The Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 8Tuv.e.ay. Mem 1,11101s ME SIGNAL GODERIOH = ONTARIO A New Song Just Out it's Wall Paper Time in Goderich LI.T F.\'l:RVONE join in the chorus which reads. -Don't he Humbugged by Wall Paper Ptdillers, or Sending out of Town, wheu you can get such pretty Papers from '20 to 30 per cent. cheaper right here in your own town." We guarantee to save yott frotu 3c to .ic per roll on the cheaper paper., and front ilk to Fa' per roll on the higher -grade paper,. For Parlors, Halls, Dioiagroome and Living Rooms. Gen- uine Mootcb O•tnteels and Cork Velcur Peoria, 311 inches wide. per roll ago Plain hackgrouods, Tiffany, Leatherette. Linen and ('aw brie effects, very special, per roll 25c, 360 and 50o Some of these :.re used with Strapping* and Cut-out Bor- ders, wuyiner from 2?. inches to It Triches, while others are used perfectly plait,. For Bedrooms, we have some very restful colorings. in self - tone, French greys, pink, blue, heliotrope and buff effects, with pretty Cut-out Borden to marsh. These Papers range in price, per roll 100, 111o. 20o and 25o We beer also a very large range of Canadian P•tp.rs. taoR- iog in price, per roll ........ ao, So. Iso. Se and 100 Step in and look through our samples. Not necessary by any means to purchase We Feet Sure WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. The Uoderlch Book if Stationery Co. GEO. PORTER o CASCAR BROMIDE QUININE TABLETS Will cure that told in a few hours. Easy to take. mild in action, most satisfactory results. TRY A 26c BOX FROM C. L. GOMIS, Phm.B. DISPENSING CHEMIST TFLEPHONP Int If it's a Prescription take it to OOULTIS. SPRING Footwear in the neat and comfortable n e w spring models at McClinton's Repair ing Promptly A ttended - to - CiTIZENS' LEAGUE GADSBY'S LEITER. C'setisusd Rem MM 1. bet seerebiog, gentle but flan. There is &great deal of kindly pr•.seure be. hind his smoothness He remind. your of the dentist. "Open wider, please," says the torturer in the wnite coat. And you do what you're told although you know be is going to hurt like the deuce. This digression over, let us get back to point 94 which is the last word in rifle cartridges. 1t is the standard missile and will probably flt any of twenty makes of army rifles. All tbe belligerents use IL The military' sharps agree that for size, speed and penetration point 1i. mark 7 is the best small -arms ammunition manu- factured. 1t makes a clean wound and if it doesn't kill you it won't pre- vsot you beating up. It le as consid- erate of your health as a bullet can be, which is not saying much because the kindnem of a bullet is u the tender mercy of the devil. When war broke out in August last it found Great Britain a long way short on point alta, mark 7 ammuni- tion and an S. 0. el. call wen sent out to Mayor -General Sam Hughes to get all he could at the best price possible. In other words. the War Office ap- pointed the Canadian Minister of Mil- itia itsagent for the purchase of small - arms aututunition in North America, and that job Major-lieneral Saw holds to this day. The Major -General's first or.',er was for seventy-five million rounds, and they were laid down in Canada for 113 t.50 per thousand. Since that time many hundreds of millions of rounds have been pur- chased in the'United States and Can- ada at prices sometimes higher. some- times lower than were paid for the first order. The Major-General hu a pur- chasing board in New York to resst.t him ip the good work and the trans- actions are so large tbat the Honor- able Bob Rogers and his associates, who hare a trifling one bondred and fifty million dollars to spend in Can - 11 I oda, view him with envms. They are prpbahly jealous that l�iyor (rnr•l 1 Passes Resolutions re Loral and Previa- yam should ire w deep in tux coofl- TURN on THE WATER in the bathroom after we hey. pronounced it all right. There drill he no danger of leak• or any wait- ing fat water. cial Temperance &tuati ra. A meeting of the Citizeni Socid Ser- vice League was held in Temperance Hall on Monday evening and was well attended. about forty representative business men of the town being pres- ent. Reports were presented by the delegates to the county and Provin- cial temperance conventions. Mr. J. H. Colborne presented tbe former and Mr. G. M. Elliott the latter. A motion was passed endorsing the action of the delegates to the county convention in appointing Rev. E. G. Powell organ- izer and field secretary for auotber term of one year. A considerable di.cumion followed as to ways and means of raising the salary of the field