The Signal, 1914-8-20, Page 1Put Tose hasslssss en • paying
Male by advertising
Advertie uu Fairy Story.
but Facts.
Advertising in The Signal will
bring your goods dirently b. -
fore lbe buying Public.
It will pay you to use The
Our advice W you is to each
week use the advertising out
umne of The Signal for results.
The Signal goes Into *the
tt1ATY8IZT11 YEAR -pe. Wei
.e-•.t-e56121aaa area .,
twrsemenne ew
nt*•r^ •••aweltra�.M'" anew.
SAVE, because -
No. 124
The skeleton in the cupboard of every tom is the
tYtaRkt of as old age tsopruvid.d fur.
Bald Otos. Censer King and Bay Streets, Teresa
A. H. Walker
GMSea lek Mosier - - • - - - - A. Penn
Meskesa, O.t
Asher* OWL
Dengnnes. Os4-
• Some Desirable
for immediate sale
List your properties for sele or teat with ms.
PuoI s : Ovsres lint Honen 111.' P.O. BON SM
plat Ws.. ewe s sett MOW dere
,siseated es W (.+hs.eer. need stasis
hes hWJJ.W .. Ore
RANT WeraniswastHerd
ti1�,awl Meats .we. W. J. Qse�eI
side N /sinner dN4y . P.
We hare ter are el7e; k
Prim nearing facet myrrh& ale three
et OUT.HHAYS 4welL AILLOtALork ter. km
1' �p�fN t�itB BALLtk. Math eK�AM'
.yp..B.te�ttspee�Wire N th,4ow 10 « ' s
Ss el • beam mese mil seer
Tlseis `
• ear ...ber4. M
iMei t • Li iWM
�i�1ee.orrrtT��[sp 1Oa aALZ-I l.. v..aard Orr wyites
Mtesid rark ere ule 1=1Ii neo res!•
fines Who errs ••�obeaetstyW Wears of few•. If
TY011 21 gUNlmY.O..eteb-Ict shit .
A e.ddsaee so Wase:est, AB seders her
peevoarate. k.01.4t llet Thor heoti+g. ar-
asgewt wkh
maw Knee. Meet or
ruder obis a tows, amoral to ► geese
mares. depot and water -hes` Pers.
sise 40116. ale to Atm 10 O. L. 1u
1 Lot 111. oat 3. Colborne. a adeleieg 100
arms more or les., le well }gored •h1 W •
neer Wiling pr*ag, all' w 0.114117 are
frame. the farm is geed stay sem err
clans fn every coshed sad le ewer W the ei
tate. the late Mre. O. A. BWr. It is toe sad
• WH mils from Ambers nation and • eerier
of • mile from seised. Pro r ee nen he glres
Os �p pA(ypril Ire Nit. LMr(ior. Fut r JOHN sake.
to MR8 D. C MUNRO.r J *OW
LRI10N. 8r.. Asban, Ont. I111-.1.0
boss oo Newpa•e sleet ; is geed shape
with ewrenoseea. Very moderate rest. As
pilo W. ACM1t00J ft $J!(. f►l=
TIAL P1WW'LKTY en East street.
helek here sew with 011
im to twerwey het water
b.atag- AS/ Pieria 101004.4 er parehereg
We Wirers peopeey may •sash..31 0r arty
tune J. W. mkt T . gems er Ge stt
1 brick boss es MellIsafes Part. _ell
.stwve.ieseea APO
I7 to J. B. KA MKT.
eea+f Th* Hader M e.aemMM to
lesve 31 •t TH i eIONN: . 1►it
• pie nes WeerWeerPinder will be re-
ts.rd4 trien te•vty sea at THE SIGNAL
O ICL b ;It
..d Amy'a tans. Bayard road, on gator
ey/ .1�s1, • .„ son . r•lno.5t. ?1005r
21 It
ItNRT, Waterloo rtiaOge .. 11- -
WtlswsaDAT, August le. -AulOoesl are of
valuable p.e.ertlm erseed•g tot he •w tg
Ner*re .t fife. premtser. oommendng at 2
iism. TIMMY OWIDtr...00tioe.K.
in the Lawn of Ood•rtch
1 have lMruetlo., from the executor• of the
e state of the lata
to sell by public •oaten at the premises in
Oelerlch. on
oanumeselng of I d'e�oiok am.
Parcel No. 1. -Peet of Mock B. 1n the town
of Ooderleh. A large lot adjoining the Light
Hos..rty overlooking the bake, harbor
and C..R dbake,epot. it b one of very few prop
eerier Jong the front that can be bought .t
the present time. and b worth a lot more
mosey than it will be sold ter. While we
trot the fete saws the oorrect boundary et
the property the tall description will be given
at time of sea
Parcel No. 2. A portion of St. Christopher.
