The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GfDERICH : -ONTARIO
Complete Rules and Regulations Published Herewith
System Now in Full Operation- Eggs Can
Be Shipped If Carefully Packed
Tuesdity of last week the new sys-
tem of t1•anspurtetiou and dlstribu.
fi E w AR B tl,•a nt parcels was ivaugurated
throughout Canada and Mr. John
tittlt, postmaster at eiodetich. hits
furnished The signal with the follow-
ing rub, and rrgulatioos covering the
1'tn,olian pert•el post system
bound or repaired.
An order. promptly attended to on leaving
t,.•n, at THE SIGNAL, OsserW,
A. E. TAYLOR, BraArmgD.
lilt. W. F. UALLOW, M. B.
testes and residescs, !North surer', anisettes.
..te t t h e1 Cueuty kegtetry alae. Teleebonw IYI.
nit. F. J. R. VOMITER -EYE. EAR.
11 ivies and throat only. Hon .° .nrceoo,
Near York Ophthalmic sod Aural laminate.
"llair►1.ta4..t,K'ar, Nose nod' Hu-pftal.
UuWru Name. owl 8100n -dela Eye Ho -pita).
Lando, Easter d. office. tie ,t %Vat.rlon .fleet,
'Stratford.• Knox %'hutch. Hoon A,
.0 i:.. ul.. _ to 1 p. at.. 7 tea p. u,. Telephone
I. Articles of mail matter ac:-ept-
able it parcel post rate, include farm
and factory products, merchandise
u1 all de .riptions *twit As dry -goods.
gloeeries, hardware, confectionery.
stationery (Including flank took*. etc.)
seeds, cutting, %wife, rusts. bedding
plants. .•ions or grafts, and all other
matter nut included in the first class,
and not excluded from the mails by
the general prohihitury regulations
with respect to objectionable lima ter.
Parcels consisting of third clam, mat-
ter may be mailed at pared post rates,
ar third class matter rate at the option
of the 'tender.
Parcels containing intoxicating li-
quor or explosives ase expre.sly pro-
Y The rates of postage nn articles ac-
cepted fur tran.wissiou by p.i cel post
ate s■ foliate:
(a) Piv.' eenta for thea first pound and
one cell.. for each additional 'Sound o1
fraction thereto( up to four pounds. end
two rents for each bubse.torb t pound up
to eleven pounds, within A refiu. it
twenty miles fom the place of mail-
ing. 1, respective of provincial Is lar -
(h) Ten cent. for the flr.t pound and
hennr rent, for ala 11 ,u11.e.bueut peond
ler (sell, n thereof. for all pints in
the pro. ince 111 which a package is
pieted.outside ofthe 1,7olaul, radius.
(r) Ten cent, for the.. fillet pound
I soil sir cents fur each ruieli4ional prennd
i01• fraction thereof, for 411 150111. 5ut-
ridethe province i.s which a )rice) i.
levied. end beyond the .41 -mile
radius. with an additional charge- of
ntweents a pound for each province that
h - is to be ct tweet to the destination of
1) RS. liEO, AND M. E. \VHITIN(i the penial net including the pros-inee-
HKILE%IANN. osteopaths. rpeeiall•t.1. in which it i.. to Iw delivered, "p to a
w oolen• alt rhealren- dser.em. acute. 111Lxti.1U111of I:Scronea 1 I.
tuo•.i,. ■td n.rvo.,+ di.ord,-ea ere• oar. e5.r' The three province.. Nuala tient in,
.a,t :line'. bimbo►•%.i td els uu,::,' anal itbo'
tthtrNut t1 ,u•an tbteddoor tivatthet±.;aarr. New tiruniwl::k and Prince F:dwitrt
- - _ island, art to be a Itbidrrrd its one
1 .tN. barruler,..o14*tors, notariespubtir.
oIa in the Mentons ).inner, ate. titrate
and. to IUv.a trats of Interco!.
et) .. Ea -t Ade ,ttware. Owtetich. W.
,'i ,euFt)t•T. 1:. 1' . 41. r HAI , J. L
1:11.wKAfi..W. Print 10, • r, Jr
d(0. CAMERON. K. C., RARRiS-
( l. TER..olk+ttor. notal public. Ott{os.-
Hetu':tou Suet. Ujdoricb, third door fro_
. , u are.
