The Signal, 1914-6-4, Page 5TiHE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNK 1, 11111 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE EAST STREET GARAGE GODERICH Nat to Tows Hall Always Opel Pbuns t11>♦ • w Leese sametamaw 1 COLD WATCH FREE. answer + am+.e.W.rr ti w• u■ very lofty carry r Steunw 4.r w.wa1 4.r ewe us wwY.•sr eelwwwl ✓ ems rare w .Wa tea Mews w, •.sa,a.w amp 4.w wed ism twass Nr L•rl•a' Low ma • :.ser- e wor i week ee se~ss with es Per e▪ ra .ore w tkwtr rets was se w.rm. •r ser none - F M rows Ne a .i nue t+lwr. • mg skew r toMW.l .W\ p•y aws MS SSW e M et W e.net•, he_ r mea Wer ear. • rio w•era 1„• r w.,.,,'-WILLIAMS • LUAU, cal ...,•t. 3,.wt }re. •. I. e. 4..seW Mussr- s "The Best is the CHEAPEST" Thi• blue -worn statement Was ever more truly applied than n the pun -hese of a Piano. The Heintzmati k Co. Pian, p.us•sxrs :he purest and aweet- sat of tones and the superior materiel and rnnstructiun M- ime ler it an even gteate•r weenie= and purity of tone with Use. It 'Rya to buy the hest. there - foredo nut put it elf any longer lett huy - a Heintzman & Co. Naso ti.elay. James F. Thomson a►-1.1tI:sIkNTATI\ C linderich - - - Ontario sre fFarte kidney all tuba/ shine i % ir hue The blood passes through the kiid- wn every three minutes. N the kidneys do their work nd impurity or casae of &order can remain in the circulation it -.ser than that time. Therefore if yoer E.,d is. out of order your kidneys have !Led in their work. They are in seed of eisulation, strengthening or doctoring. O.eerdiane will do all three, the finest and roost imitated blood medicine them ■ Dodd's Kidney Pills Saturday Specials at the Maple Leaf Grocery Fruits f�itr.wl r,„ Now hr., apples pp rarri.i4 I,. atp.1 1'I;I,, •, F1,t iii' Mohd..• I/IAngell in ell sizes. New Vegetables T„tuat.w•, !del y. Lettuce, Ot.ions, Raetiah, Rhul,aot,, New Cat,bee•- Home-male Maple Syrup II.iv.' In,t received it Mtge '1'ientit)• of Hume -maths Mapee 'syrup of the very highest gnal- ny and f1 savor. Butter, Eggs and t.1 -REI) MEATS We ate making err•ngementa to have a large and choice as - velment in all these lines for Mstnrriay and will he in a ibitinn to supply your wants with rhnire Creamery and Dairy Blotter, strictly fresh Rage and Cared and Cooked Mesta. All enders will receive earful attention. nu r S. J. YOUNG Mui.. Street LOCALS eS PERSONALS -Mrs. James Moore is spending this week with Blyth friends. -May. Hamden was tak ni on Thur. day to • Sanitarium in London. -Mr. J. B. Brown. 'of Berlin. has taken a position with Mr. C. t' Lee. Miry Edith Young lel/ Lai* weak to A WOMAN OF FE W WORDS Mrr. Harry N Bye, Main street n orth. Mount Forest, Ont., writes : ••Your rrwrd fur kidney, bladder and stomach trouble has given we great relief. have taken three boxer Sat: now feel )eke living and better than 1 here felt (or years and 1 give your FIG NILLY all the prairie, for they are the best I have ever 4i d." At all dealers, :'3 and ill cents, or The Fig Pill Thomas, Out. Mold in Uoderich by 11. R. Wigle, druggist. -Mr. John W. Skinner, s q'e n eat rlUxen of Mitchell, died on tiat•,r- day evening, Ysy'-,ird. He bad been a great mutterer from inlawtuatury rbruniatienl and death came as a happy telrare to hie.. rhe family had darindaring all this time tenderly cared for hint, g all u1 their power to help make has bed of sirknee as pleasant as possible Draeissed was born in Fullerton neer Bethel nearly sixty-six visit relative* in Buffalo and Boston. years ego, oan•inq to Mitchell, where Hiss Marge'et Houlhy, of Wind- be bail cern s resident for over forty ' " syears. He was widely known. and �o, it visiting her cousin., a deep