The Signal, 1915-2-11, Page 8N • ?uu. AT, FesutvutT 11. Ili WWW11rWW1YW IF YOU WANT ISHOESIIMMEMIONNW E That will wear 3 3 J. H. McClinton F i GO TO MacEaun Estate exclusive *Rent. for SCRANTON COAL for (iodericb and District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, X&oo per ton BSeT OVAL MINED An7uantit beet all Maple Slab. Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling 1 Cedar or Pine.) TELaPHUNas, .bice 9s r..idence rns or 66 MONDAY, Feb. 8th. News Norma —John 10. Oulliven arrived bowie on Thursday after • 414044.11 visit in London . Mins Dorothy O'Reilly entertained • num- ber of her triton& un ',Sunday Mr. Thos. McCane, of thiogannon, visited his sister. Mrs. Peter Amain, on Sun- day Several from here were in attendance at tbe_ joint meetings of the Farmers' and Women's lustitutes whicle were held on tbe ofternoon and evening of Tbureday heat in the Kin - tail hall Clinton School of Commerce Re -opens January 5th, 1915 Canada end Canadians will leave their Big Opportunity conamereied- ly at the close of tbe present war. Prepare' yourself to gem" this Op- portunity and with it your sneers& clot, Civil Service and learneer's. en those who are unable to become regular 'attendants lemons will be given by comepoodence. NIGHT SCHOOL Clams. in any course or subject. Tuesday and Thursday, 7:20 to 9:30 THU Wolf nee INeTITUTIC. -.The Dun- gannon branch of the NVomen's 'note Kirke on Wednesday, February 3rd. Mies Susie Casuptell, of Toronto, gave • very interesting adders.. on rural school questions, the relation of pax- I sots to the school and the school's water supply. In the evening • joint meeting was held with the F'anueire spoke An interesting program was i furnished by the ladies. Last week the Institute donaurd • box of chil- dren's clothing valued at $27.50 to the county branch of the Children's Aid Society and this week the ladies have forwarded to the cential committee of the Belgian relief feted two boles of clothing valued at $70. KINTAIL. Aloeuee, Feb. 8. Mr. Gordon Drennan bas bought • new driver, said to have a 2.30 record. Mr. and Mrs. MecMillan, of Pali Albert. visited in the neighb irbood teat tiaturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dernin, of Dungan- non. •itited Mrs. John MacGregor on Thursday tart. Miss Annie MacDoosid, of Hamil- ton, is visiting her niece, Mies Annie May MacDonald. Miss Mary MacLeod bas errived bonze, after spending the past three weeks at Caullachie. eVe are Perry to report that school No. 3 leas been temporarily closed ow- ing to an outbreak of skin dieeme. The Farmers' Institute held a most successful meeting here on Thursday lest, when the Government delegates gave most interesting and educative lectures. l'he Women'sinstitute also held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Neil MacDonald and had a+ a special feature an addrees from Ness Campbell, of Toronto, a capable and interesting lecturer. IS YOUR ROOF ONE OF THOSE IN THIS TOWN that needs our attention - Tbe loogor you delay making the needed repair, the name dimmer.. the weather is dole( and the gieeter your el WEST WAWANUSI-I. MONDAY, Feb. 8. 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tisdale, of West Wawanash, gave an "at home" to about eighty-five of their Mende. Early in the evening, to their sur- prise, • number of young people of the vicinity gethered, and presented Mr. and Mrs Tisdale with a rocking cbair and pearl handled cake knife with the following addresses:— To Ma. WALTKR TISDALR.—We. the young pecple of Donnybrook, meet to- night to express the feeling of regard with which you aro held by the people of the vicinity. As a comrade you have won our highest respect and by your genial disposition and willing - Dees to assist. in any way possible you have brightened niany gatherings. We feel that we cannot let the occa- sion of your marriage pass without asking you to accept this chair as a sligbt token of our esteem and good wishes. We sincerely trust that your- self and Mrs Tisdale may enjoy many years of happiness and proeperity in our naiist. Signed on behalf of the young people of the vicinity, FRANK THOMPIION, CHARLIE lit MINtalrla. To MIA TISDALR, —The young people of Donnybrook who are here present Lonight desire to extend to you a hearty welcome to this com- munity. You are • stranger to to, but we want you to feel at home ansoriget us. We trust that your merrier' life will be happy and that your