The Signal, 1914-6-25, Page 8• TIIIIIMIDAT. Jtntt 25, 191i VOTE FOR ANDERSON IN NORTH HURON; PROUDFOO'F IN CENTRE HURON, AND ZELLER IN ROUTH HURON. Specials For This Week Dorothy Shopping Bap, cor- rect thing for summer use, made of sel.gran,. several sixes, nicely lined, priced for quick selling, choice CollapF ibis Iledroow Waste Paper Baskets, verist y of color- iugt to select from, price 20c eecb. House -keeper's Waxed Paper. :t3 'beets floe waxed paper, suit- able for lining baking tins to prevent sticking, (saves greas- ing tine). packing lunches, etc.. special IUc per package. Paper Towels roc per roll. Dennison's high grade paper napkins, fx per dozen, 35c per hundred. A full •tock of Hammocks, Tenni.. ('tvqust, and Base Hall goods. ('lose prices. IEORIE PORTER THE tiODERICH BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. ")our gays . Vlore" Four days more and The Signal Summer Trip Cam- ai n will pass into history. These few days will determine su cess or failure for a number of candidates. The air is full of rumors, true and otherwise, as to the resources of the different candidates for the final dash. There is not a con- testant whose name was published on Thursday last who will not make a desperate effort to be among the fortunate six. Who kill they be THE CONTESTANTS., WHO HAVE BEEN HUSTLING THIS WEEK will be the ones who will see the myt iads of attraction to be had in The Signal Trip of a Lifetime. There will be some Tuesday night who will forge ahead of others, because their adversaries were too confident. The leaders may be "also rans" when the final count is made, just because they have spent too much time wondering Wow many votes someone else had. All subscriptions must be in the ballot box Tuesday night by eight o'clock sharp. This rule implies to the country district as well as Goderich. Have your subscrip- tion slips, accompanied with the correct amount of money, enclosed in a sealed envelope which will be dropped in the ballot box. The great competition, which has held the undivided attention of candidates and public alike for the past five weeks, is about to close. Its closing will determine the suc- cess of each candidate. The keen rivalry and enthusiasm will go to make a very close race. Get every possible sub- scription. It may only mean one subscription to determine your success. Only a few days more and it will be over. Who will comprise the party ? Will von he among them? It is up to you. ..,,,.._________ Secret Ballot Box Notice to StudeMs The management of Shan • Bunnies Reboot., Toronto: begs to ad. he all nen tee Public School and ail High tichool .wdeoto th,.+ It w prepared to mail a rimy of it. curriculum to &AT One who dwlrea to qualify In a short period of 6 to P month. fora good salaried position. Address, Shaw i School.. Trireme. • e t,srio. (lead thane. Yonfe & Gerrard Street.. Right Now le the time to buy your Frost & Wood Binder, Mow- er, Hay Tedder, Loader and Rake. Adams Wagon and Hay Reek, Oocksbutt Corn Cultivator, Hrartford Buggy or Surrey. Nieco Manure Spreader and Empire Cream 8epasatoi. Repairs always on ban3. Herbert F. Morris Hamilton Street BEGIN AT ONCE P fRSONAL $NfiTRUClrsON at sttdsat'a deck makes It psdbb to Brier any Mr sad ensures mVn edraoMetMit at THE NORTHERN - BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Large .tart of At,eciall.t... Po.i11011. au:.nteed a Graduates. C. A. FLEMINII, F.C.A., Principal. U. D. FL.EMING, Secretary. The Miguel Summer Trip Contest will close its last two days by means of /I secret ballot box. A galvanized box is being mad 'whitelye, alt - closed with the exception or an opening at the top. room enough for a large-sized envelope to pans through. The box will be placed in The Signal Contest Office. All ballon and money must ern respond. Candidates may drop es many envelopes as they wish during Monday and Tuesday, ind up until the closiog hour Tuesday night. 