The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 6• T ueseeY Fan 1P, 11M
Special Values In
Nen'. line Box Calf Bluchers with medium and extra heavy solea
'd prices from $1.30 to $S 0U.
radio. line Gongola Kid Hutton and Bluchers with patent toe
reps and good solea. at prices from $1.:,11 to tk!no.
see ortr window display tor these Special valuer,
Our prices for children'. footwear are most rea.cnahle.
Downing & lacVicar
flume 220 (:n.lerich
How Good Roads
-will benefit You •
they increase the value of his farm; en-
able him to raise more profitable crops; hi,
cost of hauling will be low: he can reach Mar-
kets when prices are hest; his children can
get to school every day -in the year, and he will have more
social life and better conditions generally.
THEY I3ENEFIT THE CoNStmfEK, because they re-
duce the cost of living in proportion to what the farmer
saves, and by banging new industries to the community'.
enable a larger proportionate amount to he paid out in
wages, and with increased population, more amusements
and better stores.
Public roads are commercial feeders of the city, and every
improvement of these roads means a greater prosperity
through ineteased agricultural production and greater stits-
ulnus to all industries.
Economical Good Roads
Concrete roads are best from the start and cheapest in the
end. They are free from ruts, mud and dust. They give
good footing to horses and easier traction to every dais of
vehicle, hut most important is the fact that they require
practically no expenditure for upkeep.
,Complete information of concrete road construction is
yours for thr asking, without cost or obligation.
W'ri•e to -day !or concrete roads literature, to
Coecrete Reads Depart:wee
Canada Cement Company Limited
803 Herald Building, Montreal
Mr. John Galt Presents the Library
with a Fine Portrait of His Grand-
father, the Founder of Goderich
and Gueloh and Known as the
Father of the Canada Company
The annual meeting of the Public
Library board of lioderirb took
place on elaturd•y evening last. All
the members were prevent with the
exception of Ilia Worship the Mayor,
who was, out of town. The report
of the treasurer, Mr. J. Ades how-
ler. was received showing an in -
conte of $1705.tre and expenditure
of $13.M.311 for all purposes, of
which the soul of 10146.13 was for
book. i $1OLRS, for ,newspapers and
magazines : light, heat and water,
$llets.37, eateries $C1) rend the balance
in miscellaneous items a,. ivatrance.
repairs and renewals on building.
The only remarkable increase was in
the fuel bills. A number of ere—mints
Were presented, certified and orders
drawn for their payment.
1 eomntunicetiot wits rend from
the ('itizens. League asking for the
use of a basement roi.m of the building
for club or reading room purposes.
After disco..' it wee ('tmsclerrd-de-
sirable to uppe+int a comtuitt.rt• coot -
posed of the chairmen and Alemrs.
Long and Khoo, tt meet the rummit-
te•• of the (Itit,•na League and look
carefully. into the nutter.
Rev. Joseph Elliott gave an interest-
ing re.utle.• of the proceedings of Ilse
at.nual district 1.:brary :lrauciatinn
meeting of t'rrtlr. Huron and Bruce
countie. held et Stratford, a promi-
nent feature of the tiers cntsidered
bring the rise of the Iihrart•s in con-
vection with(bildren and their ) arUc-
1 1ftialifnitf eu
Illsw/wlwel.t etrlldeined but by Rs -
Mused Majority en Bret vote
°sons last week opened the
and htstorio seastoa of w
which. oor'dlna to all
prob.Uty will see the eas-
el the thirty years' struggle
of this Moral party to ere self
Crl�eRt to Ireland. The Home
Bill whloki la now before the
House of Comatose for the third time.
wee. It carried, receive the royal as-
sent with or without the (torment of
the Hosie of Lords. Whether the Mil
well pass as It stands or whether It
will be amended to meet the suscp-
tibilltles of Ulster will depend on the
nature of the cuacesslons whiett the
Prime Minister announced be would
stake in bens:( of the Government at
the proper three.
The King's speech, tit a grave pas-
sage, expressed the earnest desire ot
HL Majesty to attala a settlemdat by
consent, and this desire was fervently
echoed by Pi -eviller Asquith. la the
Howie of 1`o::mons. and Viscount More
ley lu til+ ilouse of Lord, lu their
opening speeches.
The King said. "1 regret that the
efforts *tech have been made to ar-
rrive at a solution by agreement of
the problems connected with the
goveremenr. of Ireland have so far not
succeeded in the matter in which
the hopes and fears Uf so many of
my sub;ects are keenly (anno:erned, and
which, unless handled row a-Ith fore-
sight aed Judgment. and tr. A spirit
of mutual conresafon, threaten, grave
haute dltficulties. It is sty most earn-
est w1.h that the good -will and co-
op. ration
'p.•ration of men of all parties and
creeds may heal the dissension and
lay the foundations of a lasting settle-
maat "
Despite tele conciliatory tone of both
Premier Asquith and Lord Morley, the
Mintatervt' attitude clearly shows that
the Government will neither consent
to appeal to the country- nor accept
• solution basad on the exclusion of
Prater from the operation of the bill.
