The Signal, 1914-8-20, Page 5i 9E SIGr:AL : GODZRICH ONTARIO Roasts retain their natural flavor-. bread, cakes, puddings. etc., baked in a Pared *nyealways come fresh and, sweet from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. SOLD BY HOWELL HARDWARE CO. ••N • • • • • • • • • -- FOR SALE Seednd-Hand Indian 4L�treqcIe 545.00 CASH This is, a snap EAST. STREET GARAGE • GODERICH i Next to Town Hall Always Open Phone 243 • • S MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S. Clinton \. J. Doig imports direct, he is able to,giv'e quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. „ roonoesierwommoirenewelesomeresseseiseemesoemeseree LOCALS == PERSONALS -suss Ruth Hamilton is visiting friends in Toronto. -Mr. ,L sli• Inkster. of Lethbri lge, smiting in town. -Mia Ell* 1: Goldthorpe ieft last "reek tor Winnipeg. e -Miss Emma Ciroplyell is *pending *din g fir vacation at Chicago. - --Read tint -neat ; tetenitutte t.cio&J. Yaw on pare one of tittsistmr.• • - Mi-. Marie t2uirL-. of Stratford, ie nisirisg her aunt, Mr.. J. B. Kelly. - Win. Tait has Md his resi. Mere td► tjuel•ec street (testily paint- ed. -ali•s Pearl Goodies* retuned from . w.ek's visit Toronto sod Hasa - tor -Misr Jessie Bond. of Wispier -we is :tie Surat of Mesa Robert owe Vlets,rke art,. -Mr. Melville Joffe*, of .Wiaikoir, ep idiait hie Yamada' at live lope -Mtsi,tienrgr B'iri.t bee returned. fins either) week: visit at Barr:;t-s Ragas -.t, rarer entrance lobby has fern zestreet.d ray -r f Pr north Jour , I tiff. -Mir. 4:oiou ‘‘'steno, of Nile, was *Passat of Mr. and Mr.. Hairy More ALR week. -Mrs R.dwrt Bell. and daugbtet. Isakerth. were the gores of Mrs. itlsba last week. -lis heel of the :Gni regiment has hes Mord to tannish music for one atiy, - ,Minnie Oubningham, of • Post t• Vsrt,spest • few days teeth friends la tears this week. -Mr. 1 barks Gsrrow ite having a tee verandah attached to his resi- lree os North street. -Mee Bertha Chesney, of Seeforth, • nutlet her cousin. Miss Norms vow,. Newman. street, -Me Cleveland Tichborne, of Chat- 'ts w visiting At the parental home, eadwraNrret, ibis weed. Mas lessee Glavin. of Centralia. 'ir•t the pant went is [Dave. the tare K Mime Cassie Fine. - �. Thomas Webb and Mies lw plow Webb left no Tumiday morning and Minneapolis. -lir Oliver Arkell, of Toronto, • resident of Goderich @Peet the eja4sd with friends In tows. Suter Rennie Douglas of LeekMe gra. rodlemolin - til L A. Carrick. Newsom stn. Mr E A War..* b.. rsenoiid R Devil @t.em to Rosy. streak felted Mr. (' A. Na'. cote at the Arneriran !toed Machitte Co.. is spending his vacation with hie par- ents at Durhurn. -Mia Alice Wells. who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. l'harlals Welts, returned -on Wednesday to laaltitnoret. • -Misses Mary and Annie McLaren, of Hauniltoe. ere *pending their vaca- tion ca- tion with their grandmother, Mrs. McClure. Nelson Street. - --Mr. and Mr:. M. J. Kerney and Messrs. (shade. and Frank Risdou, of Detroit. aux .psiidiitg Mete kande! vacation in Goalie* ich. -Miss Naomi Shafer, of the Alex. antra hospital staff. has retutned to duty after spending her vacation at bre home in New Hamburg. -The W.t,;.T.U. ttill hold their regular monthly meeting in the Tem - penance hall on Monday afternoon, August 2ltb. at the regular hour. -.Mrs. t.'