I !umiak attorney. solicitor, %lode
o h. Mosey to bad at berm rata..
fpHOMAs • OUK L)Kl
(fox e:, AU 1.stnctloss by mall
len u aged ease well be promptly al
ended to. kaselseas t&spltoul 1!J
$20,000 loan. Apdy t0 0J. CAN-
-.KON. karrt, Hamilton.:treet. Goderich.
Is tor. •vo 1r1:1rs1x0: British. Cinadlan and
40.11t11JT dhO nesse p KAP/ 111mA' 1.1•111,-
ttt : lbs paean Aeiden' aro! Guarani,'-
urporatloa United. of Loudon. Eng.
try Axa tiViuwirsa. Weiss : The U.a.
Ants and Chiusano company.
office at relddrae., northeast corner of Ik-
ons and in Uartd'g.trveo• 'Phone 1711.
1 d U R ARCS c o: -farm and isolated
v• eneers -J. H. McLean. ties.. Seaforth P.0.;
J .. t onnolly, Oodericeb 1'. 0.:
Thoma. L bay', tfecea
.-Tress. nforth P. 0.
Iareetor.-tl F, McGt+wor. eastortb ; John
1.. l.: lets, W N Um taKinn, (ooatan.>,t;
.. Lkrad
Joao Ibmnew.naeen; Jams Evans,
Heee•hwood • Brevet Perri•, Harlock ; Malcolm
hi. keen. krucsasid.
t to : J. W. Yea Bw
etevW . ; R. Smith,
d :. leek; tt-Yllaat Chems, s'l�sarse ; .
blt5blsy, yealsr41. Petl ebeleen cam oss
a..ea-rasaM awl pet thekr mars rvoetpta& at
It J. atoarldil Clothing INwe,tyleten, or at R.
H . Cams Grew y, thireetwarafOltt, Uods,tob.
1VALTRK E. ULI'T, J. 1'..
ooDarticB, ONT.
Electric Fixtures
P110111 1117
Brophey Bros.
hoard f
aad eel balloon
Oakes to
at all b w Aa'
:\n additional charge to meet the
4x1.41 (Mt of transportation will 15•
made on !-avers), a,tdres-ed to or pett-
ed at offices in certain mot -lying dis-
tricrewhen retch Wired". Iutvr to be
cunt eyed more than 11111 miler by a
eiontimmns stale •service, such dis-
tripts to 15' designated by .the pi.,;t-
ma.t,•rgeneral. '
T11e charge on any puce) shall not
be greater than one- cent an ouu x,
The postage on parcel host paek-
et. intuit be pt ''maid by )neitl1( of !«).c-
age stator,. sreutely affixed to the par-
An itvoflicaently prepaid parcel port
racket 14 Torten flied to 'lest illation ion -
'net on d li.try to P Ayntel!! ,.f double
the delio iency, pr,t ided at lea -t one
trent is prepaid. After the additional
postage required on any shoo 1 ieai.l
petrel ha, been collected f the ad -
ill metes "postage due" sutures are to
be affixed to the pal eel and cancelled
h_v the tet+%master.
Parcel Moet packets totally. unpaid
will lie sent teethe branch 'lead letter
Franking of parcel post packets is
expressly jerohibited,
I. A parcel post packet suav be in-
sured within Canada up to an amount
of *:.. of the actual value of t hr con-
tents, when less than that Amount,
421510 pr•lsayulent 0f weer "t five cents
in postage stamp., and up to an
amount of ;t;/f or the actual value of
the c1.11(rl1t5, when lees than that sum,
upon prepayment of a fee of to cents
in notarise etanips. This fee roust be
ptepaid. in addition to the ordinary
postat,e, 1,y means of postage .tamer,
which the sender meat Affix to the
A parcel intended f.,insurance
should no: be dropped into a box or re-
ceiver. It /Mould, dee marked with the
wont "Insetted and with the amount
of the insurance fat the sender is pay-
ing thus. "Insured, 10 rents." and he
handed into the poet office or to the
rural carrier, and a certificate of post-
ing obtwined . bearing an acknowledg-
ment that an insurance fee has been
The 01111• f properly enclosing and
peering ,. parcel for intuit -ones. rests
with the sender, the post office assum-
ing no liability for hiss arising from
detects Whitt may not have leen ob-
served et the time of piloting.