B each. oommetM.oRga BNteoula rued and ex.
10.dlag to the C.P.R. property. A full de.
mirror Gila will be gives at Ume of walk
Dara--Teu per sent of the purcbre money
iehe )talo .t tea of sale, helaur In thirty
berr3Mor mar
be had from at r.
THOMAS0L'NDRY. Autxle.0er.
Netts M berry given that the 4.t of lands
for .re tor taxes W 0500 prepared and that
oeples thereof can be had at thie onl:e and
that the Wt u being published N, the untano
Weer •et A utast 1.k0 2.1nd _etO andeeptemher
lth. 11114. std that in default In the payment
ed ria tate. aped oars We dare will be rid on
Tammy. November I7t0. I911..t two o clock .0
the afternoon at the Court house 1n the town
N Qod•rich
mlr1, was ter lli t r.111110 is tote seeps of
boor. Apply bounds tar / p.m. A. WIC
ROL 11aa.. Meer I.If
/11RA0MIR Immo. . - F O R
11 vt . as N. t /wow. C.Mr.s see
rem Mirror. li.eed.4r proloreeal-
L.L5l/rD1.YO11tar help
LIN- 00.5vva Ibmese/m.4
W( M et
Wier Or, .IB saeve Weer telt wile wwwpt. D.
JL atlas
tissa J. A. CAMPMBLI. Oededsh. Nit
feetsrl•g Err. s.e.pN*.alb geed rare
ser • mew wars fess am& whish M re•dnd te
entry reek. Apes BOX 16, ShINAL
Meths a Aasb is MOMl;. Y. O
I�IN if
Gree of the hest in the Prov -
Ince. Fixed rate of asemement.
Live eitogit insured et its full
value whether on the term or
not. No :,rouble 10 make &Aju.t-
Agent for Colborne.
r.... .wt I
it *linty rrwerer.
Ceasty Tres•urer • /logs.. Ooderlch.
Arnot Iso. MIL 2141
TARE onca Two.
1. The Cesare of the l' .pwetlos re the
Tera N Greeter 1.lwd�, -� 131 emet�reect.ssets•
. 41"1:rfetiiolMww� i►:.4p�Meset 12
lat.seres at.eet 5.14 1• • merely
encs a pan of the swat u. . the lard abet
led 4batay es tea west
i The «tared east a l - mirk M Inas
w. et whece_lighta le le J4 by the ('01
sort f. fra..l. •eefaf roto .»
ret slage Y >R 00 resist 3. Tr es1.1 r
.eperarsl lie
e le he pd a - my annual In.
1 A ileums .ealpe.t the wort w,l! not
eau le prevent 0s ewer.srve 1.4.t..
tW Ism day N Atlm
L &YUL. Irick.
tit L L
• 1,
A By • L.w To OO.R At1 ■v Walt or Loam ro
Tint UODsalt.7 ru.)IITtas /,,.-
1410. I4Mreeo.
Weimer the mesal of the Gadsrick Lum-
ber w MUZI .snip heretere
w a mw eMasr a w ... N
0e•Klw w tqr immerse by We.
s Wenner fa rehieWi.g the raid sow-
r�.Is� gs.e�w� Wag done, W peeps Were rya
ed I.rgsy to Ulm the shape eta ..W brisk
544314... ler the Nrpee. N ormataeW1.g aid
roe. N woods. h.wdla
Aso Ww ft w new peepeesd tet4ul
feather add o w pier ►y establish(ag la
e..wties theroperW • hepartement for w
manufaotse N seethes W kWh -g 13& f.ral-
ten •tad to erect • gelid brisk berreg tone
~wet is .91p1y. �,. Zee sea R test wide.
is whim .11 the hies epmeetiews wl 1 bo
err iia w ern erred In all at
.l4sru wt.wawsa w meld weir an enderyherrn will her -
p err of We
0dnd i reirelmwe Osspaay. Belted,• 1Wt
Mar 011131Pmelf =sed ..4.r the lawsuit
tbe Previews et
A0D Writer le conoe.ts5 with the
Proposed forester mas.fadderl.g oddities
the t ls.. hid by tarp'• Ii[COmemay hoe •pp • 11.p•,dte
u et
w ef the the lore
h rarest t
atlmatsexpre ltd, torr ora .wales.o hsmale-
w. a nonsffy 4erroyed by In l TAIM *ninuise &ember ferrate or
Gederok ad We net tare ieellt. theeeby
rhsovrbt�ne r espges...t et rera.
