The Signal, 1914-12-31, Page 6P 1 7i'uoaaoav, Dg1r sarasattl , 1914 . M� i a7�i ., OII4INAL � lHD ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS 01• YINIRD'S LINIMENT Bn O KBI N DLN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LF.ITERfNfd urs LEATHER GOODS At1 ceder- yr Ylfl.tir &Heade* es ea leaving !•mat TUkelu. ALO.dsl'lob. 1_ A. E. TAYLOR,. 1haATToaRD. MEDICAL UR. l:N'.u. lit'.Il,EMANN, 081'E- 1! -1*(1.).-t in w•amCDL and chit 'res • dose,.... ..;cafe. .nrouicand oervous df• wows. o)e, e... ou c ,..d ( beth., lumbago and ✓ rtt 'the1r. case'. ti rebs North street .third lour treat pR. F. J. R.1''UH$I, TER -SYS. SAsore and w York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute.throat ail,.. Howe sur6eon, Ualeal!twi,t..1var, \o -sand threatHospatal, Golden tiyulre. rod Mltrlrea•ld Aye Hsep1W. London, Luciano. ud).-e, 53 6. Waterloo $.reef.. Btiatterd, up{w..te Knox C'hur'ch. Hu.r 9, to 1f a. m.. W 4 l'. u•.. 7 to s p. m. Teleybune INH. AIL aMINNIE M. UREits, • 0. C., Chiropractor.. •ylue and Der. e • peciall•ta. Chiropractic 1.' the •oieuce that cure- wittiest divas et Snite. Free examine tutu. (Nice eve. Sbatalru. Shue bWre. 00 trance o0 6...t street. )'lose 7UL s6Ym LEGAL PROUI)FUOT, IbILIA13AN & I'KOt' DFOOT B �Y.l:ld'FKit1i. SOUL ITORL. NOTARI):.s I't:ltl.it'. Eft. Onto, on the homeee, nod dee from lien utoa .Utes. 1iuu.i itch. titrate twin. to luau at lowest rit.a W. Ihtot I.rour, E.C. J. 1.. fkruoaas W. 1'aot'0roor: B. c;. HAYS , ,BARRISTER. 1211WCITUR. NOTARY l't;14 WC. Krt.. -420oe--`t'.erUna Bank Meek. Bawai1ta0 8.reet. oederroo. Teiew' pae as. - -lied Es' tate:.Leaos sad la.wrwsoe. THR SIGNAL : GUDERICU 1.ONTARIO [uwLAmsriuisT AFRAID SNE WAS DYING Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices axe:- Skipping steers $7.60 to 3g • 90 Handy choice steers Butcher steers, good do. medium do. common Heifers, choice do. good do. medu;tr • Butcher cows choice 6.00 do. good 6.60 do. medium 6.00 do. common 4.50 Butcher bulls choice -6.26 do. good bulla 6.75 do. medium 6.26 do. rough hologna 4.50 Feeders, 9:0 to 1.100 Ib6.00 do. bulls 6.00 Stockers, 750 to 900 Ib6.00 do. med . tin to 750 5.60 do. light, 500 to 660 4.60 Canners .... 3.75 Cutters 4.36 Milkers, choice. each 75 00 do. com. and med40.00 Springers' 50 Oil Calces, veal. choice9.00 do. medium 7.00 4.60 26 7.76 ,..,,7.00 7.26 6.60 7.00 6.60 6.60 7.26 7.50 6.26 7.16 6.00 6.76 6.60 Si. Ji.tn vet M.ATRA, JAW. nth. 1914. 6.00 6.60 6.00 7.26 8.26 6.76 6.25 6.60 6.76 6.26 6.00 6.60 8.25 4.75 90 4.0 80.00 90.00 10.00 9.00 7.00 4.60 8.25 7.26 6.00 6.76 Seffered Ter* INtU She Took it Fruit -a -ti res " do. common do grass Lambs, light do. heavy do. culls Ewes, light Sheep, heavy and Sucks 4.00 Culls 2.00 Hogs, wetc!•ed off cars 7.76 dofed and watered. 7.50 do. f o.b 7.15 3.76 7.50 6.75 5.50 6.00 ▪ G. UAMSKON. K. C.. HARRIS -1 Inc rrtat. ei0C iUr. oulary public. tateo.s- ra•.ailiAd ylleat, trea•leh, thud door tiv o 9e,tare. CHARLES GAttitUW . LL.B., BAH- -altelaal, +twroer..4uutwc. •t.:.• Otr•.- rrcb. YU•,cy to ►am rt wwest ntu.• • t31l&GSR, BARRISTER, SOI - Notary `�rycer. aloe-tAlai%Mw. hehmic. tli)t�' AUCTIONEER. THOMAS (SUNDRY u rioN EER hos C.Uod.:rlch. An IwUuctteh• by mall on at, ow..• ulfl.r wul 110 pr•+mlwly at- om** tu.Iw.uc -'. ,•. ,� yeuu. Ile "After suffering for • long time with Dyspel.ia, 1 have beets cored by •'Fruit•a-tives". 1 suffered so much that 1 would not dare eat for 1 was afraid of dying. Five years ago, I erren '.1 ,xtnples of "Fruit.a-fives'. 1 did out wish to try them for 1 had little confidence in them but, seeing r.: bush at.d's anxiety, I decided to do • :•:d at on.