The Signal, 1915-7-29, Page 11
How abort your stock
of Printed Stationery -Letter-
heads, Billheads, SeVelopse,
Etc.? If yon need anything
in this line The Signal will be
glad to receive your order.
, First-class Work Piave 35
.LXTT.$Ev L'1 ti Ygha-Mw alts
National Portland or Canada
We are offering Cement at a very close bgnre and have a
fresh stock on hand.
'Mom 41 A. P.U. Boz 18.
Protect those dep.sdent on you by to ce
in The Life Assurance Co. of
Canada- 11 L'a b0 r1 Only Mutual" r : : :
P. 0. Bac 364
Grr„kb firm, SO.
Bring in your MACHINES and have them over-
bellietd by us. We are ,.well equipped and have
experienced toren to do you work .
par d ued.icb Wsem(MUM•M of
The*raw i oast. a•aen-
I. *rekr• 1 l5 am MOM yetee teeel.
are den se,ts t wast-. dee eu ketaaaat •ae-
7wm 1wnecesam etas ►a- n SaesMeson,• b
ire tie lass! vso le eo nest 1tpt
ayes ser- rittr sad wW h.
flew err say we are mete de-
b= t.7t%redar• Argent dile. 1.11.
lhanab.Ma 0. W r Railway aandd Mtraf-
bef bead. may be •••s at the Tem
'seam (Jelloa.Tease asemeasily .
dadoMtarlhor toforraatioa appt1 to 1M m-
e. 1.. KNOtX.
Town Clerk.
JeruTe ov W14. J•Cnr•g. UTE or
L T s owlet@ or war Waw•xsen re
ns °WNo► Hume, Paned. ea
oaaeih term that M.tla y Mnh d ,ay
is an invitation to the
people to do business with
you. The man wbo does not
advertise has no right to ex-
pect that people will hunt
him up to give him an order.
Reach him by a Signal Ad.
Marsbtmallow. (or toasting•
M) cent. • lb. at Blackatooe'e•
It would be just as well if automo-
billets would nnserve the speed limit
when driving stout Lowe. 'There way
be trouble jest around the corner for
some of tbei reckless drivel..
The Ooderich fire brigade intends
competing at Monad at the annual
firemen's tournament to be held oo
Wednesday nest. The council till
make a grant of $50 to cover railway
The regular meeting of the (lodes ich
brooch of the Women s Institute will
be bald iat& the boo Thurrsdda Mrs .Augu t
Britannia toad, ram ie be-
ingat 3 p. m. A Rood grog
Seg prepared. Visitors always eel -
Mr. B. Knight, chiropractor, late of
London, Ont., bas become • resident
of °oder icb and is occupying the resi-
dence at tam corner of Nelms street
and Cambria road lately occupied by
F. J. Rutland and family, where be
also has hie offle.. Free consultations
will be given during office boun w
stated in his card in our advertising
Remember the garden party ander
the moron of St. Georges Church -
women's' Guild, to be Mid io tbe rec-
tory grounds, corner North and Nel-
son ettatts, oo the afternoon and even -
Ing of Thursday, August 5. Tbere
will be s rale of 'miry work, ice create,
prograin the evE evening. e wood ic
m in
served from b o eI3ck. Admission and
tea. •15c.
War Orders at Paget Works and
Knitting Factory -Dox in ion Road
Machinery Go. Making a Motor
Car Attac4srnent-New Salt Plant
and Buehler Factory Progressing.
S e1eM:L PRIMTteu co_ L1*ITZD. Ptsueeaae
b --
The Red Crone Society wtebee As the Ooderkh iced Cross Society
thane the Leeburn WVoeseo s Mission is making •reran ots fora Society
ary Society for the following dome isms kingne. ot tbe for funds to
be: lab tate clothe, 413 reuutbwipee, Darr) oo its work. it has been thought
12 bandages efolio well that a limioary statement and
Ifo following subscription ti is -0 should be u.ade through the
(2o4 p with tbnnls : Mrs. Holt, X3110 keel ealpress this week, and 1 have been
($ A bele was
A Dote sent Ut Toronto this requested
work to undertake this part of
wee! salved at 053. jam shower to The tiuciety Is quite aware that
Please remember the .there are other local organizations
be held •t an ewrly dale. which have been doing noble work in
The nenSocietywishes" to acknowledge
with many thank. the IollowioR CUO" collecting funds and providing supplies
tripeeioos : Mre. W. L Horto), 9 and that many of our townspeople has e
pairs socks ; sire Horton, sr., 7 pairs already coop ebuted liberally to the
socks ; Mr..ltobt. Young, Mies Eliza Red Cross and other food*. At the
bath Foster (Port Albert). Mee. Jor- sans time, there can be oo doubt that
dao, 3 pairs socks tech ; Mis. Hale, there are many who have as yet given
Sirs Metre, Mts. Aitken, sr., Mrs. little or nothing and udbny otters
Nay. whose contributions nave been trif-
ling in proportion, to their means.
