The Signal, 1915-1-28, Page 4i • ifoomom-Uneasy a too
in the tinsnrithiog line incense
we do all work to the setisfsc-
tion of the customer, no mat-
ter how much time and trouble
k lake..
gutter'., cornice, etc.. require
repeating or renewing. hove
us call and tell you how little
it will cost to have the work
done and done right.
Fred Hunt
llama/oft Streete 5 Phone 135
-3 E
3 That will wear F
J. H. McClinton F
]�11fNf1!TT!1!'NT!I�T.. in Waterioo wwnBtf Me.',d.
Richard wd Albert Good, of Goderieb,
Tatriaan.AT. Jan. !t►.
LAvaio Loaun.-St•U.g M tb•
order of the evening bees Mr.
Harry Wolk',, at Mt n
=rat visiting bi.�e��. J. Welke..
bMesr+s MM Katy H. Mc[ea.b
bas Rose to Montreal to visit Meade
thele J Jastlesea a boy Getting
wood la his bush with the saw and
engine Mrs. K. J. M.[waie and
daughter Anal. have returned home
after spending a week with Mande la
MONDAY, Jan. Idth.
Norse. -Mr. sod Mr.. Albert Rut-
ledge, of St. ThIo�ma,a��s. and the Misses
Rutledge. of H Ste. Marin, .re
visiting at Mr. Hall Mutisisa's•..T e
Masse Bennett, of oodsrelek, vMriyd
Mrs. John B1•ir last week. '!!a
Ladies Aid Society Ines* et tie home
of Mrs. John Cos. 1Meeday, January
28tb Mr. R. Y. Cox west to Sia -
centime on Monde to attend the
funeral of his stunt, Ike.
MONDAY, Jas. Mb.
Mies )firma Mow, of Goderieb. Mutat
the week -end visiting hire.
Miss M. O'Connor. of Detroit, ls
visiting under the parental root.
Edward Milton entmrteined • num-
ber of his gentlem.o friends teat
Thursday evening.
Mr. Denis Sullivan, of Loudon, is
visiting bis daughter, Mrs. Edward
Foley. and friends beret.
The news of the death of Mr. Deals
Hurley. of Denser, re•.bed here last
week. brewed was well known
The remains of the late Peter Gunn
were interred in Colborn. R. C. cem-
etery on Friday .if last week. De-
ceased was a brother of Thos. Gunn
and Mrs. William Leans.
TVgaoAT,, Jen. Si
EvAm l u..►t. l'Htracu.-Tee week-
night me.tiegs of the special services
in the gran/relic& chards which have
been in progree for the last two weeks
were brought to • clow last Sunday
evening. but the pastor ezpecta the.
revival spirit to continue. The regu-
lar Sunday services. following these
revival mooting.. are to be of an evan-
gelistic nature. These revival meet-
ings proved to be of much blessing•
Christian. were brought closer to God,
while a Dumber of others bowed at
the altar and found paedos.
MAITLAND CuNcrauuox Nvrgs:-Miss
Mabel Grigg hay returned from a five
weeks' visit with ber cousin, Miss Ruby
Young. at Loyal ,Miss D. Walters
spent lest week .1 the boom of Mrs. J.
Allio Mies Clara Copp spent the
weekend at ber home in Blyth
Mrs. P. Fuber spent 8u.4sy with
friends to Blyth and vicinity Mr.
Emri Snyder is visiting with friends
MacEwen Esttltc
exclusive agents for
for Goderich and District
Egg Coal, $7.75
Stove and Chestnut,
per ton
Any quantity teat all Maple
Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
TELEPHONES, of ice 9t
residence riser 611
Clinton School of
Re -opens January 5th, 1915
Canada and Canadians will have
their Big Opportunity commercial-
ly at the doer of the present war.
Prepare yourself to veep thio Op-
portunity and with it your .ucces..
Courses :--141 enographir, Commer-
cial, Civil Mervicr and Farmer's.
To those who nee unable to become
remitter attendants lessons will be
given try correspondence.
(lime. in any course or subject,
Tuesday and Thuredav,
7:20 to 9:30
spent some toms with friends on the
line last week We under.t.nd
Mr. A. Mugford has purchased N.
Johns form on the 4th oonoeeloa,
having disposed el bis own to Mr.
