The Signal, 1914-6-18, Page 8• Ttltval u.T. JON* 18, hila THE SIGNAL : G'ODKRICB t ONTARIO Big Cut Glass, China and Silver Ware Sale Our entire dock of Im- ported Cut Glass. duras* two weeks' Sole oats - third ort Coolish and French Tea and DinnerBets, dur- ing two week.' Bale one- quertar oft. Silver Ware (highest grade only), during two weeks' Sale one-quarter oft. Big shipment of Braes Jaedlnieres, Pedestals, Vases, Lamps, etc., just to hen/. Special close prices for June. Watch show widows for spec- ials. -------- -= r OEORRE PORTER THIS OOD$RICH BOOK AND STATIONERY CO. The- Race is to the Swift - The Battle to the Strong A trip to New York and Bermuda means to anyone a "Trip of a Lifetime" -and the Goderich Signal Contest offers you such a trip, free of encumbrance, and ready to sail by a happy party. Will you resolve to make the most of this great chance? Will you be a sure -enough, dead -in -earnest candidate from now until June 3otht If this is your purpose, you can be a leader in the race at the close of the contest. The Goderich Signal Contest is a battle of the strong. The Goderich Signal Contest is a race for the swift. The free trips to Bermuda will be WON -but they will also be EARNED. "They also serve who only stand and wait, said Mil- ton, but HE had to "Stand and wait," because he was blind. FOR YOU to "Stand and wait" just now means to shake hands with Failure. Don't wait. Get busy. Rise to your opportunity. Do it Now. YOU can see. There are but TEN working days in which to win the fr..e trips to New York, Bermuda and Thousand Islands offered by The Signal. The Contest will close oil June 30th. The work of the world is performed by the active, the resourceful and determined AVERAGE men and women. Dont imagine that you cannot succeed because you are not 4. prodigy. Every woman has within herself the elements which coa+bine.to make success possible. "it's in to You, after all. There are six free trips in the great voting contest. Will you he 'going? Time is brief. It is up to yourself. You will -see the largest city in America and the land of the lily and the rose, if you continue to hustle. HUSTLE'. HUSTLE! HUSTLE. Remember the motto --HUSTLE, HUSTLE SOMiI� MORE, KEEP ON HUSTLING. VOTE STANDING Pick your favorite DISTRICT NO. 1 virtue Mies JAnsIK I' KH .. ......Godencb.604001' Mies MAMIK %'AKKENCR " • . • • . • 511,0110 M ,OI1f1 swan rionsito GRAND TRUNK RQlLWAY SYSTEM IIOIESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round 1rip ticket. to point., in Manitoba. Al br•r & and Saakatehen .tn via Chico/CO. et. Pawl, Duluth or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Companion sale each Tue•Jay m,lll Oct. 1. irldealvc. at tow fare.. Through Pullman Tourist Sleeving Cara to WINNII'E(. on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No change of care. RKTURN LIMIT. T%U MONTIIP The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg -Saskatoon - Edmon• too, with excellent through eervice to Regina. :'rains now running into Calgary. lferth rceerv%tion. and pm -Ocular.' from F. =F. LAW ItICNCK & $UNti, or write C. 5. HORN 1511, Dist(Lct Passenger .tgunt. Toru ,to, Oat CANADIAN AC 1 r1 c GREAT LAKES NAVIOAT10N Steamer. %ill leave fort MCNIcoU Mon- day^. 7'tle'lay•. Widnm days.Thursday.' :.n9 Saturday al t p.m.. commencing May !eh. for HAt'L:I' ETF_ MARIE. PORT ARTHUR &, I FORT NILWAM The Steamer Manitoba. alalling from Port MCNlcoll \educwlal•, %111 tvl at Owen Sound, leavwg that Iwhlt 1n.3, p.thsame day. ' STEAMSHIP EXPRESS WulleevoToronto i•L45 p.m. on sailing day,, makingdirect connection with stennr eta at Lott MeNicon. TO WF:STKILN I'ANADA iN COM - FLIRT V'1A CANADIAN PACIFIC !'articular. regarding RAIL, or OCEAN ticket.+from Ju.. KIh1'. I%P.R. Agent, or write M. C•. Mil ItI'IIY, D.P.A.. C.P.Ry. Toronto. Brophey Bros GODERtCH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, Dight or day. Developing and Printing DONE PROMPTLY All Kodak Supplies -James A. Campbell Pb.. 8. CENTRAL DRUG sTORE North K. and Square, Goderich PHONE 1110 1 Lill U K (AIIttKCROU ATK IA SCSI t-IJOTT Aop / �! ./j/4„jer / to roam unto where you will get ,-orreet In- ntr,rt ,on and ordinance in obtaining employ'm• nt when c.tmpetent. College opena ttl *simmer. Enter any me. Catalog•• fres. Miss Lorne MI etilIATH Blain BATTIK BKLullrR ... . M tis. ADAM Nwn L _ HIPS LILIAN \V NIT1!tu .... DISTRIt T NO. 22 \•/r1 K1 Miss Ba -res Mt ALLleige .SL Augustine- .502.UIt Mien LAW ISA TISKNA Y.. ...Blyth ..