The Signal, 1914-8-20, Page 4• TWAT. Almon 3111,, 11914
Tennis Shoes
eet Foot Tennis
And Bowling Shoes
give satisfactory
style and service.
Such qualities are
also shown in the
latest Oxfords and
Pumps. CaII in and
select yours at
J. H. McClinton's
domeseekers' Excursions
Round trip ticket. to point., in sianiwba.
Saakatch-wen and Alberta. vet Chicago, tit.
Paul. Duklo. nrRam ieand Vorthrta Nay iga •
that t-,anOuly ort .al"aitch Tres'.) until t rel.
r', btclu. er. at tow fate..
Till 01111; 1',ilhuan Tom i -t We.pine
Clio. to 11'uinipeg on above dater.
leeving•,1'•.innr„ 11.13 p.m. No change
Of cat m.
Het urs Limitt wo month.
The titans! Truitt: Pacific Railway is
the shortest and utilae.iroute be-
tween 1Vintepi•g-e,iskatuon•Edmnn-
H.rt.h re.erratlou. I,nd particular. at rill,
Owed Trunk ticket omcea or writeC.KHooltN-,
IMO. INArict 1'a.xegea Anent, Toronto. Ont.
F. F. LAw'I:xNCIt S SONS'. Town Pa.ran
gcr and Ticket Agent•. Picone S. 0. if. LAUD
KR. that:on Tiakrt Arent. Phooe ob.
Get ready for fall by giving me
your order early for a Coekshutt
or Frost & 1Vood: Sulky. Gang
or Walking Plow; a .Spring or
Stiff Tooth Cultivator or a Diec
Harrow and Drill or Niscn
Spreader. A few Remit ford
Buggies and Adams %Vagona
still left. A full' line of Empire
Cream Separators, R. T. Iizten-
sion Laddrts mud ('•tckahutt
Wheelbarrowalways on hand.
Plow point. and repairs of all
kiedr in stock.
Herbert F. Morris
Hamilton Street
St. Jerome's
BERLIN - - - O'('-.
Elce' eon 13111 Hess Coir t D v 'err
Ev •tlen• N, •h Su.00l ; s
E, t,.ien ,,o:'.cqe .. .:. -
New Buildings with late..
Hygienic Equipments,
The Ls -se" Genese:. -•a ,
I',•; Traci, Sw men ng
Bee, , Thewer
First -Class Board Com-
fortable Sleeping !Icor.%,.
Ser, al a•renn.''n given to s a4n•: pee.
p.: •ni f.,- Unner•„ t Msrrlc,,;a: o„
REV. A. L ZINGER. C. P... mil,.
It Takes Money
t•t have �ned jobbing dose,
but it cash more for a poor
one In th. end:
To' Qet Qood Tinning
voeswt a nifty chow who
saw bow. soil: stet stake
Ory mbta� M you aw eri ee.
W. do worst that time sed
weatber will MUM was data
right. Rush so job weeth a
eeasss Atlee bed 1
mer Mambos that pot will he
gsasd peaty doss yeMsr.
Miss Ree. Barr. of Blyth, spent a
few days in this vicinity last weak.
Mr. Andrew Polster. of Toronto, has
returned bowie after a six weeks visit
at Mr. Wm. Wiisoe's.
Miss Alia Wells, of Baltisenew, and
Miss M. Cuff, of Brantford visited at
Mr. Wm. MoAtlister's last week.
Mrs. D. Lockhart and cbUdren, of
Auburn, visited bar mother, Mrs. 8.
Thompson, last week.
The woruan's institute held a very
.isceeesful meeting at the bona of Mix
V. Thompson last wens. forty mem-
bers being present:
Mr. Ed. liilmore lett tut week for a
trip tbrou$b the west.
Misses Nora and Bridget Hogan. of
Toronto. spent their vacation at their
home here.
Ms. Bruer, of Calumet. Michigan,
visited her aunt, Mrs. Jame. Mac-
Donald. 1..' week.
Mn. ttotrerteon and daughter, Lail,
of Ottawa, are visiting the forwer's
►utter, Mrs. McDonald.