Robs. Me(Sabe Mr. sad Mrs. H.
Foister. of Buffalo. are viaitisg at
the home of Mr. W. B. Forster this
week .....„Mise Mabel Snyder is stay-
ing witb Minis (JUlintoo ibis week
Mo'iAY. Jan. lith.
Miss Opium Clark is visilirg at
Sr Jas. Hyde returned from New
Ostarb lost Thursday.
The Rifle Club will bold their an•
mud meeting is 8L Helens on Thurs.
ds evening, the Pith.
Mr. George Hibben, who has en-
listed la the third contingent, will
Move ten Lawless in • week.
A • Literary Society was organised
in 81.' Helene last Friday night. The
first meeting will be beki in the hall
on Friday, the 22nd. Come and join.
Fifteen ovum will make you • mem-
The Jasu.ry meeting of the
tt•oroes's Institute of tet. Helena will
be held at the home of Mrs. George
Webb on Thursday, the 2alh. at 2 31
o'clock . Suhjecti : "Huueshold Ef-
licleney," "Mune--iis Value in the
Home ;" 11.41 Call ; " I h,n'm for the
Kitchen ;" lineation Drawer, music,
PritLJc LIBRARY. -Theannual meet-
ing of the public library was held on
M.wdey evening. The following
officers were elected : President,
Ile,. W. Mackintosh ; vice-president,
1) McKenzie ; treasurer. W. E.
(Jordon; .ecretary, , T. B. Taylor;
librarian, Mies 0o1e1141 Clark ; di-
rectory. Mn. W. 1. Miller. Mies M.
Murray, Mn. W. E. Gordon, Mrs.
Clare, Ras Murat, M J. Joint,
Mr. Clark, Mr. W. Kuthetford, Mr.
R. Robinson. -_ -
Tra...Al, Jan. l9tb.
A R.,YAL*W.-- About 2o'clock
last Saturday afternoon the Wbite-
chuteh Home Guard. under the effi-
cient lead. rah of Capt Robert I'ar-
rick, mustered at the Presby-
resbyterian church new abed. and paraded
to the tdtand Trunk .t *tion to stirring
tunes of the bagpipes played by Mr.
Jehn Riotper•. in honor of teres of
their number. Russell McKay. Tom
(Melon and Johe Kennedy, an Ilan-
adisrborn ems. who nave enlisted In
Um *bird contingent and who lett me
the eftmrsooa train for Lowdon.
There were siety•seven men on par-
anade, in addition to the mermhers of
the Whitechurch Red Cres. nrgan-
ia•Mies. At the .tabun between 291)
and Oa n1 the citizens of White-
church and community assembled to
Md farewell to their Myr "Wryest
weleetiows were reselered by the
Whireehurc$ mrwth.orean hand and
as the train peeled net long and brad
rimers were given hy the crowd.
About two weeks ago tit. Home
Gard was organ ierd here under
l'apt. Carden as Interlacing., who
twenty -Si wawa .arched. Dti11 takes
eseb Twmeday evening in the
're.bytmvism eboreb new god. and
already over fifty have enrolled, and
Ibe members of lb. Gutted feel prated
that three 01 %emir number at least
ars to reproves' thein s1 Ur frnet In
defends at lbw Reltish Empire
and the liberty of he world.
T1s Rsd Orme orpsbrtion here alai
rd and shipped Het. to
cartere ringing made hy No
*teem wre and vales. .t over $l*1.
1110011if1WH TOWN$HMP.
Tommy. Jan. 1b.
The Farsame institute will hold
•t Hol ..vtUe wait
.t 2 o'c in tke aftere000 mad 7
o'etosk is the evening. blood speakers
will be present.
The pstriwie concert under the
direetbe sal Mn. Cr son, wire was
recently announced and then poet -
r.d will be held on February 6th la
1 schoolhouse. Admietion 23 coni..
The newel meeting of the Celled
Penton* Society of Oodericb town -
Selo will be held at the boom of Mn.
T. J. Jo►, Ird eosoession, on Fri-
day, Feburary 4th, at 2$U p.m., for
bashers* amid .swing.
Futrsas' Farmer.'
