The Signal, 1914-3-5, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERTCH : ONTARIO TilltrinsDav Mamas S. IBM a THE ORMUNAL IND ONLY SENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIO'N8 SOLD ON THE MERITS OI pusehorhii faugsAte SINIRWS LIMIER* man. The report expreluied the belief in the Bible as the word of God : in the NEW CREED FORMED PHOPHETIC 018LE CONVENTION MEETS IN CHICAGO New Expression of Faith Is Issued- 13ociety Believes in the Imminent Coming of Jesus Christ -Thinks the Millennium Is at Hand and Makes Preparations. Chicago, March 5.-A belief in the second coming of Christ is one of the professions in a itew expression of faith issued at the close of the fifth international prophetir Bible conven• tion held here on Friday. "We believe in the second, and imminent corning of our Lord and Saviour. Jesus Chi i2, to establish his world•wide kingdom on earth." is the nintb of the ten new I 4W11 comprising a report of a speciel committee of which Heir. Hobert M. Hassell, presi- dent of Westminster college. is chair - BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. bolt LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS Abortion. preaoptly attended to on leaving brio et THE SIGNAL Goderich. A. K. TAY 1.01t, Mritarromr. MEDICAL DE. W. F. (IALLoW. M.. B. • dile* and residence. North attest, Goderich. 12 01 county Registry *Alen Telephonu 121. 21t. E. J. R. FORRTER=EYE, EAR, noes and throat 4.27. House .unison. Sew York ophthalmic ..aa Anna) Inettrute. indeal A...pa.. K.S. Num autd 1 hroat Huetslial. Goidrn Square. and kilourefield Eye Ilowital. London. Entilsutd. Omor. 23 S a...ciao ',Levet. *milord. opooelte Knox Church. Hour.. 4. '0 1: a. In.. 1 to I p. ni.. 10 8 p. W. Telephone • 11 littS. GEt). AND 31. E. WHITING 1) HKILIIMANX, estaswathr. o'er -aims la 5001011 • a.:d children 4 ,114e •••ea. acute. :krona% and iterVUtta itS•arders. eye. car. 110.4.2 tad t tweet , terabit° and rh. urn .1 condition.. idler North .drieet third door from the Worm. A * C. ALBRIGHT, D.C.. CHIR0- 11. pialet0f..:4110 511,1 eatv.' 6.111.1. hi - lawmen.. Li the trebinte Geo cures Without data.. rie knife. Fr•-••aarninat iue. (Mom &oat idiss Hanky( *onus roe. lion • 11.1 and pny. a, Ins. LEGAL I)ItUUDFOOT, IdAIS & KILLOR- 1 AN. barri.ters. switidters. notazies_publie, enactors in the MallttiLLC. Court, etc. Private NW. to lend at lowest nate. of Interet.t. allee. •kle Sown., GoJerich. W. K.. C.. R. C GAYS. J. I- EILLOKAN W. l'Itlit:Lifrina Jr. G. CAMERON. K. C.. SARRI8- ‘11. rut. notary public. name- 11.willtoo Street, ()Wench. third door fro ▪ 441e. 'HARLEM tiAttittA% , LL.B., BAR - 1 anerney, solicitor, etc., Gods 1,. Money 14, lend at lowest rue,. AUCTIONEEL ti.,11031Am GENDRY ACt:TioNEKR Hos rg. liodericb. AU tostructioass by =all kin at Signal Wt., *Ili be protarelY et rutted to. itosideuee tel. r.talia. 114 deity of Christ; in His virgin birth. and in lethal ion by divine sacrifice. "We believt. iu Ilia physical resur- rection from the dead and in His. bodily presence at the right hand of tical as our priest and •idvocate," the repot•t continued. ••We believe in the universality and heinousness of sin and iu salvation by grace. not. by work. lest. any man should boast ; tbat wanship with God attained only liy regeneration by the likly Attica arid faith in Jesus Christ, ••We believe iiz the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. We 'where in the great Coll] Init.