The Signal, 1915-4-1, Page 44 lreDa.DAT, APRIL 1. 1915 THE SIGNAL : 3ODg9ICH ONTARIO Society nranb ilotlIes . «.TrtMam ANNOUNCES THAT THE NEW SPRING DISPLAY of SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES IS NOW READY AND AWAITS YOUR IN- SPECTION. They present a pleasing vari- ety of smart, unique fashions, that is up to our usual stand- ards of high quality and abso- lute correctness of style. So- ciety Brand Clothing is de- signed by A. G. Peine, who is considered the greatest de- signer in America. Society Brand Clothing Is now being made in Montreal for the Can- adian trade. .: MlIBEEFECEEHE •a -12 lAUBURN. WFONKanAY. March 31. A concert in the interests of the community -rent re will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday, April 7th. It will tate the form of a contest between the young ladies and the young men. Ther will be music, dialogues, etc. NoTss.—Geis. Limp is taking a well- earned rest and in visiting his old home in Wellesley John Lemp has secured a situation in Haabilton and has left to continence his duties Nelson Hill is laid up with a severe attack of ervsipcls. in his face The Community Circle "at house" last week brought a good attendance and showed how some will forget their spelling after years of absence from study. Remember the contest Ap- ril 7th. Corse and enjoy yourself. John Jardine has commenced work with Jas. Ni' holann nn the farm for the summer .. Walter Pfeffer is conflated to his bed with an attack of sciatica R. J. Askwith is moving into his house, formerly occupied hy his father. . A. Asquith shipped a car of evaporated apples to Toronto. . G. i.. Youngblio shipped a ear of hogs to Toronto, Wednesday E. Watson & Son shipped a ear of cattle to Toronto for the Easter market on Saturday. Choose Easter'Shoes Here , No Easter Outfit would be com- plete without due regard to the question of . i'l FOOTWEAR Aside from i is greater Sign fi- cance, Feaster Sundae is the chosen day for the exhibition of Spring Styles. It's the beginning-offa new season, a change in nature's habiliments, and in the raiment worn by mortal.. 'i • + f r —fir -' htlsttid_ Make your Easter Selection from our large stork of Spring Styles. SHARMAN TIIE SHOE MAN]•►i211 ECEIBEIBEIMIEBE CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. I wain'. he..! pray! incl training school. We ha.e thorough con, -e. and experienced In -trust re in enrh of nor three department- 1'oai mental. shorthand and T.Ir,:ravhy. Our grad a.hts unto. to sed and you osread our tares, free sial. Roe. Write for it at meg D. A. McLACHLAls, Frl•stpl. Many Colleges close for' Vacation at Midsummer Our College does not '1_1.1017 LUUKNOW. TCaaiDAY, March .irltb. Battu..—lt 1s reported that the Amherley and Lochalsh poetumces will he closed after April 1st Miss A. Boyd. after spending • month with friends at Chicago, returned to town last week Mr. cod Mrs. Geo Baxter, of Ouderich. visited frieodr hen last week Mrs. D. F. John - •ton. of Burlington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. O. Anderson ecce A few horses were purchased here by the military buyers last week. 1t takes a gond horse to get past them. DIATH OF AN 'OLD RhWIDLYr.— James MoClu.ky, an old resident of Lucknow, died on Tuesday morning, 2frd inst., after • painful illness of cancer, which affected the tongue and throat. He was in his sixty-fourth year and leaves, besides the widow, 'one eon and one daughter. THRIK MORI FUR A.TIYK 8KRVICL —Three more young men from Luck - now have enlisted for active service at London. They are ; Arnold Rsth- well, son of Mr. and MOs. Ram. Rath - well ; Evan Geddes, .on of Dr. and Mrs. Geddes. and John McDonald. eon of Mr. and Mts. D. A. McDonald. McDonald has • brother in the third contingent now training at London. These young men dipped quietly •why and enlisted withoutasking their parent.' permission. JOYNT Ie REIYr.—J. G. Anderson, ex -M. P. P., and John Joynt were nominated last week Inc the office of reeve. urade vacant by the death of the late Reeve Murdoch. The elec- tion was held on Mnudsv, and resulted in a majority of 40 for Mr. Joynt. Yong. &ad 1'aark+ st.. Toronto. 1. strictly er.t rias.. NOM Miter 1n Canaria Ifeter now ea as t0 get • emotes is tee early falls Cattiness twe. "ROUGH ON RATS" clean out Rat., .Mice, rtr,.Don't Die in the House. 