The Signal, 1914-5-28, Page 2111 TetrIUMAY, MAT 211. 11114
BOMB Alm Pc/IL/sena
ries thenat. every Thureday
ateeset"". thIgitelltriateatt alIts=2. N."
Net la
tecitterimi Teems. ose Duna'. and Fine
tastes ow pear: It paid atrictly la advasies One
I seller entire accepted te etebearibere in the ;
United State leo rata bi Orre Dollar sad FIAT
reit. rtright in adrenal. ISubraribere WII0
fall to reeellre Tits euniat =ad, bit elan
will...outer • favor by the Plevrisit ;
or of the retaisizaa perdbile. bee ;
a chimer
the mom bega sid aed 1
be mehilmaftwe.s. neestusseess
nosy rle try kink same. 111111111117
order. eest-ellbse er ea reentered letter.
autetritelesse 111M1110111iPPIMmi ist, tees.
04111 roOt
A ItsAl=lisTrle IlLesta-111111111111 fee dimes, and
1 SIL Lanalead ether s% r
tea eases per Hee ter Ind sad fear
cent.. per line for *see sellesessat tesertise.
Ina -area by a ere'. of ampere& -twelve
nee w an inch. littalasyMeardi 111I 11010 I
and under. Fire Iltollar. per year. Adenine.
'tient. 0 Lo. -t. round. Strayed. Situation*,
Vacant. tilt uaI Unt• Wonted, Oxus,. for eele or
to neer. Farms for male or to Hoot. Ann -lel
for $ale. etc.. not exceeding eight line.. Taegu y -
nye rent. •vieb In Aeolian ; 0110 Dollar for first
month. Vitt y t1ent turnanheutta ouont month..
Larger advroteemento Ittpraptution.
tionnoementit in oidleary keeling type. lest
II 'rme per line. No notice it. than Twenty -
rive Cents. Any special notice. (ho object of
whicAl to the pecuniary benefit of atty indtvid-
ual or motoriatiort. t., bn eowidrred an tidier -
and cheered areorlierly.To • I
tOmaitatiovItaNnt.- 1 he oo operating' of ,
our rebseriber• •nd reader. i. t•ortitally town. I
-▪ ilt want. making Tor •tttpinkly record ;
properly have been 'Deluded In it.
According to statements tabled in the
consumes during the discussion of the
proposed Il4e,uun,00u guarantee POMO
'$30,000,01110 have already been expend-
ed on thia British C/olumbla section.
Moretiver, a further outlay of •bout
1E21,000,0U° is required to bring the
seetion to completion so that alto-
gether the conatruction ot thi• part of
the Canadian Northern system, • part,
which is being sionettucted under con-
' dittoes for which the Borden govern-
ment is responsiblewill coot more
than 450,000,000.
All that the Canadian Northern
now tequirea to complete its transcon-
tinental ',teem, parliament ie told by
the government. is $15,0tIletni It is
clear, then, that the present situation
is the result of the conetzuction of the
British Columbia tinder the conditions
created by Mr. Borden and his collea.
guee. ts a plain, straightforward
matter of (tact. so far as the rasponsi-
bait, for the present situation may be
lead at the door of a political party it
must be laid not at the door of the
late Liberal government but at that
of Ihe preeenctprouseetretive rtanise y.
or all lorol, couaity and diortet Nev011l•
antittimtion will be .ttlendeat unto. IT amp
lain* the mate end aiditrew of the writer. ti • • •
mum...HI> for p,thcajon. but a- an nrickirwe Three Lotai. Mr are Mined in Police:I
of good faith. . 'ew• items ahottiel reach, I HE
• VA I. °Mee not later than Wodneaday 11000
of eel, week.
Court Thts Week
I Elie f Itt..
wIts very Misch enhanced on alond•y
Net wheat Police Magistrer • Kelly
gathered- in 11115 tem offenders Who
had violated lhe liquor license 'ter and
had to stiffer the consequences. Dr.
JosephsVreernati, who had been pre-
viwtsly put on the Indian hat for pint
tnieletelen mw
, whean infor
ation es
laid eremite': lino for having btpior,
pleaded guilty in the police court end
was teied $10. -tidied to 401 where
be got the Meter lie steed that he
got it loom Richard Bond. Bond W11.4
sent for and he pleetled guilty to gie-
ing lte Ft 4•0111,1 anti WAS ,sigr-,
curdietglyolined Cr). The same after-
noon All infatuation was sworn out
ageinet %Vivi. Farr, who lives in the
•Winity of East street, and he %VA.
