The Signal, 1914-2-26, Page 11
you put into good adverthen4
not a dollar of expense, leit
Jolter invested lapse which
rots win snesive hitcher div
ideods than front rimy other
The Mime& to Uss boa etvertle•4
urethra ks mese County
r --
To renew your subecrip-
Lion to Ttiir Sigurd and
receive one of this year's
• 1.offar,-7.r.irrt.,,,11,111-1,
SAVE, because- -- No. 99
Economy is the price of prosperity.
Head Office, Corner King and Bay Streets, Tnronto
General Maoager - - - - - A. H. WaLker
Goderich Branch -------- - - A. Porter
Auburn, Ont. Monkton, Ont.
Etayfield, Out Setwargville. Ont.
Dungannon, 0144. Varna. Ord.
All kinds of Insurance
tiFFIl'ENEx-T CAN:t1 41 %X 11 INK tibt OMNI ERCE, WW1:Mt 11 •
I'lloYtKe : ()Ere 1: 211: H.,rsr. 151). P. I I. 1 44 0( 361
UCTIoN sAl I)' X XII.' till E
fp. THE FAA:elf ills or 1 I 1 I 1-:
- _
,er,t;eyt 1•44 ,101.1
for Ike i• -et emit.. .0 tee vac...el,
..'4 ,o *14. 1. -)41114444)' of %I, 1:44t.
• candet.t. :or ha,..
with Mr Fonott. 4e, a.. tee
,.uCuo•c.kr4.......• of :47.1gnti,/:
1 Ars .• '6411.41t4.41.4It• 114,1 •. t h.. .-.•15t or :horn
„ rrv. ti ..L.4 00)014' .2-'. '.P. may be
Reid. I ha v• 4,44144 he en...title
Ir.) life in tiodench. 1 nave all my In
IMO 1 4411 4.74....,-4.44, 1 4.. tN••
oe of tue tO•rn. I -bail not ha. lila* to
II het ie t dey •nd I take t hs.
your +upper et tite pn
ole. e
I . next.
Your* faithfulle.
To '1HE RATEPAVh.lts 1)1'
1. itv's it
I 401. tOocr. v.v.- ) s 'Throng. ,wfault
,7 "en 1.•%.• rata.. 7.0 -14.11.1 e etre, on
e the con un of Lee% e to when I was
tee a rel. weeks aso. My former opponent ha
wed sot to Inc cal114,..41
I 1.414 LOtald 041 rell.nted by a, A. Minot etil, 40.
(0,140 the et pe toe 04 00 rood len. but a.
• 10141414,4 te being torcee) I halo ,14(404) 1,1 I
, .• th,- memo geoerou. et hien you
.or Its January. So far I k uow fault
1,0. 40.444 foetid with my at.4 to rather • 414.100 ,,a1114.11 or at the come y omelet). and I
rot the. I he allelic, to
111.....t. mit tey
olncerely 70110
• The under -um. •! loondater of the Kintai!
Crie.oe and r 04001407. Limited. "retorter
%Kit Plt..i'i.e'l
IThe tinder -don, It oner for -ale at paid.. -
.talon al b.. 400114. 01. Hondltots
. 1.1 the ;owe of (.oder, h on euturde,
tti.. d.ty et lo 'emir). A D. t. •t 0444.
tri th. ofteritoe'. the fmrMer
4y ,
Ono., of Ice . t In he 44444 444)44441. .44.44
Portern di eteion of the to.. o-1114, of r'e,horrie
b. the ronnty Of ll'iron and ptrtr of lot. e .44141
je,le. Meet ..,.1 n444' sp.
1'0.11.or,r, eorntrri•Ing teem her ninety
▪ And on4 144441 4441)44. of la, d ...ore Or leo.
This propeny erhteli era. fonnerly part of
the lot Orreato frttn no. :to, repelation I
Students Present Comedy and Distin-
gursh Themselves - Parts Were
Well Taken --Full House and Every
Bod? Pleased -Will Repeat at
Dungannon and Benmiller
Every available seat in the Victoria
opera house Wag occupied en Mon-
day night aud the large audience was
well pleased with -The Private firers. -
t ary," as presented by ?the ocholais+ of
the ; uderich collegiate institiete.
While, if courage, it Was not tote expec-
ted that the pertor niers could main ain
(h., reputation of oroferrionals in the
excellent farcical comedy, yet they all
did remarkably well and much credit
is due thew fur attempting such a
•Itftictilt production.
As the erratic old uncle, Mr. Cotter -
mole, Mr. Frank Collins. made t he
greatest ult. He showed iseinerkalile
hist,. • ability and did his vet well.
