The Signal, 1915-7-22, Page 1iisYw about )'oto stock of,Printed Stationery --Letter- Billheads, Envelopes, If you need anything this line The Signed will be glad to receive your order. First-class Work Phone 35 f&AA,&-K ,ems 7. 1 lux mazy K\ ru TLlt--ora a GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MY 22. 1915 Y°111. is an invitation to the people to do businett+ with 1 you. The man who does not advertise has no right to ex• pect that people will hunt him up to give him an order. Reach him by a Signal Ad, Advertisement THF: dIONAL PK1111786V0.. L1MIT6L. rt'M.etwaa+ National Portland or Canada GEMENT We are offering Cement at a very dose figure and have a fresh stock on hand. GODERICH PLANING MILLS, LTI). JAMES BUCHANAN. PasatneltT A%D M.tvso1K. '!'bone 47 A. P.U. Box 143. 1 loop et • MOW 111=11 tt Protect those dependent on you by taking a policy in The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada --"Canada's only Mutual" : : : A. G. NISBET : : REPRESENTATIVE� 'Mom/ om/50. 'P. O. Bar 364 ,ll c NOM MON PUBLIC NOTICE _i NOTI(.'H TO RATEPAYERS OF THE vILL. WK ter MANCMidTRa• Rvauters w aPa0r0.1111 Bruw To tea uctrrrTao TO Ter RATsrAvrrre or Telt 1 Pon..: ratans or r.•cwsrrra os r1.Tvabay. The MP DAT or Atfocar. lits. PURPUeL-Te artborise the expendht.re Of MO 01 tie parches or • 55no)lee sogli. for degas water nom the hover jtalUaad, ice t. prste•USI. sea ra tartar: late fee: el wafer imameltb hydrae!. at proper interval.. and In .apply ym Ma d ham, esti mates t. mated tees Keifer M&1I)sed ~Swami ayory� rhe main .trot of t I vtle5r. • drains•' at Hie feet. Le • petal opposite ite iM reit-brsrtoa 1 ,shard. wkb two breash liese see ing earth sed two minim south off sold crate line. MOUNT OF USBT TO BY CHIiATRD- - WWI with intermit at deeper gest. per 1>w.• appeal lootallurehts sir mho- d0pal and lotue0ble is t lo oma yews tree nese d M- beaterma AWARM TO Rb RAfilla ��AN 'o w by Mt Pan, 01 W Wealth,'1sPyili of oak v.Woo .abets la Ms toursollehe OP Mistthe ' W CHESTS& MACOOMAI.D'$ DEATH. Ilw.Md Soldier Passes Away is Hos pita) at Boilodno The Pad news Wes received on Fri- day last of 11.e death, iii hospital at Boulogne. Frrnce, of ('u• p Chester S. Macdonald, of the Koysl Canadian 1)ragoeo•r, win t 1 Certain Murdoch and Mr.,Al•clonalieL Wanting,. street. Lettere i..t ivi.1 nom Clw p,Mardoneld since lee wr• r ouudr.l throw tone Tight 1141 she rause of Beall). The wound wan in Iii• knee, and the piece cf .i.11 was not srwuvrd fur five d•ya. HUSKS pr.ierrrltnR nor have rat in. and death nosy bars I.. -ulna Ir, to this or Isom the rho. k .•f en ois•ra• ion, It i• bopwa that further Mord will be le- rrlsed flow the b.spital altrudante. Chester a• 1•. is lets sin to the ieuple of G(,leriel', woe wtw)Nletl white gin ing .rd t . .. tittle d , mere des. His Jeri ti, wborh is un•toetwd by the whole co monism. e. wee the sacrifice a FOR SALZ OR TO UHT ENTRANCE RESULTS. Record of Successful Candidates at High School Entrance and Scheel Graduation Examinations in the West Huron Inspectorate. Routley, William 455 Womb nu roe Myrtle All No. 7 -Pent ice. Margaret 481 No. 10 -Caen, Pearl (bon.) "1 Millar. Alma Millar, Helen Ihnn.1 491 Public) Ryckoien. Roy Ilion.) 