Club um t to the Orange hall oa Wed-
n esday evening of last week for the
transaction of tooth» btuiuese end
the election at Witter.. Tbe folios -
lag ass Ile unions for Um Teak: Pews -
El. L Salkeld ; Est vies -presi-
dent, Geo. Andrews; fl•d vtce.prset•
dem*. Geo. Sturdy: secretary -treas-
urer, J. Sowerhy. It was decided to
hold the msec ings every two weeks.
A good time is looked forward to at
these mwtinge aced they sbould be
weU supportiwl by t be farming com-
await y The ume'al board of the
Peewees' Club metas s aomro"ttee ut
lbs while at the hospitable home of
Mr. and Mre, Jsarse Mello Ilea, Alb eon-
etrwios. no Motilityevening .'t form-
ulate • series oprogram" for the
meetings du/ inx the ensuing months.
Tie (hob derided to •seeps ibm In-
vitation of Mr. H K. Revell to hold
the next westing et hi. home on Feb-
ruary3rd. wh vn the rolli.. subject
will s. diecus.s.l : "ftp country ...devote
train boy. and girls for fat m Info r
On February 18.b • p,tiotic consort
will be held in connection tui h the
Ladies' P•triotic Society at whish
outride talent will 1.e present.
Rev. J. B Vol herir.gham, of Goderieh,
la expected W give an address.
On March 3-d the meeting will be held
a1 Porter'', Hill; subject : "How .bell
we ineremss the production .of our
fart" this year T' On March 17th the
meeting will be at Ueo. Lslth-
waite.; subject: "Do women of
the farm use ',shoe -saving device*
as much as mea ?" On March 31 the
*object will be: "Best mrthods of pota-
to culture. growing of.root., cora-and
Tu�tunaT. Jaa. 1N. I
conduct• Name dorms. -*Rev. J. 8. Beadle
ad piste e at SAL,`°p of Y� td a �.Jube.tne BAR AIN = DAY=da test, when t to ther+d the On I
distance of h.µien la the youalreet
C.tighter of the latter, Nile
aa Qraae M.*Ytitb We wish
Mr. and We. Ohm Taylor *II IsapW-
ow and srosperiry in their .»w
trams. Ms. Rte. has Lees away
visiting for the part aria, taking la
Godseieb, biytb and other flagstn
tions down the line Mr. ordon 1
Drennan made a bwelnese trip beat
week as tar north as Gloats... A
few of the .boys Pleb ins the Yuma
West Loekpow M Wands Will..
W KON N..UA f, Jan. 27.
Mr. Gen. Astwitb'. health does nut
Improve as lei• friends would like.
Mise Sadie three lett ou Wads!
for Toronto, to angst bet wet there.
Igloo Margaret Yunethlut a visit-
ing with relatives at Olin on and
Mrs. Wm. Dodds ram* home to
sssist ill nurdo8 bee father, Mr.
8m lie, who 1s soy i1L
Ira Wm. Dolle, sr., bots arrived
bone from vin' int I e.• daughter, Mn.
Welsh. of Guelph, who is not in good
health at present.
Wm. Mrisb bas sold his hots/ and
lot to WIP. J. Parks, who intends
moving to the village to take • well-
earned test-
, The Red Cross 80r:ielt intends girt -
leg • concert In the F,•sesiers' tial*
the Set Fri Isy in F:br.iarT. Look
out for the posters.
The Auburn Clowns' Band bait its
third ball of the srsw,n in the Forest-
ers' bell os Friday night and drew •
full house. AU report the best time
of the ceases.
MONDAY, Jan. rah..
Miss.Ruhy Mtothers, of Godes ich, is
visiting relatives here.
The annul meeting et the West
W.waooeb Mutual Fite Insurance ,
Co. will be held on Tuesday, Febru-
aryL i
r baker has raised the price of
bread to six cents a loaf. He has a
good excuse in the rise in the price of
flour. .
Harold Rivera, of the Sterling Bank ,
stall. has been transfetred to the
Ouderi i branch, where be has the
position of ledgerkeeper. I
The buaioces men have agreed to
close their stores at 8 o'clock three
evenings each week -Mondry, Wed-
nesday sad Friday. fee new order
comes into effect at once.
Mir Ethel Johnston, who was taken
severely W while vidting at her grand-
father's home at Auburn, is now. we
ate glad to say, out of danger, and is
back at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jauaes H. Johnstoo.
