The Signal, 1915-4-8, Page 5THE SIGN AL GODERICH, ONTARIO
TsrCYDAT, ArRtl b. 1915
Still in Business at East
Street Garage
We are now in a position to handle all your Auto,
Motorcycle or Bicycle Troubles. We have a complete
new stock:anitare able to talk prices with anyone.
by the
Ridgcrest Babies
We will be ready for distribution on and after
April Igth. 'Phone the Ridgcrest Hatchery.
'PHONE 10 on 255
•~ lit. ,} ti
t. ;' ' .I:
, t'
"i, kt '
.a,_ a
_---- --0
ToRoNTO, LIMITHD, Canada's 1,
foremost hair -goods establish- ►
ent, will display and demon- i
[H%trate a sample stock of the s
latest hair -goods fashions for
1adks, and toupees and wigs
for bald men, at
"The Hotel Bedford"
oft ►
Wednesday, April 14th E
FOR LADIES :---llurenrr•end's Transformation by overcom- E
ing every defect of your own hair will assist you to appear at
your hest, always. Switches, Braid<, Pompadours, Wavekts,
Ytc., of the finest quality hair and unsurpassed workmanship. ;
on are invited to inspect these goods. i
Gentlemen I Are You
Bald T
A Dorenveend An Haw-
toupee will make you ap-
pear( year' younger and
will prove a benefit to
your health and comfort.
Indeteetable, Feather-
weight, Hygienic
Have a Demonstration
of what it will do for you
1 ' •
Remember the date : Wednesday, April 14th
Mr. Builder
for the Flooring of
We have a good stock of 3-8 \
quartered oak and birch,
all purchasers.
Your New House !
-eneer Flooring in plain and
grades and prices to suit
We also have a number of well -made
and birch, mahogany finish, which
a very low price.
Bookcases in oak
we are selling at
Get our quotations on Lath, Shingles, Pine, Hemlock
and Oak Lumber.
Estimates Cheerfully Given
The Paget Grain Door e:
TII.Ei'1IONE 273
ea - BAL.
'' Tire Grout SW" .S.:AMISF..
1 ikASMpr . e- what+ s+ w LAM w.s .t 1St i• al.!. t:' +c s«-rrti-
1QrY Or _- 3 rive- -9ff r.x-ra--, — "G.: OF 3:?VAW
t.:1::. 1
BUFFALO—Daly, Ttlaglat t-) Dee. Ise—C LV EIA)= rND
Ilaf.CSM• • [!, l--.1(lere,.1 .-. '• L
t: A.1,1 i-c'rJe
rin • tiwsard 1 itis te..-. - !' - e..f..1 resits wase"
t1611 st cl.reiwe r.. ('.Ier 's', ►1t -i, -..• k. there a lar t:.alelr.lail.
aa $w4,'.b ....y 'a I1: ,.. ov...Ma,a
1 , , ti';t(jt • ,obi= asiorft• n Isri Ar 1
ISIT CO. cleeeireail ate
•,,■ M» - - - - - 9rallIr
Arm Broken.
Charles Bell, an employee at the
Buchanan Planing Mill, met with an
accident last Saturday. He was attempt -
Jog to adjust a belt to a revolving
pulley when bis band caught, witn
tbe result that his arm was broken
near the elbow.
Don't Forget This.
The ladies of St. George's church are
waking elaborate preparation for the
bib tea and sale of work to be held at
Oddfellow. Hall on Thursday next,
April 15th. Tea will be served from 5
P. m. During the evsiog there will
be a snorer e
p Admission
70c.; admission and tea 35'. Every-
body invited.
Kingsbridge Led LANs Band.
An unfortunate accident occurred at
Kiogehridee no Wednesday. Two
young lade, Wilfrid McCarthy and J.
C Mow, were playing in a woodshed
where • military rifle was hanging on
a wall. In some spanner the rifle was
knocked down and the charge entered
tbe left wrist of McCarthy, causing
such a wouod that the hand had to he
am pu tested.
Public School Board.
The public school board held Ha reg-
ular monthly meeting oo Monday
evening. Principal Long reported 366
boys and 327 girls oo the roll of Vic-
toria school for March, and $41.6; de-
posited in the school bank during the
month. Principal Sharman reported
1147 boy" and lib girls on the roll of
Central school and deposits of $15.17 in
the school hank for the month of
March. Accounts were passed and
otber business transacted.
