The Signal, 1915-3-25, Page 5Still in Business at East
Street Garage
We are now in a position to handle all your Auto,
Motorcycle or Bicycle Troubles. We have a complete
new stock and are able to talk prices with anyone.
in the holm) ,,,,, after we have i
prenounced all right. There will
he no danger of leeks or any wait-
ing for water.
put in by real sanitary plumbers
will .ave It., ',est in d..ctoa'a bills
every year. ' L -Ci put one in for
you while you are renovating your
Fred Hunt
Ha.,t lion Street Phone 135
Spray Your Orchards
Nothing Pays Better
1 aro agent for all Spray
Metered. Lime Sulphur.
Dry Soluble Sulphur.
both Dry and Paste Ar-
e -11,0e of Lea.i.
-lath power and hand
We have the heat brands
and at all pncro.
Come in and see me -,ne-
fore placing your orJrr.
(..d.tich, Ont.
eIDAY, March Sird.
N.nits or etre Weals -Mrs. John
J. O'Reilly, who spent last week
visiting in Kingsbridge and vicinity,
returned on Saturday to Gode-
rich Messrs. James and William
Cummins, of St. Augustine, spent
Sunday here.... Janus Garvey pur-
chased a horse from John Hussey last
week . We are pleaaerl,, to report
that Mise Nellie Sullivan returned
home en Wednesday of last week,
mush improved in health after under-
going a serious operation for appendi-
citis in 8Joseph'. hospital, London.
.. 1l is reported that the poaoffmee
is to remain open and that John
Husseyis to he our new postmaster.
..argaret and John S. Daltoo,
Joseph Connors, Gus McCarthy,
William Mryereand NVilliam'"Lannan
all attended • card party given in SI.
Augustine on the evening of Marsh
171 b. All report a good time
Private Harry Seywore of the :tied
Battalion. London. spent the week -end
visiting fuend. here Mrs. John
MWrtin, who has been on the sick list.
is letter again Mester Harvey
Matta, fonnetly of Mount St. Joseph's,
London, to now living at Mies Julia
O'Reilly's Mrs. John Boyle, of
St. Augustine, spent last week visiting
at KiugsbriJge and Kmtail.
WKDNganAY, Much 17th.
Demt.m. 1)oi ws.-Mt. and Mre.
Lawrence Grey are visiting friends at
Clinton at present . ...Mr. ('hash.
Walters, of Mrelaw, is in this neigh-
borhood at present with hie gasoline
engine, cutting box and circular taw,
. uiting wood and straw for the
farmers. Aleck Horton also is on the
read with hio gasoline outfit.... ..
Foster brothers, of Sheppudlon, are
pres►ing hay for Mr. Jeanie Chisholm.
.Mr. Alex. t'lutton Bold a valuable
hravy•draught mare last week
King La Grippe is en his rounds and a
gond many people are suffering from
hie visits....The Hunter Linklater
wedding wax the fourth Leehurn wed-
ding this winter, which goes to show
that the little god ,Cupid is still buoy
in.pite of the grim realities of war
and "hard times."
Wan.g,wAY. (larch 21.
William Jewell left un Monday for
8l. Th as, North Dakota, where he
inrendo to stay all summer.
' The headquarters, at Mpntreal, of
the Belgian relief wont -in Canada he.
sent an official sckiowledgment of
the sum -of $14 received from the Let-
, burn Christian isndeavor (Society
This is one-half of the proceeds of the
entertainment recently given in the
church. the other half having horn
donated to the Red Cron. Society.
"kdvertise. Vour )usiness !
Don't imagine for a moment that advertising will not
bring you results in your immediate field. That's an
error that many merchants make. when they assure
themselves that their store is so well known that it
doesn't require newspaper advertising that the
trade will naturally drift their way. anyhow.
There isn't • store anywhere in the world that has so secure • foot-
sie as thai -nor a single store -and you are not done busmen on •
held .n which your sales cannot be increased by careful newspaper 11 this ,s not true. why n tt that • stream of mal orders
is constantly going out of your town to catalogue houses) And are
not these sales made by these catalogue houses the result of persistent
adverbsg,g on the wry held you (eel that you have cuh,vaird to the
l mit s Whenever you set such an odea foxed on your mondand
really believe that there's nothtrq more to conquer. you are s,rspty
turning over ready money to rhe man that does possess the broader
.noon -you are cordons terraory and oghts to others that .areful
newspaper advertts.lg would retail on your Iesseas.c n.
