The Signal, 1914-6-4, Page 44 TamasoAT. 3lo0 1s au
Pure, dean, llavory
and strong, in sealed packets.
Tea "u
good tea "
A new and up-tr-date dry
cleaning, pressing and tefFair-
iuR est ahliehn.eetfor ladies'.
ge..t-' and • hildren-r gar-
ments, curtaius, glover,
draper, el c.
Work called ter and de-
Phone Calle promptly at-
tended re.
West Street, opposite Masonic
Temple. Goderich. Phone 305
Proprietor. Manager
1 T. Swarts'
'Bus, Livery
and fla:;k Stables
MIiNTILE t1. 1TItItitT
J urr oil, THF: `iyl.ARli
U l�
Pasren¢ers called for in
nny part of the town for
ail trains at 6. T. R. or
C. P. R. depots. Prompt
rervice and cat of ul atten-
dance •. •.
Our Livery and Hack
,.r vire will 1e (mind up.
to -date in every reet eet.
Ypur patronage solicited.
Phone PG Montreal Mtreet
Picnic Time
In pi cnic titne it is moa
emential that you have
the best kind of Cured
et c. We are taking special
care of fiesh Mints this
treason, and having in-
stalled a new refrigerator
we are ready to supply
you with the very best
CHEESE (Tray Ben-
tos), CORN BEEF,
Alio full line .4
Fruit end Vegetate, s.
For Sale
Made by
International Harves-
ter Co.
in Al condition
Apply to
Lighthouse sureet
Mrs. J. Fre Stewart and children
visited Ooderich last week. Mi..
Stewart returned at the week -end,
leaving the children to spend • few
days with grandma.
A lantern lecturer will be given by
the Upper Canad• Bible society in the
Methodist church on Thuredny even-
ing, the Pith inst., at eight o'clock.
An address will be given by Mr. W
D. Clark, of Toronto All are cordielly
Minn Nellie St neighs', was hotne
from Toronto for the week -end.
Rev. A W. Brown wrs visiting in
Toronto from !tient day to Tueeday.
Tbe mom here of the Farmers' Club
and their friends Intend speeding a
social evening on the beautiful germ od•
of Mr. (Jeerer Leithweite Firday
evening, June leth. Remember the
There died at her hem', lot 8, con.
tf. Morris. un May *eh, Niargratet J.
Bailie. beloved wife g.f Mi. John Par-
rott. She had heeu ill six weeks.
Seven year. ego she received • hail
fall and since that time ha 1 not enjoy.
ed goud health. but weft able to he
about moist of the tiatie until April let.
when she treeraine worse and finally
t▪ he late Mr. aud Mts. John Brilie, of
West AN, *went/ode and was Nun in this
towoship 55 years and am months ago.
She was married 21 years ago, and the
following year tuu•ed to lot e, con. It
Mortis, trout whence the funeral took
,place on Friday efteruoon, May 22nd.
'Beatles her husband she leave. • fam-
ily of three children, namely Thomas.
Minerva and Margraret, all at home
four glitters and six brothers alio sur-
vive. They are : Mr.. Clark, Nirs.
Franklin, Messrs. John. Charles, Kano
A. Kirk and Mr. Wm. Beare, cf Were
Wewanosh; Niro. R. Munroe, Of Buf-
falo, aud Nir. James Bailie, in Alberta.
be organized soon.
Mrs. I). W. Bradley •fter a long and
.rieriouo illness is improving rapidly.
I Met Frank Foster, 1,1 Ooderich, heti-
! f I st week with the
' Tuesday. She bad to clo•ie the ochool people of the manse.
The council it doing a good thing in
i Mr. Allegrt Oke was home for the . Ir'1'."-ing the Maureen toed ft Ain -
!Monday last. , Mr. Roswell Ratherford hrogone to
i Quite a number went to the Nile tea ' Kamloops, British Col lllll tire, having
meet inr on Monglsy evening, may , been engaged by the Reading Cramp
25,th, a ter all their pleviour criticism association. 4,f Tor. it, to.