Furtber, while a few Frob•bly are
giving systematically about all that
they can afford, the great majority of
w have not fishy realized that it is not
only our privilege but our duty to
give, that this duty ca000t be die -
charged by nue, two or three pay-
ments but must necessarily continue
bioding till the clows of the war, aad
that in order to discharge it fully we
obould be willing to deny ourselves
some of our usual pleasures.
The truth le that the majority of us
native-born Canadians do not memo to
understand clearly that this war is
different from any that Britain bas
been engaged in in our lifetime, tbat
Britain is now fighting not merely for
honer and justice but for bet very ex-
ieteoce as an independent. liberty-lov-
fog, self-governing nation, that our
safety depends oo hers. ii ode d that,
therefore, not only R
symp.tby but self-interest should im-
pel us to give her our beerty and
united support to the close ot the war.
If we fully realize that this is not simply
Britain's war but our war, and that
our Canadian soldiers, of whose beroic
and steadfast valor we are rigbtly
proud, were just as truly defaulter
Canada at Ypres and Laogemarek salt
they had been repellini a Gentian in-
vasion at Halifax or Venc•,uver, or as
the brave men of 181'114 did at
Lundy's Lena and Chateauguay, we
shall, 1 feel lure, not fail in our duty
wbetber to bear arum or to contribute
money or work. Next week begins
the sewed yssr of the war and while
and pray that it may not
deem of the 7 r t twist
fitted tbat tis red iknot yet in
aught. We must therefore face the
M 11 M resolutely aad hope -
ally. tore there can be no pease now
till the German war party bee been
decisively Mateo.
And now • few words u el the can -
Tau The intention ie that eacb
household if possible then be visited.
that everyone that will .ball he himself or
an opportunity to pledge
herself to give • certain amount,
whether email or large. each week for
the ensuing year. Of course payments
may be made monthly cr quarterly if
preferred, but in the i,eliel thee it is
easier for a greet many people to give
a small amount weekly than • much
larger sum at oecutonel intervals
arrangements will be evade to have all
such visited weekly. Any further
desired will be furnished
Work at .bre 4orth American Clone 1;0. 5 pi tree ceedieg apace. A
large number earn, I:uptown' and
cement weekers. are engaged io the
erection of the new buildings. Meveral
smell but pelmaneat outbuildings
have already been completed and the
concrete walls of one of the brger
buildings are up well into tbe *stood
story. A sy.tem of concrete reser-
voirs sunk into the earth has also
been practically completed. Tbe ex
oevatteg for tic. largewain banding l
n ow Eaiabed lad tato. ars Agdi
Menem gravel for the eooerete walls
a start epee wbieb will be made as
soon as the banding now in course of
e rection is oompieted. Meanwhile the
t plant 1s being opeiated to i
dpaclty to cope with the busioese
The Paget Factory.
At the eget hctor y upwards of
more of are engaged in the mak
bog of bezel. Most of the wo
is ping Moe es the pie-ework pia
and a els too busy W talk.
first a of then boxes s o0
piet.e in be .ktaswd as soon
the t} romeot inspe6-
Burkholder, Mrs. John fits, ire.. S
S Mitchell, Min M. Clark'
Clark. 2 Mire socks each ; Min Dark,
Min Gladys Field, Mrs. Leitch. Mrs.
liiocke. Mrs. Robt. Clark, Mrs. W. 1S.
Kelly. Mies Phoebe Steep, ti iss Galt,
Miss Eliot, 1 pair
m -
nes to
.f .04 t.a old:.soda rade ere
aAt•st and t'sita Weald 'toy ter J`kr twe►o
pool. O. M. Klan, useseire.