&NH I/1 HAliZeil to the extent of 110. All
the penalties catriea the eobts with
therm. larenie 'miser_ tor Johnstom of
Clinton. laid the cherges. in asimin-
'tering the tines Magistrate Kelly
g^ve the accused a warning anti good
Tells What Dodd's Kidney poi Did
For Him
u era o fatal police court
To have t• naval service ti ittiotit
ships ie the tatted Belmar, ofetie• Ber-
den gueernannt, The policy is netto
be sti4mittetrto ..trl a inen lo ti j ter -
jug brought into effect by the order- .
in-couneil liietbiI of gevet•nment. By
t011owing this method the mitnitters
hope to avoid '•the disciterion of atm
• naval question which worth' be cer-:
- • tain to take plate. irthe 'service with-
- out -ships' policy were brought for-
. ward in the cconnons, end a paths -I
menbtry review of fte record on•-•tiett
titsestion is one of the last things
which the government wiehee to be i
What the minhoo y proposes to do is
to establish naval reeeive companies
in different ',means of Canada and
train men in seamanship, boat drill
and preliminary naval exercises -hut
without building any ships, for the
premier ^nd his colleagues atilt cling
to their "Cenada Can't" idea in regard
to shipbuilding. The policy will have
sevetal merits from the gevernment's
point of view. For one thing, it will
I* acceptable to all the Nationalists
who have no objection to is naval see -
•ice which does not send men to sea.
For another thing, it will le cheap,
coating about 121X1,000 a year, sued
Hon. L. P. Pelletier, a member tit the
government, is on record as having
commended in rat 'lenient it naval
policy which whirld be cheep. The
scheme will also have mune political
advantage for the government, since
whet money is spent iniv be expended
tin the localities where it may lw count-
ed upon to do the most good for the
And best of all. from the Borden
Point ot vievv, the adoptof the
scheme will give tbe glivetionent an
opportunity if making it appear that
something is really being done in the
way of tie'. al [teflon although it will
require teeny plausible words and
much exaggeration t .1 1.11ilv ey the im-
pression that ary-thing weith While is
intended. Meanwhile. Can/oh-10i can
speculate as to whether or not a naval
eerviee without shipi will se very far
'toward meeting the "emeigency-
which ale Meilen lies aeon ed iia,
threatens the Empire.
A fevorite argument used by friends
of the Ottawa government in attempt-
ing to justify the Borden proposal to
give Messrs. Mackenzie and Nlenn a
Dominion bond guarantee of $15,01110, -
OHO is to contend that conditions
necessitate the wanting of the guaran-
tee and thet those conditions litive
flowed from the action of the late
441arti4'..sovermamet in inaltiorr"Pos-
sible the rotottrortion of the Canadian
Nortbetn system. The tegument will
scarc,ly stand examittaC .
It ix true that it wax tinder the
Liheral government that the Caniudien
Northern linter were extended from
Menitoba to Edmonton anti to Prince
Albert. It is else true that in 11111 the
I-surier goveinment took action which
enabled the Canadian Northern to met
^leita linking up it,. lines in the prairie
provinces %kb railways in the east Go
that, 0111 the one hand, the western
lines -would have independent end
competitive access to the Pesten' sea-
board and 1hs' eastern commends1 cen-
tres anti, im the other hand, threw
commercial centres would have mdi ,
independent and competitive access
the prairie west."
Inswing ,hitt aisle nf the cam for a
moment, it is illuminating to loot
into the facts in connection with Use
ilritish l'olumhi• Portion ot the Cana-
dian Northern. The conditions which
haw. entromded it. construction were
created by the preeent government
under legislatior which was emeted
In 1912 and which lacked entirely Use
safergeenting provision* which Omsk'
Point A_Iemiroder, Oct.. May 2.11tb
peciali.D A Fiemeare,
well-known young.fai Kier diving near
brie, who has btrAi a sufferer' from
kidney disease for 1•1101C time pest,
says. without. hesitation, that his cure
is due tollodd kidney Paid.