Mr. Austen Chamberlain (Unionist)
just as clearly Indicated that the Op-
position will accept nothing less than
the exclusion of Mater, unless the
Government agrees to an appeal to the
The first proposed amendment to
the address 1n reply ,to the speech
from the Throne was defeated by a
Government majority of 78, the vote
being 393 to 255. The amendment was
to the effect that it would be tibias -
trona for the House to proceed further
with the bill till It bad been submitted
to the judgment of the people. When
Mr, Balfour moved the rejection of
the Home Rule Bill at the last cession
of Parliament the Government had •
ittalority of 90. The reduced majorlty
drew cheers from tee Opposition.
Some of the Unionists shouted "Re.
sign "
Sir Edward Carson declared 'hat if
PreEtter Asquith's promised "sug-
gestions" attempted to draw Ulster
within the grip of the Dublin' Parlia-
ment be would. regardless of all con-
sequences, stand with the people of
L'ieter in their policy- of resistance.
It the exclusion of the Province of
rester should be proposed, Sir Edward
said. It would bo his duty to go to
t'Ister and take counsel with the
people there.
Only two ways existed of dealing
with Water, said Sir Edward, and
these were to coerce or to weer her.
ft was useless to talk about conces-
slons, which merely meat t reducing
the proposed wrongs to Ulster to a
minimum. John Redmond, he said,
never had trled to win Plater. He
wanted only her tins.
Soup probe/rata e.d..d
Clark does the worry -
us t...l 11.e w«k—
•orf assures rn.fac•
Oder as •a.uamrst
land in the neighborhood two dollars
and a half lesser—payable es stated
in the brinier advertisement. viz., the
town lots cash and the land parable
in five years by ir►Iments.
One road from/Se town Into Water-
loo has been opened to the breadth of
three chains including clearing on each
side. Another W Eremitism a third is
in ptogre.a toward I fundus to lie made
tht'ough the Clergy Reserve. at the
expense of the government. :1 fourth
Is alta in ptogrese towards til,• town-
ship line between Nichol mild N',tin-
fleet and .direct road between York
and (iurlph baa. been projected by the
inhabitants of the intervening towo-
shnpie so that the town may be ronsid-
ered aheady as the most Central in tili
province• independent of its great
focal advantages and water privilege.
One half "f the motley atia'tlig aunt
the sale et the town lots eotltiones to
lie net apart for endirwuteit ot . Illb-
ile school, the foundation of tthioh will
be laid on Monday. the lath August.,
The pl•en of the town and the dia-
gram e.! the land, ,in unit be sero oil
the spot en auplieetion to .1r. frier
them. `igtted• Jo tie Gtr' l; t
Make Your Stock and
Poultry Pay Better with
o: less than . a eget a are per
health stork amend Ye ales. Try a oe
. ft hilt increase their sato. IS the pootwt'eo34itisMd as Pau hate and
l',-rian.ntly CUM. ('oi,e. Ikb,rity, we lieu you'll be surprised at the moult of
S + •. iia:e sad akin DW'a•ea. Tones up a short Cattle and hoes fatt.-•+
• anima'. so that they quickly up a month earlier than 1thtoet it. •hieh
• ,-t and .Icor. Inereasv the y1e1d mean! you mea a moeth's feed and a
coin three t.t are pounds a day. mawth.. tams Yew east brim .1e pies- to
1 .. -r!ebtrt the quality of the milk. the pink of sedition et the east of 11.40
!Merl treated fa the same way feet no
more thea 111.1111 to put In prim* stale
for market ROYAL PURPLR sescirrt':
fattens and keeps welt hones, mans. cotta.
a�r� pave., mom* as. Rets t. psakaefs.
NR• sail Methyl* the. SLI&
resrtr i. mit • food. It is a ton -
t':•• hest ,ser so'd. 1f there wee
a. - Iter • s..a:d be making it. It en -
.o„ , r..ur :wet to eat the natural food they
Omitesa.�ed set the-
*he .dolee of all thor orb wartn-
ay tk.eton—• Fee.1 your stock on food of �/.
7•r.e Butt era..hrr" tent pamper th•m with � IIIVTAL 1(� E Pommy'
a,h pe+-diCrrtcd my -h ro that •Fier • tin* a •r•aa iia iVVL•aala
t `. ;• eanrot dig,*t mt.& wholesome feed
l'.+l the gond fond grown on your own $P N Tar 1
ra•.•n--lass. cat., bran, chop. *tr. Toa know
'ar: trine thine. cost you sad what they
ll do.
