The Signal, 1915-5-27, Page 71
Am 1.115 �■iV atinr� � w~`
sag 1015565568.
bra-�'I wood be
It IWlilirMs eent
• R demaswa.
I haw lakes it
at ,Feat ftmtm
emitt imp re-
lieved se who a
wart tab& ani when 1
bow a wanes sem-
M 1 shrew re
e misedltLneterlm
I waveattacked
1 liedweba berme. peke hi my stip tad
We, Ionnsme
M y�. limbo Weed
sed I wan t imine duet I wee hardly
sib a daboneentob.� a Can
tai _ eve slbeeeeetsin. sed It bed
me s I'tar &soda ani R les
ma gar atswt feta a nes
wean Tea haw sq h aV skean
le me my Ere eel mennentel hi any
wee end 1 -
knit espedep
Wawa IL. Obi..
Meme Malta SOOSEMOMMS ben these
iteendap lb einelbrair es:
Pbk a =Me - le re-
essaes tktb
If yes advise
bribe ti I i a. Plellboon
aiSeim em 11~111 b. Lynn.
rrand end noomoomed.
j e1 wanes
awl len ls Silly monallonnpi
Seely Developments Felten Formal
Dectaretiea of War` -Germano
/main Reinert to VIN Tactics'
Loader. Kay .116 --An attack
b sir sad w on Northers
Italy. delthe o eel haft ►wti11Uog. was
the Ume
let tar We noetics _
Austria's reply to Italy'sties d the Adriatic
Of war. rO°r hod by dentrolere
coact were accts
sad aeroplanes. Slight Mrasgs WWI
dine. Minor cloaks• bstweea border
petrels occurred to the Iheartas Tyrol
sad Moog the meters frontier
Katy Austria* dsatitoyers aM tor-
pM boats raided the Callan Adriatic
scoot before daybreak yeMarday-
$toultaneoasl7 a Seelattack
aeroplanes sttem/tsd
Me •reseal at Vendee. Atter • Mtn
a:cheese of Shote Balla* torted°
beats whish bad bssa waxers a*
Maack droved the Austrians. like
Moms* attended the 0otaatsraleacks
of the aircraft gusasrs sad :bs Italia*
aviators in repelling the Anetslaa sir
raiders. 1t was /lately ms plea of
Ms Austrians , to Weals' the Maiden
pmmeslcatices fret m
w as bombarded by
Maass which dropped 11 prmlecttles
• elreportMMetes thatsever miinn
pelemsate bpvs occurred to the Ass-
kelsn Tyrol on the new trout but
dyes so results.
►siseasas Gas Amen
County and District
711111101MaT. MAT W. Itis
car Robert Ben. of Teske,- s�ineering. John E. Pone', of Toro-
Casb. wbo 1 berry,wLo attended W iottham bib
with, eceuy, has of • eternise* emigre- send also ped the reanimation in
Worn recently, has aiot-e died.
Mary Joao, d•Ruaibter of R.IS i. (dv.! eu,iiorerta'lt.
Coltman, of Heossll, was married Map 1 M LAFU11TH.
lltb to James Milton tltewerc, of Sob + S.Colea•r, wbo bad been e itb lbs
torch ( Dominion Bank herr, has been trams.
John Selves, jr., of the 4th oo0cwi0n. revved to MoousSI.
,t whale breaking a young L W. Koowdee bas purchased the U borne•
borer, esu kleked in for tate and su McMaster Property and will open up •
badly tut that surgical •tte0tiou was new end second -bawd furoitare buu•
required. Dow.
Mr. sod Yrs. John 'i . M
Tucker.milh. arnemWee the engage-
sisest of Heir d•ugbirer, 011ie Irene. to
Jarvis Horton. the marriage to take
place early in June.
W. R. Cesateion, son of Samuel Can -
tense, of Morns, is vteiting
st his
bons atter taking a course of study at
kdasonton University. He will enter
the Metbodist ministry in the West.
The congregation of Zion church,
Unborae, .IU eelehrst.e the ttf ietb an-
niversary of the opening of Ips church
on Sunday, June lath. It is expected
several former pastors will be preernt
and take part in the services.
James Oibsoo died et bis bowie on
the 41b concession of Wert Wew•nosb
00 May 13h.h in his seventy-sixth year.
He is survived by his wife, tour sone
sod two daughters. Interment took
place at Dungannon cemetery.
ttebell, of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Dickson
•unounce the engagement of their
daughter, A Mead. to Geo. Alessoder
Glenn, the inerriaee to take place
early in June.