410) West W awanesb Township. No. 2 -Johnston, Luella 3111 Wa.htngusn, Frank 4. -qt No. 3 -Fitzpatrick, Mildred 417 Smyth. Abe 301 No. 12 -Phillipe, Ruth47~7 No. 14 -O'Callaghan, Nellie East Wawsnosh Township. No. $-hone. Laura 130 No. 11 -McBurney, Violet 40) McNeil. Euphemia 441 Hallett Township. No. 6-Murd.w•h,Ethrl 1. Olson) 416 Vunghlut, Leonard 410 The following high school entrance i candldatee inn West Huron have been passed by the beard of examiners and approveu by Ger Department of Edu- cation. A ward giving the marks in each eubjact will be tont toech unsuccess- ful candidate. ,athe ct�nificates of the successful candq.tee will tie sent to the teacher or crrtary of the school early au August( The ',mooting required for pass is 4o per cent. in estI .uljrct aid et total of 11UU marks and fbr honors a total of 4:+7 weeks. o pmeua-u . 1 fe u. rhe r..u•r of li)wrly •lbs highest tliark0 obtained iu each 1 and huwrnu y ••li•.ales Ione hath I wbjeet syr r. taliow0: bre ert,.n than this, ihot he lay down Iding-guMbeuti+arcNeil, 4U I bis 111.• for his Inrud.•' tra W fui-Helend4 Thr ►ywpa.l.y •.t all our 0.405 Sp.11tnngg - X.te "KidHe,a5dy. Hanel pen,M hw goes out to the erard trinity, young. Hilda wdliame. Ott, Jefferson, A1)0.n 7 be nagIIICourt M• use Park ora Ljir,eture-. Nue O'Callaghan, 93.� 4.wwn, Myrtle rt ba !-urs.! . n Fr day ..(111 N.tnrdwy Arilhwetie-Cat! eSambrook, Lorena 4 a n.rk of issp.et ,o the u,emory Grautular-*ttyi D\fillay, 110.r, N). Sambrook. Nathan u! te. deo.rre.l . 1 uses (iteugrwpby-Jack )lrtwt all, Wilson t Swr►tzer, }:eel 430 HIS L.FE FOR K Nr AND COUNTRY. Wi ode, th• Cowporttioa._Etbet Mut dock. Laura RT. H[LIL\S stilton..4:3)., Watson, 81. Anderson, Ethel 4119 Toiwl-Mscb$el Bowler, lack Mahtl• Hyde. Cecil all,: si McDonald. Coral347 Woods:, Lorne 4d1 Town of Godencb 'Woods, tt;4_.,n Ibnn 1 54 s1 errTNaL rot 14ew01. Reilly, Gladys thither, !del UAPHW/N)D SCHOOL. Cathie. Raymund Kt ch. Mitten' Nuenlher, Homer Nreh, Della Uueuther, Melvin Snell, Hazel genes mono. Grace Steinbagen. Lulu Z tower, Ida 4 KEUITUN SCHOOL. Brown, Maurice - :194 Blown, !loyal 4b9 Ftnkbeiner. Edward 4374 Gsieer, Nola 4:it Heat. Clara 435 Holmes, Mary 4/43 44x1 4:'0 4'=' 431 454 391 413 4411► 441 4103 413 :411 4111 4'r 437 f 1O RENT. -TBS BIGOT -ROOMED red-0rtrk cottage M Fart street saved by l'orbould or for 1. (Hideo withJuan, t ea� a bars out fit garages FOR SALE .-ONE ANDON&HALPI Amy nod -back henna : all erodes r .r- ve5be0.. alt M idewa5(5 •tout• 1. r =et; rid the peewt� to ]liter ARI( ROB C-tt TO RENT -OFFICE AND ROOM8 lately eeeur•let( by 1)r. Uta Heolentsen, ea , North street, sear Square. Well tooted by. her water .S•o.. : etret sic Ilabt Rous .stet In. stalked. Well ads !Aril tot w barriter. adoctor or • Matta. Also aree.m.klnat room., .have W. H. USnteos'e more. lately occupied by Miss ijwsrd.. ADd.y .1 P. BROWN. .bo•ti utasteraollersemrilerrs IMP WANTRI). W ANom[r sse(lv.RENT a dot's biel401. Mins /LAN Merl N., at The its lawg505. MUM 5rw•eeeC�tre•�M�, Yoe, rot• : slltn�, apn.t.it►J seismal b reel .t/t1)fi'EU' Tt) .NT• -!t W H i L Wstesosb;)e�twest laswa.ema. Mob. M1(0. GIRD YIN!. Tb. St. 1.54 Ws sewe.Wp e[ d yr Imam, Meotr.al .. net TAKr. NOTI 'K that the Mem 1. a 0..tsimpers YI'I�ilKy WA1k7'BU.-UN MEN'tl iia p�opo'!n Isoo•w welts ll h II, p tap Y' �� boderZ A' ) a gaol toover. High- bihe trusts seed tee Psalm .dl illage y t !lasassid elm id. THL 1st, Ct10LL 1, as eLl•t.N k/ a Ila th. et 105 Village or Mw .4 54 paid. otic .00501 Un 1�e .Test of t0. moot d t0..1.e- We beim eM.atn•d ibretd after one soma I. S.S. Mosel.rr> U. -Fox Goma theism a del* it r. isle pf lo The ale TEACHER W A. eal0rthe Jul d.