-I was altreys tired anti nervous,"
Mr. Proliferate ear, in speaking of his
illness. 1 •uffered from backache and
uenralgia, and itly sleep wee broken
and unretreshini,;. My eyes were pu ti-
ed and there were dark red circles
around them. My muscles would cramp.
I felt heavy and sleepy afterward*.
and 1 was depreesed and low-spirited,
while shortitesa of breith and dizzy
spells iiferved 1.. antke life yet more
miserable for me.
-My symptoms led me to believe
had kidoey dieeme, Aral I ,darted to
use !beide Kidney Pills. 1 have tak
en eight boxes, and I am eel y gratelul
for the benefit received. -
Menesctung Canoe Club is in Floonshing
The annoal meeting of the Nlenese-
Ding canoe cloh for the nomination of
Meets mid other business hitt leen
held. Mr. 6. L. P^rtions, the presi-
dent, occupied the chair and a fair
peteentsge of member.t were present.
The reports of the secretery 11101
treasurer showed that the dub is in
the trnht it tuf succeen.
Nominal ions for • Mice' it wet e made
anti thny will be posted' tor itt lll th
before the elections are held. The
tuatter of the chin Middling it beet
hew* came up and was the topic of
considerable disco...ion. So (Daily
Objer•litHHI were reified that the matter
was left over.
The different u oturnitters reptirted
levet ably /and the eheitinan of the
dem* comtnittee, Mr. Jack Ltweence,
was tendered a vote of thenks fie- his
efforts in making the different dances
ti so •cess. _ • _
-The Kireardine-Walkerton stage
line. which has been in existence for
over half a century ac I Was 0110 Or the
first mail routes esteblished in the
county. eat he closed on July 1st,
and the people along the route will
thereafter he eerved by the more
modern institution- rum' free mail
eielttery.- polows. writ
id the Kincardine -Walkerton stair,
from the ticenery reraila the marked
changes that have taken place along
the old Durham road which this veh-
icle him traversed so long. During the
early sixties the stage mussed no leen
than thirteen taverna on its daily tripe
between Kincardine and Walkerton
Now one bar. situated at Hiveradale. is
the sole dIspimaary of home &Meg the
route. The vanishing of the stage
overkill the exit of Lb. Imit relic of the
pioneer days.
4Orrine for Drink Habit
Candidate Has Had Successful Career
for Three Sessions Accepted
Nomination Wah Fighting Speech
Liberals of North Huron are
Unanimous in Support of Him
The ennual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal association was held in
Winghani on Friday al'asenoon, with
the president. Mr. Ruben Stbeill. of
East Wawarsoish, In the ehasir. There
was a large representation, delegates;
heing present from every munici-
pality. The Bret hitainemes taken up
wAs the selection of a candidate for
the coming provincial election. The
netters of six item lemen were placed In
nomination as follows : J. 0. Ander-
son. M.P.P. tor South Bruce, who was
gerrymandered out of his riding; John
T. Currie, ex -warden of Huron coun-
ty ; J. D. Murdoch and E. 0. Camer-
on, of Lecknow ; John A. McLean. of
Winghain ; and Charles Stewart, de -
put• reeve of Itehtield.
All the candidAtes declined "'.the
113111i1111f iO/1 with the exception of Mr.
Anderson, *lid on tion his nomina•
tion ,was need, e unanimoits. \Wird
WAS II iiiii rAltlf•ly &PH to Mr. Ander-
sen -at Inrimitar, and he canes to
Wirrighstu in an .out.., end in st ronsing
•peeteh *we$d the nomination. His
first worrriable nipprecistion of the
corniest,' of I he-Liheralls of :Vieth
Hifron in tenderine him the nomina-
tion in fare of the fire' that • nurnheie
of gruel trier' wet, in the riding. and
he felt the elferers of this riding
Would *sleet him • a. !• protest to the
trevernment in forcing him out of
South Bruce.