residence here will be mutually profitable to all. Kindly accept this small preeent as an expreintion of our hearty welcome. Signed on behalf of the young people of the •icinity, GLADYS J moose sow Mr. and Mrs. Tieeale made • suit - stele reply, expressing thanks fee the appreciation ohown them. Maori'? •fuerwaids the rest of the gathering •ppeared. and the dancing program commenced at 11 o'clock. Music was furniebed by John Moire and Ed- ward Haines. Among those present were Mr. and Mee. j. T. Tiediele, of Boweemont, North Dakota. and Moe Albert t3tein and children, of Aylem bury, Soak., who left the following day for their homes in the West. Tinning and Repairing roofs. also building gutters and lead- er's is tour part of this world'. work. and we do it well Better send for us now and Ise ready lor the coating weather. Fred Hunt Silence the Beet Policy. Mr& Mewed - am in an •wfal fix Mrs. Ktoiebeak —"What is the =M - Mrs. Pe4red —"I won't through ▪ 's kola last n*bt to bunt for es you advised me IA,. and 1 foetid some bettors whicb I gave him &tenet the bottom for fear bel geoid about say wen through his �aE SIGNAL : 3ODZR!OB : UMW° 44)1A.1 Teen limes I Creel attacks ate lun and the breathing paw ages. To cure it you need to get at these gans direct. Ordinary cough minty and syrups do not touch the lungs, but •.to direct to your stomach, which is not ailing. Peps, on the contrary, go direct to the very &eat of the trouble. Pepe are tablets containing easences and medicinal ingredients eo prepared that when placed upon the tongue they immediately turn into vapor, and are breathed down the inflamed air passages o lungs, direct. Peps medicine takm the bona of healing vapor, and cures colds, coughs. bronchitis ind lung troubles, just as living in Pine woods and breathing Pipe -laden air pre- vents consumpti a and cures chest weak- ness. Tightness across the chest, paln be- tween the shoulders, hacking cough, sore throat, asthma and bronchitis are th silments which, in particular, Peps 1/10 been designed to cure. Peps will goon end your bad cold. Testimonials for Peps bare bees given by members 01 the Canadian Parliament, doctors, lawyers, eminent Canadian musioans ; all going to prove that Pep. bave been found a cure foe throat and chest trouble, often when othci remedies had entirely failed. FIRER, TRIAL—cat Mir am - do. •all mall It. olur le etre r ror ro- ws portage So Pepe Co.. Da Peal 81 Wall package of Pe.. All armlet. Pope (f... tellars ogle) been bailee HURON'S GRAND OLD NAN. • John Leckie, J. P., KOMI Ortwasia Anybody so ho attends the meeting's the Hume county council Itmet he &Neck t ) the prominent part taken in the proceeding,. end the evident re- •pect paid to a certain keen but kindly- livoking gentleman wbo comes year lifter year to take his place at tbe Wee, no matter how many other e hangs. thet • may be in the personnel of the euuncit Counting front the date of his birth be is over eighty 'ears old, but he seem, to have none of the mark@ of °id age—unions, ie. deed. It is the great fund of exper- ience front which ee is always •ble to draw when discuning matters before the council. Thie is Mr. John Leckie, the Reeve of firuoselo, who was Warden of the county away back in 1476 and ls quite content now to sit as ao ordinary member of the council and help the young boys stemessively occupying the Warden's chair to steer a straight coutse through the year'. lotrairlaar We Were plowed to see in Tee firuseele Post a ek..tch of the busy life wbich Mr. Leckie dialed, and we reproduce it herewith : Few men have resided longer In tbis locality. are .1.4 well known or have tilled in es wetly years in public ac- t iv,ties es the subject of this sketch. The Poet thinks it shout i prove an tut:entree to many a young man to apply himself by earnestness. fidelity and making use of opportunities to attain a life of service such as Mr. I.eckie, even long pate, the allotted open of threescore and ten years. Without any "pedal advantages Mr. Leckie made his way through life by indomitable perseverance, untiring ti rioted all bit work, and geniality cleat continue* to this day to make mid keep a numberless retinue of werm friends and well-wiheirs. He has beaten out Osler's theory and is no.. superseded by many in the reten- tien of his faculties. Much of thin is at t ibut Able to the fact that he decided never to grow old. He has a large degtee of vigor today and has enjoyed a