•e I felt relief. Then I For three hoses and I kept improv- ^ until 1 was cured. While sick, 1 • kat awerel pounds, but after taking ' trru t -a -live' ", I quickly regained what 1 k •d lost. Now I eat, sleep and digest well -in a word, I am completely c :red, 'batiks to "Nruit-a-tives' . MADAM M. CHARBONNEAU " lrruit-a-tives " is the greatest s:nuisch tonic in the world and will ' a:wayscere Indigestion, Sour Stomach. • lit utburn", -Dyspepsia and other :' _•...ms.:11 Troubles. 5.,:. a lox, 6 for 12.5o, trial sire. 25c. .1t all dealers or sent on receipt of • •: ,.1;.. Fruits -fiver Limited, d tawa. 5.00 4.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Chili, Chickew and Rice Joint two • hic kens. hot; in thre.• ,quarts of water w tib salt to taste un - MI very teeder. 'then should be tw,i Farmer's Market Quarts of ato.•k '1 ft Take out ou• Piot. Holl three pints and drop in Following are the latest quotations two-thlyds cup ort rice Boll ten min• for farm produce at St. Lawrened i utes and add three chopped chills Y•trket, Toronto. that have been put in oven until skin Wheat, bushel 31.12 to 31.15.1.'an be r.tuoved. Boil ten minutes (loose whcat 1.12 0,00 longer Stir into rice and chill tau Gab, new .52 .63 'tablespoons of butter Put layer of Barley gg .70 one-third rice• in bottom of shallow Buckwheat 60 .00 pan. then layer of h:ilf-boned chiv;ken Alternate ri1 a and chicken, having Rye 1.02 1.06 Peas 1.40 1.60 rice on top. Heat the yolks of three Hay. timothy. No. 1E1.40 23.00 eggs into the pint of cool broth, pour and clover 16.00 13.00 over rice. • sprinkle with few bread H Straw, bundled 1e.00 18.00 oven to brown. serve Fero hot do. loose 9.00 12.00 Butter, choice dairy . • • .20 .32 Eggs. new laid, do.50 Fowl, dressed, lb. .10 Spring chickens. Ib.13 Ducks spring, 1b .14 .16 Turkeys, lb. .18 Geese, Ib .14 Lite bens, I'). .10 do. ducks. Ib. .12 do. geese. lb. .11 Apples, bket .20 as do. barrel 1.76 Potatoes. 'hag .60 Onions, bag 1.50 Pork, per pound li Dressed hogs '''NOTHING BETTER NASA PROTESTS United States O•verwment Says Brie. sin Is Interfering With Commerce FOR WEAK WOMEN .1.1 .1: 1.25 , 9 Never Spent Any Money p0. That Did Me So Much 1..751 Good as That I Spent for ."Vinol." woomoo Heefe. hindquarters ...11.00 ' 12.09 i Bellefontaine,Ohio.-" I wilt) every do forequarters .... 0.00 110.00 tired, weak, nervous woman could have Lard, Ib. -', .11 ,1s IVinol for I never spent any mooey in 4 my life that did me so much good as Toronto Grain Prices that I spent fur \'inol. My nerves were in a very bad condition, making me very The following wholesale prices are weak, tired, and worn out and often quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: drowsy headaches. I had tried cod Manitoba Wheat -Lake porta, No. 1 liver oil, doctor's medicines, and other northern. 6I 31; Nb. 3 northern, 31.28; preparations without benefit I Buffalo Duck -hunters Fired Pio. 3 northt rn 31.234: %c per bushel "One dal a friend asked me to try more on track (.Odertch \'incl. I dd and soon my appetlte in - The Called States Government cie Monday despatched a long note to Great Britain insisting upon an early improvement In tie treatment of American commerce by the Brttlah fleet. It Intimated that much feeling had been aroused. and that public crttfclsm was general over unwar- ranted interference with the legtll• mate foreign trade of the United State.. The document. constituting the strongest repreaeutations on this sub- ject made by the United States to any of the belllgert cats stnce the outbreak of the war, was cabled to Ambassador Page to be formally presented to Str Edward Orey. the British Foreign Secretary. As the detailed point of view of the United States. its numerous specific cases of detention and seizures of cats goes. had been set forth In a series of protests, most of which have gone