secretary and it was decided to have • repreeeptative in each congregation canvass the mem- bers of the church to which he belongs and endeavor to raise the amount apportioned by the ezerutive com- mittee by personal contributions. it was stated that since August last twenty-three convictions bad been registered at the police court for in - heel ion of the liquor laws and about $700 had been Laken in fines ; one-half of these c ssrbad been directly the result of Mr. Pellow's efforts. The ponce magistrate had given ju.t ice on the whole and considering tbe little remuneration he received it w:tr rug• gested that he receive all the support possible by this cur ..nization. Reeve Rohr. Elliott was present and Was asked why the town count it had turned drawn the,equest of the tem- perance delegation which recently waited upon dwith the request that Crown Attorney Seeger be appointed W prosecute all liquor cases. He said he had voted troth in committee and in open council to grant the request. but had been told in committee that he talked too much. and at the council meeting be could not get a seconder to his motion, although one of the coun- cillors had promised to support it. In the matter of setting aside one-third of the amount collected in fines for the prosecution of liquor cases be under- stood that it wan the law and would be adhered to in the future. At the close of the meeting the fol- lowing resolutions were unanimously tarried : That a resolution of com- mendation of the work of Mr. W. T. Petiole be drafted and that he be amured of the wholehearted support of the organization That • resolution be drafted and published in the press pretesting against the decision 111 the magistrates in the reeent charge against the bar- tender of the Bedford hotel and the danger incurred in making such a pre- cedent. That --while appreciating the short- ening of hours for sale in liquor shops, the piohibition of telling liquor on Labor Day and the Government's de- sire to increase the efficiency of our soldiers as embodied And exptested in the proposed new liquor Iegieletion- this organization desires to express it. deep di.apQp ,intment and regret that •Itch legi.lation totally fails to meet the requitement of the situation in this Pmvtue« sod tall. far abort of such effective measure -s as public opin- ion demands. That this organization calls upon all friends of the temperance cause In the Proviod•1 Legisiso ore. retra,dle.n of party consideration, totnni-t upon the addition to the toll introduced of clauses that will t.. Into. appreciable extent meet the reasonable request of the great convention herd at Toronto three weeks ago. That the G"vern,nent would he folk wa,tante,t in n'omn•ing -oeh legislation as would prohibit the liquor m. m Is, • it i- wi h ri rise p •.. r of the Provincial L. gt.l*l un . That tee •sten t ..t it.. O • .e- went he called ..t•nt be .1r, 1 r 1111s and uu.just c.tnd ti -o. trn•le, ah et, the legislation of Ontario net ber p• t eta the people Lose the . v.l. of Ile. n.. -d liquor telling nor lei eve them adequate power to protect themselves. A motion was int rstutted that the names of every seemlier of the mgin- Nat.inn he dg.ed arid •-ppear in the mess endorsing the flrrt two re.oht- tlooa, but It was fln.11y decided that IAs names of the rivets. ice eow,mii1as would be sufliet.et and would maws the pi letter work. A espy of the tided reoednt on 1s to he ferw.rded to the torsi ens bar of the Provincial PaeIlan.at A MODERN BATHROOM put in by real sanitary pinmhen will save Its cont In d..rtor's hill. every year. Let's pot one in for your while yna are renovating your Fred Hunt dence of the British Government. At all events Dr. Pugsley wants to know something about this purchasing board which operates from New York under tbe authority- of the Minister of Militia for Canada. The Major-Gen- eral will not produce his corteepood- enoe with the British War Office? No? Very well, will be answer • few questions? To be sure. The facts cotne out one at • time. the way King John drew tbe-Jews' teeth. The stony with the gaps filled in is that the pur- chasing board consists of s Colonel Mor- gan, formerly a British officer : Major Thomas, another British officer, • motor expert who has eherged the I)omiolon of Canada 110.1100 for two utonths' patriotic services in cleaning up the chaos in the transportation de - pertinent; Honorary Colonel John Wesley Allison, and -the Major-Gen- eral. Dr. Pugsley is rather pressing in the matter of Colonel John Wesley Alli- son. Who is this gentleman with the evangelical name, so evangelical