\W peMb•tJw ase No. I. -ve MI&d-cl tcprofmaumed• )�ferred. Wit - the Saar day d (*0. Ifll .uties t ft -vend -clam prof Aird further take ware (het the rotas Duties to maser co to '+aeptember. woply. d tae 'tsetse. re tw end robs/ Vgbp MAUNA gabs, to IL M. ILa'AIN. becr_Rt.ry. d MsMtwle tee as mite pr.d b P'ee- Nib p. U. law will be tease at t0. Mee Hilt M Dials .1005). is .see village ta* d at M.. . _ AUCTION BALES. 0014.50 oke barn ori sl10 'he esors/aorstior sad barbel' l.the af.moms as Sae rodeo, the Mai day of Aag eat. tall. by Job. McKattbt. - the retursbg MOON appointed tow 1051 perL'LTION MAL= OF GOOD,YgUL'NO eons. It t-'OW$.Y0Cr9C*TT1eEA31D U110E.'i. And fm ther tabs ;rad 'nice that ee Fritter. th• 1310 dor of . t. las. tee la4psdtnr 1111 toe 1 will ell byu public auction at tbo Union of will .ilka*p4 1 ettad at este YSre H at a Belt stable•. cm o'clock In Oa f.leoee5 t5 e.l.01oi Men asst i SATURDAY. July Nth. 511.50 51 odd ,.1114$ plate and t'omle•erina.t 2 e'cltek sharp: One pure-bred n.mhyt t p of t ne gees, talose et 00 or d *Mth•oe I J•wwey 0oM • 1 yew • 1.. October i'"1" 1 u.gpreens0.interested monad .m 1* 0) in mar Meot)rMYef nr .DpS•- rare Jervey ne/fw. cadet font : I grade WA Ula further d of eftd bylaw. ,.ley ►eifer. to tdf : seen Durham cow. with And further take patios that on Mord or. lift, cMlf 51 f,w, . 1 Helmets better. due them month : Ido day of imam attic the said r.' orales t l $15dt B.l• .•to 051 .• i year+ old pant. two warm .111 stored at said Yin Hell at .0 Wriest 1 n silt , .;;;;,-,7a;ouodry .5wr, r stMr'. one work In Use forenoon to Ota .p the i .beret vets. i -worv. lu 1 awnnl p00555 _sera forand easiest rd Man. I 1 years Ma .1 well -herd driving pony. 4 years AM further take a.tllw that all leme0olders i eta very den' 1 drive/log 'ret 5rr514 of 50150. Metres* of and qualified ta vel .psi std b-, Terga. Sir Meal b5'tr.dit will 0. gives os law are required at load toe doge Norm the fursttotee sppruved Seat nolo, A dvooue: day of votlsa to filo with the trustee • cf end at ow rate et a per veer. (e- wins. s1Iow.d vlaa5es wtutery d.clsl.tron of rimill -ulen. 1 for 05.0. mot RY. p515sast to se toes Ilkond•esc. 1. of * 0t Mad- I �,ri, Asea 6UXDRT. cloud Act, °themes& their 5505. .111 t op- __ peer w Ma Rorie.' h.t Po ate voUae. I *LEAKING ALI CTION SALE OF 0106100E LIMP `Trs4e15 (, HoCnsBOLDFCRNITCILs AND rUlt- r, A. uo SON. aLUTT.. NIBHI\0+. r , A. BoaeuN. 4nu - MR. 11ARRT W tu.ox I. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I out by public anion tit. his n.ileoee, c CORP. CHESTER S. MACDONALD. i Captain Mac!). nsld has received the following messages : The King commando nig to avows yon of the true sympathy of His M.j- rely and the Q tern in y. ur Porrnw, KITCHENER. ••Th. Prime 3linister and members of the Gores 'anent ut Caned* send their deepest I- ympietby in the bereavement which )uu have sustained." k. ismer. 6c er4e►.w 3>< T4s ESTATE Wr, JATRrax. LAYS M BlortswD.%Y. July T.to. Tits Tow Oe WENT w*w.a. IN i duirp Tits Del NTT BUNION. Or BCOR, ►ArraNEs. 1R-' a Dee p r for at ire, ono parlor 1* 'e. one parlor e.atts, Use ponos r.' i gerbr Notice ie hereby doer latah miser M•I5* roe- 1 14teepee . 1 11 5deo table: t du.inr- claims mailed tha estate d tow •std W9aa. ro .m glome•:1 nester g les p'.3...mos lemee. 1 iaekerltn daeessed, who dad w. stoat tam! 1 draftee. 