15c end ?o.-te, at Drug and Coun- try Stores. DUNLOP TIRE t RUOtER GOODS COMPANY. LIMITED HEAD OFFi('I : TORONTO Ra.N.1a11. to LaAnnwe Cmm. n+ Tire. for Anb,n.obile., Motor Ir.. k.. Motorreeles fµ- L•., is Robber RelttngPantag.lilow. Heels- Mat& 1 fling and Genera! Rubh, r ,fperlalttea KINOSBRIOGE. Tux sDAY. March ail. Mr. Patrick Long died at his home here on Tuesday, of pneumonia. He had been i11 only five days. The de- ceased was fllty-eight jeers of age and was unmarried. To BAIL TIM BLUE LA1:K14.--Again the Ashfield boys are responding to the "call of the Lukes." Chief Engin- eer Joseph Connors leaves thin week for Chicago to tit up the beat on which he has been employed for the season. With him go James Cummins, of St. Augustine, and Wilfrid Austin, of Ooderich, for firemen. Second En- gineer Thos. Connors has left for De- troit to prepare for the corning season. He takes John Quigley, who has had two yearn experience on the Lakes, for oiler, also John McCarthy and Fronk Austin for firemen. B RIKFs —Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Benniger, of Dungannon, and Mb. and Mrs. Peter Benniger, of Grand Valley, Ont., spent Sunday at the home of Michael Benniger ...The Misses Mae and Lizzie Griffin, of Godericb, 'Tent Sunday with the latter'. sister. Mrs. Tim. Griffin Mr. Michael Dalton, who .pent the winter months with his sons at Porcupine. Ont., re- turned nn Saturday to his house here. Some torsi mail boxes are Ming put un in thisL,c•lity %five Julia O'Reilly land Mr. William McCarthy ale on the sick list Mr. Thos. Sullivan had a successful wood -cut- ting bee last Saturday Wilfrid Austin, of Goderich, spent Sunda with relatives here.. .. .. Mr. Wi- lliam McCarthy has rented John L Sullivan e faun for the coming year. .Mr. Con. O'Reilly has eoid his big roan team to Jep. Brindley, of Goderich township. Irons whom be purchased them last fall Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langdown are now residing in John Long'. house on the 9th concession. Mr. Lengdown is hired with the O'Reilly sisters for the coming year. commencing April 1st. Messrs. William Meyers and Florence McCarthy. jr.. left yesterday for Dnkota .. Leo Kelly, formerly of Fordyce, is now in the employ of Mr. Morgan Dalton. A Ideal Fencing Why send your money away when you ran get the BRAT FENCE from ns at no more colt than you pay the outsider for an INFERIOR FENCE.? "IDEAL." Viewing ie made -to -last from the very best quality of High Carlo n. (ialvsnised, Hard Steel Wire, and ie ae!epted as tbel .tendert fence by all the leading railways of Canada. :nch fence, 5 wires, all No. u, foe 104. per rod las 9 " ' ,. 9, for !Se " " M) " " 7 " " " 9, for !SW " '• " " 9, for *So „ 41 „ ,. 1S ., 47 „ .. g .. "" e " 9, for SO " " Nn.9and 14,for 14 " " Beet prices nn Perm and lawn Gat '., Lawn Fencing, Poultry Fencing. etc. Howell Hardware Co., ,,,b. MST PLACE TO SUY HARDWARE — - — P11011E p IIEART I DISEASE Is a .ysiploes of Kidney Disse. A well-known doctor has said, " 1 neer yet made* post-mortem ex. r-minatioa in a case oI death Dorn Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys were atfau ." The Kidney medicine which was 6•,t on the market, most success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Trouble.. and most widely imitate.! is Dodd's Kidney Pills MULLET T. MONDAY. March :54. DEATH OF W. B. HAMILTON.—After an illness extending over two years, Wm. B. Hautiltoo, B. A., son of Mrs. Gavin Hawilton, panned away :lie:lien'sia and at hi. mother's home in this township. The deceased was horn in Mullett thirty-six years ago. Hr was on the teaching staff of the W indsor Collegiate institute when be was forced to give up work on account of ill -health. The funeral took place on Thursday. SAYING: F.sKIwKLt_-- Mr. and Mrs. James Southcombe, who more shortly to make their home at l'linton, were waited upon the other es ening by a number of their neighbor. and pre- sented with • complimentary address, aecowpanird by a handsome hall -rack. The remainder of the evening waa spent in a social way with games, music, etc., and the ladies provided lunch. It is over sixty yesessince Mr. Southcombe's father took up the farm on the :ird concession which is now passing out of the possession of