The Signal, 1915-1-21, Page 4t Ai • 1:21TtiVr.1 . JatteAST 71. L11a , SIGNAL 6 'MOH 1 NT F. W. Robinson. A.R.C.O. TBAC7Il• w Ptwl.ns. Gross and Staling Mobs ever Tbanese's flask Lays OoOgarCn . uNTAltr0 90111111 'Foiling Down the Chimney mal make it draw well -end it may not. If you call us In when trouble occurs well know how to fix the matter. A G. loaniaed Chimney Top may be all that i+ needed to make your chimney draw per- fectly. We'll pat It on quickly and reaoruably, the aan.e as we du all other Lind* of tin and metal work. 4,H Fred Hunt Ramilton Street •- Phone WESTFIELD. Tenant. Jan. U. Nowa or wan Won.- Ms. Wesley Farrow teed son Roi able em the eltlk list this wank '1e splde ode of amiss. whish hhas�as hg�ssgs� provokes la Auburnone Mr. Albert Campbellis 01 wIS tiL malady Mr. and Mea W. Tlapisr, of Guelph, ars vis'tbtg relatives an% friend. in the neighborhood The Westfield Rifts Aaoriatiw held their annual oyster sapper at the be. of Mr. WesMy Bt•ekbot se leek Tbe supper was laeaets v of by members of Meade. A. en wee spwI ani ibb of tem• li•eii taousl served.. , . remains of the kW Mre. till wbo 1W In the West, were 'stirred 1n the West- field c..uutsry this fru da!) after noon. Mn. Killocyfb at one tic: sided at this place Mr. Wins Brown returned to W beam 1. Comber os Mo.dsy aoe.l.g after speeding several west's wielding tef- •1lves ben NILE Maas Msrrtro -A sweeter maw aseeting of several Methodist oonsrm- satloue is being arranged for nest Wednesday evening. the Fitts Inst., at the Nile Methodist church. Rev. J. H. Arnop, B. A.. tessera" secretary for foreign maissions, who it recog- nised throughout the Dr:mamba as a speaker of extraordinary power and ability, will address the seaetia(t upon missionary 'mitten. No admlwioo fee will be charged no: even • collec- tion taken, and every .man and wo' n.an, eapectany the adult numbers sad adherento of the Methodist churches of bath Nile and Duoganaon circuits. are toned to take advantage of this rare privilege of meeting sod hearts* Ree. Mr. Arnup. Doors open at 7 p. m . onsite, etc., at 7 80. mid the ad- dress to twmtnenos at 7.60 sharp. Offen • man wbo is se good as his 153 ward ie not much good. OOVERION TOINNIS IP. TVa ID•T. Jas. Ml The trailed PutrItie ile.1gey et Oadmisk township wig meet .i the hems of Mee. Merry gelkeid. Maygeld reed. en hide Jae Illed. and at Mra. Mom No os Thew tib. dense* !tb to seer for the Bel - The towauhlp solsoll wt'0 hold Its reit aids' on Monday. Fabte.g� last week Ilk Instead d >f y .. etatei PORT ALBERT. Wausi aria?, 3... f1. Plows N _ -Mia Monello mid Mr. Rd. (Mato% hate si Bell nrlw�esiUbe be beiMF visiting all to war moose ILlaseediw lest week alter a visit with Mr. ani Ms l Combo Miss Masai Owsisga.nt le bee sister, MSa Yee. Iasi, •t H&L het Ileitis • number from beet attended • most enjoyable dance at the hones of Mr. and Mea. The.. Desty UM The Ladle.' GuiYof arisy tcbcburcb held Its amine' bot mapper at ate boa of Mrand bre. Jae. McWbinaey last Wednesday erectors and had a very pleasant time. KINO8eRIDOE. MONDAY, Jab. 18. Mr. Herr? 9.ymole lett last Tues- dato train for the third coati/agent. Joseph Meson has arrived home after • season ter the Great Lakes. Joe was .soosssful In the e=aminaiio.s he tried recently at Milwaukee and le sow Obief Regimen Connor.. Con- gratula doing Tb. tumoral of the late Mee. Dineen took pleas on Wednesday of last week. The pallbearers were : Timothy MoOertby, Willlern McCarthy. Thor. Joy., Jobs Meyer.. Thos. Orifns and Joe •ph Ilus•ey. Mr. and Mr.. John Dean .td Minnie O'Connor, of tlodetiob, attended the funeral of Mrs. Dineen. OI` CANADA SOTH ANNUAL MEETING HELD AT WINNIPEG, JANUARY 6TH, I9I5. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Ialance •t credit of account, 29th November, 1113 $ 10.171.S3 Net Profits for the year, atter deducting expenses of management. Interest due de)yoi tors, reserving for Interest and exchange, and Making provision for bad and doubtful debts, and for rebate on bills underrdiaatunt, have amounted to 712.440.43 0803.019.51 Which has been npplled as follows: Dividend No. 108, 2 per cent, paid 2nd March. 1914 Dividend No. 109, 2 ler cent. paid Int lune, 1914 1100,000.00 100,000.00 Dividend No. 11", 2 ler cent, paid 1.t 8eptemt.er, 1914 Dividend , nu No. ri I11, 2 per cent yabla t]lDecember 1)14 100,000.90 1._ - 0t.` a 1st arch, »t6. to abarets.teere of cord as on 13th February, 1916 ., 50.000.00 Reserved for de'phlel:,tlon In aecurttles owned by the Bank 215,000.00 Contrlhutlon to Canadian !'ntrlotic Fund 25,000.00 Contribution to Officers' Pension Fund 10,000.00 Balance of Profits carried forward . 103,019.51 Capital Stock Rest Account r" - $ 1.400,000.00 Balance of Pfufit and loss Account carried forward 103,011.51 UABILITJE8. Unclaimed Dividends Dividend No. 111 &saua payable Iii 'larch, 1015, to Shareholders of record as on lath February, 1110 $ 1,503,011.51 1.011.23 100.000,00 s%ow.« Notes of the Hank In circulation 8 1,182,214.00 Deposita not bearing Interest 17,578,713.18 Deposit. bearing Interest 46.867,181.32 Balances due to other banks In Canada .- 28,071.45 Balances due to Bunks and flanking Correspondents elsewhere than In Canada 949,181.56 8111• payable 97,333.13 Acceptances under Letters of Credit Liabilities not included In the foregoing ASSETS. gold and Silver Coin 01,181,053.31 Dominion Government Notes 6.049,814.10 r . $ 7,110,141.58 Deposit In the Central Gold Reserve 1,700,000.00 )toren of other Rank. 149.530,00 Cheques nn other flanks 2,413,309.10 aalances dote by other Banks In Canada 04,561.82 Potence. due by Banka and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than In Canada Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exo.eding market value Canadian Municipal Securities, and British. Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian Railway and other Bonds, Debenture. and Stocks not exceeding market value Call and Short (not exceeding 10 day.) Loans In Canada. on Bonds. Debentures and Stocks Q•11 and Short tnot exceeding 30 days) Lean elsewhere than In Canada 1802.019.51 $5.001,011.00 $2,656,087.29 04116E017.71 170,903.911.04 1,918,100.11 14,252.20 231,111.349.94 2.930,212.19 570,707.00 420,207.63 3, 454, 791.73 1,122.063.14 1.901,344.11 131,449.110.0 tether Current Loans and Discounts In Canada (lase rebate of interest) 810,341,304.63 tether Current Lonna and Discounts elsewhere than In Canada (less rebate of Interest) 472,815.0 Liabilities of -Customers under Letters of Credit, aa per contra1,983,190.1+1 Ileal Estate other than Bank Premises 145,754 N Mortgages on Real ISstate ,sold by the Bank 113,411.33 Elus Debts, estimated loss provided for 110.141.11 Premises t'1 not more than cost. less amounts written off 921,020.14 t with the Minister of Finance for the purposes of the Circulation Fund 204,000.00 01aer Assists not Included la tis fotryNy1.1310 .r. l JOHN GALT, President. 011.131.149. N G. 14. 11.01 -POUR. General Mawaaer. aaIOHT Or 7711 AL'DITOaa TO TOO SHA*Hae OV TIM ttPOS WARM OW CASADA 1. ree.rd.oe with the prevision of sub -seed.