.ititeroo. Mr. Jay Came. un and Nasse. Bee trice and Dell. of Tot - 'Ono. bare ieen gll- t. at the borne of }Ir. George Bradford this week. -Mr. Charlie Thomas and Misses Trru•emrer and Greer Tbnwu wete at Luasdon this week attending the wed. ding of their ousin. Miss Water.. -Mr. and M:. t'. R. %Vat,...n and eon, Kemietn, hear sr -tinned to New Yost atter spending •e:oneus :�e with Mr; Watson anter*; Mtworeal street. -lfise Ella Howell, of Des Moines, :1 twit left ini home on Friday alter iesrbding three wren. with her uncle and aunt. Mt sod Mr. Flury Mor- ri.. - Mts. David lepnrd sod her Jangle- t.rr*, Jean and Marpueri .. were vie - ing at the home orf the ferwa-e • mother. Mts. Jame-- De colleen. t.i Ein- tail [hes weak- • -Mr. W. B. Shape. organist of Knox I'te.bytc -ian chump. by liken the Ira,Jenre recently ...- copied by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunter. Elgin avenue. - There will be a howling tourna- ment for Scotch doubles on the hos- ling green on Tuesday and Wednes- day next. August 'Site, and ?nth. commencing at one p.m. - The si:ver cup won by Mr. Errrst Pridham at heaforth on August 5th foe the 100 yard: dash has been oe v{rw in Mr. C. H H•ttnher's store win- dow during the past work. - A special meeting of the women's ieetitute will he held in the Curt House park oo Saturday .1tersoon at lour o'clock. There will be im- portant question toasted*. - arrem(Mwillnr e G ch hold thetr mem Nn..f�l. O.U.F.. orbit service at Maitland rem.tery one S.adsy, S.ptemtaer itch, instead of August 30th. as a.noiroced. -Mr Harry Buchanan met with a painful aorident .m Tuesday Milscranking his automobile the saltine Mra hick -find and the crank Mawek his 1. breaking the ...all lytyae tl.y,y Motlt•yISfI sad fasailj. Ii right arm . the -ti t. i•�ad. lett ors Wsdteosdo_ to ielhe Ma. abM.dr is the noisily of tMatc -1. • priest. letter, dated at Deos- ▪ Kelly, encu-ls- ▪ at \riareees hospital. nth 4elsewdtag hot vad.tfee Wawa Inaba W,lks. Ameghtensall food. 9askatshewaa, reesived this week • tar..onndesst states that the weather is the west has b.ou eo dry Ithat canis and hng. are dying for Wast of water. --Moms Toren and Basal Cassidy. TIMPMOAT, AVIWUIrT 911, 1914 • I of Ayr. who have baro visiting the* 1pfrandwotber, Mn. Burrows. returned Some on Saturday accompanied by their cousins, Mises Eileen and Teresa 1 Moonless.. -Mr. and Mr.. 8. Cutout sod Mr. i and Mrs. H. McPherson. who visited at tho bonze of Mrs. Curran's motbrr, Mrs. W. H. Webster, Newpte street, ✓ eturned to their home in Howell, Michigan. this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Tboo. Hale sod daughter., Aloha and Louise, eb.. ' bass.• been vi.iting with the forum• mother, Mrs. H. Hale. ?ark street. loft un Tuesday morning for Prince Al- bert. Saskatchewau. - "Keep the. ofd flag eying," is the title of a handbill circulated around town by the officers of the volunteer battery, inviting clerks, shoeing smiths, farriers, automobile drivers, motor cyclists and otbers to join the .active set vice force. -The property at the coruer of Brune rind Victoria streets, known a• the Holland •to -c. is being renovatel this week. V. understand a fires from strattord has saluired the property obit will guru it into a cigar factory. Any industry which will employ lels,ur will be a welcome acquisition to the town. Prohat.ly the largest ,rick of maple tiwtwr that was ever been in Goderich was delivered one day last week by Mrwr. Win. Hill ft !ken, of Benmiller. It was 541 feet long, S inches syuars And weighed 10 tons, and will he used as au anchor in connection with the dredge owned by Mr. %Vm. Marlton. --The lode:itch Rebecca lodge No. eill4 rill hold a basket picnic at Point Faint on Wednesday afternoon, Aug- ust Jltttb. All members are invited to be present and bring their friends. Thr auto truck will leave the Oddfel• lows' hall at one o'clock arttt the Med rrgitueut band will be