the. family. THE LATK WILLIAM RILKY:—Thr death of %Villiaw Riley on the 22nd inst. reproved an old resident of Lon- desbot•ti . The deceased was horn near Brockville, seventy-two years ago, but spent the greater part of hie life in this township. He was a framer by trade, a good workman and a man of sterling character. He was a Metho- dist in religion, ao Orangeman, a Mason and a member of the C. 0. F. He is survived by his wife, to wbow be was married forty-nine years ago. and • family of flue daughtersend three sone : Mn. W. L. !lair, Base line: Mrs. G. %V. Bradford, Goderich ; Mn. Thomas Roherton, Londe.hort ; Mrs. Fred Mair, Wawano•h ; Mrs. 1.. D Watters, London, and Joseph, New York Coy; Forest, Newark, N. Y., end Harry, at home. DZATII OR JAMES RITNOLDel.--Jame. Reynolds, one of the early settlers of tbetownsbip, died at bis home oc the 4th concession on the 21st ioat., at the age of seventy-seven years. The de- ceased was born in Ireland and came to this country with his parents when • small boy. the family settling shortly afterwards lo this township Fitt y -two years .ago he married Mies Mary Macdonald, end be- sides hie wife he is .urvivrd to three sons and two daughter.: Hobert, of Vancouver. B.C. ; Mr.. James Flynn, of Clinton, and Joseph, Jobn and Miss Minnie, at home. Mr. Reynolds was • Literal in politica, and in religit.n a member of the Roman Catholic church. The funeral took Our on %'edne.day, Rev. Fathet Hogan cele- brating requiem mss. at St. Joseph's church. Among 1 he re wives from a distance who attended the last sad rites were: .Ir, and Mrs. John Mac- doi.ald, Miss N. Macdonald, Mrs. Wm. Tighe, Mee. J. J. Kell Godericht James Macdonald, Miss Jamie Conners, Deunit; John Macdonald, Brant find; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reynold., Guelph: John Reynolds, Stratford ; James Bur- gin, Windsor. UOUERR. H TOWNSHIP. MoND.sY, Match 20th.The general meeting of the United Pattiotis• Society of Goderich town- ship will Inc held at the home of Mrs. Rundle. Huron road, nn Tuesday. April 6th, at 2.31 p. ret. Taylor's Cor- ners branch will meet for sewing •t the home of Elisa Annie Hayes, Huron nod, nn Thursday, April Sth, at 2 o'clm k. PROFRsatiR RZYNoi.ov' AonRINs.— On Wednesday evening, March 21tb, a supplementary meeting of the (lode. rich Township Farmers Club was held in the Orange Hall, 4th rnnceesion, when the members and general public were favored with an address. hy Pro - femme Reynolds, of the O. A. C. staff,who is also a practical farmer and dairyman and who spoke from the standpoint of • scientific farmer. The ev speaker impreed upon farmers the necessity of systemand method in all n operations and urged rotatioof crops as an aid in maintaining soil fertil- ity. On being pressed for on opinion ac to the advisability of Huron coun- ty's securing an agricultural repre- sentative the gentleman was quite non -committal and claimed it was not necessary to attend an agricultural college to be • good farmer, as farm• ere'sons pave great opportunity for practice and observation on farm., which were the beet training ground.. The gentleman left • good impression on the Club members and revived a hearty vote of thank, for his address. A Holmeeville quartette, composed of Meows. Ykn, Tebbutt, Pickard and Proctor, rendered musical selections and contributed much towards the enjoy- ment of the occasion. The ehairesao- ship oft eeting was taken by Mr. S. Stu emx-Reeve of (ioderkh town- ship, wh y sound advice and witty remarks in • neat speech proved him- self as vigorous of yore and battened the business .4 the meeting to the satisfaction of present. The ei Ing df the National Anthem br(+tt t the meeting to a close. The next msae- wsae- winsndth. final eeting of the - e will he held at the residence of w P ident H. L. Salkeld, Maple Grove Parra. Bayfield road, on the evening s of Wednsday, April 7th. POSTER'S MILL. MONDAY. Marro ?flth. Nhome Wm. Johnston re- turned hoe on SMichi- gan after spend- ing two weeks with friend. In .. Miss Georgia McPhail 1. ..ndio(li g • few day. la oderieh Mr. R. Y. One le visitleg MOM trims& la ilrseardlne thl. week . Mr. Wm. El- liott I. spending • few days with hi. daughter. Mrs. Rohl. Thesanena ... 