Miss tiara McLean. Mrs. Charles
SicL^nit and babe and Halter Ray
d $eghers returned to Chicago on
M wday• - - -----
Sir. Levi Soydrr is laid up with a
s• le hard this week.
Mr. Pletcher Faaher spent Sunday
with friends on the Maitland.
Quite a number of young turn from
thio vicinity have enlisted to go to the
Miss Sylvia Hallman is ruakingg an
extended visit with her friend, Miss
Rev Durst.
31r. Daniel Schwann bad a new roof
put on his burn this week besides
other tequila.
Meanie A. Mugford and J. Fisher
are around packing apples this week
for Mr. 1(ohe't Elliott, of Godericb.
Sir. Harry Hillier and family bate
etui tied tat their home in Toronto
atter a few week.' visit with friends in
this vicinity.
Mi. Duuald MacNeill is at present
Visiting his hove herr.
Mr. J. Kuutz spent the week -end
at eh. K. O. MacLennan'.,
Minae. Agnes, Wiley and Jainism" Mc -
Nein • visited friends in Huron loci
Miss Jessie Henton, of Detroit, i*
visiting her aunt, Mies Jennie Matte.
tor 'we weeks:
Quite is number of our young folk
spent a pleasant evening et the lake
last Friday evening.
Mr. Finley MacKenzie has returned
Calgary after .pending a taw weeks
visiting his htothet•, Mr. Kenneth Mc-
Kenzie, herr.
Mita Sadie McDonald, of L ehal.h.
and Mia Ella McKenzie, of New York,
were the guests of Miss Sophia. Kemp -
lou on Monday Ia.t,
Misr Peril Potter is visiting et Cur
lie'sC*'t ' ng.
Mr. and Mrs. Burke. of Rochester.
is visiting at Mn. Barker.
Sir. vud Mr.. C. Johnson, of Tow+' -
to, ere holidaying at. Mr. ft. Y. Cue's.
Mt. C.;i. New.on mud sun, Gerald,
of lioderich• are •visitlog at Mr, Clem.
Mr. and Mrs. George Yandetburgh'
and 31r. Wesley Vandesburgb•spent a
couple et days in London last week.
SI►•. 1Vuw, Elliott eeturned to his
bout. at Spokane, atter apendiug a,
month visitlug b&% father, Mr. %Vw.
-Elliott. -
Misstat Sara end Lily Start and
nephew. Raydnn Start, of Curries'
Ci osslog, visited at Mr. 0: W. Pt 1 -
tet s last week.
A harvest home under the auspices
of Bethel church and Sunday school
will he held on Coon. Lindsay's lawn
oa Friday rvrniug, Augiaet :?tth Tee
will be art veil hum six to eight o'clock.
There will be ICY orae, bananas, etc.,
tact eti for ►ale. (owe and bring your
ftirnth. with you.
Mr. Melvin Greer is engaged with
MI. insure Bake,.
Misr Ltlian l'Ituk bolidayei at the
lake last week.
Mies E Rutherford spent the week-
end in W iugbaui.
Ali.. OIo. Levis, of Lueknow, is
home for a week's holidays.
Miss Mattel McDonald. cif Wregbam,
is a visitor with her (lends trete.
Mine ('race Austin. ut tietowel, is
visiting at Mrs. J. B. Rutherfords.
Mus E. Salkeld, of Uoderscb, was a
visitor with ber friends here Iasi
Mr. John McDonald is engaged with
Mr. James Martin as.nsisesr fur the
SUM Kees
a week with h ~lister, Mel.
Ambits -
Mr. R. MaOuire and Mr. James Agar
left for Saskatoon on Tuesday to ru-
gago in harvesting.
Mr. James Baker has moved hie
tawily tato the property ieaetly pur-
chased from Miss Curran.
Mo. Kleiessichdt and we tiobiller,
of Pigeon. Miebigan, are boirdaying
with Mr. and Mn. D. Tudd.
The August meeting of the wanes'.
institute will be held at the Lose of
Mrs. P. Ulark on tire afternoon of
Thursday August 2710. at 2.31. Sub-
jects : 'Tower of Habit on Promotion
of Character'' and 'Trutt Canning."