The speaker mid the -bold and hon-
st" g ieernmerit had 75 der cent of
he retweeentation in the reeseinee in
11"0 orthe feet that the Lal
1liers 'had
milled 13 Iler'rent of the V10PO in the
40.t election. In the face nf th.a the
overnment'hadgerremendered Bence
minty in such a :winner that it hoped I
hair,- torn Tory members. The only
reison for the gerrymander was the
act that .Bruce eminty hmd elected
hree Liberal.. Mr. Anderson said
hit in .the Ironer he had ^boost re -
'eyed n nvitatien from Mr. Mus-
grove to rome over into North Huron,
entl now he wee, the Liberal standard-
The ppeetker fully explained the
good work Eking done hy the Literals
tit Toronto, such as forcing the gov-
ernment to enact the workmen's ecm-
pensation act. The reckless expandi-
t of pit hlic motley was condemned.
ceperially in reference to government
bowie And the revieion of the statutes.
Ile paid a high tribute to the leader,
Mr. N. W. Rowell. K.C., and in eine-
ing urged all the Liberals to rally to
his reimport and Pend a supporter to
Mr. Rowell to Toronto.
Exeellent addremee er•re also de-
livered by Meissrm. John T. Currie, J.
G. Mailerh and Charlee 'Stewart.
The emeera eleetett WP1Y: President,
Rohert Shea!, Holt Witwenosb : let
vire-president. Areh. Anderson. Wier
IVawanomh ; 2nd vire-president. Shel-
don Brieker, Howick : 3rd vice-presi-
dent. Ahree• Wingliam ; treas•
twee .1. A: Morton. Winghain ; sere'.
tery. H. 13. Elliott. ‘Vingham. The
maisl resolutions expressing continued
confidence in the le -ache -Mir of Mr. N.
IV. Nowell anti Mir NVilfriti Limier
were psii-ed, rind the meeting closed
with the tomal cheering.
At the cher. of the convention Mr.
Andersen are mired for an organiza-
tion meeting, anti will at once enter
on an setive rampaign, maid the Libel. -
elm will te tn a men in the effort le
make him the next tnewhcr for Sort h
If you have $100 ,w
r6., or men, in the Sia,-1ng• Bank .a 3 per
-nr i• practzcally idle money; tt not
ng you the return it should. With er ery
assurance of moiety, your money will rem
you rood entered, it you unreal it in the
StaudatdRehanot MonsereCenie.meee
Try It At Our Repress.
Wear, in earnest when we aril you
tit give ORRINE a trial. You harp
notialng to risk aed everything to pan, ^
for your money vial be returned if
after a trial 3,041 fail to get remain from
ORRINK. This offer girt* the wives'
end mothers of those who drink to
vireos an opportunity es try the OR-
ROINE treat/emit. ft is • very sitnple
treatment, can he given In the home
witboet pelblieity or lose of time from
husinese, sad at • small price.
ORRIN'S le prepared in two forme
No. I, swerve treatment, • powder;
ORRINE No. 2. In pill foram, for those
wise &etre to take yolostary treat-
ment.- Costs may 111.110 • hex. OINIM
In and talk over the matter *It h us.
Ask for booklet. IP. .1. Rutland. drug-
me tures
They are atteohlfcfr aocor•• Th., bee.
interrill S per rent , cotieess
kri/f-ristrly. There is no woLd W:16111
shawls excertt
".▪ ..L.'"I'AccuestAlatned lee;
plan of Debenture• ure sreeld Iike to
enplarn, ike 0043ntiory Po•111-
aWe wait a mediae MOOOP.
Paid-up Capital - $2.000,000.00
Assets - - - - dS,000.000.00
Th. Coretwey woes reirebir relvIrr
carting envirdrintent of hoer 411 am..
A Inr• WHOM DellstrAnt. inneW OH 1.0.
-.lenses Faille M.P.P., is again the
candidata of Peel Comiervativee.
-South Wellington Comore d Ivo s
renoutineted H. U. Schofield, NI.P.P,
-Jetinie M s. &gni nine, of
Hewitt/in, was perhaps fatally binned
by fireworks.
-Hamilton Cooke, of Leinonville,
died studienly while visiting A 4141101.
101. In ‘Vinnipeg.
--Capt. H. A. M^cbin. M.P. fP.. has
been tenotninated by Kenora Conser-
-The Irish H Rule bill puma
it. tired reading in the Bride's Holm
of (jm,uot10 hy a majority of 77.
__Tbe British aglVO1141111601/1t finally
decided mit to particitede at the
Penaine-Pacific exposition.
--Sir French' Retool-, prifitiean end
philanthropist, is deed In London.
aged 77.