01 the price.
, The death of Miss Bell* Bell hise
' If you Wotild bre lietimiller at its. c.tht a gloom over the entire neighbor-
'hest come now. The tilos. , th,„ hoodMiss Bella was a favorite
! foliage, the lilac*, st us all. The latge filarial on
the green, green 4
; ',Jetty ceder and pm.. ern, fled banks , in which she was held. and the sym-
, ate a •ight to bee and be glad. ;pithy ot the people with the fatally
V, the cortuntioten service last Bah-
! of the euit tree.. would indicate that bath :al new members were received.
i the cherry, plum and pear trees, which 19 by confession and one by certificate.
1 hirer sett well, will return it heevy !tee. D. B. McRae, of Arigrow, assisted
1 crop Oda yea.. .-110nit the Maitland et the oervice on Friday. The jubilee
: concession, whet' the cherry ti.t.aa of the Presbyterian church will be
were in bloom, the Hight was. indeed held on Sunday and Monday, the :etth
bream 'tut. That concession is noted anti Letth of June. Rev. J. torsi. (leg -
e, the large quantitie. „1 cher., it, gie, of Toronto, i• to preach and will
grown there, and reach day during the Sive his lecture on ''Scutland" on
reason the well -tilled baskets at e i Monday
and McGew stations for despatch by 1 ....weeieseeeekerieseereeereireeweassaer
I Improve to Toronto and adjoining
: cities. The reising of that delicious
l fruit dater back from the tiuke of the
earliest metiers'. some 70 years ago,
when the late Michael Fisher pliented
the first Week cherry tree and frotu
thet tree ad the black cherrieo Wive
been propagated. The early bottlers
in theit• wisdom lined the road Ade
with :herrier as shade trees, which ere
now in full bearing, and have proved
&source of revenue to the fortunate
owners. an exan,ple which might he
followed by others outside this town-
ship. Pears, plums and all suit II
fruits promise well and if ni frosts iu-
tervene will give a big crop. The
apple ttees were also heavily laden
with bloom, bat it iv Um soon yet to
the flee had trot yet eett at the time
of yr tiling.
Reeve Murray is in the county town
this week.
Miss Henry visited Miss Brooks over
the week -end.
Mt. Jerrie., Durnin has the Delwin/lel
cutting shi"0"-
Mr. Anil Nlie Nirl'hee. of Nile. were
Mr. T. B. Taylor ii/en a gang of ruen
woi king at the foundation of his new .
Qiiiie a number attended the jubilee
ise; vices held at W'hitechtirch gin Sun-
day and NIondriy.
Nfr. John limier', of Niorristoe. at -
Helens in the public hall 44, he at vas
teem et' Ft iday. June the 12th The
sleeker will be Dr. L. '4. NI. Hamilton,
til Toronto, %%hose siitii..cts gee es fol•
lows: "The lieelth NVoniati.- "A
Child's Bights," '' retching Life
Trio hs,- "I'hysirgal leititievieaning,"
and -Clete 1'liiiiisend Canadian Rehire
a lire le hoped for end a cordiel invite-
! ion !be:tended to all wouieu in the ra-
mjet. live neighborhood.
A large cement shed is teeing built
by the Slethodist church tot the se-
com uitiditt ion of (armee le teener during
iser•ies. This work was biartAY1
year in view of the feet that the hotel
stables might be closed after the Scott
act would become • law.
