The Signal, 1915-7-22, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERIL'Tf : ONTARIO
Teen gin*, JULY 22. MU •
bound or repaired.
osv .t. F. QAosrv•••••••SS
Ottawa, July 2U. -The Hon. Attbur
Melgb.o, wbu 1• the little busy be. of
debate, lighting asywbele, Sipple,
everywhere, stopping nowhere, got off
a few ca..*1 remark. co the war and
the Laurier uevy the other day at
I.uodoo which need checking up. A.
the Hoo. Arthur was using the Ma-
sonic Temple w an auditorium ea the
time, nos of the criticisms urged
against him is that his arguments
ought to have Lo.0 more on the square
than the were.
The awlieitor-4i snore' made the
statement that the Opposition did RR
it could to obstruct the war supplala
and put stumbling blocks In the way
of the Govetnmeot. As tbe Opposi-
tion joined heart and band wish the
Government supporters in voting the
two war funds of one bundled and
fiftymillion dollars the Solicitor -lien.
rear allusion is taken here to wean
tbe proceedings in the public necout,ts
committee which revealed some of the
Oovernwent'r part y fiends as doing
all they could to prevent the hundred
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothipg gives so much pleasure
u a well derotated window.
Yekr windows will be the envy
cf your neighbors if you use the
cX,t4ek Flat Rod\
-for curtaiws and draperies
Guaranteed not to sag
or tarnish
sis a Kirsch rias Rod in a
c.:lor to mat h your woodwork or
and tiny millions from teaching the drapers,. Every rod contain' a
spot. If ioaisting that the people of i '' .•.r:aea Ftarntee that it will rat
Canada get a dollar's value for every l 11 or
dnl'ar spent ; if erring. as in (be ease t It's a t away to ham ass attractive
of the hiuoculars, that eigLt middle- SI window .ntA the Kirsch
men did root come between Maker and , FLA Rod
purchaser; if showing op one 1%11-
taking three prices (*maw us and err them
.creative wewl,rt of Parlisutent ar II
for surgical drean-
Ings and entailer Conservative ureue
her as unloading reordered hours at
the loop figure; if waving bark all the _�
Iran and hungry party patriots who . -
had organized to milk profile ; if cut.
Minders tonnwle mimed to 00 leavtne ting Out sham shore and fake electiona
ban uTit h19ION AL.pudurir:b. for the soldiers; it any or all of tltese
A. E. TAYLOR. tkenarvoxer. were factious opposition, then the 1
Hon. Arthur Mrighen is right and the
MEDICAL Opposition is proud of it. i
Yee next 60)0 .1 *melded Was the 1
Liberal attitude toward the navy. It
is a big (lueation which the Solieltot-
Geueral es light'', opens, nod as it is
one of the attulea of the alleged truce
which the (4orerrmteot claims to be
°berrying, Mr. Uetgheo'r actino to
nil,biiug at it between elections has an
appearance of bad form. T'be quest' )0
will ultimately be thrashed nut on the
hustings and the old rt,,sy will be told
over again from those happy barwou-
ions dal•• in 11411) whet leader li.,rden '
and Mr. Foster and Piem;er Laurier
were all agreed on what Canada ought
to do for heiplf and the Empire, down
to those lister ecrimouious days when
the Cueae'yative perry. Laving come
r into power. found it. necessary to make
a play for their Nationalist allies and
discard a permanent policy for a con-
Nobody would expert the ''Soliritor-
General, an a young man with bis wry
to make in the Borden Cabinet, to
acknowledge that title Liberals were
right and that if the Laurier naval
pokey bad been carried out this
courftry would have been spared the
ht'miliation t f asking the British
navy fur cruisers to convoy Canadian
soldiers acro•a the ocean. Neither
would anybody expect him to point
out that the Lawler navy could bave
done much to protect the North At-
lantic • d keep the tradie_patbs clear
of (Sermane. not to menrk,o coverlet:
Britub Volum bia'a nitkednees and sav-
ing what Sir Richard McBride paid for
two euhwarinee .
