The Signal, 1914-2-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO Tst7LVAT, FICHttu.i1 1il, IOU a r— You will like the rich strength and full flavor. Tea "i• spa ems" rHUDSON Sixes, 1 Six=40 $2300 ,; h Six 54 $2950 S.{ of the' 79 Automobile exhibitors at the lath National automobile show held in New York Jan- iary 3rd to loth this year, displayed six -cylinder .ars. • Eighteen showed Sixes exclusively. That emphasiics the dominance of Sixes. You Can Afford a Light Sic Yin! men who, want ouahtt curs, modest in price. light in aright. low in rust of upkeep.. The new III-D»ON _Sia -P1 a1 etc all , hese ideas swtter than any Four. .The price to below auy Four in this class. The weight is below it ale' furl ',els. t Mark the* tarts. and note they apply to tite highest grade of sr. The price ie 117:JJ) .u.b, t. sleri h. '1 ii.tt Cur a Six -4•)• wo s- urly equipped, with I 4-incb wheel b.aw• .and .e•tts for op to vell parsenaera. The weight Ia:alird poundal -sonic comparable 6'ous weigh t+1 per nest more. Alta lire fuel . erretenptiott i.- en-•fmtt•th less than list year's HUDSON ".C.'," a lewei j)awer. 1, smaller Pour. • Now Fours Must Go • F'our.bavelotyl. been force] from the high -price Bela. Mien who cared not for price, not 'weight, nor operative ••oss. baere tilt' ,lu ht Sizes In late yearn. Now men who do care can afford the Siz. Any sant.-class Fours emote alone. weighs more. epitomes more rtel than this new HUDSON Shelf). And think what the Six means in luxury of mot-iott, in leek of vihration, is flexibility, in tire eerie& etc.., . See the New Features Corse see this ear. The design is cm.idered the handsomest of hr v,•ar. It itnwlmnst identical with the new HUDSON. Six -:,1, It has u.trw►ouline body of the wont distinguished type. It had he gasoline tank in the dash --for convenient new ••One Man" top •lulck-adjusting curtains -concealed binges -concealed speedo- iii.ter eras• --dimming sesrrbligbte-h.tnd-hu1Ted leather upholster- ing. pholstering. The extra tires are carried abuad of the front door. This new Mix •441 has many such attractions which yen probably have never open. Corse and inspect there ; and please conte now. if there is any chance that you may want en early delivery. No HI 11SON weelel has ever before been -n lamellar as this. EAST STREET GARAGE h . ,.• 243 N..y. Town H a:1 'deet h, Ont - ra LOCALS == PERSONALS Miss Carue•roo is *Pending a week in Toronto. --Mr. laueier Dyke left on Monday' for Vernon, B.C. Mie. Vera Wiggins is horse from Totpntn for a week. Misr. (tett rude M uuninelt. left yes- t.t.Ly for f131ahotuw City. COMING , OPERA HOUSE FEBRUARY sjtb and st3th with n..l, u, ,,,ess. n of•he S.n-coon ,d ctn. •:•, THOS. A. EDISON'S KINETOPHONE Laughing, Singing, Talking Pictures rhanaw of ereerseees Priors. Ser. :ti , 50% Matinees 'r,ic Plan H r t,oM IRON' itt.r tax an: THE Star Theatre Where mutual progfme is shown If you wish , to _alts your friends a real treat Meg them to iter Use motion pieta eke Merl at our Theatre. It will take you the beat part of an evening. as we are showing between I{ps) and BOO feet of tee best pictures ohWnsble at each p rfnrmenen Ws always have a feature pict- ure in two or three parts along with caber dramas or comedies to make up the full show. ADMI KION lets, children an J. A. CULVER, Psoprl for a --Tne county court opens on Tues- day next with • short docket. -Mr. Jack Monate* left last Thurs- day on his return to Saskatoon. -Miss Mattel Clues is spending eowr holidays at her horde at Clinton. - --Mt. David McAllister, of St. eteg'stinr, wag in toad on Monday. Mr. and Mr.. F. T. Egener and children, of Woo !stock, visited in tow: fast week. - 11i« (.rrir, Je Davis- ..t Mitchell, 1. .t present the guest of her brothers in t..Merich. • -Mi. Jay Edward. of Detroit. vent- ed hie rou,.in•, the Mlisse.t Goldthorpe, awl tither relatives last week. -Mrs. Ed Ingram, of Edmonton. and Mie.