1)o not fold .envelopes before dropping them in the box. The haudvgeeehoronf dthroe pcpeodntiesn tthwe' ilblocxu, taosopenmaanked acogeunnet ratlhae uret uornthwehaic- lots of the entire contest The judges names appear in this issue ..0101 Candidates and Public Keep in mind that The Signal's great circulation cam- paign only lasts for four more days. The vote -standing which appears above is in order and the way the candidates are now standing. Remember that the difference in the votes of the candidates is very little. A five-year COMBINA- TION OMBINA- TION SUBSCRIPTION gives,you 4d,boo votes. There, are three young ladies in Goderich who will be leaving for New York early in July, there will be three young ladies, in Goderich, who will be (not) leaving for the "City of America.- WILL YOU BE GOING? The Judges selected for the closing of The Signal contest are Mayor Reid, Rev. Geo. E. Ross and Mr. A. G. Nisbet. CLOSING RULES The Signal Contest ,loses on Tuesday night at eight o'clock sharp. Every candidate must he at. the contest office before that hour. No mailing privileges of subscriptions from district No. 2 are given. Every candidate in Dist rict No. 2 must be in before eight o'clock on Tues- day night. t)o not fold or Iwnd envelopes that are dropped in the se.cr•et ballot box. The announcement of the winners will be made at teen o'clock from The Signal office. VOTE STANDING --Pick your favorite DISTRICT NO. 1 yorrem Mites MAMIK %VARNBNKR.. Goderich 620,001) Mian LrrriR MICKIKATI1 . " CMN MIR' LILIAN V1 -H ITINo.....-. 60t,7W HUM HATTIK HIL('HKK . 641,01)1 Mitis JSMsie KKRR Sift0512M11 Walt. ADAM Nu [wt AT THE HARdOR The steamer H. N. Jex returned from Sandusky last Thursday morn- ing with another load of coal for the Hig Mill. The hoist at the cbeckwater wan working overtime last week unloading the steamer 12. N. Jex during the day and the ecbooner Troy .t night. Tlie steam yacht Hiawatha, of Detroit. anchored in Goderich harbor at il.:tl "t e� -d l�t[ Rob- ingw. trip to the Georgian bay. ea the crew of 19 there were on board her owner, Commodore J. B. Ford and Mrs. Ford. of Detroit : Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Heardaly, of New York; Mr and Mn. 1•- l.w•. of Detroit : Mr. Welter Ford. Mr. Fred Ford, Mr. John Ford. Mr. Norton Lee end Mr. Maurice Williams. The yacht bis a deck line of 170 feet and in equipped with all the latest improvements. even to carrying • small cannon at bet bow. She left toiI•y for Detroit. The steamer Paipoo nge unloaded 156,0011 Mu Is of wheat and oats at the Transit elevator on Monday. The C.P. have conatri,cted a rue - way on the eolith pier for the purse of using their trucks in the nnlrnaditt�t of flour boats. 1t 1. expected that tick flour hosts will commence recut runs next wart. The steamer tiienflnnen. after being authored outside of the hasher for Eve bewra owing to the fog. tied up at the dock at LPO on Tuesday with e shells of wheat and barrel staves for the big mill. LI" UrwkitMto'. A1CNn all" i EVWWI" trwO�o..eest lo DitTIIICT NO. 2 roves Mies Brae% Mt'ALLI,rrl•:R .Mt. Augustine 509,(100 MIRK PEARL Mr-KKKNZIK..... Port Albert 5e7,11110 MIs4 LAURA I.At•TENMT.AVEH Dunlop 556,000 Miss EISA M. ()KR Ilenmiller549,000 MIM' LOUISA TIERNAY Blyth. . ..N.C1,000 MIM' MARIE Malaita .Hingshridge..... .....r,2l,Itt1) Muni MYHTi.z MTINaoR Hayfield ...51r2.