Nobody would expect bite to do any
of three thing,. because that might
lead the question bark too fan and
down too deep, but he could hive
Made • long story short and pat up an
iotfresting speech At the Sallie hue
by going as (ar back as 11)11 and tell-
ing what Mr. B a..a ens his Nation-
alist Aieods said then in behalf of
Premier Borden and bis policies. The
Issue was supposed to be reciprocity.
but as the genes wan to play both ends
for the widd:e, the Letitia,' navy was
the chief thing tatted about in Que-
bec. The ruhject spited over into
N:wthern Ontario and Mr. &ere its
was brought Into Nipiuing and
Algoma to help the Conservative •cas-
didYtes there Metas.. G ,rdon and
Smyth had voters who needed intlam-
iug on tbi, subject, and they calcu-
lated that Mr. Brwr•ssa was the bate
- Hrrhug. He ie. In New Ontario he
opzrattd under the direct auspice. of
the Hon. Flank Cochrane. who held
the matches for him. To suggestions
that Mr. Bolden should substitute for
Mr. [tourism. the candidates gruffly
replied. "We don't need Borden t,
win. we do need Bourassa." Thous-
ands of copies of Le Devoir were cir-
culated tree to fan the blaze
The Solicitor-t.eneral need not have
gone into the nee and fall of Mr.
brook, whose motives were sincere,
but he missed a lot of hot stuff when
he neglected the outpourings of Mr.
Boursuea and hie bend of hope. There
1e really no excitor for the oversight,
because the old fyles of Le Devoir are
cull of it, also the columns of Hansard,
where it has been put on record by in-
dustrious Liberal Men]hero.
Broadly *peaking. Mr. Houma was
of the opinion that Canada bad paid
all her dept to England. that • Cana-
dian navy would embroil Canada in
Downing street wail, and that Cana-
dian hushaande, ons and sweethearts
were in grate danger of hieing dragged
away by this sea monster and dieem-
bowelkd by foreign cannon halls.
Mr. Bounties*. to give him credit, still
holds these opinion., but all hie Na-
tionaliet allies --in office ■t Ottawa -
are singing the other tune now. It is
1 sweet and becoming to die for one's
native land so long as the native land
is being run by the Coates stave (iov-
ernment. Circ irnetancw, as Mr.
Melgl•en will admit, greatly alter
What did Mr Alfred fievigny say
■tout it P Mr. vevigny is now Deputy
Speaker of the House of Commons and
his sister, Madame Plunondon, sold
pills. to the Mil ti• Department at
twelve hundred per tut. profit. ltep-
uty Npeakee Sevigny is waving the
nag now, but at that time he was
wiping hie boots with H. The nag is
quite an impersonal matt r with these
tellowe -ik's just a questo'n of bow
henry ,*4S0 tan he get with It tine
way or the other. %hat did Mr.
flevtgny nay P Oh 1 be paid Laurier
mea an ituperialla. That his navy
hill wan slave traffic. an attempt to
coerce Quebec. (kanecription would
come neat. Doobttesr he n std have
.aid mon if there hadn't been ladies
present. brut that ebould he enough to
hold him for a while.
Mr. Pelletier .aid enough to benne
Posttasster-(inner!, and sulerprent-
y Judges tad Mr. Nastel (s1 ed slew
1�B- Gall 11 iLh:3lANN, OSFE-
1 PATH. .peciell.t 1n and call
Scarab dowser. acute, .bronic rod nervous d1.
einem eree ear, now ind throat. Rattail deaf -
mar. lumber* ant -he. nitric .u,. i.tuo.. Ade-
n oid. rrruo,ct with ret the knife. 1H11os at
ineieeate. ....Mr N. I . ud .�Andrew.
✓ ssera Albano eidm Mosdas•. .edncrdar.
wad detentes.: any 'seeing by .ppniula:enl.
J naw and threat arty. Besse snntta�era.
en Yank Ophthalmic sed Asrwl lastltou.
WJcal Assist-. Far. Vase wed 1 beast Hoepttal.
Sala... Wormwood Moceeasid bye Hree.tal.
Leata. Leered. Onion li B. Waterloo intent.
ltawtts.d, opR►ire Hees Cbetok. Bows s.