•• 19 and et metros 63 0 1.100 Rank Ant, we report to the 88.r holders as o1Nw*: Ws lea``s• audited the above 8alaeoe Sheet with the books •ad vo.ebers 31 gaud Offfee and wltb the certlned returns from the branahea We have obtained all the Information and saNYatl.as that a have and are of the opinlon that the t nwdsaaa et tae Be whisk etestier oar nines have been with' lh. glowers et the aaa k adYllon te or verlilcatlo$ at the 101h ov.mber, we hark dartfg 1h• ed tis cash •end vert ed the .eesrill.. repression* the dijethe Rank at Its chief eflce and principal braaobee and fe ad 8. be la agreement with the entries la the books of the Bask redatl.g ever opinlon th. Ralane. Sheet Is properly drawn op so as le .shtbll tree sued correct view of th• state of the aRairs of 8. Ranh aeo.rdtag um best of tour information sad the explanation. given 4 baa ud as 'by the books et the 1aak. T. MARKT WRNS. IS. of t5 *aAD. G a. 1tf80AN. •edltera w1E*n. E*AD. 8 fiurnaal ef'xh•e�aLM and 00.. Aaseentute Mr. > tbe alleInine te� (nal. to 65 res sirens panties lies w y 8* • r this must be looked for. A splendid beginning has Men made In an In- crease of about 20 per cent In the land ready for next year's crop. Hard work, courage, and intelligent economy w-111 undoubtedly bring us asfely through the present ordeal. We have a fertile land with a hardy, vigorous and Industrious population, and though for the time being, our pro- gress may be checked, nothing can atop Canada from becoming a great and prosperous country. In closing Ile expreaeed the regret, which. he tlewaweuld Pr tett , b ail the+ ttbare1Mgrik at • the un•v teribla absence of Mr. 0.41. Balfour, the Gen- eral Manager, on account of hes ser- ious IlMess, and requested lir. H. B. Shaw, the Assistant General Manager, to read the report. Cenral Manager's Address. The General Manager referred to the unsettled financial conditions which are gradually righting themselves, but it -would M necessary to continue • policy of extreme caution. and main- tain a strops financial position. The action of The Finance Minister In making Bank Notes legal tender and la promising financial assistance to the Banka (1f required), had been of great asststance in steadying the finan- cial situation and in avoiding anything in the nature of a panic. it is a hopeful sign that the neces- sity for economy has been universally recognised, and that efforts have Men put forth generally to develop our natural resources along lines that will give the best results. The profits were at the rate of 14.26 Mr cent on the Pald-up Capital. and were slightly leas than last year. Securities have been written down by the sum of 1215,000, which 1s merely a reasonable precaution In view of the present unsettled condltbna. $25.000 has been donated to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. The policy of maintaining a strong position has been continued and our Liquid Assets are 34.10 per cent of our LlabiIitles to the Public with other sources of strengthening our position available. Provincial Government show a decrease. but•Puhllc � 'show an Increase d 6331,400.71. Amount due by Bantu and Harting correspondents, elsewhere than In Can - . da, shows an tncre•e. of $2.3a,2e1.u. which M Immediately available. Bonds, Debentures and Blocks show an Increase of 11,242.123.17. We have subscribed for 110.005 of the recent Brklsh War Loan. CaII end abort Loans. Meserhere than 1a Canada. show a decrease of Stint - 409.63. Other current loans and Dis- counts, elsewhere than 1n Canada. . how • decrease d,l.,1e7,00T.31. Cur- rent Loans In Canada show an In- crease of over 04,000,51e.00. Total Assets amount to etl.it1,141.11 showing an Increase of approxlrnately 1100,050. -Mr. R. T. Riley, the Vles-Pnoid.nt. In seconding the !motion for the adop- tion of tis Report, referred to the fact that for fifty years the Union Rank haw stood Me tem of time and with "BU6fNFag Al USUAL" ter our motto. we look forward- wit% roe 18.8 4 b whet -tit.