interest in the affair.' of Hurd' the town, always advocating bringing --Miss Bisset, of New Turk, it boli- in industries. The late Mr. Skinner dwyieg at the parental holm, hart served a number of years on the coun- suwa•t' ;11 board and for Ultra year* aa Mayor -\lir. Flora Finale:d, of Auburn. of Mitobell. is visiting themisses Halliday Vie /y� WI to sltrrt,MW$.100.00 IN (TOLD -rls. Stank Forcer and Iona well theeford of To r l preW L •r nt n - in it y, are spending a few days In town. We will gave one hundred or hi dollars et Mr- rbeodure Bale, of elluWo. ,told to any man, woman or child that was spendinga few drya in town with • cannot b' benefited by Magrioe hair his mother, Yrs. Hex kiah Hale, this tonic, Ws are anxious to have every- wrek Mir u y fiageine for we know it is the Aden Fowiei hen returned. IR/Neatest Bair Ionic that baaever been town his trip to Northern Ontario and , edwe aetwd- Sageine will positively look* a* it that climate agteerl with ewe an lichy aealn, brtug life into dull, bins, faded hair and add incite* to its -The Dui presents • tine tipped._ length. Sageit a is now obtainable in l' l pu+r' beefed ich and is sold under a Kaaren - since on Victoria street, having had tet.. to pl.'s.'.. A large bottle of Sage - the steps and railing newly painted in ins coeds but fifty cents. Be sure to two colors, • go to F. J. Bus land'e drill store for -Mr. F. W. Rubinson, of Galt, itother woo es don't have Sageine. giving much satisfaction to .the coojr I st and congregation as urganirt of St.l - - BORN George's church. stiElttnt►WV,-In Owlerlah. on Max 37th. Harry Turner. formerly of w x4.. a.idlir•. Sawur. eneardown, a .0e1, The Signal, and 'how of New lora. was in town on Saturday last renew- _ ing old acquaintance.. -The maty friends of lin. W. F. (.allow are glad to See her out again REMARKABLEafter being laid up for several week's part with a ftriceactLauder. arm. cAsE of linL HAm -Miss Beatrice uder. B.A., of St. Catharines collegiate institute, • is home with her parents. Mr. and mi.. (i. H. Lauder. Nelson Street. -Aid. T. F. Harrison, of Kingston. ' Diederis Lrrat E.pinkhwes father of Yr.,Walter H. ,Harrison, of Ogderich, is the Liberal candidate in In .ton cnnstaturocy. - aur. o•uph Lawson and Mn. 13d-. Saved Her Life Lawson, o u oro, were the rueets of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore, Bruce street. one day last week. M Int Dura Howie lett on Saturday for 'forpnto, where she will attend sines. college. Mise liowie'a Many friends in Ooderinb wish her succees. -The last lecture of the course un- der the auspices of the General Brough chapter will be given in the court house on Monday afternoon at four o'clock. --Mises ,M. L.cktnan and Lula Sharp returned to their homes at Hamilton last week atter a very pleas- ant visit With Mesdatue* Challeo and Hopkins, Bast street. v nervosa, impatient, -Mr. B. S. Robertson, city, solicitor, passed sleepless Stratford, sone(Mr. W. fL Robertson, !, J nights, and had - of (;iriderieb, was chosen on Friday neither strength erne last. at a convention in Milverton, as . i:ere was always • fear and the liberal candidate in North Perth. dread in my mind. I had mid. nervous, - At the Victoria'dniversity exam- weak spells, hot flashes over my body. bastion* Mr. H. G. Hotertson, grand- I had a place w my right side that was w,n'ut Mr. W. K. Robertaoo. passed so sore that 1 eoald bardly bear the with honors and was the winner of weight of my eio'hes_ I triad readies.. the Edward Wilson gold medal in and doctors, but �y did me littler .