The Signal, 1914-4-2, Page 3THE SiGNAL : i;t 1DEI ii'N : t►N'C RIO TRUISMDAI( APRIL 1!, 1114 $ THE ORIGINAL IND ONLY GENUINE 'WARN 0P MITA- MONS *ULD ON TAB YIRI?d OP BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound oe repaired. 001.11 LETTERING • on LEATHER GOODS A:. „nler'• proreglz attended to on leaving nom .: TI{LtlIGV�wAL'uoderleb. A. E. TAYLOR. MTRATwoRD. MEDICAL W. F. (*ALLOW. M. B. a{eS and setedeaaw. North .t+'esl. aorta el cuea / beitstry elites Td ,* , W. . F. J. R.FORSTER-EYE. BAR. - sad threat only. Rents a este. b mod A•:r..: in. air. York esiab.Nor. Nse.etrr id1I o..t H tsl. and it eereard F:) - H.r,pital. is =and usu. $ S. W alt r!Jo Street. mindetd. sppedte grata Chereh. Ho..r. 9. • u s. tn., 2 1u l p• m.. Tteg p• M. Telephone LKS. (EU. AND M. E. WHITING 1) RUJL[HANN, oateevath...rsc:aloestn rogues • Sad char a - dt.este+, souk. N oi, and ..Y.00 disorders. eye. sir. note and term. to bsauand ri,.. ant,:.' acidic. elks North .beet. tkird emir Iowa tee Aqua". l,. �LBKIUHI'. U.C..CHiRI)-. lit plwat .r,.p.tw sod n•-, a •►+•e:nit+l. i.h .staarue t• W scOSnor that cine.. without 1111.1. w Mute. Ftwesrnunmtt w. mew t.oxt . a...,disa Bank et (.bate nee. Ho't' • ' l v,4444 W LEGAL HOU1»OOT, HAYS k KILLUh- AN. narrowly... waterer.. notaries public. ,rector. nt tis Marittu.c Court. etc. PnvMs tared to bted µ lowed rate. of tntetad. eke. ya,4 side Noire. W. r*UUUOvIrf. t[. C.. N. C. AYd. J: i.. C1 LLUKAN. W. I'BUUDet to re. Jr. U. CAMBRON, K. C. %ARIUS- . TKB. wllattor. notarr tn+blte. iMacs.•-- w.ti.wu avwt. (.Jdsrie4 third d.wr Iry - oars. iftARLISM UAkUWW. LL.B.. MAR HAMM. ettersey. .olkdwr. eta. tioue x h. Meaty t,. tees at Nevem mute AUCTIOBEEH. SOMAS UUNDRY • AULTI(YLLR • BM 1t.. Uoder,ch. All taatesetipes b was: left at Myt.,ei entre w,ll be niappity et• .tb4 tut Jt....dc,.aw telcl•M,ua UY- - INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. .)11)' 111 PRIVATE FUND'', DS '1'u GV'J U loan. Appi1 to Y. U. ('AM BUN. uarrin a Hamilton ctrect. Uodencr.. V it. ROts13RTriON, INSURANCE AG F;\I tax Alt() LieNTaliae • British, 1.'aoaaiau and -:u,aa7,a.tW jjrn LMFLOTU.H5 Ltd'. ITT : lee Utmost Accident and (laarsulrr wplenl.t•u, 1Jm1Ud. of London. 0Jla. 1,Icurli sr u uuasa,.Tsa burps . 1 he 1WuLt) ..0 Uaarantee t'ust, pSey. rice to: alaideeos, reortnea.•t owner of V n•. a *W I dL Uarres elreet.. 'Phone 1C'. Ieft1WdyP MUTUAL FIRS I1. eUItANV1L CO. -Earn and isolated rtlt rineartB. Mcwwea. Pres.. 1eatorl , P.U.. t 0411u 41), V,o -Pia. uodeneb 1'. 0 , was 1. uayfy uee.•Treaa. neatorth 1'. di. neseloe.- t'. F.. cur•egor, osatwta ; John urievt, w u.ti.rop ; N to.am luno, t'oo.tw,a ,•. o be..i.... r., tfot/Nran . Jawea kyr.-. to owes . Hobert berets. maritime : Mateotui ix warm& Agent.: J. M. tt tots,�� lee: R. Bail' n. Hock: Wllwate, ('pamuer..y.doe'h; F.. .t►My, .eaIwt . r'etisr-teeedsr' eon pal - J. M.n s 1'HWni BMre,t:lln lmew twee essettetee wl.. "us Irleeesy, atonable arra. ueaence. ■AI IL* E L&GU$E8 ALl lttt B. BULLY, .1. 1'.. WU1R1011. UPR. tiYULR ori RR/Al[a:R•AOc L1CICN"F-4 E. R. WIOLE Dwt�arwr Imr of Marriage Licenses W1U PHARMACY •oderich,� Ontario OL ONiST FARES ttte►wa :trod d Marl stationer Ootarto 0, eertals plot • w British Columbia1 Montana Washington Mahe, 11e. Deny eau] Arle(t lath SWORD srrrLKRB' FA RIJb tOseemer seem* Gal feet Treeiry, Margit sod Ayre 'hoopoe teljnsaspr g si{d en ear. M n.�.,,.�,y-_-•((�'�� Jt1A. [IDtI, l�a!aU � irrtle li{• tats 'Kg IN SESSION NEARLY All NIGt11 Special Legislation Protecting Mem- bers Who May Have Auceptw G mens Commaaione G. Howard Ferguson. M.P.P., .r... trills.. and other members of the lieut.