- A distinct advance in tea weep -
ping hesi lawn herAlded by The "Ssil-
t e place of feed. they
Are nome,connia-elicing to use a strong
Lin shek of ^I • km which not
only iiresie yea the tea better than lead
lett is es light as tine letter paper.
Are simply kidney disorders. The
ilter the blood of all that ahouldt,tit
there. The blood pa...sea through the kid-
neyi every toree minutes. If the kidneys
do thew *Of* no itnpurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulatioe
longer than that tiew. Therefore if yaw
blood is out of order tour kidneys have
failed In their work. they are in need of
it strengthening 01' doctoring
One ntedwine will do alt tbree, the finest
and moat imitated blood oxedicime there
Standard lance
Goderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING FriocZt7k JUNE 12
RETURN Frarrt.-1 JUNE_15
SALL CAMEO 13th and 14th
In Detroit
F•Orn Kinc•rdino and Way Points
Special Rail Rates
Gm:mow= •Apa..-
IHILIGIT 116113111 4111 'Mt
1111 Itnef. 11 LA1T 70110W10
W. L HORTON, Godarich
Resideet Director
ILcs r* I C
AtintlAnnen 0111 Sear. Port MoNtenn ton
days, Wrderedayr There! vs
said Sate • as 4 pet. 0SemineacC111
erlt1ay MIA. tee
& oil FORT WILLI A 11/
Tett 111411110,01 Manitoba. hIllne from One
MeNienill Waterseders, will mill to (nose
towed Weeny: test rote( In Jr'pm oinw
win Torero. 12.1.1 p ny O souse
dare meting direr' erwisierties with steam
Pro at Pert MeNiestl
nertieenes reire‘,eimi R Alliter,LnAN
fieketa teens JO ID 11. c.r.R. OP
write M. O. NCR If D.P.
Good Shoes
The lady or gentleman
who dressTr with good
taste is eaye stylish
and their a tire is never
romplete wIthmit good
A really stylish shoe
'effects comfort., good
Midis end perfect fit.
Our patrota will find
these I/ alit*, end more
in our steins and .nm -
mer style. at
J. H. McClinton's
He is Eminently acceptable to the
Temperance Electors of the Rid -
Wag -Fighting and Stirring Speech-
es Delivered-Proudfoot and Bow-
man Charges Discussed
At a largely attended convention
South Huron Liberate hekl at Hen
on Weduesday of bust week. Mr.
mund Zeller, ifithilisher of the Zuri
Herald. was unatanuotiely chosen
candidate to tepreemt the pert y
the approaching Ontario general! el
tonne end if the independent tem
anon (imply *bow sincerity at the po
be wi I be the next representative
Stull 'Huron in the Ontario legislate
The convent i011 WAS held in the El
sell opera holier and was with
doubt one of the beat poltikal gath
Mire rivet held in south Huron. In
dition to evidencing unenimity of p
pose it wits marked by ^ splendid
dress from Mt. J. (E. Antlemon, M.P.
for South Bruce, whose plaitteipok
strictures regarding both the Prot
foot and the Bowtuan charges agai
Hon. W. J. !Jenne made • deep i
preesioo. The cenvention had to
summoned in a wait memoir, when
I.rg. an attelidance was not anti
patted, ani the feet thet praetica
every municipelity Wall complete
repreaented, with a total of one thi
died delegate-. wan a proof of t he i
terest beteg taken.
The rest 'if the opera house wee fill-
ed with those whe had come it hear
the addressee Special interent Attach.'
ed 10 t bit conventien owing to [NO
publicity given the temperance meet-
ing held in Hensallahe preview' Mon-
day, when a deputation was ozone) to
wait on both petty conventions with
VieW t.0 piedgine both Liberal lord
Conservative candidates to the aboli-
tion of the her. and failing to secure
• promise from tither, to call it con-
vention 10 nOwioate • third candidate.
It is rate to say there will be no
third candidate, for the cheice (41
Wedneetlay's convention left nothing ,
further to be deeired by (bit iodepend- 1
ent temperance people than hitt elec.!
lion. Not only 'lid Mr. Zeiler 'reassure
up to individual requitement, accord-
ing to every delegete whe spoke. hot
he himself was very cle^ecut at the I
outset ot his &dittoes es to his porsite
on the temperance question.