M U a. m., 9 to I p. m« 1 tell p. u. drOs.p►wae
J1. AUcTIuN11312t:
Wm 117, tlodericb. Au Wtrestisan 1p al
lett u biguat ulflee wilt bte
admi so. a•dom*, easterner
u • (. MAYS
(ling-Mterlia; Baal Mort. Hamilton Brat.
.0s. t eo.
Meal Nettie Losse .red la ee.eue.
rimy UFOOT
F :BLit% CIC,
Daae on tie Bourne, teemed don from Rani -
Rios Atom. Ona.,Lid
salute trod. to wits at Iowa* rear.
W. Piellt. MUM. 1:.t'. J. L lut.t)aax
W. f'rrrtwoo'r. Ja.
lois steel. wiseacres. ewe
•l .on At
turmo ret xn each by Alt.
1►ee, eo. naive hour. e. a.m. to p...
,ISAHLhei la AHKU W . LL. H-, tlAR-
n 1 Tilt..v. e'er- esticuac• eau.. (flairrte Mer Mta/d aA fewest rate.
%/• 400rt Haw r(lalerk:l c wad Coeu -tan r,
SLtU,000 PItI\ Ape:y ATIs r'uNDS To
lonato0. O. CAY-
N,aON. 13 arbiter Hamilton street. Ooderlob.
Wt R.1W14ERTdO:t.
✓ ite aro Lotrrxuto : ItrltL►. Casadlao and
AotnuaaT, bscanfsf Arta h,MPLOY W' Ltaatt-
iyv : 1'b Amato Aandaat and lestrontee
Owperattea Limited. of Loudon.5.05..,
✓ au
mrT ANDd
taaatvTta Doane : Tb. .8.
Malty a0dUs. saranteeCom t.
Moo of via
es at makil neusrtasam e
sesta sad St David'. strewn.. 'Moos 170.
M • IJ i rii N C lt Co. -tans tad named
Mill (�-tel
0.n.- . H. ltelw.e. Pre... seafsrta P.O.:
kw Ulnae'''. V 6016-. Oaken* P. u..
Ta�.a tC _hays, 0.e. -Tow. Sealers\ P. 0.
(Nr0et000-I). Y. »cOr+aa. ti.ttama ; Jaya
tOrieve, W inti rop ; W w.m Mian.
IIsi onw.l.. bens.' 'Ism.. se..
booed ; Albert Verna. Atacama ; MaJoolm
wArena :m J. tioW,Yew Reims rile ; Abex.
]],,s�Iorb, Mites ; ivim.e. Cbs•asr, 8eatana ;
9. eu..aasr. tesforrb- Poltay rewpal
a �are sad get
B. J. Marebnib Ville* likersAilierami, se at R.
U. Cetts urooers. ILu.a.ao0 .re'se& oea.eba•
AL'1'Kit K. Kii1.LY, J.Y.,
Patent Solk,tor
remarks of a eostebtinot nature
enough to qualify him as Minister of
loland Revenue and afterwards as
Railway Commissioner et $10.0W a
year, but .Mr. Hiondiva•more eopioue-,
ou record. Mr. Biundin tu.y- i e
torsi front his warnings as a Nettotoa•
Rat by the tempest, but. as fierily
Speaker and euneequently as Minister
of inland Revenue. he never shitted
ter enough from office to get over hie
bead. As far back as 11111, however,
he was pointiog out that It might b.•
e.eceseaty to shout hides in the Union
Jerk in order to hrtathe liberty through
;t. He was also OI the optuiou tbnt
England had butchered bis foiefathru
on Ib. Plains of Abraham and tbst
nuytbiog in the way cf naval eel,
Lwtier cavy or otbet wise, war is debt
that Canada did not owe.
Mr. Pagvpt. M. 1'. for Utile!, was
soother Borden auppos t. -r, wen saw in
the Laurier beef it great .Ileab eating
i dragon. Mr. P.quet has not leaded a
Oovernmemt juin yet, but it is notice-
able there when he lets himself go now
it is on something like -Foul Brood in
Hese," soluetbing that n ill not revive
the past wad interfere with the re-
wards of virtue wbieb must come to
the man who wafts and says nothing.