Expensive Business.
In company with Police Sergeant
Mnore, County Constable Pellow paid
a visit to the Bedford hotel on Satur-
day evening,. March 27th, and secured
some sixteen bottles of whiskey from
an untenanted room adjoining the
hotel. Subsequently, the manage-
ment of the hotel Paid over to the
magistrate the sum of 8125 and coats
for the indiscretion of having an un-
lawful amount of liquor on the premi-
For supplying some thirsty citizens
with liquor on March'..-ird, horse fair
day, Philip Austin, bartender of the
Union hotel, was charged with a
breach of tbe license law and on Tues-
day of this week banded the magis-
trate $100 dollars and costs
A Tribute to Mr. George Green.
The members of the ofticisi hoards
of Victoria street Methodist chorcL,
with their wives, gathered,xt the hams
of Mr. George Green, on Thursday
evening of last week, and presented
hint with an address and it walking -
cane, as a token of their appreciation
of his faithful service and liberal giving
in the various avenues of the church's
activities. Mr. Green has sold his
household effects and his property on
Picton street, and will pmhably spend
some time with relatives at Sarnia and
other points. He has been • resident of
Gnderieb and vicinity for upwards of
half a century. We trust that the re-
mairder of his earthly pilgrimage will
he pawed in the comfort asd happi-
ness owned In a well -spent lite.
G. C. 1. Art Exhibition.
As already announced, an exhibition
of pictures is to be given at tbe Colle-
ttiat, Institut, April 30 to May a This
art exhibition will comprise upwards
of 2110 reproductions of the world's
maeterpieces, many of which are 21
by i feet, while most ,of them are
about l; by 2 feet . The reproductions
consist of carbon photugrepbs, photo-
gravures. copper -plate color paintings.
paintings in oil colors on carbon prints
made in pigments, producing • result
second only to theoriginal, and water-
color, on phc .ogravures. Tbe exhibit
will he mode in the assembly ball of
the 6 t' 1. and will he open to visitors
from 1 to 11 and 7 to 10 p- m. It is ex-
pected that fully 1, SII of the citigens
of town and the townabins surround
ing will come to enjoy this rare op
Men, women and children of every
age, all find Rexall Orderlies a perfect
laxative. gold only by H. C. Dunlop,
druggist, The Rexall Store, ilk., 'roc.
and 50c. boxes.
IRE PRtil[llt11 PICT11Ra MOUSE
_ - a -
Cosy ani (t*1e
Special Attraction
Monday and Tuesday
APRIL IETR AND i3731. 1915
Jesse L. Lasky
"Edward Abeles"
The Original Star in
" Brewster's Millions "
215 Scenes. 5 Poet..
THURSDAY, ooe episode of
The great serial now running
at this Theatre.
The Strand War Series
of London, England
Pay us a visit and be more
than sattalled.
Prices as Usualeelk t 5c
Patent Solicitor
Lawyer ,U.14.1 and Regd Patera Attprosy. Fif-
teen rear- experience in Cvada and ('.t+. le -
rent ton, promptly patented. Trade marks and
tie.den :roistered. Infringement and vatlltdy
eaEvidence collected of patent 41mita.
Reports prepared for roun..L
Expert witness in patent suits. Pat-
ents obtained in all countries. 99 St.
James Street, Montreal.
.pseial made to order sulfa at I'rldham the
Tatior'r--{M, iI$ and WI There 1s comfort. In
these we fitting garment.. and yet they acv
not beyond the parse of anyone who cares
shoat how he drones.
11. 11. &tallow, the Photographer Intend, to
rev ire this year Pithy !lay, whish was w pop
ular la years gone by. On Monday May 3rd.
M will give a fres sitting to all bsbles ander
eighteen months of age. Tbe best record of
previous years was lea babies in one day : Mr.
tt&tows would like to break the record this
year. Each baby will be presented with one
Dopy of his tor beri photograph free.
Leave your order at Blackstone's for
rash sweet cream. Orders delivered.
Phone 24(1.
Seeley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia, Called
to Goderich.
F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Pbila-
delphia. the looted truss expert, will be
at the Bedford hotel end will remain
In (lodes icb Wednesday only, April
lttb. Mr. Sseky says: "The Spiro
rustic Shield as now used and approved
by the United States Goveroruen!. will
not only retain any naw of rupture
perfectly. affording Immediate and
complete relief, but oloees the opening
in ten day.. on the average case. ibis
loatrument received the only award
in England and In Spain, producing
results without surgery, harmful he
merlons, medical treatment or pre-
scriptions. Mr. Seeley has doeumepts
from the United States Government,
Washington, D. C., for in.pectlon.
