The Signal, 1914-10-1, Page 5TIIE BIONA : G(IDZ&IClH : ONI'ARIO i T S arae LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND -:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMiTEp unrescsoasraD OPPSR OP SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write far Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, F. LINT/WITH WiLLGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Sac. i Duotlm i Po iocipal. Addhast--•354-6 Dundas St.. London, Ont. imeasoolOo01.4111010.1.1014.4111.° MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. CHOICE 'CONFECTIONERY Just as we nhtcel in Ice Creno, so do we egret in Fancy Candies, bulk or package, and now that the cool weather Is near, the demand for these tines will bring our assortment into greater protniacnee than ever. GANONG'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATES METCALFE'S DELICIOUS 'SWEETS QUAKER MOLASSES CANDIES ALL MAKE THE FINEST TREATS Try a box of Metcalfe's After Dinner Mints BALMORAL CAFE Whipping Cream a specialty T J. SALKELD, Proprietor 'Phone 64 • Just Arrived ! A big delegation et Automobile Tires bee just come to town. They are making their bead quarters with us. Their mission is to help local moteaiMtr Nffa tire Cost. tome in and we will introduce you to them. You'll find Mg and little fellow. -.moot b .,d t r.: 10o treads. Beet tines we know of. Yet. because made in immense number,. the price is as low se 00 other tires. WE CARE FOR YOUR TIRES FREE If you have it tire that's tick. damaged or disfigured bring it in and let's figure •nut how to prolong its lite. Retnewhsr "a stitch in time saves nine " We make no charge for helping you save your tires, whether you are • regular customer or not. EAST ST. GARAGE GODERICH Next to Town Hall 'Phone au • otiefeeneeleeekeearieete 4 Now is the Time to repair or put on a sow roof. Before decidiDg what to use, see our Galvanized Shingles Corrugated Galvanized Iron and Brantford Asphalt Roof- ing of all weights. WW W. R. PINDER Phone 1156 Hamdtoe Street Arab os — • 111111 .►W :''' :.. akdisv -_ et OYrARt° roorLIPr The leading Mulley Plow In On- tario. Other popular Riding Plows are the Ontario Footlift e nd Beaver Gang or Sulky. We have Drown and Kid Kan. waren Walking Gangs, Frost k Wood and Ooeskabutt single Walking Plows, Cock,butt Disc and Fertiliser Disc (train Drilla A full line of rep•lre and Plow Points always me (sled 411111 Herbert F. Morris Haailtoa Street LOCALS a- PERSONALS r....e.t. OreMei a 1, MU • -Mho Mona Kidd is visiting friends in di:'Catheriow for • couple of weeks. -Mr. Karl Mcllwain, of Nile. left on Tuesday for a two month's vielt in Alberta. -Miss Jessie Ford left on Tuesday foe Toronto, .where she will wand a • term as the Dot .rio$eleeol of Art. -Do you know how to knit? 1f so, knit for our soldier toys. Wool will he supplied at Mrs. McKim's, Chuen streeL -Miss. MacWbinney and Mia Marie Hawkins, of Shepperton, were the guests this week of Mr,. Gavin Green, Anglesey street. -Mr. Newton Chattel), of Sarnia, a former reeideot of this town, is spend- ing • Mutt vacation with his brother, Mr. Jubu Challeo East street. -Mr. George Croquet, who left with the Gode'ich coutingeor for Val - earlier. arrived home last week, hay- ing been rejected because of weak eyes. -Mr. and Mrs Jos. E. Bradwin, of Wiogbsiu, and Mr. and Mr.. Frank W. Bredwin and daughter. Lucille, of H•miltoo, spent Sunday at ye editor's borne. -The regular meeting of the Cana- dian Order of Chosen Friends will be held on Friday evening, October 2od, at eight o'clock in tbe Temperance hall. - - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bdward and Mita Vittie McLaren, of Sault Ste. Matic. Michigan, were the mutate of Mr. and Mts. D. McLaren and other relatives this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kidd are go- ing to Cbigaco next weel to attend the Canadian ticket agents' conven- tion. Mr. Kidd is • vice-president of the Canadian Ticket Agents associa- tion. - The regular monthly meeting of the Eureka Bible clam of Victoria street Methodist church will he held Monday evening, October 5th, at the home of Miss Estella Clark, Pine street. --The uptown office of the Brand Trunk has been greatly improved this week by tete addition of�i cost of paint. The color, cream with dark green trimmittrgs, presentts an artistic appearance. -Mr. Thomas Cousin received • nasty