Feeling. of the other ttttt nicipalities
to join imaksaited-wartgesereor
ing of ditches to carry l,flf the ourfece
writer mode it nerearary for Flay
towuship to go to work on its own ac-
count. The engineer has received
with the staking ont of the premillea
an that work may begin at once. The
territory to bp treated lies between
the town line of Hay and Steanley land
by hand and • large number elf Infill
will he employed. A• thi• dean will
help reclaim the his swamp. the Cana-
tentipeny will be •xperted to bear
some 4 .1 the expense* Ntenley town-
ship is rtill working on the ditches
from the town line between it and
iloy township to lb* fleyfield river,
the water being carried into that
stream. A powerful strain dredge hrre
been emplo/ed no this work. and the
c apemen 10 dm toWeship will he greet -
Just the mild, ehople weigh, the well
known IN IN D. Prearription for Re-
arms, •nd the lteh Is gone.
We have aold other remedies for
akin trouble. hot none that we emild
personally reeommend as we own the
D.D.D. Prescription.
Jim. A Danielsen, Central Drug Anne
.4.011111111111.11:=1 °°derich*
Just Arrived
A large shipment of
Brantford Bug gie s,.
Frost & Wood Binders,
Mowers and Rakes, one
and two -row Cultivatork,
and Nisc Nlanure Spread-
ers. A full line of Cock -
shun Plows and Imple-
ments always on hand.
Herbert F. Morris
A Good relitail To GIN PILLS
The letter Wow le sailly ant al many
that show bow GIN PILLS are regarded
by those wbo have mod them
"I think it my duty to tell you that
GIN PILLS are • sure cure for Kidney
Trouble suit La Grippe. I suffered so
much with my kidney• and La Grippe
unt:I I rated GIN P11.1.,8,•nd now would
not be vntboat them in the house. 1
tArill always recomnsend GIN PILLS to
ank•one 1 know is suffering with their
GIN PILLS are told on a positive
enarantee ot money refunded if they
fail to give relief. sm. a box -6 for Sample free if you write National
Drug. •nd Chemical Co. of Canada,
TABLETS ale the ideal tenic for pale,
thin people. sue. box -6 tor $2.30. 207
May 12th, their was I id
other iif the old pioneers of Huron
county. One by one they pms away
to the great beyond until tew are lett
to mark the dray., old. Niri. Alex-
and.i NicIntorik, relict of t he late Rob-
ert Mcinersh, was a daughter of Mr
where ohe Was limn on Am.urt 27U.,
LK* and ‘0014 married on Januery 3rci,
iseke to Mr. ItAihert. McIntosh. A year
later they came to this pert of the
country and settled in the woods uu
the lath conceseitid of Ashfirld, where
with courageous hearts they hewed a
home for therierilvie aud tarred a fam-
ily of dens and daughters, all of whom
are well and favorahiy kneel' in thir
community. NVitli the exception 4.1
one daughter all are spareel to mow 11
the loam et a vet y dear neither. Mrs.
Meleutieh bitely twee living with
her daughter, Mrs. A. A_ Goodhand,
at alright View,. Alberti'. end After a
very brief Muer... as Akre had always de -
sited. quietly yet triumphantly crossed
the bet into the preeeace of the Lord.
whom rhe loved and *eared. She liv-
ed tu good old &ice, a faithful wife. a
comforter in trouble RAW a blessing to
all who bad the pleasure her ass°.
home for interment and were aCC0111-
panipti by her eldest daughter, Mrs.
friends and old neighbor,. Lochal-h
cemetery, where thee were laid best e
these of her hashterei. with whom hhe
hastotor forty yens.. trod the jourue• of
life, iharing with etch other the
at student'. de -k makes It powibie to onter
any dm and enearce rapid adv-intyment at
Positions itu4ranteed
te 0. FLEMIN(1. Secretary.
Notice to.Students
The mem/Went ,na tiles...
thch sot-. Toronto less to advt.. el:Pen
tor School and all High RsItOrai
-totted.. that it si prepursid to tool •
larks. Head (AIM. YOrle• linorrard
ars tam porparing In ?herr nwn cut:
Thomarid. of ambit youna
1., enmity Ineraltoo positing's so
n ▪ ow Math -Hien. You may flniati at col
woo if you ao std.. Perdtion. geuerien
teed. Voter rb1114110 any dm old
nal inetruet inn. Kypiert teachers
Thirty roar. mr parttime, lorgost
truisms.. In Cassels. esson oolhalrea•
I "norm far amebae..
agrAlitiond with Casnumor,s1 Lase.