Rolf ewll answer : "8sghsee Dilate."
Question drawer, music. etc. Visitor
always weloose.
Mr. W. M. Scott la `Iacieg a newt
tsuodat.ioe under his wellies.
The Misses B.giy left on Monday
to attend the millinery opastage.
The from of the Buick of Hamilton
hns been much improved by a cwt of
Mee. Wahsssley, d folstsM.. ie
visiting her daugttae, Mae. Henry
Roe. and Mrs. W. D. Tnrssrasd
testily bate returnee [Msus a visit
with Merest friends.
Me.. A. M. illabb sod besghtsee.
Jean sad M Moo merited to
6�ILTOM STi T elOON•tCa their hosed venter.
mos Lona Plosleetwr. soba bas Miss
Nowt lasit.ill for sem. dayu. sauteed a kite
1,1.242Irreh . rrM O : aa` ":
ao�rrifirt nr,es
Teres% (Cattle Market
AMnsontative pekoes are: -
Meta heavy steers. ...38.36Mq•M
Handy bony stasis.-- 0.10 6.30
Butcher *two. good.., , 1.00 1.26
do. ..dtom 7.71 1.40
do. common 7.21 7.16
Heifers, good to choiceCOO 2.26
do. mNium to good7.21 8.00
Butcher cows, choice7.00 7.66
do. good 0.60 7.00
do. medusa 1.08 7,f0
seeing the repairing to the roof of his do. common 1:05:
W 0.00
seemblockButcher bulls, choice7.00 1.71
The coeditlon of Miss Floeeeee dogood t3t41. 0-i0 7.041
Taman has somewhat improved and do. medlttla 0.00 1.50
hopes are entertained for her e.•omplete da rough balogna4.00 1.00
Anders, 958 to 1,100 Ib7.00 7.60
Mrs R. Hoy is suffering from a do. WI" 6.00 6.00
severe attack of typhoid rover. Her Btock.n, 750 W 900 lbs0.76 7.15
many friends wish Inc her speedy rem- de. mad., 060 to 760 0.00 0.75
toration to health. do. light, 600 to 060 5.00 6.00
Mis. Dunbar. who bar been visiting Canal 3.00 4.00
iter mother, Met. H. Meguarrie, lett Cutters 4.00 4.60
fol New York and Boston, where she Milkers, chola. Mich.. :75.00 100.00
will spend .e few day. prior to return- do. cone and med40.00 76.00
ing to Texan. h ....-50.00 144.00
9.00 110.00
CARLOW do medium 7.00 f.00
do. commas 5.00 7.00
'Ile eud of harvest is cow In right. Spring lamb. 0.00 3.60
Mr. Win. Watson spent Monday•ttag lambs 7.00 7.50
with bi. parent. Huck lambs 0.20 0.70
Mr. Scott was calling on old friends liiwes. It;ht ... 6.26 0. ib
in l.ucknow one day last week. SAesp, Meavy and buck 4.00 121
Miura Pilkey, of Toronto, is the guest Cutis 2.00 4,00
of Mitis Gladys Levy this week. Hags.