1 H1h1G est -1 et IR RI'L
err W ( rag's r pets. -.1* ale tate
tr a Ii:to+r Botta a[ SSG par l -tib, a C.
11VNNtrar cPhoa•1>>l
Yi ,es -brick mites. ea East street
'weed by
vs Ca r tar nm- *Miss with k
OHM with Starer l at ave + e~t' r ei •
ijrepsrt •ssia teteea loa t
Sart:e d wblol 91.111 'batt se bane W
panty et mid village
w orths
▪ alst is tine tewribly Zeit Wawnseh.
sot em by that parties ef the reWMe
theal said village situate In the taws-
he ni esemm °timideu vUliage dthat n 1.
the towgsktp sf Wast W awaswk.
TAKE NOTICZ that the ahem is a guanrla
d • plate which has leen talepsa iwaesa
W P !lee will ViLally
r.( Mato
Mester da the ev..i et the meat of the sim-
wrs ebtalad theism after one moth
from tle arm wMbatta• Hanel 1. Tics
seweppaspec the dated which paklieauoo wee
the TM day ef Daly N16.
Aad truer take .otio. that the voted)
d the •tamer+ d the said sed all
d w •pee laid pyo
low win be tame •t the Fier
ot Maeeba•tar,
on Malo street. te sold eines in the moraine
between tin Man of 9 o'clock
andSieleeklatinahrernoS. 0o' John McKnight.
thele dal I A appointed for that put
Poet. retntsWt sneer
Ra =UNCI Ser
oat tin estate et the
who des se far meat the
w Jase • D. Mas, are re-
ms__ sell sr either et them en Igree
ow dewier a tae .ad.n ea*
yet win sad testsma.t ere .
rubes eamesI iS .r re nes inn issezewes i.
mea Ms seem st the
dewased nmttrraseeseeses will d • wYae
itled there -
b4 Wiese
nasal ei to rhe , sed tin
wranwsttbe. •"
est/ ,deers 1. sus mMeteeL ia i
gerw ^ ss M ei (Miele et
cif BIWd 8 des d Jely. A. D. till
WWI% i'Br►al: N0. PAui t
7 • LW. 15%L
NxAult tee TES CUt1NTT.
is mem ewe UM 1 haave I7ee,llw
ted es aad s d tin sea' ' st es
f.lhee take puttee that oil Friday. the
13th day ef August, 1015. the Impe•ct)n trustee
of mid 'urge will at teed at raid rite Hall at to
o'clock la the femme to appoint perseea to
Weal at raid salllag place crud at the rims!
summisg op el 18. votes (Mee on behalf of the
pmw.Itlsneted In and promoting or oppos-
ing tin pewlee d said bylaw.
As further take sottce that .n Monday. the
Mb day •t- Awed- 1913, the ...Id moralise
officer will a &maid Pin Hall
cis en
le the forenoon te sum up the
brand sgata *gold byre.
And further take settee Chet all leaseholders
Sashes• d sad gts.liaed to vete open said by-
law are remised at inset ten days before the
dp d ream is die will% the tru.tec, of said
,alba. • etetesar7 declaration of goalie, dim.
deal permed t.tMwk their amuse w ll nI heot:V
year e• the voters' list for said veun..
YCNdBLeTT.. Trustees.
1'. A. HOWSON, site
en tdAltY ROOOO she 1R•tWea es !iia.
NW -
How to Knit a Sock.
'l'be following directions for knitting
socksaregiven by one of (loderichs
expert knit
Cast un 7'j stitches -a oo each
The leg: Knit 11 or 12 inches long,
3 pleiu and 1 puts. tak-
heel : Divide the stitcbte,
37 for the heel. Take a seam
misi 18
ter the centro of the heel
stitches on each side.
,Vita tbe inside of the wrke next, you 'slip tin tint rtitrh, purl
wad slip and purl alternately to the
11th tie cream stitch : fait 19th stitch
plaits ; then slip the 1018. purl the next,
eeis8p and purl to the end of the
needle. Turn: slip the first teels
Lieut. H. Washington Killed.
Hamilton. July 26. -Word came this
ttoo nson that
tCrown Hubert
7 S.
W•abington. of this city, command-
ing • machine -Run motion with the
4th Battalion, was 1111.4 in seti0e oe
Friday. The young officer was only
tweet -two years of age. He eras • boy. Waabiegton made •
mutterer himself in the fierce figbYng
that occurred whoa the Canadians
to Calais
stemmed the Germ•n
and it era• reported that be was to be
toent.oned fir the V. C.
