The Signal, 1915-7-8, Page 4• '1'Dsti.naT, JOLT 8, leUe 111111111 Sale of Men's Two-piece Summer Suits CI,EARI NG out all our Two - piece Summer Suits (mostly `-!(lth Cen- tury Brand I at a price far below manufacturer's cont Come in early, as we haven't many left. Sizes 35 to 12 Regular 81:: 00, $1:: Wand $14.00. Your choice -- $ 7.50 Special line of (luting Shirts in white and (ream. co:lars attached .... 75c W. C. Pridham Sole agent for "Society Brand Clothes" CARLOW A Tear /swami" Till Waw -Te annual genies party under the ausplose of amitb's Hill ebureb is to Ire Rives in a snivel form this year, the intent.foa bsisafr to treat thaw who attend t , "a tap around the world." It is not for us just now to describe the proposed trip : those who st•sod will learn for themselves to delights.. IThe trip is to commence from the grounds of Mr. John L., 's residence, 8th concession, ou tbe evening of Wednesday' near. 11th lost 'I'h• Auburn haw band will be in attend- ance. and other •ttesetlons w111 b. a ' l.a+sball match. a tug-of-war. a volley bra cooter (Smite'. Hall v. Auburul, and a musical and literary programa Admission T✓^.: children i,ic. liat•e you tried our new Bread ?-- Cre-O-Malt -the tastiest in tdwn.' Nice soft crust - clo:lt-grainet - made from Fleischmano's Yeast. Everybody says it is the best yet. Try'' a ll)af. There is thutough astir/anima for those who Iruy our Elkin , and Paso y. 1f you do not know how good they are. ent4011001; .. I -he you to try them. Smith Bros. The O'd Reliable East St. Bakery f+h.•nv isi. UJENMILLEN. t%'iDNY.sDAT, July 7. Joon Long has purchased a new "Ford " Mr. and Vis. IN. S. Farber spent the week -end in (Maroc. Mins Yates. oar school teacher, returned to iter bows at Mitchell last Thursday. l Mrr.Loonis Ute, who has been speeding hie vacation hen, returned W Toronto fast lfsttudely. Mr. Harry Gledhill, of Toronto, spent a couple of lay of this week visiting trisods in the nnihl•yrhnod. Tb. last letters received bolsi Elwyn Long were written at Cardiff. Wales. He said that bis wound was completely picnic at Lskevlew Park, Kictail. All broil. al end low' Iv .ay.ct.-d to 1st report • mood time. nt.,red ti • c meal •...rut b•. Jae iu a PCH4.H(%L.-\Ve are pleased to wrl- day or w. Come New Mary lsuvey again t our Church 'services f r neat Sunday on midst, after bar tw., years in Denver, the Baomiller circuit wall be as fol- Colo Ma,s Eva Benniger, of lows:-Betbelin the morning. ll ernes. I Riversdale, is visiting at the house of Zion South (Rev. Mr. Rutherford,. ber brother. M. Beaniger . .0ert- r;prtow, tends• Loodon, ere •hired rHB SIGN AL mssmanas BRIGHrS DIssE L the deadliest and rand painful malady to which monk and ...Albion. Dodd's KiJnry PJM will cows any cars of Bright's ((assns. They ha.e sever failed in one wngIs case. They an the oriy wasedy that ever bas cured 11. and Ailey are the only remedy that can. There are imitation. et Dodds Kidney Pitts -pill, box and peeve -but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and only freesias cure kw aright'* Macaw N DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodds Kidney Pills are II fifty cents a box at all Jrr g .ts. and Zion None (Robb. 1 oung t in the! rude and John 1 Willie of afternoon (S p. m.). Bsmmillerat 7 p.m. spent Muni.y with Ashfield kINTAIL. I Ni .Kra Covenry, is renewing acquaintenees TeE•staty, Jul' B. Ler' Kelly and Gus McCartb News NT(yrss.--Mr. Chess. Mets egnr. at dlo John S. tetchy Jo flying sane of Nebringtille, is spending Lis races- . and Jnbn M. Ualtnn Dahl a flying Mr. tion under the pareutel roof...... We I to L'eet.00w oa Nnotlw last Mr. congratulate knee Pestl Drennan and airs. T `lallivan, Visas Mary Griffin and John Stiles, of Chicago, H • 0 A RJO **go* tifl�Ilb1if11�11f1Y��1 11�i1�i1i11�11i11if1�11�111f1i11i1 gni** PORTER'S HILL- TvasDAT, July E ROTES -raise Nil.a $°'vn, of Poet Stanley. wWtlag et Peter Met)osg• MT* ..MMs !