Meanwhile just to show the Quebec
voters the Nationalists bad noth-
ing on him. ['teenier Borden was say-
ing via Montreal (s,zet.e and other
pape'r's, -The Laurier navy will cost
intmrose sums of money to build,
equip and maintain and is will prob-
rodably result in time of war In the see -
lees saes igee of lives." H.F. O.
Lawyer losojeaiiAeat sadRimed
a is ei ear and U.r. le
peeaepWr 5.455404. Trade mart. tat
..gbrrree. ishitgemeet and vanitdy
tfetde.taa a.IMe1N le punt sort..
Nets p ep red fee t•own.N.
Expert witness in palest suits. Pat•
lints obtained in alt countries. 99 Si.
James Street. Montral.
,wrlu M tnferaatm.%
Brophey Bros.
1 Be Lcadinj2
Funeral Director's
and Embalmers
orders ease•tslly attended to
at all hours. night sr day.
You can't hurt some men uoiese you
hit them on the pocket-book.'La ^J
Seaso nable
WE feel the very least we
can do for you when
you come into this store is
to give you Shoes or Rubber,
that Mia be absolutely cow-
fortabie and will wear- to
your sAtistacticn We want
you to realize tbat your well-
fue is cur first consideration
Our prices ate moat reason
(leo. MacVicar
North side of Square
Oil Stoves
s► -WO CI
We handle the Ntw Per-
fection and Quick Meal
Oil Stoves.
And have also two De-
troit Vapor S uses, prac-
tically as godri as new.
• to he sold at about
Hail Price
Phone 1:41 Hamilton Street
Toronto Cattle Market
Extra choice steers .$4 26 40
Butcher sten, good.... 7.10 8.25
do. medium 6.75 1.25
do. . common ... 6.50 0.26
Helfer. good to chotee. 7.50 7.76
do. medtcrn .. 7.00 7.25
Butcher cow., eboi.e... 6.60 7.25
do. good. L.50 6.0')
do. common‘,.4.10 .606
Butcher bulls, Miele 36.71 7.10
do. good bulls 6.30 6.30
do. medium 5.75 6.00
do. rough bologna4.10 4.75
Feeders, 100 to 1,000 Ib'. 7.00 7.25
do. bulls 5.50 6.00
Stocker, 7'•0 to 900 its. 6.75 7.40
do. mad , 650 to 750 6.25 1.64
do. light, 500 to 610 5.00 6.2
Canner 3 76 4.6r
Cutters 4 50 6.00
Milkers, che`.ce. each 6 •.Mt 00 00
Springer . :0.00 10.0
Calves. tca1. ebolee1 l0 10.10
do. medium 7.00 $.01
do. common 5.50 6.0'
Lamb!, yearlings 7 n 7.50
Culled Iambs 7.00 8.(0
Buck lambi 5.53 6.10
Ewes, light 5 ro 7.0'i
Rheep, heavy and bucks 3:50 4.50
Hogs, welshed off cars. 4 'at ....
do. ted and watt red. S.77.
do. f.o.b. 8.45
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale prlcea to the
Eggs -
Special (cartons) .... .24 to - .:5
Extras (selects) .33•24
No. 1 (new laid) .21 .22
No. 2 .11 .1)
• Cbees4-New, lsrge. 17c; do. twin..
11%e; Old. large. 22e; do. twals 22%e.
Butter -
Creamery puma, fresh.28 .2.+
creamery solids 26
Dairy prints .21 .23
Baker' . .19 .21
Honey -Buckwheat. 75.c a pound. in
tins; 7c to 73'4c in bares: stra`.ned
clover honey. 12%c; 14;' in 5-9b. tins;
comb honey,. No. 1, 53 per Oran; No.
2, $2.40 per dozen. p
Poultry Live Dressed
01d fowl. Ib .. 12c 14c lie 16c
Spring broilers 17c 200
Old turkeys... 16c 205 till.. lix• o
TTurkeys ...... ... ...
Ducklings .... 13c 15c 17C lbc
T'ronto Grain Prices
Manitoba flour quotations at Tcr•
onto are: First patents, 57 10 in cot-
ton; second patents. $6 70 in lute;
strong bakers, 56.30 in lute.