•. Lulu Symonds. of Keewatin, left for their western bonzes on .atur- daf. —Mies lir-_ee news left on Illoadav for Toronto, where she will attend the Hamburg conservatory of music for the usual term. --Miss Latta of Clinton, who was here for the dance on Friday, spent the week -end with Miss Hattie Deis cher. Vewgete street. The ladies' smellier!: of the Y. M.C.A. have decided to give a ban- quet to the boy woos of the Y.M.I';A. on Tuewlay, Match :ltd. -Misse, McKinnon and Noble. of Miss Cameron's millinery parlor's. have returner) aloe .pending three weeks at the wholesale houses in Toronto. ,-yea Kenn orad Winnie Oar don and Neter a 1NrWIredir tura, Milton, all of Lucknos attended the I Mese..ti ne; (lustre cluh dance on Fri day night. -Mr. itoy Adana returned on set- urday last from Sarnia. where be at- tended the Amend of his uncle, Mr. Ernest Clark, who diel oa Tuesday and Was belied on Thursday of ima week -Mr. Rey Oriel. of IM Rank od montrnal. Hamiltmt, came to (lode - rich for the cisme.- given leaf Fri- day night by the d.neeeturg Casoe club, cad spent the week -end with friends in town Nesmre. John Cameros, of Kintast, and George W. Holman, of legereme. ville• the county auditors, are coo- dteting the annual exassinatieo of the county ate -emote at the court bola* this week. -The death of Mr.. Mary A Wat- son, widow of for :ate Lancelot Wat- son, occurred at tate home of be. daughter. Mks. N. H. Whiteside. of ilinedale, lllin oia, stn Thursday lest tlrstial took pla a at Masao City. lows. Deceased formerly heed in Godetich and had many friends herr ph-, will h,• artery toi bear of her death. A lady entered rise of our local drug stores the other day aid direr - Ing the druggist, asld : •'1 woof/ like a pound of sulphur. How much is it r Druggist ; "itlftoeu emits a pouud, madam." Lady customer ; "I can get it for ten cents at another drug store in this town." Druggist : '•1 know it, madam : and there is also a place where you can get it tor nothing. - A yuueg man residing iu East I.ondon was recently prosecuted for t heft because he failed to return a ruin of $IU which be picked tip on the aide - w . The keeping of money or goods found without staking an effort to tuna the owner, by advertising, con- stitutes a theft aa tuuch as if the article. were actually taken from the owner's tosasesioo. 1'be last bailie of the tieaforth Ex positor contained the following : "The treaty friends throughout the auwty of Mr. A. E. Hradwtu, editor of the' lioderirh Signal, who had been canned to bell by w severe illness for seven weeks, will be pleased tt, learn that be it now c,-nv&Ite ins+ rapidly and hopes to minima his seat on the editorial tripod shortly.' Dr. C.J. Hamilton, of Cornwall, was a recent visitor in town and wade a plc t•.tut call on The Signal. The doctor believes be in the oldest Con- servative eubecriber to this paper, that is. that he has read the paper for a longer consecutive period tbun any amber Conservative. His tattier, the late Dr. Hamilton. was a ,er.,,tal friend of the late Thomas Mfc(fueen• the founder of The Signal, although they were politically opposed. and the paper has thus been in the family for sixty years. Dr. C. J. Hamilton ha. lived for many years at Cornwall, but still takes a great interest iu the doings of his old home town. Horse Markets A great dryad of interest is being shown by horsemen in the horse markets. The tit•rt sale day will be on Wedueulay,. %larch ith, and it is ex- pected that it large number will be on :tie market on that day. Women's Institute Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Gimletia-h branch of the Women's In- st iture'wilt he held at the home of Mrs. 'I'r.