w�iah.d cas. 0.71 9.06
Mina Ten* Jobneton u spending a do. sod fol watered. 9.60 9.00
few days with friends in ,.unknow. t t.o.b .. t 9.00 1.10
Threshing is the order of the day,
and all the farmers report a, good
yield. Farmers' Markt
The thietrhing machine has done Following are the latest uotations
some mos k un the eighth conceesion 4
thin .reek. Mterm produce at 3t. Lawrence
Mies Cora Tyndall, of Montreal, is arket, Toronto:
encoding a few day. with tier rooter', n hat .. 31.10 to 31.12
Mr►, Witt. Tyndall. Goose wheat 1.06 1.07
Mee Maty Robeteson teturned to Oats - ► .68 .60
Burks Fells. titter spending a few l•y .70 0.00
weeks with her si.ter, .urs. Ed. Fisher. Buckwheat .76 .80
Mi.. George Irvin, of Ripley. re- Rye .66 .00
turned home after 'spending a few Peas .90 .00
weeks' with ber sister.. Mn. James Hay. timothy, No. 121.00 22.00
Scottdo. new 20.00 21.00
Mei. Duncan and daughter, Nellie, Mixed and clover 16.00 17.00
of Detroit. are spending e few, Weeks Cattle hay 10.00 12.00
with tate formter's sister, Mrs. J. Mill- Straw, .bundled 16.00 17.00
er. '- do.- loose 9.00 - 11.00'
The • church stable lamp he. been Ry. straw 17.00 18.00
irreparably damaged. Will the cul- oat stew ,, 16.00 17.00
grit please report his indiscretion 10 Butter,- choke dairy.28 .22
Mr. Allan Wilson. .. tn. Etta. new 1/id. dew.30 .35
Miss Florence ?young is staking 1 Bpring
permit atAtn for a year, of bard work I heckles, each.. .16 .40
at her tea:hing profeamion. As this!
Howl, dreued, Ib 18 .!0
is her first attempt we all wish her div t mks. pound .... .16 .17
success which is rightly due her when
D''cM105 • spring, Ib20 .22
, sschool she s to her schl next week. I rnrkeys, pound 20 .26
Which might' of proved a serious.; use hens .16 .11
accident happened to Mr. Walter F. do. broilers, sorb.., .45 .55
Smith, of Toronto. 51t. Smith, it do. ducklings, lb.18 .00
seems, wee helping it neighbor to teed Apples, basket .15 .4.1
envie calsrr, ar.I some Ivey sir other Potatoes, new. deg1.20 1.35
the eelves to .k fright. knnckiog new• basket - .26 .00
Smith down. Hut lucky for bin he Cauliflowers, good, doz.. 1.60 0.00
escaped with only a few bruises. 1 Cabbages. each 06 .10
Corn, green. dose.".. 20 .00
GOOERICH TOWNSHIP Cucumbe». Gasket 20 .25
A harvest house under the auspices • Bpitrach, bunch ... 06 00
of Bethel church and Sunday school arae° onions, beach... 06 r.10
will be held on Colin. Lind-ay's lawn Pork, per pound .16 .20
on Friday evening, August Leith. Tea '
will he .erred from six to eight . East Bu1ate Cattle
o'clock. Ice cie,tme haloes, etc. will Cattle -Prime .:tears, 19.25to$10.1^;
l,e sold on the grounds. Como along *hipping. 38.75 to' 39.25: butcaers
end bring yo,:r friends with yon. 37.75 to 39.10; heifers. $0.75 to 38.64;
cows, 33.76 to $7.S0; bulls. ES to 3's;
PORT ALBERT stockers and feeders. *4.25 to 38;
Miss Florence Pyne, of Stratford, stock heifers, 35.60 to 3640.
is visiting Mrs. Sylvester at Rosedale Steals -Se to $U..60- _ . -
.;ottege• i Hogs -PIR?. 39.40; • heavy. mixed,
Miss Evelyn Hayden i. visiting Rev. i yorkers and pigs, 89.40; roughs, 18.10
and Site. T. H. I. Young at the rec-. to 88.20: stags. 36 to 3725; deletes.
tory at Heathcote. 31.10 to 39.40.
Mr. A. E. Sylvester, of Stream , is Sheep and lambs -Lambs, 86 to
spwndicg a few days with his family, 18.75; yearlings, 84.50 to 37;: *ethers.
iu their sumntee house here, 36.25 So 16.60; ewes, 32.60' to 16.76•
Sir. 'end Sin.. Adam Schaefer end sheep, mixed, 15.7. to 30.26.
children, of Wingham. are visiting •
the lad}'s parents.. Mr. and Met. James'
Quaid. •Chicago • Live Stock
Cattle -Beeves. 87.10 to 110.00;
The Ladies' Mi-aionery 'Delete- of j
the Pteshyterian church meet at arra. Texas steers. 36.30 to 31.20; stockers
W. be S. Brown's on Thursday after- and feeders, 36.60 to 38.20; cows and
noon next. heifers. 13.60 to 89.20; calves, 38.25
Mr. and .Mre. Edwin Pellow and' to 111.60.
