The Signal, 1915-1-28, Page 5t I) l
FaoYDAT, .la(evasT >•r 19l0, •
for Automobile, Motorcycle, Gasoline Engine and
Bicycle Repairs by fully qualified mechanics.
Skates sharpened, Is cents
o1 Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing
and Furnishings
at absolutely lower prices than you have to pay for
the same goods in any other cloth-
ing store in Goderich.
Boys' Tweed Suits
Age 3 to 8 years. To clear $1.19.
Men's Overalls
White. regular 50c, for 35c, or
3 pain for 81.00.
Boys' Ught-weight
to clear lie per garment.
Men's Socks
0 r.y or brown, regular Mc, to
dear 2 pairs for We
ri en's Buckskin Gloves
Lined and unlined, to clear at
89c or $1.00.
Men's Night Shirts
Regular $1.09, to elear 65e.
Men's Rubber Boots
high • grade, regular 84.51), to
clear 83.15.
O. not proving saristactory
Ma be exchanged or the money
--WE HAVE IT -And our prices are r ght.--
, Meassolled Water Pails, 10 qt. ..... .....
Iced Bance Pans, up from .........1
Iced Double Boilers, No. 53, for
Eliamrlled Dish Paos. good else
Enamelled Berlin style 'Kettles with lid..
Enamelled Preserving Kettles, in all sixes,
50, 20o41b
. ,0o
prices ranging
1 •o to SOS
We are moats for the world renowned "PANDORA !CANOE."
made bythe largest stove manufacturer in the .Brit lab Empire. A
card wil bring you literature on same or we will be pleased to show
you and explain their good qualities in our show room.
Dowell Hardware Co., Ltd.
W.F. NOW at Porto
We have .ee.ivesd a sppeader y of Tbs
Oerules , whish is note
..sue riej sod taiin ens manaReat+ant
•f111r. W. P. N .1 t el. w►,r same years
a go watered •te'u loarealiseis work
►s • member of Die Mosel *ME. The
l' .aster in Mr. :r•flels ►•alis is •
Uve, newsy paper, sad we predict true•
ems foe the new rn•n•Remse(. Dur-
ghl. teewith The Signal Mr
h.1 term proved ldaseelf • careful, eos-
seleat1o0. wester. with • Mewled
t for our MO& nod siege leati-
les bM Wagged Ms es-
speadlag several years
la elt+r juuraalism
Tripped the Light Fantastic.
Tb. large banquet ball of the M.-
sosIs Temple presented an animated
mace oa Monday evening when
about 1110 of the youog people of the
town gathered for Use enjoyment of •
dance. The member of the Black-
stone Orchestra were the moving
spirits who mads the arrangement•
and Slued the Invitations, and it wee
to the strains of music provided by
that notable company of musiolaas
that the dancers tripped lightly over
the polished floor. Many of those
present were delutantee who had
been receiving instruction in the
graceful art of dancing at the classes
opndoeted by the before -mentioned
. Usioiane. That the evenings en-
tertainment was thoroughly enjoyed
by every icipnot is a very trite re-
mark. a closing of the hall at 12.30
1. a good innovation and will remove
me of the objectlooable features of
the modern dance.
Rebskahs et Work.
The annual installation of officers
of Rebekah Lodge No. 89 was held on
Tueeday evening, January alb. when
Mts. Jas. Thomas. District Deputy
President. presided as the following
were installed in their respective
oMem : Noble Grand, Mies Edith
Campbell: Vice Grand, Mrs. Thos.
Swart.; recording secretary, Mrs.
Harry Martin; enancial secretary.