- help Ir1ty Ilan Sas In More for ua. Amblers. Mowers. T. Marry Webb, C.A.; z 10. Read, C.A-: and C. R. Reg■•. C.A.. were re -appointed Auditors of the Rank. A resohRbn l of ter the General Monagsr. alt. 0. f . Balfour. during Ms seriatim Massa. was p.oe.d, and the hop. wee espresso. t\st ter mbhtI 8. ..4ly restored to health The euatamary resslutens .f Sumba to tbe Preston' sad Stag were passe& The Scrutineers re ad the follow - Ina g.■ttmea .NA.s1 as Meows far tis ensuing yens: fRr erMmus P,'l Monera Jetta Galt. R. T. 80sy Ona 14 Temeon, 11L}'•fig,T.s.Led.= Yvon. mal. now. W. R. Alba. IL But. Hon. Samuel Harker P.0 II.P,; Is t A- D.r'er■et. Lk.; Haas, PAeut.-col. Jabs Oae..u. . s. Heurris. 7 . M.etng •gje.real • 1114•00111011111 de M t =011 faded rs e� 1 Iba J bei mtMaialaN enoing all cawge`+`j g Mast,Gee. Peen= Mt, able ate that ober lr/ herr •M Mr. X. K .11esae! is ~Mg Mine. M S 1111111. t• 41444 �f. YJWANT sHos • [BARGAIN, DAYST P A New Delp r t. BargaIn Da s Instead of two bargain days, Saturday and Monday, this time it will be SEVEN BARGAIN SALE DAYS, commencing with Saturday, January 23rd, and continuing until ten p.m.,Saturday, January 30th. (BO TO J H. McClinton 00*,14,00.0,01,4‘,4 • BAYPIELO. TbasDAT, Jas. Loth. Cannot geomA& -The Ladies' Aid of et. A.drew'a simrck I•ted hold- ing a old•Inge aorta in ohm basement of the church on Wedsad•y evening. Jan- uary 27th. The doors will be epee of 7.80 o'clock and the Ant part of the evening win be .pest In games and • aoolal time. followedb� program. ram. which will weskitortooipalty of an 0 .too 0obsy " bYlightle. g� Macisioes '. dd How to Handle Them." This will so dotal* be a very o.tertalaing lecture. as Mr. Pairing is well posted os his sub- ject, n►je•et having spent some years work- ing 'u a 8tm-hetory in $nttlaad. At the close of the program lough w111 be emend, and an unusually pleasant evening is expected. BENMILLER. W[1NIIliOAT. Jan. CHoace News---81biestudy dunes are being carried on at BesmWN. Bethel and North Sion appolntmeate of tn. Methodist tlara, with good attendants. and very satisfactory re - salts ....Monday of teat week the Bethel 8. S. tesabm-training ekes spent 18. evening at the p.rssnag., where after • written review of chap- ters I sad r and then meek on the piano and vitopbs.e, reheshttsests were tinned. and* troy Manua and profitable evening Wali .peat ..Thurs- day evening latae the adult Bible clam of Renmille'r appointment held he monthly business meeting at the parsonage and above forty people were protest Afterths ben i... was toramastd, the evening was .peat in social that and some members Of the clew entertained with minis and reci- tations and read e. Then tie bki tots wars (mood and mine. mad- wishss -tad tea uses •ssrvd i, ....Oa Thursday evening of this week the Bible shady close at North Zion is to mast at the personage fur • teat ex- amination and to sped afterward • social eve■ing On Tuesday, 25th Inst. a some meeting will be in the Methodist thumb at which Rev. Chas. Manning,of thegssetal mission board, Tot ont, and others will pre- sort the miesionsry problems of the Methodist thumb. Briery man in the district is specially Welted. The trustee board of Benminer ap- pointment p.pointment mot on Wedoeday of last week at the parsonage to coscidec plans for remodelling the Methodist church at that appointment. It is rumored that a real up-to-date base- ment is to be part of the plan. sad cement block to be carried up as ven- eer over whole walls of building. Tho church -is to be raised two feet to glee an eight -foot basement for Su04s school purposes and the outside poe'o8 of cement blocks will cower doors to both aures of church and doom la centre 10 basement. The plan Ir now to be presented to the people for sanction and payment. A meeting of the District Orange Lodge was held at the lodgeroom., Benmlller, last Tuesday afternoon. A good turnout of members -was SLY T$. Tt-saa►T, Jan. M. MAT Bs G. T. R. »wawa.