(Laois Joeo.o eY spending M few weeks with her .Misr. Mn. Lorne Tabor. at -T o6'by' Mr. and Mn. Jobs TbjtRMD rase sYll- dras, who are home from the West are antis, is the borbood Mr. a.d Mrs. edam. 111•10. of Speiser hank. spent a few days at Job. Una • last week lessee Harrison *wars a ensile A little baby bay arrived et bis home ors Moods .. Don't target e the radparty at Feed Pickard'. oc Friday evening of this week. ST. AUGUSTINE. Trimmer, Juts- O. Nurse or ens Wase. -Miss Mae Redwood, of the U C.L..is borne foe her vacation.. ..Mw MaeyDreeses, wbo bad been visiting ntatiaw in (ioderkh. tetanal home on Friday Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. Bele ,post laundry at H. Kings Mr. Hobs. McAllister visited Woodstock friends last week Mr. A Painter cure( up from Toronto on Saturday to spend the summer at ale \Vm. Wil.ou'e. Quite a nuwber from this vicinity seeded the picnic at Clanton on Ilse let Mr. John Boyle and Mr Joe Bruphey took iraMeaforah races on the 1st of July. . SCHOOL REPORTS. N. R. No.'s, WEST WAwANoMu. 'The following is the standing of pupils of M. S. No. 2, %vest Wawawosh, tor May and June. breed on weekly tests ar.d general prone:sncy. names being in order of merit : hr. IV. - Luella Johnston. Frank Waabinstow. Lillie, Hutchins. Hannah Volker. Olive Craig, Benson Finiaan. Pearl Finegan, Jr. IV -Ethel %Vi.binetou. Olive Finigan. Russell Mills, Everett Fait - gen, Agues Cousins. Sr. ill. -Nina Johnston, Violet )loss. fie watt Plunkett, Erma Finigan. Jr. iII-- FF Warner Cousins. Le -lie HaBru., Edith :nod Jessie Johnston on their success. ata Scrimgeour. Rt. IL -H An - 'he N..,m n alS••brxrlexaminations ,are spending their vacation with Ash- s. draws, Miriam Johnston, Willie Mos e. Little Mos. Limier Ferguson, of Salts 1 Lann'en sn l file Ai&aaes E selr. endkwodTrs. ()Lee ford. ss visiting -at Mr. MacMurchy'sei hisser LuellaCowau. Anis Mao-' hereReilo• f ..Eleanor troit, Joys, o triiciie Lenz'e, Eleanor Joy and Hermew,Sulliv*o and Herniate Griffin, of the Dear , of tbe H. C. i., are respective., og 1(i• C. 1 , Margaret Harvey. Mane Sulla- thetr vacation at their re.pectise.• ran and 'Alice D.Itoo have returned homes .... Ma. and Mrs,. John Clark. 1 home for vacation Angie and J. ofToronto, visited at their uncle's, Mr. Mos•, of Godesieb. are visiting their M.1'. Mackeuz'e'a. on Tuesday sister, Mrs. J. C. Dubois Jtaeree ale glad to (room •Dat Mr. Fred N+e-, Mtttartby. wbo has b.,' working at Gregor, who had the midortune of br-' uta lilvakwattT io e,,dar eh. has tag strutrk Ly the ball at the baseball r turped Moms for The baying match on Dominion Day. is improving I )lr. and Mn. Pat O'Loughlin, Me rapidly aryl will soon be ably to be and Mr., JamesDaltosemeroe (iritnn, around again Miss Drina 'Thain, „f GuJrrccy..pent Sunday here. of 'Toronto, is visiting at Mrs. Mobett - MacDonald'• A report of the sac - ermine w FIELD. Ih,tutam WEST Day picnic at Lake-- FIELD.ss', July I. view Ptak win be' found in another column of this paper.. NEW. Notes -)Mich to the dr:fight of the ch•l.lren. the schools are Homed KIPPER. for the hoist(+y•-•he glorious holt- - T IPIDAT, July fi.I drys Last \Vrdneeday a severe thunderstorm passed over, and we Mr. Luther'Allin, of Besmiller. wee' ate sorry to say killed two of Mr. vi.it DK his (orwrr pastor. Rev. A. W. • Maitlard Heoty's cow. . ...Mr and Brown, of Abe Vans Circuit.. this week. telt,.. W. H. Caine bell visited at the beside. oth.r friende in tin. vieinsty. , house of John Barkley. -.A Ashfled. on Mr. and Mrs. Walker and family, Monday....We.tfield Sunday shoot of PM.efbo o', eaten up in their us, t piede proved a wore.