Mise Nina Tait; treasurer. Mies
Elisabeth Gibson. On Monday, the
11th inst.. the following. as an instal-
latlos team, went to Seaforth, where
they officiated at the io.tellation of
oaken there, and were royally enter-
; Mined by the ladies of that lodge :
Mrs. Thomas, Miss Emma Campbell,
]ties Kate (Sundry, Mrs. Harry
Martin, Miss Nina Tait, Mies E. (Sib -
sae. Mrs. H. Edward, and Mrs. John
Robertson. Wednesday evening of
last week the ,.we team paid a WWI
to the Hessen lodge on • similar
lir which W. Akebstet and A. 0. le Knox obureb vestry on MeniY,
Fisher were the other mrsekdaes. February let, at 9 p. so. Mssldw {ate
With ose esaepi.s, when Mr. W. T. tesulas beams* the subject of eon -
Sharpe took dares. Mine Lew Elliott
Was the accompanist ip► the entire
program and able 'tweeted her duties
to the perfect sasin1actiou of the audi-
ence. Mr. Frank Smith, the director,
isesrves a word of eomtoeodatioo for
Me perfect control be dboleyed and
the high elan of music attempted and
achieves. The anangtsse of the stage
appealed to the patriotism of ■11 pres-
ent and new a credit to those in charge
of the detoratiooe.
y y4t
rebus the wares, and PrWaso
neem -1 , at Mg Des. we alt 7w wanMae ner ens
ti,t`..k...m cit td -
Don't forget the social wader the
auspices of the Rebekah Lodge on
Tbueeday. Februar 11. b, for the re-
lief of the poor of tb town.
Absolutely pure, therefore the best--
Blaehatone's (laicinu+ ice cream of
hupetior walls y in hulk or fancy
bricks. Orders delivered. Phone S -
While engaged at bid work at the
elevator last Saturday, Jimmy Videan
became entangled in the shafting, and
before he was released his left arm
was twice broken above the elbow.
He is doing as well a► c tuld be ex-
The regular monthly meeting of the
Goderich branch of the Women's In -
atheist will be bald at the home of
Mrs, 0. M Elliott 00 Thursday,Feb-
ruary 4th, at 3 p.m. The tubct for
the afternoon is "Spring Mewing."
D•monslration-cutting and fitting,
with exchange of patterns.
Mrs. Gunder, sr., is In receipt of an
acknowled}tmeot from Mr. H. Prod'-
bomme, of Montreal, treasurer of the
Belgian relief fund. of four quilts std
a blanket that she had prepared for
the distressed Belgians. Mts. Gundry
has been active in good works
throughout a useful life, and her sym-
pathy with the stricken people of Bel-
gium is shown in characteristically
practical fashion.
Public School Board
The inaugural meeting of the public
school board was held In the bon rd room
of Wednesday, January . Tbs.
first order of business was chs elect-
ing of a chairman for the year 1915.
Mr. R. J. Acheson received the ap-
pointment. The following committees
were appointed t Contingent -A. D.
McLean, O. L. Parsons, J. W. Craigie.
Finance -0. L. Parsons, R. 11. Cutt,
R. E. Hodggeens. School Management
-Dr. Sallow, A. D. McLean'. Alex.
&tenders. Orounde-J. W. Ceaigie,
H. E. Hodgear, Dr. (Sallow. First
named on each committee is to act as
chairman. The following appoint-
ments were made: To the Collegiate
institute board, Dr. Macklin ; to the
public library board, H. R. Long ; to
the high school entrance board, H. R.
Long. The meetings of- the board
will he held on the fret Monday of
each month at ti o'clock p. ni., as
Oddfellows' installation.
The installatioo of officers of Huron
, N--.. -w ++- a+• ..-.- ' Lodge, Nn. 02, I. 0. 0. F.. took place
on Moody evening, when District
Deputy Grand Master McKay and in-
stalling gull, of Hensse, ware present
and rhe following were io ot-
flee : I. P. 0.. Normae MacAulay ; N.
1 0., L L. Knox ; V. 0.. B C. Mun-
ninga; treasurer, 0. C. Whitely;
financial secretary. W. F. Clark ; re-
cording secretory. .1. W. Newcombe ;
warden. Louis Elliott ; R. 8. N.
rat •
tit on L. 8. 1Q
Johnston; R. 8. V. 0.. W. R. Pinder
L. 8. V. O., Harry Hunt; conductor,
1 have • number of nerds of good Hard Wood
for ale, also • quantity of ?Sized Wood. 1)
Phone or call for prices, delivered at your
home. -
Geo, Fisher : chaplain, Thos. Wallis ;
R. 8. 8.. A. 0. Nisbet ; L. 8. 8., Harry
McOreat.h ; 1. O., Herbert Jane; 0.0
RMOM< NO. rte• HAeULTous Smarr St Robert Turner. Atter the installation
an adjour"lneot was made to the ban-
quer room. where a generou+ spread
!--+-- M N- _ "_"'^"-® was speedily disppaatched by the mem-
- bees of the lodge and their guest...