•.500•000. M11e+ EisA M. OKlt ..I;enmtller- _........ 518,0014 Mins 1..\11 K.\ LAUTY.NaI.ACBK Dunlop 536,000 1 Minn I'KARL dcKKNzIK Port Albert . .... ..518.0011 i Motes NI Attie MIC1Fttal. Kingsbridge 4112,0011 MIPs MYRTI.5'T1%s(N Bayfield ,...405.000 ....AMOR) Miss MILDRvD Porre .. , ...Clinton ............. NEWS OF SPORT xVNDAY 1('LIOOL IL\S,CIIALL LS.\UUK A number,of boys from Knox, North street Methodist, St. Peter's and St. George's churches met in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Monday evening anti drew un regulations and a schedule of games for a junior baseball Lleague. the A pennant will be presented n - net's by the Y.M.C. A. Pia era are to he under eighteen seer and • representative for ew:h teem. Season tickets will be sold at Scents to provide funds for neversary outfit; each team to sell Jt or more. Schedule of games - July :t -Knox ♦s. North street. 7 -St. George's vs. St. Peters. 111 Knoi ve. St. George r. 14 -North St. vs. SL Peter's. 17 -SL Peter's vs. Knox. 21-51. George's vs. North street. 24 -St. Peter's vs. St. George's. 28-Nortb street vs. Knox. $1 -St. Peter's vs. North street. , 11 Tennis Shoes Fleet Foot Tennis and Bowling Shoes g i T e satisfactory style and service. Such qualities also shown in latest Oxfords Pumps. ('all in select yours at are the and and J. H. McClinton's Aug, 4 -Lit. Georges vs. Knox. years of age and are to offend thrix own Sunday school or church on two 7 -North street vs. St. George's. Sundays of each month and molt 11 Knox vs. St. Peter's. have *attended twice before eligible to flow LINf•. play. Two rinks from the local bowling trach team is to have a manager sp club went to Stratford on Wednesday proved by the p etor or `Sunday schoolto fay fur the Alex. Faill trophy. superintendentresent,. sof the church it rep• The Woks were. Messrs. U. H. Hum - fa a or Any player who urea pro- her Ishipl. Hobert McLean. Fred. (ane or all ear language during the Hunt. Aodtew Porter, Harry Edwards ga:ne shall be warned by the umpire, e!dI Thomas McDermott, Charles or any member of the managing coin;(larprow and L. E. Doberty. The miltee, and if the offence is repeated I. may he ordered out of the game by the umpire : any player who has been thus put off twice to heexpelled from tbe League by managing condition. t teens in excellenondition. committee. Games will consist of five g voters; CL inning, and ate to he called at 8.30 p, m. The Y. M. C.A. vs (rand Trunk Each trans will nominate one or teams met is Victoria park on Mon - are ul )piree and the managing coin -(day evenio`... Play did not commenceThe managing committee will con- y blowing iron tide north west it was trophy war won by the A. lase Sawyerrink. of Stratford. while the Sawyer rink, of Mitchell. carried oft second prize. The weather war ideal and the ill I mitts will select umpires from those. uotil'.4ia With a very strong wind sist of the president. secretary -trees- impossille to esstrol the ball. Is • COOLING WASH STOPS THAT ITCH a •sal tsar eimalWoa OLD WATCH FREES • w.t.huor.tI a.me.w• IIP Inner •m isbil•h.. er,n. W. •r. elt:pr ..•r 10 ho.•.na. .z wrwory• al •w Alm Ww•tl.ement No. r ,Cr cb.•* to owlww ore Writs mott w. w•0I. its for owe of our IYnloS able 1 .all..' Imo 0.5,5. w Owls- AIMrt.. rot n t•w• Twit to real wnh the .•tem. .tills .,n a glom term. Mono -ver h. an/ ..,,..,tore eve r•rawk Amid row tar W worse.e et menet- los war. w. ,gale Pre so WI rover =i.4111 moat DMI taaiodMW Cys ditty Or Po u be Mc bat lamtahti d fe waM O.Jae gM _deo • res wallet.. Too sal b Par." 1.1 MON al UOTD, Wholootto y mImo (Mot :'w 1. w, erw .11. M .A, imam II, Yes- not in half an boor -sot t. Soo abeoluta' protection for ail summer n i minutes -tea f seconds , akin troublea. Just a few drops of that mild, soot►- Dont fall to try tbie famous remedy ing. cooling wash. the D.D.D. Pre- for any kiod of skin trouble -wee know scriptinn. the famous cure for Ersewa, I D.D.D. will give you instant relief. and the itch is gone. Your burning I Jas. A. Oampbeli, Central Drug skin it instantly relieved and you have Store. Goderich. 