The t it b• tell was very well Played 1.Y
Witold Walters. Mr. Unswoa th
Jenes, as the taller Gibson. %vas gots&
Messrs. Hector McKay and Samuel
1e as Mr. Marsland anti hi.
I 1A141) (I 1-"FliANKS
lo the Officer- and Members ef M ,.le Lear
I .ottar :7. tealeri. 11.
s sii 1 bee to acknoottelyre with
gra:omit. the rtoript ef cheek for 13..11. Tse
ares.oit bear:on., 4 cortlOcrle of in.uraner
in tit. 4414,, 4 of 1.'ll44e4 Workmen.
:oder4 di held hy ley lite beloved btohotia
41%'443,,.n I for the kind e41141• of
;trying -4.el4e.•10 .44•41 lielp. 42 oderet4 10 U. 1)3
tbe hatthrel. o ley :nue of ,ortow and 44444-
041.,. oen the tleart 0 alisbora ororoonw 0.211
grief. then a i• ar totliza %float litre 41 14.14.4
-hip mean..
My ono, o ,..orwety may long liv••
mot pro-ixr rod 111.41 yeu inoy aiway te char
tahleand it, teed a helping hand to ,
Mee it; AdOtin; the fattot•hrmrtrd
king it oh the 40,,, I if (up.. ik y tu 1 h44-.4•
1...tiorese 41, -burl Mar 4041 alw aye Le '
fou our 2to tr. 1 r41,04a,
1.041,. very ie-ocetfully
t 4414)'A klu4..1.A..%1l
1 .2.. oard. rot
s•ric EIII,Eit. -1'IANt) TUNER --
b4:4044 04.0•.' 4.4•-• 4/.4.11 (Attn. In 211 county , . f,,r 11, Ir,tzntan d other, ha. arrived
uel there 44 A: 1,. 20117 0041. 0! ride ,r left At J 431 Th.\ ND'S drug .o....
meelia,1- 1 here 'c..'.4water oo the propsto. ann ree,..],...wompt 0( pbc.,.. 141.
II gaud reams- ter o 44)211 4044e eno t I.e -
4,, fair ....glebe 'no 1,44,11 4.... beer,
Mei end •. good -Tate of ult1 alum jr1 Ei)11(tiE LAI 111 1VA I Tr.. NIA I'LE
t;r)trt:st, row‘sifiP•
andaid rly \sett ..Iate..1 for frill,.
1 tie 1- met ty u • offoro.1 1..1 -a... -Oh,. et
10,4 14,1er,.441 4.
1', 211140? et1.• fry tor 0..t. of the plechee•
111,,I4 7 at 111c 1, Il within
tlor,, day. par 1, .1,1 4041,11[101, of eat,
tnvy be had from 0..7 of the eneeregned.
Dated thi. 7th del 441 4-, ,41-11.1rj. A. I). lel.
144.444 '.RLI A tattrO . for Aa.ignee
of the ...tate o' NA' I no I 11.,,r
Pft,I it' a DAN 14 & kll 1.01:AN. sow'
tors for Ntyra nce
T In 01.% - DEN r 44441
1•CTI4 IN )4 tI.E (i) 4:11 KEN):
o NI) l'I.AN
for;LOAM public root ton MI the preinhee. 14.
Ei ANTED • init the -out h 044-: . corner of the c..1 h.lf of Ice
limes -I.. Lake toad cOnele.olaft A411014141 on
" Thnrotay the 1:4 1. Ivy of March. at 2...•loci. In
▪ settvANT14. Perron. requiring farm bel44
hoeld apply at once to WILLIAM M.-0.1111
4.414. Dominion Doer roment 11:1111e4ortneet
-istent. St. Helene, tint. Order. left with H. .
oliDel. at Relent, Ont., reeeiee prompt
.1Mien. att
One of the beat in the Prov-
ince. Fixed rate of aseesoment-
I ive Stork insured at its full
valise whether on the farm or
not. No trouble to make adjust -
t merits.
t Agent for Colborne.
Bedford Shaving Parlor 1
4 weeipped trad,anoet. 1.
First-class barber. only eni- 1
up-to-dete shop in town.
Thle ober will stand the gm • 1
c erneseert sanitary lil•PI1etim•
I Outside work done oa request. 1
' Reams and shears put in fleet -
clear shape.
W. 0. LC WET
t< .-rk..............s...-aa_......-_-_...---.-^-a-
AC-- -
1...4 hell. 't.. 4.110(447toodel . I h. p enteric.
No reeasesAW elfer retwod for boot nowielete
or hell separate. a._ T. WArgool. troaresyl..