ir. attendance. - Mr. Rohe,: Craidir, wht. was em- ployed by Mr. C. C. Lee in his hard• ware business tot several years, hyo returned to town and taken charge of the Howell Hardware Company'. ' tore. Mr. Howell finds it necessary to derote most of bis time to the busi- ness of the Misner Manufacturing Co. - Tho.. coming from a distance. who are registers t at the Hotel Sunset this week., include Mr. Edward Linder and family, of Cleveland. Ohio: Mrs. \oil -on, Montreal ; Mise Wilson. New York ; Mr. R. D. Buclu.nao, Peter- boro: Mr. M-Gawey. San Bernardine, California. .Also A cunsider'lble num- bet firma Detroit, Stratford, Ayr and other town,. - -,to item in 1.st week'', issue of The Signal, intineati,R that there was but nos lady physician in Huron coun- ty, hes elicited the information from It local doctor that thereatefour. They are ; Mrs. 51.t klin. Goderich ; Dr. Moly McDonnell, liensall ; Dr. Swab -Ovv-nlock. Seatur:h, acid D.. \I. C. ('alder, W ing stn.. ,-Mr. W. H. Boyd. formerly a divierty studeat at Huron college, London, and now in charge of a per- ish at Lockport. Manitotws, has f'r- warded to London a request that his name be placed oo the list of volun- teers. Before Mr. Boyd ccmmeoced bis studies he was a resident of Oode- ricfi. Since then be had been eogage5 as curate at Brussels and \Viartoo. - Mrs. Duncan Cameron. East street, has her house full of visitors this week. On Monday her daugbter, Mrs. Leonard Dunkeld, of Palmerston• arrived and today l7h•rd♦ � her sire ter. Mrs. A..1. Stewart, and her niece. Mrs. Harvey Hucits, and children came from 'Harriston. Mr. Cameron, who bae1ieen in Pori $tinieif superintend- ing work for the Doty • Engine Co.. is expected home op Saturday. - Among other local improvented * around town this week we notice a new house being erected on the corner of Nelson rand St. Andrew's streets by Mr. Archie Redden, and a newtbouse trt commenced on Montreal Street by . J. Craigie. The residence on papier street owned by Mr. Joseph Griffin is receiving w coat of brick veneer and the new cottage of Mr. A. Millian on Britannia road is finished except for sotne painting• - His Honor Judge Jackson, Mn. Jai -limn and Ir., children. of Leth- bridge. Alberta. accompanied hy Mrs. J. G. Emigb, of Blyth, were the guests yesterday of Mr and Mr.. A. E. Brad - win. judge and Mrs. Jackson And rhiklrrn have 'pent the putt two mouths. outing animist Ontario friends and relatives and leave en Monday next for their western home. Mee Brsdwin and Mts. Jaekson are sister, More+e Aga- The Sinal touring partyarrived Lorne from Bermuda at mnight on Friday Late The trip was full of in- teresting experiences and the editor hopes nest week to ,-art a aeries of arrsM+rn martial law 00 aecf islands le the middle of the Atla.ti- ocean. and a hen tis. homeward jn•troey i. made to be c.wvu ed to a port of safety by time Breeds war revisers. Vote of Thanks Passed At the last meeting of the hoard of , trustees of Alexandra Martino and I timers, hospital • vote of thanks was .v.1 rn t Freest. ret Mr. R W. McKeoz.-..clnowledging the t.equees to the foods of the bosons'. The board al..' wishes to thank the Daugh- ters of the Eu•ppire and the yawn, ladies who -o kindly gave their amain - • nas oo Tag day, wb.n • very Wisd- o ms' sum was realised for the hospi- tal. a.t i.I 1ven i.ag The faPlist- Young People*, Vision held • veil pleasant service at the Immo Of Mr. sad Mee J. 11. Moothall on Monday evening. After the usual soemg ..mice. short AA.lre•.es were •s oo "Oar modal Lila' by Bev. eves H. Wrighton, Mr. E. A. Warner and Prof. ttimperma of for Agricultur- al osnllow. l.aaster. I><Irhfga.. The balance of the "monism was spent In the eujoryment oaf parlor games and disposing of • dafoty loath of fee rowan and oaks Soldiers lave fee the Freest Amid • down pour of rain the volun- teer battery that M► been is training hors for this ps.t t wn week..ntraieed at the Orad Trunk &mot this motors - too for Ottawa. The bawd of the fid regiment root show. t„ • ►s • •-+•••t 11.