cut over the right eye while en- gaged nn the sewer construction work on Campron street. It was necessary to base three stitches put in to close the Wound. . -Kite flying has become quite a popular spurt with the young folk around town. We saw one anchored In the the Harbor park on Saturdsy thee ww • flying welt ewe ewer taw C P.R. bridge. -i'be rut nthly meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary society of North street Methodist church, will he held in the church parlor on Monday alter- nates, October 5th, at 3 o'clock. Visi- tor s always welcome. -The Red Cross society wish to thank most heartily tbo.e ladies and gentlemen who have contributed yarn and knitted comforts for our soldiers. The people have responded so nobly that the list Is tot large for publics. t ion. --One of our readers who a • line neehard no the Huron rued is The Miguel offlee tbie week wants g to know if we could help him to get rid of his KOOK crop Hs said he had about 300 barrels and had no sale for the at all. r. W. G. Comby, proprietor of the ti optic sbailee parlor. Bedford bloc , has reosotJy installed •o electric machine for doing is esagfng. Ap- pbintcneete toad* with ladies who de- sire to have massaging and hair dress- ing done at their horse.. See his adv. on page one. -i wish to announce that 1 have a full Kook of Ladies' Fall Drawee, rang- ing 1s pries from N up to (17.30. A stylish drew la all cols'. for N. Lndisf' emits worth 516 for Se. P. T. DRAM, center Lest street and asstare, Gederieb. 117-11 /\ LOYAL The home aft Me. and Mrs. Reay{ McMillan has bees mealy bereaved by the death of their youngest daegble. sllaabeth Ue.tgimia, beloved wide a Mr. Balpb Werftse.. which ocaseved u her home Sault ate Maris. Might gas. os September lab. Mrs, Woek- eman, after a brief Moves, peened peace- fully away, despite alt that carr and tender nursing could no The re- main* were brought to her perepts' home frons Sault, Ste. Marie and were placed in the family pbt in Maitland cemetery on Tuesday Rifler noon, September 2nd. Rev, lanes Hamil- ton, 01 Ooderieb, conducted the ser- vioet and the pelt -bearers were Meyer+. James and John McMillan, Alex. Hei drrwo, Jawses tireen and Will and Perry Workman. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. The sorrowing busband, parents, brothers and sisters have the sincere sympathy of foe men nnrnit y. IDT. HELENS Crowds of people attended Mr. John Joy nes e•ttle ole on Tuesday. Miss M. C. Rutherford has returoed from Chicago after spending seven weeks visiting her Yankee friends. Miw Jratie McDonald, ot Guelph, returned home on Muoday, after 'pending a pleasant time with her friends here. Rev. John Griffith, •it returned missionary from Chine, addreawd the Wouteo'r MIMIon.zy recite y in Calvin church -Sunday evening. Misr Jean Webh returned to London on Wednesday, where the is in trete- log for a nurse. Nle lox Ks as if the city agrees with her. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor. of Guelph ; Mrs. James Bowles, of Eden, sod Mrs Humes, of Toronto, naototed up from Guelph and are spending a week visiting among their Meads herr. Aooiyersary services will tae held in Calvin church, St Helens, on Sunday, October 4th. Rev. W. A. Bradley, t Teaswater, will the the preacher. An entertainment will be given on Mon- day evening, Rev. W. A. Bradley will give his popular Lecture "Pat and Hie Island." The musical programme will he provided by Lucknow Methodist choir. Fowl supper served limn six to eight o'clock. Come and enjoy a nest. LAURIER Misers Sophia and Tallith* Kemp. ton visi,ed friends at Laurier. Quite a number around here expect to attend the Ripley (air on Wednes- day Mr. Charles 1Viley end sister. Ag- nes, and their sunt, Mi.s Ellen \Viley, visited friends in Kincardine on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hardie and family ,pent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Wiley. Mr. J. Jamieson is busy getting ready to raise.