.!se_ritter Ors, 040(04'.,04-1/.I
Lmitrialliavy. street_ eoetain4Lizerastateses. tow
lettkOnnie. twwww4
Itharveriely repaired from cellar lone :
eaa mall hem with mine fruit. Apply to W.
R. PINDe.R. Cif.
I RL *4 -ATE
f We hove for .ale*bent= Wore Iota.
1 prier. ranging how IIJO a atoo those
"U‘tietrrtPRODOOTltg[Mat% 'AM
deb OW- Witt
tilegibRIftlaii, PircOmfilif Wm
AA, Niue. Tim residence, *4( 44 tear 104..
reeseely lusevre tat the A .MoD. Ansa lowelefli,
wars, caroms aad Raglan etreeta Good
44,4444 14004* two derlea le 1142440Aw male ;
modern orareatenseen. Droslidle Wanted with
variety of ebetee fruit, Dee of am beet we-
11111an I ioderleh. Ftweossabie ter. P. J.
111. Ooderka. 7ltt
rNashalatogiessese la tb• Meth
et the biweekly.=
01 a
wes. ao halldl
oaSotead trunhem Thremwea
a ••1 Forrii
LOA . Oderteh.
Wirt TINGE AND FAliMos.,..PROwit
/OR ft AL t -I
liele elfeerel A
'he after.toot, the following* property • lb,
!rano• building fo)liat ,ly toed a. 14 cheese fort
tory towel h. r atIti 1114, boiler and other nta
chinery therein comm. ed.
The putehaoo 10 remove the building and
1114411 041 44.0 bow.
The following ac.• the conditions of mile • The
perch „ • o p.o •en per cent 4,11 the day of it.e
+ate ano the halehee wehita 44144)4 4144)..
Imenediale poceedel. can be obtalari.
Further particular- wed eonditiona will he
made leown on ' .1e3 of etle .0414447 he had
(rem ii..der•oreed.
bated se tioder. 2, 41)0 Oth da. of February.
Oahe. h. I/atone.
&eerier. for. If AP.LIL'OSTEiV.iitT. Leend
&tor. I:. M HAELES. Atte' Mated% 9A IR
1 0...11F.--TEI V E f1:17A-RifiLTON
4 TIME. Asillste cm Wednesday anemone.
rider pleat* lee: e at eft:NAL OFFICE and
nevelt • meant.
Two Ulla nest all trines.
Private tags boos prompt and
1 cetsdial Meestion. Firet-eille
liesey meets at all times.
lesseesable wills.
Saab *sea Thane Se. 11
2:111ZAB Off toef/11. h
Kg:FOR SALE. -01‘13 �!-N.
MUD Kroll: ace
Outlive -a ef Oel
we keel..
• . t, . 4.4741141,-
Irklitor help .4lou4t1 111 remit -loon-
.• early so t %Arne what you wal.t on .
a 1.41.1 444211 and eddree. e. 410 Het:. No. I. ilode
441e 44 . .1.. It' Toronto. thir
a4,4 h.,. et %Van pat...0 1)0.,)'..11 the
oui h Ye, Mil. A.
,N t to t Lot,. Arlan, lony•
tor'. by leo ir.g 'hem -••• 1l‚ your heti... lint
der- -amt. price- a- ode .v.11- Per rn11. it'e
tot ell triples., halite. tcs Goderich. %% • Vitll
,lo ) our paint Mg ar.ti peperii.g.
nophe'w Harry did well in their re-
spective parte. Impersonating the
charecter of Douala,' Cattermole, Mr.
James McClinton witted light arid
shade very well. Mr. Ernest Porter-
:I:rade a good servant as also Mr.
George Mai -Ewan did the writ serving
✓ tunt on Spalding very creditably.
The lades excelled in their parts
and gave a good portrayal of the
character.; they represented. The
part of the spiritualistic governess.
Mies Ashford, war taken b!,
Coterie Clark who gave good satirfac-
Don. Edith ilf•risland and Eva Webs-
ter, her friend.. were both played ac-
ceptably by Misses Mary Tout and
Meta Mut lel Johnston respectively.
Miss Jean Nairn, aa the old landlady.
evoked much amusseineist and applause
in the fultIluseut of her part ut Mrs
Toe pupils were trained bv Mies
Clifford and deserved much credit for
the grey the play wet, given.
The rest of the programme wits
nicely given and most interertitig.