• in spite .1 the :holt week to, visit the ladvti. parents. t tad that a bait shower pwaeed over Mr. sed Mac.. WlUtam lvisoos sal.' early in the afire noon. lu the evening many other fr.ende. On their way up a baseball war played between they visited Mr. Walker's parents. Iarty/see and Wertfield. The score Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Raker, of l:uelpb. I stood 11 to f in favor of Gelerave Aecordlag ti M-1 Malurday's papers. Rev. Will Taylor. with wife and (stun y, Misses Reins McBeatb and May Mc -I boas Mildoay, visited his father, Mr. tiregor ere succeeied in obtaining` Ed. Taylor. last week . Owing to intern .,cr.nd-claaa certificates to, the showery wastber the people wbo trade, as a 1.0011 td tbe' mast grease- lave 0- 01/0•11161111441 amount of alfal.a ipation. l e led in the Normal Mchntd.. out will bed *ad et very good hay. )I r. Ed. Culwore. of, Neikirk, Alta., -is visiting (tis ,ua.ernuis friends aim; - AUBURN. relatives herr. also at beet r, Seabeds, t WsDwwDA1f, July i. etc. He 1.w i.s well. its poreprrirg in 1 Miss M . ming wait."... the soul. busiest.... and reports that Mr. Waiter mer sober( at Otiderieb tele week. well eve ■rad (..niirly are st ereare; Juba Johnston and his gang are was prosy wens-. en thinks tier, are;building'a cement e►all ,mdse Fred floe prta.{rrctr alle.d tet Alb,eita this M ,s bat o tbi,. week. year. Reeve El,iset was down below Ham- ilton last week .izing up the apple crop prospects. lie thinks they will have a gond half crop down thee*. In the neighborhood of fiodeeich Mr. Elliott sups the crop will hardir 1e Letter that; a thief' of last ye•r'. irld. !lost of for apples in this district this year will he of the winter varieties. ani the wordily of the fruit p soinieres 1 o be excellent. The Baptist lawn social as Wedoes- KINGSSRIDOE. (day nittbt was we!I attended.eoodder- Tee•susY, July s. tug the threateuirg writhe,. Frank \aeg.i ie moving his family Moat of the haulers of the yicipit r and bousholti 'dorsi, W Breeerlr. where have started baying. Toni Mnl:ivwn has moved bit barn be hes purchased • chopping mill. te from the lake to the gravel road We e ►ort to lose them as citizen.. rMiss M.E. Blyth left for bee home „ egret to report the death of for the school vacation. The rate- Mr..Ierrtuiah O'Connor. which occurred payers and rcSolsn ay', plewsed w on Monday eveaiu¢. A further refer. near •he will retarn as teacher after enre will he made neat week. the holidays. Some from here attended the picnic What is tbe matter with turning at Clinton on July IN, leo lb- naalerr• oar civic holiday into et picnic on the sty of our crowd spent the day at the rivet flats, detot og Ls. receipts to the Red Cross fund to carr fur our Edell.* Johnston. Cbaslie Hallam. Jr. II. --Myrtle Ftoigan, Lula Bruce, Arthur Juhntoe. Barvey Pledgee. Pt. 11.•-Joboo Fleabane Warner Aodrews, Charlie Hutchins. lir. Pt. I. -Johnny Hallam. Jack Mow. Carl 'Scrimmager. Pt. 1. A -Eddie MDIs. Jr. Pt. 1.-j.rd* Jdts.tou, Artbur Hallam, Kart 4iutchics.. I. N. BARK - LET, Teacher. LETTERS FROM THE FRONT. MP. and Mn. Ward Iiledhid, el Renmiller, bare received the following letter from their son. Verne, who is with the first l'ati lento tootiugrot at the front The engagement to whish he refer' is no doubt that at Ls Bawer in which the Western Outati, tec- went bullet ed .n s'verrly. The letter is dated June 111: Dein FATHEK .AND M.,TtiER.-Nu doubt you have heard ab,wt the.