* beaters his barn on Saturday next. Mr. Donald MeeNain has gone to Toronto to attend the university there. We wish bion ruccese. Mrs, Skylar has returned ,to Brant. ford, after Spending a week with friends here. Mrs. Wm. Wiley and Miss Ellen Wiley visited Mrs. R. Hamilton, of Lochalsh, on Tuesday afterouoo. Mr. Kuntz, Mitis Annie McLennan and Mrs. Duosan MoLennan motored to 1 ',erten and spent a day at the home of Mr. and Itirr. T. Dixon. The Misses Bowman, of Lucknow, visited at the home of Mr. \Vw. Birmingham on Sunday last. Mrs. H Pickard and sons, Thomas, of Lucknow, and Robert, of Newmar- et, visited friends here one day last week. WEST FiELD There is more than threshing__and Dorn euttiug going on mound West- field. The wedding bells have been ringing. On Wednesday, September 23rd, Mr. Malt and Henry was united in marriage to Mus Muriel Powrey, of London. Anniversary services will be held in \VestfleId Methodist church on Sun- day. October ith. Rev. R. Hicks, B.D.. of Hensel), will preach at two and 7 30 p.m. Special music will be tar- nished by the choir. A tea meetingwill he held on Monday evening, O;tober Sts. Tea will be served in the basement of the choral from six to eight p.m., atter which a splendid programme will he rendered. Mrs. O. H. King and Miss Ada McClinton, ot Goderich, and Mr. D. C. McMorran and daughter, of Lucboow, are among those to take part. Admission : Adults, 50 cents children under 12 pairs, Li cents. Anotner happy and auspicious event transpired on Thursday, September 21th, at four o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tunuey, when Mr. Leonard James Cook, of Clinton, and Miss Annie Rose Butler, of Blyth, were united in marriage. The wedding march wu played hy Mrs. .Albert Walsh and the nuptial knot wu tied by Rev. W. Conway in the presence of about (M) invited guests. The erre-cony was performed on the lawn under an arch of evesa�t'�r•�ee�n dee- oratetl•ectib'RoMsse.d. Thl.isiie+►tteuwl was doylies* satin trimmed with shadow Iso' and her baguet beauti- ful bunch of white aster... Miss Katie Barr, of Blyth, ver] gracefully attend- ed to the duties of flower girl. The wedding dinner which followed abund- antly satisfied the Metro and appetites of the guests. The young couple will make their home in Clinton. They have the gond wishes of a wide circle of friends. At eight o'clock on Wednesday evening of last week, at the beautiful home of Mr. J. Newton Ceutpbell, reeve of Emit Wawsnosh, his daugh- ter, Helve Mae. and Mr. Wilbert V. Taylor. eon et Mr. and TEire. Thomas H. Taylor, of the Mb eondewion, were unit in the bonds of holy maul, mony in the presence of Immediate rela- tives. Miss Josie Insley, of Londes- horn. pl. ed Lobeegtln's wedding march. ceremony was pert onsed by Rev. W. Conway, of Auhurn, as - Helen hy Rev. W. Taylor, of Mildmay, brother of the groom, The yeung eosple were unattended and the beide leaned eharmlig in a dense of ivory galla with embroidered net drapery esetbe with rosebud.. The gronni s glf be the bride was a brweelet wet with amethyst amid pearls and to the pianlet a bar pie set with pearls. iseeediate- ly) after the ceremony Mrs AI .IK, d Simone, tester of this bride, Bang "A Pe'feet Day" aper which the gumbo were limited to the dining room where IOOLOORNIS Colborne tow..bip council met on • Tuesday and samosa other bueissees oosaMered wee thepsupu.ltioo to close the road leading {b on b what is knows as the AMIrW estate. 1t was decided to leave the mater open for further oe.siderabon. I an interview with Mr. O. K. Fleming, the present owner of the Attain property• we succeeded in getting his point of view on the aubjsct. to retook' to the letter signed "A Resident of Colborne" in our loot ►rue, Mr. Fleming said many of the points ware not well taken. The writer of that letter ap- pear. to be under the impression that he site where the Moult sham plant is located is government property, whereon it belongs to Mr. Fleeing std is a pert of the estate. Then it was also pointed out that the road does not lead to the lake beach but merely to Doe river bank, ending in a six-foot drop to the river bed. I'he public has not the least right to use the property for picnic parties and such like, and in define so they 'are tierpasserr. it at. any time it should become possible to strict • bridge across the river Mr. Fleecing would heartily co-operate in such a project. Residents of Colborne do not use the road once in a year and it is to a great extent citizeos of (iude• rich who are putting up the most strenuous opposition. It is very questionable whether Mr F. D. Ham - link will give tree Access t 1 the Keach through his property as state( in the !otter referred to. The talk of utilis- WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATEI F'mde Help m Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, Caps Wolfe, Canada.