Tbe members of the hockeytclub
were presented with club begs
ev *vetoing,
ing 0 rid boldes of theirgwd
playing du og the t ea.
playing dense the pea
The livery barn on Main street, re-
cently vacat-d by W- Bryne. was
burned down on 'I'itesday morning of
last week togetber with several bug-
gies and wagons. It was the property
of A. D. Strong. of Galt, and the lose
was covered by insurance. The origin
of the firs is unknown.
Mrs. Kathleen Blake Coleman, bet-
ter known in literary circles as "Kit,"
who died at Hamilton recently, was
well known here. as previous to her
marriage to Dr. Theo. Coleman. young
est .on of Dr. T. T. Coleman, a pioneer
of Seafortb, she was a frequent visitor
•t Hillside, the Coleman home here.
Mrs. Nelson Sbeer'e end daughter
Jean have joined Mr.sere at Galt,
wheretbe is now employed._
Win. H. Martin had his f he Book cove
scalded wbeu w leg of
come off and the teoketUe fell over oo
The town council has passed a by-
law to iwue S7.UW of fifteen -year five
per cent. debentures, for the purpoer
of erecting en addition to the public
Laurie Watson and Clifford McAvoy
passed with honors at the recent ex-
eminatio0s in pharmacy •t Tp ante,
the former winning the Heebner gold
medal. Both are now taking the final
Pbm. B. degree examination.
After an Moots of four weeks Thos.
B Martin sway at his home on
Saturday, May 15th. He was born in
doglend eighty year* ago and came to
Canada n 1848. He was twice married
and is survived by his widow and five
Meier.. N. Stenleke, C. Heywood.
A. Moore sod A. Hastings figured In
an auto accident near Allies Craig ooe
day recent) Mr. Stsalake was driv-
ing when the car struck a pile of
gravel and overturned. Mr. Stanlake
received facial cuts from the wind-
shield and Mr. fiogtiogs received an
injury W the side. The others escaped
unhurt_ The car was badly damaged.
la Treace the Germans again have
resorted to Me use of polemic's
la this ommectios the follow-
ing re-
: "Uwe
IlseUse ' ilgbtieg or Gen. Ft•eac• tb
on e lath
meads. gunswere captured. S
Ned Ink yit is
pes/bie rat more were busied 1a
fly desu'assd treacle's. Today three
(ierinaa batteries wore silenced by
ear guns. One was destroyed by
Street bits and fu ammunIUon blown
Op. East .1 Ypres the German de-
veloped an infantry attack at 3 o'clock
Ms morales under Dover of poirosoes
pats. at the sale time hostile ar-
tillery fired espkyxtatfng shells. Our
troops were toned to evacuate some
of *Mr trendies. The enemy pene-
trated the line at two or three
Tbe lighting is pro -
item still of the
and • sone portion
segteel iloe have already been he
A Clash of Wits.
Be -1 love you.
Sbs-But I haven't a test in the
world. didn't allow me
He-Exoure ass, you
to finish. 1 love you no6-
Sbe-So 1 1 only wound to try you.
I have a tonnes of 00,(U).
lis -Yes, but you interrupted me
again. 1 love you eat foe year money's
Sbe- Well, I'm so glad, for that
Was only • joke about the 00,008.-
e Striking Resemblance.
"As • matter of feet," said the law-
yer for the defendant. trying to be
nareastb, Tat were scared half to
death and dont know whether it wee
a motemem or eomsthleit resembling
eoloe•ear that bit you.
"le reeembid nae all right," ibe
tiff made anrwer. "I was toed-
itsoek by the reeewiblance."-Ttt-
Spit and Span Buses
John McGaw. jr., of Kincardine, ie
the inventor of • steam net Woo g
machine for fi.biog tugs. He bas pat-
ented it and the machines ars befog
meeufucuired by the Hunter Bridge
Boiler Co., of Kincardine.
John Herdman, • respected resident
of l --borne township, died on May
13th alter a tuns illness. He wan a
native of England, but bad been a resi-
dent of Huron county for over thirty
years. His wife, there sone and one
daughter survive. of the
The fifty.Srwt •ii Presbyterian church wilt
Whitechurch Presiy
he commemorated on Sunday. May
when Dr. Shtere.
r Rev.. G nM.
M. be the prea°ber
Dunn, of Toronto, • former pastor,
also will 1a• present.
succus M French Troops
The official French statement last
idea says: 'lietweeu Nleuport and
Ypres there v as a vigorous artillery
last tsiUsated by the etricacious fire
et our heavy guns on the shipyards
of Raversyds. southwest of Ostend.