unheeded, Monday's communication was couched in general terms cover- ing the entire subject of the relations between the United States and Great Britain as affected by the latter'■ naval policy, considered highly bb tectionable by the Washington Govern- ment. The note declares that the repre- sentations are made in a friendly spirit, but that the United States con- siders 1t best to speak to terms of frankness, lest silence be construed as an acquiescence in a policy on the part of Great Britain which infringed the rights of American citizens under the tams of nations. AUSTRIANS iN RETREAT Russians Clain+ to Have Taken Many Thousands of Prisoners The Austrian campaign In the Car- pathians and In Western Oalicta and Southern Poland appears to have met with utter disaster, according to the claims of the Russian official State- ments, which are partly admitted by both Vienna and Berlin to be cell founded. Some idea of the magnitude of the operations may be obtained from the fact that the Russian state- ments record the capture of no fewer that 17.600prisoners from the Aus- trians during the last few days. In the Carpathians the Austrian de- feat 1s complete. Forced to accept battle with superior forces in zero weather in the snow-covered Dukia pus. they fought the Russians for two days and then took flight back towards the plains of Hungary. leaving great numbers of dead on the field, and more than ten thousand prisoners in the hands of Grand Duke Nicholas. Vien- na confesses officially that Krostto and Jaalo are agate held by the Russians. Berlin, however, affirms that the Aus- trians "seem to be gaining ground steadily in the Carpathians.' TRAGEDY AT FORT ERIE Nanitoha Oats-No..2 C.. 61%c. creased, I slept better and -.ow I am No. 3 C.v... 54,4c.• track bay Arts; strong, vigorous andwell and can dom feed, 571sc. housework with Mr... J. F. LAMBORN, Beliefontaine, Ohio. Ontario oats -Outside. 46c to 43c. Ontario \\'beat -No. 2. car iota, $L12 Nervous, weak, tired, worn-out wo- to 31.13. outside. according to tretgh. men should take Mrs. Lantborn's advice freights: American ('oro -New, No. 3 yellow: and try Wino' for there are literally thousands of men and women who• were all call. shipments, Tomato freight, formerly run-down weak and nervous,76i,! .• who owe their good health to Vinol. Pea, -No. 2, 31.60 to 31.70, car lour. Itis the medicinal. tissue building ele- outaide. moue of the cod's livers, aided by the Rye -No. 2. 31.04 to ;1.06. Hood making, strengthening influence Harley -Good malting barley, oat- el tonic iron, contained in V1no1, whiter 1N,URANCL, t•UARS, ITC. 66c to 66c. flakes it so efficient in all such rases. OWAVW) W at U. Cax- ibitw•A; ralsar'arer mastics sliest. 6ANIrs /ea. R.lt0HlidTh0A. • 1.et;RAMt:E AUNT. eta► rt•h LIOUTYINu . britua. tiw•adtah cwt • ac7.Uar.7. DWILwar Awu sons rase LIAM.., ITT lae e,en•..1 su.waw.t .u4 U ..ar.u.ur w/r1•/c-.Ha. 1•.II.INa1. cal t.q..uu. 3,osurr Ase UYAaa.. It.. auaue ; tae t;.e. 5146•1410 amid WWY••anon Wawa' of v Mu- tant Lwow .• nolew.•www w. •la•tt lib. .wt 044 Ararat • •••16.1. WELLAAPe sums', Flux s u ti A n tth. 41 v. -Darr awl 100."10" caw u Iwvp.ZV H..ar•e. VOW.. --1. b. iu•••.u. rev., e•at0rta Y.V., J0• t'a,a.a•). v row riga, 1.0la01'•.a e. ('8004a a •../. 044..-. 1.w.•-, ee..e[w ). 1.vo, •w • MAO., t.V0.4V... &Obi x1,•,11... n.w, W W 0rK W , mar•.. 11..0.. B•w/h.w... £4 06'I . ICI a . Iluwu.. awclww. n,,.w.... 0. Aauu... .. • .. ,ue...1N • It, emu... It•110.: a. N.1114x1 e. e.l.••.VI. Swot. t0, • 111s.4a1.). 0..•10.41. • v..... rv.0vl• v.0 v-. •.•arru.°YM Ar- ••• ,..•.0 ,.....1. 1wlwV%S •- B. 4. MN gra .• t..uult.a bW1v.- •moi.• mow. d. LAW.. V -..a..). ...•.....0 ..