• who may have perhaps unlntenrttma!1) transgressed against th.• section of lb. Legislative Assembly Act ►amu; leathers from accepting positions or commissions from ettber the Proviso del or Federal Ooverti:nruts. nerd worry nu loger. .0 the opening ot 1M house on Wednesday hl+ the Lleuteitant•Getereur arrived, sed. • without any tormellty, gave assrut : the amendment to+lbe Assembly Act that created such ea merrier Tuesday afternoon and kept the members hi their places until elope t•, daybreak. The bill declares that nu member shall forfeit hie seat because of the ace'rp:- &ncr of a commission from the Omni., Ion Uoverameut requiring specta: qualifications or professional skill - where rucb commission is a temporal, .urs. The Opposition*" *gain to e•. - press Its objection to the Government p decision to give the bill three readings by obatrueting Its passage lasted until shortly before 6 o'clock on 11•educ day morning. Then the blit reeetve� Its third reading. From early e.venlnz. when the hill reached the seeded r• a'• iug -,age moll the final vote. the Op. position ka;:t up * -to•ady Ilu'a o: spret•hmaking, oceasluuall) r.•lieved l:' the Interjection of back -stadia from tic, Government. During second reading and in committee the Opposition nun: ed us- ed alueudoicnte objecting l.4 kite hurry- dna thrc� th of the bill, and sorteat:rot that the measure b••. made to meet• only to the Grenvll:e menile.e Til • aturndmrnts were voted doe n. th • how et er. b -•Ing ,ilightly- changed le make it clear that Mr. Frr:Haien waa prn(r..led. Se-. only -to -4r niemb •rr stl)'rrl nhtll the wind-up. t " loved:• 'mrut showing a "front o.:i mend: •r, and the Opposition 12. Arse S:wi• holme voted with the l)ppted ion sear, t J.. bill. tV.•• ,•a !Pe to t1 - u:- ,Ion .i .. . r u iu•i.- rad .Ir. R .we -Ow, i' 1. . 1.t. tuber 'or • est II state a fiat 1 assns.e to he that te d,tnc what he ''d lots .:'' ai1(i.nut re J:ai- ; t:ir prnvisi• na s'atute.,tb:;t wa - illegal acrd '•, • ...no. his :itT ,...ns. t,. . (Flte prte..:i.'. to ::ccs that' .1.r. . terot a..0 hoe t. to a. bill tl.r..iaaii t e' Losesk trutr.l. in Ili:.. GIVE THAT PUNY CHILD THIS GUARANTEED REMEDY 1f your child 1s ttndsr-weight, lutk•+ts, ailing. liable to get sick easily, it needy meditvro to build its weight and strength. I For this purpose there es nothing else we know of that we can so strongly t-n,lune as Reeell Olive Oil Emulsion. The remark able success of this splendid medicine it due to the (act that it conta.as in rrdients that toots the nerves, winch the blots) and furnish to the entire system the strength. we•iIgght and health -building substances it needs. And. it dues all this without injur- ing the sexnach. In fact, Resell Olive .Oil Rmulsion is not only pleasant to take, but even the most sensitive sWmuch is bene• flte.f by it, and the digestion improved. On the other hand. it cunt: ins no aha. jhad or habit -teeming drugs, which most parents obj.•a•t to giving their children. It does its good work by taking hold of the weakntse and builds the body up to its natural strength, at the Same time Maki::g .t streets to te,ist disease. • • If Retell (Hive Oil Emulsion doesn't build your child up, feed the stunted, pully muscles, and make the little one lively, strong, well, unJ full of the animal spirant children are meant by nature to Irrvc, carne , back and tell us and get your money back We don't want you to lose a cent. We think Oasis fro more than fair and it leaves yo': BILINGUAL MATTERS SUBJECT Of DEBATE Government Declares its Inter: ea of , Taklnt a Finn Stand rra Er. forcing Regulations The bilingual achu.t! qucatten A .10 1 thrashed out thorough!) on the awry of the Legislature on Thursday u:te r coon and evening. 