� clx►ricr. and 1 never expectedW -Dr. W. J. H, Holmes returned un got out aRa� Saturday ("Op, a prolonged trip to 1 got Lydia E Plnkbom's Vegetahfa the west. During his ahsence he visit- Cotonoun8and Stood Purifier- ad i car- ed almost every point of iwportant.' tainly would have best in grave se is we in western Canada and several in the asylum if your medicines W set saved United States. . Inc. But now 1 ran work all day, sleep Brenner of the loss of so many well at night. Het anything I wast, bows magazines that lay uptpn the tables in no hot flashes or weak, nervous Spens. the I'hhfic [,ilrrarr the crmaininftun +' All pains, ache, fears and dreei am hay.• Leen put away. and any reedet- q;ottie, my hoose, rki{dtrn and hoat+esd of nuag►sines have u..w to AMC tine Ir- lwarisn for any Magazine that i, want- f ase ao 1°ragrt a'stit'etst�, sea 1 sen alxeeest ed. • 1 entirely free of the bad sytoptoens 1 he Thr ftlends of Mrs, J. Pe Whitely before taking year rrmwdies orf el is will Ire glad to know that she bar w. I pleasure and happiness in my honor '- for tecoveted from her long illness Mn. JoetE HAH. R. P. D. I. Box a, th.t why was taken out Mast week ,n shamrock. Yls.ouri. her wheel chair anden"lyeittheouting i 1( yon wantapetda1advice w*� very much, so b . u that *be was ' taken out again Tuesday. ' 3•ydla F. Plnkham Medicine Ono -Mr. Wm. Sumer, local bill poster, (conldellr►tla1) Lynn, Mass, will post on his toards idiom June lith a fine lithogrspb entitled : "The I B ,y Scout Poster. Tore• line pos- ter. are sant out l4. ' the Educational committer of the Politer Adverthltrg Chicassocieticne with headquarters at ( 5111'tiER STORE Chicago. -Sts. McFadyean has returned to the parental home, after a ple,sant i ,trip with her h.rab.pd. gb,� smut i to Omaha -on business and on hi. re. ( turn will spend some tint,• in town lh•• gll.•at of hlr wife s parents. Nc'. and 1 Mn. A. M. Polley, North street. --Mt. and Mrs. R'. Hutchinson hove returned to Gtxlerich. oriel Ieatiug feu Oeprgetnwn a few years ago, and now have taken rap their re.vtene, in Mr. raredy's new heist residence to Elgin avrnne. Miss Hiitrhine'n. who is I now • grade ate of Shaw's schools, Toronto. accompanied them. --Mise Mona Mair. Mies Jerald•and Id ,rd-un.de t'l.-rl.et 1).iles Miss Emery. of %Vindi an•, are spending I t .. .. •. .. 2do ant *Oo three week' at the Hotel Sunset The 1 opening of the hotel will take alar.- on June lith Mrs. .1.rksnn, of sira•- fond. whn will be the h •keep.,. a rived this week 10 get everything reedy. Mr. Walter F. Roe, of The Spenal staff, is le,vir,g Gown on Satin day for Landon, England. He will sail from Qmehee nn ID. steamer Empress. of II itain un .lune 11th. Only for the fart that he was unship to secure pee sage on the Empress of Ireland, he would have soled last week and 1t is probable that he would have gone down with the IR -fated ship. He taws fortunate in not Wog able to secure passage on the Rasps'sss of Ireland. Foresters. Attention! The n•enih. r• of ('Hurt (1.derich Ne ' stock :1Y i'.O.F , will ,iii -...1 the N•,rth .tees Meihndi-r rhn,rh on `inn•fa), the II•h ln.' , a• 11 .. h'. k . in. Thr m.•n.l) •1 s 1 will meet ate •u. t .,p•Jm SI DI .0# "'clerk �%1S. B. Tape and m,.eh tot 11.e 4.hn11h Visiting VVS irtrml.e, a .11' • lH ..ell)' *tidied 111 51- 11)4', abs K' q` V Compound garLr f Auburn. and Sanity. Shamrock, Mo.- "I feed it my duty to tail the public the condition of my health before using your medicine. 1 had failing, inflamma- tier and congestion. female weakness. pains in both sides. backaches and brear- *g dswa pains. Imp short of meaner*' >s e Sim rind eels ,4, r Embroidery Silks Crystal 1l,,pr Silk, Ir per skein, for to day., commencing �IAY *-1)th Latest di signs in Cushions, ('entres mind Tilt.