•11 ri t Park and (0 l ha strokes of martial music dea the co.tlogent to the wa- wa. e*sore • crowd of upwards of Sulu tioo, wa_ vathotd to width theta people were,• strain polled oat (iod speed. s t►. • `•ave the King the hand played Od arss and the Maple Iars f. Arrested at Port Hurts Tb. following deepa&L from f4•srnia appeared in the daily papers on Keine- day la.' • -- Mr.. %Vilu es % Kerr -ti end Albert Itussrll, Moth of Uoderi -b, are under arrest at Port Huron. The niau and woman were taken from moons en which they were living to the united States city. l' plaint was utade by rhe woman's husta,nd, who rendes at thaderieb, that hie wife had lett bleu Arid followed Russett to Port Hurn, laving her four small children helmet her. Buswell will fate • serinuelltouete preferred by the im- iuigration oflcere. Enthusiastic Wingham Citizens Court bourse park was the t•ene of a mo.t enthusiastic gathering on Wednesday afternoon, when about IMI citizens of Wingbam. representing; the Citizen: leaagee. pre.ente.l the mem- bers of the \Viughain contingent, who have voluotereed Inc active service. with neat little wrist watches. 'fbe actual presentations wen• made h the following gentlemen, who each gave • *here address of .t natriotic mature -Mayor Irwin, ex -Mayor Sp'.tton, flee. J. W. Hibbert. Chief of Police Allen and Police Magistrate Morton. As each speaker closed his address the hy-.sandere broke into en- triuma.tic cheering. The 1Vdnvhain contingent is cemprieed of :41 officers and wren and the citizens trona that town who took part in the proceed- ings iu the park arrived herr an 15 Automobiles. Dangerous Practice The following is taken from the Mitchell Advocate and will Ire of local iotere.t at the . present time: ---Since the .:owing into force of the Canada Temperance act in Huron. .a thriving liquor horniness has hien done in Mite'h- e11. Tuesday almost a continuous stiPrim of automobiles cant.. from stet. forth to town, the occupants of which carried hand -grips. in which they took back with theta large suppler. of liquor. Some of the men indulged pretty fleecy while here, and on their return trip they made the .Or hideous with their yells. Wednesday was a little better. If this thing i• allowed to continue we may look for a serious aeciaent before long. for they run their cars at terrific epee.' which not only endanger their own lives but re- spectable traveller are elac,d in Ibe same category. Constables should Ix on the alert and assist in putties as end to such practices. German Goods all Barred Asresult of the war Canada may sl.rtlybecome one of the world's greatest produtere of jewelry as well a. other .:tall articles. t'aoadian jewelry werehahts report chit a large ;rade in Rohl .n nemesis haw been -ev.ie4 be;wree. this continent and Germany by the orders of the Gov• ernment, which prohibits the impar- tation of Get uan good• while the two countries arc at war. Under the leg- islation .11 goods manufactured an Germany o1 soy des•ription ser hir- ers'. 