children. of Fort n (Mara, are the i Hogs --Light, 18.75 to 31.10; mixed,
guests 1.1 Mr. and Mn. James Oliver 18.60 to 12.10; heavy, $8.26 to 11.06;
at present. rough, 18.25 to 38.40; pigs. $0.60 to
Lake View co'.tcttg is occupied by , 38.60; bulk of sales, $1.7V to 38.05.
the following Stratford people for rte Sheep -Native, 15.11 to 11.05; year-
earnext two weeks : -Mr. sod Mrs. E. J. lings. 11.10 to 37.00; lambs, settee,
Keeley. Misses Gertrude. ane Elva Ems- 1 $6.60 to 31.15.
ley, )Ir. and Mrs. John Myers end Miss I
Olive Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Alberti . Toronto Orel* PHees
Myers), ant Mr. George M. Kelvey.
The following wholesale prow are
SEAFORTH euoted at the Toronto Board of 'rade:
A vet y distressing and fatal were Manitoba Wheat -Lake porta, No. 1
dent °cent red at No. tl warehouse Isere! northern. 31.11 to 11.11; No. 1. 11.14
on Tuesday evening of last week, when,to 11.16.
Clara Janie the ten -year-old daughterManitoba Oats -By ports, No. 3
of Mr. ,lobn.Muir, Grand Trunk we.; C.W 's, tis.; No.- les, Me.
tlembleenata. woe Sail t$ I18to deandkt'. 4.,,w.
in a bin of wheat. lle appears that dbtarb Wheat-Gi 104. outside.
the little girl with some companions 11.07 to 31.10.
had hoer rosy ing shout a ear of wheat American Corn -Fresh shelled, No.
being unloaded, and had been ordered 2 yellow, 94c, Toronto. early Septets -
away -
away by the en in charge for fear bar eblpmest.
th.y might meet with some sMilent. Peas -No. 2, 93e M lie. cartel.„
Iostenti of going sway, however, they. °staid..
unnoticed by anyon., slipped into the Rye -No. 1. tic to Me. outside
warehouse and were playing in one of Barley -Cool malting today, eet-
tM large wheat Olin, whoa w "Peet side, Ole to Bic; Manitoba barley, 436.
was opened below to draw off some lolled Oats -Per bag of M needs,
wbeat. Unfortunately the little girl o.86 to N; 11 ssaw lets, 12 to
was ton ler away fres lbs sides. sed 32.16: par barrio, mat,
the outline drew bet dews. Her cos- wladser to Mowtrsl.
ponionesaaampol to srraenble out and Beckwbeat-No. Mb a ts sen
go down and give the alarm. The .
ties wen oa hand iastamtly, buK wen lot" 0.1514s.
un&tk to roses her with sbovels, sailMlllfesd-Catguts, logo. bs
It was not until all tbe grain was u4; aborts.
; mtddl`gG. 321; goal
drawn off Mot elm was located. Dr. fess leer. 316 M 3.l.
Burrows was hastily sumsosed but
all efforts at reewitetIon were in vale,
Matti serine enwe before she Ionia be Cowan* gls, tis
mooed. The sed event bas east a term gq paakyi
shade tt over ihs tows and the demob sou it
Cheese and Sealer Markets
y ie extended en Mr and Ms.
air i their sad hes.vemont. Dr.
Morro deeetsd an ewtheily
wweewsry, u ss ass had ewes ea
IekMng that 18. ebildr.s S IMO may
when about the place.
'A NEW 11tRY
wow Asa ombor *a to the o•wl•r
three rectories set sell.
SL . HyaMathe, Qua. -0110
butter sold at 37x. sal M8
of chew. Mid at 13940
ReDevilles-1,4116 whale sheens e -
as sed at 1311e.