All charity cases without charge, or if
any interested call he will be glad to
show same without charge or tit them
if desired. Anyone ruptured should
remember the date and take advan-
tage of tbia opportunity.
Creditable Prod coca by Amateur
Company us Musical Comedy.
A lull house greeted Lbe presentation
of "The Sailer Tangle' at Victoria
Opera House oo Tuesday evening,
under the auspices of the choir of 8t.
George's church. The "Sailors' Tangle"
is • musical comedy in which the girls
of Barustapool and the sailors of
the ship Bounding Billow are the lead-
ing character'. .toe Stout. mate of
the Bounding Billow, is in love with
Nance, but, being very bashful, gets'
Bill Salt, the bosun of the boat, to
propose for him. Bill makes a mis-
take and proposes to Julia, the belle of
Barustapool, who is in , love with
Barnabas Lee, a wandering artist.
The sailors think Barnabas is an inter-
loper, and kidnap him and tete him
on a year... cruise. The second act
opens with the return of the sailor.
from their voyage with tales of all the
hearts the, have broken. Bill Salt is
placed in the predicament of having
to tell Julia that be made a mistake,
-- -- -- ----- and that Joe Stout is really in love
with .fiance. To soolbe her distracted
feelings be utters to merry her him-
self, an otter which Julia at tint in-
dignantly resent,, but afterwards de-
cides she had better accept. Bill is
not very enthusiastic over his love
affair, and is greatly relieved when
Btu -nabs." Lee cower on the scene again
seeking Julia. The girls. of Barns-
tapor,l decide that the sailors are too
fickle for them and agree they will
hire nothing to do with theist. How.
ever, when Jim, Jack and Ned com-
mence to show them some attention
this resolution vanishes, and they are
soon cuce more the best of friends.
try meeting of St. George's church, The closing scene shows all parties or
held on Monday evening. showed tbat loverlike terms, having decided to be
the past year had been the most sue- married on the same day, hut they
careful in the history of the church. I are in i:quandary as to who shall act as
The hominess of the meeting was not hest man. and who shall give the girls
concluded and an adjournment was away. Bill Salt is Anally awarded this
made to next Monday evening, at 7.31 pleasure, and also the privilege of pay -
o'clock. Img the fees. which be seems to prefer
to being married himself.
Tbe various parts were well pre-
sented, and It would be unfair to com-
mend nae more than another. Mr. 1.
G. Parsons. "a. Joe Stout, and Mr.
Titrry Sturdy, as Bill Salt, were in
good form, while Mr. Campbell
Tweedy. as Barnabas Lee. the wander-
ing artist, left nothing to be desired.
The crew of the Bounding Billow was
composed of Messrs..11. Kemp, H.
Watson, H. Williams, E. Porter, W.
J. Callow and W. Babb. The ladles
looked charming in their white •'mid-
dies" with varied -colored trimmings.
Julia. the belle of Bernstapool (repre-
sented by Miss Elenor H•ysi. IVY $
charming younglad7,and the part was
•ddrirahly taken. Nance, Delia, Dora
and Daisy were represented respec-
tively by Misses Alma Sturdy, Beat-
rice Wells. Jenny Wells and Maida
Armour, each of whom took her part
with credit. The chorus ronsisted of
a bevyof Barnstap'ool beauties. repre-
senteby Misses Erma Whitely. Edith
Williams, Doris Hays, Edra Tye,
Grace Seeger, Mary Scrimgeour, Ger-
trude Porter. Miobie Tnncott, Ruby
*others, Olive Tichhorne and Aileen
Armour. The musical numbers
throughout were of a nigh order, and
were rendered in a manner that spoke
of careful training. Mr. F. W. Robin-
son, under whose direction the enter-
tainment was arranged and rarity('
out. wart the accompanist for the en-
tire program.
During the interval between the
acts Messrs. G. L Parsons and Harry
Sturdy greatly amused the audience
with their humorous presentation of
"A few reffark. by George and
Henry,' in wi ich they introduce')
local topics and got off some gold
..bis was followed by an action 'tong
entitled, "Look Out for Jimmy Valen-
tine." which was splendidly done, with
Edgar Jones taking the leadinc pap .