Brib Mr, Builder
for the Flooring of Your New House!
We have a good stock of 3-8 Veneer Flooring in plain a&1
quartered oak and birch, grades and prices to suit
all purchasers.
We also have a number of well -made Bookcases in oak
and birch. mahogany finish, which we are selling at
• very low price.
Get our quotations on Lath, Shingles', Pine, Hemlock
and Oak Lumber.
Estimates Cheerfully Given
Smallpox in Hay Township.
It it reported that two cases of
smallpox hate appeased in the town-
ship of Hay. and there are sold to 1e
several farther south, In the
townships of Stephen mud McGilliv-
Citizens' Social Service League.
A meeting is being called by the
filocisel Service league for next Mon-
day. March 7tlkb. It will be held in
tbsTemperance Hall and will begin at
8 p. w. The delegates to the temper-
ance conventions at Toronto and
CNotoo will present their reports and
other marten will be deait.with.
Goderich Boys Enlist at Toronto.
Mr. Clifford Williawa, son of Mr.
Gen. Williams, manager of the local
branch of the Bank of Commerce, has
enlisted with the Quern's Owu Rifles
ILL Toronto.
Cockburn Hays, son of Mr. R. C.
Hays, who has been attending Trin-
ity University. &leo has enlisted at
New Taxes in Effect April 15.
The regulations regarding special
revenue stamps on letters, cheques,
etc.. will come into effect April 15th.
According to a newspaper despatch
from Ottawa. the new stamp tax will
apply to drop letters which are closed,
but not to open lettere, circulars,
parcels or newspapers. No doubt
more definite infernution will be
furnished iu due time by the Post -
office Department.
Twenty Years Married.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Sproul, Bayflrld road, on Friday last,
when about 'evehty relatives and
friends gathered to celebrate the
twentieth anniversary of Mr. sed Mrs.
Npmul'. w,ddingday. Many fitends
from Ashfield were present. as the
wedding took place ie that township.
Mrs. Sproul'. maiden name was Jennie
Drennan. The petty, did not hreak up
until the dawn of a new day started
Mr. and Meso Stilted upon the third
decade of their merited life.
The Horse Market.
Colonel McE wan and Dr. Tawlin,
V. N., were iu town on Tuesday in-
specting and purchasing horses for
military purpws•s. There was a splen-
did offering of many ditleient assesses
of horse.. and the authorities
were not the only purchaser. Pref-
erence aeewed to Le given to t lie road -
.ter and general purpose Blesses, as
the beet fitted for army use. Ten were
.elected by the military buyers and
shipper' the following day, moderate
prices being paid for chem. About ss
many more were sold to private pur-
Mr. Creel Hayes Next Tuesday Evening.
Mr. Cyril Hayes. student of the late
Prof I)uxbuty- of England. will he in
Victoria street Methodist chur,:h on
the eveninir of March :lith. He fol-
lows Prof. Duxbury res maintaining s
high standard in his choice of selec-
tions as well as it. the rendering of them.
It was worth 25c to hear Prof. Dux -
bury recite The Bells" and many say
Mr. Hayes renders it all well ae his mas-
ter. His longer recitation will be either
"rhe Story of Joh" or "rhe Story of
Joseph." Mrs. King and Miss A. Mc-
Clinton will render sola and a chorus
will be given by the Eureka Bible
.lass- Adrniasion toe. You will not
Le disappointed if you attend.
Liquor Gases.
A charge Against.' the hastender of
the Bedford hotel ter selling lisllroe
without a license was dismissed ono•
Saturday by entice Mugietrite Kelly
and Mayor Reid. Only one witness
was called for the pr.wrctstion and the
defence did not call any witnesses.
The wagisirates thought there was not
sufeient evidence to register a con-
viction. L. 1. Dancey appeared for
the defence and Chas. Darrow for the
Alex. Robinson. employed at the
Colborne hotel, wax separated from
$lu) and costs on Tuesday for selling
liquor without a license. County ('on -
stable W. T. Prllow laid the informa-
Brussels Loses Appeal.