Awe man w sad posy W oleo
bipaiwm ef hither ala esiesm s ;hat It h•
• Wand aweneneet epee W is bird-
wohisery mod e.0 rad rete i/la armew t emerge of
ooapse 10.l
1•r14e apse which the swears to be treated K
posed. of Maim ter • period N tea . me fet
_re that
theyallP iaheels with smarl i sttwletpet water
awe vis hr err rt 3 nerremeste, atcert.
we W integsU is le .-pear o war w
see. 5aafst o to ."Noes. hereinafter
Awa rum is ceder theirs 31 will be
-sorearyo ie. 4shaitesee et the Town N
fee the sea of 110110 as he erwafer
34. whir le w ef the debt ta-
to M eswhtd lW We ai•maid ds
swcw ce Mypi1M a the peeper sod
to se older.
ASO Wwrat*te it le 4n.r.W t. Icer rho
debeetaw •t re lase sad o more the
peledeY N the oil debt resemble b y.vty
wee deWs w pried ef trsaq yes.. Miew
the asateen ef w .aid 4ebesoew. .•Y
that tagregateere beinget ourreepa 1py�bM
e of tomsellieblv •..
rid Art shag be • tar preeipal we. 1Y a/reestiO4 .peel
to We ammo' ro w•bls 10 5001 el the ether
.tsetse. yyof the ported.
ASOWeseonn 31 s0
nm*l the tetel amese1 required
by p dal rate ffaar ppsylan,m the raMi d nee of •5d
Interest as hereiaberre provided Ir ertr ip
A0D Watteau tae smmet of the whole
rateable property of the Town ut Goderlok,
aceordies to the last nvt.od soar -meet roll
thereof. i. tf.Jfe.rpaal
A0D ltAgtg..0 the .sosat of the .sbtlag
debenture debt of 10. rd munietpalky u
W21171.1/11,, azdwat ve of beImprovement
dotes enses el etauids.• K e51 seta, rammo
medal. w 00 principal K loitereo1 le I.
TwrearoRL Tri. Muwtctrat COvrl IL or Tar
•'Owr'otl.OTIOI Or Ter Tower or QOrr-
atc. Loacho as Fou,we
1. The 1erldpal tou.dl of the Tema e
Uoderich 00.11 grant the said The lied.rtc$
Furniture Company Limited. a lien of tat deliveries to d.. Prodding et the rola
1'dtmtpany at tjae °Rice of the Town Clerk
Ooderlcb. the debeetune of the ria own of
UOdencO for the said sum of groes, said
debenture. to cover • period et twisty
years from due Vier* sad to bear loiterer at
In. per cent yr arum. and to be 'err In
the manner AerMwatt er net forth.
2. A. a condition psatedest to the reep
are delivery of the raid debenture. the art
compass .hall hove compi•ted and fully
equipped sod In full operauoo on or before the
Mai day of Jennery. 101.1. • sawmill. beadle
.ed furniture fa. -tory nimble of employing
sod actually emdoylee when running at
average namely. at 350.4 df,7 man perman-
ently. Th. solo factory .hall be of the
dimensions of e• ' 311. by 3 more,. In height.
and batt be subeterua,:y built and a. nearly
fire proof all p.Mdble. 'rhe machinery 3.., al,
ad of to be metalled .1x11 he new and modern
and of standard quality. and the whole when
Oonlplet d s0all es of the value of at least
,1a100, said value to be a.oertalned by • valu-
ator or valuators to be appointed by the Conn
rU of the Town. •5d the valuation to be [Wade
upon a basis omethod .aU.tactory to the
d ouociL I- shall obey be required to be .sown
Mat upon completion of the sad plant re afore -
wild there . against the property no
eacumbraorse. charge. or wage earner, or
vendor - Mens of at kind.
1 Asa furtber Ooodition precedent to the
Gone and delivery of the said debenture- the
rad Compeoy .tall execute a drat mortgage
in triplicate a favor of the raid 3'orporatio..
atom the lande build's/re, eae01•ery sad
plant so tweeted or hereafter W be erected av
bereabefore set lath, and which have Wen
the s00jeet of tIe vkln.tlon b.relmbrfor re.
ferred to. which •aid moor rept .hall provide
for their payment to the mid C'srp.ratlon of
(h., annual -um of V*iui.ut for • period of
:wroty )era.. Drglnn,(4 with the date upon
*kWh the not of the .Jet debenture. ten.
doe and oun115uing tbet°after annually on the
mime date until twenty such payment. WI
0... Leen made. The ...Id remortgage shall be
executed with the nat.-nary approval of the
shareholders of 3 ne mid awn pony duly river
in a meeting called for tat par purr.
and -hall eon .ln the Cause and pct
vi -fon n.•tally found in .00147 des giv-
en by •Ompaele, to secure 1013 repay -
trent of Mrs. fawn munscipal corporation.
