The Signal, 1914-5-28, Page 6TaCNanAT, MAT :?r, 1911
Young Men -College Men -Most Men facing the
world -know they've got to buck down and save.
Their course in Social Economics naturally forces
thein to Semi -ready clothes as the logical conclusion of
efficiency methods.
The possibilites, of saving and the specialized skill in
quality tailoring is coupled up with the smart fit.
Summer Clothes and Business Suits here at 315 to
330, the like of which cost 25 per cent. more in any good
Semi -ready Clothes make the winning call on the
four points of merit : Quality, Value, Fit and Fashion.
MC EAN 13ROS•, Goderich,
"How are the Children?"
ABSENCE makes the. heart grow fonder.
The merchtnt, whose business takes him
away from home. calls his house by telephone, and
sisterly asks "flow are the children?" With a tele-
phone in his home he is never out of touch with his
loved ones. Listening to the voice of his wife and
children, he in reassured - Satisfied that, although
heir absent. all is well at home.
A telephone in the home, besides lightening
household burdens, dispels the feeling ot`lowllssa.
and gives the mother a sense of security.
Have you a telephone in your Monet
The Bell Telephone Co.
Of Canada.
Farmers' Market
?offsetting are the latest quotattoas
for farm produce at 8t. Lawrence
Markel Toroato:-
N'heat *1.03 to 81.05
Goose wheat 1.00 0.00
Oats .44 .44
Raney6U .00
Buckwheat.74 .10
Rye .66 .00
Peas .90 .00
Hay, tlmothy,.Olp, 119.00 20.00
Mixed and lover 14.00 17.00
Cattle bay 10.00 12.00
Strait bundled .. 15.00 16.06
do. loose 10.00 11,00
Rye straw 17.00 18.00
Oat straw 16.00 17.00
Butter. choice dairy.23 .28
ESP, new laid, dozen.25 .28
Chickens, dressed. lb.22 .26
Spring chickens 50 .60
Fowl ... .20 .22
Ducks .20 25
Geese .18 .20
Turkeys .20 .26
Live bens .22 .26
Asparagus, bunch .06 .08
Potatoes, bag 1.35 1.40
Apples, barrel 2.00 4.00
do. basket .30 .60
Carrots, bunch . NI .15
Celery, bunch .05 .07
Lettuce, bunch .03 .05
Green onions, bunch.03 .06
Rhubarb, 2 bunches.05 .15
Radishes, bunch .03 .05
Beet, forequarters, cwt -11 .00 12.00
do. hindquarters 13.00 14.00
Swine, cwt. 12.00 1.3.00
Pork, Ib. .16 .18
Toronto Cattle Market
Representative prices are! -
Choice heavy steers....;8.25 to $8.50
Handy choice steers.... 8:10 -8.45
Butcher steers, good.... 7.76 _ 8.20
do. medium 7.46 7.75
do. common 7.10. 7.45
Heifers. good to choice7.60 8.25
do. medium to good 6.75 7.60
Butcher cows, choice7.00 7.50
do. good 6.50 7.00
do. 'medium 5.75 6.50
do. 000000n 4.50 6.60
Rutehcr bull.. choice7.114) 7.75
do. good bulls 6.50 7.00
do. medium 6.00 •6.50
do. rough tologua.,: 5.00 6.00
Feeders, t• 0 to 1,100 lbs. 7.25 7.85
• 10. bulls 5.00 6.00
Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs, 7.35 7.85
do. flied.. 650 to 750. 7.00 T.35
do. light. 500 to 650. 6.50
Canners 3.50
('otters 4,00
Milkers, choice, each65.00
do. cont. and mr•d411.00
Springers 40.00
('alvee. vea'I choice8.50 10.00
do. medium . 7.06 8.:.0
do. common
do. grass
EATS DIRT A Birds -eye View
ti The as
(hteday l'b. Hawk was out in the
mental wbeo he =let a plums lady. ,
whom be told looked as fresh as a
daisy kissed by the dew. 'Well, it I
was not any fellow of that uame, but
Hill Jones• that kissed sae and I told
him everybody would And hive out."
rhe sobbed.
Neat Monday the Baptist Convention
Will Open in the Baptist Church
Here --It is Likely that over 100
Delegates will be in Town -Many
bpeakers Here from Toronto
Next Monday, Tuesday ani Wednes-
day the Baptist church here will be
the Mecca for pet -limpet lin) or more del-
egaLes, wbo will be in town in coo.
uectiou with the Tab anousl meeting
of the Walkerton Baptist association.
Leat year the arsuciatton convened at
Kenilworth but this year. perhaps
largely due to the efforts se Key. W.
H. Wrighton,`it will Urr-held here.
Delestatee will cuwe from Kincardine,
Walkerton, Clinton, Auburn, Kenil-
worth, W ingbaw. Mount 'Furest,
Tiverton, Listowel, etc.