Seven cute little girls -Laura s 111.1y.
Phyllis Eliot, Mary Parsons, L..1
Bmphey, Dorothy Felker. Leno,.
Craig and Marion Patterson t,
part in this, and the choir boys of s
Oeprge's, including Norman Jones,
Colin Patterson. Wm Mountain,Wll-
f, id Nicholson. Arthur Curry, Abe
Smith, Cecil Lynn, Albert Kitts, Ben.
Felker, Wm. Lomgmire, Alex. Me-
l. an, Ross Kneeshaw, Chas. Ruffell
andlMeland Moore -dressed Y bandits,
lustily joioed in the ebur[,, which
portray.d Jimmy Valentine Y a bold.
had man.
The performance was put on *gain
on Wednesday evening rehire a good
hone. land• if anything, ems better
rendered .hart on the first o, caeion,
and the audience was more demon -
steal i VP in applause.
Air. Robinson deserves a great deal
of credit for the painstakiog.efforts he
Into the work r f training a group
o materna to s.wh a high state of
e ienry, and the antatstirs deserve
credit for the clever manner in which
they responded to Ale eff.rrts.
Why worry about your party let
E"dwvards supply yon with home-made
re.dy and toe otesm. It will W gond.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both eel rices at North street Metho-
dist church on Sunday. Morning sub-
iect : "Peacemakers." Evening sub-
ject : "Easter Message No. 5- From
the Upper Room, and the Holy Spirit."
On Wednesday evening next, the
14th into., a special meeting of theeon-
gregation of Knox church will decide
the matter of securing • new organ for
the church. A very targe attendance
of the congregation is expeeted. '
Reports presented at the Easter ve.-
At Knox church next Sunday will be
he a d.y of unusual interest. At the
morning service Rev. Gap, E. Rees will
preach ou 'Tee Centelmey of John
Geddie," and in the evening Mr. Hudae.
missionary to the sailors on the Great
Lakes, will deliver an address on bis
work. Full congregations are ex-
pected both rooming and evening.
Next Sunday evening at St. Ueorttr'w
church the usual monthly organ reci-
tals will be resumed. The following is
the program :
"Offertoire in A" . (Wely)
••A Sunset Melody" (Vincent)
"Evensong"(by request).11. FJohnston
"Pomp and (;ircumstance" Elgar
Miss Hildred McColl will render
"1 know that my Redeemer Heeds"
(Handel) and '•Fear not ye, 0 Israel"
iBuck). The recital follows the even-
Mr. George Greens property on Pic -
ton street wag purchased last Satur-
day by Mr. Walter Oram. The price
wY 91,550.
A local drayman was fined this week
for cruelty to his team. The charge
was laid by tbe representative of the
Society fot the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals.
In addition to up-to-date confec-
tions, we have many of the old-farb-
ioned candies -those that retail your
childhood days. T. J. SALhttt.n, Phone
Methodist W. M. S.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of
the North street auxiliary of the
Woman's Missionary Society wee held
in the parlor of North street Methodist
church on Monday, April 4th, :it
3 o'clock, the president, Mrs. Colborne.
in the chair. Subject for prayer :
"That the risen Christ may live in the
hearts of men." This bring the Raoter-
tide of tender memories and bole
associatinna, the devotional exercises
bad special reference to the risen
Christ. After ti,ntine business. re-
port. of committees were received.
Twenty five dollars had been collected
to make a life member. A life-niem-
berehip fee was received at the begin-
ning of the year, making two addi-
tional life members this year. The
Easter offering nmoonted to 936.00.
The birthday box ,•antalned 915 47.
Tbis with mrmhermi fees and collection
amounted to I162 47. When Ole presi-
dent announced that the auxiliary had
received a bequest of 1243 the lad ire rose
and sang the doxology. )I iesRobertson,
of Windsor, gave a very interesting
address on the origin and work of the
Woman's Missionary Society, tracing
its history from 1691 to' the present
time. The address was very iestrnc-
tive and much appraci..ted. Mr.
Hick, district organizer, gave a verb
pressing invitation to the ladies to
attend the district conteatloo. to he
held at Blyth May nth. Mrs. Hager
was elected delegate 10 the L niedoe
Conference branch mooting to be held
at London May 16th, lllth and 20th.