'fh^re were de- clamatory and perfervid speeches ut times. but there was 'title bite ru,as. no cause to hesitate. Fur old peepb_ also I -for cvalescents-for all who are ner- vous,ontired-out, run-down, no matter what the cause-wc offer Rexall Olive lhl Emul- sion with the same guarantee of entire z.' • tifactinn or stoney back•Sold •,n!y at t'.e 7,001 Rexall Steres, and in this town only byusSi.uu • H. (I. Duuk.o Pis r►.B.. tit utertet. lied font Meek. fled., keit. 11 THE PRESS 1 Civil War . Heron uarse, rra There will not he civil war in Le- land if we . •in mole'glatt.l sloe hi.. a- las, no tire Oster pe•.ple will tett Leto (nel••h Pi to a•••s-ur.• tl-rir'etrt'nall wilt(tNCiir:k,•14'""rtnr 1.11. Hr•it- iel. misty. Tit. 1.• -.err conrt-e woetd 1 h ' In se. t. tf th,• .-o•uyr (noire offers, M Mr. A.q'tith and r.wain ap-clators of the wn.kiev of Hou • Rtee for the next .is v. au. Deal Swear , H.. a lt4 o 'Lute - • �t the r+q•,••-• of lluin • written of ' 1'I. -vela. A ,s lo., -.'oi t-rf the flew•. lip '•lyo. 1 ew.it....:eiuieti:N 111,' ,lice to :ride it ig ,he ho r:•isle f .1 C14 'carr ,..+u lel-1111.4. b• r t r ( d!f -' " 1 '.1• f .ot police 10 rep.. 'tie 441-4•11Alr. I ,. •, which +'•. pe"; Near. le.ad di c.1/1.0.1 rxrrcisio{; , Gen - h I n arse it. pubee pierce.; and if Go. re.. Uominlor ,over: , oath bort.cs poi in 'twit : W as �rsataapC �n TIO w:,� . '.teethaloe- i the '. .F 1r. v.il I' rr�I�11RlEnMt7 rvrttirGi�ul�lWt� The French-Canadian member. of the f House however, united In declarlug that they as ■ rsee were prepared to light for the retentive of their. lea- gtiage as loos as a ha.+dful of them remained. Nevertheless. they I...sired to have a thorough English cducatiou. Napoloon Champagne of Ottawa thal- leou ('hatupagne of Ottawa. at:. c1111,1- lenged the ttppoeltlod l,•ad'•r to ,.tate his stand on the qu'•sto'n openly. This was followed to a cliall •nge from lion Ur. Reaum•- ti:at- lie would be willing to resign '.1. seat if he could be told of a single French family that wished to have French ta'IZht alone. Hon. Dr. l'yne mad.• the statement that the Go. rrnmeut e to prepared to follow out it.; policy- with courage and determination. The platform had been laid doe 'i by S!r Jae'es Whitney and they would ..land by 1t, believing 1t to he t' best thing fo:- Ontario. The whole program spoke for em.• i•ncy. I 111E - TRANSCONTINENTAL Mr. Grahams Saila, OM Report Partisan . and Mietading t• • Ham O. P. Graham. is tl•'fend.,F Itis acts as former MlntsterT' of Rail- ways, used the following amendment *Abe House of Commons as the t t:t for his remarks: "That the report' d the eommtsaton ,.appointed by the (Government to en- quire into the eoastruotton of the National Transcnntlnetital Railway. 14 G O wilfully- partlr:.n i.r, t u..1114. ding S i to be wholly unrel.abl• , tl at tit fl s1test object of the said c.immtig skaters was to misrepresent for party purposes, rather than to uiveatigate int the public interest, without regard to the sertoos consequences to the coun- try or this great national eudertaktng: and that for the appoin' i:ent of mice commissioners, end for ..csseptllig and endorsing their r'•pori, the (:ot'prc- atent deserves the seine messiest of this Hoose." Thr rote has net vt been reached. Va"• out ra•'ts. • t reit emitting la•,- ,sire 4' arrest them. BURN. D t). RAID. Five Peo;ile Lost T.