Judgment has been given at Os-
got- ie Hall nn an appeal from the
judgment of His Honor Judge Doyle
in the County Court of Huron in the
case of Kirkby versus the village of
Brussels. The pleiniiff was the con-
tractor for the eon:tru. tion of it 1 runk
sewer at Brussel., and claimed extra
reneineratiuo for excavating some
rock. Judge Doyle awarded the plain-
tiff $'Jet as an extra. The village ap-
pealed, and the plaintiff entered •
cross-appeal. At O.ftoode Hall both
appeal and eros -appeal weredi.mi.sed
with costs. W. Proudfoot, K.l'., and
W. M. Sinelsir (Rnisselr) for defend-
ants- R. S. Robertson (Stratford) and
R. 8. Heyo ISeaforthi for plaintiff.
Millinery Week.
The Paget Orain Doorc1).
logy and Comfortable
Special Attraction
Monday and Tuesday
MARCH !9T8 AND 30TH. 1916
A great naval Drama in three
para. Vividly portraying
THURSDAY, see episode of
The great series! now running
at this Theatre.
The Strand War Series
of London, Englanl
Pay us a visit and Ie more
than satisfied.
Prices as Usual••Ik a k
Masonic auspices, rod was attended
h a large number of (..T It, men.
The burial services were performed by
Rev. Geo. E. Rose, of Gteierich, and
Rev. K. Martin, of `Stratford
An inquest is being held to deter-
mine the feet, leading to Mr. Rose'
Welcoming Mr. J. Hussey and Bride.
The following are clippings taken
from The Journal. of Young, tusk.,
referring to Mr. and Mrs. Horsey,
whom marriage :uok place at Goderich
and was reported in The Signal of
February Ilth:
A large representation front the
"Silver Band" mobilized at the home
of Wm. Stock on Thursday evening
in honor of Mr. J. Hussey'e embark-
ing on the silver sea of matrimony.
When all were ready • few selections
were given by the band and a special
solo or two. After this all were
royalty entertained by the genial host
Iand boater+. Cards were indulged in.
At midnight the hostess served a
sumptuous lunch and all went Bowe
singing "He's a jolly good fellow." A
number of their town friends were
also present, including the ladies and
Mister Allan.
The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. J. Preston was the scene of a
delightful gathering on Tuesday
evening to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jon
Hussey. A dainty supper of oysters,
cake, sandwiches and coffee was
nerved at S o'clock. then the dining•
room war cleared and cards enjoyed
till midnight when Mr. and Mrs.
Hussey were called upon and Mr.
.Preston made a pleasing little speech
• and preeenttd them with several
pieces of china. Mr. Hussey ably
responded with a few suitable expre.-
'sione of thanks. Then all dispersed
for their various homes, feeling glad
,to have met Mrs. Huwey, and grate-
Itul to Mr. and Mrs. Preston fur their
'Presentation to Dr. Gall w.
Al - Lite close of the le ture oc Mon-
day evening. given i the lecture
room of Victoria street Burch by Dr.
!Geneve on HomeiNursg, the follow-
ing address. accompanirsl by a gift of
to Japanese chair, was tendered Dr.
Gsllow by the members of the class 1who recently graduated in fleet aid
under the auspices of the St John's
Ambulance Association. Mise Nettie
Green read the address and Miss
Maud Millian made the presentation:
(ioderich. March 4-2. 1913.
To W. F. Callow, M. D.
Dear Sir, We are desirous of show-
ing our appreciation of your courtesy
in seceding to our bequest for instruc-
tion along the Inciof "first aid to
the injured," and also vnur kind offer
to belp in regard to "home nursing.'
We trust we hive all profited by
your very helpful lectures and we will
try and prove this in some way in our
after Yves. We, the members of your
cls, therefore hope sou will accept
this slight token of out ricegnitin.n of
your confederate and disinterested
services. We too not for a moment
think that this chair pay. you for the
time you have spent with us and the
instruction you have given u., but wish
you to accept it 'Untidy ar a token
that your Christian example of help-
fulness to others has not fallen upon
barren Boil.
Signed on behalf of the class.
Dr. Gallow. who was taken completely
by surprise, made &suitable reply.
The ladies have been much inter-
ested in the opening millinery displays
:his week. Hodgen. Bros.' showroom
was decorated for the occasion with
ferns and palma and talk draperies,
and many striking hats were on view.