Utica. 1'Itr.---R9M keens et emsq
*Woad oaf warts ehdgM111M at M4
Mated soy old Strom
roots•Mcr rM+ MAN,M boat ont A
Iia 1 MOM bay' ill .. ppj .. p mak.,
Wo. 1 heed hay, stew .. 4.811 31.44
No 1 Wed NM. sett . AB 14.48
M Mo. t) .N 21.30
alba MOO IL. 3.A
factories et.
. Might
11/xc sod
earasommramaniaria WWI MI
DurAnnual Summer Clearing Sale
Wrich Commenced One Week Ago, Still Continues
Every woman who reads this ought to come to this great sale. Big
money in it for the buyer. Everything seasonable must go, even if it is
below manufacturer's price for the making
We simply think it GOOD STOREKEEPING to carry nothing from
one season into another. Space admits of only a small list of offerings.
Hundreds of other things equally cheap that are not mentioned here.
4 pieces Ratio's, tit/t; for Bid
3 pieces Rapines, 115c tor 20o
pieces Hotlines, :33c for 1 So
4 pieces Linen Suiting. 35c for 1 Se
3 pieces Foulard Suiting*. Mc for 1 So
4 pieces ('hentung.:lJe for 1Bo
4 pieces Dimity, 23c for tpo
13 pieces Gingham. 13e for 'Mist
7 pieces Gingham, 124c for 110
HOSIERY ---Misses'
Thirteen boxes of Girls' plain, pink and sky Lisle
• Hose. up to 25c. Yost :bola of the lot only 1So
About 4U of there Waists and you can get
'one a manufacturers' price.
We are making deep crus into the prices of
Children's. Mises' and Ladies' Dresses and quite a
few to choose from.
You will Sod a tae in t1Wi centre of the store
1 ' loaded with bargain priced pieces In bliss, green.brown, grey and Meek, suitable for Malts and
Dresses. Big reductions.
Colored Lisle .ad Bilk Gloves at the following
1, startling prices :
Eric for les Sec far 1 rho 50e for 25.
iI A'nisei lot of Black and White, equally cheap.
I l
Standard Patterns -• North Side of Square - Kayser Silk Gloves
SIM 11111111 11111111,11111/1111/11111/11111111111M
Council met on July 803 as per ad-
journment. Members all present,
Reeve Murray to the chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and pulsed on motion by Coups. Pur -
don knd Naylor.
Monthly financial statement. sbow-
iog a deficit of 46.42 was read. This
report was filed on motion by Coutes.
Nal for and )(enough. Bylaw No. 0
WAD reed a third time. signed and seal-
ed, providing for the different rates for
township. county end debenture levies.
This bylaw was passed on notion by
Couns. Malloogh and Naylor.
Bylaw No. 4, 1914. was rescinded
and bylaws 1 and 8 substituted for the
sante. on motion - by Couns. Naylor
and Mallougb. These bylaws provide
for separate hank accounts for town-
ship and Young drain.
Accounts for pstbma.ters aodlcon-
trectors amounting to 79.31 were
passed and paid on 'notion by Couns.
Mallough and Purdon.
Council adjnurned to meet on
August 241h at one p.m.
Special meeting of council was beld
on August 3rd at the call of Reeve
Merge , . .• . .
This meeting was called to confider
what action should be taken by coun-
cil, as defendants in the several ap-
nea,* of Thomas McCann. Thomas
McPhee and .others re Young drain
award. as passed by rourt of revision,
this appeal to he heard by His Honor
Judge Doyle in Dungannon on August
Motion by Couns. Mallongh anti Par-
undon. that Reeve Murray consult town-
ship solicitor in the matter, and it
thought necessary secure his services.
-Carried. "
Council adjonrnesi to meet no above.
• W. A. WI!.AON, Clerk.
Then/loner Empress of Fort Wil-
liam unloaded 120.O1)l busbeb of No. 1
wheat at the transit elevetnr last Fri-
The dredging force at the harbor
bar teen considerably augmented this
week by the arrival of lbs dredge
Menesetung, from Kin mortise.
The steam yacht Anna, of Detroit.
pit foto (lodenieb harbor Thursday on
her way to the Georgian hay. The
boat le owned by Mrs. 11 R. Bulb and
the pasty ria board etta.isted of the
poTer. 9[nakarlir. Wlrt.hsod.