Lieut. Washington was a oepnew of
Miss Washington. East street, Oode-
have resiontly beep install machines diel ssuit s&cross p'a'°. 5ur mg
t until the heel
►nludtup • doable boric oe is 3 inches lour.
and • de i Ms been
To tura the heel : stip o knit biBar-
ot hos Punches bas been fitted out To
one lobe.eam"stitch!,
eo that atoN operation it will punch row.
the boles in theetisl bond. used on cue 'Turn work without knitting to the
. bell boar* and also bend the hoods stud nt needle : slip one, purl one, al -
..ape for'oino three taroately as before to the centre or
autoof a square. The wort ere seem ; knit seam stitch: then 1'p to -
woo trunk building is Ming held over! purl 1, slip 1, purl 1, clip 1. P
for • time, as the factory does not pre -
- Tars. a stitches ars
vide sufficient floor spat• for the work 1st until all the aid 1
ile*annat oZto ed s Sika ""'`
Cattalos w M
ss istree at
toss ems
wsa t p
tlei 11th 704 mast e••a n Nese
Issse sib ems M easmta the mid
maias1te^ ep arses we
crows socamsee es
Jfily (A!. IMI
1111111111T, DOCTOR OF CAIRO -
et Meese s reet
It •r... i► -
.,anne0011 W. J.
NOTION TO RAT''AY (ties or
%811 VILLaae ow MANOHtllrld
homes or • iAo S /rises TO WI
ypwsrrress ver 15. illanesTr S Tim
POLK* Vna.toa ere M•sos7eiIwi ere
4tRSMr. 770 cath DOT M Ammer. Ma
wit e Y
Dumbly, •eoralsin` gloves sed r+esry.
Thema NOM w P9i $IUII AL, 71'11
JJ lTi 7hereder e. pg
i sly Kim Meet. OILswsi 9L=Y/A tett
end is team
AJa0U1rl or Det 10 BM ORaAT4t- era
re rass d •
wise t is
le eMd bracelet. tsemlbsd "law Joan.' The
ewns my love same se apeu1 1 (t a Mitol
ORA■AM. ort Meet. Ms.t
red cress sod (geek ..apel ; loltlse
M. H. M. Omar'. bibs!. •a hart of yin.
Yarhar P.*. ere oo finnan or ort
st Rew.d w y*Tyg at i1UV.IL 07
• i
s -=r -f
b. ess*et ease C. Labort
C Ut.Te .
gg Jett
Red Cross Tea
A tea in aid of thw.general funds
of the Ooderieh Red Cross 8o-
cirty will be given by Mrs. Wm.
Proudfnot and Mrs. J. J. Acres
(81. Catherine's), at
Menesetung Park Hotel.
Wednesday. August 11th
Tee served 4 to 5:3D p.m.
Admission .od Tea - 15 costa
Vlctrola Dance in evening 8 to
11.30 p.m. 5 Dents per dance.
From Pte. J. B. Brown.
A friend in town has received a
letter from Pte J B. Brown, of
the let Canaotiaee, wbo is now, atter
Saving been wounded at the front, in
Norfolk horepital at Thorpe. Norwich,
England. Recounting some of Isis ex-
periences, he tells of having been ie
five big battles, to each of which the
Canadians loot be•vily. He *aye : "I
was blown up in the air and got hour
ribs broken end toy back injured. 1
have no use of my Inge at all, but the
doctor tells me I'll ems* out all right"
T'be weather to Rogland, he says. M
rather cool and raining every da
(thin was written July 9th); "but I
can't go out, so It makes oo differeoee
to me at .11. It is a little tooesome
lying in bed all day and no ono comer
to roe me. but I expert e • fellow ields up to-
morrow to see len" was • sregards to the ease bays (be
ber of alas 33rd Regimes* band hers)
end to all his Mends ie Oodericb, and
says be would like t> get back to
Oodericb again. ie a postscript be
says he bee an Woe erode and bottom
off German uniforms. He bad s
German belmets. but presumably
1cet track of them when be was
From Verne Gledhill.
Pte. Fem. Gledbil'rites w the
Comedians in France,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gladhill.
of Benwiller, ceder data of 'hely 0lJt :
"Just a tew lie.. to let mot of
now I
•m well. We have lost coos
the tsssabes ate eight days a it.