Meetings ot the Farmed Institute
will be held in Alien's hall, Duogdn-
non, on Wednesday, February Srd in
the afternoon at 2 o'clock and in
the evening at 7 o'clock. These meet•
ings will be •ddreased by competent
speakers and ell interested are cordi-
ally invited to attend.
At the annual meeting of the . T)un-
gaanon Driving Park Association
reports were read showing the Assoc-
iation to be in good shape, and a div-
idend of one dollar per share was
paid to each shareholder. John Mc-
Lean. Jones Whyard and B. I. Craw-
ford were reelected as directors. N.
F. Wbyard was appointed secretary -
'remit er.
E5$KINx CHUIt(•H. -There was a
good attendance •t the annual con-
grmcauonal meeting of Erskine Pres-
hyterien church. rhe reports pees -
Dented showed the congregation to be
In • flourishing state under the able
peitoram of Rev. G. Oomm. The
treurer reported • surplus of about
$175 and the report of the kession
showed an addition of seven to the
membership. it wail decided to
repair the interior of the church and
build a new stable at the manse, the
neceseary expenditure being estimated
at WOO.
annual meeting of the Dungannon
Rifle Aseoclation the following officers
were elected for the year : Captain,
C. Elliott; secretary, J. C. McFar-
lane ; treasurer, Ernest Duff ; audi-
tors, T. G. Allen and H. Bellamy.
Additional members of the executive
committee are Rev. O. Gomm, John
McL'•an and A. P. Disher. A dona-
tion of $20 was made to the Can-
adian patriotic fund. This will he
supplemented by subscriptions from
the members and for this purpose
contributions may he left with the
secretary at the 8terlir g Bent any
there within the next month.l'o
PArnnmc (n n-gitr. - The Women's
Inet.t ate has scored oncw more In the
epleodid .prone M the entertainment
held last Friday evening, under the
auspices of the institute. in aid of the
Belgian relief fund. In spite of the
unfavorable weather, • Wirer audience
aarrmhl.d In the Agricultural Hall.
and an excellent program was ren -
die ed hy the Blackstone Orchestra, of
(ioderich, and other relent. Recite-
tk,nswers given by Mrs. Armstrong
(formerly Mlss Laura Bryderes), who is
byre on a visit. and Mr. John John -
inn : sddrr•.srs byy Rev. O. Gomm
and Rev. H. Wdlans : an amusing
dialogue by • number of local per-
Lrmers- w
a col^ song by Mr. Harald
lack.tone, and • cornet mina by Mr.
. Blackstone. In addition to *Mea
were the nrcbestral selections, which
were highly appreciated. acrd a epeeist
Nest wee a vocal solo by Mise Mildred
McColl, of Toronto, whose accompani-
ment was played by Mies Neely. Mc-
Lean, of Oodertch. Rev. 3. E. Hooter
was the capable chairman it was
only • few minutes to midnight when
the audience diapmrsed, after an "mos -
kat of grwr interest and pleasure. We
lalli.retand that over MIO was realised
for the Heights relief fund.
Manv • woman sits up Mr her hus-
band in order to be mewed to nil
down os bias.
ToesDAr, Jan 26.
Taman, non of Mr and Mss. Henry
Taman, of Hulltt . was called to the
Great Beyond on F,Iday last, after a
long illness, mit the age of twenty-
wentythree years. '1 be tureen took place
on Monday, January 25th, and was
largely attended hy his many friends.
The remains were interred in the
Union cemetery.
The annual mem tug of the Blyth
Agricultural Socio ty was held in
Industry Hall 00 Saturday last, with
Mr. Win. Pollock in the chair. Thp
floaocial statement ,hewed it balance
from last year's fair. The following
officers were elected: President, Walt.
Pollock ; first vice-president, Duncan
Laidlaw: second vice-president, Wm.
Grey : directors, David Laidlaw, R.
(i McGowan. T. McMichael, John
Parrott, D. Stalker. 1). McCollum, R.
R, Sloan and W . M . SeoLL..secrv-
tet{jc-treasurer) Wu]. Jackson
DEATH Or Mite. THOMAS. -Mrs. H.