Tnasts and tentimente were offered,
!kindly send them as soon as poeslble . ibat to "Our King" being responded
Ito Miss Mallough, Napier street P • i leo by Messrs. ?dunning", Strang and
1 Addi.,i mal donations; Mrs. Mac- , Vanatter, and that to "Our Order" by
starts; Mr
Mars, Mies May Stoddart, Mies Dickson, D.D 0.M McKay. The lodge bas had a
IMrs. Tom, Mise Dark. one scarf each ; succeeded year and the evening was a
Mrs. Ooldt.rpetw2 s Arm happy augury for the year upon which
stiong Mies Lewin, One hos mob ; it has launched. Harry Kdwatdr gave
Mrs. Bur rift, four pairs weiste . ; mi...,i gore' elitist/action as caterer.
1 Alex. Sterling 1C.dhorne), air one pAn All-round Success.
t wrlsters ; Victoria scbnd, one pais
, wristere ; Mrs Luecowbe Mts, H. J.1 The concert given on Tuesday even-
. Macitsan, onescarf eeebf lissBor•ritt. Ing by the Stewart Orchestra woe In
two Daps. 1 every way worthy of the full hope
The following are extracts from athat greeted it. From the rise of the
letter time Col. Htdgetts, Oanadian; cuttal0 a few minutes after 8 o'el.'ck.
Red Crs enmwis.ioner In London, until the playing of the National
1 England •- I Aothem at 11 there was not it dull
,As to Rol Cru -s o.pplies 1 would; moment throughout the whole pto-
simply say that of ihosesent with the (tram. the talent employed le till
a SUM W. ena.'L contingent. which have been used, you' well known to call for a der tile.'
will have reorivsd cot. Maclwresee deecriptlon of the various .ulanera.
report. if it had not bees kir thetas, The selections by the catchment were
stem the Bulford hospital would eathistaaolcAlly encored and fully Be-
have been In sore distress. Canadian served the onnimendatIon they re-
supplies are very similar to those 1 reeved. The handbell selections given
raw in the store bonne of the Brlthuh by Mr. A C. Fisher, "of Hamilton,
Red Cruse ' found great favor with the audi-nce
"In reply to your inquiry re (berme and Mr. Fisher had to give a second
-Mr. A. Hislop, of Brussels, was in
town on Wednesday.
- Miss Helen Little left today to
visit relatives at Stayner.
-Rev. Fetter O'Neill, of Parkhill.
w,s a visitor in town this week.
-Mrs. Ellen Follows leaven today
Yn a two months' visit W friends at
- Mrs. J. 8. Platt is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. A. Downing, at
- Mio.Chas. Pennington, who under-
went a serious operation at Alexandra
hospital last week, Is progressing vet y
favot ably .
-We are glad to see Dr. Holmes,
the county treasurer, back again in
bit office after the accident which laid
him off (or a few weeks.
- Bettie Clerk (Michigan) News :
Mies Lizzie Stewart, of (ioderirh, Ont.,
is the guest of lir. and Mrs. 11. J.
Hogarth, 14 Magnolia avenue.
- Councillor Hugh $fll, of Colborne.
is a patient at Alexandra hospital,
having an attack of typhoid fever.
He is getting along steely and will
moon be able to be about.
-Mr. R. Y. Cox, of Porter's Hill, and
Mrs. Robt. Elliott, of Goderich, have
returned from Kincardine, where
they at'ended the funeral of their
aunt, Mrs. John Davisoo.
- Rev. W. H. Wrighton is in Tiv-
erton this week conducting a series of
revival servitor at the Baptist church
there. Mrs. Wrighton accompanied
her husband and theywill be absent
from town for two weeks.
The y esbnowledges with
miry s eoatributions of snake
free( following ladle"; Mrs. TM -
bot{, 4 mire : A Prised, 4 pain : Mrs.