Wee AmenoLnitos comads. Swum.,
Mehemet *A IrnithIPINI Pratt°.
Clinton Business t;silege
Ittlirros R. Y. W AM)
Predigest Prisons.]
all the latest shears- toil sizes
to 11. tiitaranter•1 tis he al,
'whitely water proof. Let
thow you the styles. Priced
miecoats 114.75 to 111,51.26
130'7g: reincoats 1113.115antit sip
Men's Work Shirts
Black nail white striped and
plain blac't. 41547 sand up.
Men's Umbrellas
StrOna lapel fraimee, rover, of
good wearing cloth, good
selecticsa of handles in natural
woode with trimmings. Moo
lerefei poste. 7114a $2.90.
Open evenings
!eelling agent for Peabody's
Our Advertising
Sales that give satisfaction are the kind we are making.
Those confidence, creating values and eye pleasing novel-
ties in WASH GOODS are now attracting buyers, economi-
cally disposed and of good taste from both town and country.
There is always money saved by buying right.
Jura a few sUll herr and you enn buy theni
real cheap. N
:lel cab gel one tor what you
pay for necking buit. They were gel meth. lot -
tins iseason'l wear.
11 We have a. !erg. showing of these goods made
of real wasting lawn iind voile.. Styles aml
trimming are of the finest and beet for the prices
asked and our pricier ore deed right on them, too.
For ladies, misses nthl childien at every
known prier. and lots to chemise from. Get your
Underwear here if yogi want A 1 value.
Children's nailer in pries from :es; *1.4tl a
suit thaw from *I II° to *2.151 and a fr
111.25 to 1115.5e We buy direct from the makers
which gallows gis to give you prices dead right on
Don't forget that this store bits held firet place
for Fiteriery rot twiny year- and still iniainteins
that poiition. Yoe ran end the saute extra value,
that hare hero found here iii former years. We
stic-ceeded *gain this year in ...curing our rennet
lot of 135i Ladies' !thick Hose, shies 84, 11,
ant) Two paint fie 2154,
F'qually gond value in other prier.. We useke
• spire -lab h 2.Z. rent ntorting• in heevy, medium
Anil fide sheer lisle. Easy oti the feet mid good to
0111. 4•44Dek 411 eiw and Relines ji
filet chllice wissh 'Prices 15c, 25c,
Prints ilirighame Climilireyr, and Sowings.
White Mess betitordi, piques.
lll i t ies, Igittiati Head, basket weave and poplins,
Never befere bed we such a showing of warit ma-
• Patterns J. N. Colborne " A. ••
• Standard
and borrows incident thereto, and now
eating side by side.
Mi. Robert Beattie has ies,eireil a
cheque of $175 front the pore oftke de-
partment at Ottawe in payment of e
Dottie drowned sometime ago. The
home wee dtiven by a toed route in -
Mr. and Mrs. !Samuel Young, form-
erly of NVingtemo. ere moving from
ta'oodirttek to Guelph *heir they pur-
pose making their home.. Mr". Young,
who had been In pout health for strum
time, ts completely released.
In the case where Detective Bond,
'l'oronto, summoned thisteen wen
un ihureday for trespassing upon the
case cane tip before hi. worehip,
Piece alsgistrate Niot•tou, at trine
gich'ek Friday morning. Anil Wife
the detense in this matter. It is under -
strati that back of the. urteecrition ate
the railway commissioner.