1'inade iwpotis millions of dollars of stuff, large and small, frau Germany. printing. lithographing drugs, j-•vrlry, ornament., toys and in fart the majority of the content. of the five and 111 cent stores. These plow will have to seek their gond, eleewhere and the result will be according to manufacturerni end mer- chant* that Canada will et'art and pro- duce them. her elf.. ... Drug Famine is Feared Owing to the war in Europe, the bo.pit tis in Toronto, and, for that matter, according :o a hopitel saip'r- intendent, the medical institutions of Atm -rice. will face a setione J inhl.'.n if the trouble should continue for any leng'h of time. Orders placed recerat- ly wn tt wholesale drug houses by• the superintendents of Too -unto hoepitale have not heede filled. The other day t he superintendent of A Toronto hospital communicated with a Toronto tiro$ with regard to a supply .,f drugs. and was tel 1 that his order could not be filled. in consequence he gave osiers to hi. «tale to I.- very careful with their supply of drugs. Practically rill of the iodoform and rarholi; acid come (row (iermani, se well as other im- portant drugs. Hospitals in Montreal asked the drug houses in Tor.nllo to 4111 their orders, and met nigh the same te.p,nse it. the Toronto hospitals. General Brough Euchre Party The euchre party in the Masonic temple last Thursday evening under the su.picee of General !trough chap- ter. 1.0. D.8., was well patronised by the ladies and gentlemen of O derich, including s large number of sumsoar visitors As tb- result of the evening'* entertainment the chapter bas been • inaM.a *-eawbribette-sur eh. •'tat • substantial amount towards tate equip- ment of the Cauadian hospital ship. The Iadi w� prions were awseded sa follows: -1st, Mies Evelyn MacDonald; 1.d. alien Blackstone; ted, Mrs. Lam - ad. of fiearnit; 4th, ilii.• L. Griffin: 3tb, ala. Iiatdife. The gentlemen '• prism were won by :-lar. Mrs. Pot.: 'led, Mn. Due;a'd, Mr. D. McKay: 4th Dr. Field; 51.b, t.apt. Shepltanl; ekes, Mies Edith Illia*. The winner At the bridge able wiz Lady Melvin Jonas. Th b lb. twtwaria of The Sig•t 1 the ladies of tb. 1 1).11 K. wish ►o tba.k the public for its generous patronage and also the suwruer orients.. and tb.local m.rehaats who donated the prima. Prise donation. were re- ceived from Mrs. Doe, Mr.. Henry, the Mimes s Hate►isoo ane Mrs. Pot.; Motors. Rodgers, 'j Achesrs, Millar. Campbell. B.tU.sd Wyk, Dunlap. Whitely std Hein. Saris'. Art Sere donated it handsome statue, which the lathe. are disposing ed. Know Llseweh Cheir Picnic Alfred. 4e saemi.ere of Koos chnsnk choir attended stow arterial Messer .1 Peke. Farm on W.d..ad a v a tt.eweem. The weather war solesddd Lee tbu oust- ing and 16. trip to and from the pie - ale wrentade i. Mr. George Johnston's auto track ww not the Ines` sejoyable pert of tetto day's to sunt.. The after- noon was spinet .t bathing in the lake. bs.eball and other gamer N. ewer. Bette were the ch roto ,. lis their • mpesa,meta that they mold .cereal awosit s#. arrival rat sons. neeisa.sary IsNam Boise Irl at six °W oek. -.•rr5nt raw* •eta indicated that no.e of the Nies prow ent had anything to learn regarding the preparation of salads and utter tarty relishes. Alter supper baseball war again engaged en, but the game sou suddenly cut short wbro a cow plaint was registered with the umpire s• the eyesight of the man on third ter.---iendng too severe • base WIN •a,...