•thew•ey, Elgin avenue on Tbun- dayeMarchketh, at three o'clock. Afull at tendance is desirevl. • Will Entertain 1)n Friday, Man -bah. Mrs. Vanatter will give a curfee from tbree to five in the afternoon, and from eight to ten for thole who cannot conte in the afternoon. under the auspice. of the IJdirie Aid of North street, Methodist church. Admission 15 cents. Is Back Again It is s great pleasure to the many friends of Mee J. 13. leotheringbuw to have her back in tomo again alter her illness in Toronto.. She arrived batt Thursday very much improved in health after .pending some time in the l:eneral hospital in Toronto. Bible Class Meets ?bw regular esonthey meeting -of- for Eureka Bible class of Victoria Street church will be held at the home of Niro. Hutchison. Britannia riled, on Monday evening, March god. All are invited to attend. At The Star. The offering of pictured at The Star tbeata•e this week are certainly first elate. -The Original Willdepicts the spendhrift sod gambling .on cast adritt at Iasi and his heritage given to his father's'tervaota. "Simple Simon, the (Boxing Champion," is very Iudric roar and especially interesting to love makers. S.O.E. Meet I.ivarpool lodge No. 11.1, 5.(11 E., held en open social meeting on February 1, h, the evening being spent in games. An interesting programme was reudet- tiered. c•tnsi.ting of addresses by Messrs. W. M. Knight and Wru. 1luonadge. Picc.,lo'elect ions were given by MIr.W. Hates. mandolin selections by Mr. W. F;. Duonsdge, gongs by Messrs. 11. rlrman, George Teyt•r, Wm. (irigtre , G. Bente-. Win. Uunnadgc, duets by Ri•oe. (3olby and Taylor. Huron Old Boys '1'be fourteenth annual at-home of the Huron Old Boys' association was held in the'. hell, Toronto, on Friday night. The attendance watt ooe of the larg..t in the history of the association. M tjor-lienerat Sir Wm. Utter, in ethers. speech before dancing commenced, recalled many happy days spent in Heron county and ex- press- ed measure at seeing so wavy familiar faces in the gathering. Mr. Robert Holmes, president of the a.- aocietion, and Mr. W. .t. McTaggart also referred to the days in the b county. An entrttaining programme was contributed by Mit•+ Comm HeentNba Notelet : Miss IF He Throttle eon, elocutionist ; Miss Eileen Fergie son, violinist, and Mi. Herbert Lloyd, humorist. Kinetophone Coming Fdi•on'alatest marvel, the talking picture. or kinetophone, rtes been granted a privilege which' hag never betote in the history of the English lbrnns been granted to any form of public entertainment. So great was the interest of King George and Muter Mary in the great inventor's Hewes t piece of virginity that they have leek/in all traditions and have bad it private perfornienee of the talking pinameeletiemathe ilsinala. c ids. back seen and heard teem. The came programme which de• ligbtid the king end queen of Kng- Iwnd will be run et the opera house on Friday and Satuniay of this wpek and everyone in (loderieb will here an op- pertnnity to ex ieoce at wonder d all wooden n • lately new se neat ion when pi tune. tall. Would be a aiesstng What a blea+ori thing it would he If one eeeld Rus a tie *paper and never ask emlae of its ru niers to pay up. As long se the goes on week alter week and no statement is sant for arrearages everything goes like •ilock- work and you are one of the hest and tent accommodating editors on Bart h; your paper is the best in the country; your hums are highly polisbed : your advice followed t your sayingsgladden the bearta of the bsusshotd and hap- piaees reigns suprernre. But ob, what a brute yoit are. after welding a two or three yews for nothing, { you politely send in yeour bill seri ask what to due or a portion of It. Your ratty old paper is not of any ace .int 1 jest teak It to aorn.nr naiate gom, nn nn. in the faint! roads it : ere ewe get all the tree remelt matter at the dreg stoma. and hundreds .of other omen asd eon - WOMAN A GREAT SUFFERER Tells How She Was Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. Tilbury, Ont.