W e wen nsrely ie reserve and sup.
port tbla thee sad ROM to $ quot
pians is the 11m. We had no essa•1-
t re at ail this dm.. We were rather
Welty for orae. We w11 bs out tae
days sew sed 18.. g ii ia.
"1 doe t know when they going
to reinforce our Bettelb tat will take
BIM) mon to bring the
up to
full etiength again, so von will see
there are not many of us left to boli -
else Battalion's trued.
l have never felt better ie my -
'.There is some talk about our mee-
ting a pass to go to Enplane fora
week, but I guess it M all talk. It
would be • joke to get away from the
.be11s and bullets fora little rest. If I
do go 1 will step down and see those
people in North Devon.
•Remember me to the folks, as I
am on the go day and night now. 1
particulars ti wt am on tbe Battalion's observation
by the canvassers. scouts, and a sniper u well. 1 b•ve •
H. I. temente. sporting lion rifle with telescope
sights. Looking through them At colo
yards you can see • man blink bis
in Mr. GeO. Jobnston'e auto -truck. eyes. We generally crawl out at night,
The afternoon was spent in the usual aad stay there all day." '
round of picnic sports and was thor-
oughly enjoyed by each participant..
to be pcop.tly on with t
other activities. The Creek already
built has gem been properly finished
sff and le quipped with en adjustable
of ooetainittg •
+eeih.r sad
roadand although only
R teed to vette two tree it has
b.Mmtdsmoostreted that It will carry
throe tons withoutmaterially
I te.Iw.o fifties
i 1' speed,
off, !melee 13 stitches on the n e ,
slip ows and knit serves.
Tees up the stitches doves the ides
(There will gaiter 7
Le stitches. bet the somber tie stile
KKett renes tvery he Misted tbe bin
ting the 35 stitebes on ease needle (coe-
tiouing the ribbing). Take tip the
loops or.titchee on tbe otber aide of
heel as before. Knit to the semi etlteb
- ba.-orheel
rog t in
miles an hour. The gore : To Coit the gore narrow
18s.cil.r Factory Programing every *mood round, knitttag together
The arm Buehler factory is rapidly the third and the *'snood tact stitches
nearing completion. The roof hat no the first needle. and the lend and
Been ° t o o and the work of adjusting 3rd stitches on the third needle.
the tiea wale is proceeding apace, Continue until there are 15 stitches
on the 1st le and 15 stitches
so that the factory will soon be entirely
closed in. Witb the help of • gasoline
engine and cement mixer a gang of
MOD are laying the concrete floors.
These are composed of about eight
inches of rough concrete with a sur-
face of send and cement mixed in such
lr'0 ns that when dry the floor I heel.
will be extremely bard. An elevator Now begin to drop seams, one on
for the purpose of carrying material I each aide. Knit 4 rouses. Drop the
to the u stories of the building well second seam on each side. knit 4
Continue thus until the middle ileam
is dropped. After dropping tbe last
seam knit around to the first needle.
Knit down needle and narrow, knitting
together the 3rd and 2nd Ira
t and the 'Ind and 3rd stitches on the
next needle and el on all around (i. e..
narrowing at both ends of each
Knit 4 rounds plain ; narrow as be-
fore. lain : narrow•
Knit 3 rounds p
Knit 3 round. again : narrow.
Knit 'l rounds : nanow.
Knit 2 rounds again: narrow.
Knit 1 round : narrow.
Knit 1 round again.
Then narrow every round until there
remains hut one stitch on each needle.
Put 2 stitches nn one needle and nar-
row. Paas the remaining stitch over,
break yarn and draw end through last
stiras byding down
Fasten sed
on the 3rd needle (what was the seam
stitch Ming retained on the 1st needle).
Now divide the stitches hes Iontethe
foot will be even (:
needle). until tbe toot
- Continue ribbing
measures 71 inches from the back of
For Civic Holiday
If yon want
eeJoyuDls time come to
to Mee a nice,
The Point Farm
We are going to have the
Auburn Brass Rand, and the
Dungannon and Saltford
baseball teams will playoff
a tie game There will M
Tenni/ and Rnwling, and
don't forget to bring your
bathing snit, as we have the
heat tithing beach on Luke
Firms WANTED--ONprr•S
FUR W4IIT1D -6 •OO O.D,,
w. r efrottLM.
z tyueslr7• ~ to ARt wit
1( lltNORAJI , •+sem NMI !sit
t Ida It. a mio.w,.essMii Vt
ova., anssa tj (vin
11 eNw 1.
ins procedurete
ftortbe y uidnbe in
operation within a mouth.