•hsr*e the bit Battalion made and also saw the casualty list. %Veil. 1 cane thrrsigb it safely. eanep' my neck and •boulders we bruised frau bring Llown out of the (semen trench by one of taeir hood grenades. It ssserbed my rifle tut did sus no harm except le uiw me A fellow sand Bob Nees - hitt as.d myself are the only two deft from Goderich and their are four left from Wingba0u, nom. from Sear•.rth and milt L•. Hud+.,n of l'iintr'n. He i• our quer tarns tater now. as the olL gmar terutaster was madeseljutaot, You will no doubt bear all •)coot the charge before v sot get this. i 'can't tell you much about it on a-r.nmt of tie e.r- ant'. We beat then. t•-tek to t b t i - third lone of trenches nut hod to re:ir- on account of their la, ui.in,t 114 nut. I wi:1 1x sending you a soap we bad taken -what is left rat our pl.eloon. 1 don't think we will int tack to the trtncbrs for some tier now. Ke haven't seen .euythiog of the second contingent yet. 1.ut they say they are in Euglane. How i+ the third c..otingent coming on % i dare say they will bavr left Canada before von ferrite this letter. Hoping you etre all well: as this leaves we. VeRse 3 3 3 THE Howell - Hardware - Co. LIMITED Is the very best place to buy Pure Paris Green Land Plaster Bug Finish Hay Fork Rope Sprayers Forks, Scythes, Dr. Williams' Spathes and other Fly Destroyer Haying Tools Binder Twine Portland Cement Our price on ary of the above lines you will find the very best, quality considered, as we buy the best. Give us your business and see for yourself. Most particular customers buy of us. REll EMESN T 1 WEDNESDAY HALP-HOLI DAY Howell Hardware Co., wounded b,y• at the front 3 1 1 3 1 4 THE COLBORNE STO H I S Store has used every effort to be a fertile field or T the buyer. We are still offering opportunities. ead our list. VOILE, CREPE AND MUSLIN SUiTIN:,S A large assortment d rho ebuudf rppatten white, in nearly all ..a�rnrd beat pig white grounds, and alt real BIU)ROCX.'AtCES. --- K _ r.. _--.- __ We are offetieg tee balance el ter Wash Dresses at a big reduction on regtt- AAn lar prices. About 20 left. Some of them ladies' and some of theta girls', also a few children's. The lowness of the price is s startling revelation. EMBROIDERED SKIRTINGS )tut three sods al them, 45 -inch hemstitched Skirtings -- at only - - - 35c it COLORED LISLE GLOVES About 77, pairs of these Gloves left. Regular price 25c to 15c I Tic. Your choice of the lot for only — — 3 HOSIERY A largo and well -assorted stock of ladies', girls' and children's Hose. Ladies' from 3 2 pairs for 25. to co..1 pair, in all sues. C'hiklren's in black, white and color', tram 4 to s inches. - vie are semis Easter than ever. We batt tett right Comet se tb. right 11 "'f • LUCKNOW. TUESDAY. July O. THREE OLn KIWInENTrl GONE.- Thtee w.11 -known cuizena have hero .dlaiwed I.y death wilb.D the past few .l. y. Tate t unreal of Mrs. Donald Melton eel an old resident. took place yesterday. H -r death o.rcurred on Saturday. in her .erestietb year, after Imany years 'meeting. Peter Tor- !Ise... wbo died on Maturday in his Iasvvnty-second year, was buried on Moods afternoon, .n Kinlusa er leery. Mr. Tertaa•e was a highly re- spected lams. In pontes he was a Liberal and in religion a Presbyterian. He leaves, beside, hie widow, one sen .ad three daughter,. Mr• (..o. Lees was buried on matte day aftsrs000. tattled down again when 1b.y landed three big meta right among us Have got • badger beat all to pieces at dig - gins out of sight. From there we went up to the re- serve trenches. Celebrated my birth- day up there. They must have known +host it. for that day. May Zod, we had th3 moat severe artillery bombard- ment that we bare bed yet. Had • abort time in the front line trenches and thou back for a rest We went in again at different place for a few days. Was gnus close to the Boehm there. as the trenches were just fifty yards apart in places. Th. Oermasa ars quite reckless in the way they throw their .hells shout. if they could do as much namags, shell for shell. as the British or Prvnek it wouldn't be safe t s live