(U) COOLING WASH STOPS THAT ITCtI ( Yes not in Wallah hour not le tis *bool(tte protection for alt s.mmet• , mimrtee-hut in :. secondsskin troubles. Just • few drops a that mild, sootb- Dont fail to try this famous remedy log, cooling wash, the D.D.D. Pre- for any kind of skin trouble -we know acription, the famous cure for ecaema. D. D,1). will give you instant relief. and the itch is gone. Your burning I Jas. A. Campbell. Central Drug akin is instantly relieved and you bare Store, Goderich. CUiiS ANO SCOUT. AT CHURCH The service at Knox church nn Sun- day ntorning was a little nut of the or- dinary. The eentre row of pews was reserved for the Cubs and Boy Scouts, who arrived in a body-. fifty strong. Key. Geo. E. Roes conducted the ser - vier. He aelectwtd the scripture read- ing from the first chapter of Daniel who he ter mad as one of the boy heroes. His address, entitled 'A Hoy's Good Turn •' was based upon the story found In the sixth chapter of Mt. John's gos- pel of the boy with the five loaves and two flshea. After telling an interest- ing 1egsnd surrounding the life of this boy, Mr. Ross, addressing the Cube and Meouta. said your ditty is always to lee ready to do a grand turn to some- one else. That is why we teachou swim.,la and first aid work an that you may be prepared for any emer- {wayt BeBs prepared to Ilve your be p/s. dont he satisfied with anything Isla. 1f 1 asked you who wan tae AragMt, velie t. purest. hie. mad ma* eswarasus an you bad eww hood of on would say.Jesus (arise.h le a arhla ksa idea tspas people Dave et aria that He dd wet enter We the social and athletic lite of His people. We are told of youth, "that He grew in wisdom a stature. sad in favor with God a ' mats." Bvery boy should have mind, his bots'' his heart, the seat of Ibis religious life, anti his dispod ' the very beet. He should copyCbe9t. e should Kir all to items as the boy tjith the low and Sebes did. Hoya jets are the in n of tomorrow. A boy .ontn.times thinks he content do much TheeA a mistake. No matter bow atnall you may be. there t a place in life for you and a place in the great church of Christ. As you go out into life be pure and true, fair and square, no matter what the eost. Do as Christ would have you do ; he what de would have you be. This will Leake for our country a pure manhood haat will carry old the kingdom of Christ, which. alter all, 1s ttbe only thing woeth Itvingfor. A fitting close to the envies was the singing of the old hymn, number Mt, in the Pteehy- terian hymnal. OSLO enrye (lsayrlshes....t°ii . w W e* ItaMrS laaeineeth.. M _SaleDays � •,:�... Month End June Will be Record Breakers, and the Days will be SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, 271h, 291h AND 30th Three days of rousing Bargain Giving to mark the end of June selling. A most remarkable Bargain List for the Month -End Sale Days for June. Every department in the store contributes its share to the grand total. There is not one in this entire list but is worth coming after for each and all will save you money. Everything will be ready at 8.3o Saturday morning and the prices hold good until closing time on Tuesday. Embroidery Flouncing at 58c These are full 15 inches. $1.