$ pairs t Mss. McCarthy and Mrs.
ee.kle two each tMrs. Geo.
Melts : B all imams seed the woven selection at each appearanee to satisfy
belts of different elms. They are tar i Its demands. The hnmoroue numbers
more salletfactrwy than the hand -1 put no by air. Witmer bad an sppiecl-
knitted, and the flannel ars not se.' alive hearing and drew forth repeated
rentable to the moo. apPlaaee• Y1.. Hltdrrd M(C.4 , of
"1 am rmw in close Leech with bnih 'cruet. who seedy no introduction to
the RdUeh Red Cross and the 8t. the Pee*P1 cif Ond vich as a vont *nic-
k*, Ambulance Association, mod 1 Bela waste perfect veins and delighted
attend the meetings of iwotlri 00m-1 AK wseveral ermor t 1,
vent/Woo will be " the Jews and
the Ladies' Mlssiunary Society 01
Victoria street Methodist church raid
MI tea et "Lakeside," the home of Mr.
and Mts. 0 M. Elliott.. on Thursday 01
lest week. After supper a program ai
sotgs. reed ines and iastromental
music was enjoyed. A particularly
pleasing item was a solo by little
Donald Buchanan, who is nos yet fear
year. old Upwards of dtty were
present and • most enjoyable evening
was spent.
A happy, useful and honorable lite
came to an end oo Tuesday, January
Oath, when the spirit of Mrs. Wm.
Holland patwed to Its reward. Mn.
Holland, .chow maiden name wag
Lydia Morris, was the daughter of the
late John Morris, one of the pioneers
of this section of the country. Sbe
was born in Colborne township on
August Ind, 1851, and spent the yea's
of her girlhood theme. On December t
19th, 1877, she was tutu" Bed to William
Holland. of A,hfleld. After a few
yesars rrsideuce in that township, _ -
where their only child, Laura, died,
Successful Candidates for Certificates in
"First Aid."
Classes in "first ail" base been con-
ducted for some time by Dr. W. F.
Oallow, under tlr- auspices of the St.
John A,nhu!ance Association. and the
following candidates have been suc-
mewbrr. She ale, was a faithful aft- ces,ful in the ex twination for ere ifl-
cer of the local W.C.T.U. and a mew- cat's :
her of the Wpmeo's Institute. Her CLlan N0. 1.-LAI.'ti» ni BLit cLwrw. et,
illness extended over a lengthened
pei iod and she bore her sulet ings t I/TURI.t aTnr.}cr curfew
with overt patience and fortitude and Kiel Asir mark orbs Margaret klettad
left l.rhind a beautiful test moov of T(;race Hotrr•,rth MNs asa{e wd-on
Mos Id* Mclnod YM arlal
faith and trust in Cotist. She leases mai Maud M111tau Mae Hate Gundry
to mourn her lues an aged aunt, Mts.
Wiii. (item, of town; two sister,
Mn. Clifford of B antfo,d„ and Mrs.
Beck, of Toronto ; one brother, Harry
J. Morrie, of t two ; a brother-in-law,
Jas. Hull ind, of town, an i a number
of nieces ani nephews. The funeral
took plaice on Thursday last to Duo -
tended. The services were c. nlucted Y1... r.'lare Re)uold-
Certificates will be forwarded from
headquarters to due time.
B \II{
See prompt leder
aro* Woe Bast
sl Canada Bridle
When you ship your fruits,
`rain, livestock or any other
produce, ensure prompt payment by putting through a Utdo• 8ttlflit
of Canada Draft on the Consignee. This Is the business -die
way, and will lave you delayed payments and sometimes km
cost is trifling --see the Manager about H.