Irchldtog .acs [nor'/awes fur foreclosure
sale or other reh0t 10 Orr of default in
parrrot. K nen performance of 0oreeant•
by tee mid comtaa7. an to the solicitor for
the raid 'lewn of thelerlob. oke .03111 draw
sad mole the rid 5.orthage, may seem b: -t .n
the Interest. of the ssaiidprevidr ler Town.
1 he rad
paid remit ese t'cyto frier Maumhe
t'erpetatlsn lar •1 1~0, p in -ueh
somes.tes ss .0 the .'otporaton nifty seen.
.•WAr1.,) and w poker. reps ting rut
see ecce Mail teeter whet I. toren as the
•'Ventage Claw' And it rail be further
oneaaetae 3n saps mongers that the mid
5.01057 will esatineo11y employ In ire .alai
N owt and t r•tery at test 1' heed. oa,l sues
father and ether previeer for the better
u reteretoa rod .eerily at the raid Corpral ion
as to lits richer mai &ppew necessary. shall
he oesta.ed 3n .W mertg.e.. adsdlgt a
.,_.nowt rase the ria rea pear ne Ito oaths•
ora et any thee wire reported Ft.• their
In writing to •�rutted Meer r
la the Town .f (7elaefe*, brag utted
W e.•7 N beet K IOaa er otherwj.. by
We raid Corporatism
There sail .i. bswxoetod nod deliver
talkie roid rwee .t/es elentomporsoecrosly
emit tae overlies an4 revery of the wig
a�er��•yy. by J. 0 ba..Yler of the Town of
Qedench. the former 1150490 of the ti54.rleh
Lowther and MIINes 1131mphey. as Inetram est
la w110Mt rod seder sisal whereby the rid
1aee04tw Molt(.armee to the said l'
boo the roe per1.ra•e50 by the .oM�
OedetrO Fare tart Company. Limited. of all
1M never ant•tied agresm.rt. .tra to
sa) n
rid y armature. of the seM Town of
Oed.ncs be t be serer et Wien a. •feesmN
Marine Interest ate weevil per mess, .W1
be ar
saef`eed ..1 ps11. `main
eer seenmaaid, baa 05he saki 3 3.
soy .v.'st Star thrill within fire serf• hem the
r.mlwr of thief ke law. sash el whir said
4eben►Yes ,boil he deer en the of w
Wee thereof. ala shell be payer, .4 t s B.ek
.f .Montreal Id to said Town .4 trh
w1Ua twenty y.K. thereafter. eam07 an.
e erily after the daps rarer 1e ear0 nrsretive
nor. end In verb leap ethre user sits thet the
The regular meeting of the AV .C.T. U.
will be held Monday, August :Nth. at
three p.m.. in the Temperance hall.
ttwbjeet for dil.uenioa W be L.sw
Enforcement. All superintendent"
please be present if possible. Vioitaf•
"Prayer in dale of peril" i. the tonic
upon which Rev. Win. 11. Wrigbt,.n
will preach on Sunday morning et
11 o'clock in the Blown ch,trrh. 10
the evening aro 'seven "Tbs. Christian
Armour will he the theme. A ware,
invitation is eiL.nded to •11 .i• tore
to j.dn In these heart ♦ and in•psting
me. , ices. A ermine ♦fni ycmng pr•.trle
le et4.dueted ev.ry fdenday night .t
els I,t n clock in the church auditor tum
Everyone Is wekome.
owed sir create'
mai* le eons year ter • w
t5. shag M M msobie •.