Indemnity will he paid to the +ad-
dressee, pr. at request of the addressee.
*endsst-iw+side.t ekaiae iaaasle to
the department within one year of
the ,late of po.tin', upon receipt of
sworn statements of the persons con-
cerned :
tat Thet ateeeedirrg to the beet of
their knowledge and belief the insur-
ed parcel has been Inst or its contents
damaged in the motile.
tbi As regards the value of the con-
tents of the parcel or the damage sus-
(c) As regards the ownership of the
1t must appear that the kiss or dem-
age did not wrier wholly- or in part
from the (snit of the under. u, for
instance,, front insufficient pecking, in-
adegnate fastenings. loss of "tie-on"
lade , etc. The indemnity paid will
not exceed the value Of Ila' Contents
of the parcel foe or the damage sns-
410v11. PIM right is reserved of re-In-
stfrt:eg the contents of ,t parcel in-
stead of giving pecuniary indemnity.
in the ease of damage the wool
must be retained for (41. rsIIrpo444. of en -
laalFFwbiclts t wanearls delivered. If complaa possible in the aint
Is made that Abe contents of a paroel
Mire base lost or abstracted, the cov-
er mast he produced.
Indemnity for damage to articles
of a boodle nature will he given nafl
in thorn eases In which the par's) (s
v.ttsaplermaely narked with the word*,
Fragile. with rare.'
Paresis eoataining sags.RiseAsketwsesefru% vegetables. y,
oast tda. helit OF n!
=Ma. al se troops fragile
Ve s esweot he irlarrelA-
Indemnity will not be given fur Item
of .-oiu or bank notate.
Indemnity will not be given for in-
jury or damage consequential upon
i. r., indirectlyseising from -
the low. damage. elay, non-delivery
or misdelivery of any article sent by
petrel port"
Indemnity will not be given in the
the case of a parcel on which the in-
surance fee hits not been paid.
Indemnity may be refused for lou
or damage, un any ground on which
exemption from legal liability may be
claimed tit- a common carrier.
An instil ed pat•cei that cannot be de-
livered within Canada will be rent to
the branch dead letter office.
i. Parcels marl he prepared for
wailing in such manner that the con-
tents can ire really examine.).
it It is desirable Chit the sender's
addles should appear either ,inside
the )rarer) or on . he covet' This
must be kept distinct front the ad-
dress proper.
7. 1'areels are, when re -directed,
chargeable with additional postage at
the rate which would have been
charg.-Able lief they been originally
mailed from the office (if le direction
to the now eddrtese, except in cases
it here Ile original and the re -directed
addresses rue hot h w ithia the delivery
4.1 the stone peat office.
•. The limit of weight for a parcel
Lost ppcket is 11 ponntle, and the gen-
eral litait of viz-• i.. :ii inches in length
by one toot in width or depth, lout
parcels will lee accepted un to at. Oto.
1n length, pr,aideu that the ,ohlbined
!ingtb and girth do not exeee.t sus
Ie. -1. Por ex mple-a parcel measur-
ing:tft. tile. in its longest dimensions
Ilett' 1114Arl,t'e 1114 I1111Ch a4 .ft. rill. 111
girth .i..• , round its thickest pilt1
tet• t .pari parcel fluty- 1s' thicker:
thus, if the Length is not more than
three fret the Ruth of the parcel Indy
15• three fret.
le. 1Vhen practicable, parcel post
parke t. anklet he sent in %•..vers open
at the aide andel 4urh manlier ns to
fir eery of exautin4tion. But 'leer.
drugs: ant such like alticle.. which
('4111104 he sent mn corers of this kind
but awrh article. only -may 1w post- ;
ed enrl,...ri in boxes or in hags of lin- '
.•n r other t.(iong material; fastened
in mid. a manner that they he easily
epe1ed. an not GI e?luhle the officer, of
the effiee readily to satisfy them-
selves A4 to the nature of thy- cuntente.