Mr. A. S. Warner. chairman of the
hulleting committee, is busy arranging
billets for the delegates and prepare -
tions tor lbs big crnvention ate about
complete. •The convention Will open next Mon-
day morning at t igOL o'clock with an
upening adores. by Hey: O. C. Hock,
of Walkerton. As this address* will be
chiefly on the pastor's relation to the
spirituality of the church. there will
he considetabie discussion on this sub -
7.041 ject, which will ptobably take up the
4.00 )(teeter part 01 the day. In the even -
4 -50 ing of the saute day. Hee. W. N.
110.Ue1 W tighten. the local pi.Lor. will discuss
65.'Lthe wiz*iocary pas*ion. '1 bis work on
the first day is what is called the pas -
110.00 tot's conference and, as it is generally
held in camera, will likely be private.
On Tuesday Morning at 0.31 the
Ngeneral session will open. Rev. Mr.
v righton speaking on the rubject of
the spiritual vision. He will Alter -
wards extend a welcouie to the dele-
gates, which will be in reality the
formal opening of the congress. Mr.
Peter feistier will respond. This t ere-
muny will be followed by the election
of officers. the appeinturent of a oomi-
oating comwitter, ttw introduction, of
new pastors and stealing with church
• • •
The Hawk once heard of an Arabian
baying brought a blush on a usaiden's
cheek by the earnestness of hie gas.,
said to her, "21y looks have planted
roses in your cheeks; wby forbid me
to gather them % The law permits
him who sows to reap the harvest."
"Kissing will not hurt anybody."
observes The Hawk. '.in resauo, •.1
"Listen to this,' says The Hawk. ••A
young gentleman, yea gentleman, re-
cently Lound himself in a company of
three young ladies and generously di-
vided an orange swroogst them."
.y,u will rob yourself!' exclaimed
one of the damsels. Not at all,' re-
plied the innocent: '1 have three or
tour wooer in my pocket.'"
6.0.1 7.011
5.0o 6.00
Spring lamb., each.... 5.00 8.00
Wether lambs 8.00 9.60
Buck lambs • 7 ,25 8.75
Ewes, light 6.50 7.25
Sheep, heavy and bucks5.511 6.50
4.00 6.60
Hags. neighed oft cars; 8.511 0.00
do. ted and watered. 8.25 0.00
do. f.o.b. 7.90 0.00
It very much aroused The Hawk in
bear' of s couatryfellow, wbo came to
the town to owe his intended "rift. For
aduog time he could not And expres-
sion tor his thoughts. At las: as a
.now storm was raging, be reminded
her !bat hie fathers sbeep, which had
been lett out. would be lost. "Well,"
she said, taktng hitt by the atm, "I
keep one of them."
Quaker wooing ispeculiar to The
Hawk. It is sowetbing like this:
-Martha. does thee love ure'asked a
Quaker youth of one at whose shrine
bis heart't fondest (reliefs bad been
offered up. •'Why Seth,' she anewer-
ed, •'we ate commanded to love one
another, are we not?" "Ay Martha;
but does not thee regard the with that
feeling the world calls 'love' "f
hardly know what to tell thee, Setb
I have greatly feared. toy heart was an
erring one; 1 Have tried to bellow wy
love on all ; but 1 have sometimes
thought, perhaps, that thee was get-
ting rather inure .ban thy share."
A. The Hawk wee passing the Mas-
onic temple the other day he observ-
ed to ire. Hawk that the condition of
the sidewalk in front of the new build-
ing was not in the "pink" of condition.
She replied that she had heard a rum-
or that it was going to be put into
shape by the end of 1020. "Well. no
wonder visitors get bore eyes when
they come to Piero," further reiterated
Mr. Hawk as he wondered what kind
of a burg Goderieh would be then-
in the afternoon Rev. .1. T. Kirk -
Toronto Grain Prices wood. of Tivertuo, will open the ses-
The foltnwieg wholesale prices are stun with speaking of God's decree. I
quilted at the Toronto Board of Trade: The annual e.rmuu`k, will tie pre too,
Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports. No. 1 Rev P K.Dayfeot. of Toronto, will
northern, sl.0nats_ot. 2. ort,.c. ' talk on Sunday .cha.1 work and Rev.
Manitoba ()ate -Bay ports. No. !
I discuss the cbutch'r relation to the
C-'tV.. 423•c; No. 3 C.W., 411(Lc. J.F. Dingman. of Mount forest will
Ontario W;leat--Car lots, Outside, . children.