1 tared. j Irmo lee.. 1 wofdea bed. tweet -doth My sit Jolt A. D. lits. are re 1 cot, 1 to. by ur _& laMrrn+tel .-1 u�t 1 -to e. i board.) kitcMO Victoria .a•Mve mymd hissed .r deliver td Oro .udsnl$e.n. I Harpy Veneer ramie. 1 esse.twsdthe Wt will mud te.ts.etd tae taw d 11011111 On w Wovemarlines, window tiled. aouaati;r of kitchen utensil.. I rake. 1 hoe. j ,pale. 1 heed -as'. 1 4:rmeseu1 4W. t axes. 1 two ...id numerocs t article.. ieerytales must he dispord of, Si Mr. Tip': le keying foe t0. Meet. THOiMAS OUNDRY. Aectloo51r. W a fifth d* of wages'. A. D. ties• till war- . desists of their rioter. k. .TI .4d the (tedeaten t oft ..r ch lammeatIf am._ date tai ami that mfr. ,x0 said estimator. will aiws,Mtto t0. sero .f the dao.' d.lsese4 .5115.110. 145•.055 eapt1.d time - to, harts$ ~eau wry to toe slater or welch toff Mall thou 5o. a r. viva§ .a.U*, aid the Md emersion w111 net ter lobes sof the smite Of this mod decease& sr say part thereed. to 5554 plosew r�{ 0... iis.reestrei Meese h lsr• maim 5$alt 45 ra iamb iewe•b atiw. MOM 10Y lab My d Jsyr. A. B. OM �illket vox. it P.Ift }alssatw. PUPS. IRON PIPING, IRON Aho weeds^ Matt soars ass ra/0MM$: es.aat t.p vreIJ .1414: (Mine towel -prowl mid Mer. \ydru.lie tar: Aewlwwsat .telt .bv4iad wrewe� ,souls( wa AIIIZNR01.OR,: o► ▪ (pip �s$tes mesa. Rro•t .:::44. gone), o.a5- slit■► -- i t.OBT OR IOuD• _ l felt?.-YBLLOw\ ENOLISE reale Ma. with whits Ariel an MM5•d. till, strep er50se( safes ; lest tea days ��aofa� ego infsr4.tloa to C. A. • - Ja1LRTwON, ll R. Na a OO1wMa IR.0* Pots BAi� SINGLES. -1 AM STiLL SELLiNG • th. tr.1 :elks d 110 s w91 (Mlemble fftlre5+arebr ttari tell! o0b. a*. . y p5 p5t sego CARD OV THANES - •D OF THANES. --i t51,..itDESIRE Mwn.fm �'�' aiet5 d 5 tags SLisiontre J. ("ABRACL Ottawa, July 19th, 1913. !)ear Captain Macdonald, -Will you kindly accept my tine -re •ymnatby and condolence in the d.era•r of that worthy cit con end heroic soldier. your sun, (•a pot al Chester 8. Macdonald. while one cannot *00 deeply mourn the lose of such et brave conn ode, there i• a ccnsidati..n in knowing that he did his duty fearlessly end well, and gave bis life for the csuse of Liberty sod the uphu,Wing of the Empire. Again rx,emling to you my heart- felt Sympathy, Faithfully, SAM HUGHES, Major-General. Miobter of Militia and Defence for Canada. r^ -w STAR -COLE LiNE Y t 1 Steamer ;Grog Leaves Grderich for Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., via North Channel and (isorgian flay Pot t•. evert Tuesday at 11 p.m„ and for Pais Huron, Detroit. Toledo Cleveland, evety Saturday at 11 a.m. Osn. H. KLt.te, J i►, CRA !OIL 4tsnDal's'TR()IT. *1 4i:R1C* WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION SPECIAL NOTICE 5i1 (tMws.4.�r�1 Batas t are new d des area telmiting per �wswilI be 5101sod se all psytwu Tow saws. *01 W rd. droving taar pess5d i 0*b see a,wsetshrtwesr��e�ss�aet�!a!st o rail nt OW order dinswe01tams t,wa�(?s.ru•- dm. W. T. MU111/17). e. SFS t v. au t. PTE VIi.RNE GLEDHILL, the H•nmeller hoy who has dieting- uiebed hlmeelf in the recent fighting. Edwards' ir. cream gets the Bled hand all over this glorious town Why? Bemuse it b made of pure rich mega. Orden delivered any time. nose '%111. AUCTION SALES. Geld Towast i 419 Ash P• d Ali Bra orb. ice :{ill Beek, El is 4211 I No. 1 -}fielder, Mary 4411 Begley, M,rtle Pit Pearson. Gurdon B.ub, W°Odhara 4.,N Ruddock, 0opbialhon.) 