larg,r measure of good health than falls to the lot of mankind generally. He probably knows more people and the geography and history of this Province and the Western Provinces better then ninety-nine mem out of every hundred and is well posted on current events, particularly as they re- late to financial situations. in which he hag had a wide and varied experience. During the past eight years he was the energetic preeident of Hair -Huron Agricultural Society ; served on the libr try hoard ; was chairman of the building committee of the new Melville church, in Ore past year ; has conductAn1 megisterial coma' and at- tended to many other phew" of husi- news In coneetion with the county ccimeil and otherwise. Mr. Leckie has been foremost in the investment of his money In business blocks and residential' properties in Brussele ; is one of the largeet lex- payers 'tithe place and ever ready in atenryestieffirt to promote our best in - The members of hio comfortable hotne ate Mrs. Leckie and theee DOD., two of whom are attending Univer- sity and the third one hes been busy in newspaper work. J. Leckie, who was' the eldest son in A f tinily of ten children of Robert and Margaret Leckie, was ton n in the township of Dalhousie, county of Lanark on June :Mb, MI. His fhot teocher was John Livingstone, couein of the late Dr. David Livingstone, of African fame, and his next teacher was Wm. McKerrow, with a three- mile jaunt. to school. He worked on the farm, lumbering, etc , until P454, when he came west to the county of Huron in Jaly of that year at twenty - vice president, W. Mceettillin; second vice-president, Alex. Nicholson ; sec- retary -treasurer, J. E. Agnew. Dir. Mather,: Wawanosb, W. A. Wilson, .11 Alton ; Huron, T. Smith, R Stru- thers; Lucknow, G. El. Smith. Asso- ciate directors—Kinloss, J. A Mc- Donald, D. McKinnon ; Wawencish. K. Cameron, G. A Greer ; Ashfield. A. Hamilton, S. Robertson; Lucknow, Stewaet. [My astoci•te directors— Mrs. J. G. Anderson, Mrs. W. E. Mc- Donald and Mot. A. McCariol. The Society added $86.40 to its surphil beat year and bag now 0617.91 on hand. ST. HELENS. Toorstier, Feb. 2. Todd & Joynt are busy hauling lum- ber to Mr. Button, of Lucknow. Miss C. Ohm, Of Stratford, iti visit- ing Mies Pearl Todd. Misses Pearl and Ella Faint., of Winghion, are visiting tbeir Mends Mies Rene Gar Ion, of Lticknow, end Mr. Angus McD ineltl, of Brandon, were visitori at thee uncle's, Mr. %V. E. Gordon's, lest week. The Woman's Mimionary emeety will bold its regular meeting in the parlor of the chureh on %Vedneedity, February 10tb, at 2.31. The Polies are alweys welcome. Institute held its regular meeting at Mrs. Geo Webles on Thursday. They were thitty-two ladies present. They have seventeen shirts aod thirtyewo pairs of socks rty to be pocked for the soldiete. e members thanks are due to ;he Rifle 'Club, who very genetously donated $10.70 el help to Mt) more :material. 'Ille ladies will have to get bugy and make as mire as ponsible before the neat meet ing. The Rifle Club held its annnal rue ting Thursday evening. The offleo-s were elected as follow' : Captatio. John Webster ; i re tourer, T. ft Taylor ; John efe Donald. Wallace Miller., lierry Mecey. -his. Pittston and W. I. Miller. A donation of $45 was • Ord to the Pao leek Society and S10.70 to the Wornen'e Institute to buy material foe the soldiers. good crowd attended Du 'literary" Fri- day evening.-- A program of music, it 1`*- tatione, etc., wies given, hut the de- bate was the principal fratuie of the evening. Subject : "Reasolved, that the pen has been more beneficial than the sword." Mr. Robineon and Mr. %V. ideeeitillin spoke on the affirm 0 lye ney Atchetion upheld the negative. The judges decided in favor of the negative. The editor, Mr. John Taylor, gave t he latest news. Mr. Dui nip Phillips did hi" pert well as katchewan paper reeotels • happy event In which two young people from this district figure. the bride being a former Mt. Helens girl and the groom • former resident of %Vinghein : At Spy Hill, on Wednesday. Decetnher 17th, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Donald Rutherford. the marriage of Harry R. Day and Mil.' Elizaheth Rutherford, of Spy Hill. wa• solemn heed lo the reeence of A number of relative@ rine friends, the Rev. D .1. Scott, of Roranville, performing the ceremony. Very sweet and dainty looked the young bride in her pretty wedding gown as she entered the room