Previous tn the pla.y Principal limile
announced that Mr. Th.anar Tirtford
would he presented with at dipl
ft•orn the tiov•I Humane societv for
baying the life of Mr. P. 1.. Jer.iiings
ttn A tiguat 101 h 31r lieca-ge U1184.,
ram ot 14r. Case. uf Dungannon. was
pi esented with a medal fdt: saving from
thowning Mr. rns ort h Jones on
June 1:; h.
Mr. Jansee Nlitcliel! in a *hot t ail j
dr... niade the presentation to Mr.
'rum 41-t1 and De. H. I. Strang or esentoil
411.- medial lo Mr. 41 ;tee. Hot ea,: e
former es tideuts of the r011eglate ;11.
e. Mr. Weller Moor,- gave a
bril1. account of the bowie deed as he
WA*, ell eye Wittiose to the acc:dent ol
Allgto.t loth,
At the 14.1.6 .... ing 01' the coneert ,11
boys.. chili in. 'was given. When the Col, -
lowing took peal, : - Jr111m1
Mi•Clinton. Ernest 4'. '44101. Roy Meu-
rer, Perry Beattie, Ed. (*ovine.
Philip Cerey, tseeige Ma -Ewan.
Worthy Ryan, Terrenve Kidd, Cyril
I tailor., Bert 'Cott. liartild (7urt ie.
Harold Williams, Willie Rabb. Joe
Ke)ly, Arnim itrancP. M tick- ,
lin and W. Dolton.
Mira Hodge had drilled n number
4..I'Ig hairs in club a.%% outing and six
of them gave a goo& a of:that. •
art. Dube* who took part wort' Miss
Aniy Witik. Miko Cora Allen. !Miss
j st Hays. Alias Igeelyn Pollock. Miss
Gladys Field and Misr Mary Cat k.
'rhe pinto/its of the evening were
Mien Florence Smith and Moos Ida.
Cueeie. who gave man t• good overtimes.
Before ringing Die national anthem
Principe' Hume asked the audience to
stand it arel sing it wit hem rushing
ler :het • wraps. as was teo often done.
The entertainment passed off very suc-
cessfully aud withowa hitch it, any
scholars will present ''Th.' -
too Seerern. y 4441 1 nitigannon on
Friday night and at firniiiiller'a week
-Mr. F. C. Gilchrist, t revelling rep-
resentative of the AinericAn Road
Machine Company, teem ned on Sat tir•
1.--1010„.Hu H141 HAL.1.1..11;..1,-HoN-F-: day last front a business trio 0. tee
X 4 1.MPANY marititne P ovinces.
H, I ,, 1.114, 1'4.,4/4, 411044 0, Ili 41404'1 ICI
ItV1 ‘1141 14 ON).
Iturd IM,hoor 4 (mostly 1,441411.4 la in the
WM ter,. ; 1 ^4(1 ol/lor or 1 .oderich ANT'El.).-Tw()
teen of Godeocti in the county of II uron and
oroyiece of Om trio.
*And 444411.44. 44 ia.leemen e redient that the
041-0 4)14044(4 be changed to the ‘111.1ryo of Dun
gamitOn in -rid COMO .
Therefore The Dot erieh Rural Telephone
CI .tuDany, 1.40)41. 11. • natl. a. 44o1low-
1. Illet the hearl Mile* of' The Unclench
ROW Telephone tympany. Limited b...
the ,..ame I. hereby changed t rom t hy town of
(ioderieh in the count) of Huron to the It
lage of I lungannoi. in the...aid county.
2. T hot Ode bylaw he.ubmitted with ell due
dbmatch for the :mart too 0( 14* shareholder.
ot the Comiony at a ireneral meeting thereof
10 14, called for considering the 'erne.
l'a-ee41414. !'(h - day nf January. A. met
Secret ery. Preakionf.
1 ertlfled tinder the Seal of the raid 1 'ompally
040 HMO Ikka0140/404/11/4,14411 Ploolssoialasesetaay.
NI 41 JOHN114titrae "
eat. Secretary._• President.
IV TUE 1.4.1-.Vrt. OF kl•rrsurs• Foutr, LIMIt OF
mo TOWV/11111. tsr r01.11e411441:. 114 VHF
COUNTT CW r MON, YFOM Dacgatisti.