real t* bla es pe r Dal •. la
sera 1M u1 WSnlw yon of to., said
e If.cb of the and Wherry. earl be
�gM...• by tee s 7 a s red T.wn of
054.rieh Kether peer&rho toed
hr weir to own -awl N tae troes-
arse of the s ewe, and w Werk .1.411
atter 1003030 the usrperrt5 real of the
sT a Irreg. arleg. the ost each of tae . flet Other -
e1'e. user. shell M roweeda.ona.11 hi retail
.4 men reWse..4omen, to t tat ytier5w
of ti..d.rtuh 1M odem
of rop•7La the sneer due Is .colt of la sad
years for 5.leel11.1 and Iotas•& 1. respect N
We art debt
a Au soon, meceir a tris Me .ale The
Go rin• giellhere gullfropory, Lisa./. ee
Worst, of the leha Anil reethwialt abet
the ..aa ups tMsa.1 be roared W a vlemial
amount. sea the worm woralee err. or0rt a...a eoelolat et the time et .e1tll54
Yee total saner rate alta Moldy{ lap the
set4er.r yr fir any year era be •eased In ,
torero Perment outle seal year W lairs des
rinser et eke taenpek/M�. a are `the
aas.ea to be caked a sem sear sail be to
4..edots.mar11 /Lad Mee rttofftherimwe
4aala asnt 10..&.&44Werra= twxl�ttpanl of Istitior".= the
t Ls
WWI berth,
meal meetrememnhe et e�ttaa Wtaoe. at air operree Woad
tat w bwJ45*.. s.oals.q me Santee tw
rid Ommea7 N moms ws of eanoteeetw
and torte etNL together with W lases sees
whim the ma ere emoted se K to me
5(55.5451 placed. mall aeries the penal et
l:r eaptogasoan With We y Mr. be
e►..rrd'•""ie.5Y der ± seem . wit 300ar,
Stsiaoa .4.034 sKew. It berg anderataol
asveli ese that the oar (�wy shah la
adeitesa te Rs orrery tales beeps epee .5W
ase/Opus rpt,pay the real 0.el.em telt
am well hared t1ewl.e upon mid amsesreut er
IltThis 107.1.. ebur 140 erect es the day
N w -deal s•.YPIr Wr.01.
�.r,}�,, pare at tae Gomelchase-
Aalwu a i�e a meanest.w *hem e/
Ita7.e Cleft
Tags kenneled'. w above le • Ora
to e .o led Ise. d r k ill taken lt.
to poised by We thear of eiathe rr ofthe ewl of Wlissierahtlen
eMalad Warll after or sesta tt'es w
tier peWeSRM in t'b. (Wench ultur Sere
sailer. 191 �e�5so�osfst�t k a err the
>�OLaL:u yune� Toae gorses Metall bear
Wrens eeSiBed seder w georde . N The
]iesselsettaa does Koreie thedaydof Mere to
Lwits me • etatellory reete test ef goalie -
mum. emef.le.�lr sew win net swear
en w V.sora'Lis la 1550 +edam.
Awl rumness Totts: ! olliCa that [Melee
ed the aeetrn N the rd Woe of Orem..
wW S. "Um . thio rad propremd by -1.w ..
1NtlWrfoier Parrot rear, t •t 4 to ..).
ss 4.1..4.'. the flea .ay of ueptembet. 1044,
ceareactos •t the hour et 9 ore* in to.
Imeeerrle rad sea iresu. o5Y1 .i saloon a i►.
sftettna.s of the cur .toy, by t0: tollowtar
Dente sietari Omcer.: Thomism
Wood sass. Wert. by Jos . bio•
311 �y. teuy Who wog truer re John H
Pelh5g0*Odlvls.•5 No. 2, at Mae. Graham'.
etre. 5..t .rant, 17 'Arida Hate.. Lapel)
batK.l.4 Ufseei vUU Bat. O.etnori, Kau
P0113 8a013.MMn ] kat Trove Hall, by
FM. L. Helrber. Depot, Returning (Miter. 51.1
wet. Ices. Pd1 CMS
p�y� eekmddms ova 1, at meters' d
810se. fieterle earl, 07 Bros A. T.fl rt4.
up.g H.turorg o per. e5d Ws. tx,.tieee.
Per Clerk.
Prior: 0t.bdivlelo. No. S. at Mn. Wrap&
MIs,.. M eat street h A. u. Nn10.t. Dnp.p
sg Greer. and Harry Keess►.w, Fru .
Prisesebdivl■)on No. 11. at Brophey . store.,
Wes .tees(, by H. L Waeon, Grout> Re-
ter.0. Miser, sod Wen. Tait. Poll (.Merit.
Pelham Wbdivrba Na 7, at J. W. Paddle's ,
reeidreer, serer of William sod Calory .street.. 1
b L0.111i Mo1W. Deputy Returoing (Meer.
and 31ohert Tut. Poll Clerk.
O5 Friday. the Ilth day of eleptember, 1814.
w Myer et the sell Tors will attar/ at the
Connell ,:bashers of We rid Town .t to •
x'.30.0 a the forenoon. to appoint patenfm 10 I
attend et the various poling planer aforerld. ,
sada the art Inumningup d let• toot ey
the Cleek. en Debra of the person. interested
in and promoting ur oppoMua the oaring of
tae mad proposed I4 -law, reeperuvety.