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
F. W. Robinson, A.R.C.O.
r KM. Ural oY
Plaseleric, Orta. sad Sinner
SIMM ever Tamara's Mak Stews
noDtal('It ort T.twlo
shout twentyyears ego they n,uved to
Goderich, were she resided until her
death. Mr. Holland predeceased her
just thirteen month►. Sbe was a
woman of a cheerful. neigh, gener-
ous disposition and made h..ets ort
friend... Besides "looking w. I1 iu the
ways of bee household." .Ire wan one
of the most efficient and active
workers of North .troxt Methoiist
church, of which she was A consistent
--Mr. Albert Hudson, of Hespeler,
who will be remembered aa foreman
of the cabinet department of the
Kensington furniture factory, has
been awarded a prise h the pub-
lishers of The Canadian by
for an essay on "The Veneer Room
and its Equipment." Phe contest was
open to all woodworkers in Canada.
- Clinton N
ewe -Record : Mr. Wm.
Campbell, of Oodericb, who was ac-
companied by Mr. H. J. A. MacEwen,
was in town yesterday on his way
home from Wineteen. The veteran
was looking so spry es to cause an old
blend to remark, "Really, i can't see
that he has changed very much in the
last eighteen years."
-Theulenv old friends in Goderich
of Mr. J. A. McLaren. of the firm of
McLaren & Dallis. wholesale shoe
dealers, Toronto, will regret to learn
that he has been confined to bed for
about six weeks with heart trouble,
and his condition is such that it will
probablybe several .weeks yet before
be will able to return to usiness.
Weeds. ides. lawte Rester. Miss Wive minters. 1 jr. J. F. Thomann iwaier el tan raid
Foster, !Liss Porter, Mrs. Hinds seed "Will you kindly *messy to the t♦troritA Is M st ). : "We11 Never
Thew 1!sm. 1 sae'. people et fJ.aada my tbanb foe the Let twit 01d ma 'fa11 " strd •'Tie Romps
time M as sethle msec medial ler ewmow R M 01/4_,_01•._._111,14,_, ked the OM Belgade i the last maw -
tree torn sesta The appeal work_ w to tr(Mond berg .deet M wbleh Mira Me-
et rape term Dai Like _Nebseer i w.tek lees W l ane aasieted. A welmsme addition to
Ma snobs aro •sited Mr. and mace mtpp m- seta stW mese.' awl d the eetwtalnere was
MM er ltiels.. _mow a enemy sIM wear ssppYea pranss of Mr. F. Psatbexetese, a
bnd/i m w MIst7 t y tar- • Deapt Marius( the DROWN* d Om- seetlikMw et este d the real -
thew ed **many ' - aaM Qlttll•aWee Rd tercets bttlipltel. Meese sew lee Wanks* et 'percreta,
a* et etch• w Mees If we get /M suppers it will wltt.l► red M w*/mswW full Ince
Miss Nettle Green :Mise Meanie ttwlkrld
Miss May Mr L.od Nia- Irene Salkeld
Mir dadle lista Misr Vtelet Lalthw.Ite
Mr,. Chulea Young lits. }tsleoa Itedtem
('Ltrttl No. It. --tie: YIt.tL IuRUCtat a 11.t1, -
TER, 1. U. D. K.
Miss .torn. Saoude - Ube Evelyn Mao:oaald
MDs. J.dMBaundeot 1/1.04( atherine Lew'+
gelation cewetet y and was largely at- Mir lean Walton Mie. Phylli. !taker
by Rev. Messrs. Fotheringbam and
Hager. The pall -bearers were Messy.
Howell, Dinsmore, Matthew Bates,
(Savin (Steen, W. H Graham and J.
W. Vanatter. There were a number
of beaulifnl floral offerings, including
a handsome wreath from relatives in
Buffalo, N.Y.
The ladies' to attar mentioned i n our
last issue again met in battle array on
WVedoesdey afternoon, when the
"Colt*" again proved themselves the
MRB. A C. TIFFIN. superior battery. They managed to
Mu. Frances Tiffin, wife of Rev. A. puncture their opp.ue•ts net three
C. rano, of Dresden. died in the tunes, while the'•Heroiues" were uu-'
Methodist pusonage in that town on able to get a root home ,at a11. The
Wednesday, January 13. A brief but personnel of the teams was preetically
impressive service was conducted in the same. but the ponition of the
the parsonage there on the afternoon players was slightly vatied.