- /don ‘ehieli our Lord hits given to His (short+ to evangelize .the world. and that this evangelization is the great mission of the church, ••We believe I. A heaven of eters nal bliss for the righteous and in the con- scious and eternal punishment fur the icked." The eport wno prepared, in addition to Or. Russell, by Heil Canon F. Flown% Hama Ont ; Rev. R. A. Toirey, dean of the Bilde in.' attar. Los Angeles ; 1. thiehelein, Our Hope, New I "Ht. and It'.. L. IV. Monti:di. Germantown, I'4. Rev. Canon Howitt was in atten dance at the meetings of the .eonven- tion from l'oesalay until Thursday evening and this morning ,.toted that their. writ. very Largs attAmilances, in. chiding aloud live handled iniuisters. 'HURON PRESBYTERY MEETS Geo. E. Ross Named as Represen• tative to Assembly The Huron presbytery held it. regu- lar meeting at First church. SeXfoit h, lay evening ot I..at week. The first session WAS Occupied with a most eItauii lit nddreink by Rev. F. Robin - 1.02), ef the ih•partment of Social Ser- vice and F:vangeli-tu. Tbe latter part of the talk wits illostraied by stereop- ticon view. of pet sons and places con - nee" Pd With the 4111441 :.ervire work. On Tuesday morning the Hriddnisitiess Was 1 he saying of a far vas ell to Rev It. K. (:rant. RD.. i.f Clinton. who 'ins beer, emitted to St Andrew's. Olds. '2I- hcIn,, sea who brought his work at Clinton to 12. eri.i last Sabbath. Mr. J. G. Reid was norsioted interim thoil• erator of the se...1.Mo during the Clin- ton vacancy. Mr. Richardson was tip - painted to he moderator of sessitio for the ensuing Grants to 'augmented congrtrno p eatios ere a. --- proved at and taw ..... (tom eient in favor of elders its members of presto let y were received. "he repricta of the different atanding ot . f ... Otero wete i•eceived. Ilr. Mc- Ferlene, repotting fur the committer )11 Sithb:11.11 schools and Young People's societ tea I. Woods, for the ...... on Social Service and Evan - INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. If $20,000 toss PRIVATE k;UNDS TO I Apply to M. (3. CA- H▪ •errieter liamUton •Utect. tlederteb. U' K. ROHIsItTelON. 11 11 • I latiLltANCE AOLNT. lc t IK.' Ana LION fan Hrttiab. Canadian and Allserhaul. .tc.:11.414:4T, Salta see 42114 •MPLOYrligi* L1•1141L- ITT : 1 be Oman Accident and llitarantes ortorsuse, wane& ut Laudon. Kn.Vtoki.try Mtn UVAlliaNTita Home: The U.S. Fidelity and (luaranteel. tax)way. Innen at reddeuns, isortaiisat corner of Vic - ink, and St. IMAM'. street. l'h •ne 176. 'ticKILIArP MUTUAL FIRE IN 151211INCI CO. -Vann and to:dated • ereparty Insured. onicers-J. 3. Melawa, &aorta P.O.; •(manila, Vim -hes, tiodesich P. 0.: Thomas E. Hark ries. I reaa- Seafeetb P. U. hirectorr-D. F. McGregor. Seaforth ; Jaw (*.miler% Wtathivt,, %Sutras Mark US.: Jot licarneWeIs. hew" ; James Heechweed; Robert Ferris, Marla* ; Maloatin lh EFF en. linioeneld. Agent.' : J. AS 1245. Heintee•Elle ; R. elalth. 11 a ri oo k; cheese,. Flenforth ; 11. Woven*, usatsrie roury.imiikes y sae:anent@ and inw dm& aside rsopld in It. J. Ntorrlides (amain' Mare.tata at at R. H cwt. Grano y. atgest. MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E. KELLY, J. P.. 61001111.1CM. ONT. idat:12 Or 244111141401L LICE.Nalets. Electric Fixtures SUPPLIES WIRING REPAIRS W. J. HUDDART I'HONE 157 Brophey Bros. GODERIOR The Undies Rowel Illrecbers add Embalmers Orders esretedly attended to at sn beam sight or day. gelisiti : Mr. Hamilton for the c, 1nt. mittee on Finalic,• and Statistics : Mr. Sharp. fiii the committee 011 Recruits for the Ministry. l'am .tudents were certihed from the presbytery and from one congregation for wot k in the Rome Mission held. It was agi eed that at