• Ontario octe-No. 2 white. 62'c, out-
side: Nn. 59c.
Ruckwheat-Nominal. "'
Bram--Jtsatt•tba. 537. In bags. Tor-
onto. and shorts 12.. Toronto, mid -
$oiled oats --42 to $2:10 per boy.'
Batley -Ontario No. 2. 70c, nominal.
outside; feed barley. 66e. No. 1
Manitoba wheat -Flay Penta'
northern. $1.46% to $1.47: No. 2. $1.44
to $1.4444. track. lake torts.
Cern-Na 2, 52e. e.1.f.. bay 'ports:
Caradfsa, Nc. 2. nom:n:1.
Outseto taenr-$4.76.:esbaard.
Pe -No. 2. nota nal.' .
Rye -No. 2. nomPal.
Canada V. .stern ate -No. 2 at bey
ecr'.r. 67Nic.
Qtttaritr vnrat-'Qo. S atttte,11.15 to
21.21, outside.
"A Mane Ability Is His Pss,porl'
I of Mule and Vo,. ep..bat.
. Teacher V..e. ad Anrne Sens..
Umakis - - 0sa S Csweet toofterewn .r.a
tn.egroge .w
Por tern,• sod twabr,n.tlen soot,
PORTaa'a 000a .YOaa
Fruits and Vegetables
l ctatoes. 1.a3 6o to .70
New potatoes, barrel
Lettuce. 4 buaehea
Cerrots.4 bunches
Radteber. 5 btnc':es
Celery. lunch 06 .0'
Beets, 5 bune5-s 10 .0)
Orions. 6 bunches a 10 .00
Bears. small mea -urn.... 15 .0J
Peas. small measure 06 .10
Cudl:fower. a head....... ^0 .
5 16
Cuctmberr. ea'h
I ar's;r; . 2 bnn:bes 05 .00
Strawberries. e, box. 10 .0.1
(reoeeberliC . a brit 08 .11
GooseJerrles. basket...... 60 .00
Cherries. s tax 10 .01
1 lump. a bet 60 .6'r
Pracbes. a dents 2.1 .0)
Tomatce:. pound 10 .01'
Sr'as chard. basket 15 .0r'
Cabbage. a head.... 05 .0 ,
Brack currants. 4 -qt basket.60 Oc
rad C;.rrsats, 11-gt. basket .60 .0 t
2 15 2.25
10 .00
10 .00
10 .0n
East Sunate Cattle
COttte-Receipts, 3,000 head: heavy
active; prime rte -r. $9.50 to 89.515.
rblontrg. 18.71 to 51.40: butcher', 17
to $9.:L; heifer. n.50 to $8 5e; Bowe.
f3 to to 57: tulle, S5 to $7.50.
oea!s-Re-eltts, 12,000 head; slow:
,4;-n to 810.2.
1lo4a-R^celpts, 17.000 head: active;
heavy. 18 to $8.15: mixed. $8.26 to
$A 35; yorkr rs. $n..".0 to $8.50: pig'.
!«.40 to 18.10: rot:F.ts, 56 50 to 86.40.
tegs. 75 to $5.60.
Shrrp and Iambs-Rece:pt•, 2,600
head: slow : sheep steady: Iambs, 85
to 6"'0 yecrl'ng.. 54.50 1, $7. weth-
rrs, f 1 t $6.:n: ewes, $3 to $6. sheep,
mixed. 6 to 16.25.
Summer' Parasols at
Clearing Prices
Owing to the continued spell of cool weather we find ourselves left with
more Summe4Parasols than usual at this time.
Your choice of all Parasols selling up to $a, far J C] v �j
C each
Black Silk Coati. -
Two only Black Silk Coats, banrt
somely embroidered. A real �� 00
snap, regular' 110(10, for
New Sweater Coats.
Another shirment of Ladies' and
Men's Sweater Coat+ from Monarch
Knitting Co., Penman's and Turn -
bull's, only the best of these maker.'
goods are shown and at keenest
• prices.