•e:r Lives in Wood tine Hotel Firs t'harlet, '.Ono t, R. ll'-vtl:c, Ontario: Mas Cohen, - moving picture agent. Toron'n: Freed l eleitison-. The Bronx. New York: John Graham. repr.•renttr trial- of Saverti-aid., London,- Qatar:•,. and sums other man as vet uuku.,tt : were burned tb'death in a lire which destroyed the Woodbine Hotel, Tor- onto. on Tuesday night-uf last Week. Fortunately the fire occurred early' to -the evening. before any guests retired for•the night. Aa it was. hoe - ever. the n,• s;,t'.'ad a 'Ilen recta^ ity that several guests. including loan) theatrical people. lost all their' be- longings. Conatderable romment w.r„ persistently made regarding the construction of the building. it waa originally an old factory made over: and taken over on January 1 by the present company. As a result Judge Denton opened an investigation. The loss is estimated at 1225.21(11. with a total Insurance of $195000. A torpedo boat o a' down a small passenger steamer which plies be- tween Venice and Lido In the Adrlath'. and' SO persons were drowned. The victims included ma' y women and childrer.. in the destruction by fire of a rive. story brick building nn Woodbridge street. Detroit, Walter !Abbey. Peter. bora. Ont., and John Law, Newark. N.J., were burned to death. Harold Nathers, a nine-year-old Any, was drowned In the Humber. John A. Macdo nen, formerly ot Toronto. was killed by an automobile to New York. Chas. J. Jon.. of Ottawa was touud dead In hts room at a Prescott hotel. Re tett into icy water the day before. Parts Hollers Slain Editor The funeral of Gaston ('almette. vi •- Gm of Madame ('alllaua. whose hut band, a member of the French Govern sent• had been repeatedly attacked in Ida paper. took -place last Fritter.. Mbar.* baibre tae pros eine1' minted: vet crowds filled the streets Folk . eat In form . Former Prewlden• Ft crud ex-preml.r Briand ar I of other notables attended tis - 1. Borne of the many wreath i he inaertptaons: "1 victim of votion to lots reentry." as 1 "7/.11104 on the decd 0t honer." Rig'. Hires were paid for adraotageou, Osiers aloeg the roet.• front welch to see the procession Opeesed Steed Duty A d.ptrtetioa represealfag the fir then' organl,atioas waited on the Government at Ottawa tart weak out oppneed the proprred increase to th• tariff on steel. tenets Liberal Leader lion Hewitt Noetock waa elected 1Jberal leader of the Senate at e maces of Liberal senators H. cut• coeds the late Str George Roe. Ti, . i. :t et tett egto e . dice 1.e, w !deb cast. oil. e.tt',.•r' •!tun:L'n i4. ieTkre P:ev, A:t tYt'1 C•:r: -t a'-R7rc: ,r>ta t,; a,...o p Soto• .• ti. 1..oe,.r'- on Januarys 1st. 1915 M,Yw to I..• to ,,:,L• .., , ..pr ,. ;, ,. ,1. , - The Reporter 1 Hon. I. D. Lucas, wh.i has 'been .1 e,...en .t •.es i-• I fathering the Workmen's Compen.a- \o. ir, is out .I Iii• ,d t' , a, ise• it K• .1 Hon Bill. said that It could not become n rwawprr Ir{e it•r. 'Yon „,.h• lute• it operative math November, at the to know whet port of new. ti.- p••..pl earliest, and posa:bly not until Janie want tore •d. tt bat sort I he eueo• wtit ; are of 1916. -21!r. Loess pointed out w eeps mil where to get it .u,,l then u . that the sn lerly iug principle of the you sieve spa to do is to sit ...few/one hill wee to give the perm..nefttly din- e rite i• i.. a (reesy. eaters•..sling sty rahled i-•-rkman Lo per cent. of the re - yon hew. • nay to Condon*. N t e., 1. celpt's o.' hie form.