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U. will be held on Monday, April 12th,
at :3 p. m., in Temperance Gall. Every
woman Interest in n tenpo ranee work
Is invited to attend.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Children's Aid Sortery will he bold a1
the court house. nn Tuesday next, at
4.15 o'clock. A11 welcotee.
The mission hand of North street
Methodist church will hold an enter-
tainment at •M church nn Friday
evening, April16th, commencing atg
()e and after Thursday. Apr it 15, Dr
G. Hdlemenn, nettmpath physician.
will have his °Tee at his boom, ow,
Per of Nelson and et. Andrew's streets,
hank of the Temperance Hall, North
Chief Postleth.waite this week has
bees rounding up 'ogee lade 'soder
eighteen years of age who have been
le the habit of att.endlag the pool ani
b[illasd rooms. Isle let them off with
a wvelag, adytel at them agates* v7
If yea miming trolligheith
year Bladder -with hippo E i -
eaoe or i ,preesiaa d urine
nr `#dnee bort. or
s iw k jn
ttie Iladaer- tete C.,b Pile.
em es rifle. -(I for alto
*tasks, everywhere. r
When will To■ Save 11
yes deal Save NOW?
Though your salary or Income
v18 no doubt Increase, so will
your expenses -and many find
that the latter more than keep
pace with the former. Now is the time to start a Reserve Fund
-and the Savings Department of the Union Bank of Catseda
1s the place to keep 1t.
Deposit the extra you have on head Doer --you alb open all
account with any sum, down to one dollaf--and drdw tttbrest oolk
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCONIBE, Manager.
Have beautiful
window decorations
Nothing gives so much pleasure
as a well decorated window.
Your windows will be the envy
of your neighbors if you use the
c . ,4e.k Flat Rod
-for certain. and d.vger{ea
Guaranteed not to sag
or tarnish
There is a Kirsch Flat Rod hr a
odor to match your woodwork or
draperies. Every rod contains a
written guarantee that it will not
sag or tarnish.
les so eery to dere we eferwetie
avi..dose with rlesKuscA
Rot Rod
Come in and see them.
Mr. Rooks -"So you want to marry
my doughtier. Well, y, ung man,
wbat are your prospecta'r" Young
man -"Excellent--- if you don't spoil
By word and deed liwrmao tae is
• declared war npnn the wheals
world, and it is tine the world INR
thie dscluatlnn seriously and aceepta%
the challenge . -dames Day.Operk
It fakes a long Ila to age whiskey,
butt It won't take whiskey • long Ume
to ase you.
paid your mJ, -.'rip' ion for The Sib
rel for 1015 If you have, we
thank you. If you have not, will
you kindly do .o .rt once ? See an-
nouncement on page I of this issue.
Have you tried our
new Bread ?--
-the tastiest in town. Nice
soft crust - close-graint.1.
made from Flei,,chntauii'-
Yeast. Everybotly says it is
the best yet. Try a loaf.
There is thorough satisfaction
for those who huy our Cakes
and Pastry. If you do not know
how good they are. we should
Ilk.1 you to try them.
Snaith Bros.
The Old Bribable Ent St. Bsktty
Phone !.1.
4V4F q
To the customers of old we have bur one message,
and that -to make n long mint y short -is, we appre-
ciate the trade vet ill you have given us in the pant
and trust that you will still continue.
To any who may be New Customers
We solicit your trade. As we have said before, we
are here to make a living, not to make a fortune.
Ever hoar in mind that we guarantee SATISFAC-
goods are N1'MBER ONE, and we ere in a position
to guarantee the fame.
Now to the Public in General
On Friday and Saturday we are putting on sale our 0
entire stock of t'ANNEII GOODS at COST PRiCE.
Should you require anything in this line we solicit
your patronage.
1s theta anything in the line of Lettuce, Toruatoea,
Cucumber., etc., which you require:' If so, give us •
Our Grocery Stock in General is Complete.
Chinaware Department
Our line in this department we are still offering at
COST. Remember thia sale will not last forever.
After this week all in chis line will come hack to the
old price. However now Is tbe day of opportunity
and proha ily it may "knock at you, door tut
once,' therefore should there he anything you re-
quire do ret fail to give us a callS
Devlin with Us --Means
you are dealing with a Arm tboroughl\ equipped
and competent to handle all orders In any die
pertinent in our store.
Watch for lour Saturday Special
Oppottite Colborne Hotel
Hamilton St. 'Phone 32