-Mr.G.E. McTaggart left on Saturday for Tor- onto to &amid • Maitre of the their men of N. G. T. R. operations at which tb.y are dL..ml.g the best plane to u.d.rtake with regard to the cut in wanes proposed by the U. T. R. offid•ls. We understand the imam - tors, with all the other oro fes of the road, •.e tatted it deter low to go out oe strike If the company tries to fora • reductioa IN engin A Boctat Zw v -Mr. red 11re. %V. F. McCaugheybid a "at home" os Friday evenng. at whish about two bondred wore in attwiasee. Without • doubt It was one of tits moil attoeessful dances ever bold in thisincaiity. Ryon with 185 8.. am.- har In •iteod•see, they did set seem to be crowded. Most of these preset enjotootyed tthh meless •t da taaiinehkb w - ther Tb. Innis woe ne+i t. fi ly (h. life. pp11..ccee orchestra Ng Clinks VI le was ►Igbl7idnot daPPriMlaneemisetJo sJ Ib.awlv.s at earth and vev+.tfi..veev.tfita. A Sten or Tag Tann --8 evening Rev. W. D. Turner. Orr Andrew's chereb. -.sh•.Red pulpits with Rev. Qs-. Jwltt, or the Metbodlet Memo. ?hisstewe emote spirit which is workless towards eb.rab mks, as it le sat aa. rameine. the P esbyteri.ae himse been sboek.d b e a Eels - Mer Is their polpk. Psa.O*AL AND f t. -Mrs. John *mamma, of Smith*. is view lag bee sister Miss M. Forsyth Mrs. Robtl Ds.glase is e1 a vtelt 'I�se relatives la Grey towsthip.. . severe ral..t.res eft' Iletend if R ..sed the tweak of a sent* et whitlows M Mr. F. far' light. The thaw loosened •e en the root above, whit& fell down and •.seed throes% the babOt, b s-& lag at toil /Imre Roo.41 L. Aat�l�w MAN d Il:ipe1er 'v1.Net wish drab old trim& time ea meaty w r1.1r may la A0Mfdr , f. 1 This Sale will be conducted the same as our' old-time bargain sale days were, showing reductions on nearly everything in the store. This is stocktaking time and we want our stock the lowest we can make it before writing it in our books. The sale prices we are offering should make substantial reductions in every department. You will be sure to get good bargains on these Sale Days, as price reductions will be very marked. J. H. COLBORNE North Side ter Square Irlimmematimmeit tioltl Lrrs A mums IN 11M �ere.�ern 3• t . qssa alta rem pee Zit wd e[[iO!!PeWyal. tors whit* Mr. ' ema1 the owl- vereary eeraos• t0 ./a Old ee.gng•. tion and Mrs. 8.sa11 delighted bar old friends by bee singing both on Sab- bath and at the entertainment on Monday evening Mr. 11. A. Thome*, C. P. R agebore, is at pe.t a.vet laking hniMs aye and is ateis9. lei with the care of his wife, wt. is slaking very Eat•Her d , and is father. Carse, of x•rkd•N are se present also It' attendance 'Ibe eo.Unu•tion elan of the public school le mortising tee a benefit oar cart for the Rd Grose Circle to be gives ice. fad.riry Wail oe �r p•1, Yrs• J, and her assist- ant, Mies Skeet. bare the •sees• of this odeoert In band The C. P. R train going oast oo yaturdel after- noon west off the track at Walle.- stein and an antigen, train from Tor- onto bad to be sent foe to pot It os. This blocked tragic so much that the sight train, which t* supposed to ar- rive here at 9 o'clock, did not got bete until 1.80 oe Sunday morning.. Mr. Taylor. of Chatham, Is relieving et the C. P. R. *tattoo here 10. and Mn. J. Knighting, of Arcola, Seek., aro renewing aequaintenc.