-- '• I could praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all around the world be- cause it has done so much for sae. for tiro years I was se run down that 1 was unable to do my work. I had female weakness and dread Cul periodic pains, constipation and backache, but now i am well of all thew. :hives. 1 took Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetably Compound. Liver Pills and Sanativ.• Wash. 1 give you permissie,n to publish this letter W help Others-" - Mrs. WILFRED MAR- CHAND, Box 464, Tilbury. Ontario, Can. Case of Mee. Tully. Chicago, 111. - I take pleasure in writing to thank you for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me, 1 suffered with such aw- ful periodic pains, and had a displace- ment, and received no benefit from the doctors. 1 was advised to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and am now as well as ever." -Mrs. WIL- LiAM TLLLY, 2052 Ogden Avenue, Chicbgu, III. If you have the .lightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegeta- ble Compound will help you,write to Lydia E.l'inkham MedieincCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by at woman, and held in strict confidence. teinptihle- things are hulled at the editor and his parr. It we Were rich we would not ask anyone to pay for his paper -we would not print one. WiMI Sell His Business MrM. tV. Howell. of The Miner' .! ar ufa u iog Co.,has been atMote 11 during 111LAWS and Toronto d >trm{C Che past week and arrived home on `Ved- nesday night. He reports having had a very ,ucce.,faltripend has arranged to have a local °nice in .Montreal for taking Lure of tate company's busters, Sq the province 41.,kiebec. Orders on hand :and acme others that are pend- ing will wren the manufacture of omit of tuawsage cream in addition to other preparations. There seems to loo an almost unlimited market for prepara- tions such as the Misner people are tutning out, owing to the rapid growth of the Misner Manutactur- ieg Co's. business, ear. Howell finds it itnpnesihle to give his time to look- ing after the business of The Howell Hardware Co., and be hes decided to sell out his entire stacke consisting of about $10,000 worth of hardware regardleos of cast. A full announce- ment in regard to this will appear in our advertising rolntnns next week. Campbell -Boyle Port Colborne had a quiet wedding en Setnnlat, why n Misr Helen Gert- rude Boyle was marti.d in 81. James eh,erch by Rev. T. 11. Smith to Mr." Acheron Mleeehani Campbell, B.Sc., son of Rev. '1'.. m. C . mpt.ell. of Toronto, formerly patter of North street Metho- dist chunk. I;oiterrrh, whos.aisted in the marriage. The bride. who is a d.ugbter of Mrs. E. O. Boyle. worm wbi echet'metier and orange lluesotus caught her long veil. The groom's *biter. Miss H.stie Cstttphell, the bridesmaid„ were shadow lace over pink and a black picture hat ; the flower gii 1. Miss Leas, Smith, the rector. Mlle dem/titer, looking very swat • film. Mr. Oetuund Boyle, of Pt inity c.alleg. , wae best man. an the ruluiat was MMus Mina.Ro.s. of 13off du. bee aecowp.tnist tieing Miss Boyle. THE MARKETS There is very little change in the local markets obi. week. The mild weather is respon.ihl ; for eggs having a tendrnry to drop. H era alp going up • lit Ie. The prevailing pi icer today are: Fal wheat, per bosh $ e a to 13 n fti Hue" wheat. t••,r bone Oaten per bu-h... a Y to .1 1a Peas, per bit, 1 e to 1') Barley. per hut a .t3 W e .10 ecrrenln,r,., per ton 3°1243117611t010 a ee to '2.411 _t ro Flour. pater•, per eon 1 $3 M it es Flour. patent, per cw. ..., , , 2 e'te 'I acct Wen. per tow ... . . .. tl .0 to 21 cru tlaorta, tier tt.... .. ..,., '9 in tet '.,i 7i Hay. poi ton, new . .,., 1.S a to 17 et qt row .. s rel to v, n. wood, per Ioa4 ' ... 