Norte of La Basses attacks by the
1lrtti.h troops realised further pro
pass North of Neuttlle 9t. Vaast
(he Germsns tried to attack pith very
Meng forces. but they were caught
ender the are of our artillery end
payed short. saflertng beery losses.
OuAlemeotar7 reports received to -
lay give further details 'bowies the
(oport•pn of our success yesterday
�east of the Chapel of Notre
Dame de Loretto. le a Srrce bayonet
iglu we &nailer 0•d the forces op-
posed to us and captured several
Machine gun. There is nothing new
ea the rest of the front.•.
awe mum. ammo*
Gers�rptheemIssiebeiMing and
mesKai s sale e4osters � •
the vers
belt essolla
Ouahgus boa
O. IPIANI .>r.O. A,. Pria•ipaL
U. a Peens. R4ee tars -
William Dennison died athis
by one
on the lith conxmt r
Naturday. May 15tb. He was torn in
Middlesex county seventy-one• years
ago and bad resided oo the farm o0
which be died for the past forty-one
years. His wife. six sons and two
daughters survive.
Russians Take Offensive
in Resets tattle are raging along
practically the entire frost. In Gali-
lee Me Russians ars taking the oReo-
itve afar their disastrous retreat.
The retreat of the Russians appears
ata* end Tbe7 are sow delivering
a strong counter oteselve aloSg the
River San to the north of Jaroetau
and already bare regained some of
the ground lost to the Germans. to
order to relieve this pressure the
Aytro•l:erman troops are making re-
peated and vi-lous attacks against
the Russians to the southeast of
Prsemysl. The Genesee official re-
ort to -day made no claims Petrograd this sone of fighting.
reported the enemy attacks between
Przemysl and the Dniester marches
had been irittit su. in the north
battles are raging on Rattle coast.
along the fast Pr..satan frontier Sad
In central Poland.
Fierce Strife With Turks
Flaftting of the most desperate
character is going on at the Dar-
danelles. according to despatches re-
ceived In London. 1t 10 stated that
100.000 Ottcrnan trcops with huge re-
serves to 11 upon if necessary esve
been brought up to prevent the tee-
arthe advance of the allies on the
Gallipoli Penin els. Two bundred
thousand Terse are directing Servs
attacks eeriest the idles' positions
oil the Gallipoli Perlasala while the
Turkish fleet gathered in th" Harmers
1. shelling them by indirect flee The
allies. however. apparently are hold -
be their ewe If not soloing. More
than 14.000 Turks have been kind
or wounded.
Private Chester Pittrerald, whose
wife was Stein-
bach, f Zurich, wet death by falling
downstairs at Wolseley Barracks. Lon-
don, on May loth. He was a
cook in
the Army Service
nCisnd war
thirty-two y old.Hwife and
two children survive. fetor of the
Angus McDonald, p,oprie di of old
May141ms hotel, H not been in the
May 1_'tb. He had
brei of health, but his death was en-
tirely unexpected. He was formerly
in the bond buainsse at Lucknow
Deceased was forty-fourears of age
sad is survived by his wife and three
young children.
Eavest roughing
Metal Work
ALectric Wiring
Proetlrt dna be all
_5 - tial semen'
reeky goat
Ogle MP. MIR
John Mp. flied recently •t f Harbt y,
townBe West the was en-
gage Before oto to business in
Aged to the photography l
'}orris and Blyth after learning the
business at Brussels. He bald the rank
of captain in the Canadian volunteers.
wife and two yon g daughter. rs old and yrs
D[ a roan te. 700. des ,
ibis wind. Thom%
meow erhawttra>=a>■.
These tweu=sOn he
d or
sr liwolma holm
Hare ere
ebbs, _
mums � s
walk v
111104.1111" put likatlm't`viad
"NM the vmshibewies
iwasors nen e
111111118111111r. _hP
We ksofw kllrt
best of their Mod.
periwody trued' IOW
when yaw u ea.P'
Yw7 sees
a est of lent Jen
Me -
F. Hunt, Goderich, Ont.
W. Roy Grigg. of the Bank of Mont-
real stag ,at Hamilton, 'has been
transferred to Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. (fillies left town
last week for WaterlooMr.
Gillies has obtained employment.
Rev. K. 0. Powell baa returned
after assisting with • temperance
paign in Alberta for the past month.
Mise Jessie O'Neil peered her final
examination at Toronto University
•od has been awarded the degree of
Wm. P. Dinsley. •native et Clinton.
and brother of Miss M. Dinslev of
town. died at Chicago on May i4tb.
His wife. oar eon and three sisters
John Oliver bad his right wrist
broken white cranking his auto coos
day recently.