A. Thomas, who has been • sufferer
frotn that dread disease coneunipp*loo
for some time. passed away on Tues-
day morning of hast week. The de-
ceased lady haft been a resident of
Blyth for only these yew*, but al-
though hsviug boon sick a year of
that time she had Roads a great many
friends who will miss ber greatly.
Service was held at her late reside...
on Wednesday morning and the re-
mains were taken to ber home town
Markdale, for burial on Thursday.
The O. R. T. and I. O. O. F. pre-
arseated two beautiful wrestler, her bee
head belonging to both orders. Be-
sides her husband three small childres
are left to mourn her departure. Her
father, Mr. Caesar, and sister, Mies
Carter, of Markdals. were here for a
few days before the end and with the
husband accompanied the body to its
last resting place.
Boned, of Underwood, 'wept • few
clays of the past week with his par -
ante bite Mr. A. B. Oarr, who
went to Glen Ewen, flask.. to bring the
remains of his si,ter-(n-low, Mrs. Kilo
lough, to Auburn for burial, returned
Tuesday last and the funeral took
place .t once. The tbtee sow of de-
ceased also accompanied the tem•ioe.
Mr. Wm. MacKay, District
D-puty Grand Master 1. O. O. F., sod
suite, of Hensall, will he here on
Thai 'day evening of this week to in-
stall the officers of the local lodge......
Mr. T. Carlin, of Henaalf, is in this
locality purchasing all the brans he
can get Mr. John Denholm ship-
ped three can ot bay tbla week from
bene and Belgrave Mr. T.
Taman shipped • car of ashes to
Boston this week Mee. G. E. Me -
Taggart and son Mark spent • few
days of the putt week with ibm
former's mother. Mrs. Thompson, at
Clinton A number from hero at-
tended the d•noe at Clinton o0 Fri-
day night and report a good time.....
Mr. Hobs. Nesbitt met with • bad ac-
cident one day last week. He wan
turning the sleigh around when la
some way his band was caught be-
tween the tongue of ibm sleigh nod the
barn jamming his Ijogersquite severe -
1 The local to ant* of the Red Cross
Society is keeping very busy and last
week ',ut the following artitic's to
headquarters : Mix pain of wristlets 2
pais of mitts, 4 helmets, 19 mufflers,
811 pairs socks, 19 hospital shits. 42
flannel shirts, 2 pillows and 2 hospital
TO. ienewwtwe niniest a be(a.mtberlesrasss
gat Wlkakln *711..t71s Mmrgaw s .,..tete.
bite.. a.grralaird tun► *r wrmUv.
et ►baa .Ile i M b tot that wr»
li 1. a.dl a. to rte tie* ]teres.
LIMew el wne-g i. m 10. newt
M' alt 1. bine tarwgtidet Y ae,w
custom. January lite. RN
News. 11.4-.. & larsea.
arta. Ow arta
Dour Rin,- A. •ro ail ikbd
osnttageet, all as w ace Nei arvv` es
and wrt new yes are Ma Mama W5setWrt that
esO WUToo nand mee W/~r.r01O. • em 4 Mwsvel i
seat it yaw" . r Marla T well.
C weer
arts tu.a..
Hca w AA
Oil An ea
A wiemes eawei es mare a linea tttel
sheep by MOWS Itis dear.
We have decided to continue our sale for
Instead of ending oti Saturday, January 3oth, it
will end on Saturday, February 6th.
The reductions we are making on most of our
goods are snaking the sale a big success.
its continuance for one week
North Side of
The Inst sseetibg of the commit for
1915 was bald on January 11th.
Members all pe'eeest but Mr. Stooe-
house, be being os amount of
sickness. The others wisest having
each tears the rseee.sry declarations
of gsali&atloo east of office, the
Reeve preaidiog, the minutes of the
last meeting were read and confirmed.
Aooa•l rtqu-.t irons the nick Chil-
dres's Hospital, asking for a donation
in aid of that iostitotion, received
and w dared to be died. I rwi o -
Currie -that Win. Wlgbtmao be re-
appointed awwor at some salary as
formerly sad that, John Gillespie be
appointed as measlier of the local
board of health. Oarried. J. W.
MOD. sod J. S. Scott were re-ag-
ppuulnt d auditors on motion of
Buchanan and Irwin. Sevin
of The Municipal World were ordered
as forderly for the roused. clerk and
treasurer. The suns of WM Wu
order. -d to be rrfuteded West Wawan•
osh, being ei ror in bouadary line
account. Bylaw Nu. 1 and bylaw No.