De -
teeth. The boat bay a length of 140
fest .rod a beam of 17 feet. the regleee
ars capable of developing 400 horse
power and a speed of 12 maks an boor.
71e crew of eleven men were dossed
in uniforms very similar to those of
the Coifed States ,navy and thea
n oejoyed thestay in poet
1 Neither Wins nor Ramon of War Affect 1-
' 'the• National Exhibition
It was tbosght at one time that war
and its troubles might in come way
1 affect the Canadian National ezh)bi
, lion ; but as time wore nn, and 18.
' rush of entries became heavier than
• ever before and the demand for • space
I nearly doubled the supply. while every
otber department showed a big hi-
' crease. it becsme'evident that for big -
fair at Toronto keeps right on going
f and growing no matter what happens.
In en fax as the attractions are con-
cerned, the splendid hill announced
earlier still stands, the only change
being that the Grenadier Guards band
1 will necessarily be absent. However,
j its dates have been filed by the en-
gagement of a number of the hest
1 Canadian and United State. bands,
I and there will still hes dozen band ton-
`certs daily with the famous (rectors
, featuring the hill. The international
Peace tattoo, featuring theelle) yeas
nI peace between Canada and the
j Unitled States," i. theprombig patriotic
e number eta year that ises to run
Lich in patriotism. while the spectacle
"Babylon," with 111s 11119 performers
tend wonderful Hreworks atTnete..'
phonic) prier, a favorite. Anotherr
texture of the big bill is the water l
remittal. with everything from In- f
dints canoe races to Hying ships.
i I
Ye Mariners of England
1'e Mariner', of England
That guard err spathe Leat
Wba,s Rag how Arwood • thoaaaad years
The battle and tee beees,••
Your tloelo.a Oared'M launch .gala
TO meta another foe:
And .weep 0r-oneb the deep.
While the -•ern y wind. do ',low!
N'hIN the battle rape loud and mile'
And tar storm/ wish d. blow.
The sprits of yo•:r hit hero,
Shall wart fleet every wave-
rs, ob. dark 11 woo. their Geld *DM.
AM Mown waw their grove:
Where Hlah• and meaty Nebel fell
Tole wooly beart..8.11 glow.
A. >m sweep throw" the deep.
N'btle the wormy wind. de how!
whirs Ors Wile rage. boa nod Nag
AM ibe darem mloo de how.
iIl(t.a.r mode no bulwarks.
No tower. song the were;
Nee mesh la oar the mrr.t.i.-Mwta
Roe bone lea. tae does,
Wlta t5.dets from her satin ooh
Its. gaffe os
tie 8e. s bol.
Mese •
�atemy wiadda M bow:
Two assessors arrived on Sunday,
the Gieeflan.s, with is deck load a 1
barrel staves and 117,000 hosbs& of i
wheat for tar big mill, wad the New -
one with 116,000 busbele of No 1 and
Nn. 3 wheat for the transit elevator.
The private yacht Betheilsta, Port
Mosley, jointly owned by M a J.
U. Duffield a Spoors. F. Syas. t Loc
dos, t into Godeticb yesterday
her $.turn M Semis. after bawl
hem■Vb. a Salsas Grebe is the
eauv. She earner a crew of sin
sed is lar feet bog.
The egmue of anisettes at 18. har-
bor os 'ljltstday wee the arrival of the
motor racism laueeh Rpeefaeks, °wood
1►� Mr. A. Y. Gewalt. of Gaveled.
Ilii Mat is built on Koko Meeting limos
with a leugth d 77 fest sad a beam
le fssi. Aseeretag to net of the part
es board she W a speed meant of
04les an hour and rues at as awdyotxl
of a mass an boor whoa craWs� 'Itis t
owner. with a small petty ew bisa'& I
has bike ter an .et.sdn antis In Ow
Opp* Caseates
�weswes Awa is no
Whoa the battle rare• bad .ad bag.
Aad the Morey wind. do blew.
TM meteor sag of Nilacd
att.a M week bars:
Tal dries,. ta..8bd ides dopers
dad tea ewe/mass rams.