J. G. Leckie and W. B. Strachan
psesed their fourth -ear eeemination
in arta at Toronto University.
J. Hanes bad bis hood badly
crusbsd between two beading blocks
while working at the mill here last
C. C. Baker, teller in the Bank of
Nova Scotia here, has been transferred
to Aetoo, Ont. A. H. Milligan is his
Mn. Elora Hill and Wm. P. married Bray,
bwere th of Brume's.
Brantford on May 4th. They have
taken up tbeir residence here.
Meg/angle Sete
Ottawa.May lb- -The movement d
Canadian troops stoma the seas bad
proceeded In • moat satisfactory ne-
per s private able received ben
aa*ousses the �e arrival at an un
named Pritfeb 'ori or the Megan'►c.
*Wag Major-General Steele and his
staff the signallers of the Canadian
sagteeers from Ottawa.. tee _torn
Sesiment from Tomato. sad the
=to antunittition Part It 1s
etched hen that all the sewed Cda-
tlrset W arrtwd I,ke .pert l sews
b available met•seeing safe sa
she egb ties loth 1s repo
ltegsstte. Piet ser=ved
Hugh B. Grigg, who had been on
the staff of the Motions Bank at
Montreal. has obtained leave of ab -
some and hag enlisted end is now in
training at Loodon.
"Nothing but Names" is ibe title of
a book that was issued in 1890 by t1t[m�a
H. F. Gardiner, M. A., at the
editor of The Hamilton Times, but at
present connected with the Provincial
Blind Institute at Brantford. Therein
be gives the origin of the names of all
the counties and townships of Oaten°,
with • brief historical reference. As
en them published, it
may iotereet ounever r readers to know how
the several townships in Huron county
got their names.
Huron -This county takes its name
from Lake Huron, -whose modern
name is taken from the sobriquet of
Hure, or wild boar, given' by the
French to the Wyandotte !odium, coo
account of the manner to which they
dressed their hair." The name was
to theWc
earlier d•, but the county esal is
dated 1841.
Ashfield -1840 -called after the vil-
lage in Suffolk whets Lord Chancellor
Tburlow was born.{Hb father wee rec-
eafor of Ashfield.
Colborne - 1830 - ailed after Sir
John Colborne (Lord Sectors). born
17.8. He was Lieut. -Governor of
Upper Canada from I8M to 11486, com-
manderf User during the rebel -
After being • resident hen for
eighteen years. Mrs P. Watson has
gone to make her home at Treadwell,
near London. She sold her residence
bete to Mn. H. Keys.
Twelve teams engaged M`n a gendgravel
"bee" on Tuesday of vial for the abut -
drew fifty loads of gra
menu of Pryor t Son's new mill. The
work was done gratis.
Thomas G. McCracken, wbo nfo
number of years was engaged
ness here with his brother, the 1a1
W. H. McCracken, died at London on
May 16th. He was sixty-two years
old and leaves his wife, Doe eon and
one daughter.
nothers of Little Ones.
The Western Foundry Co. has built
• footbridge over the (i. T. R. tracks
for the convenience of its employees.
The men had been in the habit of
ueep•seing on the railway and (fraud
Trunk offfetals bad threatened to prose-
Word has been received of the sod-
den death at St. Louis, Me., of W. W.
Inglis, a termer resident of Wingbam.
While ben 11. engaged m the woollen
mill business and in PAS was Mayor of
the town. One son, who resides at St.
The following Wingbam toys have
eucresdully passed the examinettons
mI Torooto A. & Lloyd, in mecba)-
�e in
phermacy Clamant Wilma. inbcivil
Major Asda. wmtsas. the oldest
is the volunteer servto• in the
tss Militia sad Govenser of
dyed eseaty fatl, wog burled
Pelaneay st Cayers
William -,neg. Nertb Ray, Ont. sad
Matbw McKnight were knead deed
M Tertintn yssterdet
Pere M•rgeeUe itaurrt•d was order-
ed b Judea Tuttle et Detroit to be
w a e.ettea.
Wrist fee Potboilers
Registrar. Ilea Mee. (Dead* P4 dPSL
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont.
the Canada h - 19121
91 J•- named atter
Wawa)orh - 1
Waywayooeb, an lodiao thief.
A farmer wrote to the editor of an
agricultursl peeper n follows I
have • bort that has been afflicted
for the past year with periodical fits of
dizziness. eese let me know what I
should do with him, as he seems to Ret
worse Instead of better. I am afraid
be will be unfit for to the aif mt tm)e
o orgies 1. not dons soon." Waen the teas
lion, and executed twelve rebels at theor
answer•peeee: '
•Montreal. He was founder of the Up -ie looking all right sell him to some.
per Canada College at Toronto. I one."