(10 would be the usual price If bought in the regular y. We bought them cheap and pees them along to you the same way. Sale Days per yard 9i0 Corset Cover Embroidery 33c Another special purchase on which we can save you money. Beautiful Corset Cover Embroideries, fine muslin and dainty patterns. Regular 00c. June Month End Sale per yard .... 330 Insertions 12 Ac A clearing lot of Embroi- dery Insertions, medium and wide widths. lieciLsr price up to 35c. Salt Days take your choice at per yard 1240 Ladies' Umbrellas $1.29 • These Umbrellas are worth .$2.00. You • will .ay so too when you see thetas. Austria gloria silk tops. strong frames and handsome beadles. Male Days 51.20 Wash Dresses $1.98 Ladies' and Misses' Nash Dresses. Pure Linen neatly embroidered. Will stand no end of hard wear and wash- ing. Sale Days this extra special each .. .51 am Black Dress Serge Two ends oonly all wool Black Drees Serge. Splendid for suits or separate skirts. Sale nays per yard ... 390 Fancy Dress Goods 33c Two ends only FancyDress Goods suitable for ies' or children's wear. tan or cbpen- bagen blue. Sale Days per yard ....330 Black and White Checks 49c Blick and White Checked Dread Goods. A weight spec- ially suited for separate skirts. Sale Days per yard 490 54 -Inch Navy Serge 75c All wool Navy Serge 51 inches wide, note that width, dark or light shade. Sale Days per yard 760 Suitings 59c 10 Ends Suiting, including one navy and one nice shade of green. The others are fancy weaves. Regular up to *2.00. Sate Days per yard ..... 990 Cravenette $119 Two ends Graveinette, a1.- aolutely shower proof. :rti inches wide, fawn or grey. A splendid thing for dust coats. Sale Days per yard Large Lunch Cloths 59c Large Linen Lunch Cloths, circular, real linen lam. trim- ming. Sale nays Special each 990 30 -Inch Lunch`, . A .. C10000 23x3' Plain 1.inen Lunch Clothe Si inch,. to ri inch., gWre. with drawn work. Male Days each only ... ..1190 54 -inch Lunch Cloth $1.10 64•inch all Linen Lunch Cloths. wide hemstitched harder. A most unusual bar- gain. Mair Days each .51.10 Damask Lunch Cloths 39c New Damask LuoebCistbs, :st ineb.. square. good pale tern. Splendid for verse. dabs or summer use. rials Diyerach only 995 25c Linen Hand- kerchiefs 2 for 25c Ladies' pure linen bets etitebed Handk.rrhlefs, very fine quality. fold all over at 15e. Sale INys .9 for 99>• Rush Prices on Suits and Coats Prices on stylish tailored Suits and Coats that ought to make the ready-to-wear department a very busy spot on Sale Days. Every garment this sea- sons style and absolutely correct in every detail. The time is coming for empty racks and to make the selling qui,:k and sure we have made prices that in many cases are less that one-half the actual value of the garment. Just the number listed below to sell at these prices. Every one a great big money saver. 7 Ladies' Coats at $10.00 The actual value and regular mins of thee* Coate were from $19.00 to 024.00 apiece. They are the last we have left of our high- grade garments. No two alike. Just to show you how determined we are to have a clean stock nett season we give you your choice of these high-grade garments Sale Days for only 510.00 3 Suits at S7.75 Three only Ladies' Tailored Suits, one blue, two black and white check. Real stylish garments worth double the price. Sale Days. at.y one of the three for only 97.75 1 1 Suits at ;12.25 Eleven only Ladies' Tailored Suits. Coats in nearly every case are silk lined. plain