If paler beg,. or covers used for
euckwing flour I.r of her bihilar mat-
ter. th.Y must be of extra quality and
strength to resist friction and picssure
in the mails, and prevent the escape
of the (emu -tits.
la i• Any -tap!.• article cf use 04 con-
• prion, properly transmissible by
post. contained in 141.. Orig 141411 no)»ok-
ru pneLiigr ;rid with pr"per deectip-
tirF Iabt•I. may Is- forwarded by parer)
past. though the tin er case in which
it is enclosed may not adnnt of being
openeed in c0nrse of post. if posted by
;tittle-, known to ha engaged in the
IIMI:uf.rtnre or rale of- ti. article- in
question end why, vont h that the con-
tents are precisely asdescrlted on the
II. .\ parcel may contain invoice*
and Recounts pr ,vi,}rd they et late ex-
cluavety to the- content, o! such par-
, all : it 1.1 !ileo permitted to encloses A
caul or slap of 'super giving in w brief
mantle? fleeter, try directions for the
identification or treatment of the art-
icle or al: lClei,contained in the parcel.
('Are must be liken not to al.usc this
privilege by eonvrrting sonde notes o1'
nnalk, designed solely for the facili-
t:tion of bh•inesi, betwreti the sender
and auldlessee-into what n,igbt prop-
erly b5• rallied correspondence. A par-
cel c0nteioing a letter or any writing
intender) to nerve the purpose of a let•
ter in tbr'oriinary .enee w ift hecome
liable to letter
12. When revert! separate articles
arse ench earl in a peter! Lost packet
there I't no objection to each bearing
a distinguishing 1'ulnlwr, ill As 10 en-
able the sender t.0 give directions by
letter (sent. of course. separately and
drat• prepaid) respecting the several
articles which the parcel contains.
I:t. Any person who wishes to mail
n large number of parcels. w bether on
a pitdcular day or at regular 1a irregu-
larintervals, will facilitate the work of
dispatch if he will give the office where
they will be ported early information
of the number ofIs. their aver-
age welght, and t r date' and times
at which he pr poses to .end them.
He will alio consult the convenience
nf- tbtspoet pfl14e by s'IedtMet `Mhepar-
cel. to the post in batches, beginning
atye early in the day as possible.
rarest post packets are subject
to the general prohibitory regulations
excluding from the mails everything
liable to destroy, deface. of otherwise
damage, the other contents of the
mall bags or injure the person of any
officer or servant of the pest office, as
well as all obscene or how .ral matter.
I:1, Liquid,. nils and tatty sub-
.toncee, put up In accordance with the
following regulation. Ire not exclud-
ed : When to glair bottles or vials.
arch bottles or vials must he strong
enough to stand the shock of hendliog
in the mails. and must be enclosed h1
e weiodeo heavy cardboard, or papier
)„a(Le flock or tube not Ise ban
three -sixteenths of an inch thick in
the t tnfllrt part, strong %moil1[h to
support the weight of mails piled In
tags, and resist rough handling ; and
there must he provided between the
bottle and its outer case a cushion of
cotton or spongy material sufficient to
ab.orb the liquid, etc., in case the
bottle should be broken. the block or
tithe to be Impervious to liquid tin -
eluding oils), and to be closedby a
Ugbely.tttieg strew lid of wood or
metal with a tubber or ether pad so
adljaateg es to asks tb. block or tune
_seam as/ to prevent the leakage
of %be case of breaking of
(1MMbiwr, enclosed In a Haydabs) Mw or tub, shalt
sees rte Who abound bare a
Milt a robber or cork cash -
ion In order to shake the Name
watertight sad should ha ssserety
fastened in a wooden or papier ntachr
block (open only at one end), and not
Inas in thickness and strength than
above described. Manufacturers or
dealers intending to transmit such
articles by parcel post oras samples, in
considerable qusptittes, shout"' sub-
mit a specimen package to, the post-
master at the mailing of 1 .ems who will
see t hat the condition* of (his section
etre carefully observed.