494 Denc.y, Dbrotby 433 No. 4 -Finlay too, Mary 443474 McNeviu, *salol 414 MacLeod, John Munnin Eileen yti+ Maclse. Taft Ikon i 44)5 MacLeod, Margaret 449 No. 5- Haeken . Harry 4'25 No. 7 -Helm. Robert 421 Stem, May 4115 No. 10-Farrsah, Elmor 433 1''ergua.eo. Sidney 438 Scott, Jean 412 No. 11 -Johnston, Marguerite 4� 7'igrrt, :Barton 490 •!'Igen. Harald 407 No 15-Hatullteln, Ida Macklin. Uunel Panzer, Fannie i boo•' Sturdy. Willie (hon., '!.ape, L'atyly n Watson. Haunt v write IA ,.4'UOOL. 1 Jab 1.p »A mt of llatey ol�5 street 1 VOL 0vRn5y, auctioneer. 43. 4144 41113 440) 438 Adam., Leon 479 Heaven, Frederick 411 Burkholder. Siewert Bailer, Albert 1N Bate,. Swale 3114 Donaldeob, John 414 Down. Gordon Donaldsna. Elizabeth 452 Foster, 1st '.'l 404 OledbItlt Annie 4� Nu*srUnlli�e. i ems." 46 Handy. K•te Rion.* - lin Habkrk, Jean 421 Humber, Fein Inkster, Han y King. Lillien Longmire, Meats ice Murray, Andrew Maisbail, .lack ibon.'i Mitchell, Irene Mountain, Sadie Newell. Lillie Prtdham, Edward Partridge, Margaret Pinder, Mary Smith. Helen Thornton. Douglas Tabh, Olive Warner. Alfred Weston, Benson Walk. 1,or•nisn „ Witmer, Benjamin, SEPARATE Ft 11UOL Bowler. Micbael bon.)I Bullard, Theodore Farr. Gerald Griffin, Emily Kidd, Helen (hon. Martin, Elsie Pegs., Vera !METER PCHLIC siktoo1.. Boyle, Harold 'Imo.) Bedlam, Gordon Blake, Louisa ('aww. Mere yn Cann, Blanche Doyle, Eugene Davis, Willie Day. Mary Ihon. Basting•, Lula Hertleiti, Verde Hill, Verde Hardy, Mildred Jones, Vera Morley. Clarence Mellott. Clifford Mallett. Violet Rivers, Bruce William*, Hilda Turtle. Irene 453 44e 437 4Y74 4111 0,ti.9 3/10 141. 435 401 411) sin 477 sa 427 435 441 4:44 471. itPNKA LL qt HUM. Ball, Elliott Caldwell. Nellie 1 Glenn, \tale) 421 Johnston, Marvin oboe.. 319 Macke.. Russell 4A7 McOouell. Allen 425 Mclh.n'ld. F.dn. Pmelbtrumhr. Freda (boo.) :1,• W bitr.ide. Albert 414 n IYFI5Ln *t 11001. Elliott, Florence King. Muriel Heard, Russel King, Frank Merner, Icett.a Woods, Lucy (hon.) 1)1-.40A (50M 4 Honl- August ne Hedver. Hrown, Wilbur Durnin. Chests,' Shackleton, Elmer Smith. Bert remits. air HOW. Celts'. Lennie Fo.tor, Kny Merrier. Minnie 111iU.r. l'arl (boo., K I!MORN ItXIE a(•ItOOt. Austin. Vincent 404 Dalton, Michael die Foley. Kathleen 434 Readopt', Winnie 401 Joy*, Thomas 408 464 Ott 3196 496 401 449 499 419 419 Ott 441 4441 :#M :fill :442 4494 4211 457 437 414 4111 41'0 :3943 414 407 427 410 410 4'24 392 417 442 4747 434) 463 401 43: 419 447 484 4.ii 4ts) Scott, Anne D. 41x1 N_ o. 18-Kilp*tt ick, Ruby Colborne Township. 1-Brinley, Evades& 413 Wilson. Robert 431 Young, tinsel.,,,. Wl 4x.2) . . 1441 44:3 1:4) 4411 4111 410 443 455 4et:i No. )Ao. Na M. C. C. PICNIC. BIG DAY AT THE POINT FARM ON WEDNESDAY. Members of the Menesetung Canoe Club and Their Friends Have an Enjoyable Outing on the Lake Shore -Ladies Win Prizes i0 Ath• latic Events -Cheers for the Fight - ng Representatives of the Club. Ml mbe15of th 1 1 )• c pail) at l i .e Menese„ntg Canoe . Clab.ud tbru Irdir.. nulubetw in a 1 shout one hundred, ware a g,picni 1h Point oil!t }alseslrrday t The weather wow pleasant , and (wring the Ott -moon their wa' a pruner..ion of autos, luso/Dragons and other vehicles to the Point. A twspball game, tennis and the att.Arnim. of the beech kept the I•orty occupied .luring the aftenoon. At 8 ur'elol k supper was served on the lawn and there was elaborate pro- vision for toe bundled