around her.. They shelled our part of the lis. one day from A a. m. to S p. m almost esetlnuoa•ly and we only had one eseuelty, owe man *needed. They milent have throw. tbosomsde d Meth They have. some good snipers .t work. though. it Y badly safe to stink our heads up even fav a monad, as they are always on le wash. The Presets bey* heels leisg gond work the feet few weeks and tb.y ars insides edema's shame .very y. as yen ems as by the Mn. James Moore. of 'dental(, has received the following letter from her son. Vee.. wbo is in Fiance with the hth Bal ta:tun rl) per cent °less than rr til tr tan, pr 1y' TigTwAuNTTmutuT TTTtfiTTMIPOnOrWit** 11!4,1M ! I4WrTTTTif‘ • SIM About 5o yards of 5O -cent Silk in drab and nab,- . Selling at - - - 19c FiANN,LE'TTE• MILL ENDS in light and dark colors Most of them .3f incites wide. Frilly ices. THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING JULY AND AUGUST .11 J. H. COLBORNEE=' 3 aemesetiere is Friar*. Jane 17th. Ittt:. DEAR MorrniR,-Your letter Slay Sited ret rived last night. Was glad to bear you are all well. Am in gond health at present. IVa rn.- hating .trate floe weather just now. It maws pre•ty hot for a few days last week, but a day'r good rain .•ooled the air . IT line. Have had Some excising times in the last five carets. it started just after we landed io this country We wee in -billets" Icr • few days and then we had our first taste of real trench life. We were Ding in dug -outs in • field shoat a mile behind the reserves wben they 'omitted to shell um with shrapnel. W. did ntt mind that an awful lot. but they .tar: ed to throw "coal -bores" and ••wsaty-will(.." at ue, thea we decided it was wise to move. Came hark alter they had played themselves out, as we thought, but we h•.i nn axnner got Rhe was in ber seventy seventb year. Two sons and two deugb.eu survive her. 000smpore TOWNSHIP. The roiled patriotic Society of (ioderieb township will have • sewing .t the home of Mrs. T. M Jobtsaten, 1aylne's Cotner., .,o Wednesday. July 1 t. The ladies ere Cordially invited to attend. Bethany Presbyterian church will celebrate its rftieth anniversary on Mueday, July Petb Special services will be held at 11 • m. and 7 p en., and the preachers, of the day will he Rev. D. L McCrae, Ph. D.. of Hamil- toe road choose. London. On Moi - day evening a garden party will be held at.Mr, Miens, McPbe, wb.e a good Smote eat sin. Yesterday win the first of the Jelly and August ball -holidays for the Mooren keeper. and their nth, and It mired beautifully for the cession. The rain oleo spotted several gardss parties In town sod adgbb.rbepd. -ROUGE OE f;ATs- dssre eat arr�se' Mee, mid Se Don't t �DVug ain nd ' Country Sams. ►KE A PICTORIAL HE M RE- ( ORD OF YOUR SUM- MER OFrINO. We many a full line cf Kodak+ and Supplier. Send u• your lams t., develop and prirt. We finish daily Enlargement• w •t•erial•y. Mail and telephonr.'idel • -u.il have our pr. top: attention. R. R. S allows Telephone :'.l piper*. :\err.p;ane. are getting to be like birds around here. Tbry are or. the- mrve all .he time. We have Plenty of "rima' brie and gen a:I the fresh meat we want. flare baron. tea, tread and tastier or Jim for breakfast. 1a -rt and potatoes for dinner and cheese slid tea for •upper. Also get plenty of clothing except sockr. Some- times we tun a little short r.f them but not fpr long. Just had, our is.ue of •tushing tetacco, today ; that and mail from home and fm lends is about the moat welce.rae thing of all. here. ' Had a•churcb service this a. w. in sn orchard herr. Did not bare any cbofr or pipe organ. but it was good singing. in fart, an rrgin tx mm+tesl irstruwents would seem out of place, herr. The conutry around here is very pretty now. The crops ate well advanced and the fruit is