-" Last March I was a complete wreck. 1 bad given up all hope of getting better or living any length of time, u I was such a sufferer from female troubles. But I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and today I am in good health and have a pair of twin boys two months old and growing finely. I surprised doctors and neighbors for they all know what a wreck 1 was. "Now I am healthy, happy and hearty, and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies. You may publish this letter if you like. I think if more women used your remedies they would have better health. "-Mrs. J. T. Coots, Lot No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P. E. L, Canada. Because your ease hs a difficult one, and doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has remedied many eases of female ills, such as inflamma- tion. ulceration, displacements, tumors, • irregularities, periodic pains, backache, . and it may be exactly what you need. i ug the water front is i idicutous as there is only ikifeet ofJt river bank to (tilire. As a whole the residents of Colborne seem disposed to ,accept the proposition of 11r. Fleming, which is either to buy the property outright or to take it on a lime term lease. Um= CIF CANADA. Valcartier M• • tary Camp A fully equipped breach has been opened at the Military Camp at Valeartier-Quebec-toe the accommodation of the Overseas Forces. Transfer of monies to and frena the Military Camp will be suede ball breaches of the UNION BANK OF CANADA, free of e. Pull information as to the new branch, the forwarding and depositing of money, will be cheerfully furuisbed. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. Rie Cross Contributions All persotrr wishing to contribute is any way to the tale which is being sant diet b tot a .o b 1 . y the Red Brow society are kindly requested to tori their contributions of geoids or ouone to the Knox church school room a 1Tuesday afternoon at Iso. There will the a roman ittet, of led lee tbe ra to receive them and they will he forwarded iv -I 1tuediately. III Perch ba.e hero biting petty good at for herio o- thie week and ors - eral of our local ti-ttwtnau have wade good catches. Dunt forget The Sig- nal staff like fish. WI The Pinkhant record is a proud and ; 'II War Prices peerless one. It is • record of constant victory over the ob- ,tinateillaof women -ills that deal out despair. It is an es- tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound has restored health s to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need each a medicine? tm� is dainty luncheon was served. The parlor and dining room were quite art- istically decorated with Raters and (rtne. The many gifts which testified to the esteem in which the bride and groom are held, included a handsome el tick form the pito•ils of 8:8. No. 11, Hullett, where Miss Campbell his been teacher for the past two years. The happy young cutple have the best wishes of the community as they take up t heir abode on the fatty occupied by the late Mr. Hervey McDowefl, where they will he at borne to their friends after October 21st. HENSALL Mrs. T. Neelands is spending a couple of weeks with friends io Lon - deo. Mra. Leitch, an aged resident of Cbiselburei, is dead after a brief ill- nras. HenmaII hand rendered floe pro- gramme at Seaforth show. They will alto play at Hayfield. A move is under way herr so organ- ize a choral society, under the leader- ship of Mr. Milne Hanuie. Airs, Elliott and daughter, of Van- couver, who have. been visiting Mrs. Neelands, have left to visit ,elativer in Leaden. It was staled on Tuesday that the late J. M. McDonald, of Tuckersmitb, has no relatives to inherit his estate. He died intestate. Harold, the five-year-old sun of Mr. and Mn. Thomas Consist, of Hill - green, is dead at his louse, following an opeiatioo for apprn•liciti.. A large arrour.i of grain of fine quality is being marketed. Prices .bow a downward tendency. Some of the farmers have the r hear* threshed and ibute of first yn,lity are selling at $2 a bushel. the funeral of Mrs. Robert McAllis- ter, held (torn the family residence, corcession six of Hey, to Hillsgreen cemetery on Monday, wasvery largely attended. Deceased was 84 year. old, and one of the pionierr of Hay. Work on the new town ball is pro- ceeding rapidly. Mr. R. Cudwore has increased his staff of bricklayers, and Mr. T. Welsh has • large staff of carpenters, at work. It be expected that the work will be completed by the eod of November. 000ERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Ella Mai -Math of Toronto, was Come on Clothes? called home, owing to the death of her nephew. Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell, of Ayl- mer, is with her rioter, Mrs. M. R. Mac - Math, this week. Tne deepest heart telt sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Mac - Math, of the ith conceseion, in the death of their only child, William Goodwin, a. bright and lovable boy aged thirteen wnntbt•, which occurred on Maturdey morning, following a ssvere attack of cholera iofantum, Being • particularly robust child, and with all medical aid and nursing could do, h''pe was cherished that he would he spared. But the Master Deeded the flower for bio garden, after having loaned it for a brief time to brighten theearthly borne. The !(Hers! on M'inday a terntion to Maitland ceme- tery was largely attended, the service at t be home being conducted by Rev. James Hamilton, emulated by Rev, J. F. Ford, of Goderich. The little cask- et., which was covered with beautiful floral emblems of sympathy, was ' bonne by frier little boys -Alva Hich- an, Brock Orr, David Davidson and Vict••r Falconer. I'm a little pilgrim, And a stranger here: Though the world is pleasant. Sin is always near. I'm Polio le pilgrim, Anda stranger here ; But toy home in heaven, Cowest ever near. ST. AUGUSTINE From the Vancouver World we take the following account of the marriaagge of • former Si. Augustine boy :-Mt. Joseph's church, Cedar Cottage, was the scene of a pretty wedding %Ved- neaday- :morning at 13.30 o'clock, when Mise Kathleen M. Keough, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Keough, foronerly of Edmonton, was united in marriage to Mr. Joho J. Foran of this city. The bride looked clamming in a gown of duchess satin trimmed with silk brocaded net and pearls. She wore • veil caught up with orange blowoutsand carried • shower bow met 01 bridal rosea. Miss Teresa Keough, sister of the bride, acted an brides- maid. Htr drew was of pale pink silk crepe de chine trimmed with black brocaded velvet and shadow lace, acd she wore at becoming picture hat of black velvet trimmed with pink silk chiffon roses, and cal vied a'bower bouquet of pink carnations. Mr. P. Denaine acted as best man. As the bride entered the church, the bridal chorus front I.ocbengrin was played by Miss Anna McRae, cousin of the bride, and vocal soles were rendered by Miss Doris Wilber,. Mrs. Keough, mother of the bride. wore a becoming dress of black satin, trimmed with shadow Lace and re black picture hat. The groom's gift to the b ide was a handsome two -none diamond ring, to the bridesmaid it gold signet ring, and to the heat man • pair of gold cuff- links. After tbe reception, which was held at the home of the bride's mother, iICtI Thirty-thiri avenue east• Mr. and Mot. Fotao left for their honeymoon trtp, which will include visits to Seattle, Victoria and other •coast cities Om -their returotheg with take up tbeit residence in Vancouver. alts. (lesion. of London, is visiting bet sister, Mrs. James Maelionsikl. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hogan visited friends in Strathroy last week Mr. Duncan McLean left today for his home in California, after *pending a few months at his old borne here. Misses Hefei and Fannie Andereon of St. H. len-, weir the go.... of Mise Dryers Campbell for a couple of days last work. MARRIEO [L1.1/1T11A144114Lt--At !h. Viet.rta — , est N.tiwuaa gar.en�.gK.� 0�yr Hes. J. f;. e. ea ►leeteatber >oiA. Ili. Wm. ill. JV[11 •• VICARS* doff, of D.denet' towa.hig. .0 Mr.. {Marl Marshall, of Clinton. exPtamace aEu RYAN.- is tindsrice. On September t7tb. Marr O'Laaghlln, beloved wife of Mr. J. P. bran, WORKMAN. - fa Kook Sts. Marieon gents. boa Mk fllsabotb tiaontlita Me/Me/1111m.111. bo' Iwed wife of Mr. Halpb Workman. yid 17 rear.. 1111311101111 WILL!. - la lied ei^ii, no Heinonale•r Job, Mrs ►'seu.nrl on Friday. 1 reicher ri.,t st t eo o elcrr altI V DLKY. In Clinton. en Kept/nabs, Mb, t' MMoine H. ladle,. aged 73 rear. Mt, MATH. latvalerieb tawa.alp, on lY► metier ts•w �o er 4, Wien. rsd orfs latent too of Db. e Mrs. e. ttoafneeMW., ad eel year lMetad R nage. V RAOMAlf.