2, 1915. were both reed and peened.
The knowing aesoaite were pate .-
Trustees of Badgtwve school, for nom-
inal ion meeting, 114 ; Fraser and
Lett►, tile, $13.12: The Blyth 8taa-
dard, balance of printing contract and
postage, f21.06 ; J. E. Ellis, refund
o f taxes 8 W. P. lot 88. coo. 5. $1.86;'
treaearer W. Rawaaorb, ',Uterus/at
of bouadary Use account, 11142.0Q;
The Municipal Weald, subscription.
to paper, 8111.75; A. Porterfield.
salary, and postage.
8150. Oo motion of Councillors hogs
and Currie the sewn sdjwsad to
siert again en February lith at
1 o'clock. A. PowreaunsJJ7, Olsek.
Uouneil asst lssuary 11 as per *tsS-
mite. Members all pcesest sad sub-
scribed the p.esseary declaration and
eon libeat los papas. Reeve Murry in
a short address expressed ibm hope that
their beet endeavor would be resorted
1a bebalof Um municipality wbicb had
sees It to deet them toy acclamation,
and that the .trkteet economy should
prevail daring 1916. The fofbwieg
offices were appointed to serve dur-
ing the wrest year : W. A. Wilson,
dirk ; W. J. Thompson. treasures.;
G. Webb, amwor: Geo. Rutledge,
senses., i J. Uaarerou, caretaker ; R.
Asdar,oa sod Cha.. (Sir vie, auditors ;
Reeve 'hod councillor., road oowgel..
goners; A. Aodersea, L Great U.
Thompson, J. J. Washington. sheep
iaspeetns ; Dr. T. B. Casa. M. O. H.,
Rewe Murry and J. McLean. esee-
.11,* bdsrd of health ; Mews. Geyser,
Basan, Kearney, Bailie, Johnston,
bsaltb iespeetors. All officers to re-
ceive the same eateries as prevailed in
1814. w No. 1. 1816, read three
time..4voed sod sealed, coalrmiog
&��poi Imetrs t s and their respective
cilia le. for 1914 .tet mottos by Naylor
and Mdlougb. Motion by JobDston
avid Purdon, that public libraries et
St.Helen.. Dusganson and Maas/hes-
ter get usual grant. carried. Motion
or'Johnston and Pardon, that solieft-
's aoronot and it. Young drain
matter be Hit in oast of Reeve Murray.
who Win cowmen interested parties
airbag tae week county council is in
ssosi.a A senate and grasp
amsviating to $111.9$ were peened and
�aid a mentos by Naylor and Pardo*.
bevis.l1 adjoervied to meet February
tat 811 a.m. W. A. W tusuN, Mirk.
Ttlttan*Y. Jan Mb.
Rutern.-Mr. John Redmond has
returned from the hospital in i.nedas
very tench immersed lar health .....
Mr. Fred of Chadwick spout
the week is the vicinity 8L
Augustine was well represented at the
bell in Leek now ea papain
Mies Ruby 'koshers. of and
Me. and Mn. Elliott. of Nile, eisiUll
at Wm. last week
Mr. Fred Roes. of dsug.nnee. meal
t*. wwk-wd with blonde in lals el
laity The Ries Q.0 prpoes hay-
ing s hes maid r the Rt. ♦ •.gf�a fes
haft en Tesokay *reeks. Febvaary
tbtd. A geed prnge see b being pew
1'v .v, lea. lib.
NglSt•-Goats• - A quint bel very
wtrtlibg kart Owes et • War*_
� Moot leswary 1Mb. elute.
nob oat dsag�ter. lbs Warton.
W. km Finers' lostitute
Meeting under the auspices of the
West Huron Farmers' Institute will
be held as follows:
Mislay, Feb. tat. at Holmes' Hall
T.seday, Feb. and, at Foresters' Hall
Wednesday, Feb. Vd, at Alien's Hall
Thursday. Feb. eth, at McDeo•1d's Hall
Two meetings will be held each day,
afternoon meetings commencing at 2
o'clock and evening meetings at 7
A ',partite meeting under the aus-
pleas of the Women's Institute will be
held mit each place in theatternoon and
will be addressed by Min Campbell,
of Toronto.