More than that, atter he hail accep
ed the unanimous nomination, he in
formed an interrogator that were
Coneervative governifient to bring i
a proposal to Abolish the har, or AS b.:
explained it. "to go Rowell one better,
he would pledge hiinself to vote fru it. '
Mr.Harry S h. of Hay. president
of the South Huron Lew' al associa- I
don, was ti empable -hairtuan. Before •
calling for nominations be introduced
the deputation front the temperance
meeting, John H. Scott and Rev. E
0. Pow. II. The homer uoade it clear I
thAt the only candidate who emild
satisfy the temperate* petrel.. would
be • man of principle, not ruachine.
Mr. Powell declared that the etteaorate
wsN demanding itt higher stamp of can
didate and h.- ssid : "If ever Capful,:
bad a chi istieli eteterniaci and a permit
man As A pclit ical leader. that time 18
110W. and that. man la N. W. Ittywell.
Many strong Conservate es, who were
tempetance men, were now rearbin
the point where they could n.. longer
go with their part r. but naturally they
were exacting befog it th-tinitt•ly dereid-
ing to vote I -theta]. The botw of the
141 s
Floor Ru
Tapestry, Brussels and Wilton Rugs
To clear a large over stock. Price re -
are from 2010 30 under regular valUt.
lTarnatry Rugs from sire %Sea yards up to size
ett yard,, priced from BRAM to. t
WII1011 RU11111 from aim US yards to -ix{ yards
now priced from 111110.00 to $18 00
Brussels Rugs all sizes front sa.cto to 525.00
Floor Linoleums
New designs and pleasing coloring,
yards wide, at per square yarti
Oil Cloths
..luare yard lll
Reninasite- and lengthy all 111201. Clearing at
Hosiery and Gloves
Women's Lisle Thread Hose. "Queen Quality," a beautiful
silk memo lard thread and quality excellent. All elves 1=
s10 pi. Specie! at 25o end
1 C
t brier and four A E.
... -tac
per 25c
Kid Oloves
Wart...toed quality, tans, black and white. two -dome
Priers. Perfect fitting and quality, thoroughly guaranteetl.
Special ... .
Ladies' Suits
Sew arrivals this week in ladies. ready-towearSuits, fennel.
"Prineese'' Navy... black. browna and tweed effects o,
exquieite nt•w clothe Coate ("linen's'''. And silk or st
*Mtn -lined. Priced special 11112.00, 11114.00 and ..11
Inspection Invited
abolition of the bar. he said, is the °il-
ly purpose of the independent temper-
ance people in now .'king both politi
cal perties. to ...... 'Mete stoolish-the-bar They wanted wore thin
a Irian of trinpeiance rentitueols mete.
ly, but a epeaesitative pledged to
vote fie; tent 111C11411CO...
The converition then pt oceeiled with
nominations. the, follow ing natees he-
ing moved as %% rattly supporter 1.1 Of
the 1. 10-, al ratuse: Ed utuu.ttl Zeller,
Zitich; J. 6. Westbury. Exeter: Hob -
tot thirditier, John Pyre' cr.
%oriel' ; John H. Scott. hzeser. and
Jacob Kellernisinn. Dego wood.
Eich of the hien nominated made
real fighting speeelien, Mr. Stankairy
particuleily tusking an effective at-
tack upon the iteatteent accorded
lemon e.y the provincial secretary.
Mt. Kellerinenn said lie would run
rather than see the nomination go by
defallt. and "then the others retired
end Mr. %elle. rgreed to stand Mr.
Keil.' mann moved to make the no lll in -
sewn imenausens. Mr. tierdiner, sec-
onded thie, and el standing, cheering
crowd was the answer.
Mr. Zeiler decl 'red the temperance
issue theimpreme one, and said that
if the present member had read the
piglet of the times when the Canada
temperance art had been carried hy
over two thounand, and had support.
ed Mr. Rowell'« i eselt.tion ill the
house, he would not run against hiro.
lipaggi.,g_hIg .m*11 ,of the, villofir -It-
net ion Re J. Cr Anderson, M.P. P.,
deceived that Mr. Hanna bed Fern
made hy leapector Snider to ere zrow,
mit hla exulenation wa, not aatisfac-
tory. Mr. Andetson declared that
Snider had gone to Mr. Buchman, ei
prominent Cowtervittere temps, stare
werker, asking hint On behalf of the
mover ensent te pull off the vote. Mr.