10. Specimens of diseased tissues
when carefully enclosed in speciosity
constructed double tin cases. closely
packed with absorbent matter, and
with closely fitting screw caps, may
pass at parcel post rater, addressed to
provincial boards of health and public
17. The. following articles iu glass,
viz : Eye -glasses, sueclacles, Anil
microscopic'.lodes, may be forwarded
by parcel post if pit up ntsurh a wan-
ner• as to ttdn•it at once of easy 1 ,-
rpection and to guard against homy
to personal handling the mails.
l). Parcel post packets containing
anything of a fragile nature should he
narked "Fragile, with care.- and
parcel. contacting articles of ti perish-
able nature, such as t' fruit. meat,
erre., should be 'narked "l'et-ishahle,"
Parcels sent by, moil should in all.
eases be substantially and securely
packed sit NO 10 preserve the contentsil
fl 4.(11 1088 or damage and prevent in-
jury to the Mails. The department
desires t" cul-opeIate with the pitblic
in seeing tha:special attention is paid
to the importaall. matter .,f parking,
pau•ticulnrty. with regard to parcels
containing matter of a fragile or prr-
Ishable character or of a nature to
dist ray or injure the other cue tents of
the bags or sacks • in which they are
sent forwa id. In order that proper
precaution tufty ne exercised 111 this
particul•tr prisons desirous of trans-
Ulittir.g articles ley parcel post are
advised to consult the poetutar(er ar
to the propel method cf packing in all
.%s the safe transit of eggs is a mat-
ter of some difficulty. shipp.'r, are
advi'ed to adopt airfoil .wing method
of packing : 18e a wooden papier
ntachr, of other box of ...rigid Ilial erial
with a well -fitting, tightly -adjusted
lid.wrap tach egg separhiely int news-
paper or other protecting material,
place the eggs on end end ILII up the
vacant, spaces in the box with new -.-
l514)4. 1 or other packing- mattes int, 1.0 As
to prevent the eggs from striking to-
gether or against the titles, 14.p or
bottom of the box : mark the parcel
Parcels containing gods likely to within the time reasonably- re-
quired for trauapurtat' oti and dellvpt• -
must not be accepted tor availing.
19. Postmasters must exercise the
greatest 1)0581ble carr to see that all
parcels accepted for tra0 4ilIlssion by
patted post coot -erre in evert' particu-
lar to this requirements of these re-
gulations. This applies with special
force to perprle containing peri'hahle
goods or fragile articles.
31/. Requests for direct return are
recognized off parcel post packets ad-
dressed to A place in Canada. end
parcels bearing the address of the
sender may also Is' returned direct
after being held fifteen days. Parcel
post packets so returned ale subject
to it charge equal to the original post-
age charge. Thia ehat•ge is to be
marked by the ',Mee returning the
parcel and collected from the sender
before delivery by the office to which
it bas peen returned, "postage due"
stamps for the amount c' II4 cted being
salted to the pat -eel and cancelled by
the postmaster.
21. Atter a parcel has been deliver-
ed to the person to whom it is addres-
sed it cannot be returned to the
sender, unless the person returning it
pays the necessary return postage.
�, The postmaster -general reserves
the right to refuse to accept for trans-
mission by mail, grain or anyeotber
commodity shipped in excessive quan-
tities which might interfere with the
transportation of Rret-class matter,
cerebra salaam each eta thew en
ated in ppaaragraph one.
'L(. Duuring the organization period
covering the months of February
March and April, 1914, an additional
fee of Ave stenta to be prepaid
by postage stamp., will be chs ed on
each parcel mailed for local delivery
in places where the letter -carrier sys-
tem is in operation.
During the month. of February.
March and April, 1914, no packet will
be accepted for transmission by par-
cel poet weighing more than six
The Orratarl"0111111 DTA /sr
Ail Klwds ef aril _
nccal l's
Taernan&T Ira. t% 1914 $
Perri n
NEW ! NEW ! ! A splendid variety of all that is new and
desirable is being passed into stock daily.
The New Wash Materials
The dainty new %Yeah Fabrics al s here
in all the newest creations. First place
will be given to Crepe., Ratifies, Belford
t erste. Hepps. Piques. Dimities. eta., etc.
Balmoral Crepe in all popular Colors,
per yard .............................210
Sandringham Moire " Crepe in Pale
Blur, %\'hits. etc., very dainty, per yard..Qao
%%'bite )Cash Fabrics in endive variety.