Titov meetings are all free, and it is
hoped there wilt be a Targe attendance
both afternoon abd evening.
President. Vic..Pres.
WM. BAILIE, Secretary.
Tannate, Ont.. and tie R. eulte will prove t)
iso ibm WYdum of UndemUJae from tbL
W. J. LLLP)�esrin 6W an
Moa TT ..I. rel 1' Gose
titre.*, se's.ta
being united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Mr. Haney E. Potter.
of L•ngbank, Mask. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Jemes Hamil-
tuo, pastor of Leeburn Presbyterian
church, only the immediate relatives
beteg present. The young couple
were unattended and stood under an
arch of evergreens and white carna-
tions. The bride looked fair end win-
some in a gown of white embroidered
net over white voile, sod carried •
boagqnet of white carnations and
m•Wrnbair ferns. After congratula-
tions bad been extended, all repaired
to the dining -room, where a eamp-
t,00us repast was partaken of. In the
evening a reception was held for the
young people, the party numbering
about fifty. The time was spent in
music and dancing till the early hours
of the morning. The wedding pres-
trots were numerous and costly,
the high esteem in which the
young couple are held. The groom's
gift to the bride was a pretty gold
branelet. The bride's travelling dress
was of navy hive, with a Aleck silk
plush coat and • black French hat.
it young couple left the following
day to visit friends befnte leaving for
their home in Saskatchewan about
the let of February. They carry with
them the beet "tidies of their many
RT. ORotuitt'• CUNDAT 4 H001..
Repnrt.of the primary department
of Si. George'. Monday 'reboot for
the past year : Number of girl.
regieered 44, boys 44. Promoted
to church reboot at Boater :
Florence Bny,l.n, Alice Cockfield,
At Advent : Dorothea Felker, Gree»
Videen. Mary Sanders, Augusta Hoot -
fatty. Gladys McLean, Adelaide
Hays, Mary tt•Ihrelth, tie Steep
Albert Kner.hew, Jack Mn, Cecil
• Colin Patterson. x. McLean,
Harland Reynold., Willie Longmire,
Jon. Galhteith. Normae Jones
Honor Roll (►Igbest mark, ob-
tainable QUI: Ube Foster'* class --
Albert B vieeehaw Z45, Cecil Kemp
11111, Wille Inngmire 195. Miss
Griffin's class- Charlie Ruffles
RoseKneeshaw 225. Roy Lon/mire
SIM Mies Wells' .taw-- Tied Sale 190.
Mies Tye's elite. --Dorothea Felker
tiO, Orate'2bt, Ironer Wilson
Sits, Gladys MeL an 710. Mies Dina.
wtnre's clam-- Mary Parsons 22S.
iaora Stordvt,. eon, Kathie.* t.yeeb
175 Mies hikers clam. --Rowena
Jane iib.
A rttergymas met • little_ girl, and
.s[.rding bee anti- tit etebt yo know
oeaaiies�mwnlly� rep1l{t dviille�bottif�op et „�aM
n ab the b(y sad ! asss4. the skirt.
Come in Out of the Wet
It is easier
under "
Wet Conditions,
Dry Conditions !
Wihrotu Large stock of
Light and Heavy Rub-
bers, Cloth Overshoes
and Arctics,
we are prepared to supply you
witb just what you may need to keep
your feet dry, warm and courfortabim.
New Train Service
via -Lake °marts Mown 1.Ii,.'
)sat '1.. to 0 -bows. Port Hope. Cebowta,
H.Ilel-Ina Tr.nten• etc.
Particular. hoar Jo... Kidd. 15.P.8, Tt.bat
Agent. or write M. (.. Msrpby, It P. A.. T. reale
Rouble Tract all the Way
UsxesUs4 Travis Service
Higbee( slaw of ggdoneet
Winter Tours to California
rot Trains Cloak. of Rollie.
Low Porto sow 1s.#.r,
=orrarfa1 oart'es4r..o nsatt U.T.R. Mena Aasnt. WrIla To o, M ylNG. Ma rift
P. F. LAW�R'
tItN,R T Paro
and MOstn
kn. etatesek'I1.k meet. k LAl%
oVgll-y muter
, .111,..4011141
2 Or.