$1.03 to $1.05. Tuesday evening the chief feature
Ontario Oats ---40c to 41c, outside, `will be an address uy Kee. L. A. Tiler-
Onand 43c to 431ec on track, Toronto. Lien, of Brand Uttar, Quebec. who
American Corn -Kiln -dried. No. 2 will discuss urissiuos in that part of
yellow', on park, Port Colborne, 76', c. the country. Bev. D. Brown, of
Peas --No. 2, 98e to ;1.03, car' lots. , ,ypringtoul, will speak on western
outaie;e,!missions. The everting 'night pruper-
Ry-e-No. 63r to 64e. outside, ly called be a missionary evruung.
Marley --Good malting(tbarley,outelde, I Wedneetl.y tnerurng sersion will be
Glc 10 58c; Manitoba teed barley, bay ; opened by it... N. McCausland. of
parts, 50c to 52c. i,Paluierston, taking up the symbol of
Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, ' baptism. 11.04•. kl - H. 1Vrighton will
;2.10: in smaller lots, 82.22!4; .per alsudi.cuss, a call to per►ooal effort
barrel, 84.50, wholesale. Windsor to of soul winning. The sante "'ruing
Montreal. the teporte.,4 the diKrttntcommittees
Buckwheat -No. 2. 83c' to Rbc, In tar
Mnlfeed-Manitoba brim. mixed_ 54cwo0Thp8l1.elatUhuykrehr.a
'c.•tdveernrt eeodfnad bCuoaouignreitssienxw0i0l0*ing-
lots, outside.
ears, *23; car Mts.. 823 to $24, o0 of a devotional nature, will he discuss-
Toronto; shorts, 82 5 to 826; ed briefly by Hee. Arthur C. Riley. of
lots.SOntario bran. mixed Cara, 823: car Winghaw Mr. S. Edward (Trigg, of
lots, 123 to flour, middlings, 828 to 830; Toronto. will speak cn Haptist Young
gond feed 830 to $52 People's union woik. Mr. W. C. ben -
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers, 19 to 89.25;
shipping, 88.25 to $8.S5; butchers,
87.25 to $R,75; helfrrn, $7,25 to ;8.60;
eows, $3.35 to $7.511; bulls, $6 to
slackers and feelers; 44.71'1w ;
stnele hielfers. 16.50 to 87; fresh cows
and springers steady, 1s5 to 890.
Veal -85 to 810.25. -
Hoge -Heavy, mixed. ynrkers and
pigs, $8,65; roughs, 87.36 to 87.60;
stags, 86.50 to 87: dairies, ;8.40 to
811.65; ('suedes, 88.56 to 88.60.
Sheep and lambs --Lambs. 84 to
$8.44): yearlings. 85 to 87.26; wether*,
$6.10 to 8(1.6a; ewes, 82.50 to 86;
sbeep, mixed, $5.85 to 86.15.
Chicago Live Steck
Cattle --Beeves, 17.35 to $9.30; Texas
steers. 87.10 to 88.20; stockers and
feeders, $6.40 to $R.55; cows and heif-
ers. 83.70 to 88.80; calves, $7 to 810.26.
Hogs -Light, 88.10 to $8410; mixed,
88.10 to $8.30: heavy, $7.14 to 18.20;
rough. $7.81 to 14; pigs. 87.20 to 81.11;
bulk of solea $4.20 to $8.30.
Sheep- **Bye, 15.16 to 86.10: year-
earIrate. 84.14 to $7: Iambs, native, 811.10
88.20. spring Iambs. 86.50 to $9.40.
Salad Hay ewe Strew
Toronto merchants
track. Toronto. at
Baled bay. No. 1
rates. Na 2
No 2
No. a
Baled Bwfiw
are buying os
the following
11.40 12.00
10.00 11.00
8.00 8.00
1.00 1 ea
Boal Sem were prevalent last week
In tee ilealseba sad Parry Pound
tor. of Toronto. wttt tett of our mis-
sionary obligation and hoer to meet it,
and Rev. Jas. K. Fniilull, of Clinton.
will enlarge e.p-., ''4'hu.els F:d.IM.."
On Wednesday eveuiug, which is the
closing *es.iun of the convention, 1.ev.
sen resin, wttripeatt
en bou.e nai..*loes. Mr. C. Senior
of the same city will talk un chriatian
stewardship and Rev. J. (i. Brown.
also of the Queen city will discuss
foreign mission*.
Oo Tuesday morning the !edit•+ in-
tereeted in Ile work of the Baptist
church will hold a meeting. Mr,. J.
H. Marshall, of town. will welcome the
lady delegates and addresses will e
given by many of the ladies.
break Whiskey's drip
On Your Loved Ones
Drunkards will tell von with tears
of sincerity that they do not want to
drink. The craving corning hum the
inflamed membranes of the stomach, I
drive. thein to it.
Alcura will soothe the trembling
nerves and remove the craving that is
ruining your home and stealing an
other wise kind husband or father Prow
you. It conte only 81.18) per box and
d it does not cure er benefit after a
trial the money will he refunded.
Alcura No 1 is tasteless and can 11e
given secretly io tea, coffee or food.