Orey-1818-named after Charles, I Village Haberdasher : "Yew take
second Earl of Grey ; koro 1764. I from me, sir, folk in our village
(}odsricb township - I8211 - named very spiteful •gin the German. Why,
after Right Hoo. Frederick John Bole tH reckon pies cold fifty 'ankercben
insoo �nt Goderich and Earl of Mai' Kiceheoer'e fence oe 'em !"-Punch.
No mother of you) children should
be withnut • hos of Baby's Own
mother's Tab-
lets. The Tablets are
frieod ani are as good M • doctor in
the bowie. oonceroiag them, Mrs. F.
W u r, Ingersoll. Ont. writes : "1
have wed Baby' Own rsi would not ets for the
past eight y
without thein. 1 coo highly recom-
mend thew to all mothers of young
children).' The Tablets ere sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at ffi
tents • hoz from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont.
n. The hardest learning
owict-186-named atter Henry o) •birch
tree -says school -
George Grey, third Earl of Grey born grows
No Appeal.
A writer cf plays was reading a new
work before • company of the Freocb
Society of Comedy. and presently was
disturbed by the Sight of nae of i
1802, but who entered the English Per- The Enc step is often so e:peosive
liament, I8). as Lord Howick.
Hullett-1890-named after John , that one can't afford CO take a seems d.
Hullett, one of the first directors of
the Canada Company.
Hay -ISIS -named to boar of R.I
W. Hay, joint secretary for the Uoloo-1
des with Lord Stanley.
Morris--11150.-named after Hon. Win
Morris. of Perth, Ontario;
Peak), Scotland, 17)bi In 181) hs
was elected to the Dominion Partite
went and sat for ;Lanark until WO:
members, M. Got, fond asbsP.
author .topped sod reproved the from the time of King John.
sleeper. Ile was routing hi. play to S Step oe j-itCl6-named after Janice
tee Committee In order to obtain their r., Under Secretary of Site
for the Colonies in the time of Lord
G°d n
made tieopv 1 named aftereral in James
M.P., one of the first direc-
tors of the Canada, Comfy.
Stanley-urau-named atter Edward
OeoRt� Smith Stanley, fourteenth
Earl of �by, torn 171 Was Pre -
osier of Great Britain in 1803 ; aleo in
1468; was tie father of Lord Stanley
of Preston. Governor-General of Can-
ada i0 1811ta. The name Stanley datm
opinion. How could • man who was
asleep give an opinion ? M. Dot ribbed
bis eyes and remarked • There wee oo 'Rieer'1 from
tIs an
his verdiel. appeal
Perhaps She Was Right
A teacher' meeting was in progress•
and it was derided that the more diffi-
cult subjects should come In Hees cook -
he morn-
ing. and th.wthat required
sacken later in the day. History .wae
last on ch. list. and Mies Whence, the
Toting trochee. protested. "lett it cer-
tainly is easier than eebewee or madbs-
matins." the prinelpal , "As 1
tearh it " replied tits Toone %amebae,
")o using." mould -Lip ncott' Mdial
confusing." -lipped
••Herts • parcel. means, front the
fi.b dealer's marked (1 O. O.'. ''Pell
sTITUTLs t�a to .+a iter tight a Bridgetn
erre _
Turn hety--11460--calledafter Tnr-
berry Castle in NootJsad, the principal
bouse In Carrick in the 12th and 19th
Tuckeremith-18811-took luMOM
from Marlin Tinier 9saitb, banter.
London. director of the Canada Coes•
pally The fohlowinHammy, quoted
In the Domie. nion Home of Oommcs'
by Use cue Joe Hemet in eciaseetioa
with a loaner mild polemist of this
tedium for electoral purposes, is nee
published la the volume :
Tie teweeee d Trearestllb. YRr�nd.
Cw1a In werAA
Ler % baba elk end imitator is uses earth.
Asa satoirsa taw Wain
ne .trees nny niaanied paw WI TwnualmiO
Usborne-1 atter Hoary
Uebmree. one 0f w bat dleestore of
• ,_ . +s-- o
Do It Now
tilligginiffl AVOID THE RUSH
• All wiring done by the latest
Hydro -Electric rule.
• All work guarantees.
`i Electric repairing of all kinds
promptly attended to, at rea-
.unable prices.
• We carry a complete and (up-
to-date line of Electric Fixtures
and Supplies at; all times.
Lied riots
OfRes 22 -JUST PHONL -Hoissa 193
11.1111.1.11,..... • .1.6 OM. ._.....