Extra Value in House Dresses.
:1 1k.. La,tie•-' fft,u-.e 1)re;tie- . light and
dark colorings, made from SI 00
good tlnalitt i ercalt-. ;111,i/es
New Kimonos.
.\ large:range of Women's short and
long kimonos in muslin and crepe
- in the daintiest of designs at
50c. 75c.!$1.00 each
$1.50 aid $1.75
Three Special Lines in Unbleached . Tabling.
Extra quality Unbleached Tabling, full doublet width, newest designs, at
39r, 50c . and 60c per yard, all old values.
Special values in Bleached Table Linens, in Gold Medal and Old Bleach,
at 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 per yard.
Special clearing lines all over the store to make room for new fall goods
that are now arriving.
°reseed Meats
whole,aje housrt• are quoting to the
retail trade as ((Albeit.Reef, forequartere.' wt.$10.75 to $11 76
do. h'ndquartr rs .. 11.26 16.00
Carcasses. choice .... 12.76 13.15
do. eommon 10.75 11.71
Vea's, eommoo 7. 1.04
do. medium 9.0 11.00
do. prime 12.0 14.44
Heavy hogs 9.60 10.10
do. shop 12.50 12.00
Mutton. heavy 9.00 11.00
tin light 12.00 14.00
Yarling Iamb 17.00 19.00
Cheese Markets
et. Hyacinthe. Que.-At the !late,
Roiled held here to -day 1,060 bate, of
cheese sold at 1111c. No hatter of-
I41MvIllr--':Tern were 2,205 boxes
1344.. 276 at 12 11-10e, 140 at 131f,o. '
nI white rheese (Aered; 716 told at
ka;aace refused 13 11.16c sod 11%e.
The Square, Goderich,
Ontario >t
Millar's Scotch Store
SiPhone S
r m
Harvest Tools, F''
7-8 and 1 -inch pure Manilla
Hay Fork Rope. per lb.. lac
3 -8 -inch TripiRope ...... ' 2Sc
All Iron Pulley's. each... 3Se
Wood Sheave Pulleys.-.. Ne
2 -prong Hay Forks 255
3 -prong Hay. Forks.. 1Ac. I Sc
7Se-and 7Sc be.t,Steel Tine,
and Hickory Handles.
1111111111111111.91111111111111111111111 41111111111111111111111
Keel, the flies off your cows
and get more milk by using
Dr. Williams' Fly and Insect
Destroyer or Cow Ease.
gallon Ilse
1 gallon. 81.00
Warranted Government Stan-
dard pure Paris Green, per
ib .................. 35r
Bug Finish, per lb '3e
Land Plaster, per lble
Sprinkling Cans
35c, 45c, 60c and 65c
Hand Sprayers
Suitable for spraying; tree..
shrub.. potatoes,. henhouses
and cattle_ ............... Ne
Knapsack Sprayer
Scythe Snaths
Reaping Hooks
Scythe Stones
Lawn'Mow ars , last ntakt
We hate a fah left that
will not tarry over at
special prices.
Regular 147.:A1 for.... $5.83
" $:,.7:, for. ... $4.48
$4.75 for $3.71
Buy lS(,ty an(..ave u10Get
Gold:Medal and Hobbs
050] feet; pure Manilla
Binder Twine. Get our
prices before buying else-
Just a fe�left. Good -4xdor--
togs and weaves. The prkes
are right.
Screen Doors
1':ccp mit tilt flocs and 1,.1 in
the cta,l surnnitr !.rtcrt. We
have Screen Wirt timet;
1 tura- and \l'tttd'..t -
Bron. High Standard Paint. The hest boa paint don't forge t• agct Lowe g
ready -mixed Paint on the matket. codes hest. goes tartht -.1 ttt•.tt- :4111).:,,t t:1.1 klcis its looks.
We carry a complete range of colors and also an .upplt '. •n with the right Paint for
tray kind of work. '
Detroit Vapor Stoves
Just like city ga.. No wick'. to renew or keel, cls. ;n. Ii•uru either oil or ga.,oline.
can we them work and get pricer at our store.
Store Closes Wednesday afternoon during July and August.