Alcura No. '_' is taken voluntarily by
those willing to help themselves.
Alcura can now be obtained te. our
store. APk for free booklet telling
all about it and give Alcura a trial
Central Drug Store. Cor. North
sheet and Square. tioderich.
Use Parisian Sage. it
Makes the Hair Fluffy
and Abundant
it le needle►* for you to have bait
that is anything shout of perfect. 1f
It le tailing out, kronur oolar, .plitttng.
or If Lbw scalp burns and itches, im-
mediately Ret front R. It. Wig!. or
say drum counter a 80 esnt bottle of
Parielan Sage -use it fngneatly-the
Sell applies.' ins removes AaoOPwlf. 8*.
vigorates the map, and beautifies Use
bale until It is RIor*,nely radiant.
Parisian Sago .npptles hair needle --
le perfectly haeasisea It tentative the
ezaet elements required to make the
lair soft, wavy. gleamy and 10 week* it
grow thick $04 �ntlfel
Yea sell1 .seedy NIA Par4elan Sotge
ft le one of the best and =coat Ae1igILt
til !telt tonna knows.
OW soon will your roads, that now take
the heart and soul out bf every man and
horse that uses them, be made into a con-
tinuous stretch, of road that you and everyone
in your county will be proud of ?
How soon tt•ilI you stop filling the ruts and
mud holes with your road taxes, and build
roads that will permit you to put your road
taxes into more good roads ?
Concrete Roads
cost no more to build than any other good road, and their
upkeep expense is practically nothing, which makes them
the cheapest kind of good roads.
Concrete roads benefit the farmer, consumer, merchant,
newspaper, board of trade and railroad. They make for
greater prosperity generally, by increasing land values and
production; bringing more trade; more industries; more
employment; greater traffic. They decrease the cost -of
marketing. A1I of these factors combine to decrease the
cost of living.
Every citizen owes it to himself to investigate the advantage;
of concrete roads and learn how they will directly benefit
him. This information is free for the asking. �Vrite for it
1 to -day to
Ceeerste Roads D.psete set
Canada Cement Company Limited
801 Herald Building, Mosst,eal
S0c pays for The Signal for the balance of this year
Vl FALO 61 •
�t..+.•,N sot fit: l meat► w fret. 8 W.r.: ate a.....t....d p.rt....,e.t artatatw 1-.00 r••^.,..
Ll..d �..•0. +. "'. - tars an Pr.r.,+.-.Mr r aj-p-
ta .y mama , . . 1-t►.
M.pilWslt Steam... "SFJ:AANDSU "Cbv of Erie" 04 'City a Se..1."
Daily -BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - May 1st to Dec. 1st
1.•w ail. - • 1 00 P. M. I.ww tl.wird 4 415 P. M
A..te C4..6d • 7:31 a. W. Arrive B.l.i. .. x.10 \. M.
(I...... 8s..0Md Ye)
.w,w.i.w• .t 01..6..1 r•,. M..6.114, 1..8.4.. n..twasari all p.l.t.i.e .d 8.,1\,04, a.:In,ad
001,... mashy' a,.el...4 4 k ..I..d w sed far ....w....a4.... oaroar .rr...
Asa ,...r 8.1..4 *rot nra s..(....0 t . a R. Luse. Irmo ,r 1.. ►..d•+. illrw.d ►.•airs or.
1 t
lees •-:' =,�
.nary„ •►
The decorating of your walls is quite a problem. You want
there to be pleasing in color and appearance so as to make
a suitable background for your furniture and pictures.
Elo the i•lo::1 wall finish should bo artistic in texture and coloring, aheolutcly sanitary, and capable el being
cleaned ,t ,„., .try with seep a:.d water -and durable -to avoid a too frequent expense for redecorating.
Wall paprra do not meet. all these requirements,. the patterns and destitute fade, the paper thesrelves
eollcct cleat an.l germs ant (:omit he properly cle.useel, Sanitary experts have proven that any liin.I of wall
paper is u nsarut'trs, anal the custom of applying new paper over the old, affords a breeding place for gement.
Kalanmine and tither water paints. while clean and sanitary. keen net the trard.ary permanency. They
.need frequent renewal and often rub off or ens eletbiag-smodgew and gager marks cannot be washed oR
The product that meets every requirement is Sherwin-Williams Flat -tone, a durable, flat -crying oil paint
made in a variety of twenty-four beaut,lol .ha.leu. 16., eclectic= el expert decorators. This finish ran he
washed with soap and water, and will last for years.
COMP and sec it. about S -W Flat -tate. It is put tip is liquid fora ready tar sew. Ask for a enter mud of
the edema' ebadee.