tans and blues, cheeks and strips. Garments of distinction and quality. The last we have left. Regular prices were 520,110 ;o *27.eb. Ar.y one of the eleven Sale Days for only 512.25 1 Big Selling in the Curtain Department on Sale Day There will be big business done in the Curtsiq Department on Sale Days for we have the goods and the prices to make it. A big purchase art Nets and Curtains at mucb,Aese than usual prices puts us in a position to otter some really wonderful bargains. Even if yc u thought of putting off buying new curtains until next fall you ought to take advantage of this opportunity to get thea. now. 50 -inch Bungalow Net at I5c One hundred And twentyards new Bungalow Net right from the factory in Nottingham. 511 inches wide. white or ecru. Sold M Z.c the trade nvrt. Sale Days Special per yard 1Se 50c Bungalow Net at 35c A very pretty pattern in Bungalow Net, white only, neat attractive design. Will male pretty curtains for any rooter. Regular price :.IM• at least. Sale Days Special per yard .... ... ... 350 A Pretty Ecru Net 29c This Net is particularly suitable for living room or dining -room. It is a diamond pattern, two-tone effect, strongly woven and very effective. At 50c per yard it would be considered reasonable, 110' yards to sell on Sale Days at per yard 3=0 Another Good Net 19c This Net is 47 inches wide, comes in ecru onlyit is a neat dainty pat- tern suitable for almost any toom. Worth iIic at leant. Sale Days per yard 190 Two Millinery Specials that will Ap= - peal to You The Millinery Department ha, prepared two extra special bargains for Sale Days. They are Hats of style and quality selling at about one -halt regular value simply because we hate been fortun- ate enough to buy them that way. 20 Children's Hats at $1.45 Twenty Children's Trimmed Hats at this very small price. All are neat little jaunty shapes new this season... They have been trimmed specially for this Sale and if sold in the regular way the prices would be 53.00. Because we bought them at extra prices we can sell them to you at your choice of the 23 on Saturday for only . 51.49 30 Ladies' Hats at $3.45 Our special purchase of ahapea makes passible this most un- usual offering. Thirty Ladies' Trimmed Hata in black and colors. Every shape right up to the mark for style and trimmed an our mil- liners know how totri ni with the best of trimming. Worth act- ually 56.11) to 116.50 at least. Take your choice Sale Days for only 03:4.1141 11 11 11 Lace Curtains per pair 48c Fifty pairs of Lace Cartels, white only. 24 yards long. buttonholed edge all around. A' CtlrtAfn that Is trod rt value ,73C,,...tiale Days per • pas ....� 490 Handsome Ecru Curtains 79c Very handsome design in Ecru Lace Curtains. 24 yards long, edge flniahted all around. Neat and attractive pattern in a very strong net. Reenter value $1 -'Li. Sale Day. per pair 790 A $1.30 Curtain for 98c This is a neat petters lea Nottlsgbam Lace Curtain. it is finished all around. three yards long. Design (t suitable for almost any room and the value at least 51.60 per pair. Sale Days 21 pain to sell at per pair t 990 New White Shapes in for Saturday The scarcest thing in the Millinery trade today ate White Straw and Braid Hats. Miss Reynolds has just returned from a trip to the markets where she was ssccessful in picking up a few of the latest shapes that had just been received from New York. She also secured some novelties in wings and trim- mings and on Saturday will be ready to show