N. oder 44. ber-by given puns:wet te 1 (leo.
V., cap. ...v. 4S. thet Al)_ pereone having
claim* sauna( the eetano of M. attaew roan,
late of tbe townahlp of •olborne. In the county
of Huron. Feension, deesteeed. who died oat the
Math day of Jesualy. A.D. lit14. are reunited to
eaggage delkow tatt awheratigard.•
fnr the esoeutors 11tar wait eases. ew ne-• be-
fore the second day of Marett. 4.111. MI, Fall
portiotohin Of their deka.. wad 41141 salons 01
ese214 :ey. lased be thew, awl that
W ier wadi IT= dam ths sale rams -
tare wit lista the riaseta .1the
e sid the perw•no entitled
theooto any no the Gleba. of
also the oseratars ota be toe
whirl/ ISid.1710111 thee bare roe:rived 111.414110P,
▪ •••11111.00wart thereof. us say paws
sr peraw. et w Wallow orates Wall BM
hen awe InerrldVid at tirs date of •ook 44.044
Dated tlai: eleventh day of Vraeuary, Lb.
4'11 AR.LIIN 4: ARID ISW fietion. 44.414*,
for THOIM Arl !AMU nn.gv.
NOW* berb7 111,11111. Plinallikot 40 440,11041
It. Messer 44 01 the leatowe of Ontario I
George V.. tbet an re itbardelatow
against tbe kbeato et rag . de -
who Med en
all -11:. timi.thed
CSeeate on. aro elosiw:f:1
er Le dellvor to Jobe
on er begero the
A.D. INC noel,
web 4044 promo% re
w idths waters et the
by diem duly vorlIod
umat awe tlw aka
WIC woofs
ast ataallat tee time et
Ude Tetesrelsite ate
•APACM, seWrealLsore.4A
II • le * floret
1110.4). Xperlen0111
wage.. wooly itRowN
1J TAILadtINI1 - MISSFo Breit; 4,11TII
and 111cL44OLi. room 3. 04 floor Maeome tern
pl., banding 21
T T of good add owe and *erne exp. rienee 0.4 44
salesman to work the town of lloderich and
e.unry 01ono), epleodid and pertnanent
petition for the right man. 141054.2 & WEL
LI elITUNI. numerytnen. Tomato. Ont. !Ore
Notice t• hereby given that an application
will be geode to the boatels/tare of the Orovinee
of 'Atari° ea the nest 'erosion thereof by Lire
woolorpolny tbo town of Doderlrh, oo
behalf ot total1 and the other neynictpalitlee
while& have guaranteed the mod. at Vas 4411
404.1041.41001 Slier* Railway 'mummy. for en aot
tO ray.' ve the act of ineorporetion of odd ono
pony, beine 11 ad...Led 7. chapter 75 44m4404004.4
by outset:noon- legislauou, and sates:died Dm
time for lbe completion of the teolertaking ot
maid Itaiiway company
Dated at God.' ith 1404. 17144 day of February.
A.D. 14114.
95- debater tor AgspUranL
Noise W hereby friVerr that an applicetioe
will he made to the lowielative Arternbly of
the Province of °Mario at he next --melon
thereat, for an act to looOryturate CoMpany to
be allow n a. the London. tinted !teed .44.1
S tratford Hail ws y or such other name re au)
be glees to It by the Loglalative Aeveurbly
with power to owed rote tied operst• • Hoe of
runway In Detario from the nty of Leedom
north weetwir through the townellp ot Lon-
doi.; thews seethe's:Warty through the town -
.hip, of Lebo. Fad Williansa and Wed Wil
Henn NI P004444411 07 to a point sear Parkhill:
Owe mertheaderly through the townattips et
111011111vmey sad to Dread Wed;
114sesolterlY to a soblit tie cm weer Kilitillt;
timathe* [be any of must:ford; thew.* :meth-
weeterly 10 1140 city of Leaden. and with power
to nwagiete bronobse 00 esteeriona 01 04, • vid
railway, art to eftwort with say railway:, sow
beat or to be Want at awe past* shire Dile nay
of wnweee. and weir Power to opera* *au
railway by dews. mintrimity 00 ethorwase ; aad
with rwww to woks agreweeeta
ollhoklewollakell want other eimeeasies. sad ter
n ob ether pewees as aro wealty :dem to mu -
way awapasia. and sar mak arware as are
assearaiw se railway owagatwo. entooteallg
ainglea ra the bosatoes sea noway essagney.
Lewallee Ilandlea. Tarsals. netietion ter Use
Many Interesting and Profitable Sub-
jects Pretreated and Discussard-
Teachers Should be Prepared to
Meet Their Classes New Officers
The annual Sunday school conven-
tioo of the Auburn district war held in
Knox church, Auburn, ma%Vednesdey,
the llth inst., and was a decided Nth. -
Celli. Grave fears were felt. at the open-
ing that the convention was gorogtu
be seriously haandicepped owing te the
unavoidable abler tied of Mr. Win
Plunkett, who was to ilexe given an
add:rear and who war called away at
Ole list boor to pay hie loe( fesewell
to his sister. Rev. f). %V. CLAIM., of
Exeter, who war to have given a
couple of tuldreesee, was also unable
to be prerent.
ttowever, the convention 4pened
and nvt lied, alld although he
abeence of Messrs. Collins and Hun
kett was felt. yet 71111 ple-rnt enjoyed a
4.e1 v profitable (tine Under the 1.1.•
guidance of the president ised the
inspiration of Rev. P. K. Ilayloot, of
Toronto. IL ineent 41 haul day fo.