^r earnfrg'eapadty. acres ut a.i;nmem into le.. -.{.•r• That was ter much as the tuanufactur- • incises of .pee .wd mt111 do it Ger a.' • u-- er could reasorably be teepeeted to ltertaiwinyC.winnet. t pay. anti. ;vh11e It cat off dome c.1-the You k-ve to combine in .:our '1 •• exist ne a tences of the injured work - .n .slily -the • harwctrr:•tic.. of a Site. pyo. it carne the nearent po b'e U1 ve k Nolo re . .. 1. •n1't'beatrrtleld.11 tin a1I•ronnd satlrfat•tory• adjt• Damages were awarded he a jury at Owelpb upstage Ree. Chas Deteeon of Tarsi, asemerh 01 F.rpl.. toe tieing 1101000 Aga of the plalntlff. Mr pewee Tenet a local melon campaign For the tblyd year 15 a simessloe tis. ROOM* baa reflood M grratj a /lvwee to A*SI 1,• • Yak tralskpc at - Thoma.i A. N.I.'uo. .. l h. ietoph' r' It •vas sr n ^3 b; Mr. N. 1\'. 1'naell • ' ('oluwb". a y. 1101. 1 1'r4•%0. a D+tid- that this was a fairly high percentage Balsam an Annie Beeant, sin Anna t for the' workman to draw. As a mit- Eva Fay, w Bob Fits imw'onr, a Hoc-' ter of fact, It was even better than rales, a Plato rod a George VI the 60 per cent. which was granted ton ' the injured workman by the British You -have got t,• have the mipd of a detective, the heart of r deep Heal Act. i would like to inquire of the diver, the courage of an ..(ri. au lien I G[iatater;' be said, "if he lateada to bunter, for bide of a rhiuuerlor, for give the board wide jurisdiction to dupositlon of an angel, the pat1r11CP •'1 I � in entirely new Industries not a orrrlrtery nroo,onietit. the 008nIanrr i 1nC117de4 1a the schedule?" The reply of a IiIhthei er and the tetsc. nor of a Grum? oa. 1. B. Lucas waa to the effect Sptax. all Industries which he Intended You base got to know the Averap'te' to pct upon the !tits were included yearly rrinlell in Muskoka. what to de in the bill already, under a former before the sisictut come., how want' section. These are: Lumbering, min - „an it took to huild the pyramids:, lag, quarrying, fishing, manufacturtng, the measure per inch of the in.ide 4:11 a construction, building, engineering. locomotive bodes, the influence of ler- transportation, operation of electric maldehyde upon disease Reuter. the power lines, waterworks and other criminal code, the divorce laws. the public utilities, navigation, operation automobile regulations, how to remove et boats, ships tugs, and dredges, sticky fly pap's 11 me trolieet•.'. how 10 t peraUoa ot grain elevators and ware - hind a hroken lee. the liability of rail- houses, teaming, scavenging and street made. how many microbe's per s.lnar•• cleantnr, painting, decorating and re - inch exist open a VI bill. bow •11 novatIng, dyeing and cleaning, or W ewattedd !tire bring ser gallon and occupation Incidental thereto. Re nineteen thnura,(t, seven 1 lied and added that the bill takes setUemtmks sixty-nine oe he, things.eet of the hands of the •e You toast he kern. cootteou', bright niployers talented. pont., inttustrinus, truthful, 0141•ty compaalts. The oby of thee appreciative, Titin. Piga. respected. re- old ryatem he slowed ba girotfaagg statistics from New York and otheirf American States, wberw it was showy e ourl"eful, untiring, 'Paitel. Irmo - worthy end will educated that not mon than 16 Ton must ki ow 'ems -thing that hawpee or ill Id happened bolo Adan down to Prem. She funds paid tato tnsnraeee ier Borden. That's a11. It isn't rely isalslpanIeI ever r+acke{ ytae p hard you see. Q remdln.jured workers the t>th� the cost of the present Act wv(p -Mem. ATFiGC"Rialsildf. A Inver. M'� toes, -t jet cent. 