59271110 :.1 to I .n Rnitrr, per Ib . .... s 11 ro n �s ltd eltse.e, per 11 :... Eew 1'wess.. ... .,., 0 at to n rs Egg.. (relit pr clnr 7, w n t1 A pia icer 101 wa''_ 3 pato 3 Jt //Nst 11 at to a tel CC''ttlla. esalay tsretst. K1nI. air le '1 Ula •_.uue.axaos't, ase..... - �.. s Sul o i sot Iles,- .._a.`'�...__........._- * 'p. tw Qom., '"'-.. - 2 cele / LuaO..'r► le ... .lt to .0 Talaw,per lh ... _ , n it. to n at HM... doer est s .e to i•) •u Lambskin. e• ' I►essa Par► 11 WILL BE MARKED Tembstesee Will be Provided for the Usidestitrs Braves As the remelt of perste pet urging Beck has been gram& to provide grave atones t•• ma• k the grave.' of the onidentleel ora) awilon, who were buried last Nov. tither and whom ITEMPLE THREATENED graves are still nnms.keel in Maitland cemetery. Meyer R •i 1 hN. been nnti lied by Mr. J*memen Kiehardsnn, secretary of the Lek's Diameter fend in Toronto. that the giant has awn male BOARD OF TRADE ANNUAL;MEETING HELL) ON MON- DAY EVENING LAST Mr. M. G. Cameron He elected Pres, dent Other Officers Selected for Ensuing Year President Touches on Transportation Question of Goderich Depatatro i to Ottawa The annual meeting of the (itxlerich Board of 'Trade was held on Monday evening at the town hall, with wily a fair atteedanc.. I. M. O. Cameron. p►eaident of tho board, was in the cuair. 1'RE,Iul':NTS ADDRESS Air WEITOR MARK OF CANADA The lbeslaeas -like Way $s Randle Saks Neks 'lost farmers heartily delike the tisk of Colleting :,all t:ctes from their t,!d frtepd; end neighbours. It's much simpler -and mere sat.sfact:ry t: Ilse them all In cur hands for collection when they become due. Or we will discount them for ycu and give you the cash et,once 11 you wish. Goderich Branch —F. IV.)OLLCOMBE, Manager. The piesident Rave a review of the matters t hat had come uuder his at- -_� tent' tenet- his election tot ►e olliee • Il toJuly laa.t. mem had a wade Che .Cetterbox to Mete:oat the membership of the �( I boatel, and as u result of the eauvaw, ,/ a cnneiderable number of uew menu i Mars had been enrolled. An effort had i G been wade to induce t'eiteel states, True Value in Voting mar.uf:a.•tuters to locate here ; but it Tu the kdit.,r of The Signs! had been found that the time was not' Sur,-1Vill you kiu.11y penult nor opport use, .aa the tariff Ieghilution et 'the use of w portion of .osis valuable %Vasjtington had . not so far had the space in enc ouragini; the electorate to effect that might be expected. The :give their town the true value of their Canadian tariff had not been changed ' vote for the vacant teevesbip ? and he did not want it changed. 'The unfoirtuuate expense to which Mr. Cameron paid a tribute to Vire- ,tuts already heavily en••uwbered town president Moore for his activity au j has been put in paying the coat of an the work of the board.unneceasery election should eau -e ever intelligent ratepayer to cootidcr Tlt-118PORT-\TION INTEREBT!i his franchise most carefully totem - The transportation qyuestion was of I casting his vote for re new reeve Goderich.vital importance to Goderich. DIM- That Mr. EIliottahoule have allowed culty had teen wet in estwblisbiug a hie name to steed at the former mese• package freight business ; the steam- ( lion when he must hove been fully ship enntpauies a,rpeareel to doe want- aware that his gqnahfications were - ung to use crus harlor, hut retrrt ed us I hat•ely, if at alt, Fuhiclent to warrant to the railways, The G.T.K. war tied his candidature is proof "Tough that up to Sarnia, and the C.P.R. people he bas not as h at stake in Iotal thought they ba] not been -properly investments as should Ise e,*entWI in treated by the enunicipality. Evers+ bidding the accend place in lutinirip.sl effort should be made in dealing with government. M-Nunuinge with his a largecorporation like the C.P.R. to j vast property intro -ate was undoubl. avoid friction over. small 'netters: it 1 edly much better qualified iu this try