Mr. Dayfo.,1 bur he v.:ty ably tem
acceptably filled an 411.' gat,al eitioed by
the ntreenee ef 31e4.4o43. Collins and
Tee sung service was 1.41 very ally
hy the 4 iif the vdlag.-
under the leauer ship of Mho. W. limo -
too. At (41,' att. 41)444141 1108441011 lltoy
aria • I/1 I ho
rendered one Pt h.( 1
g two reh-ci . which welt,
enjoyed to the full Ity ti,e bilge Istoii-
rnety. prerent at 110111
The hour of opening wes delayed
owiug to the lateness f the ('.4'. 141.
train (tom Tot ont o, hielt had 014
board wine 01 t d elegitt es. At too
p.m. ib.- presideet, .Jeities JawkSers,
ot•442 the chair and the devotional pat I.
of the lino:, re untie wy s tak, u I,y Rev.
A.. Lasing. ploo or of floe deo eh.
After the presser -ere ses )i4, u1est+
C014142 to the delegates and thr npritint-
ing of the inns ices vomitus tete
Rev. Mr. Da yfoot add r4•ss•-.1 a art.),
Meeting 01 1.C1101141, nod ti -eel for his
theme two paus ef mitts : Ad -Mit -
admit Christ : ConeM it- -centime your
heitet to Chrert 4 41e4le3)I4,-1111beeil•
yourself to Chi ist ; Timm -Mit -tratta-
mil Christ to °these
The choir then gave 111.414- 14 101-00.0
selection while the offering wtis being
taken tip.
Owing to the unit% oideble absence of
14,. v. 51r. Ct.ilitis. his pies.. on the pro-
gramme ea- taken hy Rev. :Mr. Day -
ft ad. who opoke en the nerevitit y ol
1*4.4,1104.8 preoaring 1 hem -elves, to meet
•. TI 1.1.1bt h
school is the itrea41 tr•
the church, the school in which boys
and git I- le irn to do things, hence the
necerrity ot he ottelletr I.) 1M °W., te
guide and the only svoy is to bi• et. --
pared themselves Ile empha-
sized the need .nd :vivisabilityrt t he
church providing M11 vete)" Otion to. for
preparation. The eliiirel,. Ilir 1.11,..:Ikey
maid. idnedd provide 44 ha tot y
heneive a ere' etwe lite sit y diet i on a r-
ies. etc. Boer ere th leen event' fi ton
School 110(5 44'.' leachers do mit ltfew
their lessenti and tell the boys they
should net ask 4111...4440/10.
The adult Rime choo. Was taken this
year by Mr. J. lielLhhy. who took *-
111* leston "rhe tio,At Samaritar.,
the Friendly Neighbor.," and made the
lemon aninstruetive one.
The .'losing number on the &Het -
noon probe amme wits that of 4)4* open
parliament. conducted by Ile•. Mr.
Dayfoot. Mr. Pitinkstt Wert to give
the first address on "The Aim of the
Sunday School.- This time WAR de-
voted to open dierueeion. The next
was an adtbess by 11.-v. T. If. Farr, of
Myth, on the ryiation of the pastor to
the Sunday school. He showed th..
greet periousnees of the position of the
pastor and the need of friendly co-
operitt ion between hini and his teach
err, whether be could be present ur
not. The last fifteen minutes was an
address+ by Mr. J. Willson on the rela-
tion of the house to the Sabbath
school. He dwelt. 1112 the duty of par-
ent. to sea hat chiktren were 111 Vele
hat h school aid the nocerrity of their
'414*.' report of the nominating oone
tee was then received and adopted,
which giver the executive work for
nes t yeas into 1 he heeds of Mr. Frank
(24/opt/ell. Werrili.-al, president 2 min
rioters of the Union, vice-preriiients,
wir h Rev. A. 1.411444 444 trilL Tice sec-
retary. Mr Witt. Pleitikett tteesurer,
Mr. C. Rene. tea,. The executive
lAl coneiet 444 t her* oft4 err and super-
intendent( atilt 13.1.1e choir 4 eaches-1i of
the Car mu. I be at trusram plogromme
clatcd with a by and I....tie Pt nyer
lead I.y Rel P. K. Dayfoot.
n commenced at
7.11) p.m. 11,1 1% .1,4 by 44.,,41• 1
1044,1 loy 11. A. Millar.