4IN ALL THE HARDWARE' YOU REQUIRE TO BE HAD OF THE HOWELL HARD- WARE CO., LIMITED 1 shes akCashtBasistwe arehas ab a to n fferwell ou thertbestand pricescand save you the business on B money. - We draw particular attention to such seasonable lines as: - PAINTS V ARNiSHF.S VARNi H STAINS I.iNHE OiL TURPS Etc. Specially reduced For this week let range, regular $42.00 satisfaction. Matta! T GOAL OIL ETON' Ifts DETROIT GASOLINIC !TT:WV+ HAY -PORK -ROPE PARIS OP$RN HAY FORKS POTTS RD SHOVELS ecr'TRE STONES price on all these as well as on the whole of tht stelek. inch o. q largest size oven us offer3. you Thus i ap tn anaexttra fine lrange and will give good for $3 7 OIL CANS MA0RINE OiLS ?1LES. Ito eighteen minutes from the start the railway men scored the first goal. At half time the score was 10 in favor of the .Grand Trunk team. Ten min- utes after play was resumed the Y.M.O.A. team scored and from then until the whistle blew no more scoring was done, the result being a tie. The line-up follows: Y.M.C.A.--Goa1, Bar, ker: backs. Nisbet, Spahr: half hacks, Doyle. tamale. Lauder: forwards, Pritchard. McArthur, Forbes, Moretti]. Pridhaul Grand Trunk: Goal. Chisholm: backs. Roberts, Smith: half hacks, Statham. Sperling. Johnston: for - war Is. Bowler, Bridle, Turner, Powell, Metcalfe. Referee, A. Kitton: 'linemen, Fisher and Dunnadge. Wednesday evening the Grand Trunk met the Big Mill to play off a protested game. Owing to counter attractions some of the regular men from Neth sides were absent. in the first half the millers found the enemy's goal four times. while the railway men only succeeded in getting one shot through. In the second hal( the Big Mill notched up ties more and man- aged to shut out the Grand Trunk en- tirely, making the final score fl to 1. The game was by no means as one- sided as the score would indicate: 1t was feat. throughout. Roberts for tbe Grand Trunk did excellent work but their goal tender wits a new mac and needed practice, while their forwards lacked sboo ting ability. The Big Mill goal tender seemed almost impreg- nable and their forwards had great speed. The game was clean _?rota eta 1R to Ar lett - oai7o w Jd 15.15. being registered. The i nnc-up fol- lows : - Big Mill-lioaf, Bowes: harks. W. Callow, K. Callow: half backs, Blasco.. Mew. Lambert: forwards. W. Klttou, A. Kitton. Young. Peachy, Leggate, Grand Trunk -Gnat, Bork; backs, Roberts. Knnchinaki: half tacks. Watson, Johnston. Ooteman: fcr- wards. Metcalfe, Smith, Turner, Bow- ler, Bridle. Referee A. O. Nisbet; lioodleo, Dua- nedge sot Fisher. The Howell Hardware o.,-ui -J T1i* MIT PLACE TO SOY MARDWAR1 Skirts Made to Your Order in Our Own Workroom FOR $1.75 Summer akin troubles /unborn. blistering. and Irritation are the c tssateet ?nem of eomesre skin trouble _and t�ekeget ln tesla these very iqufetuY Its anti- septic As soos as applied. septic ppo�wers get W work and kill all the polsos% in a wound. a sting or a sore. This getserelly rods asmart- ing - ik be- gng and the pale. > ins the protest, ward fresh healthy tiastse built up. For seer. Watered es�o heat rete.O. battyhtspots. sore ane to parepiratbn ate., you ess't equalTae Bek. It Oen entree este, u1s�r, sbesesses, piles, and all ia4ssskdd Usti aissis-d co.ditloss of al. and slab - *eat tissue. Drugglet" and stores everywhere sell Beta-Buk, fine. hex. Vern Urn -But Soap alien, x40. per tab 1st, All steno, or 7Am►-Bat poo Tsr- wfe,. HERE is an opportunity to have an odd Skirt made to your measure for only 81.75. This price includes all findings. To know what the skirt will cost, simply add $1.75 to the price of material you select. You may have; it made in any one of six or eight styles,, all new and up-to-date, that will be shown you by Miss Coutts when leaving your meas- ure. The Skirts will be made in the best manner we know how, and one fitting given. THE MATERIAL. You may take your choice of nearly too lengths of plain and fancy materials suitable for separate skirts. These range in price from $I•oo to $2.00 per yard. In the lot are plain black and navy serges as well as other materials in all the popular colorings, black, white checks and fancy weaves suitable for skirts of which we have but one or two skirt lengths. They will be grouted on one table and ready for you