The Clerk of the • motel of w sale Town of
liederle3 will attend at W o11oe in the To wn
Hall. at tee *cIoel. In the feeen000, on Mon
dal. the lith day of :ioptember, 1914.1e .Urn up '
t he num Atrof vet,- for rod smallest the valet
prvpe,ul Bylaw.
A. T. BRADte7N, Powwow
ar News in Brief
For the Pat Week
• BPpX'IAL DItoPATe-HII.ya TO THE 141(:NAt.
London, Aug. 13th 8.t a.m.-(7om-
plete silence reigns regarding the
movements of the two greet armies
facing each other In Belgium but it is
believed the fortes trade up of France.
Belgium and Britain have met the
Hermans in at least one plate, prob-
ably on the plains between Liege and
Namur. The British admiralty an-
nounces that "The most formidable
operations in the naval war ' are pro-
ceeding but gives no hint as to their
tlasure or whereabouts. A Berlin des
patch says the German staff admits
heavy lows oa the Russian frostier.
Great Britain has severed diplometk
relations with Ametria without a dec-
laration of war. It Is omcMlly denied
that Rosaania r about to join the
Triple Atheism.
London, Aug, 13th. 3.(tff p.m. -A
Paris de.pateb ray. that despite re-
ports of Belgian victories .he German
army of the Meows is slowly advaoeing
into the heart of Belgian' sad its
front now extends from Brawl on the
northwest of Lege, through Jodeigne.
Marche and Bouffant's, all south c.f
Lege. Another Paris despatch re
ports the bombardment of Poole •
Monsoon in•Lbe department of Moor -
the et Moselle. 16 miles southwest of
Mets This is regarded as indicating
that the fighting In Belgium is eeeond-
ary In importance W the Germane and
that what they are attempting is the
wain invasion of France.
A hover despatch reports heavy
cannon/Wipe was tested there early
this wuruing. The reports coming
from the northeast. The tiring lasted
an hour. A Russian force bee taken
the town of 8okal in Austrian Galicia.
London, Aug. 14th. 8. 22 a.m.-Fol-
lowing the engagements at Hassett,
Haeleo and Disse, to the south of
Louvain, the German army. it it re-
ported. leached Louvain and opened
ao attack on that city, which is about
10 miles from Brussels, and in line
wi flaur, twoodhe ood line of the
Lord Roberta it is announced has
been appointed colonel-in•cbief of
such oversea forces as may tome to
England. It is reported from Hong
Kong that the British fleet in the far
east bag succeeded in cornering the
German far eastern squadron.
A big fleet of Britieb cruisers ie now
on the way to Halifax to assist in
guarding the trade routes.
London, Aug. 14th• 3.110 p.m. -An
official despatch froru Brussels today
soya: "The Gelman' are panning a
new movement against us, but all dis-
positions have been made to repel it
WILL AID HOSPITAL SHIP like the preceding ones. Reports
show that the situation continues
favorable to us and our &thee, while
the news from Lorraine is highly
favorable W the French. The general
stsff ha. heard nothing of the reduc-
tion of the forts of Liege, rumors to
that effect, therefore are false. Great
Britain, France and Russia have trent
aebarp demand W Turkey for the im-
mediate repatriation of the officers nod.
crews of the German cruisers Goeben
and Bre.Iau.
Godench Ladies Organize to Canvass
for Public Subscriptions
Upwards of 00 ladies of tis • town
gathered in the court how,e on Mon
day afternoon to discus ways and
u)rens of raising money for the hospi-
tal sfip to be equipped by (.nsda for
the nation in the present war. Mayor
Reid occupied the chafe and opened
the w..'Iles hy calling upon Rev. J.
E. Ford to lead in prayer. The mayor
then stated the ol, ect of the meeting.
It was announced that Ridgwood
park bad teen offered for use as a
Wilk Itt011fld In the
subject soiree thought that the die -
tants would der tin many from going.
It was stated ie answer to On. that
the owners of the three livery Karns
In town had offered the tine, free of
('n.t,.ot :► team and barge hand wagon
for me for eie h a purpose. Mayor
Reid said there were over 3,I motor
car. in ,town. which, he thought,
would lie available fot the purpose
add he would endeetake to. get. them.
Another suggestion ran p{'it for-
ward that the m"ney be rei.e,l bypub-
lic subscription. These two atcggee-
tions were put to a standing rote and
resulted in an equal number voting
either way.
Iheeusrlon :,gain followed and
Crown Attorney Seager, who was
present, said he thought that as it
utas • grave and serious matter the
meeting was undertaking it .hould he
deme without any •pfrit of jollity and
ebonld put their handl in their
Me and give loyally. On another
vote being taken an overwhelming
majority voted in favor of the sub-
script ion met hod.