these decidedly new Summer Hats. - Navy and Black Dress Skirts $3.75 These Skirts ate made from good quality all wool serge and are style. Regular price .sin to 116.00. Sale Days clearing the lot at your choice only 53.76 25 Pairs Sample Drawers Half Price is pairs Ladies' Drawers to offer Sale Days at one-half regular price. These are samples of a large manufac- turer and are beautiful gar meow. Hotter by lar than we usually carry in stock See them. They are a 1,ar- gain. Curtain Materials 15c 200 yards plain white or colored Curtain Material,, mostly suitable for bed; rooms. Moine are slightly soiled. Regular prices up to 40c. Because of the damage we offer them 8.1e DAys at per yard .....:..1 5o Large Tapestry Rug $10.25 Two only large Tapestry Rug.. size 34 x 1 garde. tan or greet. shades. An extra special bargain Sale Days each .... .. , .. 510.115 Girls' Rain Coats Girls' imported Rain Coat• navy or brown. Sires up to 12 year.. Splendid , wearing garments. Regular $l:+1. Sale Days each 52.95 Hearth Rugs $1.25 Axminster Hearth Rog-. size 27 z 54 inches. :iii of them to sell Sale Days at each only 111 .25 White Cotton Drawers 25c Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, tine quality English cotton trimmed with frills and tacks. Sale Days per pair . 25o Moire Skirts $1.29 Four only Black Moire Pct- ticoate. Lengths :itf and :et inches only. Clearing Sal, [lays ench only 51.29 Gowns $110 These are a bargain worth orating for. Fine cotton, cut in the newest style and beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery. Regular $1.50. Sale Days each only 51.10 Ladies' Drawers 49c Ladies' Drawers made from floe quality white cotton. trimmed with frill of fire inch handsome swiss enibini- dde+`. Special 11.1e Days Embroidery Corset Covers 35c Corset Covers made from real corset cover embroidery. new style and perfect fitting Sale Days each only .... 25o Corset Covers 49c Cornet Covera made fr••ni floe quality emhrotderv. trio fried all round with , inch -1 lace and insertion Mpe• ra[ Sale Days each. 49c Navy Silk Dress $6.25 Navy Silk Drees made fain, gto.I quality Messaline. nay% tiwwiy; nem Tfl. a.tw,.wy .I7li+ garment. Male !Nye N nly 5 Clearing Hand Bags at 51.10 (,`tearing lot of Hand Bag.. in black and eolore. Real leather and either leather or silk lined. Silver or gilt frames. Regular 51.76 to each Choice Bale 51. 10 Elastic Belts 15c 6n only Elastic Be1ts, black or onion, with jet or fancy metal buckles. 111• g u l a r values s to We. Art of a clearing line bought at under value. Choles Sale Dai" each 1 de 5 Yards White Cambric 63c 10 ends lee white Cambric. bssetUel seer flslsb, exoel- Iset fee Andrea's wear. en• dwweer. eta. Pet 'aid mel'• y '.turd aim erelen per sed...... HODGENS BROS. 1 Put your business on'a paying basis by adverts- .1._ ing. Advertising - no Fairy Story, but Facts. Advertising in The Signal will bring yourgoods 9 di- rectly before Public. It will pay you to use The Signal. . ,TY SIXTH Y14w-No. 1)11 e• 1hE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA SAVE, because- No. 117 You work for your money. Make your money ork fur you. Hames. it to a bank 'natant. Head Oi� *. Cerwer Kiat sad Bay Street., Toronto General Maaiger - - - - - - A. H. Walker Gederick Bra tach - - . . . . . . A. Porter OTHER BRANCHES AT Ashur*. Oa Meoktoa Oat Baydel4 O11t. Sebringvilk. Ont. Dsagaoaan, Ont. Vu.a, Oct. ���_- -,-. -.