robust appe- tites. At the couclu•lon of the lunch, the president o1 the CIuh, Mr, W. H. Robertson, voiced the thanks of the Club to tbe ladies f,.r their generous prowl -ion of thing* good to eat and to Mr. Goldthorpe for the use of hie grounds. Reference was mad. to the past president of the Club, M. jor Sale, and Mr. Reg. Platt, of the Canadian FteldAt title, y,• for mer member of the Club. grew are serving their crown in the uter..s rontingente, and the hope Was rap -tuned for their •ale re- turn after they have done their part in the great struggle. Torr. cheers and a "tiger" testified to the pride and af- fection felt by the members of the Club for their former comrades. A aeries of grater, uu.rly to test the :Athletic qualities of the ladies, pro- vided much excitement and tun. Messrs. Edwards Ilunt, Colborne, Walton, Jas. lluchanan, !Iuaitoo, Shearer and others assis•eil in the cartyiog out of the program. The prise- winners mete: Monied women's rate -Mrs. L. G. Parsons, \Its. H. Sturdy, Mr,. Gal - low.. Young ladies' race -Mise Aileen Ar- mco', Misr Ella li,ddtborpe Thread and needle race -Miss Hellen Ford. Nies Get tie Fox, Miss Irene ISau l l s. 1'bruwinR the hall -Miss Cola Anon,Mise Alma Sturdy. Girl; race -Helen Marquis, Edna Hunt, Boys' race -Frank (: allow, Ned Sete, Ladle. walking race -Mus Alt.u. Mise Aiken Arwluur -Mena see- WW J. Pe.0*eaw► • A. (*reign. Frank Saunders. The gamer were hi:lowed by a IOW•bwallow toast on the beach, where the picnickers surrounded a Lig bonfire and eossuuIed ura,slunallowe by the pound. while "Bill" Powell, armed with a knife a yard' long, rut oat el melon for the crowd. A large cumber of the party stilt proving to 1.e not disabled, it dance was called1 in the hotel dor ingro lis and for two or three hours the strains of the piano and violin, pt.ved by - - Incest.. Bamiord and Witmer. kept the dancer. moving. Eves..udy voted the affair a great success, and 0 is bored that this, the firs' picnic of the Meneeetung Canoe Cligh, will he billowed by animal events of a similar nature. The P..iat Farm N an ides) resort for picnic parties, hewing accowoodstion for all kinds of sp)rta and unneetnents, and. a'. the genial J. T. puts it. "the finest beach on Lake Huron." Much of the 5nccer of the event was due to 1be preparatory woe k of Mr. W. J. Buchanan. the indefatigable ereee- tary of the Club, and other members of the picnic committee. Went Huron Public School Graduation Examination for 1915. The follow Thing students were success- ful at the junior pu).li.• .ehool gradu- ation examination held in June. the marks hay. been sent to the teachers and the dipluut t will be sent when received front the Department of Education, '1'o pass a canditI.te shall wake 411 pen cent. on each .ul:j.ct and ti) per 1,111 o1 the total. The 1111111 mark i1 oat and honors !2 The highest percentages received in each ouhj.rt ate as Allow. : (hal reading -Oliver Kirke, i3')• \V, icing -Lily M. Errington, 10) English ❑tet atone -(ienevieve Z+t- tel, 1(4. English coulpo.eition-Violet Kil- patrick. English grammar -Leotard Birk. ffl Routledge. Kenneth spelling -Ida Routledge. Erne.; Stile, U. Z -Uel. on. ('anadien Wagon y -Ida Routledge, 79. • Geogr.phy-hennaed Btrk,t40, Arlt hetet i.-3lihon' Hryrcct,117. Algebra -1., B ik. K. flout ledge, D. Ducharwr, M. Hey.uck, E. Laporte, C. Ptlle. Bei yl Johnston. 