of Thursday, January 14, and was Two teams known as the Huron'
largely attended by the people of the Road Wolves and Jerzy Farr's Fresh -
town, the resident minister and the men met for battle on Tuesday even -
ministers of Chatham dt.trl:t. The ing and put up a very decent exhibi-
remains were then conveyed to London I tion of junior Docker. Ths teems'
and the funeral was held from the Wel- I were Icy no means well watched, the
Ungton street Methodist parsonage on Wolves being much the heavier, but 1
Friday afternoon, the services being ' the Freshmen had t he greater speed in line with the repetatiou that the
Rev. J. T. Kirkwood, of Tiverton,
trill peach in the Baptist church
morning and evening on Sunday
Tire annual meeting of the Baptist
church was held on Wednesday even-
ing M last week. The ladles provided
stepper in the ha.ement, at which a
goodly number were present The
'motes from the various organiza-
tions connected with the church were
very .000ureging to the member.
The financial statement showed that,
with the exception of the mort}rage
indebtedness, all ex had been
paid and a email ha asses left is the
treasury. All the ofllcere of the pre-
vious ye.r were ie -elected and addi-
tions we.. made to_ the musical and
ttn.'stonary e.tnirnittees. During the
year there had been an inertiaee In
whership and t he average attend-
tN[kt let the servi.•es wad the best In
.hutch's hi..on•.
Specialtie S
at the
\Ve have still some very spec-
ial values to offer in our
Crockery Departmeut. The
reduction offered (luring the
December sale still holds
good. As it will be impos--
sible to obtain some of these
choice pieces in the future it
is to your interest- to pay us
a visit now.
Ln this' department we have
,just received a fresh consign-
ment of Pure Home-made
Maple Syrup, the Product of
1314 This is a real good ar-
ticle, also a fresh shipment of
White Clover Honey which
we can recommend.
S.J. Young
Hamilton Ntr se.
in charge of Rev. 0. N. Hazen, presi-
dent of the London Conference. The
bereaved husband is a son of Mr John
Tiffin, of Goderich. Mr. Timn's
brut her, J. J. Tiffin, and w ifs, of Oode-
s ich, owl his two sisters, tate Misses
Tiffin, of 8t. 1liowas, and brother-in-
law, Joseph Taylor, of Galt, were
among those present at the funeral.
Many.winistere, including the follow-
ing, pat ticipated in the services:
Revs. W. O. H McAllister, of Exeter,
ex -president of the London Gooter-
ence, R. G. Garbutt and J. 8. Fisher,
In the first half each team scored' Stone Town carries for rowdyism in
once, but in the concluding pet nail the sport. The score was St. Marys I'".
Wol s shut their opponents nut (ioderich 7.
while ah -v scored two for thents•lves. At'S .forth 00 Tueaday night (iode-
"Plug" McDonald ha..dled the bell rich was up against a team that so far,
Town Hockey League Organized bas nut lost a game this season. '1'h(±'
boys put up a splendid gator. and at
The orga-iization of tb'• Town Hockey the end of the find period, when the
League h. now been co'upleteif, with score was 3-2 in favor of b$eaforth, it
the following' executive eowmittee: h.cke1 like re pretty even thing. Sea:
Convener, J Nairn ; secretary, A. M forth, however, carne heck with great
Robert son ; representatives• L )rne combination work and put it over the
Young, 1. Davidson,.M.
1_'an'. Rnhinwn. boys from this town, the final score
H. on, M. (ialtwill. There bring Seafotth 1r., licxietich 3. Snasel
of Lambeth, T. W. Covens, of London, are five teams In the l,P•igue : G (' 1.. tended the (io.tlerich tort and filled
and John Mahan, of Tall.otville Vety Irequnis. 00 lerish Township, Canoe the Lill in g0wd style, or the score
appropriate addresses were given by
two old friends of the deceased, Rev.
John Holmes, of Lambeth, and Rev
D. N. McCamus, of London. The pall-
bearer's were : Revs. tieorge Jewett,
of Blyth: R. H. Batnby, of Lucie; J.
E. Holmes of Kid etowo : J. E. J.
Minya' d, 8. A. Anderson and H. A.