that it almost looks likean ambush? It tran- spires that he is secretary of a sleepiug car company and has been interested in Caoadlan power franchteea before now. He is & native son who found Canada too small for his abilities. "He is a man of honor," says Major- General `Jam, "and a patriot. He i, • friend of mine. 1 have known him for thirty-five years.' A brave little speech which reveals the defects of Malor-General Sam's qualities. Witb hint friendship is almost • vice. He believes nobody can go wrong who bas ever come under his good influence. The conse- quence is that he is entirely sur- rounded by patriot. who offer to put. fat contracts through purer for ld long sync. not caring a purely for profits. Naturally Dr. Pugsley shows solici- tude for a Minister of Militia who is so trustful of old friends that they may be tempted to put something over on,. him. It lends point to his next remark. which le the final shot in this battle of wits. "Major McQuar•rie ars your friend, too Silence greets this remark. McQoarrie is a sore touch with the Major-General . The Major, who has had a variegated career since he was one of Sam's pupils at the high school In Lindsay. swore in the public accounts committee the other day that he had acnepted twelve hundred dollars for his influence with the Min- ister of Militia. Of course, the Major- General was unaware of his influence. but McQuarrie got paid Inc it just the same. He showed the receipt. However. all's well that ends well. The House ia greatly relieved to ftnd that the Major -General's only weak- ness is friendship. His al.eolute dentals put an end to an simnel rumor that the New York purchasing board had failed to figure aa close ea might be in its contracts for the British and other Governments. H. F. GA DRAY. Northern Navigation Company. The Northern Navigation Company haa issued the following list of ap- pointments of captaine and chief en- gineers of the steamers of its fleet : i,oroniic, R. D. Foote, Samuel Brie - bin : demonic, A. L. Campbell, John Smith; Hitronlc, A. M. Wright, John clew: Majestic, J. D. Montgomery, engineer not yet appointed Ger- manic, F. G. Mob•., S. Burges ; City o1 Midland, F. A. Garett, J. Osborn Wauhie, 0. W. Kinner+. M. Beaty ; ionic. 0. Wing, engineer not yet ap- pointed. WITH THE 1104.0 IER5. Two Oohed& boys have joined the erred section of the artnisny brigade organised et the Usiverdty a Toronto. These are Gordon 1[aaKevin whoa to his fourth year at the Dentatl College. sod Archie Tom, of the first year at the School of rreetioal Science. The men of this motto° win take their 'seining at Kingston and later at Ot- tawa. Another Goderich boy who le at the front le Donald Morrleo0 Mackay, zoo of Capt. Dao Mackay. wbo enlisted at Victoria. B. O. Mr. Mackay Le by vo- cation • civil engineer. London, March 86. -Officers of the 33rd Reoinsst, C. S. F. entertained a deputation of senior Officers of the 33rd let rot Regiment ea Queen's Park last piglet. The guests of b000r were Major MoViear, of Sarnia ; Major J. W. Shaw, of Ciliates ; Major H. B. Me - Combs, of Clinton ; Capt Sinclair, of Wingham. and Lieut. McLean. A feature of the evening was the address by Major Shaw, who complimented Col. Wilson, commanding officer of the :Gird. 00 the, splendid appearance of hos hsttaliut,. Major Straw then preseuted him with a black leather portfplio. Ten portfolios were pre. ...toed by skijor McCnlatw to Major Rance, t,eeona in colonised 01 the :aid, to Captain Dos Min. paymeate,' "1 tb. :tttd...ud Cap'. 141oa0 by Cape. eletr, of Wingba i On each portfolio, a silver shield carried the name of the recipient. obs date and the word., "Front the officers of the Aird.' The Tony t'. rtes., orchestra provided uiu'oe during the evening, and hes also offered w play Kt atilt f..r the en- tert.iuweut of the :tied at its future gat betinge. Militia orders: .:it.d Huron Regi- went-Tn be provisional lieutenants : Charles l:dwyn Dowding, gentleman. December LH, hill: Arthur Pritchard Rend. gentleman. January :ill, 11i15. Kincardine Reporter : Among the list of killed in Friday's papers was the name of Private H• P. Bridge. Percy. as be was known here. was tom ot the first contingent and hie ntany Intends here will retort to learn of bis having been kill -d in action in France. He was a young Englishman, about twenty-tbree years of age. For some time be wee employed by Mr. Thais. Farrell. Saageen road, and that gen- tleman epeake en-tleman.pesks of him in higbest terms. Beier leaeiog here Pe was employed by Mr J. -L. Sbrlton for a time and drove R. it No. 1, Kineardine. Re was in Iles same company with C Wm. Blake, who was employed at the Royal hotel. Blake, no doubt, was in the mare action in which Bridge lost bitlite This is but the beginning of whet the war means to us as Cana- dians and from naw on we may ex- pect to bear of the death of those whom we knew and who have ea - listed irom them part.. FRECKLES. Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer tbe slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine - doubts strength -is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Whine - double strength -from ary druggist and apply a little of it night and morn- ing and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disap- pear while the lighter ones have van- ished entirely. It 1s seldom that more than an ounce is needed 10 completely clear the skin and gair. a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine, as tris is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Ladies and Uentlemen, if your hair is thin. faded or dis- colored, or if you are bald, if you would make your appearance attractive and youthful anti benefit your health and comfort. be sure you see the Doren - wend Company's wonderful display of quality hair -goods at tbe Hotel Bedford, Ooder ch. on Vsdne•day, April 14th. Switches, Btside, Trans- formations, Pompadour'', Wavelets, etc., of unsurpassed quality hair and workmanship. Alen Dorenwend art hair -toupees Inc bald men, including the famous sanitarypatent structures. You are offered a ree demonstration of any style. Remember the date, Wednesday. April 14th. the 0sndiaa soottageute who may be wouadaI at the trout, sod will. there- fore. be the principal base hospital for our own troops, and the ooe in which necessarily our people will have the greatest pereoreal in:.ereet. in carrying out tbe desire of the War OMos we will have to greet four buildinge and equip them with beds, bedding and all epplss ienose neceary to makes complete hospital. We are infornied by our coatmiselooer, ('111- onel Hodgetia, that the cost of tree con- struction of them buildings and their equipment complete will be $80,01111 of whieharwuot we have still to ruse $40.00. The installation of one ted cost. mixt We will be glad t., receive subscriptions tot this purpose. Beds so paid for will be named after the decor. As 1 have already said the Canadians are directly interested in this hospital, to wbicb, unfortunately. it way happen many of our sons and relatives will sooner or later be admitted. We, therefore, have no bealtatloo in asking you, through your branch, to make an appeal to the public of your locality for assistance in this most important philanthropic and patriotic work. Yours truly. G. Si aRLINU RYKIUsuN, President. RED CROSS NOTES The Society wishes to acknowledge the following contributions and heartily thank the domes : Mn. Hor- rid., 8 pairs misters; Miss Bairltt, 1 cap: Mrs. Geo. James, 7 pain sock Mrs. J. Dickson, Mrs. Wilmer Igmith, miss Luca., :t pairs socks eacb; Mrs. R"let, HigeinetgqDunggaanonon►, Mrs. D. Boyd, Mrs. Role.. Ctatk. Mrs. Young Mn. Nelson Steep.Mrs. Thos. Jewell (Collsornel, Mies B. Poster. Mrs. 1Dr) Hayden. Mrs. Cassidy. Miss Jordan, Miss Dark. Miss C. Dark. Mss. Shields, Mr.. Howl i.. Mr,. Lu.co,sbe. 1 pair *ocke each Mince the publication of the Inst list the following sums have been received and are ■rknowledged with thanks : Victoria street Met b.dlst church, $10; Mist (live Burt, $5 : Mrs. 0. W. Kers- lake, SI ; Miss Kelleher. $1. The following letter .peaks fru itself: 77 fFl+rSt. Mast. Teresina Maarsh IA Il The astt&e CC..sdif.d t'tee• sensey. pdsrY. Oat DEAR MSOS II, -At the request of the Bntbh War Office we have under- taken the enlargement to 1(1) fwd• of the Duchess of (lonaaught Canadian Red (tense hospital at Clivsden, Beeks i gbamshlre, Re This hospital Is established on the estate of Mr. W. Astor. M. P.. and boa naw Igo beds. Mr. Astor very gwnerousl made tie sseeary altera. de osat k� mewe wipeouts. and we hare (fail for the equipwient of this hos- pima. it is .taped by Iaeutseant-Oolouel (tercel' sod the nurses .ad Ines of the Oanadtaa Army Medloal Mercies. It le Use letootion anti desire of the War 0... that t►f. hospital .hall be toed as Use hoes hospital for members of t AN APPEAL FOR MAPLE RYaQP AND el7OAR. Lieut. -Colonel Gorrell, officer in charge of the Duchess of Connaught hospital et Cliveden. England, in a letter written recently to • friend of bis in Montreal, makes an teroeM 1 appeal for maple products, botharae and syrup. He says the bow= is filled to the doors with sick and wounded and everyooe is doing Ids best to make the moo happy. In con- oection with tale appeal for maple syrup and sag r, CoL Dorrell says :- "We opened a• cam front home the other day and found • few cakes of maple sugar in It. The men went crazy with delight when it was given to them. It was her sum 1 saw their great pleasure that 1 am emboldened to ask you it you will contribute some of your valuable product to the com- fort of the sick ani wounded. 