1151, Art-Genev eve Zettel, KJ.: t-cien e -Nesbitt Ws txir. 4R. Bo•,k-keepiea- Lennrrd Birk.R3. liA6HiY4N)D SCHOOL. 3 -Walters. &Ina 41-Wstwaw, Mari Levy, Kline :r--(. htahol.u, Beatrice Bogie, Mary M1 Cahn. Ullve No. tt-turgor, Greta Ma.kell, Grace Ryan. John No. • 1) -McLeod. Grace U. No. 1-$hepprid. Alice Winans, Cyril ' 407 - Godench Township. Nfb.'•I-Laitbwaite. Arnold .41K Montgomery. Edwin !bon., 495 4 H Steep. Orval No. 1 -(:inn. Norma 4411 No. ft-4owerby, }:Ila 44$ Sown by, Lizzie 3Nl No. 8 -McKenzie,. Iran 43440 No. 10 -Hanley, Fred - 448 .tardive, John Hay Township. No. 3 -Conan! , Pearl 463 Love. Ross 407 Love, Grace 403 Richardson, Vern 4041 No. 12-Schilt*, Henry .479 Schoch, Percy 413437 U. No. 13-Pf)iff, Alice Stanley Township. No. 3 -Heard, Nlnian 391 Nigh, Matilda , 3111 North No. 4 -Stinson, Alice 4500 Scotcbmer, Edna Ncotcbtrter, Clifford 442 Watwu, John 305 No. 0 -Johnston, fere. (hon.) 5W Johnston, Lockhart 44114 4 Pelgtint. Annie No. 7-Andett-n. Pearl 39''2 Cochrane, James 4077 Coleman, Mabel 410 4174 4:44 4:.: 4:31 :4rS Love. Stapley Lore, Votes., , No. 9 -Finlay, Alberta ganouu, Witham O,•,.h, .Menno No. 111-Mu.tr,d, Annie 4:13 Nu. 11 --Fisher, Ann* 4::5 Hyde. L*urier Ihon Net Stephen Township. No. 1 Naist. Leonard (Iron., 4:J) Ned, Viola ;411 No. Eression. !rime Stable. Curs :4R3 Ne, :+-Deartog, Alma (titan.) 415, Hogs) tn. Ewalir (hon. I .sal P.trten•. Knny 4")+ 'friehne., Mat o• Ihon) :041 Rep•Sch No. (t • Ityan,El cab -th 4)st NO. 74 -Hamilton, Clarissa Louie, Minnie No. 11 -Grob, Edward \l. No. 14 -Davie. Vera Hoye.. Verde AAM.tt, }-tela Osborne Township No. 1 -Cann. Evelyn Item, Mita Iougall, Malcolm No. 2 -Fenwick, Agnes Hodgen, .lame. No. 3 -Copeland. Gordon McCurdy. Lester Neil, Clara Tomlibsno, Jack No. 1- Davis, Caroline Harding, Alma Thomson. William No. 5 -Snorter, Albert Kleinf.ldt, Ethel Ford, May No. 6 -Hallowell. Earl 8.11, Viola Dell/ridge, Gordon Heywood. Vera 4:11; 41.1 44 0F' 4154 4.27 437 4417 451► 4'.r2 412 4iee 415 420 44111 412 432 4Li :394 870 1.4 4)14 446 Nat 39'2 1#nnard Birk yet. \V.Ito! E. Fassold *41. K.II (:• Runner 1511, Hare" Hoene then (08. Niro* Hoffman 734 Ida Rout ledge 702. Kenneth Routledge 7415, Etor.t aurr 7'11. tit'NIt oo.oN se Hoot.. lvr Carr 674. Lily M . Errington 7))2, Cordon jewln t/dt, Beryl Johbetnn 704, Oliver Kirke UP. 41/01(•1i et moo- ' t.UL ' Deitnja Dpebbistbetllld, 1WMws b.V- rock ,Q21. *.t.rtrod.. Kwrrher .4o, M;dw.au Le('. atr 7111. Clayton. Pelle 4411, Genes leve 'Letter 1141. L.AURRIEIR W IIOOL. $beer Bradley 731. Violet lifacLen- ran 4175. lK L HAI NH IN moor. wl H . Margaret alacL.ennan 721. 01LK 4111 91)L 1>avi.l Mc Diarmid 087, Lorne Pent- land tall. .. CREATE SCHOOL, Violet Kilpatrick 743, Irene Mc- Quoid 0M2. 00. 17, .(NHYIxLD. Clara M. Simpson 001. • so. 17, a'.-a-.t)V A0OYll. Stanley Rivers 747. The East Huron results will he found on page S. ORGAN COMPANY ASSESSMENT_ judge Doyle Finds Against Company on Its Appeal from Court of Revision. Hi. Honor Judge Moyle yesterday gave his decision in the appeal of the (ioderich Organ Co. against its muni - 1 i. astesPment. The aesessor's tlgur* wee 9{4.4 (41) and on appeal by the C om- patsy the municipal cimrt of revision reduced this to $:311,1*)). Tree Company !appealed to the county judge, who pule the asoeeslnrnt beck to the orig- ( inal figure. 940.0(8). His Honor Alt) directs that the Reboot rate shall 1e levied en the hominem assesetNent, which on a reel assesaUlPot of 14)1,000 I would be 1124 41M. tusking a total of *N,4n41 on which the school rate is to be levied The decipion. 