The tir-t ,tent via- o rp.estion drawee
lead byRev. Mr. Daybed, vi hen such
(4 4)481 re :
ill %%bat relation has the Sunday
echoed to 1 It Meet fin rash
the mi....home to .41.41 111,,at, who /114-• 111
1.111,411 4,41 111011 14104, 0• 14141,,1•1 41
11.1-.4 (III 1,1,41 fund.", 1. 14141044 boy. and
g .414 for both. To I,. thir needs 44115-
241..11,41 y 40 gather inforinta-
i tttt and use 1 adle • ins mei pie' 114e.,
(24 1. th, 4r41.1, 1,11 motitable and
boa would yi ir.troduci- 11 1, I. is 44
rowel 44•2„ 14. n.n.- t ho 1 fl 1- i 44
'Mt It. I ,•.•1 fits/. O., 0 the
1,,,,.rout ool I4y Ihe44.4-e. The et/idle roll
1, the 11/4-1, Itii.oliave t, when ou
s att ou haven't get.
44', ...OHd 44',' to1 r IIK /1i'' If I-0.1 1 .
Ile -id '.441 14 ageod
s If ef assist .tiss.
1:0 Xeli .1 is a soil I selmers 1 le-
t 4..11 1.-.i. '(''44'" ()tient ? A
solids y school is 1 • o am, y
tear:Iwo( %Milli.: 10, .• 10 144. te111Ht'S'•
41., .14 all )111, g,
1 Wit at s14.,••1 lo- the character of
1114114 41111,ol•oing S ley* itellool
at, Vire*, 14 *41.0 11 11.• • Irir J".,•', -r
L. ie. 144 in SNOW
4' .V /411,1 1104.11144 1,400 1.]
CO %Vile, 4- snout.) gr 4,1e41 lessons he
jot...Diced ? 1,1 p.asii • ry yht.-oes. No
teturc.• vt•-v %Mee the ry-teua is not ripe
eriatigh for Any os le 1.-
(61 What alone combinet
s. rvice- ? It i- a a. 4.4144')' in two 4)44-141.
The Sundt, school C. Venee and got s
on with its ler*, A11,I 41 1 hi- (1)04." tho
regirlar church serv:ce begins with
e4...40417 of Sunday welt awl
(7) How should hisser be or -
e:1 1•1:Lea The 441001 way is separately.
or • le and le tea le. *41 ir man for men
and a to on tot girl...
ehoir re041etc,1 ft select' 44(14
. Bo mg was taken up. After this Itev.
Mr. Dayfirot gmre 144,. regulixr evening
eatir on "The Rhoreset Thing in t he
441',.• Id,- which' is he S ilillat it school.
hy ? •eatoe it is sweet inclusive.
It takee lsi all, finial eldest to yontig-
est, he woe( intutored and best
educat.d. Its 11. -Id of work, includes
all of itiiportnnee to men and
women. 1 • s iv• •• i Ile x hetist iv e.
Yearly it holds 17,1114u cern...titian0 and
stands in numb •• s three is. one to *1*.'
Y. M .0 A Ill illy 1709 are r uning into
the ohms', fr sunday ec1l•)01.
It incl..,1,' 404 e :4 text the guesteot
literature (lie wo porrs.....e:.
'The choir fay• .1 th.• a: tdierw.• with
another beriditolly r to)ered scl-cron
end the roltVoill 1,11 fount. 10
the benedietinn being pronounced by
Rev. Mr, Mill.rr.
The ladle+ who were -in the refresh-
ment committee deserve credit for the
fins spripsr they previa...a in the base-
ment for all who could remsin for the
ees: ning session. In till ills general
menion was that it wag one of the
neat 1,») 4)44)) conventions eve r held by
the Auburn onion
- - - - -
To Hold Meeting
A meeting of the council of the
Bosid of Trade will be held in 'Hie
office of the American Road Machine
Company cm Monday evening next at
eight o'clock. A full attendance is
rewire' CI.
- -
A. IL kikal)WIN. Pr:mummers.
Chairman Knor •With Groat Difficulty
Preserves Order When Audience
Becomes Uproarious -Six NOT.
:noes tor Reeveship -Police Cal-
led Upon to Preserve Peace
There were hot scenes in the town
halt ori Tuesday night when tt.e. nom-
Inations for reeve were held. In spite
of his diffidence to act as chairman,
knowing he would have to rule a tur-
bulent crowd, the town cierk, Mr. L.