-- Le to proceed. strain to permit Ch1 Ray.;• r.w,. Is justice to the other s►u., 4 played said that if the game had ben.. • have W a finish the score of 5 3 wool.. teem altered cooslderal l as the pla, ors were all heavy hitters. \V hen darkness set in dsuclog was enjoyed for a time in the drawing room of the hotel. The arrival of the sutra truck at 10 31) marked the closing, event of a roost enjoyable outing Kind Words for Huron Boy The ((Mewing paragraph is taken , from the Toronto (iiobe and refers to an ukl Hurn hoy, A native of Exeter, and a son of Rev. W M. Martin, now of London, but who was pastor of Ca • - van church, Exeter. for many year.. 11.. is also a brother of Mu. \V. M. 1 Martin. M.P., of Regina. We may also nay that Mr. T. A. Recent, mana- ger of the Hansell Motor ('..r Co.. is also a Heaton county iny..a native of Ilrborne township, and son of Mr. Thome. Russell. of Thames Road, and now of St. Marys. The Globe paragraph says : --Mr. J. A. Martin, for the past four yearn manager of the Vant•mover branch o1 1 he Russell Motor Car Co., has been ap- pointed wales manager foe remade. Mince joining the rratmpamy mine yearn ago, Mr. Marlin's rise has been rapid. His first work was in charge 01 the .d- vrrtising department, leaving to take the Toronto branch. Hr wa. later in charge of the company's h,.slnee• in Ottawa. When the S'ancnnver hraneh ewe organized, Mr. Martin was chosen for the work o1 inlr.during the Rus- sell oar on the Perini. roast. 11.- ear been especially snrreesful it, of ening up new grounds, end prefers the strenuous Roth of organizing e,ew ter eatery. WEDDING BELLS 1 McIntosh -Chi -holm A quirt- early wedding W.ts voleenn- i1e,1 at St Petri'. chee rh, liuderieb, on Monday of thi. work, when Nis, Elisabeth ('his tolre. of (lode -rich, be- came the bride of Mr \Vm. McIntosh, also of Goderich. The crtrmony 'war performed by Rev. Father McRae. 'file bride we're a tailored matte suit of grey 'vented with hat to match. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary lisechler, niece of the bride. wore a suit,, f blue with white felt hat. The groom WAS at- tended by his nephew. Mr. Christie Sbannban. of Clinton. Atter thrcete- wony the bridal party took the early train for 'Toronto and other points and on their return they will reside in Godwin h. NEWS OF SPORT BASEBALL A sarin+ of five Rattle. have been at ✓ anged between North street Methi.- (lisle and a team selected from all the other churches. The first RAMP was pulled oft on Friday night when Not t h street played their,flrst losing gator of the season. •' l'be Selects" played only nevi n men and wdn the game en- tirely through their excellent work in the field. Hebb and Balkwfll making soave good catches. They. cbanged their pitcher three times. After Beech- len'r arrival in the box the Methodists failed to score at all, the final sense beinaliet. .Aauther..toning& as+s,p{ny_. .dines retch fouru s r n were 'wend halt as it was to,dark to see the ball it was agreed not to count it. Mr. "Bert Townsend made a most impartial em- pire• not re single decision being quer• - t tuned. 1 aolliDk A Ilfl, far -radio" .1111.16691 } t• mil local office w tote lhaios Ansi[ of C4nttsia is but one of over 410 Brandies of ali organization wham Total Assets exceed $80,000,000. Our banking 'ao.7ice cover.. Canada, and through our connections we are mowed to trattS,:;.-t , 11estin any part of the civilized world. The enfe44cnlce of Canadians in this Bank is attested by 044,- 510y-four 4erSixty-four Mil`'`e Dolars of Deposits. Yours would make a wise and welcome addition. Goderich Branch ---F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Are you igtending to fit yourself as a teacher of Music, Flecntionist or Conch Performer ? The London Conservatory of Music oilers splendid advantages in PiANO. ORGAN SINGING, ELOCU- TION, HARMONY. ETC. Write for illustrated year book for information regarding fees, st hetet- ship, prizes: etc. LOTTiE ARMSTRONg, F. LINFORTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mus. Bac . ?rlt:*ipal. Address: --354-6 Dundas 't., London, Ont. Trusteeships Often Yon may Last T h r o u g h whom have every you to the friend whom you appoint as the original Many Lifetimes r; the eeel.n Lion of his eucressore. strung Trust Company its permanent and fulfils ifs doth, .