'iia nnated Methodic minister. diet) a go to the fajured. th' ease that, he doubted if tan Windsor. d tits manufacturer would be _ harder than he is act to btgb .Dales of LESS DYSPEPSIA NOW MIL wtxll eett1�e 1tor:W s motion to here the y --HERE'S THE REASON The fact that there is leas dyspepsia and =to fore to September 1st of =ration in this community than there to be w Tared>, due to the we believe, eatetsive tae of Dyapepaa Tablets, k.adreds of psekages of w_ hirli we have sold. No wonder we have faith in them. No wonder we ale willing to oiler them to you for trial entirely at our risk. Amens other things, they contain %P- en and Bismuth, two of the greatest '• thee aids known to medical seseDos. soothe the inflamed stomach, check heartburn dishes., heeIp do the food, and tend to quickly restore the Moine h to its natural. aolMSfhMs. baldly state. Than is no tied ape about Mss s It mesas just what it says W■.el ask a..,p.1e(,� You word is anew& for tf Ma a yrprtpei. Tablets don't se - skew rlsosasb to health end make I yea)v easy and comfortable,' ire pea to core back fee yang ramwy. am sold may at the 7.400 Rased sadigothis Mows o by ea Tbwe mod el Od. C. �op� P1ss,B.. draggles. Bed- toed 181CIslie aadwlsk. Perrin Moves Your New Coat for Easter Many new styles of Coats just received and will complete your Easter outfit. They come in the smartest designs and in the most popular materials. From $7.50 to $15.00. NEW SILK COATS NEW SILK COATS Our tint showing of this season's new Silk end Satin l'41(4,0 tor her I*Jyshipis smart wear, in the newest �. t le at 'oust rra,.unable priers. NEW SKIRTS NEW SKIRTS Special ',hewing of the new Spring styles, in Drees Skirts to the new Black and 1Vhite andali.even and ill'ek l'hrck-, sl.t, plain colors. fr each.... 53.50 THE EASTER NECKWEAR, Piton Bree.e .on ion of 1he ewe- .lties in Neeke'. di The daintiest ..f neckwear er have ever sad. Ficbuc •, V. Lee, Lace Collars. etc., . te. Float ea. . ... .. .... toot .. 25o t» 51.50 NEW HAND BAGS NEW HAND BAGS Your Fester t•utllt will not be complete without a new Hsu,) I14g. 11 'e b.t.e all tisw nee t• t l igne in the i1�o.t populnt loathers. Fiotn each 51.00 ,,• 513.00 New Easter Linens Just received -from Ireland our Spring shipment of New . Linens. Special showing of Old Bleach Linen Towels- in Plain and Fancy designs. From per pair 1 S0c to $2.50 Old llleachUue-t.•I'uM'.•la, te.•) .hint} . to toy . ty lrrau,Lahie for initialing. Freeeper psi. 500 to 51.50 01d Bleach Tabl-• Linea Sete, are a ithout tin equal for beauty and wearing qualities. They come i c h..ndso, a designs. Each set is boxed individually. Per Set . ....... .... ........1110.00 su.s 511.50 Spe. Gal v1.1.11,4;1'1 Table Uterus by the ya, d. Loth ll'a Gold .Medal Biand, at per yarn . 50. to 51.25 M.(:ell's' 1'.stte•ns end Put.lica:ionr. Spe•ri31 demonstration of the famous McCall Patterns this 1l.u*tete, y anti Friday. - T !VlihIar's Scotch Store -lin' 56 _•->_et. Jam! easnmsatt�a Ars You Geier. Vest f boa Sp. ing ? I 11 MP, excepuoo..I opp• • . usit 1. ire k now Lei1111 t.Krerd +•t .14,- ..lsn(i'1'.old; railway system i.. sooneste t1 uoh humeset• kt t•s . settle's' stud colonist ex- cureione. Home... eke' s' i uund-ti ip tickets at e Wailed from •tart..,.. -ii, )13.sriana to i pietas it. Met, Tote . Al'vete stud Sas-' antelw.war,tt rr•y 1 .w" tae.,•-, rnrl ase inel:ect .Itch 1'ueoday MAIL l)c•ober 27th, Inr•luavr, v',:.