--_ -•r vr„-ter-- •-�-Y--� 1 Some Desirable PROPERTIES 1 for immediate sale List your properties for sale or rent with me. A. G. NISBET 1 OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF COMM BRCS, GODERICH i Pootrt+g : OPCE 11); Hoene 150. P. O. Box 34 - lQtLC NOTICE 1 BLIC NOTICE secordeses with Bylaw No. A. Isll. alt weeds morn he est frsm vacant bar as ones 'sorter to here them from Fallure to corwPb with the provh.bn of Ryles will wive proper'te owner/ oprn 10 pro. ..cotton. POI SALE Olt TO RENT 14'1UR SALE -A SECOND-HAND 1 (lkkertsrptan is ekeelbent ooedlttu. ApPb at THE CONYlOrt. mitt DOOMS TO LILT. -WITH WATER 11, and both shove W. J. Crah tie s billiard room. woo tilde of Square. Apply toJ. 1'. SHOWN. L1uR SALE. -A LARGE FRAME r Maus on 8t (;cement; modern ,on. mime,. Apply to KR& LYNN. es tae premien.. et -11 L)OR SALE -ONE NEW STAN - 1 bang. robber [tri : 1 rnbbsr-tend t.haet hone la geed ar'der' I Itgft road beery' 1 .arHICakrairt . see. Apple lou to W, �_ 1 So.Sa LM 1R RALE.-60Ulig AND.LOT ! 1 s. Plebes stain. 5a4 eadlls� but /e.+... ack- .nth case;d beesshot �eNW Med .1..l.: fruit YAW fled ,1011 � lecesedlnte pose .rias.reillteeelves,0. we ,aaAsa will M elves, a. sweet M Waring rasa meet to WALTER SHARP - on tie premiss, PROUDF1 (OVER ONE ,1 IN OBE AUCTION SALES 'Tt sonar. July 7 --.tae floe sale of it *ere. of hs at tot 1'1. A..biteld. JERRY Dar Te.roo- kie.Rosi til: sDRY. auctioneer. _ _ _ erFwipteMttar. July J t- A los sale of re.idenUat 7 I1• sad ..11 p e l.. of the tate street. OaN Ar1.E., al L Memises, Napief elreel. Tuns. OUNDRY. aodiosesr. TC..DAT. July IL -Auction .ale of hoo+,e hold torn ltare mid timid' loa.. al the i rrmi.e "fugal' .r street. ]fel. M. trMMIN..-. pro- drtstrerat bros. 9VIIDa T. auctioneer Attempted Srii did not Sul Their Des Elected in 1 Retains So • tl�u KENT. -TWO Hot'SF l TO 1 mot- ewe os 'Nein avow s fp M•• 00 -casts/ to His. silt*[lam. or 1�M• IVOR RENT. -FULLY EQUIPPED I: sane e. Malabar Wiest het .wewi Mart ,vee Vtctette 4155... , aet.5 �.r7e baslw.es. Rest $It 5. Y. vt4�HOsr[LIA•pply FOIL: J. �. H a RIiAL ESTATE FOK SALE. We taro tar sale sheet ihtrty towntYM tKetttoiesr�rresataS 14 wtMt spw�esaaS�t. .ems ri DId91DBNTIAL PROPERTY FOR i2. BALL -Me rasYssss. with Lear NO Neoro 4y knows se the A .311D. A. 'sew ()ses . sed aaglas bort sews.. f wwc .sem ie mate; w5 . mailers Ma We Ws rt. entire In Oderbeli. 71.11 RYAN pMaIII► AUCTION SALE or 3) ACRES OF HAY Vit JEItRI_ DALTON win .ell byoolitic 'wortioo. at lu A.hneld hear King.bridtt 1. ou 'rt'Cil/AY. JILY 7th commeeelnt at l o'clock shy e w el acres oLstandiat . to bwin ed : r, .end In ane a lot. or In o. a parseT . Titres. -Four month. credit wi.' be even on f..relebine approved 'idiot not,- or a die - coon, will be allowed for oath. JERRY nALrTHlitl. h .a c Proprietor.neer. 1' The groera were held on N ed in the re government t., the nue the to the piosin will be found Mr. W. Prot the winner in by an iocrea jority in tell .t was 319. E' to above Mr. 1 Huron and the last sewior gerrymander failed. The c covered that 1 and used ft+ failed and Mr. the honored r Huron. The town 01 contest gave e of 37 and on was reduced t majority in CI on Monday it is Liberal maj this time it seven. The I eels was incr.' the Liberal o duced from t townships of creased their former from 1 from 06 to 1t.' serv(itive maj it gave a Libs sudden chane accounted fol Below will returns for M ere Huton an genital elect turns for \t Huron are m give the maj known to t Musgrove is Huron but h siderably red who is now South Huror ed by an inn The