the Alerting in May the prea• hytery should cooler on the work of t he socia I survey nilw being completed. The committee on Systematic Benefi- cence reported through Mr. Johnston and the allocation for the Budget was adopted. The following ministers were appointed as commiasioners to the 'letterel assembly to be held in Wood- stock next. June: :Messrs. S. A. Cor- riere. II:R. Rev. Geo. E. Ross and D. Johnston: elders from Mullett. Lee - burn and Hayfield were Also appoint- ed. Mr. Roes Well named as preeby- tery reprrentwtive on the Businees • committee of the assembly and Mr. Sharp on the Corresponding commit- tee of the synod. Pr. McRae, of Lon - dolt, wag nominsted f -or the modera- torship ni synod and Or. Ilerridge, of Ottawa. Inc the moderatorship of as ThMonks. ot aie - oss•7 were +slavered to the tnonPl= tivogiAr. eo' sad people of First church, Seaforth, for the use of their church and for their most generous hospitality. The following are the standing com- mittees Inc 11414. the ministers being associated with their elders in each ease : Rotor, Missions Niessrs. Mmith,Reid and Johnston. Foreign Nii..ioni Me..r,. mc lime, Roe. and Fletcher. Mabbath Schoola and Young People's Snaletles -Messrs. McFarlane, Carriers and Richardson. Social Service and Evangelism - Messrs. Woods. Johnston and Mbarp. Systematic fieneflzence - Messrs. Johnort,o1.1'srswell and Taxi in. froperinteodmien of Htudenta % - MIMS.Sharp, Rose and Reid. E.ergency - Messrs. Richardson. Basallton sod McFarlane. Ontiteranoe--Meeere. Turner end Lark in. Elnan,* and Statistic@ '-Meseta. Hassfltoo.IWeU anti Argo. The following seinisters wore prow lent : Revs. Messes. /theme, Fletcher. Ilndmartissepolliehardsos. Woods. Johnston. Aisdeissis, IleArthrse. Mitd. usL Onus awl Lsekka. The dila were Ilassrs. Mentines. Wog. Tswana *e mar, MILN_eVsosa.w& NstW,s i0ti/441111i.1.t1411his ero a:soZt. sobde al 10 *Smelt m.o. 4. t.4 ANYONE CAI DYE TKRUt CLOTlits WITH BYO LA Tbe f)ye that colors ANY KIND Of Cloth Periectly, with the SAME CIVIL gge Mere eg Werre mesa see flassele. Ikseo., Isce es Deese few lee wawa.. The Weirdoes ce. Lewes. Maseirew -OD An Invocation Ob, Land 0( 12..' Beaver whose record. of story. shall tell of the deed. that thy fathers base don, How they chore I down the foreet with age ..trorof .no I.gary .1,nd Unlit on it ole. an vilifier decide. The Gaul and the Briton a.. ooeai. uultod. The rancour . 12..-,, w•refere . their enmity To work for cornrow weal. ail are int iltd That all utay in het It the blo-ings of peeve. litut le -t ye sail water those -orporate Worsen.. F lung unt the bree.o by unprincipled trk.t. Your freedom our ma:dam& our kindred. your 11141 t her.. All merge 0,22 2, lhe .ur for k dos.n in t he (Inst. The isro'.1tra of life l• ,..4 'dimwits( myJery. If man 10 2,1 - fellow would all a. • man; For the mood and the great. and the tannin* in hi -tory othcra ta.k 1 Have dug, deli .... arid •par.. Ilat e thorn ed does,. the foreet and braved evert dararrr The frog killing Jot nit at eta and a -hot hat e doled our their bread to the honr.try and -tran.rer And al we y .o I 't uvidaite, tru.ted for wore. And Prot bruit,. lot et h ter true .. m ..snit ut ker e 1 hre:Owl. in honor the gentle. It.e bravf • : I kit alit ihmd, are ritiviod for the blood of the hurker • who braudehiatien kind wills s tuaitt of • WI.ile Pirate and Vampire dePICY and keep codling Re. -risit• to an army of legalized thieve, The I net tire • ( Eur,•ire decaying is falling : And olt tooth,earth often •ickena arta hteve.