The Signal, 1915-7-22, Page 9-Wirinners• OSP-
7 ' Onsilng
Tateaseav„ JOU, IL 110
-Lack of Karam, irregular
hours and di•t, n aa
strahh all tend to produce
camstipation with Its train
of evils -indigestion, nary-
ousemes. sleeplessness, and
teeny Pis even more serious.
of sedentary habits
a The gentle but au
TO RELIEVE CONSTIPATION -One tablet crushed In the mou tt=
and swallowed on retries is usually sufficient. Where& prono
action is desired, let this be followed by aces on rising. If the cause
isobstinate, however. take two tablets at night.
Loa Onterltee are Made le Carman and said ha metal bases st Ik,Ms awl serha
at Root Wane einarywItera. Gin•lass Tads, ea Me Idemer-esek gads him
re laxative
are pleasant to the taste)
Fir( PVT
for every
ne ueaieis
Wm" 4y ever,- member
Is Your Rocf One of
Those in This Town
that noel out nt tent inn ? The
longer yaii deley making the need •
repair. the Mole damage th
weather is doing and the grea:e
your expen.e.
Tinning and Repairing
roofs. also hailding gutters And
leader,. in our par of this world's
wok, and we di. it wed.
Better senJ for us now and be read
dor the coining weather.
Fred Hunt
Harni.-ton .9 -ref • :- 17:cee 1:=5
The King Etreard hotel property at
Wrtsceter•bas been putt:Muted by D. C. t
O. Dick. of Hensel!. was severely in-
jured when hi. team ran away with
nit.' one day recently.
Charles (Slew, of the Huron road.
llullett, has sold his hum to Pater
:aWor. of the same line.
Metier.. J. K. Br3wn, teaec Lake and
A. 11., McDonald were installed a.
eld•t • of Ethel Ph resbyterian chincon
The caretaker of Ripley cemetery
tendered his resignation hemenes peo-
ple lueiet on asking tor credit for duo
'slag ara.rave-.liugh Kyle. a member of the second
coetingent, died In hosyltel
in England. / He Was* son ottbe
Wm. Kyle,,of Tuokersatites
A now brick schosolhotise is being
built et 8.8. Nc. 10, Morrie. to sta-
p4eted it. edit be reedy foe the tell
of ening on September 1st.' •
I'docipal -McKay, of Klimardine
high school, has reeisteed his position
and h.. accept ed a place on the staff
of the 0 Alt Collegiate Institute.
James Leech, who Wall one of the
founders of the village of lime',
and 'tall resides there. celebrated hie
eighty-eightli bit thalay on July 11.
licsoa. Hunter, white crossing field
at irdine in which a .111are and
fat: wete greztais was kicked in toe
Lama t Ossle uLd received painful
Jetiiimah Jane. darghter r Mr. and
/fie. Jahn Maguire, it Bostick. WWI
married on June Mb to H. W. Letup-
twy. of Stratford. Rev. A. B. Doleo.i
Mess Eliza Elli3tt, of the 10.1t eon-
' of Hut -on, was married un .1une
23.d to Ahem Ackert, of Holyrood.
son rf 11r. and Mrs. J. H. Ackert, el
County and District
Lurk:Ion% a
flore.go '*V Hervey, a former reel -
dent ot Huller: and brother of Moe.
Petrie. of Clinton. died in California
on Ju:y 7:b. He was ninety-four
vein's old.
Rooth:: K., daughter of Mr. and
Mts. .1,1011 Elder, or Henisall, died nn
July 14 after an operation for appendi-
citis. The hill was fire yea,, and ten
moctlis (1%
WI, i:e wot k ing on the farm of Frank
Hintz •t Ii.-odhastrn a boy from the
McPhersou House, Stratford. was
k.cked in the side by s horse with
fetal result.
Wm. Rom. of Mullet. whose born
was 'peen, ly 1,tirned, has gis-en an or -
dAr, tor • new steel Imo 3n:7:r ftet
Which he hope' to have constructed in
time for this season's crop.
The engagement is announced of 1
Winone. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
lot, R. Sunda cock, ol Hullett.