• M aAa1K►Atak Wtr11146.1 1VALinn n. n.:►.1.a•J.N., Vtrt1►•1,• U. •1..1 MURK car Ataatriaaar era 16144a.e. tiroW. " WI) MKW'HAI4T 1A16 H •wI�,e.CEK U► MA111NAUL l.• A. els Broplk) t$ro3. tN) 4 • I• 1'w6e'ra. 1 Sad 1 11. Ord..* 0..•„ .1 • Rolled Oats -Car lots; per bag or 90 pounds, 11 to $2.20: in smaller lots, /20 31.25 to 13.35. Windsor to Montreal. Bnekwheet-711c to TTc, car lots, outside. Mtllfeed-Carlota. per ton. bran. 626 to $26: hosts. PT to 328; mid- dlings, 330 to 632; good feed flour, 131 to $40. C-ts's at Montreal • Butchers' cattle, cholee.$7.60 to 37 7a do. medium 6.60 7.00 do. common 6.00 6.00 Canners 4.00 6.00 But -here' choice cows8.25 6.60 do. medium 6.60 6.00 do bulls 6.26 4.60 Milkers choice. each-4.00 76.00 do com. and .ned60.00 66.00 P.f-' ,gprs ..... 60 00 66.00 Sheep. ew'1 6.00 6.26 Pucks and cu 's• 4 60 4.76 Lambs .. 7.60 8.26 Hugs. f.o.b. 8.00 0,00 Calves .... 6.00 16.00 East Buffalo Cattle CatW cholla : 9191e704.06a005. 38.60: sbtppleg. 38 to 68.76; betchsn. Looking out for the bushes■ a"o 68.60 to 68.76; heifers. N to SIM; if the "Yellow Jacket" cows. 34 to 37; bulls. 34.16 10 38. pals-Artiv.; it to $10,N. Hop -Slow: Leavy, $7. mtisd, M. at of u4 g1 t w ha• a.- 11. sero.- ; i too 17.15 to 37.31: Yorke" add pigs. 37 f0 only the woe.-•wrul Dees 4.11 .14t, i• to $7.60: rougbs. $826 to 16.40: stage, Kin.t wont• wee li,e brig •w -t 35.50 to 14 h Rowe'' : • h• y utak - a p 1 'role Sheep and lAmhs---Artive; Iambs, ,.f the honnide.t h ji. to rt. yearlings, 36 to 37 76; wets• !4 .tt-"How long were you awe era. 177. to 16.26. ewes. W 60 t0 tm your wroun,,t i •,r Y' .Non-•• T1w 36.60; ah.ep• mtz.d. 36.60 to 16.76. loos; it deielop•.1 into i•Ir.•Ini Ittw.... Chita.< Live Stook Cattle- ('hoice firm. others weak. glMves, 1-..50 'n 110 20 • western stets, *,10 t0 33; cows and heifers. 38.11 M 66.18; estvct. 67 25 to 39.76. H s -•Mark, t r.nsett'.ed. light I0 $7 30: t^ zeal 37 to 17 se. bogey, $8 of 10 311r r.• Rh 9s115 10.17.10; pr 33.71 t-, t.. h•Ik of salsa. 87.11 to t' 3fa cure -_•1i r,. 1 e \save, 3610 se 0430' r •.r 1520 !• 17.111) Il. C'. Uuu .. u1 U.. •1•.•{{,l1- B.dtold block, Goderitb, 0•,t.rio. 'Theatrical Note" G in by Solders -One Killed A" effort to enforce the Ontario gam.. laws v as the cause of the killing i of Walter Smith and the seriously woundtt.g of Charles Dorsch, both of Buffa'o. by Canadian soldiers on the river at )"ort Erie on Monday. The tra redy was unintentional according to information gathered by the mill- tary at thoritles acd forwarded to Ottawa. The so'.dIers were aiding a provin- • cial officer to arrest the men for alleg.'d violation of the game laws. Several yolk ye were fired over their heads to force them to come ashore t wi;h their netts at. A final shot. said to hate been fired for the same pur- i , pose. struck Smith between the eyes, and, passing thrW lgh his head, wound- ' ed Dorsch on the arm. The men were not only technically under arrest by' the game officer and were attempting to escape, but they had violated a military order which forbade unauthorized persons to ap- proach the International boundary line while armed. Shocking Mon't-ychlass X.Chaildj QUICK NAPTHA TN1 fr WOMANS SOAP FRENCH ALSO USE BOMBS Quickly Revenged Zeppelin Attack en Nancy In Which Two Were Killed Preach aviators ha- ve bombarded the aylatio.. hangars. a railroad station .r.d barracks at Metz In retaliation for the bomb attack on Nancy by • German Zeppelin. according to the orient communlcatlon Issued In Paris. The report says In part "A dirigible dropped • dozen bomb! fM Aline,' • iu.4b3 • Atte. or the city and without military reason. Our aviators to tarn bombarded avtstIos deicers, one of th0 Isilo.d Modems of Meta, where movements et trains were noted• and the barracks of lit Privet et Mets.' A despatch from Seamy says teat a y.