• tad .be voiitit- forth thunder and lightning appalling. While ...inn duly tell of the Dent-: and hi) brand. 11'here 11000 rno trade follow punote at.) eallinyr Withont the Ilca.da stiark on hi- forehead or 0 land ol the Heaver. awakc 1.0 112.' .tost : Of demon. your father. has e slain iu the 2.,.1 ye 10.01 -lay again *12CIIICI oung. aired or hoary If !ea,. 1421 niai,buod de -tint -4 to la:t. ...twit ell the pruntoter. of feud arid of famine : 1 our si.teni- or, rotten. akd we The gage of dea•nesi! t•he warning exert. e 1 There,.. price on ?tit head of your t(tttt • king • . Hy t I Drunkenness Cfin Be Cured. Alcura Will uo It Memo. the widely -known tie:il- l:no-id lc r 1412 now la. oh_ tainted 1111 our store. It 1' gusratitec,I to .'tile benefit, or !now 7 lel linden. Remedy that has befell 11441 bV thou, nods anti 1 I 1 0 do prat an it eisiim. Drunkenness is a diesel/AC. who are attlii•ted with the craving fo. Loom have to in' helped to throw muff. Aieura Nip. 1 can he given secretly 11, coffee or food. Alcura No. 2 is the voluntary treatment. Help your loved ones to restore them- selves u, litea of sobriety mid useful- ness'and to regain the respect of the community in which you live. Only $1.151 per box. Ask for Free Booklet. E. It. Wigle. druggist. Glide- ' telt. Ont. WHAT THE DELEGATES DID Learned That a Commercial Harbor Was Needed and Got $32,0e0 Kincardine, March 5.-Sorue of the delegates to Ottawahave returned bonne jubilant over success. They learned that. it. was a commercial har- bor that was needed and dropped urg- ing their claims for a harbor of refuge. The minister of public works asaured them that the work would be pushed ahead as quickly as possible, and that tbe promised would be expend ed this year, and proeofily as notch more if tbe eontractors felt they had time, and would look into the first plan to carry the breakwater to Hot - 6 THE LATEST MARKETS Toren% Gatti* Market Itepreaentative prices are. - Butcher catUe, cholce..$11.36 to NI so do. good 7.76 11.26 do. medium 7.00 7.14 do. eoinnion ...... 5.60 6.00 !fetters. choice 7.60 8.00 do. common .. 1.1u 7.25 Butcher cows, choice.- 6.10 1.39 do. sued 6.60 111.;i0 do. cum MOO 1.00 6:64 Canners 3.76 4.75 Cutters 4.00 4.60 Butcher buil., choice- 7.36 7.70 do. good 6.00 7.00 do. common • IL 60 6.00 readers 6.0u 7 . Stockers. choice 6.60 7.30 do. medium 6.00 1.50 do. light u.... 5.60 6.00 Milkers. choice, each ....76. 00 100.00 do. 'cumrnou, each. -.60.00 66.00 Sprtngers, each 50.00 100.00 Calves. veal 10 56 11.16 do. medium it .75 9:75 do. rough 5.54) 7.50 Sheep. ewes. light. 6.&4)7.l.) do. heavy . 5.76 6.36 Bucks 6.00 6.60 culls 4.00 6.00 Lambs. ehoice . 9.25 9.76 do. heavy • 8.25 9.00 Buck lambs. each. lower .7e .00 /fogs, weighed off cars. 9.60 .00 do. fed and watered . 9.30 .00 do. C0.13 8.95 .00 rarmers' Market Following are the Attest quotations for farm produce at Elt. Lawrence Market. Toronto:- • Wheat •.$ .97 to 5 .00 Goose heat .91 • .22 Oats .41 .00 Barley .62 .63 Buckwheat .75 .80 Rye .65 .00 Peas .90 .00 Hay. timothy. No. 114. 00 119 . 00 Mixed and clover 14.00 16.00 Cattle hay 10.00 12.0u Straw.. bundled . 16. 00 16."O do. loose .10 . 00 11 (v) Rye straw . 00 Oat strAw ....... 14 Oa Ric utter, choe dairy .. .30 Eggs, hew:laid, doz.22 Chicket.s, dresser!. Ib .22 2'owl .201 Ducks .23 Geese .16 Turkeys .26 Live spring chickens.17 do. fowl .16 Potatoes. bag 1.15 Apples. ba rte.? - 2. en Celery. bunch .05 Lettuce. 1 bunebes .25 Green onions, 3 bun.- .10 Beef, forequarters. cwt 12.00 do. ndquarters14 .00 Swine, cat. 1.2 .00 00'. 