•. Hnffet. and Dr.'►.er Sr .1 fa in Ian, brown end green .. 22. and tido Keadv-tn-wear ('„r art 1'over, 26o and 50o Babies Bonnet. 2642 to 760 l'hild, en . 1)reasrs and ('oat Some new(kine+ Chown in Stan.• -d lino: . 1.4(14.. Envel- ope Cornbinali in, Led.es' Waists en anew }hike voile, ('hildten's Romper• on white pique. .l vert Renal hie new design in Rehire Bib New st)lee in l'biIdren'a [)mese. on hatiate pigs •. Needles. Thread, Pin.. Dottie Faetene,s. Euthrnide.ry Hoops, Mat Frame., Feundatinn Let- tere, Novelty Braid*, Finishing Braid., etc., etc Always in SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS Honors for Graduated Goderich Col- legiate Institute We ant pleased to rev that Oode- rich collegiate institute is well tepee - rented in the graduating clary of the University of Toronto, as *hewn by the city papery this week. 'Che follow- ing is the list, and so tar as we know uone have failed :- Faculty of Arts --Miss Jean H. Tom, bracketed for Hest place in find claw honor' in Moderns; Mr. Frank J. Fos- ter. oater, second class honors iu Political Science ; Mr. Angus McLeod, second class honors in Geology and Mineral- ogy ; Mr. Arthur J. Boyce, second class bonorr in Physiological and Bro. cbewical S;ieMJohn C. Mil- lion, pass in gtnnerceea:l course.r. Faculty of Kducat ion- \Lim. Mar- garet Bisset, Miss lava Somerville and Mint Orae I. Warnock have been awarded Interim first clary crrtiflcatea. Mies Somerville will, however, not re- ceive her high school certiM.•ate till see rea"hee the required age. 'Ir. Ed- ward W. Durnin will be granted a specialist cerfic a to in Mrthrwstic s of the required academic standing. 01 all them., Misr Tow deserves spacial etedit. Entering the univer- sity, after being a year and I, halt nut of school teaching, rhe came 11 sure 10 the front, took first place in Modern at her Hr$t year's examination, and has continued to keep her place to the close of her courrr. It is interesting to note that the young laJy who has succeeded thin time in being bracketed with her is also a Huron county girl, Mies Katie Collins of Exeter. Department of Pharmacy -Mr. B.P. Strang bee been granted the degree of Bachelor of Pharuoacy. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, a- mercury will •urely destroy the .Huse of omen and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous rurt.ar. [tore article. should [ever .b• u -ed except oa prescription. (tom reputable phr.l- ciao, ant the damage they will do 1. ten toll to the rood yo•i can po.eibiy derive from thein. Hall'. Cat,. rh more. Manufactured b,' le. .1. Cheney &I .. Toledo .I., contain. no mercury and .+ taaeo lnterrut117..••tuna tureen upon the Wood and mueou. .urfaoe* of the .yrten,. In buying Hall . I 'atarrb Cure be sure you get the genuine. It le taken internally and usage In Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. 1 'luaaa7 A Co Twat - amnia'. free. hold by arumsi.L'. Price T.Sc per bottle. Take Hall d ratoily Lill. fur con. .11 V'tl lou. Full flavored ar.d perfectly cooked Liig tx planniamiL nut lent KN amp imam. all-fgsati 1bm■s for ease lee ear eel eseivst onandas see��re i sae ae 1 m o Iris sonnis►'Ram ear alarm ' embolic ■r•'. lisseseeken'Estorsiss r, Poasst• .+n ahs TEI1it•K t111N(: Y(millions 4I%rARIu *AILWAY, Harley tier y sad North i0 Nn t7egre 4 teear.., From all rosette in Ontario and Q.sbt'ren the (:rand Ti -ink and Canadian Par Inc rat lwaye rx- erre west of 4.b ilk )tiver end north .,f 1'arty 'lowed .'n the ('anad'an Pariflc r►IIws' . Tirkrt* at specially r••dure•l rate.. crewel enema 11'NE 14511. and yabd for return until JUN1: alth..,Mee your reseseesseelisrsy ent foe -full parte ills iir ap- y to - A. J. PARR. G.P.A., 'r h N.