-fp $ederecb, ea reete.bw 0tk Ma.uaret von beloved wlte of Mt. JMf N. Voek.aa. is boa Ma year. ADVERTISE IN THK 810NAL head of Semi -ready Com- , pany Says They can Hold the Fort for a Year What will be the effect of the war on prises ot clothes? "1 bate had tetany tbtters from our customers tbronghnut Canada asking use this queetron," said the president of Bend. readyCompany. "1 answered it eat ly in July, when the war clouds wee.' gathering, for we always look a year ahead. "Fortunately for our company, we have on band neatly a you'd ruppiy .of *tapir sour sleds and merges. "The world's wool clip is stetionaiy or declining, and only the festive goat nI Angora persuasion is multiplying his offspring and his fleece. So that the wool situation of itself has for years been a great cause for anxiety. Aggravated by the feeble output and the suspension of many producing centre,, the prices of woollen goods may he expected to oast' to dizzy heights. Scientists, manufacturers rod gov- ernments have taken •n eager inter- est nterest in any experiment which promises ✓ new cloth -making material. The woali's product of raw silk does not increase with the increasing popula- tion of the world, and a fibrous wool silk was evolved by scientists. It is much used in scarfs, silken sweaters and in knitted neckwear. "While it is not likely, yet it is pos- sible that Great Necessity will prove the Mo tber of Invention in the dis- covery of some new cloth material if war pi ices should prevail. "The pi ice of woollens in both over - meetings and suiting, on winter weights baa been well sustained for years, but with the wars there is no telling bow high they will go. Rome relief will come from the tendency toward, lighter - weight weaves. We have been told by scieo- tats and by hygienic authorities tbat we wear our clothes too thick and too warm for our general health and netmatient good. With r wider knowledge of hygiene we are ,finding out truths our fathers never knew. Weight does not mean warmth and cotnfort. That there should not be any pre- sent advance in the cost of woollens is further reasoned becauw of the good stocks in hand by all the lar ger and more responsible manutacluren. Rut the part experience of a great war always means an advance in the coot of foodstuffs and weer-stulfr-the -actual necee.aries of life." Messrs. McLean Bros. have t heir n ew fall and winter models in Semi - ready tailoring, and the price in the pocket Slow the same standard yahoo.. To the Public Our Patriotic Sale was a good suttees but we testis* that many could not avail themselves of this opportunity as the weather was very warm And unseasonable. We will still offer to tbe public vuute of the Greatest VaIuee in Metes Wear ever offered in Goderich. M. ROBINS Open Until 8 3o Every Evening Agency for South Side Peabody s Overalls of Squaie --. Tbs — Canadian Clothiers LEVIITZ S. URRA ryleffiore Special Prices in Mii/nery for SA TURDA Y' We have a psrlictlesly attractive line of Ladies' Shapes. They include the Sailor Hate in velvets and plush. You will find thew to be popular goods at Popular Prices r•liellonp 1)o not fail to take ad vantage of our special bar- gains in Ladies' and Gents' F'ootvjea, We have the linea that eaao0t fall to please. ripe. cial prices fox Saturday selling. ADVERTISE IN TUB SiGNAL _Jr Healthy Bowels excle etclettie4 Perfect health can only be obtained by keeping the bowels regular. if your tu bowel. Jo t daily carry awry the wrote eft after the food V *rood. decay torts in, producing_poisons which are taboo op by dietblond. frequently resulting 1. Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis and othee ferias, end I.ta1 diseases. ie keep eke bowel, healthy 'end regular ,you mow help, nor drier, Nature by .N.ltd Retail Orderlies which are mild .nd geode is they ,dice, producing neither griping. sales.., aur any ones discos dart. Regan Ocderi.e. canoe( iriurc the d.11rah t�e.e n' he betwsi, and, w they do trot re -art. t w only eecemary a W, them toe e short time Io sere ens dpetius, 11 shirr yam how trt.t.1 Re • ill Orderlies r-er are not perfectly .a.afred with theft, . r 45411 re 'w you ynnr ru eey. ea5 .env si the more Ase MO all farm ma boa, raft rest. ora 1. ,esepseb Masa tet:.. tee ..o gid Thar yeasiShona H. Cs. DUNLOP, Phm. B. '' 114• . Bedfoni tilook, Godericit.