17.1. .3.; .00l .25 1 - .25 • Perrin's Gloves .25 _ - .30 •11) I • 'Piton 56 M 'liar's :sr! 1.26: .io 4.15 .00 • .00 13.00 rIcCall's Patterns 21 ID. H I LLAP Fe SON McCall Patterns 5717, Waist 57ot, Skirt cents each Perlin °loves ,few Spring *ods EW goods arriving every day this week. Shipments in- clude New Silks, New Dress Goods, New Wash Materials, New Waists, New Frillings, New Neckwear, New Laces and New Embroideries. Silks Special line of bbiek a,,,4 colored Duchess Pvilette This .ilk tw exceptional value and will give excellent wear, full Sti inches wide, black and all wanted colors. Per yard... .1.00 Superior lily 'Omit Duchess Pailette Silk. A hand- some silk. beautiful bright fluish, 40 inches wida. Per yard 1.80 Special .howittir of new Trimming Sakai in the season's moot approv.d ileingns it. dres-den and cbinrse patterns, suit- able fur (shines, Yeats and Uollsrs. From per yard. 715o to 2.75 Special ine of Volored Satin Underskirts Speci I line of '11. Ulidersk jet:. of excellent .0'810 y intrito Led .as is, itt h 2a,.• 111.W spring color;ng.s. Each . $2.25 21eVall's Vatterns and 9ublications Everybody uuyo MetPat tei ns not because they are McCell's but been tea- • bey ar. t Ile best paper Patterns 'mole. gamel god and telephone `Orders Si,,.'*- the inittitriiration of the Parcel l'o.t it he.. le f great convenience to our out-of- town rm.-tome... Those part les whotaaV41 filial 4. live, y ..ati 'phone their orier in the, tot email' and it %%Blair delivered the same afteramon. 16.00 14.00 Toronto Grain Prices The -following ,wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat --No, 1 Nor.. 51 !,1. track, bay pc.rts; No. 2 Nor., 9a(ar, rack, btu: por,s Winter etorage, 2 Goderieli. /ic more. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C.W.'s, 414e, ports; No. 3 C W.'s, 40e. bay aorta. - Ontario Wheat -No 2 winter. 98e 'o 99c, outside. Ontario Oat. -a' to 36c, outside; :•..11%c. to 40c, track, Toronto. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 70c, a:I nth. „Toronto frelghts. Peas- -No. 2, 96c to 9110„ car Iota. outside. sidettc. kwbeat-No. 2. 72c to 75c, out- , Rye -No. 62c to Cc. outside. Barley --For Komi malting barley, 67c to 69c, outsida Rolled Oets--1-er bag of 90 pounds, 31.13%; in smaller Tote, $2.22%; per barrel, $4.'i0; wholesale, Windsor, to Montreal. Millfeed- Manitoba bran, 823.00 to 522.50. trsck, oronto, aborta. $26.00 -to sss.r.o. on track, Toronto; Ontario bran. 523.00 to $23.50, In bags, shorts 11.2h 00 to $25.60; Middlings, 829.00. East Buffalo Cattle Oattle--Prime steers. SILTS to ff hipptne. VI to 18.46: butchers. 17 to 11.21; heifers, 56 to $1; cows, 53.76 to 17.11; balls, *175 to 57.60; stockers and feeders. $6.75 to $7; stock heifers. 15.35 to 85.75; fresh cows and . • era active and stead,. 535 to 517" -5 to tiLso. Hogs -Heavy and mLzed. 111.10; yorkers and pigs. $0 to $9.1,, roadie. $11.25 to 51.56; stage.01•60 to 57•10; dairies. 16 to I*40. 1113•19 and Leadoe-Lesalle, 5640 to *3.11: yeasting". 55 to $7.44: nether,. 52.26 In 511.60; ewes, 53 to jt; sheen. • Asibedpili MINI. • •••••• 1. IV II 4 -er ' • g • • BIly VONT Seeds From a House yr PRESTIGE Tures 0 wit Ne- m= ...d. bastirmimell• eneldiftwa. panalle e nd dem lensa• tem • bow at in pankalar Wee 111:‘ gr•w t Use war 11••••411 swerbi. lanes ter Nueound Cane A pen nog Inns ▪ men ma. Telnable Prenden Free With veer Gni seen .. nod now. ekanandla 1245 .45 t • is NW Ike • eeeE ent madam Sod Sri Ob. ass 1253 Losiket, Got. Cords 111 Clidesna LIV10811111101k 117.26 to 15•73; Tem atom. $7 to $1119; stockers and feed- ers. siLso to St: eons and hegira $1.66 to 0.1111; retro*. Fr to 510.71. I Hoge-Linbt. $145 $11.674l .10.4, VIA to $0.10; heavy, WS to SAM ntoireste KO: bulk or sales. Ilbent-Nattve, $4.116 to NISI 7ing.1 $1 $t to PAL .35 to FUN: lambs. oaths, The lissd Karim. Ihretore per Nobel es Tome% swebants 011 gaslitt len asse• I. . id tdGst NO. 2......