„ obi.: ,g'', 19t. Paul , o• lipliltti. 1e14.• (a will l•t.o 1e 011 • bele uncertain slates via Senna sad, '.0 thee n Navi;;•.tinu t;ennpaoy. • Through Pullu,ata tuutiet de epilog Cal. atm . peeeled to 1k'ihui,.e{I' each 'I'ues- dry. Iewvn►1( Totem() 11 p.et. No_ change of carr. T:o.etn lob vubd re- turning trio s......::ia :rote (Late 11f ismer. Settlers' one -we j• second -clear ticket. Are also oo sale tacit Tueeday during PIs Dare en Headers i Was. W. J. Please deteaned lire dam Menunalgls !1•a WO* bare oa ell ass ea a..w- Tiro 1�aana� eMi leglitadas new aimmotstt sat id in galls eighths demanded TM mai tlelleabed. tag M tc 11 Mr. ener- ant L itaeet totrosi sd a MM asitMsied .evesal kiss terms to ptMeh. t ru-Co Laxatives are especially good for c.hildrep because they are pleasant to take, gentle in action. Oto not irritate the J bowel' nor develop a need for continual or iacressed doses. Sats. a boa, at your I euggiat's. N,.daeel Dry and (eared Co. of Canals. Liras./ 177 • Ma' tis .1,4 • '. t41 It.wi1 ntpt1Uila•11 t)nta'to. Kung.' nn. li.ntiew turd west to aiiuteln Ainerla1.1111 L-katawtt;a-, at )W- isles. - - CMII'uibt nus -w ay seeimile Isis tickets auewld et vary low fares floes etatioee in ()Marin to le'iskir point.; in Al- berta. Brit telt Loldeabia. Arisons. C dirt-rni.. Ct lural.. ldat••. %Iont.'ns., NWSltY-eatinti1r.n1, a1teexin, .i!h acth d1at rilyl um 1 .kpi•ii i:. h. ii.riusrve. The Grund 'll u.u. lewd).' railway is the ahorteet and quiek'-st 1mote be- tween 1V dpeirelashateee. See oe. toe. w.th elect eh i. adhed, elecaret lighted sleeping rare. tttoug•r the nrWf t, newt. picturesque and most trundle tie v.loping section of sees. ern ('anad•t. Chrnngh tickets wild and re•ocrlra- liuns wade by all le t Moll Ti tusk agents. Costeno more than by other..routes. ra Tynt. now in operation Winnipeg to etaskrton i, Edmonton and Regina; Yorkton and Canova, 2; -owe, Mirror. Edson and Cslgery, also to J.1 -per, Tete Jaune end Fringe George. Fall particulars at all Grand 'flunk ticket, offices or write C. E. Hoe g, District- Passtuerr Agent. Union station, Toronto Ont. (OM AT EN 7 QTS Pat tkiil'1i1'!• 111t. In all envntrlr.. Ask for nor INVi:\- TUH'rt AD1'ISRlt,whlch will be sent tr.-e. MARION •a M-tIt1ON. 364 University St., Montreal: TURN ON THE WATER in the blitheness, atter we have pro- nounerd it all right. There will be no almoner of leaks or any waiting for Irate:. A Modern Bathroom put in by real sanitary pi here, will save ito cost In dnetol'a Hills every year. Let us put one in be you while you tete tenevatiog your I - -e._ FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET GODER(CH PHONE 135 - 1 - THEIR EXCELLENCE is due equally to the knowl- edge gained in over 50 years of biscuit -making, and to the materials used in PERRIN'S Dairy Cream Sodas If you have never tried Perrin's "Fancy Thin" Dairy Cream Sodas you will find them daintier than you have thought a soda biscuit could be made. "DAIRY CREAM SODAS", the rsgolar kind, are just u delicious w a biscuit can be. Each kind is packed and sealed et the bakery and retains all its crisp- ness and freshness until it reaches you. Sc., 10c. and 25c. ---.t your (;r'oeadll. Beery package O.araateed. Send 100. in stamps or colii and your *wee* iliCI fs t 'Perris" Loa Ir rb i Salspb Paekye containing soon. other delioious >i�tfrin Urodueb• node M"lez ""' D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY, LIMITED Lemke, - - • Ca>rtla~ia