The military idea i• quite prominent
this sealant, as seen in the names of
many of the millinery ere•atiows.
Tbere are i he"Tommy Atkins" hat, the
-Kitchener- bat, the "Tipperary" bat,
and other*. Flowers and quills are
much worn, and velrrt And corded
ribbons ars used In all widths. The
prevailing tolots are .and. red, blue
and grey.. Bines are various, the very
small hats vieing in r• polarity with
the medium and large designs. Aad
they are all lovely, when fitted to the
right person.
Injured Engineer Succumb*.
John H. Ross, O.T.R engineer, died
0o Monday last at the Commercial
botel, tiratortb• where he had been
lying under medical treat...wet eves
since the arrident on the G.T.R. near
8eaforth on the night of February let.
Tib deceased was terribl horsed by
.soaping esteem, but In spite of his in-
jurf.. It waa believed for a time that
he would recover This was not t o be,
however, and the end came on Moe -
day morning. Mr. Roes was hors
forty -blue Teats alto at Hamilton and
bad been railroads'', foe tblrtyease.
He ;novae a widow tied three rklldree,
noir Isom. being at norm ford. A Pew
resn ate tine Tamil lived Mr a while
TM funeral took pima
at Stwafard on Wed•sedry. wider
TIiVngIAY, Malts u , 1915 s
Neg. Platt with the Artillery.
A pleasant event took place at the
Meoesetung Came Club last Friday
.vetting, when the members took ad-
vantage of the presence in town
of Mr. neg. Platt to show their &ppre-
.•iation of his ',lion in enlisting for
war service with the l'auadian troops.
Before going to Toronto Mr. Platt
wax an active and populate number of
the Cluh. A little speech expressing
the sentiments of the Club member*
was made by Mr. W. H. Robertson,
and Mr. Jack Lawrence presented Mr.
Platt with • handsome wrist wale('
and a pocket camera. "Doc" expressed
his thanks briefly but eloquently.
He left next morning for Toronto. hav-
ing come up from the city to visit hie
parent., Mr. and Mrs. J. 5. Platt, for
a few hours before leaving for Ottawa
to join the 25th Battery, 7th Brigade.
Canadian r{'tekI Artillery. in training
there. The corps is made up largely
of Toronto University men.
Goderich "Old B?ys" at Edmonton.
Former Uoderich citizens are com
ing to the front at Edmonton. Alberta,
as they do almost everywhere. Com-
tnercial Lodge, No. til. A., F. & A. M.,
is,a new lodge of the Masonic Order
that bas recently been instituted at
the Albertan capital. Mr. J. B. Haw -
kin., a former well-known Goderich
tnao, is the W. Master of the lodge.
and Mr. Roy W. Henry, formerly ac-
countant of the Sterling Hank here, is
the 'secretary. George F. McPhee,
another former resident of this town,
is also a member of this lodge. Mr.
Healy has recently been elected to the
premier office in the Edtuontnn Canoe
Club, that of commodore. This is no
smell honor, al tae Edmonton Canoe
('tun is one of the largest aquatic or-
ganizations in the Nest. having a
membership of about f1M1. Com-
modore Henry possibly got bis first
interest in aquatic affairs as a member
of the Meneeetung Canoe Club during
his residence in Goderich.
Masonic Event.
About fifty members of Maitland
Lodge. A.. F. A A. M., went to Strat-
ford last Friday to take part in •n
important Masonic gathering there.
Thr Stratford Beaton reports the
event as follows :
Nearly Jilt Masons from Goderich,
St. Marys, Mitchell, Blyth and other
pointe, includingowen,ters of Tecum-
seh Lodge, No. 111, Stratford, were
present during the official visit Friday
night to the heal lodge rooms of
Right Worshipful Bro. H. 1'. Dunlop
of Goderich, Grand Master of South
Huron District No. 4. Bro. Dunlop was
ac ponied by fifty member* of
Maitland Lodge, No.:Ct, (odrrich.
R. %V, Bro. Smith Shaw, Tecumseh
Lodge. presided at the banquet, to
which en adjournment was made fol-
lowing the opening ceremonies. The
tort list included the following : The
King and Craft : South Huron Dis-
trict, by K. W. Bro. H. C. Dunlop and
S J. Mallion ; O'ir Enippire, by .1. P.