() I{ly , North Ray. (hit ismer Footwear With the warn) weather COMPS the desire for sotuethieg to keep the feet areal and com- fortshle. The coolest Sommer Font - weer be without exception white canine.. . Oar stork In Button Hoots, Pumps arid Strep Slippers is very nnm- pietr and the prices the most reasonable we have ever had the pleasure to offer. Tenni., howling and !A- cross.- Shops are now in stock, elfin Keretoot Mandela In all sizes. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar enngreRetion- JUBILEE AT WHITECHURCH Sixteen Handfed kaolin Attended the Presbyterian Church I'he jubilee ars-viers In couneclion wtlh Ino 1'tr-byterwn chuteh beta here I.s.t Niu,lay &to( Monday were a quieten -it .,.ere-■ Irl ever)' 1Nrtic,dsr. `'I,•,u,'n,'1tem people .11enJed the MI, it. e,. 1'114.14• were three ..'rule. is Del I eft Sunday at 111.311 a u.., three en.f . I1;he (1.111 , and en retell uce4.11.11 the Mtge edifice was plied to °vetHuw- ing with people from far and near who came, not, from idle curiosity, to listen to the eloquent sermon* preach- ed by reverend gentlemen, former pastors of the church. In the even- ing scores of people ;ould not gain ad- mittance and hence had to wend their wsr homeward again. 7 he pulpit in the Morning was oc- cupied by Rev. W. H. Geddes, of Ailsa Craig, who preached a ver y able sermon flow the text: Matt. 13, 37-13. The par*age is Christ's explanation of the parable of the sower. He dwelt. on the spleudid history of the cbrretian church, recalling interesting events in the lite of the Whitechurch Presby- terian Congregation. The topic was eminently pleasing and was listened to with devout attention by the large congregation. No organ' or choir was used. Mr. Robert Silepson acted as precentor, and the congregation wholeheartedly under his directions sang -the old familiar tunes. Old Hundred, Denfield, Ortoiville and New Lydia. In the afternoon the pulpit was Oc- cupied , u Rev. Geo. P. pulpit of PortCredit, when the church was again crowded .to its utmost capacity. The reverend gem leihan took bis text from Romans 12, I. The thought being indiviivalisw. He etupha•ired the vanity in talent and powers in the life of a congregation. All were un- nesceeary cyep make true unity and harmony. His sermon was a truly eloquent one and was listened to with profound attention.. The services were similar to those of the morning, no choir or organ being used. Mr. Alex. Simpson was the precentor at this service, 'elec. tions being sung to the tunes of Hakt- nu, Garnbury, , Duke Street and Desert. The evening service were held at eight o'clock, when Rev. U. M. Donn, ct Roy 241 avenue Presbyterian church, Toronto, preached au eloquent .crown (rout (len. 12, 1, and Heb. 11, 7. He spoke moat feelingly of the time he was ordained In tbir sauce church and bis induction as its minister and. of the most _pleasant six yeah Le spent as pastor of this cnngrogatioo. He ales dwelt on the pioneersinfluence in the religous life of the cowrnunity. He related ;some very interesting and amusing things in Lite early history of Hoon and Bruce counties, recalling the names of several settlers of alt years ago, when the first property grants were given by the government in the community. He also referred moat feelingly to the• arly history of the Presbyterian church and influence for good by the early settler. His sermon was'forceful and filled with overflow- ing energy. The choir on this occasion, as well aa singing the regular hymns, render- ed two beautiful *elections, while the choir leader and most efficient organist. Miss llarjnrie Gordon, sung a well