0 may be added. affects the o-hool rate only : for other puipses the ite.esement of the Company is need at 811014) by r municipal bylaw. Judge Doyle goes intra the history of the Organ Co.'s loan and assessment arrangements with the town at some detail, and pot toms of his finding are as follows : i that the dull '• the Company argues times have Icjnnou-ly •ffected their boniness out the dull times have affected others' busier., and other property, in the cum ity, and if the organ factory is to )w a•sessrd for one-half of its value the whole. 4-0111- munity Phould be aaaesaed at only halt of Os actual fakir.... "1 do not think, when looking at the hi•toty of the Organ Company. that it has 5ny reason to 'a -implant (t the way in which it has !Kron treated by the municipal corporation rat Ilse tomo.' Pte. Rose "Wounded and Missing i Latter triter Geo. Theorisation. Mr. Win. Thompson on Tuesday re- ceived a letter from his Pan, Pte. Geo Thompson, who is st Warren Red ('root hospital. Haves. Kent, Rowland. He reports that hit arm is getting along very nie.iy, though the wourbg.Fir are not healed up ytrt. He does dot know whether be will retorn poen or oot. If be gists full mow of him arm again he will probably go heck to the front ; unit if not "it i• bard to pay what they will do with nig " He had received a letter iron. his (.cher. the first for e1.v.0 we.k a1•oi con:(s of the t..deticb papers. Hi+ father ha. own writing hien r.gnlarli.. hitt Our stows reason the letters we.. not leaching biro He roles to be r.erem- herrd to 1, i -rad. The letter se 01 Iwritten for hint 1.7 a . .'itirade. Mr H. Rope rereived s telegram this morning from Ottaw* stating that his son, Pte. H. E. Roes.. was reported worinded end 'noting be- tween Aptel !Ural and :loth. Thi* fol- lowed the telegram reported last week stating that PIP. Rose wen officially replrtell wounded April 311:h. Mr Kos. fears that his son has been lose, though there is still a poesibdits that he i* a prisoner or is in hospital t)rbe- wtere The last letter received from the y0ltog man was dated April '!ods (and Pte. Beton, his comrade, wrote statim( that he was wnonded in the great hittle on AprilZ4rd. BORN. (FTE( le I, este, .,.11 ....• .1, �,. ...1 \t,•t ...•.l•!. Jar oil re )I• s.$) Mr.. Pd• Nate' a d.. 4ht.r '11.r) Madeleine P�r- MAIwII-N.-.tt Mestyteregs.le MtJwnty 1•ds. •, 1)- ,•.A Yea D rr+: y..w, 131.114-11 t)afrrlek. leo .0 - • Oro i.. li r endeMyfl. orb. West street.. 4,110?.. Nati • Ma, t100.5.Lt). _ 4•. g;�rs;l Jai, 14 h IONS Anse MieIM• •'.1 510.1 •, yen.. MARRIED. ..1LKf'i.t•-0Kl'lli tiMR5: tt A•. John• ch1 rh Mnft. i•w .n $.annt.y Jdy Ia1A by t'.nrnbM w rrMums ,n Jnhn•nr, R 1' i(, D. oreh.rn +d0PM to Miss Ella *4. F\1n.rwmbe. both formerly/ of ti.dasi. A F I+HICK • 'Pt' . - At North street M.q hndl•r nsnn,�..o. on a'nlid+d•s. July :1. by 14•. '.. K. basso. MMCIars a of Myth. t* 1•.r er F1.0er. ir.. et blee..9br NEW AOVERTIBEMENTS- ulvPage Wheel 1 hair Wasted Mr. GM. .. 1 Canadian \atlewd [stabil tall N*tln t* R.piyvr.1 the? 44 - r0.5?erstTnwiwo. t Pq.p Fkpalr.. It1s••Arfiwasp..... ' .. 1 Bicycle Wanted iti.•JelisMille 1 tn.-tins Mi. - Rurry wallo.. .. 1 Knit ten wanted -Mitchell WIS*0SU mi ca. u.Itw.d . t Cardof'thunk-kli.htt5 J.. arra! . 1 Card et Meatus -Yr* W hyard ,..d randy - i