Saturday morning., Orders will be filled in rotation as they are placed. This is an exceptional opportunity to get an extra Skirt at a price very little over cost of material. ' Saturday Special in Black Hats $7.00 ane $8.00 for osly $4.65 In a big lot of sample Hats we purchased a few weeks ago, there were some exceptionally good shapes in fine Black Straws. These have been sent to our work -room and trimmed specially for Saturday selling. Only trimmings of high-grade will be used and they will be got- ten up in the hest style we know how. Some will be trimmed in all black, others with a touch of color. The actual price of these had we bought them in the usual way would be $7.00 to SS.00 each for they are all high qual- ity. If you want a dressy black hat come Sat- urday and take your choice of this lot for only 4.65 J Children's . Rompers 35c t, pairs Children's Roul- pere. sizer 2 to 11 years. half dozen material. to chic.e from. All new. Regular ;lar•. Saturday Special, each only 35c Girls* Iluslin Dresses $1.75 Ver)pretty lin or voile Dresse.:or girl, size. et. 14 and. 10 years. Small flowered muslin combined with whirr, each only ..$1.75 11 Our Ribbed Cotton Hose at 15c is special value this is a Stacking ferule front hard twisted cotton tarn. Dye absolutely fast. feet seamless. 'They ale long enough to mine well up over the knee. One of the (test Children's Stockings we have aver sold. All sizes. per ion• 1Sc Umbrellas Re -Covered if you have an Unhrella the top of which is going but the brindle is still good and you would like to have it recovered, tiring it in. We will do it for you at a moderate cost. We Make Awnings We take orders for Awnings of all kind... house. store or verandah. Make them to At any window or open space. A splen- did range of patterns to relent from or plain white c.+nvas if you prefer it. We quote you makeri prices and put all in posi- tion for you. Old Awning (ramex re•coveted. Estimates given at any time. Verandah Needs We are showing • splendid stock of Verandah Rugs and Mats in practic•Ily all size. Co- coa Matting for steps, all widths from 18' 'to 54", Bamboo Shades in natural or green colorings. Matting" put down and Bamboo Shades hung. Close prices and prompt service. Our Silk Glove at 51.00 This is the hest Silk Glove we have been able to nod anywhere. 1t is good weight, properly made. donUe Anger tips. and we it fully against as octanotmatettain e or w s manship. Black or white. all .Taos. Decidedly the hest $1.Ou Glove In the trade. Per pair .$1.00 Special Selling of Suits and Coats A►��e4r sad Nsri �Na t.4atvrlllay std Nirxt'Week Seven ladies' stylish Spring and Summer Coats an.. the same number of sults go on sale Saturday morning priced for quick selling. The Costs will sell at 512.75 There are just seven of them. Platn teriais and fancy ratines in blues, browns, tans. I Sizes 34, 36 and 38 in the lot. Regular prices were $t8.00, $tq.00 and S24.00. They are the last of our good coats and as an extra Special Bargain we offer you your choice of the seven for only.... Two Suits at 58.75 Two real nobby tailored Suits, black and white check, correct style- and well made. Special Saturday morning. $8.75 Choice of the two for. firs Suits at 514.60 Two of these are ratines, the other three ma- There plainer materials They are this season's styles, correct in every way. perfectly tailored, coats are silk lined. Regular,prices were $21.00 and 6�att10damernin $14.00- either f the five for only.... none stylish Walsh Dresses at 55.00 and $6.50 Another shipment of dainty wash Dresses just parsed into stock. designs both fresh from mater- ial d Myr ti lapret lot of wash Dowses wand 5.bnwamany we have eros Inctatamy • days Of seaeesfy any are there more than nes of two alike. Shows In dalsty sardine• voiles, ate. sea' and Ledtes' sines. Misses' Dresses Specially Priced at 52.50 This is • little bargain lot ander regular •aloe. Material Is pure natural all Ibsen hot land. Dresses are est In hood style and nest ly trimmed with edgian of "embroidery In red Will stand no end of mate wear know bow they *111 wash. Miers 14, 18. IS sed !11 years. Each . • • u WE $&U. The balsa' Soma Journal. Hodiens, ' House Joorsal Pat - IraisomentansIndles. of a sary for �� �w "No Sssmw Hose i.edtten..d...br.. J