W. 0 Weymouth, of London. thr
wedding to tale place this month.
After several months' illness Ruth,
ten-yenr-old daughter of Bev. A. J.
aod Mrs. Lsngford, of Kiiicarthoe,
monied away on July 12th. The re-
mains were taken to St. Thomas for
Th. marriage total place at Moose -
jaw. Sask., on July lit of IN jail Bertha
Little. or Toronto, to R. J. Brown, of
Swift Current, Sauk The groom is a
son of John Broven, of Blyth, and
formerly resided there.
Professor J. J. Keys. a native of
/Medley township. who has 'wen nue-
cessful in educational work. was
elect el superintendent of public
schools' at Nisstrille, Tenn , at a recent
meeting of the school officials.
Mrs. John Akins, an aged reet,ient
of Howlek, died at the home of her
eon -in-law. Adam Young, nn July Mtn,
aged eighty-six year.. She was* na-
tive of liegliind hto had been ,in Can.
01* Since MI Two daughters and
foliar sone servire.
Three Walkerton ',mina men were
each fined SIW) and costs for milling
liquor without • licenee. Th• liquor
was stored on 4 houseboat moored on
the Meogeen River and the officers
raided the place at 11 a. in on Sunday
morning. The esee will he appealed.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M !Cal).
of the 7th roneession, Morris, was the
Winn/ of a pretty ',eddies°. July 14th,
when Anna Belie, daughter of the bite
Ales. add Mrs. McCall, wee married
so W N. Perry. of Merriam. Coma.
Rev. A. J. Mann performed the owe-
Jobs Madden, an aged resideed of
the lah IMINIPSOill• of itepbre, Med
teacher teethe Medal Scheel term. 1 WOMEN WHO ARE
O. A. likadelaew Mumma home last 4
week after atonelltiaa ilts famed of ,
fatherwbo died while on a visit to
a sea at Tomtit°.
John A. Setter wee. to Stretford
last Thursday to mired the funeral of
his greadusother, who steed there at
the age of uinety-tbree.
H. A. elite, for several years edi-
tor of The Wallereborpt Herald, now
retired, ham been the guest of Nes 'moot
and Mr•s. Welsh for several weeks.
Eighty-one head of cattle wet •
welshed at the town scales ooe day
last week and everaaged Et.SU 110. 0..
beast weighed snail*. They were all
purchase.] by a Chicago firm.
W. H. %Vatto of Bolton, its rpendieg
a week with his son Thomas here.
Since the death of hie wife Mr. Watts.
or., bas disposed uf his business at
Boltoc, and after a ,Wit at Toronto
will probably wake his house at Clin-
Dr. McNally and Dr Shaw. iih
School Inepector Yield, tort PaJIIIP
she school trustees recently and stroDa-
ly united the itutslla i if osei-
tary lavatories/at the school. It is
emit mated the proposett equipment
would cost fritiel
Mr. R J Cluff, a prominent busi-
ness aeon of Centime, died suddenly of
heal t failure at his home here im 1m i -
day. Plitt inst.. in his sixty-fifth ytar
11. was a retail elhoe mead:sant, and
was its the trat4ellers' sample room
placing an order for shoes on Thur." -
day evening and complained he was
n .1 feeling vet y well, teat acute placing
p art of his order was able to walk to
h • home. and retired about his usual
time. The doctor wait called about :4
o'clock, hut could do nothing for him
and he died two hours later Deceased
was well known in this districf, bay-
ing been born in Goderich township,
and for many years had been in busi-
' glees in Clint 10.Ha was a member of
the town council for iseverol year., and
also acted as chairman of the Centre
Huron board of license commissioners
(Intl last M ty. when hie work was
on July 10th. He was a native of lie -I liken over by the Prosier -hal board•
land, but had lived in Canada fifty-five' In religion be was an Anglican. He
yew,, most of which titue was spent was a member of the 7,1strionic and Or -
at Mount CmrcneL He -. seventy- arlge ledges and a Conservative in
five years old and ieettivived by bis P011nc.. Rev. W. T. Cltiff, of Strait -
wife, three deughters and two sons. tord, is a brother. alio John Char, of
John NVestlake, a nati•e of Celestite. i(ioderieli townehipIIle loaves wife
and three iughfers.