811E b
a k;Y. ;'
P'�11 e.r.� • _'
�;_ _. ee ere �L__ __ 1 i
giro. . a ;w!p3v `-_
.......d. -,-..
fit • t , T -1-
r . i.
jig • +
-_f=_ ..11
= �t��--
_ .\
f(1Yyl _
There is just one question
after you've heard
Edson Phonograph
"Holo soon can I
The wonderful new hornless instruments
played themselves into amazing popularity.
running motor, the diamond reproducing
1;,othersome changing of needles, the beauty
toned, unbreakable Blue Amberol Records
Listen and see for yourself. Any up -
to -dale phonograph dealer will be glad
to give you a free concert on the
&loon today- Insist upon hearing the
Edison. You un get Doe without delay.
Edison Phonographs and Records
to ask
get one ? "
have talked and sung and
The silent, smooth -
point that does away with
of design and the sweet -
require no argument.
a &L,ppM,t.
are sold by
s _
"How are the Children?"
ABSENCE makes the. heart grow fonder.
The merchtnt, whose business takes him
away from home. calls his house by telephone, and
sisterly asks "flow are the children?" With a tele-
phone in his home he is never out of touch with his
loved ones. Listening to the voice of his wife and
children, he in reassured - Satisfied that, although
heir absent. all is well at home.
A telephone in the home, besides lightening
household burdens, dispels the feeling ot`lowllssa.
and gives the mother a sense of security.
Have you a telephone in your Monet
The Bell Telephone Co.
Of Canada.
Farmers' Market
?offsetting are the latest quotattoas
for farm produce at 8t. Lawrence
Markel Toroato:-
N'heat *1.03 to 81.05
Goose wheat 1.00 0.00
Oats .44 .44
Raney6U .00
Buckwheat.74 .10
Rye .66 .00
Peas .90 .00
Hay, tlmothy,.Olp, 119.00 20.00
Mixed and lover 14.00 17.00
Cattle bay 10.00 12.00
Strait bundled .. 15.00 16.06
do. loose 10.00 11,00
Rye straw 17.00 18.00
Oat straw 16.00 17.00
Butter. choice dairy.23 .28
ESP, new laid, dozen.25 .28
Chickens, dressed. lb.22 .26
Spring chickens 50 .60
Fowl ... .20 .22
Ducks .20 25
Geese .18 .20
Turkeys .20 .26
Live bens .22 .26
Asparagus, bunch .06 .08
Potatoes, bag 1.35 1.40
Apples, barrel 2.00 4.00
do. basket .30 .60
Carrots, bunch . NI .15
Celery, bunch .05 .07
Lettuce, bunch .03 .05
Green onions, bunch.03 .06
Rhubarb, 2 bunches.05 .15
Radishes, bunch .03 .05
Beet, forequarters, cwt -11 .00 12.00
do. hindquarters 13.00 14.00
Swine, cwt. 12.00 1.3.00
Pork, Ib. .16 .18
Toronto Cattle Market
Representative prices are! -
Choice heavy steers....;8.25 to $8.50
Handy choice steers.... 8:10 -8.45
Butcher steers, good.... 7.76 _ 8.20
do. medium 7.46 7.75
do. common 7.10. 7.45
Heifers. good to choice7.60 8.25
do. medium to good 6.75 7.60
Butcher cows, choice7.00 7.50
do. good 6.50 7.00
do. 'medium 5.75 6.50
do. 000000n 4.50 6.60
Rutehcr bull.. choice7.114) 7.75
do. good bulls 6.50 7.00
do. medium 6.00 •6.50
do. rough tologua.,: 5.00 6.00
Feeders, t• 0 to 1,100 lbs. 7.25 7.85
• 10. bulls 5.00 6.00
Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs, 7.35 7.85
do. flied.. 650 to 750. 7.00 T.35
do. light. 500 to 650. 6.50
Canners 3.50
('otters 4,00
Milkers, choice, each65.00
do. cont. and mr•d411.00
Springers 40.00
('alvee. vea'I choice8.50 10.00
do. medium . 7.06 8.:.0
do. common
do. grass
EATS DIRT A Birds -eye View
ti The as
(hteday l'b. Hawk was out in the
mental wbeo he =let a plums lady. ,
whom be told looked as fresh as a
daisy kissed by the dew. 'Well, it I
was not any fellow of that uame, but
Hill Jones• that kissed sae and I told
him everybody would And hive out."
rhe sobbed.
Neat Monday the Baptist Convention
Will Open in the Baptist Church
Here --It is Likely that over 100
Delegates will be in Town -Many
bpeakers Here from Toronto
Next Monday, Tuesday ani Wednes-
day the Baptist church here will be
the Mecca for pet -limpet lin) or more del-
egaLes, wbo will be in town in coo.
uectiou with the Tab anousl meeting
of the Walkerton Baptist association.
Leat year the arsuciatton convened at
Kenilworth but this year. perhaps
largely due to the efforts se Key. W.