_._.T.t larNo. Giessr is.. ,.s Ot.f. T. IS St Itses21111.. I. fs 1... 1.10 EA Mien* MOT MOW OteSTI tame smrewt = .•• • • .111.,••••••••• I. ekb. s .........11.00Lalt los.1.11.s. W.I. $ - ., ...... 6 le yrsIs • 80 8 05 Kayser Gloves Scotch Store 'Ileac 56 OVER c5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS Thaos MARRS DESoCna COPYRIGHTS An. Anenne gelvdint • oketth and deecriptl,n Neel quickly ascertain nor opinion free ...ether an 111.0n1100 rei Probable prentr..% ..ruerrs. nese y ronade-e•ial. HANDWIR on Pegg*/ sent free. oldest agency for a...uni.g raietas. Parente takes 'broach Wow. & Cu. reborn vela/ nonce w hoot chmrire, $cleiWfie Bo:riots. • bandeosnair illustrated 0.,e..1y. ,,r- 0•1011..rt limy /4-tentifl,• Ssarnal. C.0.14,5 a year• po.d...go prepaid. bold by 4411 neerrealene MUNN & Ca 3638."j*3)% New York Enoch tepee.cus. F Washington. a C. NAVY MUST BE STRONG Tv. Pronouncements to Effect That That Liberate Will Not Atter Policy Two declarations of the most ex: piteit kind were made by Lord Rat- .( ie and Pcertmaster-General Semite; --- regarding the immediate policy of the British Government on the navy. Speaking at Roxton the Lord Chan - cello! made one fact quite clear, name - that the Liberal party does not propose to go back on the policy Which has been declared publicly in Pezthattent. and has no intention of weakening the Italy by departing from those utandards. While deploring the monstrous burden, be said the Littera/ tarty Is "against anything which will BM the defences of this country In an unduly weak position" RL Roo. Herbert Samuel. replying to the cry that was being rained Inc it redaction or armaments, declared that "%be Liberal Government had al T0•70 been and is to -day willing to 00117. to an agnsement 10 thrift this hosentable espanditarp. but hitherto dealarstIputa to that. *Mist have learlrlit no response." 1 The Empire Typewriter Visible Writing -Perfect Alignment Lightning Escapement Endurance ---Speed As used l.y the C.P.P, ('.N.R.. Hank of Mom 'sal, Merchants Hank, Royal Haok, horn (Grown Hat •It. Might Limited. Bell Tele- phew- Co., etc. , Mole in Canada-- Theta -foie seve 2.5 per cent that must he paid as duty on all miler makes. It Costs you Nothing to - - Try out an Empire in New Model -Empire" Your Office • WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited w.. Works Mon t real. Que. Asses. Fears Another War Tloallistanes of the groat powers In the prevention at wither war be- inett by the a orssec who Iis Go twins or•scv giniirwitey halos AN hverns t coosident such nalaarfty most probable Mace the /Tatfinv•r Bey. to power se Tertioth Misister Fill the Salt Cellars direct from file "Regal" package. 137 TABLE SALT R114 IWO" OUR BIG SALE IS STILL ON SPECIALS TO CLEAR so Dozen Men's Black Ribbed Sox, regular 25c, to dear 2 pairs for 35c Men's Flannel Night Shirts, come in pink or blue stripes, regular $i.00, to clear 65c Men's, Young Men's and Boys' odd Vests, well made, to clear at 39c Boys' Knickers. itile op. Men's For Cape, regular $1.50 to 2200. to clear 114e. Rope' Newry lItteatbses, sism, a &ea 4 only, to elmar 448.„, Preidy'r Ovoraile, Meek, Mae and blue striped 11111.101 per parinent dories this Saba ealy. M. ROBINS Orin EVENING./