died at his home in that township un I dr
July 12th. He bad gone out to work WINGIR•M.
around the barn that mot -Ling and not
feeling well bad returned to the house. This ty-four lodges and flee bands
A doctor was called, last Mr. Weat-Iparaded at Wingbani en July 12th
lak• expired shertly after his arrival. I Meavvv• H.mer &84vola have 0Peeed
He was in his fifty-fourth year and is a re•taurant on tne premiees opposites
survived by hi. wife, one eon and the Brunswick hotel.
three daughtets. The members of the A. Y. P. A. and
Mrs. Anthony Holt, gr.. passed Sunday school of Bt. Pawl's church
away at her home at Forderich on July made dart) on July ,I2th by serving
71b from an attack paralysie. She raval"•
was born in AVellington county eixty- I John Kaieer. who had been operator
Illtre years, ago. but moved to Huron et the O. T. It. stetion herr, has gone
comity with her parents when a child. to Geotgetown. 8. H. Milne, of Alma,
libe had resided at Fordwich for forty- su:ceeds him here. -
five years. Her bushiest. two 'sisters
awl Iffee Wahl= PUritivr. At a erreeial meeting of the town
council held UPI July Sb the Pix rate
Jelin Jamieson 'died suddenly at was al rikls at Gritty mills al against
&hid on July 12th He was the wail- i thil ty-fice mills last year.
render between Ethel no-roMee and%llr. Bertha Krotz. who resided in
the railway station and bad performed aa inghsw 4„04 (,1 ".41.,, ago. w44
his duties na nenal on Saturday. ( n
thinday h. couiptained nI ferlina u)n---1 merited recently at l Ce? teo Cali-
well and on Monday he died. He was i
lasthty-ftVe yeers and le survived
by his wife, foes' sena ansl three daugh,,
The SUM of 8143 was contribute] by
the peon!. of Exeter for the purpose
of supplying the 'oldie's with tobacco.
The first rimier t attended 1.y Miss
Edo& Dow, who is a nurse a1 the (root,
was a foram Exeter boy, Khmer Lase*.
Tbe canning factory stetted Opera-
tioas last week canning peas. Pees
are a, fair crop this, year. Corn Is in
need of warmer weather.
By a role of 247 to 7. the ratepayers
of Exeter last week endorsed a Hydro
[Warr I-ylaw. Tlia. bylaw authorizes
the inststiation of • kydro-electric sys-
tem here, at a cost of $111.1,01.10.
A former well-known 'resident ot
Exeter passed away at Detroit on July
Sth, in GIP person of li•belle Gould,
relict of the late John tiould. De-
rewsed removed from Exeter about
fifteen years ago. She was in her
seventy eeee rth year and is survived
by five daughters. The interment
tool plate in Exeter cemetery.
Jame. Burspem has taken over the
ousiness of W. W. Harris.
Will Hartio, who recently had his
face sni eye/ laurnel with sulphuric
acid, is now tecovered
Alex. McIntosh. who purposes re-
turning to Ninth Dakota, is offering
his property here for tale.
Brit/eels Red Cross Circle forwarded
$7.7i but week to provide a cot in the
Duchess of Connaught hospital at
Cliveden, Eogland.
Frank Naegeli and family, of Au-
burn, have removed to Brumela and
taken up their abode in the residence
at the corner of Alexander and
Thomas streets.
Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Crawford and
daughter, of Duluth, are visiting rela-
tives here. Mr. Crawlord was form-
etly a resident here, but has been
away for twentyawo yea...
Police Magistrate Holmitirird hat
Wane to spend • rouple of weeksvs.-
cation in Parry Sound district.
Joseph Abell. son of Job n Abell, .r.,
and brother of John Abell, jr,. died at
Toronto on July 15th. He had been
unwell for some time.
George Mteet, a former resident of
Seeforth, we, married at Saginaw,
Mich , on June 24,' to Miss Nellie
Green. They will reside at Saginaw.