H. Wrighton,`it will Urr-held here.
Delestatee will cuwe from Kincardine,
Walkerton, Clinton, Auburn, Kenil-
worth, W ingbaw. Mount 'Furest,
Tiverton, Listowel, etc.
Mr. A. S. Warner. chairman of the
hulleting committee, is busy arranging
billets for the delegates and prepare -
tions tor lbs big crnvention ate about
complete. •The convention Will open next Mon-
day morning at t igOL o'clock with an
upening adores. by Hey: O. C. Hock,
of Walkerton. As this address* will be
chiefly on the pastor's relation to the
spirituality of the church. there will
he considetabie discussion on this sub -
7.041 ject, which will ptobably take up the
4.00 )(teeter part 01 the day. In the even -
4 -50 ing of the saute day. Hee. W. N.
110.Ue1 W tighten. the local pi.Lor. will discuss
65.'Lthe wiz*iocary pas*ion. '1 bis work on
the first day is what is called the pas -
110.00 tot's conference and, as it is generally
held in camera, will likely be private.
On Tuesday Morning at 0.31 the
Ngeneral session will open. Rev. Mr.
v righton speaking on the rubject of
the spiritual vision. He will Alter -
wards extend a welcouie to the dele-
gates, which will be in reality the
formal opening of the congress. Mr.
Peter feistier will respond. This t ere-
muny will be followed by the election
of officers. the appeinturent of a oomi-
oating comwitter, ttw introduction, of
new pastors and stealing with church
• • •
The Hawk once heard of an Arabian
baying brought a blush on a usaiden's
cheek by the earnestness of hie gas.,
said to her, "21y looks have planted
roses in your cheeks; wby forbid me
to gather them % The law permits
him who sows to reap the harvest."
"Kissing will not hurt anybody."
observes The Hawk. '.in resauo, •.1
"Listen to this,' says The Hawk. ••A
young gentleman, yea gentleman, re-
cently Lound himself in a company of
three young ladies and generously di-
vided an orange swroogst them."
.y,u will rob yourself!' exclaimed
one of the damsels. Not at all,' re-
plied the innocent: '1 have three or
tour wooer in my pocket.'"
6.0.1 7.011
5.0o 6.00
Spring lamb., each.... 5.00 8.00
Wether lambs 8.00 9.60
Buck lambs • 7 ,25 8.75
Ewes, light 6.50 7.25
Sheep, heavy and bucks5.511 6.50
4.00 6.60
Hags. neighed oft cars; 8.511 0.00
do. ted and watered. 8.25 0.00
do. f.o.b. 7.90 0.00
It very much aroused The Hawk in
bear' of s couatryfellow, wbo came to
the town to owe his intended "rift. For
aduog time he could not And expres-
sion tor his thoughts. At las: as a
.now storm was raging, be reminded
her !bat hie fathers sbeep, which had
been lett out. would be lost. "Well,"
she said, taktng hitt by the atm, "I
keep one of them."
Quaker wooing ispeculiar to The
Hawk. It is sowetbing like this:
-Martha. does thee love ure'asked a
Quaker youth of one at whose shrine
bis heart't fondest (reliefs bad been
offered up. •'Why Seth,' she anewer-
ed, •'we ate commanded to love one
another, are we not?" "Ay Martha;
but does not thee regard the with that
feeling the world calls 'love' "f
hardly know what to tell thee, Setb
I have greatly feared. toy heart was an
erring one; 1 Have tried to bellow wy
love on all ; but 1 have sometimes
thought, perhaps, that thee was get-
ting rather inure .ban thy share."
A. The Hawk wee passing the Mas-
onic temple the other day he observ-
ed to ire. Hawk that the condition of
the sidewalk in front of the new build-
ing was not in the "pink" of condition.
She replied that she had heard a rum-
or that it was going to be put into
shape by the end of 1020. "Well. no
wonder visitors get bore eyes when
they come to Piero," further reiterated
Mr. Hawk as he wondered what kind
of a burg Goderieh would be then-
in the afternoon Rev. .1. T. Kirk -
Toronto Grain Prices wood. of Tivertuo, will open the ses-
The foltnwieg wholesale prices are stun with speaking of God's decree. I
quilted at the Toronto Board of Trade: The annual e.rmuu`k, will tie pre too,
Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports. No. 1 Rev P K.Dayfeot. of Toronto, will
northern, sl.0nats_ot. 2. ort,.c. ' talk on Sunday .cha.1 work and Rev.
Manitoba ()ate -Bay ports. No. !
I discuss the cbutch'r relation to the
C-'tV.. 423•c; No. 3 C.W., 411(Lc. J.F. Dingman. of Mount forest will
Ontario W;leat--Car lots, Outside, . children.