joist ahmlt ripe. such as chert ire and ail the emly kind.. Will have to close. as it is g.tting dark and our electric lights ale not working just right. Remember me to everybody. Hoping this will find ycu well. With love to all. Your son. Was. = 1 Get Your Counter Check Books Out of Town II Keep your trade WE CAN FURNISH THEM at Home. FOR YUU AS CHEAPLY 1 AND AS GOOD AS ANOUT OF TOWN - PRINTER CAN. LET US CALL AND PRICE QUOTE YOU, II The SIGNAL PRINTING COMPANY. Ltd- WOOL Ontario • r,:o•t -i:• N• -•-•f .1 'piens( trainua Soot. Tesehe s are eerier .eat. Mahe• are t haro.gb and reset - oases. .-sed. We received more aeeit- catr'n. IA:- mine b tbIn we bad r.. - dente gradeata daring the pant month.. [Wee anp[teartnw R cetM rm•»t .e. -,-u a .err fen leer ate+v.era t.krr at -•' bookkeeper at (*elle aaondd coorosweW to+Aer at 1110 poi' annum Bo.lrr-• Hien want ear evdeate.. Get our t•atalgreo at sins. D. A. 11ic1.ACHt.A' P iedpal. Wingbam Advance: Word bas been ree.ived that Howard Snell. an old Jamestown boy. son of Edward Snell. of Winnipeg, and nephew of Mr. Samuel Spell, of Jamestown, wbo wept with the Mth Winnipeg Battalion in the first Caoadien contin- gent, was token prisoner at the battle t of lengemank and is now in Monster, Germany. Mr. Kdward Snell was for • number of years a resident of Wing - bane George Reginald Elliott. of Calgary (son of Mr. and Mn O. M Elliott,. towns. is gazetted as lieutenant in the Corps of Guides. Word has been received from Corp. ('heater S. M•edoeald, of the Royal Canadian Draerooea, wbo is now in a hospital in France. Ha was wounded in the left knee by • piece of shell. At the time he was in ebargi. of • koros of stretcher -hearers giving first aid I Row le This 1 we Myr Owe /sasses Det'.e i seael ter may ewe of eatrvb Mat mean* M sans. tar �E'Itawws yI JCsu■Rs EY t CO.. Td.i.. o.' W. the wswdeand. baye knew, r O. 1 bear! lir tae lost Id ern r••••. and belie.. Man perbeth baesr.w r ad Ms.M,r tri. Moliimaw auasere'I bin as seer as say lira N aTINaL Rana or lb)artiwCS.. IA lair elelietW wpm the aort= ear lieu. Casawh Cos. TT .,eek• . stM- The old reliable /kindlier Woollen Bill aow $8 years ms bmaaess. A G( )OD supply of Berl and Eloise Blankets, Stock- ing Yarn. Sheeting. Home- spun Tweeds, Rugs, etc., always on hand for the whole season. The World's Finest Fresh Water Trip /Reamer. kat-• Port McNseoll "' uler• W edne.day. Th.rday. sod garcr-tar. f..r noon the. Marie. Port .trtbur nod tart W.11iaar. Tbs tosser •'N.idueba.- .ailing from Port McStevll b" Wedne•der•. will .toll at Owen f•n•.n4. tearing 'ha, pan' 1.1. pr. -AT/: uMMHIP IIXFftLiiu Maras Taranto It 4i p.m. dellaexcept Fri ear. waking threes renn•ctlon watb dean. ere Por: McN(telt on •aili .g ears. Pacific Cat Toars AT IJow FAR'JI IV.-Lt-DiNA ••.'.%urORsia RXPtMlrlu!tt!" Partleo lar. tram Jou. G add. C. P. i . Aaest. or write M. MW It. P. A.. rank -.es oar. (tag sad Yates !u. Tera.w GRAND TRUNK Ayist EM Being along your fleece,. both washed and unwashed, and get the highest prices for earls or trade Jesse Gledhill, /Prop. Btamifer, q - - Ontario Ser Service to Hioli & .4 Ontario free T.rtelss stares flatly for Masers Late. dale e• t..rr rinses- Iw leks .f !ata ate•aeMe Pers. Msasaetawaelavera.diteaegaal We owlet. 1411 • ma daily eve's* aeeday for o Its- like of Haire sad Maeanetewu 1211 r w daily sono* P,.dsy ter Muwkeka Labia, Lobel fates sae Atesaese Part. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Lwow eessie 1LHam AMrsts - t11n p m 11lssk senor WPM M arat fret 0,0 leMnoir. rimer rub Mme.`MM.tle. 1OtiaMeeM46_1= IlstrA.m. IM..; p : a McLaughlin Buggies CaI1 and inspect our new stock of the above high- grade Buggies. We have the latest 1915 designs to suit all re- quirements. McLaughlin Carriage Store HAMIL7blf STREET