Mr. and Mrs. 1) A. McKay bare
gone to their summer home In Mee-
koke. They will not return to Sea -
forth. as Mr. McKay has resigned his
position' here.
Miss Chriatene Atm* (askew, a
former &retort h mid and a wraduste of
fit. Joseph's hospital, Victoria. H. C.,
has taken • matins in Ms. Anne's hos-
pital. Douala., Alaska.
Milton Cheenev, who bal. been home
hare ea a newith's siek leave, has now
hewn transferred to the Dominion
Rank et Marne -ire. He was formerly
with one of the Tweet° branches.
Aliso Jennie Reads. of Broseele,
hem offered the position of sesistant
Look young! Common garden Sage
and Sulphur darkens so naturally
nobody can tell
May Fed Help ia This
Swan Omsk, Mida-" I masa speak
too highly cif your seedleina. When
through neglect se
overwork I get ton
down and my appe-
tite ie poor and 1
have that weak, lan-
guid, always tired
feeling, I get a bot-
tle of Lydia E. Phisk-
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and it
builds me op, gives
me strength, and re-
stores me to perfect
timid% again. It le truly a great bless-
ing to women, and 1 cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom-
mending it to others." -Mrs. Amon
CAMERON, R.P.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Sabres. Me. -"Before taking your
remedies I was &I run down, discour-
aged and had female weakness. 1 took
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com-
po®8 and used the Sanative Wash, and
find today that I an% an entirely new
woman, reedy and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
I your medicine it was • dread. 1 try to
impress upou the minds of all ailing
women 1 meet the benefits they can
derive from your medicines." - Mrs.
CSA.R1.118 Rowe, R. F. D., No. 1,
Hebron, Malno.
If You want special advice
write to Lydia E. Phalan' Med-
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Masa. Your letter wit be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
fornia, to Clifford Rat Vann.
Christopher Ernest, the infant .on cf
Mr and Mrs. Edwin -de, died on July
nth. Me ebild had never been robust.
IHe was fouiteen months old.
Eugene MacDonald was ki lied in
!the head by a lerwee while working at
Ithe Bell factory. Several stitches
i were neceseat y to dose the wound
I J. W. McKibloon received the wiz.*
offered for the hest -dressed window of
Pasterson'e chocolate.. There Were
112 contestants scattered throughout
Canada. A. P. Knechtel dressed Use
[ Wm. Gray. for forty -flee years a
resident of Wingbam, died at the hiss.
' pital here ou July 12th. He was a MI -
Isive of Ontario .04wee seven* y.five
years old. i'wo daughters and one Wan
1 survive. .
' The students . of Wingharn high
i school sent Chef W. Ewing, 11 to.
fronto, a gold watch nit) in sprirecia-
tio f hi i i i
riarsice for two years. In -replying Mr.
, Ewing said he had enlisted.
Meyor Irwin hart been granted two
months' leave of a lemma- and, accom-
painied a l• saw ter, is making a
tour of the Weaterei St ties. It lie ex-
p cold they vs ill retina about Mei-
t anber 1st via the Canadian We4t,
A quirt wedding wee solemnized at
n o s sere rem a. netructur
t'se 'same of Mr. aced Mrs R. Hendee -
Grandmother kept liar hair biastifully
deritemed, glory and abundant with •
brew of Sege Tea and Sulphur. Whom-
ever her hair fail out or took on that
dell, faded or streaked appearance, thie
'simple mixture alio applied with woo-
deeful effect. By asking at apy dreg
store for "Wyeth's Rigs and Sulphur
mpound," you will get a. large
bottle of this old-time recipe, reedy to
use, for about 10 eenta. This simple
mixture ma he depended upon to sentare
natural color and beauty to the hair and
is splandki for dandruff, dry, itchy warp
and falling hair. •
A weli-Insoura downtows draggist says
everybody uses Wyeth's Sage .ad Sul-
phur, bemuse it darkens's* asearally .01
evenly that nobody ran tell it has been
applied --it's so esay to me, too. Tots
simply dampen a comb or soft brink
and draw it though your hair, taking
ows reread at • time. By morning the
gray hair disappears; after another appli-
cation or two, ft is reetond to its natural
Dolor 5" Isebs Owl, soft sad abate
Spray Your Orchards
Nothing Pays bolter
I am agent for all Spray
Material, Lime Sulphur,
Dry Soluble Sulphur
both Dry and Paste Ar -
inmate of Leal.