FL ',ley night shout 7.41 •eelock a
great .1.01 lit Wind and rain struck
Nt'inglesiu aud vicinity, rewriter from
the %vest. As it C.11111e Wawa -
nosh it tere dont' windmills and trees
the Nlaitlerid rivet %vest of Mr. Jobe
Ansley's barn. then tanoW is [OPP -
rare strticit op the Niel, lend rivet
hem, where merry trees fen rietore it.
It iilso smashed alto Orme. We trots ol
Mi. L. trrielete. which. he liae erected
Windham were torn tu pieces, some
of them being hurlea • into the bathe
rally to fruit trees ead shade tures. Nlr.
lento portien gif the Noir torn off. A
good sized portion o'ihir shed was also
demolished. - Morrie -tee-whip suffered
fell in Itilitratne toreents for hours end
[RANO TRUNK "s'y'r,LiItiv
egillings from Amain WIIII1Ft Monday*. Wed.
nsollays sod estordayr tor Moult Itte. Marie
Port Arthur sail Vert WM am. seartnenothir
Juno Stte.
Effective June ath. Westbound
making essureetion 144•41.0til Wharf for Magill
Ote. Marie. Part Arthur. Iron
Peg and point.* ts weave dead.
Parlor 4 'ate. Parlor 4 Sri sad fle-e Ism
martin. In Sarnia Wharf
Soto I lo rlinimenettmg 40444 ••••11 es,h
torday "'delis) oral Mesediry thereafter.
Latvitem PC a 40%4. or s ran C Y.. BORIC
JAP-A-LAC— the Content -Producer
DINGY. cher-altered and unsightly floors are not con-
ducive to contentment.. Why not bring about their
complete transaormation by MOM of the JAP-A-LAC
**Model Floor" precess?
This process comma ta applying two coats of JAP-
color (which is "mufti with the JAP-A-L4C graining
tool). and then two coots of natural JAP-A-LAC---pro-
outing a bright. hotel. elurahle finish like polished oak.
Mill -A -LAC is made II 21 oilers Fee immature. svoimItvorla seal
Agora Ahray• put ap in Green Tia•Ilturring die Same "GLIDDEN.-
calor card. turd • dr Ws Imola "A Tionsand and Ono
Uwe el JAP
Sunburn, blistarhil sinal irritation
sk• in troubles. A001 law ittikorodu.o......
ve":" quickly. It works In two way..
As soon aft Apqlead. )1.- astiiieptais
poweterget to work and kill all the
,phas generally end• the smarting and
the pain. Than letneltuk begrue the
-tissue is buil'. up. For wire. Watered
feet, Dote bands. heat rasher, baby's
heat stmts. wore places eue to perspira-
It moo vises ruts. ulcers, •bircasess.
piles, and all inflamed and !teemed
condition., of skin sad suteacent tis-
sue. 111 s and blare. everywhere
sell Zent Buie 50c. tax. Use intri-Bek
Scarp 2;gr. per tablet. All stores.
or Betn-likik Co.. Toronto.
Algonquin Park for the summer
SOW that the •eiconimodation at Al-
g onquin park is of such s natters as
appeals to the grummet totiriet and
splendid accommodetion fat from the
bit• ': ... Highland Inn, at Cache rale
worth of the Inn on Smoke lake, give
maddening crowd and where the fish
miler tb ..t tbe Highland Inn oe
Algot.iiiiiii l'ark station. effete good
lidend lake. and the other %even utiles
Write CO Mr ti. W. Haworth. reel
dent manager. 4 H igh land Inn, A taint
Mole eir
VW Mies Co, lrimisohlheeme
The Empille. Typewriter
Vieille Writing—Perfect Aligtinient --Lightning
Escapement —Endurance - Speed
New Model
Merchant. Bente Royal Brink.
Northern Crown Bank, Might
rirectot ie., Limited, Bell Tele-
phone Om, etc.
Made In Canada—Therefor.
sere per cent that neve tar
paid se duty on all other
It Costs you Nothing to
Try out an Empire in
"Laipire'' Your Office
50 C
ents ear.