* 1n tows Quite a number from ben attended a8e Presbyterian anniversary services at Auburn on Sunday, also the entertainment o. Mo.d•y even-, Ing. LUOKNOW. F*IDA 0. Jae. 16. The annual meeting of the Luckaow Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall on Friday, January nod. Ala resent meeting of the L•ckaew Patriotic .. the treasurer was in. ar.eted w breast POD of the seek ome band to the 0..adi.n Red Cross Society and ■e additional IMO to the Belgian relief feud. The e8.4... reported that op to dot. as Lewes bed received ease to the easos.t of NIGHT SCHOOL MG. A pretty wedding was misbrand at Classes {n .n the home of Mt. and Mre. R. J. bet- 7 course or eabjaa, toe o. Tineday evening. 12th inst., when Mat*arst, daughter of Mr. and Tuesday and Thursday-, Mrs. Jobe Bowe Teeswater, and .im of Mrs, sultan, beim.. the wire 790 to MIL AO: Irws0 O'er, of, Windsor. Rev, - , ,a .. . -... _.... Via. Mq�litq tan wpttal knot. - Me. end iter. Neil1011 foltowh M fa tacit boas •t Wleiott OAe>• �A *rest deal deter- o• ther ?diads hr.* .. - .. Mr. Herb eft ase boos taboo 1a the awe d Wel- wbvancon and sista, Row of stm&.y angles Maltby, charged with bring- are viaitieg friends In Lacknow anti embalm wYskty I.W tis village 4 •, San. •taloa! .. Mn A. Jon.. bat rw- eeell•d taxa. ♦ •ase 4g wbkkey mase 1*8.4 to TotO.to .ttsr. a vt•it to berm - ht pss�k�ct ht iielowei op the night of f.rtacr boas 1. Killion Walter Dcesabcr Ilt. 16 ws ve.ppcd p.od Stewwt, who hes baps in for tome 1104 faltll • ,pre McOar ilali-d It •Matti is not Impovt.o, Bl. co. woo otalor to la t way. the WInt.., of MaA.isy, Man., was os Bence w■ce ass helot'. R..n Mae- h• ens rm.eUy 10 r e aim. Mt.. dod, of L.•k.ow, sed J. A. Metier A. A.t•s.mt bas g * 1roa� yaK tris; d =Lase tai. 1>bt8.v Mot -sr. # um. wiu ice tseuiswsa d Wtstlth.se, a seed sh. D.eynpaeoa Mier 85dt. ill d�iiesid t M to Maw ■RNM ..isfi • tine �.all of Dobai*. who Thos.Tlrshrltb ilim tom, „mid gascrvsi i�c. wlashselden � (88. kr �. le agape, •.hp jyLooluron0�r `1•M�.elreRntt.t9.ea�8..0▪ 4+"m. sits .4.s-. Il tb*8. _ fat teho Le. wrt.e hr add his form tar....... O.ve w M Jewph T7. d G.M. '!\a tars• Ifeer teem•!-■h.e yew a vena hme W b.. a lick p 11 1eo vwtIn8 bl. o$d /visit T>tom.. Web. Webster badly fes y�gw Mer. r. Wlieoe bas lived 1. Q1E• risom. PsttR.-AL I ti. A.. :. a and Vailatme r 41ant aafi derete i deBova t.. mullets:. wteam'■towbe460 itsterIellrall a 1, an 1.._ ea _Is ‘Idtbse Mr mast ad Imp* IS for Godoeicb end Dilflrkt Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8.00 per ton MIST OOAL NI/TED Any best all Ms** Mixed t'Wood. He and Indus* (Cedar or Pine.) Come in Out of the Wet It is easier TO KEEP DRY --. under Wet Conditions, than TO KEEP WET under Dry Conditions! - Wihrotu large stock of Light and Heavy Rub- bers, Cloth Overshoes and Arctics, Clinton School of Commerce Re -opens January 5th, 1915 Canada and Canadians will bane their Big Opportunity commercial- ly at the does of the present war. Prepare yourself to grasp this Op- portunity Fportunity and with it your auocee• Conrsea :-Steongraphic, C ommer- eial, Civil Berri -e and Farmer's. To those wbo are unable to become regular attebdana lessons Wel N g iven by corr,sponde.c., we are prepared to supply you will just what you may need to keep your feet dry, warm and comfortable. S H A R M A N THE R800 MAN CANADIAN PACIFIC New Thain Service h 9 4 • Y TORONTO -MONTREAL. OTTAWA ���,ct e Tie s Oshawa. OvularfShore Comm gss.vsu. Treater. ata Cyt t). Iter ;0L:weisfr. F" GRANO TRUNK 17 Ir1.7. til Doable Track all the Wog TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO- MONTJtiAL Unars.IN new Strew glom Cam 0f aeelemml Muter Tis ts PL.oRmA AND names 8OUTII4 rat Trete-pales N Reap. law Feiss flew to sable T • r .. ♦e `iRIIINTtteR rNehtist • tlor4w igt 1111 tam wrth.M oast of V JMINA . Dada's. is w • obit is W toot=r i�► )