1 suppose tbe spring tapping will soon begin." Those farmere or producers ot the product in Ontario who are willingto give a gallon or more to the Canadan wounded are asked to send it to head- I quarter* at 77 King street East, Tor- onto. Th. Parson's Discourse Was Cut Short. Two wealthy bankere were on a fish- ing trip in the liiphlands not long ago, when toe suggested that they enter • little meeting church they chanced to come across in the oourm of their wanderings. They took their place. in a rear pew, just 'as the preacher had begun bis sermon. He continued speaking Inc over an hour, so, as it was getting late in the after- noon, and the speaker showed no signs of stopping. the fishermen began to get uneasy. At last, feeling that they could stay no longer, tbey arose and started out. At this point tbe par - Make your old straw bat look :-: like new for Easter :-. Park's Straw fiat Dye 36c per bottle. witb brush We have received a fresh shipment o 1 1ICYLER'S CHOCOLATES for Easter. Jas. A. Campbell, Pim. B. Centr(rl Drums Store, ('or.North St. and Square Ooderich 'PHONES lRoeidence :4t+ son's discourse was cut short. "Under the circumstances." said be, grimly. "ws will interrupt our remarks and take up the collection now." Easter Suits and Coats! AT ECONOMICAL PRICES IF YOU are looking for the newest in Suits or Coats you will find it here. Some late arrivals just ,received this week are specially attractive both from the viewepoint of style and value. Every garment is designed and cut by experts and man -tailored throughout. Smart Suits at $12.50 These Suits are made from high-quality Serges and are shown in black and navy. The design is one of the best we have shown this season. The linings are of good quality and the work- manship as good as in the best suits we handle. This is a special line con- tracted for early and we cannot buy them today to sell at anything near the price. Special $12.50 Very Attractive Suits $25.08 These Suits are the acme of perfection in Tailored Suits. Each has an individuality of style that will appeal. They come i n Serges, Gaberdines and Fancy Materials, in black and the season's best colorings. Of most there is but one Suit of any particular sty l e. Each $25.00 OTHER SUITS AT 515.00, 516.50 and 520.00 Coats at all Prices Numerous splendid styles in Coats for Spring and Summer wear. Dark or light colorings and a splendid assortment of popular styles at moderate, prices. Of the best not more than one garment in any one style. Prices are $8.50 to $20.00 Superb Showing of Dainty Neckwear for Easter Our Hainer showing of fashionable Neck- wear excels any previous display of this popular dress accessory. The new style. introducing the latest and most attrac- tive New York styles have just come from Iles factories. Of many designs we show but one of a style. Special display o this new Neckwear Saturday. April 3rd. You will find the prices very reason• able. 25; 35; 50c and 75c MILLINERY owlet the Ordinary We are showing it. There is Individ oallty of style about our Millinery that will appeal to you. We hare jest opened up several .hipnsents of attractive trimmings in styles that are very fashionable In New Vork today. They are well worth seeing. Smart hand Bags Many styles and many prices in real smart Hand Bags. in leather, silk and heads. The most complete assort- ment you will find. Our Special 98c This is a very attractive Rag. Made of good quality seal grain leather, moire .ilk lining, complete with renin puree and mirror. A Bag worth anywhere from el.15 to 98c $11.5o. Our special price is only a7(7l. The Easter (sown Will Need New Corsets For absolute perfection in Comets the "Nemo" etabds without a rival. Our new spring moiele are here. We show these popular Corsets in several styles X75 to f5e75 at from, pet pair The Store for Your Easter Gloves Custom says "a new pair of Gloves at least for Kamer," Our Kkl Glove stock is one you can seteet from with pietist rnnM..ncc, es every pair we sell is gtnrantesd. All alms iabat the popular makes in stock In the season's hest shades, alp black and white. Four prices, per pair 75c, $1.00, $1.25 nod $1.50 HODGENS .:• BROS. i