on het father'. nem The voting couple's popularity was attestSNI in *rim eseseetire by the number of vtny ban, me and useful gifto and the beet ishes of Ow. whole rommunity will follow them to their new home in Kates hazy, whet to the groom iti on the teaching *toff of the It etoliogy publie MONDA 'V, Feb. Nth down for • month the table foctoty commenced operations again on Fete emery 2nd, with prospect' of • contin- uous run for some time The question of granting • pool roorn heense has been ehelved for another month by the council Messrs. Bell Dowse, who have been In tbe herdware business for the past two yeses, wee to diseolve partnership. Mr. Bell will continue in the business and the formal transfer will take plate early in Merck) Mr. Harry Tuc- ker le spending • couple of weeks with friend" et Poet Berwell ...Mr. R. W. Lord, of Weida roe Altri to. is spending his vacation at the home of Mr. John ()reborn ...Mr. and Niro Wee. McComb have returned to their home Lear Pelmerston after spend- ing two weeks with (ripe& here—. III. is now recoveii air. Olorence Agrir, who had been The leick- now Dramatic Cie is otioing • play. 'The Elleret Detective," in the town hall next Thursday evening. lock - now was isolated for several days Imo week by the stoppage of reilway tzar fie as the result of tile stormy west hei . .A very Interesting and inetructlye address on health topies was given by Dr. McNally, the district health 0M nor. in the town hall on Monday even- ing last. The lecture war illuetrated with moving pit -tures, which aided materially in reliving home the pointer made by the speaker. A011111COLTV RA II. Rocorry 1^, sal a direetoes as lam year. The allows Yeses ars : President. A. B. Melia, t Ira Oii•-,A.A\ .•164;-.-"'") ere teetworet menet MW JOHN LECKIE. PATRIOTISM4 PRONCTION The Empire's Call to Farmers "Approximately twenty million men have been mobilized in Europe. A large pro- portion of these have been wIthdrawa frcm tbe farms of the cc:mores at war. Even in several countries large numbers of (Doi rrodecces have been cz..Eed from the land to be ready for emergencies. It ia dieecult fcr us t3 roeize what v lll Le the effect on food pro- duction through the withdraeol of se -c .51 rere.on rren heel ell the great agricultural countries of Europe. Theze t—Ilicris co: t Le r• aducers, they have become consumers, —worse still, they have become deetro., -re of Lod." Britain must have food—food thi 3 yea:, and food next year. Britain is looking to Canada to supply most of that food. We are sending our surplus now, but we must prepare for a larger surplus this year and next year. Patriotism and Production must go hand in hand Because of this need of the Empire for more food, and the call to Canada in that need, the Canadian Depart - pmducts need•cl at this time. At these con - studied agricultural conditions and produc- tion throughout the world, and the best means of increasing agricul- tural production in Canada, -s% ill give valiiable information and suggestions to the farm- ers, live -Stock men, dairymen, poultrymen, •esetable growers, and other producers ian Department of Agriculture titles you to attend as many of these Con- ferences as possible, also to watch for other information cn the subject Piet will be given in other announcements in this newspaper. ATTEND YOUR ment of Agriculture has arranged for a series of Conferences throughout the Dominion with the cl:ject of giving suggestions as to the East *tante( increasing production of the pie:xi-Aar Put Energy into Production of Stage Foods Tlie Government does not ase farmers to work Larder, so much as it urges them to make their work more productive, and to produce those sool3 foods that the Empire most needs anti that can be most easily stored and transported. Europe, and particularly Britain, will need the-loilowiag staple foods from Canada more thei ever before: Wheat, oats, sore, beans, peas. fle.f. mutton. baron and ham. Cheese and butter. Canedian Department Of Ottawa, Canzti.la Poultry and tires- Vege:ables. Filch as potatoes. the larger t.e. of Clete fosd rraluots. the greater the .cer ize to the. Empire. Germany is tie last tett years has doubled the averege yield of the moj,wity of her field crops' Itrgety throi.o;h better seed, Caorough cultivate -in end es. of fertilizer. AO while tit areiee art busy petitt.:: down Get.nan Militar- ism, t us at le 7' • eperopriate tend methods for the Empire's Tett