Rankin and George Malcolu. ; Mait-
land Lodge, by F. A. ('opus and Wor-
shipful Master Hunter of lioderich
Our Visitor', by W. Shipman. (lode
rich, and Mr. McCtar, St. Marys.
The members of recnmseh Lodge
presented Maitland Lodge with two
engraved tracing hoards. Solos were
rung by Messrs. Wilkinson and Cotter.
personal Savings Account
Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and
training in how to expend money wisely. Such an
education In thrift and saving will prove invaluable
In later life.
Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
Are Your Children
Learning to Save
Each maturing son and
daughter should have a
in the Union Bank of
Thr death occurred at Winnipeg on
Sunday last of Mr. Alexander Col-
borne, who bad been for over • guar.
ter of a century • resident of the. Man-
itoba capital. He leavas one bon,
Alex., of Godericb, and a daughter,
Mrs. Roscoe Pickett, of Mucor, Sask.
Mr. J. H. Colborne of town it ns
brother, and there are two other sur
tieing brothers -Jonathan, of North
Battleford, and Beniaulin. of Winni-
peg. The des-esaad was in his seventy.
second year.
Tea Market Stoll Advancing.
Nothing definite can be ascertained
with regard to a probable advance in
package teas in Canada. But it .mus
to be common sense to.uppsse that tea
men can't go on importing at high and
yet higher pt ices every week without
making mute changes in their belling
schedule to cover. There is nothing
to do but follow Mr. Asquith'. adv ire
and "Wait and ser," meanwhile tak-
ing note of the handwriting on the
wall. --Canadian Grower. Mar.h pith.
Be .•haritahle before wealth makes
then covetous, and Ioee not the glory
of the mite. -Sir Thomas Brown,
Ti ttetosy, Marsh .2
ii' seat, per Dub .... S.1. -:°;10:1
;L;1, to 1
1...1".-:' 5ito 0
.... onto per bosh .. . 1.0117:11100 1 •7 �.
Hoek wheal, per bush ;.
1 per . a.:.• to 3;..
. , t.l•i ro 1.::,
C.A.10 atu,
, per ton .r.,.::,; to 'sr.,
Hay. per 100 to 11.'u
... 5.00 Lo it.n
boli. to :c,5
b d, .Ys
!tea.. fre.h. per doz ... .... . • .01 to .:o
Potatoes.. {.er bush... .:t. to . 1.
Apples, perbbl .. . 1..•o to L;..
1'a1Lle botcher:.chole.. per i wL A.1o. IO ; u"
(1'151 Ile, butesher. uoedluno. +' " S9i to ,i,..
Hog., live lseitrht. per cwt, - -1!, to .r..11
Pbeep. ler cw-t 1.511 to at.,
t iubr, per cwt ... 7.1.' to 7.,t
.•beetorkln. .. . .. .. -". to 1'e
Hide-. per lb. .11 to .12
Tallow. rendered, per lb ....... !ti to 4.y
Duck.. per lb .12 to .12
('hicken., par lb.... .-.......... ... to .11
ties.... pet Ib.1! to .1t
Turkey*, per Ib. .Ie to .IA
oat.. per bush ....
Barley. per bush
ek,ur. (ami r, ewt
!lour. patent. per cwt
Huth, per ton .
Have you tried onr
new- )3rt•:ul ? -
=craw, boos. porton.. .
Wool, per load ... ,,.
Hinter. per lb.. ..
the tastiest in boon. Nice
.oft crust - close -grained --
made from FleiTchmann's
Yeast. F. eryhooly says it is
the ikst Try . .
There is thorough satisfaction
for those who buy our Cakes
and Pastry. 1f you do not know
how good they are. we should
like you to try theru.
Smith Bros.
The Old Reliable East St. Baker)
Photo, '•I.
.often mean- -o much. It ha. mean'
.uoY•ew: to thou -and• of young t•eople
who wn to (or air catah.tnse a. the
dr -t -top toward a good ...storied to -it ion.
Take. r he llet,t oda). odder*. Central
Ha -rue-., oileee,'N.1'm,geStreet, Tor
W. H. +HAw': Pre -idem.
-Crown Attorney Seeger leas a
visitor at Toronto this week.
