstern Qaaada, if given half . ehanee It should double tbe industrial and productive area of Osaada, developing the hinterlands of the Northwest. Quebec sed Ontario, opening up eoil held• on the Saskatch- ewan, Athabasca and Pears River.. providing an interchange of products between the prairies and Pritieb Col- umbia, furnishing competition In prima pt+rr tion to 1'200flee of vain- grnwtnRL^nuntry In the West. sett en. erring • third railway tlet from and through the wheat fields to the lake. Judged by ultimate results the real - way was talk .eosomically. The C. P. R. gat • sash subsidy of O><,1610,• 003, oompleted railway another OW - unio °, Ifkorykono tons of land •t a -nmputmd present worth of 000,000,- ODi wad the MsWee d establishing Lown doe. t also _got tax eg.mptlon tog Its laid tic sweats yawn reit the wiroirsersersiMatiMaireMelieWearratry e Oil Stoves ! EP' 'IP. 'NU f J We handle the New Per- fection and Quick Meal Oil Moves. And have also two De- troit Vapor Stoves, prac- tically as good as new', to he sold at about Half Price W. R. PINtIER Phots 111 • Aamilt.oe Street artosarreliasilleaserralieriatterelervie •'A Man's Ability Is Mie Passport" FRANK WEAVER i hµ•••• M .Deis w vale* eesNeb«t TeeAw vide. Grimy .d M.... Swam touoosl o.T•aro Swisher fisher - 6.4446 0~44 Ite..i. i.. ..J k....resae.a Or terms bed In4formaelesi seen, �• u r song frown • • atm QUOTATIONS I JULY 25 Toronto Glottis Market Extra cheice steers 81.46le23.10 Hatcher steers. goad7.60 1.10 do. mod 1um 6.75 1.16 do. common . 6.60 6.25 Heifers, good to choice. 7.60 7.76 do. medium ., . 7.00 7.36 Butcher cows, choice... 6.60 7.25 do. good ............ 6.50 6.00 do. common 4 60 6.00 Butcher bulls, choice6.76 7.60 do. good balls 0.20 6.30 do. medium 6.76 6.00 do. rough bologna4.60 4.75 Feeders, 600 to 1,000 lbs7.26 7.60 do. hulls 5.60 6.00 Stockers, 700 to 800 Ib6.60 7.25 do. med., 660 to 760 626 6.60 do. ':gbt. 500 to 650 6.00 1.60 Censers 3.76 4.10 Cutters 4.60 1.00 Milkers, choke. each60.00 94.00 Springers . 60.00 110.00 Calves. veal, choke9.00 10.00 do. medium 7.00 6.00 do, common 6.60 6.00 UMW, yearlings 7.00 7.60 Called lambs 7.00 6.00 H^^k lambs 6.60 6.10 Nimes, light 6.10 7.00 Sheep. henry and bock, 2.60 4.10 Hogs, welahtd orf can. 9.00 do. fed and watered. 8.75 do. f.o.b. ... 8.40 Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices la Ole trade: Eggs -- Special (cartons) .... .24 to .28 Extras (selects/ .23 .24 No. 1 (new laid) .21 -22 No. 2 .16 .19 Cheese --New, large, 14e; do. twtaa, 161X; old. large, 22c; do. twins, 22%c. Dairy prints .22 .24 Butter -- Creamery prints, froth.27 .26 Creamery solids .26 .23 Bakers' .19 .21 Honey -Buckwheat, 71ac a pound. in tins; 7c to 7%c in barrels; strained clover honey, 13'4c; 14c in 5-1b. tlna; comb honey, No. 1, 23 per dozen; No. 2. 12.40 per dozen. Poultry Live Dreamed 01d fowl, Ib. 12c 14c 15c 161 Spring broilers 17c 30e Old turkeys lic 206 Turkeys ...... ..... 23. 25e Ducklings 13c 16c 17c 184 Toronto Grain Prices Manitoba flour quotations at Tor- onto are: First patents, 17.10 In cot- ton; second patents, 66.50 in jute; strong bakers. 