$1.03 to $1.05. Tuesday evening the chief feature
Ontario Oats ---40c to 41c, outside, `will be an address uy Kee. L. A. Tiler-
Onand 43c to 431ec on track, Toronto. Lien, of Brand Uttar, Quebec. who
American Corn -Kiln -dried. No. 2 will discuss urissiuos in that part of
yellow', on park, Port Colborne, 76', c. the country. Bev. D. Brown, of
Peas --No. 2, 98e to ;1.03, car' lots. , ,ypringtoul, will speak on western
outaie;e,!missions. The everting 'night pruper-
Ry-e-No. 63r to 64e. outside, ly called be a missionary evruung.
Marley --Good malting(tbarley,outelde, I Wedneetl.y tnerurng sersion will be
Glc 10 58c; Manitoba teed barley, bay ; opened by it... N. McCausland. of
parts, 50c to 52c. i,Paluierston, taking up the symbol of
Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, ' baptism. 11.04•. kl - H. 1Vrighton will
;2.10: in smaller lots, 82.22!4; .per alsudi.cuss, a call to per►ooal effort
barrel, 84.50, wholesale. Windsor to of soul winning. The sante "'ruing
Montreal. the teporte.,4 the diKrttntcommittees
Buckwheat -No. 2. 83c' to Rbc, In tar
Mnlfeed-Manitoba brim. mixed_ 54cwo0Thp8l1.elatUhuykrehr.a
'c.•tdveernrt eeodfnad bCuoaouignreitssienxw0i0l0*ing-
lots, outside.
ears, *23; car Mts.. 823 to $24, o0 of a devotional nature, will he discuss-
Toronto; shorts, 82 5 to 826; ed briefly by Hee. Arthur C. Riley. of
lots.SOntario bran. mixed Cara, 823: car Winghaw Mr. S. Edward (Trigg, of
lots, 123 to flour, middlings, 828 to 830; Toronto. will speak cn Haptist Young
gond feed 830 to $52 People's union woik. Mr. W. C. ben -
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Prime steers, 19 to 89.25;
shipping, 88.25 to $8.S5; butchers,
87.25 to $R,75; helfrrn, $7,25 to ;8.60;
eows, $3.35 to $7.511; bulls, $6 to
slackers and feelers; 44.71'1w ;
stnele hielfers. 16.50 to 87; fresh cows
and springers steady, 1s5 to 890.
Veal -85 to 810.25. -
Hoge -Heavy, mixed. ynrkers and
pigs, $8,65; roughs, 87.36 to 87.60;
stags, 86.50 to 87: dairies, ;8.40 to
811.65; ('suedes, 88.56 to 88.60.
Sheep and lambs --Lambs. 84 to
$8.44): yearlings. 85 to 87.26; wether*,
$6.10 to 8(1.6a; ewes, 82.50 to 86;
sbeep, mixed, $5.85 to 86.15.
Chicago Live Steck
Cattle --Beeves, 17.35 to $9.30; Texas
steers. 87.10 to 88.20; stockers and
feeders, $6.40 to $R.55; cows and heif-
ers. 83.70 to 88.80; calves, $7 to 810.26.
Hogs -Light, 88.10 to $8410; mixed,
88.10 to $8.30: heavy, $7.14 to 18.20;
rough. $7.81 to 14; pigs. 87.20 to 81.11;
bulk of solea $4.20 to $8.30.
Sheep- **Bye, 15.16 to 86.10: year-
earIrate. 84.14 to $7: Iambs, native, 811.10
88.20. spring Iambs. 86.50 to $9.40.
Salad Hay ewe Strew
Toronto merchants
track. Toronto. at
Baled bay. No. 1
rates. Na 2
No 2
No. a
Baled Bwfiw
are buying os
the following
11.40 12.00
10.00 11.00
8.00 8.00
1.00 1 ea
Boal Sem were prevalent last week
In tee ilealseba sad Parry Pound
tor. of Toronto. wttt tett of our mis-
sionary obligation and hoer to meet it,
and Rev. Jas. K. Fniilull, of Clinton.
will enlarge e.p-., ''4'hu.els F:d.IM.."
On Wednesday eveuiug, which is the
closing *es.iun of the convention, 1.ev.
sen resin, wttripeatt
en bou.e nai..*loes. Mr. C. Senior
of the same city will talk un chriatian
stewardship and Rev. J. (i. Brown.
also of the Queen city will discuss
foreign mission*.
Oo Tuesday morning the !edit•+ in-
tereeted in Ile work of the Baptist
church will hold a meeting. Mr,. J.
H. Marshall, of town. will welcome the
lady delegates and addresses will e
given by many of the ladies.
break Whiskey's drip
On Your Loved Ones
Drunkards will tell von with tears
of sincerity that they do not want to
drink. The craving corning hum the
inflamed membranes of the stomach, I
drive. thein to it.
Alcura will soothe the trembling
nerves and remove the craving that is
ruining your home and stealing an
other wise kind husband or father Prow
you. It conte only 81.18) per box and
d it does not cure er benefit after a
trial the money will he refunded.