sometimes Meant a large loss of 'mai- spent. But now shat we are culled ne.g. The ditfii redly between 'the upon to elect a new reptesentative ti' l'.1'.K. and the mttniripielity baso tat- that Veift"hnpibethnt Office hi it not v terlyteen removed, and he (the pr•esi-' high time that .we shert+ktt• tnetwat dent) had been in communication with I from thzt attitude ni reckheesness that Col. Macdonald, representing the Ileas been soape enttrothsomeiiwrces C.P.R. atGtielph, with a view to secne- in recent nowatnaiioor and Airtime.? log int'reased traffic se this print. Indeed, ' the boisterous interrupt ions The incnytplete condition of the har- and insulting lanituago isuiliug from i Worit your watch is out o sorts— .,gie of• los int, time,. or quitting ahoy gether. bring it to our watch hospital. We are watch spetiansts and 21 soon make your patch as good as new. If we can t, tve'Il ten you so before we start, Our Work Is Gaaridateed A watt!, eat "wool po of keeps "bed bows" is a tuiracr, Brice dist sick watch in today a 1 lei Infix asd teeniest it lot ycti. - - .5. hor was doing the town great harm and it wee to be hoped that the rep- resentations ep- biro resentaticinrmade su pcent to the great disaster of Novetubet last would have the• needed effect in the ,rapid completion of the harbor improve- utents. The late minister of public works had promised that the harbor should be completed at once. In .tend - tog a &eprrtatrorr eo- ttaw•as both sides of politicsehould be represented. This , bad been the practice when the tormer government was in jowet, and he had noticed that the delegates of the op- posite stripe of politics -seemed to be listened to by the ministers with great- er attention than those of their own side. While at Ottawa the deputation ' should also csk about the military camp and the armory. The president touched en the ques- tion of* market. He had advocated a nt rket evben he was mayor •)f the town and thought the question ihould ice taken up now by the town council. It was important Chet provision should be made for the aceommuda- tion of ferment coming in town to trade. The conclusion of the president's ad - deem was followed by applause. Mr. Cameron submitted statements d from the several industries of the year's business, which are published in another column. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The officers of last year were re-' elected as follows :. President -M. G. Cameron. ice -president -C. L. Moore. Secretary -Janes Mitchell Treasurer -A. (1. Nisbet. The council for 11114 is composed of sixteen members, se follows : G. L. Parsons, H. J. Megaw, 11. E. lit-Agents, J. W. Nitta, J. W. Fraser. Cha.- K. Saunders, Andrew Porter, 1). F. IL•tm- link, 1Vtn. Campbell, C. C. Lee, W. Il. Kohertson, H. J. A. MasEwan, F'. J. Pi idhanl, W. (1'. Psidh:tw. 13 t', Munniogs and Jos. Kidd. TREASURERS .T.tTEMENT The trea+urer's report, presented by Mr. A. Ili. Nisbet, showed a !silence from 11112 of fti1,;H: receipt•. =tkr - tlotsl, $4)111. 71). Expenditnree, end. lie leaving a h,Ylan_e of halts) on hand. There are eighty-one paid-up members on.the trea.urer'a list. Mesas. A. Porter sed C. K. Ka-un- ders were named as auditors. DEPT TATION TO OTTAWA Meteor. A. Porter, %Vum. Campbell. 1)r, Mechlin, W, H. Koberteon and 13. C. Munnings were nanrel as mem- bers of the deputatiotl to Ottawa in organ: to harbor matters. They are to accnimetny the deputations felon the town council and rounty council Mr. Wm Campbell Urged that the Ctrtedien Northern railway people be Wee -grated wit Ir a anew easel tele• e, tablishing a package freight bueine.v wt t has part. Mr. Hobert Fatiott thought that et- tentlen should he given to the r itera- tion of through freight rates from (ioderich .od Mr. A. Porter brought up the ,tue.lion of hydro radial.. No amort was taken in any of these matters A vote of thanks for their services of the peat year was tendered to the president. vioe-presideot, secretary and treasons.