rendered mile,. The plat(orw during the ,ervices was occupied by Rev. H. M. McEacberte Bev. .James Penrose, Kee. V Boyle and the pastor. Rev. J. ('re Stewart. Monday WAS fete day for everybody who chomps, to take a part, and it goes without 'saying that almost every- body. regardless of denominations, t urned oat to swell the crowd and fill a vacantry if need be. The crowd was a re•ord one and clime from the coun- try around fee and near, ss Well as great numbers from urigllboriog towns and .illage.. They came in earl tag- hod., automobile loads, and buggy Leads and such a crowd of well h.dasvrd orderly young and old people nekdem meet together. Did they rn- ley tbenreelve.3 Well, yes, they did- to the ltwisb. The Hut part of the programme of coma was to can for the wants of the ismer man and it is an undeniable face that no hotter preparation could be wished for than the regal spread of goat) -things the ladies of the congrega- tion had provided. The rover. were mooed in the basement of the church and well ladeued tables were again and again. and yet again and again, and again, surr.•nnde1 until every- body was satisfied and in the right beesc.r to take un the next quart .4.f the pr..,griuun.e, thin was provided by the cM ,r. er rather w•ta in their cat•., and a+ ,t I arned out It wa+ • splendid and enjoyable treat and greatly spprecia- trd by the Iargeet g*tbriing ever gotten ir.',t.' the 1hut.'h. Tree choir Left toss filled. the plat fent. end isles were Hlt.d• over '.n (wing present, and Ih.• rboit del tIre mewl Tee proud. The .iia. Latta.. -r l..•a•sar.''V*r , isyray;' at. runs • Msemint • twain't. many eye., when it r4. -ailed lacer never more t•, be seen ..n earth. The pastor. lies'. J. 1're Stewart, It A . ably filled the chair. Greetings Rete itew'elvrd from the 4,VhIieeburcb Methodist chorea'. through their pas- tor. Rea. &sires Penrose; from Mt. Helens Presbyte' i sn rhurrh. the mot breeheret,, through Iter. Mr. Mc- Intosh, ti.D.: from Calvin Prsehy- teriaa Osumi". Meme tune sisaeieted with Whits..hut, h r.mgregstion, through Mr. Harvey M.-(i.p. and ale., from the !Ant/side Presbyterian church, at pte•rnt as.oeiatetl with Whitr,hnreh congregation. The par-uyiell .d Maraan,l was represrntrd t'y Pee A. M Moyle. H.A., of H.lgr.ve, whnbrought greet ings fr the mart[.. 'Ibr sir'..errs of the evening wire the f- it pastors. Rev Andrew lir\ab. M. A offl;nder- wo.d, and Ke•. 1:. Mrl'Pchern. of Owen Sound. The former 'Speaking of the value of the church and what 11 stands tut. the latter onthe church with a blarney, showing that the his- tety of s church is made by the difP.- elanie. and t,i•le to to faced Re- marks w,•.e also made- by Rev. M Ihlnn and 11.• \Ir 1)unean, shin which the pest or thanked t his speakers, the people. the preachers. the pre crnrorer the choir, the choir leader and theladleaof the rongregatIon in mak- ing the Inhale* of the congregation so so, c. -..f,.1 .%,,.., -.,,o,,e ( 0i ►•e with 1' ,, 1 1 \t'4. Meet ag•tn, Itev. Mr. NIr- N .1. ri m...uneed the lime diction. Ilius rlowine the greatest event In the hie - tory of the ‘Vhltechurch Peser byterian Timm OR CANADA Ills Fear N Losing Taw Nosey Woes Travelling if you carry k in the iorm al Travltdkrs' Cheques issued by the Union Bank of Canada. No one can cash them without yot:r signature. Issued In denominations of 310. 320. 350, 3100 and 3200, with value In foreign currencies plainly stated cn the face. Accepted at full value at hotels, ticket offices and busInes places generally throughout the world. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Elected Officers Atter tieing posted for one tiwnth, the annual election of officers was held at the regular monthly meeting of the Menesetung canoe club on '1'1:reday night. Fur some time, on acecunt of the beautiful evenings, it was difficult to get a sufficient number to 'make e quorum. With the exception of the appointment of officer. very little other business was on the eeu•pet. The following officers were• elected • Pre- sident., 1►r. C. E. Sale; vier -president, Mr. A. 1.1. Nisbet'„ secretary-, Mr. W. J. Buchanan treasurer, • .e' , 1 r, . 't4.. W. Mil- lar; commodore, Mr. John Platt : vice - commodore, Mr. John Ltw'rrucr: auditors, Mr. W. 11. Robertson and Mr. John l'latt : entertainment e6111 - mit tee. %Ir, John Lawrence, Mr. Etn- ert Colborne and Dr. L. M. Mabee. The officers fora the executive com- mittee together with Messrs. W. H. Robertson and Ernest Colborne, GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION Steamer. will leave I'ort McNicoll 4101 day.. Tilertays, Wedne..lay.. Thur.day, and Saturday. al 4 pill.. cotumencleg Mity 9th. for SAULT STK. M.tRli:. l'IIRT ARTHUR and F, /KT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba. .wiling from fort McNicoU Wedueadaye. will call at Owen Sound, leavlug that point ti t.;yi p.m. seine day. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS K'illteave Toronto lit:, pin• on .alling day.• making direct connection with steam en. at Port Me\Icon. ITo. WESTERN CANADA IN ('OM- I FORT Vi -t CANADIAN PACIFIC P.ztteulars regardtn. RAIL or OCLAN b ticketrom JO +. p, C.P.R. Agent. or write k[, O. MCI{PHI,. D. P. A.. t'.P.Ity., :remota s GI MINI .M..uul.,m Hewn M11.11UI O 30 01Y 1 C d:C] ■I1E CMS S10 CIL3' .O CIL! ■ g21:3 Ctra carp m lama 7: 1 OG,7 Cita D Clete CM CB C® 00 C' Ori t7 i a One •j■ SIM EMI GI Cel 137 fig ■N � X111 00'0 ems Li ■ 11i inn n.cac3 n ■tui III® ossEl of A STOCK REPLETE with correct wear for feet Our Shoe Stock is complete with the season's creations. Every desirable s•yle in high and low shoes foreboth men and women. Our line of O=fords, in the moat desirable colors and leather, will interest and please von. Ample provision has been made also for the Mots and near tots. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN weiesseweetiorienesesessamerestiesessameametememtietineWettiliew MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As' J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick deli i ery'at close prices:. Resigns and prices on application. • The Logical Administrator The ,ndavtdu►l ap- pointed tU adniiere er as es -Me is fesesd o giws Unset* tame sad attention So hat trwse. The anxiety is maisetes., the Amager of ntiatakes through Inexperience ,. tr■st Why hurries year friend erten saee•ens detsee that eau be better performed by this Campaay • The fere are so greater aad the management muck more capable then can be etpect.d of any pri- vate executor, howvse- THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIMITED is the log,rai administrator •o ppotr.• :'s so,r 6uunew a the careful, efficient fulfilment of every trust eomnittted to its care. Call in and consult us. 382 RICHMOND "iTREFT LONDON. ONT 551 Oen. G1IPOWS. r.[_ Ttestsa. . pial S. wools. >r•+sss► NOSS . . en • • • a a . ■ . ■ 4, •"i 4.' • 4 4 11 • Cleans Cut Glass and all Glassware - easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them bright and highly polished -absolutely clean. For every kitchen use Panshine is equally effective. It keeps woddwork and paintwork spotless. Panshine is a pure, white, and clean powder without any disagreeable smell- • 11' re. e/ai F PANSHINE the mat :al kitchen cleanser. Sold n handy OCe sifter top can At Al 0.'.e.,, ■ ■ ■ SI . . . . ■ 4.1 ■ • 5 5 ■ ■ RI le • ■ I• • 5 ■ 5 5 5 5 a 5