0raham, of London. The deceased
lady was greatly lovtd h those who
knew her, as was shown by the large
attendance at the funeral, not only of
Mr. Tiffin's ninteterisl brethren but of
the people among whore she had
labored with ber husband in past
year. Two sons, Beverly and Hobert,
and one daughter, Gretta, survive.
Canadian Pacific Train Service Be-
tween Toronto. Montreal and Ottawa.
Attention is called to excellent was called for Moudnc evening and course (i„derich wdl try to tusk.
real nervier from Caned to Mont- was between the Canoe ('bah Anti `break in the t' when they play
real andNi.Ot2 le via Canadian Pacific. Gedel ich Township teams The st t le i heir Friday, evening. This will be
Train Jh. 211, .40ps Toro y. mei i.. P
Station at 11.M} p. m. daily, oc•rt i.e of be.ckey left much morn for iw- the 1 tat schrduhrl game 31 the .encore
electric -lighted sleepers. compartment
observation car from Toronto to Mon-
treal, and Toronto to Ottawa This
train rune via Lake Ontario Shore
Line, due Montreal S.55 a. no daily.
the Ottawa 'deeper art iring in Ottawa
7.'2.' a t1 . deity. 'Nmoking it permit-
ted in the lounge or observation
room of the buffet library' observation
compartment car Toronto to Montreal
and a 1 tu.gcmenls have Leen made
whereby pun tees on this car will press
riot lies fur paasengere at very mown -
able char/es
firing the last bight t.'( sin (tutu Tor
onto for Montreal and <Jatawa, 0 gives
the travelling public it opport.tnity
Club and Marine Club. The f,dlowing 1 against Undo ich would have been a
schedule has been arranged: 'groat deal bigger than it was. The
Jan 25-,C snue Club vs ti..derieh Tp. teams were :
27- Marine Club vs 0. C 1.
Feb 1 Canto CIui, vs Irnquoia
W. 8mazr
., 3-Ooderieh Tp. vs O. C. I l goal Mc(ieoch
" 8-Irox lois vs Marine Club. 0 Smith 1st defence Hays
" 12--(i. C. I. vs Canoe Club. H. Belcher 'god defence Reid
" 15-Goderich Tp, re masint. ('luh, ! A Chisholm centre T. Diet
o 19 -Iroquois, vs (;. U. i . E Pridhau) rover iog O. Dick
'_2 --('anon Club vs Marine ('luh. • W Buchanan -
" 20-G"d-rich'I'p. vs Irquoit. J Wig411 .s
1 wing flout
The games contriteness sharp at 7 Referee--Tackalerry, Toronto.
To'clock. Mears. H. H..lche•r. 1). i Seaforth has the district champion -
endF ou. J. V.ggins. B. 1 er em .itip nAlled down and aiotterel' wishes
and F Megane will las the referee+. (Detre well in their contests with other
Encourage the boss by turning out in district w nners. They ate fast and
force and "routing" for your need res. clever player•, and a fine gentlemanly
The smell fry of Nk•. it .•harped fur lot of omen. too,, and they deserve the
admittance to the ¢awns • suceew they have haJ. They have
The first gamic in lie Town League I not lost a game this sear"n : but o1
liay. N. O. P„weit will prea.•h nett
Monday morning in Victoria street
church. He la the manly temper-
ance secretary and will diem,* ,.,me
phase of the social nrrriee work of the
eburebes The pastor will preach in
the evening. Muhj.nt : "Things which
Accompany Salvation." Adult BOhie
class is the afternoon ; all welcome.
R., J. E. Ford, of Victoria street
Meth/elide ehverb. will preach at
tdortb ►trust M -trashier church next
Woodsy morning . Bev. B. 0. Powell,
of Exeter, will preeeb in the overdue.
provetuent: each men played hie own
game. The final score wan in favor
of the l'an• ss tint(,'.-') 1 )wing to an
irregularity in registration the game
will not he 4'ousted in th•• API 111•1 hast
will b. played •grin at sonic futme
date 1),r:wasreferee.