• SUED PON DAMAGES Mr. Hera Kemp Has I*glLbd Legal Preeedtsgs Ageism Marines Pins Mr. Beery Kemp of thin town has iswd a watt to re -ones •10,mo dam- Trm�M front the DosiSbw Power and ene melon (7n, of Muni' toe, a'leee•1 Lo hetet. herr roe,a • .s1 h. the dee th of , his ern Therwtp., r• do died ruby in January as the h'Ylt el tajertes is their plant. some of Mr. Elliott'. admirers when other nominees attempted to 'meek to ue .1 i is the meeting last T s a} night most regretehle and 111-tf-c.tning the dignity with which such public meet. ings should be conducted. Had the cbairwan leenless tolerant it should have resulted ir, the ejection or arrest of the offenders- We have tunny grayed awn strong yr wine weuM- rrske admirable civic rulers but who cannot be iudu'ed to stand under existing circumstances. It is now the common duty of every voter to forsake party and personal prejudice and give to Mayor Reid and his energetic colleagues the beet yuah- tied candidate, in ceutbiniog a council of intelligent and progressive, yet careful, tnent'ers. Mr. Cooper bus proved himself a capab'e and level- headed business man and with an abundance of deterruin,ation to eland for the hest interests of the community and the righte of any least cause .r1 Which he may to the chanipion. H. is young and aggressive and with gn.xl Blue Ditacovetsd is Hardware Store on West Street Th. benntifnl Masonic temple wits threatened with eompiete destruction by fire when a small Maar was dierov- eyed in the hardware store of Mr. C. J. Ha epee. Writ etrev t,on N►tutday morn - ineelast A gniee rsspnsee to the Are alarm by the hrigade was made and the blase wee estinguishet) with ehsn- iesls. The Ire *meted in some oahem nil with the exemptive of ooe haM keel rear els-tr,.Y. el, the.. was nn elaawara. The tile nrirr,nated h. tweret the teihng and floor where werkesen bad been working previosdy. • r ,AA i sew Ire eee'ella , -, MAGIC READ THE ti O BAKING .SLUM POWDER LABEL PAINTER. GRAINEP AND PAPE RbaAeitGE ft E. W. JEROME C o. 511:. N-\EUI.E, Routh .tree•-;. Iles:. workman -hip. Ilk, i aro forst . Pattern hook- •,n at•rilu.tior- !. 0 easseseeeratereratereNtesteerwriereeratiMetit financial experience, and lav cg recede a derided succrwa of ht.'nwfr3 Wetness would prove N valued acgsMt:un in street.; boning our council. El, cu:iye bu•inese capacity rather thee personal pride or empathetic interest for a candidate should be the essential qualiti as+ ion in electing a wee to fill, this vacant reeveship. Sincerely your) AN ENTHUSIASTIC14.'..' tvsr„ "AN IDEAL REALIZED" Statement by lieury Ford n►'de about the time that the Ford Motor Company was .svganized-just ten i.hort years ago "1 will build a motor car for the multitude. It shall be large enough for the family, but enough for the unskilled individual to easily crier. and care for— and is shall be light in weight the t may be economical in maintenance. It will be t of honest , materials—by the best workmen money can hire—after the simplest design, modern engineering can devise. But it shall i:_ low in price that the man of moderate means own one --and enjoy with his family the blessir of happy hours spent in God's great open spaces And Henry Ford kept his word. FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAH 1914 PRICES MODELaT RUNABOUT - $600 MODEL T TOURING CAR 65O MODEL T TOWN CAR - 80 With Full isguipment, f 0 i %Vslkrrville 1 Three Fords Do 75,000 Miles Three Ford Cars used by the Mail Depart...:at of dile City of Toronto have an enviable efht.:ent recotd. The cars have each t tlmpleted civ cr miles, and have been in perfect condition throui -?-o'a: the Christmas rush. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited WALKERVILI.E, ONTARIO W. E. KELLY, Ajleat, OODWCH, Ost.