Government urges farmers, stockmen, dairymen and other roducers to make a wider nse of the Free !lunette' issued by the Canadian Depart- ment of Agriculture. Clip out, fiU in and mail the coupon below and get a list of these bulletins. Then select the bulletins that will be of valet" to you. Mail your coupon right now. Do not put a stamp on the envelope. Your coupon ill be "Oa His Majesty's Service." trl euelLiseeens Drench, Canadian Department of Agriculture, t: Ottawa. and did borne work in the Agriculturil need with the toeehold Loom and vines Co. as inspector and re - ermined with them until they wound up their business through amalgama- tion with other companies In 1900, when Mr. Leckie returned to Brussels in 1901 and has lived here since. He wag pit y year and Reeve a Grey for right continuous years. He was the first Reeve of Brunei. after incorporation in 1872 till Met and Warden of county of Hueon in 1876. Contested Note h Huron in Dominion election of 1874 against • former adveise majority of 503 anet woo defeated by 85 votes. He was valuator for tbe county of ,n for equ legation purpowe in 111ter and for the county of Perth two yearti later and made • valuation for the Minted Life Asaozietion Co. In Weotern Ontario. Elected Reeve of Brussels in 1907, which has been eon - time d since Is still repreeenting iteversl fire reentrance cotnpanire and valuator for loin compaeles. Ap- pcinted a J. P. uoder commission of the elcDonald-Sicotte Groserninemt In le59 or 18e0 and still • J. P. Member of Mationic Order for last fifty years. five yeers of age. The journey wee mule by Mamie Canal and Lake On tario to Hamilton, thence by stage to !, the Finger Post—where Seafcrth now rtands--and he arrived at the site cf Cranbrook on July 17th, 1854. Father, 1 mother and family followed in Oc- tober of t het year. Mr. Leckie helped elear the first thirty acres of leis I father.' farm. Iota 22 and 23, coneteel and went into Imsinens. First townies Ile hunt the fir d store In Cranhossok of goods was dated February 5th. 1 lie remained there in general at I business for eight years and wa• al 1 postmaster under tbe appointment of I for the lest four year' of that period. He erre • store in Hruseela (then Ainley le) in len 1.1 1 started buei• new t May let, It was a general • re and he alio bought grain and pees:lite* mold oat the Weiner in MO lend In IR77 got the Exchatipre Hank of Montresi to open • tresusch &rod was the manager and continued school. while they tatted, about two years. He then stoned private banking, coil - Uniting for about a year. Then be sold nut to the Ontario Bank and was manager for them until they closed in letel lie werit to the Nerthwest in Merl+, 16IB, and returned to Toronto in May, tent. to Oldie the burearehip of the Central Prienn for six month.. Changed from thot to the Moreau td Industrie. and reflected and compiled tbe fleet labor usbleo pubehted by the °Marin Government In pamphlet form ...J1749-----"OYALL1 YEAST MAKES PtIrFEcT MAD —4444k 11 fete -LW ; sinking fund. •727.17: .ink- ing tune (Kensington factory), $16, A cotomunic ition WAN read from the Doable Track all the Way Union of Canadi 4n Muniripelities, TORONTO —CHICAGO notifying the council that the Cena- dian Northern Hallway Co. had TORONTO— NONTRRAL applied for an extension of time fot the Higheet flan of Itowoomet tiodei ich and also from Niagara Valle to Goderthtee. It was sent to the stee- 1 I Witter Toors to California GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM THE TOWN COUNCIL Business Belore the Regular Meeting of tae Town Fathers. The town council convened on Fri- day evening with all the members The enlleetote 'planet, showing that Otteet0 of 1914 taxes were yet unpaid, and asking for extension of time until Mooch 15tn, was sent on to the finance committee The report of the flee chief woo pre. g enteel, showing that twelve alarms tied been sent in during the year, of which three were false and two were for practice only. A detailed Mete- ment of the personnel of the btigade sued its equipment wee given and the following recommendsUons made : That three new lenterno one axe and one cart of polish be purchased ; and cleat 400 feet more hose be bought. The fire t•ompany agreed to keep the fire hall in suitable condition ated asked that Se extra be allotted to their balmy grant. This was sent to the fl 'emitter.. elect' test inspector • report shotesd Hint 162 installations hal leen ' made during the year, of which ninety- ' eight were new and the remaining !thirty-four waa old Work put Into 'shops te meet Hydro requirements 'There were ten motors installei and fees collected amounted to filflt 7R. iThe repert wag sent on to the water, II ht and herhor committee Cm. engir.eor went In a report on the Elgin tavern's. sidewalk. 