Knitting Factory limy.
The machines at the factory of the
6oderich Knitting Co. are singing a
lively tune tonne days, .as the opera-
tors are busily engaged upon an order
of 40,000 pairs of military stocks from
the British Government. This work
will keep the factory busy until the
end of the summer and tbe prospects
are good for securing other orders. as
Um agents of tic. French (ioverument
are making enquiry for socks.
Dsmisi°s Read Machinery Co.
'the omos staff at the Dominion Road
Machinery Co.'s plant are in very good
bumor these days, for, while the trade
in belt lie cannot be said to be boom•
log. • Dumber of good order' for road
machinery from Quebec have recently
been booked that 'rill keep the wheels
turning for some time to tome. A
considerable amount of f ualwork is
tbe form
being handled at press
of repairs to farm machinery, thresh -
Ing outfits. este , beside several orders
for work around the harbor. A device
for transferring tbe l fro
m the
yard at e Big Mill to
room is also under eoestrucdon. An
ureter bas also been booked from •
Stratford firm for the mating of •
'tarter attachment for Ford cars. The
device can scarcely be termed a self-
starter, hut is operated from the inside
of the car by • wr amiservide 1 ears oded
for use on jitney
It is
quite simple in design and can he
attached to • ear for 1115. Thr factory
is running full time with thee:esption
of the usual Saturday afternoon off.
Doty's Have War Order.
The Doty Begine Works today re -
wend an corder fox 10,0(8) 0D-18. *hells
for the War Department. This will
make a boy time at the works •s
poo se the esaebiaery is made ready
for the ailing of the order.
Hew Is The r
r--+ STAR -COLE LiNE 'Y1
Marie, Miele., via North channel
and Georgian tiny Porta. every
Tn..d•yat11p.m . and for Poet
Huron, Detroit. Toledo a
Cleveland. every S.torday at
11 a.m.
Olen. H. KI.t. e•
iseJ W. ClIAIO
'244;40!". . acbtltl e•
Steamer kw,*
l:odrfeb for Sault
Mr. A. T. Cooper. of Claim , occu- Baseball.pied the pulpit of Victoria street
Methodist church Imo 8utiday end A game of baseball at the Agricul-
gave interesting addresses marring tura! Park on Wednesday afternoon
and evening. Mr. Cooper is one of between two local teams failed to at -
the leading temperance workers of the tract a very large crowd of fans. The
county and had something to say game was • fair exhibition ftthe
with regard to the enforcement of the popular sport. Roy Spading, pitcher,
Temperance A.tnow in force in Huron and Wm. Bisset, coacher, were
county. battery oppo.std to Bdg•r
pitcher, wd Victor Dean, catcher.
A brave tablet has street
been a game resulted in • win by 8-9 for
church in North ofrthe to Mr. Methodist the Sperling -Bisset aggregation.
church by relatives of the late Mr. and
Mn. Wm. Holland. It Mars the in- Laws Bowling.
ecription : "In loving memory of Wil- A tournament in Scotch doubles
Lam Holland.ois, 1n51-1913• and his wife, was held eeterday oo the West street
honored in
1861-1rrb Laved and green. The Bret event was won by
honored in this church, which 11. ' C. H Humber end Stuart Henry,
served to the utmost of their power.
' and the mooed by Fred Hunt sod
On Monday evening the memhera of Ernest Stewart. A. O. Nisbet and
the Eureka Bible class of Victoria J. P. Brown were the runners-up to
street Methodist church met at the the first event and A. G. Nisbet and
p•rewn•Re to bid farewell to Mrs. t . J.f. L. greet in the *mond. Four
Wark and Miss Amy Wark. wbo Min of Blyth bowlers took pert in
leave in • few days to make their .be tournament.
home at Smith's Falls,. A social Next Wednesday (civic holiday )
evening was spent during which an there will be a rink tournament., and
address, •ecoaspanied M saitablr pert- players are requested to be at the
log gifts. was promoted. Mrs. Hutcbi- green at 9.311 o'clock in the morning.
eon rend tbe addrese sod the presents July 20th
tion was made by Mies Maud Killian. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Wee.