16.30 In jute. Ontario oats -No. 2 white, 59c to 60c. outside; No. 3, 08c to 59c. Buckwbeat-Nominal. Bran-Mauit• ba, 227, in bags, Tor- onto, and shorts $29, Toronto. mW dlings, 130. Rolled oats -33 to 83.10 per bag. Barley -Ontario No. 3, 70c, nominal. nas.de; feed barley, 67c to bis. Manitoba wheat ..Hay ports -No. 1 northern, $1.43'4 to 21.41%; No. 1i 4..40% to 21.4015; No. 3, $1.3651. track. lake ports. Corn -No. 2. 86c to 86tec, c.i.f. bay ports; l'anadian. No. 2. nominal. Ontario flour -24.60, seaboard. Pe•e-No 2, comma'. l`:ro-So. 2, nominal. Canada Western oats -No. 2. at bay torts, 6442c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 white, 11.14 to 11.17, outside. Creased Meats Wholesale houses are quoting to the retail trade as follows: _leer, hindquarters., ...215.50 to $16.60 do. forequarters ... 10 too 11.00 do. choice side.... 12.25 13.60 do. medium 9.75 12.25 do. common 8.25 9.26 .button, Ilett 12.60 14.00 Peals, prime 13.50 15.00 Shop hers 12.00 13.50 Heavy hogs 9 25 10.60 Iambs, sprine 19.00 20.00 tombs, sprint 20.00 21.00 Cheese Markets • buns:ord-The price of cheers took drop at the Lindsay Cheese Board his week. The output went to Peter. oorough and Lindsay bLyers at OM price for all, 13c. Cowacsrii:e -Thirteen factorise of- fered 742 parkas' of butter and 85 :ores of cheese. Five factories sold at 27311c, sia at 27c and one factory unsold. Cheese sold at 12 11-16c. St. Hyacinthe, Que.-At today's ;-heese hoard all offerings sold a Nutter sold at 26191. Peilevitle-Two thousand one hun- dred boxes were offered• all white, all Bold at 13 3-16c. East Buffalo Cattle cattle --Receipts, 2,600 head; ante.; prime Steen. 29.75 to 110.05; shipping, 38.75 to 29.60; butchers, 17.05 to 27 60 heifers, 16.60 to 28.75; cows, 23.60 to 27 25: bulls. 25 to 67 60, Vests -Receipts, 5.000 head; active, 50e higher; 4.10 to 612. Hogs--Recelpta, 12,100 head; active; 10c to 30 higher; heavy. 17.76 to 16; mlxod, 28.10 to $1.25; yorkers, 68.26 to 118.60; pis, 18.36 to 28.60; roajba, 16.25 to 86.0. stags. 34.50 to 46 60. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts, 1,400 head; active: lambs. 65 to 19.76. yearlings. 34.50 to 37.50; wethers, 64.26 to 24.75. ewes, 23 to $6; sheep, mixed. 16 to, $6.26. ti Cities.* L1.. $tock Cattle -Receipts, 1.000; market, easy: the steers, 24.6 to 3110.25; west* steers. 16 8i to 68.16; • cows and h fen, 33.25 to 119.15: calves, 17 to 310. Hogs -Receipts. 33..00; manse no settled. light. 37.46 to 17 85; mixed. 2e 75 to $7.76; heavy. 36 45 to 17,40; rnesh. 36 46 to M 46; Dias. $4 76 to 17 66. hulk of sal.. 26 8o to 87.36. Sheep -Receipts, 16.001 market firm; sheep, 36.116 to 14.30; Iambs. native. 36 to 2x.26. Soled May and anew Merchants are now baying cm trach, Toronto. at the following niece: waled hay. track. No. 1219 M1 to 210.0 do. 74o. 2 17.00 10.00 tiled straw. track-7.00 1 Special `/aloes in all Departnwnts Two Black Silk Specials No. 1- Black Palette Silk, extra heavy qual- ity, beautiful rich finish, 36 inches wide, usual $1.25 quality for per yard........ 11.00 No. 2 --Black; Duchess Silk, super quality, wear guaranteed, 3e, inches wide. Regular 17,- quality for per yard... _ $1.35 Special Yoke : Cream Serge Two pieces only Cream Serge, all wool,admir- able quality for suits, skirts and dresses, 42 inches wide, per yard. 60c Cream.Blanket Coot* Cream Blanket Coating so much in demand for sport coats. Heavy quality, 54 inches wide at per yard. $1 .50 Clearing all ColoredLSummer Parasols up to $2.00 at 98c Line. Hack Towels .S�eeial values in Linen Huck Towels bought at the old price, only 12 dozen in the lot, ex- tra large sire . 