'bowleg (bat lit had not boon eompleted, aa Thomp- roa• d The report war swot tc the pub- lic works (100111lit Pe The following stotement from lbw I Union Rank showier* the funds to the !credit of the town was preeented arid ' tient no to the fineness. rommittes : I Lek. diseater fund. $258.21 : park* ins A letter from the Comedian Suffrage FLORIDA ANT) SUNNY SOUTH Amocietion was read, thanking the council for past interest and reeking rad Trais• Choice of Routes the members to sign a petition to he Low Fere.; Dow in effect tient to the Local Government striking For full wart'colarK eonsn't G.T.R. Ticket that body to amend the Municipal Ato t Aerate or write t. It. HORNING. tH•ttiot to give tbe rattle voting priViIrtie to Paemenerer Anent. Toronto. eters. Tt is was Pent to ihe special ger and Ticket Aireota. Phew. • U. H. Litt:D- olan-led women se to we -Iowa and spin- Ett. mute. Tut., „mt. now soh A letter front the seeretaty of the I fire e nnpany wits read stating that ' the following efficers had been elected: Chief, Wm. Thompson ; first officer, Wm. Tait ; second officer. Adam Thompson; secretly, 8. G.McKay, and aekieg that the fire committee 'newt with them at their next emptier meet- ing. It was sent on to the fire com- A request from the Bell Telephone Co. reeking permigeion to erect pole* on (Mulch street was sent to the public works committee A communication woe read from ing that they had paid out in connection ' with the 0.W.8.13.8. for advertising ' and taxes, $17e.86, of which the town • ' share wag MOO, and also had paid 1114) 56 for enpy of evidence and pro- ! oeedinge taken before the Railway ' Board, of which the town'. share was $48.ei. making • total of 11115.8e, and asking the council to dispotee of the comamttemriii..1.1 was sent to the finance Mr. A. Sneeze' Riede epplication for • license as billpoiner, foe which he was willing to pay116, •od milking that • distribuUng of patent medicine books or bill posting be ailowed by any °Weide persons unless they pay the town a license. It was gent oh to the special committee. A statement from the Paget Grain Door Do. was received In which they stated their view of thedifference the town. This was sent to the flo- reace committee. The flnance committee recom- mended Lhat account.. epproximee- engineer's esti/mese, and Ilk074, law costs; and %het a grant of $10 be paid The speoial committee recommended from Messrs. Black sod Mertin Bros., sit the cost of win each. The report Hamilton street Was present an I asked Wet more lights b• phse•d on that street. Wows W. 11. rimier, Dr. Emnierson and H. Feeler spoke r.a *Ole. t Moved by Conneillors Wish. and kleCli•ton that the matter he re- ferred to this water, light and harbor ennimIttee. Mooted In aseenement by • Councillor Moser. IMP "miffed by Deputy• • reeve Lalthwaite, that the request b., TORONTO MONTREAL Via lak• ()AAA* Strare Line - Feet time to Whitby, Oebewa, Howmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Trento'', etc. Particulars tram K granted. The Mayor ruled the amend - men. out or order, as no motion In- volving the expenditure of motley may be passed without first going to &com- Moved hy Reeve Rlitott. seconded by Councillor Moser. that the upper room of the town hall be repaired ace made eultable for the holding of pule lie aseetinets. Referred to public works committee been tinder the dernelon that a grant bad Men asked hod made to the poul- try shout, but as such wag mot the mew he presented a request for a grant. It wasatt, W the Amoco committee • wee submitted to the coon el? attending the preemie Intake. making proelehee for a iNts la tie. •stension to be erected to Use break - water Moved by Councillor Proud - foot, eeconded by Reeve HIliott, the plan be submitted to the Publie Works Deportment at OLtawai for tip - prove!. Cervied Mir Mayo. informed the sonneil tliost the froancht.• of the Bell Tele- phone Co. hied •zpitod. The molter was sent to the singled ColIMISIU se. Belays 7, A 0.101%14 11. being local read tele reqnir nemtver of times teed 1.1111.40eueeir then adjourned.