'rbc fallowing ladies thee volunteer-
ed to canvass the varix• polling
sub -divisions 7 ---Na. 1, Mn. •
lark; No.
2, Mn. W. M llurney: o. 3, Mrs.
Phelan: No 4. Hina ound re; No. a
Mrs. Carey: No 5, Milts Strang: No
7, Mir wins !Marmon. Mayor Reid
was appointed t.remetrer sod the can-
vassers wore to mak* their return* by
Monday. Augur' 9401. The mesons
eloesd with the singing of the Nation-
al Anthem/
-Over S91.003 was rals*d in Toronto
foe'tb• hospital ship fond on flag day.
er.w a .010 •
Declare* glia
London. Angu.t 15tb, :t:Ilt p.m. -
Reports from Btuserle today declare
that the battle is now in progress Irmo
Liege through L.ioewburg. The
Liege forts are still intact. Attew►pta
of the Gerniso forces to storm Fort
Poetises. were repulsed with heavy
Italy is standing Arm on her de-
claration of neutrality. desp•tch.s
from Rome today stating that she has
indignantly refused Austri*e request
that four army corps be permitted to
cross the Italian frontier in • move-
ment upon France.
The French minister of foreign af-
fairs confirms the reports of a Russian
victory over the Austrisrs of the
River Driest. He says the fourth in -
Vestry regiment and the fret cavalry
regiment of the 4u.triao army were
London, Aug. 17th, 9.00 a.m.-Tbe
Belgians defeated the Germans in an
engagement between advance guards
yesterday at Distant, 15 mile* south of
Namur, driving the Germans back
after ao interchange between the
artillery of the two detachments.
The French foxes which routed a
Bavarian army corps with heavy losses
in the vicinity of Blamont, (:trey and
Avricourt drove the enemy back to
Searburg, across Che Lorraaiaa border.
Tinian in Haute, Alum', 14 miler west
of Muelh•sen, is again in French
bands. The French now dominate
the approach to Alsace. There was a
navy battle between French and
Austrian warships iu the Adriatic
yesterday morning, two Austrian
ironclade were sunk, one was set on
Are and a fourth tied northward to-
wards natters. --
London. Aug. 17th, 1.45 p.m. A
despatch says the German advance
was reported halted today. They are
believed to be waiting the arrival of
furtber relofore.mrnta. German env-
ads • daring dssb to Woevre,
1:i p fro pesele, yesterday but
were ackte. Yesterday's fighting
at Dinent, 15 miles eouth of Namur,
is regarding as indicating that the
Germane are about to •trick herd in
314 eines to clear the Iray for advance
into Pawnee. The raiser is reported
from Amsterdam to have started for
the !root, accompanied by the entire
general staff. A Rotterdam despatch
rays the Belgian town of Vise Wu
burned by the Germans Saturday
night after the inhabitants had fired
on the invaders.
London. Aug. 18th, 9.15 a.m.- Des-
patches from Brussels and other places
indicate that a big battle is in prognese
between the Germane and Belgian and
French slliee. One correspondent
says the Germans are advancing on
the historic battle ground at Water-
loo. A despatch to a Paris paper from
Brussels states the Belgian minister of
war ways the Belgians have blocked
the advance of three German corp..
The French war office reports the
French are making progrene in •
movement to turn the Germans' left
flank end strike at the very centre of
their line. The French troops it is so -
flounced hove now established them-
selves solidly in both Akar.. and Lor_
Ioedon. Aug. 18th, 3.45 para,. -Ad-
vices from Berlin by the way of The
Hague say the Berman offensive
movement against France and Bel-
gium is reported well in progress. The
capture of Brussels, it is declared, is
Complaints have.reached The -Signal office lately
of the non -arrival of the Canadian Ladies' Home Jour-
nal, a monthly publication that asked, through its
agents, to be identified with 1 he Signal circulation con-
test, held during May and June last.
We wish our readers and friends to know that The
Signal is not in any wad' responsible kir any orders
given for subscription to the Canadian L dies Home
Journal. All monies for this purpose were teceived
and handled by the agents of th t publication, Who also
at that time had charge of The Signal contest.
However, we dc. not intend to have the good name
of The Signal besmirched by any other publication or
its agents and a few days ago started an investigation
into the matter, and hope by next week's issue to have
full and complete information to give our readers.