I.. Knox. Waal compelled to take the
chair and although he did hie best to
keep ordel . it looked on one occasion
sur if there would Ise loriot, The chair -
turn, however. kept cool, and the ex-
citement wen quieted. l'here were six
tioniiiires for tire reeveship.
The Hrst nominee, Mr. ‘V.I..Hprton,
was not present.
Mr. Alex. Young was the next on
lie list. Hesitated that lie war well
kn.iwn as a8 citizen arid was not &total
stianger in the county council and
that he had served the township of
Colborne for 12 Veers. •
.s% voice front the crowd shouted
"Haws you pant your taxes?" This
prrelti_ed considerisble laughter and
opeeker replied that he had.
He had only gone on a little farther
when e second voice asked, "what
about the water question ?'' Mr. Young
answered tha1 question by saying,
if lie WaS elected he Would see what
he could do in regard to
The next speaker war Mr. Robert
Elliott. In the Hrst place he read the
popery which had been berved upon
him and which he thought explained
why he losd resigned. lie said that.
he considered no mall had any right
to pry int., his prrvade affairs and
herefere1 reeinneet. He nvored that
he had ever lwen a town contractor.
After saying settle men y hard things
&whoa. Mr. Manning. he pointed to
I , anti raid that he could prove that
there was more money against hie
property than there wee itgainfit his.
"It'. not the work of ts man. It is
tile work of a school boy."
Soule 011e in the audience railed out,
"Are you going 0, rim again. fl
"Till,the last vote is polled," Le -echo-
ed the speaker. •
'Can you Irmlify Woe asked by
the audience...
"Why.'certninly." was the ready re-
Mr. 1.1. (7. Monoings replied to Mr.
Elliott. He felt that a man Phould
not represent the town who could not,
operly qualify. He went on to
el iiiiii made what he had done and stets
ed that be had attenipted to siei ve the
town well while in office. While he
teas speaking there was considerable
Itecklong going on And several in the
hock of the room kept cantor; one
thing, sone another. Matters grew
worse until a men wbo, the otory goes,
had becn Imbibing too freely of fire-
water before going to the meeting got.
up and asked trim why he did not do is
certain thing. Mr. Robert Elliott Wait
also Hring a few queations at' the
speakee. Mr. F.Iliott told the fire-
water man to sit down, whereupon the
latter struck Mr. Elliott over the head
with his hat and, walked up to Mr.
Munnings, who was standing on the
platform, and told him he was
no good and called hins some unmen-
tionable names. The disturber was
aaked to .it down hdt he refused
and in the dileccma, ae some were
calling, "tilt down," and others that
be was all right, the cheinrian called
on two constables to escort the noisy
one to his merit. This was done and he
later left the ball.
.Mr. A. J. Cooper followed and said
while he was not a friend of Mr. Moo-
ning'', he believed thet he had served
the town well. He had known of biro
to leave his own work when the town's
interest• were at stake. As he had
been nominated he thought he would
stand toe ewe., webie et good
' perch.
Speaking under diftlealtiee, Mr.
Joseph D. 'tVilson spoke eloquently
and stated that he would likely be e•
candidate for the reeverhip. There
vrere many altempt • "to floor" him but
they were all unsoccersfrol.
Acting as • pea...ernakirr a ratepayer
*rose and geld tt at he thought there
were • couple of men who shordd 004
bother the speakers and if they want-
ed to ask questions they should do It
after the speaker had finished. This
was tbe sentiment of the chairman
who expressed it and It acted like oil
on troubled waters, for there wire
gin nir of tranquility afterwards.
Withrwit any further trouble the merg-
ing came to an end without any riot*
or bkiodsbed.
There were six nominees for reeve and
two have qualified and will run. Thiry
ere Mellon.. A. J. Cooper and Robert
Elliott. Tim list of nominees :
Messrs. W. L. Horton by K. It.
VVigle ar.41 Min. Young; Alex. Young
hy A. W. Haddon, W. R. Orshiurn
Itohert Elliott by W. A. OhiMsolm,
Wm. Blake B. 0. Musnings by A.
M. Chelseal. A. J. Cooper •, A. J. Coop-
er by A. 8. Chrysta/ and Joseph D.
Wilson Joseph D. Wiboa by A. J.
Craver Find A. S. ChryetaL
Melee et TO:reels Mb elth day of weentet. More the lingual Presbyteries &today School Conveyable
A.D. Ma triet was recently beid.
for Ute
-The Stewart Oreille**
Friday. Mar" 301111.1=Wf
a concert in the
class talent.