2:.ceach or 12.75 a doz. Our Special my Spreail Special Dimity Aerial white Spread, light weight, easily washed. This Spread is one of our best sellers. Frill size, each 11 25 0 Special Clearance of all $1.25 House:Dresses at $1.00 New:Stock Cartaiaeral 'j Nets intthe nevi weaves in white, cream and ecru, 40 and 45 inches wide, per yard.... 2:c New:Silk Sweaters These new Silk Sweaters are very handsome, in all the new shades, very fashionable for motoring and holiday. wear. Prices from $6.50 to 19.50 each !See Our Specia1Ladies'Middy at $1.00 "NIAGARA' MAID" SILK GLOVES OLD BLEACH LINENS KAYSER GLOVES McCALL'S PATTERNS Millar's Scotch Store The Square, Goderkkh, Ontano Was Conservative. His Hwt-By the way, what do you �•? J011 AM" GOMIME.RCIAL think of the lliosieno imbroglio ? g r Mr. Malaprop -To tell the truth. 1 R ne %`gnat like old-fashioned American fruits the beet. -Judge. 11 0.4"1.1""MWORAIMMOOVINVW !HOW ELL HARDWARE COs, LTD. 0 41111111111.111111111110 kfarvest Tools 7-8 Manillaand 1 -inch pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope, ser lb.. 18c 3 -8 -inch Trip4Rcpe,...... 20c A11:Iron Pulleys. each... 35c WOod Sheave Pulleys.- 40c 2 -prong Hay Forks ...... 2Sc 3 -prong Hay Forks.. IOc, 65c 70c and 75c hest Steel Tines andHickory Handles. off Keep the fliesyour cows and get more milk by using Dr. Williams' Fly and Insect Destroyer ur Cc.w lyases gallon 1 gallon. 60c $1.00 Warranted Government Stan- dard pure Paris Green, per 11 a ................. 35c Bug Finish, per lb 3c Land Plaster, per lblc Sprinkling Cans 35c, 45c, 60crand 65c Hand Sprayers Suitable for spraying trees, shrubs, potatoes, henhouses and cattle.... ............. Ne Knapsack Sprayer $5.00 Get Our Prices on PORTLAND CEMENT Scythe Snaths Reaping Hooks Scythe Stones Latvn!Motvers (best make ) We have a few left that we will not carry over at , these special prices. Regular 17.5f1 for $5.83 .. 15.75 for. $4,48 " 44.75 for $3.71 Buy now an.: save mor ev Gold 1Medal and Hobbs Special 65o feet pure Manilla Binder Twine. Get our • prices before buying else- where. Hammocks Just a few left. Good color- ings and weaves. The prices arc right. Screen Doors Keep out the flies and let in the cool summer breeze. We have Screen Wire, Screen Doors and Windows. ,, When you paint don't forget 1.7. get Lowe Bros. High Standard Paint. The hest ready-ixed I'aint on the market, covets best, goes farthtst, wtars lont;.st and keeps its looks, NIL_ 'e carry a complete you lith the rigbt Paint for every kind of work. range of colors and also can supply Detroit Vapor Stoves Just like city gas. No wicks to renew or keep dein. Barn either oil or gasoline. Yon can see them work and get prices at our store, HOWELL. HARDWARE CO., LTD. 'PHONE 57 Store Closes Wednesday afternoon during July and August. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, 111111•1111...1 1641111111111•1111/