•ppello airship Sew over that dry early Saturday morning ARA drooped a total of fourteen bombs. Two pees sons were killed and two other wounded. sebmarin.'e Nervy Trask It Is reported that • Britt.b gab - marine entered the Darda.elles cm Seterday and destroyed three of the Sto series of mines which had bees Ire 1 In the el -tenet. The submarine iv, not seen by the gunner• at the forts and weeapwl nndamagwd. We All Know Nis Kind Village Orator (secondln. a propo- sition for the repal'r of the read tng-room roof) : "1 think you'll all agree that the roof does leak very bad. empeclally 1■ this noticeable in wet weather. --- Col W. A l.ngls of Ramlltoe has been appointed In •veeeed Major- O.seral I,eseari In mainland of MT- kibltlon Camp. Tnrnetn. General Les, lard will maks a temr of tenanting& What a Lot of Attlee One Penny Will Stant • to 9E19. THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1915 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3 75 The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes 3.50 The Signal and DailyMail and Empire The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes 3.50 he Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star I 85 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.215 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.tet, The, Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily News The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire The Signal and Farmer's Advocate The Signal and Canadian Farm The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 1.6o Renewal.. . 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1 60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.00 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.66 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition Evening Edition The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. The Signal and World Wide The Signal and Presbyterian ........ • • .• The Signal and Westminster The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster The Signal and Catholic Register New Renewal The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. The Signal and McLean's Magazine The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o 'There prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.5o The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 The Signal and The Youth's Companion (Boston) 3.10 The Signal and The Scottish American (New York) 3.25 including postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may the obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $t.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal Tad its Family Herald sad Weakly 41r j5 The Farmer's Advocate ($3.35 less 411.00) 4.35 3.75 2.35 1.85 3.50 2.90 1.85 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.25 1.70 1.85 3.40 2.25 i}30 -making the price of the three papers $3.20. Tbs Signal and The Weekly Son 41t 8S The Tamen Daily Star (da.se less 11.00) ... r_so 413.63 -the three papers for $3.65. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well -know n Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., UNITED Gcdericb Ontario Pvl ia Tablets Por all Anus of dryer 6a Aar* aro mo Amer reot.1 pepsin sad blematb, a st•aammil whisk year doses, will Mak eo.irm. TMse w *. tie palmsyal 51 s1I mss axed V toad fDy► peeks a eve sod. Gent knows wkh die safe seeks Meese el the daN.t siowm pvep.ratiem Yat Resell Dyspepsia Tsbl•.r.eats...1 t0.. + ibs taea•m*. es.si • healthy sad mature' secrsslos d V I S Am "i.61M �Is to do their work a.esr. ye _ end cornet M e food ' � ea 4004. sod M mid Thry provost rir.ele. sr H. C. DUNLOP, Plum. B. Drug !s Redford' Mock, Oodsrich PMNs egomo •_'0ie1l s.m1r r�wedss=+..wm •