etectir many change out the prow is Hon. Dr. 1 lic works it He was bad Tolmie, peat tian church wart Liberal Cormick. of May berry, James Meg worth; Mr South Onta son. who Ws South Bruer on. will be u The mejorl small. L.K.. AUCTION SALE or ittAIDKNTI PROPERTY A 2.1 lit 'USE HOLD EFFEt7e I am in -trotted by the atheutistrati.. of the estate of the late Mme' auction to sell by Public ''noion it the Premi.e- om Neuter .trout In the tow. et U.derkh on FRIDAY. JULY loth commencing at ft/elect -harp The property oona•llnC of a comfortable well/auk frame dwelling with a large lot on which Were 4 room to build another honse. It te will located and in a part of the town that M Improving in value. Tharp. -Tea per rant of the ppurvha.e abs pad .t the tune of sale, b'l'oc.• to t Irby da all the hou.ehdd At the same timeand place furniture aid will be •t.•po.e4 of. amongst which *rewtall•. Sofas. ooudte•. tables. chairs,_bedrooTho�I pearl) new Minter maeht.s. heater. with normal. SALLot Home wood coni gra.`1etove eeater elites rorptsurtblind..end 1111111.0101.,elder article-. Terms s•• -h PROUI)rtito. HATS & 1(ILWK Solicitor-. Tdt-01. (3U SDRY . Auctioneer. FARM P011 BALE --THE EAB? M..'pit Osts«rs''llt. +..1•f "eIseeta wooer WAah Oew- mom yen pursuant to IifiO . `AWL � e Ora. ▪ le yhettr lt7g1 M6ty10. reit 111 p.r'm' Daterthay L� Ali 9sd.rlai �� I .dr,d w «ate er tie •RM u%b a gethe tole dbLa. oc about tie V to Mal MIto tali. aa. re..tlp!aAAwd NOTICE TO CREDITORS - NOIICE TO CREDITORS fN gisraTS w DONALD M.-ICa�/1b. liars or Tas Townson. or Asw►Ir i.n. t. T8 cat*Tr M 80.011. F .Nato. 1K... aaaA pRSiDQ1CK AND FARM PROP ilnOtttBgZSALS--I W wiik ItoAr eryNeeeelp ` , aM wan fano aWart dYsesss sl teas• tf w1 sa«lo saY M eei1. let s ��Irw• TNeIMAS 0131100?. =We 75.01 I ni 6!010 1psl WItIrs� 7.erhazaa.s.w..ineeepthroolii opgsrttsiy taw.ves ts"• grit,ra▪ r t a5b. bio* . foe M tar 1\( pe�ar�+iw tai t•Mzwo11se alai y 9. T.es.sw -- - - - - WEST WAWANOSH FIREINE RRANCECO• Orta st iatsilii. f. tie Pre.- ieee. tests et eeseemeet. IAve /Oak IBseesd ite fall valee epbsalag ea the farm or wt. Ile 9eMrs M make ttliust' .asst. 114. a LWAIN. NIM Agwt fee tib. lith ye titer for J Mt( a 5saoelatdMcKenas the IT ,crrhot �t tern ,event of w sE 4 aa ea je�wo w It day d July, 1.11). (P1 w ev11, r oleles• n t Muss. and the essare .Ay. 1 aV. them. ani that WWI. in. Wewen l te .' eels a I love re- ,. will eel seea.ed. or pet ammo. to 101pesrew of 51 x145 notice 'half-{._ two peel•. �a•ytt�tiemere m bA •.5 ▪ '' ' UBARLEI u14iu). the a thteaemes desesca Ithe ogles to watch tlq� m M labiaeedoe. and use ewe fir the &mete at w sgs CNN Goderich- No. 1..... • 5 Maj. for UND.- Apet7 tr t ton „treat a 13 wham. t easdo (siva sin have tae expense"- .1 of police JAMES Mc0011Lca 114.1:62616. a Itlel N OTIOE TO CREDITO: I, OMITS er Jena ATT. 1 .T,: or 1111. tos or l+onloticll. IN TIM( 11 NTT 00 4711011. Maa*TSD Wer As. Df• aaag0. Mashes >.;er°av N. �NI..JIw.:n:Sv. ElltNeesber. soseest the rests of tae .rid Jew d'e'ad, who died M abeet .mth 1�' ee rN�Orelter 1er77sessareew theeta jewegeeed, en ee Wren the IIIh dal+ et et +heir dolor M J Mit till psantein corer'', y Wiwi sad , 15.1 fess •nth is ns. yNg�aa/r{ woos. 444545515eat e1s�l ie ba ttryiedg smear roesrd le M rWl Wen lory . sell as a(e(wrater the ess.us�ss,, es say (an sze of wbe.M, 100. st w A.D. leis. gJCATT. ANTE book -1 rest ANTS V5w N' M. foal ANT wart X�55is1111 fY EILWRAI j.t.rplCt0 ewuneats rtlitioUlErt WANT «r ,eprs�.0 nsesnf Ait1