'Fla [Adige' i..' Aid will asset at e home of Mr.. 0. W. Potter oe Tbur.day, April Ath. THE COLBORNE STORE aurann 13A S TER OFFERINGS 1 llars With open front and high flaring sides in Co latest creations white chiffon voile edged with lace, one of the in collars, an exquisite bit ot neckwear. GLOVES Wt. are offering today the hest, 111 Kid Glove ever put on this market. It will strongly ap- peal to any glove buyer in et and finish. You will fiod here too • $1.25 glove that has no an - DRESS GOODS Another thipment of navy and black Serges, 51 inches wide, to sell at 41.00 SILKS Neter were handsomer Silks shown in this store than you can hod here at the present time, 36 Males wide. We •re sure the quali- ties and prices are right. Ask to see what we are sellieg for 41.00 WAI3TS New Spring White N'oile end Lawn Marts. up to the montent in every pa.rticular and at rockbottom prices too. CORSETS We have the hest money's worths In Corsets that can be found anywhere. tot every cent you pay. Examine the new front laced Conwt. SILK WAISTINGS alike. in black and white and colored stripes. The very latest Waistings. Price 11111.00 A new lot just iu. :Iti inches wide, no two al J. H. COLBORNE 1111111111111111111 IMO IND 1111M1 soesixtieeetey.quilte to send to the Red °toss LAST OF THZ SZABO:S. —The Literary Societ y was clotted for the season on Friday evening. A leading feature of the pi ogram was • debate on the sub- ject : "Resolved, that the United States offered better opportunity to live in than Canada." The ittfirmative . was upheld hy Mies Shaw, Miss Edna Woods and Mr. Robinson ; the nega- tive by E. Miller and D. Phillips. The decieion was given in favor of the negative. A program a.nd box bridal were enjoyed by all. Newts 'Nati:P.—Mr. H. Bradford is in charge of the blacksmith shop and le open for all kinds of work. Give him • call Todd & Joynt's saw- mill commenced work on Monday with nine men' on the job Bradford attended the funeral of his another. Mrs. Bradford, on Thursday. from the bnire of her daughter. Mr*. Snell. to Zion burying ground Mr. and Mrs. John Woodley hive moved to Mr. Joe Mellough's farm, where they have se3ured work for the maeon Mr. W. E. Gordon her engaged Mr. Victor Emmet -son for the season .... Mr. Will Rutherford delivered • colt in Wingimen on Tues- day Rev G. Gomm. of Dungan- non. spent Monday afternoon with The mill, Rev. W. Meckintoeh whistle blew loud and long on M day at 6 o'cloca when the newt cause that Mr. Joynt was reeve of Lucknow. Congratulations, Mr. Joynt ,Lai:el.st News from the Theatres of War. iNote. The followlog report- are .4,0* Poineare and A.quith are both in Berlin at. tending the Kamer tea : 5115h7tiodlicredigi.tho.hourd, F.nellehtnen were killed And the Jape were defeated by Portuguem la the mountain. of 'oatmeal,. A G‘rw_icerolanym,:,neid.blew up Madrid and mule the The capital of Andria wa moved to Petra Another corp. of aeroplane. have crewed tram They flew etretight wea and finally they knocked t he North Pole down. COLBORNE. TUDDIDAT, Mar. 31). 10 ?dr. Luther Allin has sold his farm to Henry Walters And will take • trip to the West thie summer. He will have *sale of his farm stock, imple- ments, etc., on %Vadneeday, April ith. Norms.— Mrs. L. tiroos, of Mildmay, is visiting with friends in this vicinity for an indefinite time We learn with regret that Mies Rose Durst is about to ..... ve from our midst, having seemed • position as teacher near Orangeville, Ont Mr. D. !Schwan: haw purchased • new driver from Mr. McCullqugb, of Ooderich town- ship.. ..The harmers are taking ad - ventage of the high price of oats this week. the lamest delivery in them sec- tion from une foals toeing one of one thousand bushels frons P. F. Schweez cipal telephones installed in their rea Flick and Mime Agnes Flick are under the doctor's care We week Mr Russell Forster left for his home near Lama Hill no Moaday of this week with several ears of building mater- ials, live stock. etc. ST. NELEf4S. TVIIIIDAT. Match 30. elium* met at Mrs. I. Tears on Thurs- day. There were twenty koseet. The thanks of the Institute Woe trivia to the ladies who es maul belped erit4 the quilts. The Insaitelln win bevel 4i-ha/I& QUICK NAPTHA Tbe African. of Pekin are now bombarding Tbe Deeert of Sahara 1. b.dag tilled for wheat. There mak. on the Pacific. the entire Gorman float