!t . f t L PURPLE hi an aid to those n.-
1 -.;-.l !rests and if you tree It as doweled, we
ten guarantee better result. til.e, if you
i•s1 M7 of the concoction. otters.! on the
nemXst as -prepared foods,"
try It 01 a woe-Co.ditlwd Mad
1' tern, is s run-down. poorly nourished
F,r• on mar farm. nor what ROYAL
ell R.wLg RPRCiYIC will do fur it. A M-
esa p.-'kM. Ilesti r ems or hone 70 days.
TL* sort M its trifler that no farmer In
Canada has any .sere for Mimteo wtaf-
Do you know that ROYAL PU1PLR POUL-
TRY RPRCIFIC ttnakw hem lay in winter ••
well as in summer, and keeps them free from
di...aa•! It dos,. end Mips them over the
moult, fattens and keeps tam 1n .I.oroo,
health. A toe package Late N bone over
0 days. Shouldn't you by It? We .a.e
hundreds of reasmtaendallem from all part.
of the esentry. 1f ROYAL rVRPLR doe.
not glee yen better maul% than anythinc
you ever uset or give yes, w*
will areal yea? moee7. No smatter whet
your opinion Of oiler prspar•tIo ., w• was'
RP.C,PIC a *kenos M thaw what 1t esu M.
for your poeltr7--awd a Me peeked* will
show mos some am reit. Raid In We and
s4 pskadrs and ILIA ale -tight flea
Least Parole ('.. h Itee*tae for meek sod
d..n,n Ver. Will An re ant .rtier7 •.tgk
in f.,r daPao. tae, by mat Mie.
Rey,' Purple swat uwtmemt for tasees•.
te•,ntstI.m• ii rand modem. Me. Me. by
-al ane.
R .l P.rM• Worm R..•tsr fee s•Imals :
.no. r • the wente, she their I.r.s.
c7 mall We.
astral Pwrph Mdefeeeent. h tae, me sad
41.1.4 us.
end Parpls isle. Mike int poultry ant
animals. rile sed sea, he melt ta. sad
Oat Purple Oen c.. fee .r
b 511, sew r .1em. ate. ' rM sed
�5MMM.41e. �bp mall S.a.
egara•.4. ypbtd fere. tor mew
p obit.
dhrrba. smelled MM. Ms, h p.ohry.
255. to men Ra.
TO STOC[ ASD PooLTST 11/111112
W. els man for tha meta ear are Lebed .
book w seamen allmerw N w wester. Teth
bow be teed baba cid Mem Lists, mew marc.
semi. mem. trams hada: also bw M Ate and 1...p
pealiwy 5 chat they lap white. w(Owe
Ince s 14
pied M Ng mime...wlwa heir awl t Mrb la heir .atssei mien. T b Is a boo.
tort M5id he it. rw.y farmer'. powemMa, ITS PRIM write be pore um► %day.
e . Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canada
Royal Purple:Suppplies and Booklets may be obtained from
It contains ramie interesting relics and was recently 'presented with a
portrait of the Irate Jghn Galt, grandfather ofiAlt. John Galt, and w how as the
Reinder of Goderich and Guelph. sr.=
tear literature. It was found that
tete vast me iority ot children do not
read mach fiction nett prefer travels•
adventures. history in readable form
and nature books. The board will
bike into their careful consideration
what rrorisinn can lir ,made CO stili
timber the Interests of the juvenile
The chairman, Mr. John Galt, in a
vett' neat little speech presented the
library troard with an exceedingly
interesting portrait of his grandfather,
Jahn (:alt, the well known novelist
and writer who was the founder of the
town of Goderich in Pees. which being
very suitably framed, was gratefully
ateepted. The gift was acknowledged
on the resolution of Her. Joeeg&
Elliott and f )r. H. 1. Strang and ordered
recorded on the books. In this con-
nection Tretu.urer J. Ades Fowler
exhibited some Interesting old news-
papers which contained matter con-
nected with early Canadian days.
One in particular, the John Hull, a
London. Enggland, paper of Sunday,
Nay 1atb, IR2!, containing the publish-
er's advertisement of the now celebrat-
ed week "Annals of the Pariah" or the
Chronicle of Dalntaining by the author
of the "Ayrshire Legatees'—the said
pp{utbr tieing T. Cadet', Strand,
Louduo, and W. ylaokwood. Edin-
Atomiser Interesting paper was a
ropy of the Kingston (Can.) ;hronicle,
which is now the Kingston Standard,
published Friday afternoon. Augl of
17.h. lit'7, in which the nacre of John
0.11 appears in eonsection with his
bettor known role of rominiesiooer of
the Canada Company Theme are all
dated from York. Upper Canada.
Although this was prior to the found-
ing of Goderich it is not a little Intel -
eating and histories/1y of Importance
to 11.e "Tract" as 11 contains an adver-
tisement to the effect that the sister
tawu of Guelph had taken root and
woe a Roble concern.