Thos. tom. 7e oras. -warmest
Ow mete sed hoot anal Raw
To tar fame of roar mea.
`NMI the ewe baa reseed to Mow,
Pry debt is beset no mole.
W..1. 1 ttrt"''t.ul....
• sr1,a Campbell.
Roasts rel
bread, cake
oven. See ti
_ a .
of Music
PseedM 1n 1174. Acknowledged
by tar ieadMg .each.. of Meows
sued America to be one .f tar fore.
moot inetltetloes of it. Wad In
America. Degrees of Beb.or t
Yule amid Doctor of Neale eeef.rred.
!very Broach Taught. nut
thorough, skilled Instructora
Public School Musts and Drawing.
5sedearie Dlpsstmsnt
Pall term Mortise Monday. Sept 14.
Tear book a request. adorers
Arm Z Mitt. us'
las Woodward Amt. 8M4sett Ides.
---I rt. ROBINS I --
Are a Few
For . This Week
19 Men's fieitstl regslar $10, ....88.45
Boys' and Mews Straw Hats,
regular.up to ffi., to clear 10c
Mea'. Pants. reviler $2. ... 81.38
Child's ltospe s, to ele.r 33c
Boys' Ow bine Suits. to. t leer. .26c
60 down Bow Ties, v.ry .pecia1.16c
Men's Bo detect H.odkerehMNr,
d' for .. ..26c
Men's Harveetlsg Glover, spec-
ial Hoe 2$c eked 33c
bigeitgr1br t Poskaay'e tleaf0
&dls SWM
Upon Remises Until 1/,M
-Hooky east sas
as aesaeeesi
InaMessspi Dantlao se. dorsi •laa MaMa•
Mir/ Unsaid Fi
it T1
Not .f
eoewtrlea Ata row atm INVr:Y-
ADVT6Yo.srMak win be west free
MAIM • IltAliladt.
8M RelvereeloSt. ilbeesMIL
Beaman Estate
eaelosive agents tar
htr O.dereb ..d Dlstilpt
Coat $7.30
Stove and Chestnut,
pee les
BOW COALAayireittivbast all it11flrD
ad, fge18•40
Id =ssliselt
10Mar en Nae.)
TILLIP1110111111. Oise tar
raddeike et MI
617 1L 11106 '!!D MBIA.
Next to Town
Best work'.
1s J. Doig im
Miss Ruth Hamil
ends in Toronto.
Mr.,lesslee Inkster,
i•itiilg in town.
Mit.. Ells 1: tioldtl
rk for Winnipeg.
Miss Etcina Camp°
vacation et Cbicitge
&sad tee . twee :•ttu
aw nn puze (mi• of t2
Mi.+ Vmrir tiuirk.
•ing liet aunt, Mee..
Mt. 111n. Tait hi
, n tj:lrt,t street
Mies Pearl Gucdha.
-els t tier T••ront
Mita ,lend, ,
gun: of Mt.. Reese,
Mr. Melville Jeffrte
pending bis vacates'
Mrs. t.enrge Bisset
n a thew weeks' vis
.l largeeotranee 1.
s.t+sorted neer for at
s�►'s rboel.
NMI Nation Watt,)
ran of Nr. and Mi
Yr.. Rohit Bell,
Saslortb, were the
Bekaa last week.
-110 hes i of the :Dr
t regard to fluidal
!t load�tttt.�jr,
6 MIloie Qubnit
rW ('pest a few
town this week.
-lir. ('heel., G.trdac
verandah attache
a ,crib street.
Mt.. Benita Cbesos
'*sari bar eouMr
laity• Newgate stet
* Cleveiaiod Tisk
•t w o4.ose; at tar
.,w.N' tret.ft.tiGcw.eekvwloi
d''kMit. C.esis P1
ri111gs awd Mien.
.01iv.r Ar►all,
w0 fbtbwi 11.8.1.
eta t4, l0e
-lb. 1. A. waswe
. wMost
MM c
bra McRsoule
Meade d, Inft es
tae tit
'std evil!
140* M'Aes -