A. E. BRADWIN, Publisher
b . eon 5 • Ib. tine; the former being boy•
now considered only • question of
days. Sir John French, commander
of the British troops in France, left
Paris for tbs front today. A Rome
deep.tch says an Austrian torpedo
boat struck • mine at the eotraace of
the harbor at Pols and went down,
only 0013 member of the crew being
saved. The Austrian advance into
Russia is in progress according to a
Vienna despatch. The Russian invad-
ing &rwy operating through the Styr
valley has been driven back to the
London, Aug. 19th. 9.00 a.m. -The
British official press bureau announces
that some desultory fighting occurred
Tuesday between the British patroll-
ing squadrons and flotillas and Ger-
man cruisers which were reconnoiter-
ing. No loses are reported or claimed.
There is reason W believe that •
serious engageoe.t has been going on
since Monday mouth of Brussels and
the troops of the allied armies are
stubbornly contesting the German ad-
vance. The Berman. apparently are
endeavoring to break through the
centre of the allied armies. It L re.
ported the Belgians have blown up
and abandooed woe of the torts rat
It is officially announced that the
Russian forces have crowd the Ger-
man frontier in at lout mix places.
London. Aug. 10th, 2.00 p.m. -An of-
ficial announcement from Pari* this
morning says the retirement of Belgian
troops towards Antwerp is rumoured
but not confirmed. Reports of a
Bervian victory over the Austrians at
8babet in Service, 40 miles west of Bel-
grade. Aro confirmed. The Austrians
suffered a seven' defeat with very
heavy losses in men and aaunuoi• ion.
A Rome despatch says the Berman
gunboat Vaterl*nd bas heeu forced to
disarm at Necking. China. An official
statement from Paris .syr the mobi-
lization of the Austrian army was ac-
companied by much disorder and even
open mutiny in many places owing to
the unpopularity of the war \Weng
the people. The pope has Mimed a0
appeal to the catholics of the whole
world to pray for peace.
London, Aug. 30th, 9.35 a.m..-News
from Belgium this morning is of the
scantiest but.11 iia elaegb knot a Ir'. -
meadow battle ie fat progress Within
the area stretching from Diest and
Tiirlemont as far ad Giver.
A Berlin despatch received by way
of Rome says the (firman war office
announces that the German centre is
steadily advancing beyond Namur,
Belgium. though meeting with .harp
resistance from the French and Eng-
lish troop.. The French war office
announces that the French army has
taken Saarhurg and that the French
are occupying much of the territory
in Lorrain. contiguous to Alsace. It
is authoritatively announced that
Germany has decided to reject
Japan's ultimat .
London, Aug. 20th, 3.36 p.m. -The
War Press Bureau looted the follow-
ing announcement this afternoon.
Confirmation has been received of the
fact that Belgium forces apposing the
Germans in northern Belgium have
been compelled to retire before the
overwhelming German infantry :M-
eaner. Communication with Brussels
has become (Wfl cult since early this
morning. Thi, i. regarded a'. indicat-
ing that the Germans ate about to
occupy B.•usein if they have not al.
ready dune no. Reports from Anti
werp say that the (iernian cavalry
have *,lvrneed up to the very defences
of the city. Thr re -occupation of
Muelbausen. Alsace. hy the French
troop.. after • •..ere het rie, way of-
9ciaNy antuounced from Pans today.
Death of a Beloved Lady
After • long end painful illness,
borne with patient f..rt,tu,le and un-
selfish love. Mr.. (irovre parse( quiet-
ly away at the-re.idenee of her eon -in-
t. le. Mr, Vaughan M,.Rohetta, . on
Nel•on street, 4111 the evening of Wed-
nesday. August 12th. A funeral rot --
rive was conducted at the hotter by
Ray. Alan `tenger. 1) 1) , "n Friday
evening and the remain. were taken
to St. Catharine.' on Salurdny morn-
ing and laid to rest in Victoria Liwn
renietet y. The funeral was private
and only the imnr.'diate relative• of
the deceased were present, the service
being most impressively conducted
by Rev.
W. Broughalf, rector of
St. Georgic's church. The floral
offering. were numerous and he.u.
tiful, a ILrge number being sent from
her friends in li,xleri.h. amongst
whom .he bed r,.ided for the last
eleven year.. To have known her was
to have loved her and the grim reaper
bas lett a blank in the fancily which
].are cannot fill and only tune tan
gotten. Mhe her left to mourn her a
brother, Mr. Thienaa Reyna' le of
Niagara Falls. New Ynrk, a hoe, Mr,
J. T (irneee, of New York City. and
throe daughters, Mrs. S. M. Daly,
of LMydmin.ter, Saskelebowee; Mss.
W. B. Clark, of Port Dalhousie. grid
Mrs. V. M. Roberts, of this town, as
well as several grandchildren.