`tar more effectively than is possible in the ease of a private execu- t .r. !t is ever en -the watch in the interests of its client. awl -,.rough its Officers and Management it feels the pulse of .the finale - world e:; Lo private Individual can. Call er '.:rite for full information. • TIE LOQ; D &, WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED CIPJOND STREET, LONDON, ONT. c-'„ c•DD6' S, L C.- Prc:deat n . 331! 1 S. MOOSE: 14. erous cheering. ('anon Hill, who pre- sided and gave a spirited ...dares*, is chaplain to the Northwest Mounted+ Police at Regina Lieutenant-Colonel Wilson WAS called reunct• an cess p r add I . but the cry came from someone "ah- s.nt, gone to the from ulte D Thur -day, -la Oodetleh tow August 1.10. Mary Beer, wile of Mu late *ants) Ferre. tether alth year. tiRoirrox-is Goderich. on Wednesday, August. leth. at thecredence of ers-law. Mr. Vaughan 1M. 'Roberto. Nina, widow of the late Oeurze urot-e•, el KI; t'atbariLea, aged 77 renis. umbago u .*kip. on 1 have juttcompleted arrangements with one of our leading wholesale houses to carry their math.' line of samples in our line so you will be able to select from a dozen to one of the ordinary stocks that art carried in our store to day. We have a guarantee of }p�rompt delivery, xo there will -Iter rte boy ,*firer ptweiwt year order in the delivery f goods toyou- Scotch tweeds-English wortNed.- irisb tweeds and gorges--Overroatinge of latest design's -Fall plate now in. - Pridhain the Tailor., 31.31 Special rtocic. Clinton School of • Commerce The Ly sic theatre has with consid- erable expertise contraseted with the t Famous Player's Filter service to use ; their entire prowluetion.. Stich well known artieta an the following will I appear : - Mary Pickford in "The Birds pis C'arriege," 4 reels: lames O'Neel in "The . exeunt of Monte Cr•e.tn," 4 reels : Mier Flak in “Tess of ' of the Dither/titles." 5 reels : Mary I Pickford in "Caprice.' 4 reel. • Rd: ward Ahhlrs in Brewster's V{Ilronn," 5 reels : Dustin Farnnm in "Th. S sluaw Man." 6 reels : John Barry- 1 mote in **The Amerian Crtizen.' 4 . reels. The ftr.t of three pr.hurtious will he %town next week and will he Mary 1 Pickford in -Thr (dead Little Devil, - Are you making t he M -t n -e ..f your oto tnnatic* while pori have thea. No matter wbatyour walk In life every loan and woman nerrls a thorough buane*. train Ing. The be.t way to obtain that i* to have ars nal bo+I neer e s perience. Thi* yoc will ..Main et th.• Clinton S:hool sty Cnnimerre. $tor ted cin[ merot+ the actual n.rulrenaeet. and dr naiads of the thoroughly n to -date efts'- man. We have tri.. ailed tic Mi...trtuel (Wine Sy .., taer Hook eeriest:. mi.... the only-yetenr p{ablishen which regal -1i ..n °Rete 1'rnt-ttre fkpart r.5.t. The 151.-* iy.tern recognise., iiu.gi.ary pa'te.. or trsn-..tion-, all bu.a mar bring p.rtomred n. et' the renter face to rnnr. when a nn-. ay -tem graduate leave, *churn to take a atnation It 1. !net the -"me a• rare from ooe.n.ateee :4' another tie had had .u -.t nal office • t perimnee. - IlerMe.. tbi. Wanner- cowrie the Clinton i, reels. I NoAr i, ceninsers.urr tr err h (ireg a fePmane This theatre has been enlarged to t ' - rItinATelarrapny sed mrpwrwt,.. our 'eating caparity of nearly 51$1 Ware 'Hatevil Meme. Evan.. AAin ler taesse who and patrons will alway. hr• .s•mr•es) of I nteeely w*.k ts i:npore their edaoation • d. lruetiomfotaarl.elr brwain.g N.bnitwn 'alhe•a•ll Pthe. 1:ranre'telaifirtleten6ring:crease. °""e011. orwM1• .wntrnde..e.nrer[towearsn- the principal picture honer. ui tete rotted tae. *ootiot s to lradusts.. rhe .rnnot open. WOOPO woo • - �. tae Mt you say .ota•r any ,Imo.. r.x tee s Aftees'alt•t * 4fldwriwbr 44101 tdlis$' ma* q s•elats ee ir_ renis an o rents. resit Mb.. 8. Y. Want K 5.. the Principe! will be _ _. 