-both power and hand
We have the best brands
and at ail prices,.
Come in and see me be-
fore placing your order.
blotter telt, Ont.
Great Lake
To the
North "Fre,h
Water Sea -
• it -
Oa the Ciezt-71L--
lakas--Idsal Travel
and Recreation Cnsiws
-with all the mistrial ceraforts--lueurirais
arpokti,vott ar.d lateen' enjoyments cl octan
travel un the Lore Lir.ers.
wi dat &WM orata lonto 4 di.igtolal elarelani 4 Owlitat -leurrwmaa Paw she thie
Larlro- Finny 1,ir ILAw PA.," to 5 now', Pi Ildr•P Meabi- MOP hdandr-s.4 m4.hrs-
14454 sal I... -I44-4.
To Dulutfi, Fort William, Port Arthur• Soo
'4-- • ••
Mackinac, Georgian Bay
and the 30,000 Islands
Tim UM nowten ••••Wea Waft mwm ad AA
NW mai wrimwai siweli IAN
smer-thierstri aml 4.WOOMal
P... fle OW 'illsaisr• swat wawa bra
445 Wady not ilnialn Itf aa wa log NNW
nosing Pawn '• yarark " - es ram**
maw .4. reww sirs isw.
Camas* Yaw Crags*
Lar g. gals sem Oa plaints. inn
we awe Naar. • 'M al nimbi. istalINSIO
.110111.111., non ARA. emdm•r-
Cid far wom Om Ammo pin tatin inn IWO/
la a
11. M. IlSew, 514. POW. • rim*.
PenmaroO• doraloniedl OPelles•
514s.4.. 1 woo C. 415.4.5.
m w . .4. .444.a On. h.
Ara. *dna poi
law 1 sour OW it Caari
Ion sad neon. 1..• Sew
Om. • Wei Taww• a•
A. ataAm4 T..* at Csa
to bonl. Ilan sad tat
Inn 5 SI ltont Point lin. Mtn
AM el 5 sma T. Or law
WOW Ow • -- treat two. ...•
russosose. Kowa 1P•1111.ana la
(ons.......4,' to Ilan Illonalso sin
Winn on Gronnsfa On Pone Inn
IWO lawa laaamm IN bon
Oraise SO-491/01Apideolar.
edramml Oft lava. so=
Isaawsi• Pam llama*
Sarnua dr) r
sae eta July 7th, whim their niece.
Mies May Vlswelling. baealint t be bride
of Richard (fielder, Artnur. Rev.
J. W. Hibbert perfoi sued the wart mete
mummy. The young couple will -
WIND et Arthur
- - -2--
arithmetically Described
Jasks-So you and toe Brayton
girl age one e
Timms --That... what 1 thought
whom the parson married us, but 1
have since concluileu we 4IC ten.
Jocks- VS bat do you toren e
rismon -8he one and I'm nought,
my dear fellow -Peareou'e iVerkly.
Dodging the Question.
Tramp- -Please. Inane, I'm a Belgian
Lady -Are you? Manion a towu in
Tramp lcogitating a 'moment) - 1
would, mum, but they have all been
umitroyed.--allt. Louis P01114 -Diepatch.
Trust in Providence the Limit.
Sortie time nal, la paarwitger ship
having got into great diflieulties in
itaid-ocezio, owing to • ...vete biotin
and heavy Arita, and after all efforts
had been eirandoued, the captain or-
dered all hands to ••truat Iii t'rovid-
once," when one of the tswegers, •
etergySnan exclaimed, "Heavens! bras
it come hu that: -
at Big Reductions
At the Cattle Show.
A young fellow at a C.111.. le show was
snaking biniaelf conspicuous by loud
resaark• about the exhibits.
"Huh!" he said. "Cell theists prize
cattde ? Why, this are nothing coos -
pared to the cattle they used to tains
imi any part of the country. My fatties -I
raised the biggest calf of any WWI
a d our natty.