The carne Is from the Chronicle of
the same date and Is as follows t--_
Ct.ada Oonnpe oy first hundred
town kat. In the ontopeey's new tows
al Guelph hayloft all hese taken up at
twenty dollen each, end newly the
wbn.l. of the second boedesd at the
edvsneed este of thirty Annus, the
peter et the town lots alter the lath
Anew* will be forty dollar. and the
Cotupany'sOflice• York.:'i July, 1tt7.
There caete many interesting item
eontaiued in these old papers not giver,
at the preeeut Mit the matter may le
hereafter referred to again.
0121• t('ERS ELECTED
The officers appointed for the yea/
were : Mr. John Galt. chsir,nan . Mr.
J. Ades Fowler, treasurer; Mr. O. J.
Neftel. secretary, all three were reale
'the whole heard will be a nook. com-
mittee with Rev. J. Elliott as chair-
House committee. Mc. J. Kidd,
chairman : finance, Mr. J. le Killoran
chairman. After routine bushiest and
the signing of the reports to the de
p.m-ku.nt Use Board adjoprneds
100.00 IN GOLD
We will give one hundred dc.11ar,, in
gold 10 any mare woman, or child than
cannot be benefited by Mageine hair
tonic. We are anxious to have every-
one try fiegeine for we know it is the
greatest hair tonic that has ever teen
discovered. Saggeeiee will positively
core an itchy •'alp. hringlife in to dull,
faded hair and add in. hes belts length.
Sagetoe is new obtainable in (lode
rich and is sold uoder a guarantee to
please. A large bottle Of Segeine
costs hot fifty cents. He sure to go to
F. J. Rutland',, drug store for other
stores don't bets 8sgeine.
cu►sR trees
by the Box
How you smack your lips over the delicious tang
(it .l golden "Sunkist" orange! Breakfast would be a
blrt'tk without it.
Sunkist" are the finest ,selected oranges grown.
Seedless, tree -ripened, thin-skinned, fibrelesa. Picked
and wrapped in tisane paper, and packed by gloved
hands. Clean sI of all fruits.
"Sunkist" Orange Spoon
Guaranteed Rogers A-1 Standard Silver
piste. Rich, heavy. E::;iusive "Sunkist" pattern.
1 different premiums.
For this orange spoon send 12 trademsrky cut
from"Sunkist" orange wrappers and 12 cents. "Red
Ball" orange wrappers count same as "Sunkist."
In :emitting, sendamounts of 20 cense or over by 1'u ,1
Note, Poatofice or Express Money Order.
Send your name for .nor com-
plete free "Sunkist" premium circular ant Pre-
mium Club Plan.
Redsed pleas 0 year deafer 'a en "SUNX ST'
Oranges by the hex or AoK-box.
'A1er,-ss all circlets Le premi•tm silverware and
al: Lorre-pondence to
303 King SL. East, cot. Church. Toronto, One
Quebec Members' Shame Probably
Their Only Punishment
Both investigating committees of
the Quebec Legislature made public
their reports last week. and, an was
experted, Messrs- Berard. Beryls fa
and M.,ussean were found guilty by
their colleagues. The reports contain-
ed no recommendations to the House
and there was little discussion upon
their findings. It is not likely that
the oleo will be prosecuted and as
they have resigned their seats the
Legislature feels that it has no Aur
ober iurtadlcttoo In the matter. At
the final hearing of the committee,
Mr. D. Lorne StcOlbbot, who financed
the "plot" swore that no member of
the Dominion Government was eon -
earned In the aMatr, ahthoosh Mr.
Lavergne made an effort to connect
Hon- Robt. Rogers• name with it
Tots Will Lees Their Feet
A most pathetic story comes from
the Reshot' distrlet, where the home
of Henry Burke was destroyed by fire
sad hie wife with a new♦otn balm
mad two small children were drives
out into • forty -below -aero tempers
titre. The children were bardtgtatd
and before they were located by Nigh.
hors they had wandered trees ire
'Hiles. Their feet were frozen sad
will have to be amputated. The
Darkest need tea muse from Resew
1lavidg noir' installed a re -cut Rand Saw, tt
:Ire prepared to supply builders and the trade with
in any quantities and of any material for building,.
A,large stock of Lumber cn handof standard
Ontario White fine Shingles and Lath.
«-e are prepared to-do jobbing or custom work
on short notice.
Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord.
The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited
/ Always Dry and
Free Running
—co matter what the WEATHER
—no matter what the CLIMATE
—no matter what the SEASON
iia a daily pleasure to have such pure. (Inc.
dry salt to use on the table. Get a
package from your •
grocer. 128 :pi
' •
6: 1e
as FACE 1`'O !FACE
The BIG SALE Starts
South Side of Square. Goderich