Alcura No 1 is tasteless and can 11e
given secretly io tea, coffee or food.
Alcura No. '_' is taken voluntarily by
those willing to help themselves.
Alcura can now be obtained te. our
store. APk for free booklet telling
all about it and give Alcura a trial
Central Drug Store. Cor. North
sheet and Square. tioderich.
Use Parisian Sage. it
Makes the Hair Fluffy
and Abundant
it le needle►* for you to have bait
that is anything shout of perfect. 1f
It le tailing out, kronur oolar, .plitttng.
or If Lbw scalp burns and itches, im-
mediately Ret front R. It. Wig!. or
say drum counter a 80 esnt bottle of
Parielan Sage -use it fngneatly-the
Sell applies.' ins removes AaoOPwlf. 8*.
vigorates the map, and beautifies Use
bale until It is RIor*,nely radiant.
Parisian Sago .npptles hair needle --
le perfectly haeasisea It tentative the
ezaet elements required to make the
lair soft, wavy. gleamy and 10 week* it
grow thick $04 �ntlfel
Yea sell1 .seedy NIA Par4elan Sotge
ft le one of the best and =coat Ae1igILt
til !telt tonna knows.
OW soon will your roads, that now take
the heart and soul out bf every man and
horse that uses them, be made into a con-
tinuous stretch, of road that you and everyone
in your county will be proud of ?
How soon tt•ilI you stop filling the ruts and
mud holes with your road taxes, and build
roads that will permit you to put your road
taxes into more good roads ?
Concrete Roads
cost no more to build than any other good road, and their
upkeep expense is practically nothing, which makes them
the cheapest kind of good roads.
Concrete roads benefit the farmer, consumer, merchant,
newspaper, board of trade and railroad. They make for
greater prosperity generally, by increasing land values and
production; bringing more trade; more industries; more
employment; greater traffic. They decrease the cost -of
marketing. A1I of these factors combine to decrease the
cost of living.
Every citizen owes it to himself to investigate the advantage;
of concrete roads and learn how they will directly benefit
him. This information is free for the asking. �Vrite for it
1 to -day to
Ceeerste Roads D.psete set
Canada Cement Company Limited
801 Herald Building, Mosst,eal
S0c pays for The Signal for the balance of this year
Vl FALO 61 •
�t..+.•,N sot fit: l meat► w fret. 8 W.r.: ate a.....t....d p.rt....,e.t artatatw 1-.00 r••^.,..
Ll..d �..•0. +. "'. - tars an Pr.r.,+.-.Mr r aj-p-
ta .y mama , . . 1-t►.
M.pilWslt Steam... "SFJ:AANDSU "Cbv of Erie" 04 'City a Se..1."
Daily -BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - May 1st to Dec. 1st
1.•w ail. - • 1 00 P. M. I.ww tl.wird 4 415 P. M
A..te C4..6d • 7:31 a. W. Arrive B.l.i. .. x.10 \. M.
(I...... 8s..0Md Ye)
.w,w.i.w• .t 01..6..1 r•,. M..6.114, 1..8.4.. n..twasari all p.l.t.i.e .d 8.,1\,04, a.:In,ad
001,... mashy' a,.el...4 4 k ..I..d w sed far ....w....a4.... oaroar .rr...
Asa ,...r 8.1..4 *rot nra s..(....0 t . a R. Luse. Irmo ,r 1.. ►..d•+. illrw.d ►.•airs or.
1 t
lees •-:' =,�
.nary„ •►
The decorating of your walls is quite a problem. You want
there to be pleasing in color and appearance so as to make
a suitable background for your furniture and pictures.
Elo the i•lo::1 wall finish should bo artistic in texture and coloring, aheolutcly sanitary, and capable el being
cleaned ,t ,„., .try with seep a:.d water -and durable -to avoid a too frequent expense for redecorating.
Wall paprra do not meet. all these requirements,. the patterns and destitute fade, the paper thesrelves
eollcct cleat an.l germs ant (:omit he properly cle.useel, Sanitary experts have proven that any liin.I of wall
paper is u nsarut'trs, anal the custom of applying new paper over the old, affords a breeding place for gement.
Kalanmine and tither water paints. while clean and sanitary. keen net the trard.ary permanency. They
.need frequent renewal and often rub off or ens eletbiag-smodgew and gager marks cannot be washed oR
The product that meets every requirement is Sherwin-Williams Flat -tone, a durable, flat -crying oil paint
made in a variety of twenty-four beaut,lol .ha.leu. 16., eclectic= el expert decorators. This finish ran he
washed with soap and water, and will last for years.
COMP and sec it. about S -W Flat -tate. It is put tip is liquid fora ready tar sew. Ask for a enter mud of
the edema' ebadee.