Mrs. Wark bee been the teacher of S
the Eureka class said Mies Amy also Header-('. P. It . . .. t
has been active in the work of Victotis Drug( ark weaned -C'. t. Ceeltl.... . f
street cburcb, and both will be missed. i we tet, Mrs. 7. 0. Mer
The calendar of Knox chuck for Sed tiers idtra t
Monday last hal the following refer. (hlrowset a [eight .• ..-......
encs' "1111. week our Deaconess. Oarden Party -et. ,Oeorge•7Charchmom • 1
Miss Lily McArthur, completes her linlld
two months' practical contree of Nr- learner Warted -e. tt. Nis 1J. /uhssld_ _ . ;
vire in our eongreiration Her work Maid Wanted- Ilea WDeae $ -..-
has been greatly app reciated . Mire has Remit Werk--1)emintee d ReMacbleer7 ca.
not only been faithful and efficient . I
lclent hot Jai
the spirit in which her many duties
have twee performed has been most
exemplary. Mb. will complete her
training next year at the I)eacoeess
Training Home. Toronto, and we will
anticipate for her a career of greet
usefulness wherever her it more ybe
cast Our earnest hope is t
our young women will follow bee ex-
ample and enlist in such active ..rv1x
for the Kingdom."
The annual picnic. of the Baptist
Sunda school will 1.'e held at Menese-
tung Palk oo August 4th.
The Monday school of Victoria (street
Methodist church will bold its al
pi nit on civic holiday (August 4th
Harbor Park
Mr. Colombo. of Detroit, and Mr.
Milton Tyndall. of Carlow. were the
solol.ts at North street Methodist
church last Sunday.
Rev J. E. Ford returned from his
Obit to Ottawa yesterday and will
o•cttpy hie pulpit in Victoria street
Methodist church next Mahbetb.
We .are Ons Misdeed Millar* Reward for
nay d rrr0 moot oot he cured by
~ . wJ. i'ts DIZT It CO., Tel dn, 0
Wo. the sookonigiled M'eserewes i
1 MOOT roc rms.
an Md and
Mm te m-
setlaee •eAtnade em le wry sol say
bg h Ai
"ftig1s*rrwa:. P••1[11.1 (•orryta'lp a
crag-• ( beim le beilat•rni lly. eat -
eyes theWeed lr
tin mimes sMare free.
i rams etMob. tvs Armorial"
Puy far eaa0lwtMw
Rev. D. T. L. McKerrnll. .f Vic-
toria church. West Toronto.reached
In Knox church on Sttodhy last and
was Merl with interestan
+!nd profit.
Next Sunday .. vier*ns ill
duetod by
To -
o .
Rev J. T. Ma -shall. recently of Ker -
Tisdale, B. C., will he the .pewter at
the Baptist church nest Mende!. hnlh
morning and evening. Redoes going
West Mr. Marshall held pastorates at
Berlin and Mnotre•l, and he is recog-
nized ss one of th.,strnng men of the
deeominetion . People's 1'nion
The Baptist Young Peep
held its annual picnic no Saturday
•ftarems. The spot selected was Me-
Gibbon's strove at Henmlller sad nearly
thirty of the young people went out
The kiddies my ice cream. Motbie
says we must have the best. Daddt.
pays. RLckstone'e has stood the teat
So away they go just down the street
el Bl
to gackstoee s leect naw that cos'
be best.
P to Let- Lobelia
C't'Ir 14otldayw
tempo .......
Delver foe 4.1e -II 05 RW
eriv.,Wented MJA.CbWirr.....
Debestoras for !isle -lion ellebM1eb
Meter vett Li/it Orer-tin win OMNI"
Headless teat TM 4•st
LUTTRELL In OMerM. se Awd.y. iely
!tett0. Jane Nowell. raw ef the yr Davis
iwtaeell. Is her fish year.
0c$W[KN.-In Ood ate en FrWar.Jnt M,
is d her /ed i :cyte cast. 851.1
ELLIOTT. -AM Jinly Pa. ed the reeldeeee
I Lr nrabor,11, Dammed Mid.
Jew.hadea/ et 0.41 IMP
Nott y gt
tie.... .. 1
Mist Diem -J. T. Ow
. 1