-Mina Bella Cousins, of l3enmiller,
spent Tuesday with friends in town.
Mr. Duncan Matheson, of Loch•
aisle visited friends in town last week.
-Mies. Belle Mae%wan ret unser' last
week from an extended visit at Ham-
ilton. Toronto ard Ingersoll.
-Mr. Wm. Anderson, of lh.hawa,
is visiting his brother, Mr. Samuel
Anderson, Virtoria street.
-.fudge Doyle is away on vacation
and t. visiting Washington and other
points in the United States.
--Mts. Ellen Salfsws has returned
from a two months' visit with her
daughter, Mir. Long, et London.
-Mr. Arthur A. Williams and Mr
David Corbett, of Dutllop, left on
Monday for Sault Ste. Marie'to join
the steer of the steamer Paliki.
-Miss Stirling. of Toronto. who has
been aeeepted as one of the nurses to
accompany the third Canadian con-
tingent, is it visitor at the home of her
aunt. Mee. Alex. Stirling, this week.
- Mrs. Fred Ke!kley, of Hamilton,
came up to Attend the funeral of her
cousin, the late Helen Ihidie m, and
reunainel for revered days visiting her
patents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vtn. Sharman.
-Nr. Melville Anderson, of Ottawa,
war in town for several days the put
week. Hr hag been in training for
some time with a corps of engineers in
preparation for service abroad, and in
hit khaki uniform looks y inch the
--Mr [tag. Platt. Phut. B., of Toron-
to. spent Ft ids_v at his home, Victoria
street, brfure leaving for Ottawa,
where he has enli.ted with the field
artillery of the University corps of
Toronto. He left Toronto Monday
night for Ottawa to join his brigade.
==:= =10=10=1==f 7%
To the People of Goderich :---
Ever remember vie carry a ebbe, number one: line et
Eggs, Butter and all produce. \Vc carry a line of pro
duce that we umreaeefer, and should any be not salt•
factory-, do not fail to return the .ante.
To the Public in General :---
Ever remember that we have a choice line of Groceries
and that our prices are right. Like unto all others, it
is necessary for ns to make a margin of profit in order
to meet all ordinary expenses, but hear in Iniad that
our desire is simply to make a living. not to make 1
latr int
i)oo't waste time no IaferI.
seises because they're •
few cents cheaper.
1 hese proved•I&
nest for Eczema, PINS. Skis
')l.e:,.es, and Injuries.
As ■ another. you owe It
to your f•mlly to use the
(seat, that's lam-Bele1
SOe 1st. AI Dsatet•.mires►
There will be a set -tire in North
street Methtdist church um Good
Friday, Aprtl 2nd. •t I1 a. ni. The
.object of discourse will be. "Easter
Message No. 3, from Calvet v.'.
Ree. Win. H. Wrightr.n will preach
the fourth eer,00n of the series on
Thr Prodigal Non" on tstind•y night,
in the Baptist church. A etudes' wet.
come I. extended to all who attehd.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both services et North street Metho-
diet church :in Sunday. Morning sob.
jest : 'Thr Quality .of Mosey.- Eves -
not: "K.a
a.ier No. 2--
rem (let bowman..."
Rt Georve'. church Holy Week
and Good Friday : Nervus each even-
ing iesrrpprr Saturday) al 7 ' n, In..
On tits dl"id,v Ih..rwilltb.. :bre.
hnutie sets ice I nen 12 • 'el rk 1 . 3, On
%Vodnesdsy ry g Nlun.r's "Crue,-
Rx.on" will be rendered 11 the choir.
Rev. °v.erge N. Heaton, peatiw of
Wellington street Me hdist ' boreh.
L•ndn.., hw. .soros eel .•n utvilatitsn
from the Mitchell Mrol.rnst.t choreb to
*nerved Rev.] W. Baird Mr. Hawn
was former i 'he ps-t.r of North
erect Meihod ist chin ch, Ooderkb, and
is sow president of the London Oen-
Chinaware Department
We .till have an abuudauce of Chinaware and Crock-
ery on hand, and should there to anything in this line
which you desire, give us a call and we assure you
satisfaction at a richt pstice.
Ever remember our motto
Satisfaction or Money Back
Watch for our Saturday Specials
Hamilton St. 'Phone 32
Opposite Colborne Hotel
==I =101=0=