"Yes -end the noisiest," remarked,
a quiet chap heat Ir.
The Kaiser's Job.
"I wonder." !sooker' Mis. Brown,
es she put down her paper. "wheal
they'll do with the Kaiser when the;
wet is over ? 1 suppose the% 'II take his!
crown sway ...tut make rim look for
another job."
"Perhaps." agreed Brown; "and 1
rather fancy 1 know the job he'll
"What's tb•t ?"
"A diver's."
"Why 7," asked Mee. Brown
"80 that he can inspect his fleet now
and again," was the reply. -Tit-Bits. 1
Tea Is a War Munition.
Tea is being used as the moat port-
able beverage ration in the trenches in
Europe. The belligerent Governments
are buying in eeee rime quantities and th•
troops ate acquiring a taste for tea seseenessesseereowasesenewesnereseesaniew
that will greatly increase the (satire
consumption. :Cheep tea is a thing of
Use past now that t he new demand has
arieen. aml i ising price, may be ex-
pected for some Gme.
Cut Prices on all the
Straw Hats in stock.
McLean Bros.
Sem,-Ready Tailors
Carhartt Overalls Fitwell Hats
Holeprcol Hose
A correspondent of The New York
Sian quotes a retnarkable tribute of as
itegre ;bleacher to • white preirher
who hal eoneented to occupy tise bleak
hrothet's pulpit one Sand. v. He said :
"Dia noted divine ia one of de greatest
men of de age. He knows de un-
kiaborable, he kip do de undoehle, an'
he kin rinecrew the novel:m.0.1e !" --
Christian Intelligencer.
The Ideal Vacation Route.
The Canadian Paciti" crinveniently
reaches Pint Au Bent, French and
1 sckerel Rtvere, Severn Ri•er, Mus -
kolas bike.. Kewertha Lake., Rideau
Lithos, 1,4.. Ontario reseria. etc If
you contemplate a t.ip'n( any nature
consult Canadian Pacific ticket agent.,
or write SI. Murph , Distri, eggtt
lager Agent. loroni.
St. Jerome's
Excellent Commercial Department
Excellent High School Department
Excellent College Department
New Buildings with latest
Hygienic Equipments.
The largest Gymnasium in Canada.
Running Track, Swimming Pool.
Shower Baths, Auditorium.
First -Class Board
Comlortable Weeping Roams
Rates Moderate
REV. A. L ZINGER, C.R. President
Summer Goods
Refrigerators. !lave
v o it
seen the fine assortment we
have for you to choose from ?
Oil Stoves Wehave
• the New
Perfection and the Jewel.
These are two of the best and
most economical oil stoves
on the market.
Screen Doors and
Windows. SI7ICS .111.1
si1'.e'4 to stilt
every person.
A very
large as-
sortment, prices from $2.25 tsp.
Binder Twine.
just received a large shipme
of Gilt Edge, 650 -ft. Binder
Twine, the same quality you
got last year. Do ink leave
off buying your twine too long,
as there is going to be a
scarcity owingi to the extra
large -acreage id the West.
Hay Fork Rope and
Trip Lines.
ceived a large shipment. We
carry ropes front 1 in. to I!,
in. in stock.
Ready -Mixed
These paints are
be the best • paints therefore
the best value on the market.
1 and see what a tine range
colors we have for your
Are you going to have your furnace riverbanks] this Fall ?
Why not d9 it now and be really fur Fall?
Now is the time to get ittr %% Intl f ,1114,!% 1ooal.
when the markets are at die lowest. The,
wily of miners' ski in the hard coal fields next month
for higher wages. These. if conceded be the owner..,
mean that coal will he higher If oh re
will be a scarcity of coal NOW IS THE TIME TO
PROTECT yovitsir:LvEs. Plescait Nita:. of tied are
Chestavt GNI 17.51 Stove Coal 17.51 Egg Coal 81.25
iis figure on your Outlining. ht ating. electric wiring.
eavestroughing. etc. All work promptly attended to and
folly guaranteed.
STORE 22 - - - PHONES - - - HOUSE 112