Rename they had no stater to pre, ant the en- gine hest. Tir. mid Girt Count Zeppelin hart dropeed • Math on Mar.. But couldn't make connection. to estinguialk all Use starc • The primeirm try Iceland are piecing AM and dater And • little Terkiah submarine has mak United Nam. In the equateial realm the megrims haa been Beessise the traria have all been blocked tons and toes a mow. An Kaglai sebum who runt . mad' oer Ham osigurid kat y -seven runs he/angina to the Clear. • Tie reseal to Mr. Potatare. thlm weenies bare seat "Get net, foe lEaver Push. ha. become oar Preekttest Tao Merit have moment Alberta sisA captured Kimberley And are are botrabardltur Kolgral• roma the Adriatic dm I LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1 SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Wnte for Particulars Registrar. Mos. Bac. Demise) Principal. Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London. Ont. A hostile ship was eighted a It neared ore tar Ray. Hut droadeogghts hem MMHG mum eat sad drove It far away. YOU Was filarainfill whoa he inarebed agate& IF anew , Ant Ids fietot wee badly beam In the Asa of Jefte hes evernetted Med of Pima Neend. Fer Hieheles aniseed am sad he lee a let ef The yearn Prime hee withersers with • Arra mem sad teem Aad le Istria, tir Alois be move Gm GeV Tips Ss Men. There have hese oolessee about the new things for women this er4R11. D OW.? • word shoat the 11111111'11 new hits and tacker. Here's • few things, 'bough. that are simnel, metals to les poglar age will he popish's. around the heels. lb* pnttoes of the tremors fue- ▪ Win nails win Ain he la veggies In GRAND TRUNK R Ye SYSTEM EASTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE Good going and returning April Ind only. Fare and ()Pe -third Good wens Aped Ira. Md. trd • od it& Return limit. April dth. 1515 Detroit and Peri Huron. Mich.. Buffalo. Meek Rork. Niairsra Falb. and empensiee Tickets and further particular,. at tir•od Trunk ticket once-. • Maim ticket Ago st. Phew Ms. DIAN Easter Excursions •...nd. Mt.:. return limit Friolny. April .%.1. Pentads" from Jos. K P.R. Ticket Agave. ert write M.', Murphy. A., Tor liYOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Cella IDOUND. ONTARIO Gar own thrreatorey olldlog and merow.ful year. of alp line* 1:Xplift iniiirnet0111 ,,-0,'11100 the 81) best rerrulta. Catalogue free • place of an occasional pants button. nee will be worn around the neck the same 111 formerly, stianing up be- hind the ems, end eiseicing down in front to show the tone roller button. Cuffs MD be tunird itp•ide down on Wednesday and rem•in in this posi- tion until tub day. Stiff bets are worn well down On the head, just resting on top of the oars. Canoe will only he carried by old men and those who have an inexact* of twee 1119 • week White duck pante will he worn by tennis players and tn Lettersets 1100 Reward, III 00. The reader. nf mom wild be Milised Nam that there Is at least one dreaded Mame that releese bee Men able to nare is an it. eleges. and that n nausea Barn Catarrh C11.11 Oa esti pleitive nom ems known M =ustaledestillty. Catarrh. a 41116- =oe. 'Wri''Caniere (Me le Mies hi - areal, epee the tied UMW et flos lip thri its week geilleiteem ham ellaV la re Wren that tam Om as - Seed Zr k (111.11. PIM ter Mmeleeillea. Trbilk ...Rim mil room MUM For fresh sand erases, puss boors. mode roody. sod be* ratted pr000ko 127 Ell000r'. Wort arm% Or phone US OUR Specialties Plumbing Heating Eavestroughing Metal Work Electric Wiring Prompt attention to all email jobs and general repeir work. W. R. PINDER Phone 166 Hamilton Street setelleilloseleneWsPaNAIMMAMIMAPee 1 Seasonable Footwear luE feel the very leen we v‘ can do for you when you come into this store is to give you Shoes or Rubbers that will be idieolutely com- fortable and will wear to your sati•faction We want you to realise that your well - fare is our first 000eidenstion Our prlees are most reaeon REPAIRING (leo. MacVicar North side of Seutu-s. Goderich Spray Your Orchards Nothing Pays Better I am agent for all Spray Materiel. Lime Rulphur. Dry Roluble Sulphur, both Dry and Paste Ar - meat* of Lead. SPRAY ptn-iPS —both power and hand FERTILIZERS We benre the best brands and at all prima DOOM in aired see wee be- fore pisedng your order.