The Town brawn.• genic played on
.Inestiay eve -rein¢ result re
whitewash for the Maines ('huh ad•
ministered be the (i. 1'. 1. team to the
time of t 11. 1`be Mat-,ne+ were by far
the heavier team, bat entirely lacked
Die combination and checking anility
displayed ♦y the etudenta. Mait-
land. Prkib►m the students' goal-
keeper. was the star of the evening
of spending the entire evening with and gives pre se of becoming a first-
families or enable* them to at rete hoekev (damper. The cleat" of
in Gude' ich and there should tie s l tr
termitic to see • lively gauze.
Thursday night Seafotth took the
game from Stretford on Mullion! t, .
`Score 7 0.
At New liawhurg Tuesday the home
team defeated St. Marys 10 to t1,
\V I in • The dist' ict record :
lead the theatre and other places of hockey all t rough the gauze was het -
amusement and still have plenty of
times to take the trait. Sleepers are
pieced for occupxaey at 1tl00 p. m. at
Toronto Union Sistine. enabling pas-
senger* who so desire to retire at that
Dining car is attached at itb's
Falls ru.wning. serving break-
fast itlo Muntreel, so that hudaeas
men (nay pro.orai direr( M their
offices or appoint umretti immediately
os arlesll
Tb. Canadian limited No :let via
Lake Ontario Share nine route leaves
tor -onto daily 0.(11) • m for Montreal,
corm eetk n at Smith's Falb for
Ott awe, stopping ■t important places,
.asrrying o,rrserva' WT parlor ear, dire
Ina ear, and first and second -claw
PalliruLars from any Oenadian
tsr teas $s usually .buawu by junior
teams. The line-up wee
Marine Clete G. C. 1.
.1 t)reig goal M. Pridham
1:. McDonald 1 defence H. Buchanan
N Davidson 2 detente R Lu by
l'. Nwuu rover R. CI k
.1. Felker eentrtt R. N,.
F Thompson r wing W. Ranh
E. Young 1 wing M Relkwell
Referee• Jack VVigginr.
0. N. A inesrmedute Serres.
Onderich wae away from home twice
the past week -at let. Marys Friday
and et Seeforth on Tuesday -and lost
bnth ge•saa. The 8t. Marys team,
who were decent) Treated in Ode -
rich. returned evil for good by pottis
op a variety of dirty sticks on theft
visitors from Ooderkh. The boys are
Nettie ticket agent., oe write M. O. not caqueeling encu( losing the game,
Won Into To Ploy
?3rafnrth 11 11
Onderich 3
St. Marys 3
Stratford 3 4
New Hamhurg 1 5
lit nstssaAgent. hist the tell creme thins about what
alk mat ire chi ti.jba ante 11 Md le haft- aeeslwr dsaMirM.oe ten 1,M bagpipe The seat rrguls►r meeting of the Murphy, District Passenger A!i Y g
pods, IIIMINNA lg tfks owl" l.wd. 110 die Is lied. as •s Steil stn aatbllet r nsandslls trice Mtalsteriel Association will be held Toronto. happened at 8L Marys that are right
- - f• tam MIMS Mee be aces plaid soil kilts, and gave a
3. 2
Twcssrrar• Ja •. P.
NV hest. per bu-h ..... .......8 1.11 tg it I. Ll
.0 to ..:
nee- per bmh AI to .0
1..-a.. al. p ver Mesh ..... 1.34 to I .'
er bask -
Hu111 per par eon. .... ..... At to .rt
leer. fa-lly. pet cwt
r. parent. per ewt
1 y o t3i
tn1 a 1,-
r4. per toe wan to Ilan
H.y, yes moa *4)5 to 14.4
gpww, isusw res to.. ......... . 1.31t 174
i t
Ater pent
(rs.a. (tar d•. .. .. ..... .al to re
sins.. ese .s to >b
.1s to 1.9
l N nor.. hots-. per err( t►9n to 1
1_Mt a.It trsrs, m Alum. " " 3.l. to s•.
.leve wN.lttopt r 7.0 to
u.aA Sas
* h
r -*wt lar to l.«
,e .1yy1
.MM ..;
Pyrite,. jar Il . .
1pplitieltews, i.etf
TertuitrM rai AA.
-Marian Was, jr.,loft n0 Monday
for Port Huron, where' he has taken a
position in a machine 'bop.