5.51.154 by es part raw! ispere.•nond Inst meters PLtESENTS FOR VOLUNTEERS � rbrtnfrwinatioe wrlte..nrrail at the schwa _-- nod innperI It for )nunroll. .states and teariada.. You ragnotafoot I.% w•etyWsad.wfwd sea etas s tbs �ifl d - t Local Chapters of the Daughters of eke Empire Show Patriotism The patriotic spirit of the Buller i b Dec Ole was well displayed at the Tem- perance hall on Wednesday evening, the occasion being the preventing of he active .ervice volunteer. with wrist watchee hy the (cur rhepters of the 1.0. D. E The programme render- ed was ■. follows : - Singing .til the National Anthem• address by (Town H111, rung sued enerfte hy Mr*. 0. 1r. King, recitation rind encore by Mn'. lamed. of Detroit, .,.ng and encore by Mr. I). 1_ Parson*, followed by the peeesntatioos and a sang hy Mr. Cusp - bell Tweedy. The pre•entailo.s.were financed oss- Lindy hy the four ehsptere of the, with•ent •ny outside assist - awes and will lo no wise affect the t.sd for the hospital ship. The ladies mak' ngwg the presentations wore Mrs, D. Mellortaid• regent of Cho General Besugh ehsptsr • Mr.. W 1.. 1(11.4. rres��seeet of the Ahmnek chspQ�ta•r . Mies 4) ye Kant, regent of the Maple Leaf ewaplee a.d Maes 1.11(6 Williams, .k+s+gent of the Kn•ng•tahah amp- ler. Alter this prwa.ntat.nhs the ladles provided • dainty torch of Ringer ale ..d Bake for the enwtingent. Capt. f1.0. Cheeky then ram* to the plat- form and (hooked the ladle. on bah- r of the trolsste.rs for their kindness The aides'@, .n.igs and tenitetiene woe hitsesparasel with this most emir - T. Swarts 'Bus, Livery aid flick Stables MowrnsAI. *emcee JUST OPT TIM BQOARE i • 1) Cl • • BIISE•t /SUET ALL TRA i NS AIMD : PAMSRNORR : BOATS Passenger. called for in soy part of the town for all trains at 0. T. R. or de. P. R. depot.. Prorapt service and ear gut attsn- daiwa (her Livery rnd Hoek servie. wilt hs round np- tn-tats in every reapeet- Toee patrol, age sot felt ad. T. 8WART8 'Phos. 187 Montreal Street II is Rheumatism of the back The cause is Uric Acid in the blood. If the kid- neys did their work there would be no Uric Acid and no Lumbago. Make the kidneys do their work- Tt,c sure, positive and only cure fee Lumbago is Dodd's Kidney Pills 'White Is King' Just received another nhipsteot of the Celebrated White Sewing Machine*, with all the LATEST 1MPROVRMENTS and SUP- hitlOR POINTS 0? CON- `+TRU( TION. Prices lees than are being charged for inferitr machined. .See th.• JiIT°rent atyl.'r ora ms- hihitiun in ow sbew w'. toils artstcr ' �4 y Oala1, bay yon will never regret it. JAS. F. THOMSON Music 8 Stationery Store Wood For Sale Ttr. s.den tram ar.1 stata wearies a teanut y of Mae we ... reed and dry. Mir IsmediV• ewe, waft and aai..4, r.t tt and 11 truth.* tem.. fnnr levet h. •ail it l.eb.. to the cord and three Werke of 11 Beebe . Ws girt morn nnama he and enehat o. far the *weeny than can M est •ay w hine eta /ler mei ewe, e a sad ase esu your*. Da .me and wet . *tor.. An eel •ssstgty mw. .11.faeti.w as,sr Ae esve .a tae middl5t♦a.'. Mea. W. HILL ♦ SON 1111411111 Rural Pho.e (1 r ADVRBTiRII 1241 THI Ntil1111jr