Bowman was prepared to peeve his
charges against Mr. Hanna to the
bile Mr. Hann• engineered the
whole deal. mid Mr. Andes -eon. adRe-
Mir J111111.10 4(1 mitted eugh
ontario. •nd ',mg as Ilia 1,e,...ple
to chive nsany out of puhlie •Iife in
to the Proudfoot chargyne he
Inoked deals like the one Ste
Hamm Was chaise -II with, so long
et-nold °etas io have dishonest gevern• ,
moot. When dealinst with ft*ences I
ode etriking point was (bit the tcery
eon lb* government houseorld
fotir timers the total aseeseed Yeller
of the whole Sown of Hensel! Mr.
Andereon cloned with an eulogy of
the Liberia leader. and peediemil that
the enthutiaam shown at Herisall ‘re
Wedimdav would remit in & victory
in South Huron Mr. M. Y. McLean,
ex.M.P.. alert spoke eneouregirigly of
tbe prospects. rod the 'seething Moose
with cheers for Mr. Zeiler.
-- West Northumberlaed Coeserva•
there noesisated throrge Greer, oz.
reeve 01 Oehowrg. for Ube lenislature
Opens New
In Cure of Skin Disease
Mr. ('orns' caw of eczema was
known to alimet every hospital arid
physicien "if leptsta(ion throughout
the city of Toronto. His letter is
&nether interesting demenstration of
what, is being accomplished by the
f^nIOUN •pecitic 1).1).0. Preset i pt ion.
„ "I will consider it a favor if yen will
allow me to mid my teeti lllll nista to
the many hundreds you- no dente have
in ruse -rid the great cutter effeet eel tiv
e . . . P eaeription. I ea- a suf-
ferer fer two yews with eezema on
the leg and /ankle,. I tried three or
four diff -tent doctor+ and none of
them did inc any good. 1 got tired
of trying their remetliter. I then %sent
10 a skin specialist. but it u as no bet-
ter than thief.
I beatied, oriel leiter of 0 0 le
and it did ire PO 1111011 KINN] 1k141 1
I Sent for a dotter bottle. also .1 e.i r
'soap. Thet is ell 1 mied, and I iei
tectly well. You are at libertv to we
my earl*, for I consider 1) 0.1). tie-
! hest remedy in use.• I. W. CI
.21 Givens St., Tormito. Can.
Ask any druggist today for 0.0.0
• Prescription. He'll tell you it allays
the itch instantly -and soon there Are
.,signs .if cure
e have handled the. remedy lot
years and regard it tot the sperific for
akin trouble, of ^II kinds. Cies* in
or ask 11S Ab0111 RDA). Prescriptiet,
also I 0. 0. soap. estweielly for tenth.'
We offer the first full size bottle ttt
the guarantee that •unleris It /dope th.•
iteh at once, it coma you not A eent.
chem. A. Ca ni Cen tr. I lime
Store, notlerich, Ont.
D.D.D. Soap Keeps Your Skin Healthy
Our Treat
All Week!
"Sunkist" Oranges
at Special Prices, at Your Dealer's!
The best part of breakfast is a juicy, thin-
, skisuleci. seediest& "Surkk" orange. `."Sunkisr''..
oranges are the finest, juiciest, most delicious
oranges grown in the world.
Buy them by the box or half -box -they are most economical
and keep for weeks.
Carefully picked and packed by gloved hands.
The cleanest of fruits. Tree -ripened.
Rogers Silverware Premiums for
"Sunkist" Trademarks
Cut the trademarks from "Sunkist" orange
wrappers, and send them to 1.1‘. We offer
27 different silverware prennions - all
Rogers 4-1 rrsara raced Standard silver
plate. Eie lusive Suakin
Se -1
weft and
ye -
see -sat
Rowena Orimai
Sporn mad to Yen Mr
0.4 1iplunklet" rmNeat
..senekkiraiige irrallgary seam aa
te remitting. wad stamen er
.e..ver, ozbyetal Man of
Bay "Sustitiat" Omar* at Y.
Send yourDealeriname and full
addresa for our cemplete fres
premium circular end club plan.
Addrees all orders for premium silver-
correspondenc. to
California Fruit Growers Ex
1111111 Kam Street. Eust. cur. Church ore Teresa", Oat.