The New tialateas
Anderson's Kindergarten lialete•a,
imported front Glasgow, specially evade
for hard wear for ).,ones Rowe Dresses,
Children's 'tresses, etc. In .a great variety
of stripes and plain colors, per yard 20o
Steelclwd Galatea, a cheaper Reside than
above, lint a splendid cloth for the money ,
per yard. 15o
1 our Pring are well known for their wearing and wa.hing qualities. Many new pieces to hand
this week in Light and Dark ground., in Spore. Stripes and Fancy designs. all the one good
quality, per yard 12 o
SPECIAL VALUES IN COTTONS, SHEETINGS, ETC. (lur values in Cottons and Sheetings
are the vert lowest consistent with quality. tiotockesee., \Vuloa-am and other leading make.
of Cottons, suitable fur all purposes• from per yard - aro to 1 Se
SHEETINGS -Twilled and Plain. Bleached ante Unbleached, in aft widths, at very keen prices
Never Leiters- 114%. Frilling, 114•.1 w• papular or the demand .o great. %Vee have prepared foe
this demand ny hiving 1n stock all that is newest in F'rillmng, in Nets. Lave, Chiffon and Silk, in
White, Crean, and Nlark, from ler yard.......lac
McCall's Patterns and Publications
lime 56 Millar's Scotch Store Phne 56
Transit Companies are Paying More At-
teotaoa to Safety
"Safety First,` war the .uhject of an
e•xtellent sermon derrt-ted esp.-rtally to
railwaymen and aaulurs by Rey. lieu.
E. Roos in Knox rbunh on Sunda)
evening last. Selecting his text as
"V1 -is Ate in Danger. 0e dealt with
the many dangers a sailor and rail-
wayman meant -Id ut his daily work
nnu the minIrter stated of all the men
who should brie ready for death at any
time% it was the roan wbo engaged in
these twit vocation.. He considered
beth the sr danger'.. of callings.
in the past the individual twos sacri-
ficed for the .tate but uow the Cana-
dian Brotherhood of Engineers taught'
that the individual bas rights that
should be protected A- well a, these
of cotporafores. "Christ was the first
to teach that the indrviduat had rights
but prior to that Ouse the individu.,I
gave himisell for the state, his life was
subordinated to his country and his
rights were relegated to the commun-
ity,- said the preacher.
Rev. Mr. Roes referred to an ac-
cident on the (*rand Ttnnk at few
years ago when three Uoferich men
met death and also G. the left tl,le lake
disaster of November last. In ,con-
nection with a recent railway- ar, i•
dent be mentioned the name et Mus-
sel Oke, as a gallant young roan.
The preacher sought to show the
railway employers that there was a
Lig re.pou.thitily placed open them
and it was owing to their vigilance
and care tbatyhe public was enabled
to travel in safe• y.
The'minister e,.ntended tbat there was
more care ))eying exercised by c pon-
ies than fohuerly- which he thought
wait shown in the adv.-rtieement•
which emphasised ".afety" before
speed. Railway companies had also
cOOspiciou.l) put up signs displaying
the words, ".efety Al St;
After pointing out the dangers of
sailor or engnrer in physical 1.fe, the
preacher went on to enulnetxte the
dangers of the spirit.sal life. Hr ask-
ed if it was a manly act-- for he af-
firmed railwaymen and sailors wee.
gallant fellows for a man to give the
cast few Momenta of life to his Got.
He told of a cane where a man on
his death bred being asked if be
was afraid to die said •bfl, but 1 am
ashamed 10,' meaning Altar be bad
ifIlheat*fabs thee-drlgs oil 'BM Ste to
In conclusion, Mr. Ross urged hie
congregation, especial) those to
whom his sermon was directed, to al-
ways be prepared and not be In estate
when they would be ashamed to die.
The sermon visa of unusual interest
to all men engaged in transit Tither
by land or water.
During the service an excellent
quartette, "Lovely Night,'" was well
rendered by Miss Mildred McColl,
Mea Cummings, Mr. Reginald Mar -k-
etone and Mr. J. V. Thomson. )ilio
Mildred McColl an. sang. "A Perfect
Day" in a perfect manner and Mr..
King. a sister of Mr. J. ti. Hooter,
in a rich contralto voice gave.
Heard the Voice of Jame Mays
Reliable Home Treatment
Thnewels of wire mothers and
skews sire sNbeakisate in their proles
id OS*INI. brew It has cured their
b Id suss of the "Deiuk NabIt" and
thereby breti ht happier. to tlbN r
0RA1NE eosta rely glees1 per boxy.
Ain MY free booklet. r. J. 1b{Ised,
The yp
Empire Typewriter
Visible Writing --Perfect Alignment -Lightning
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A • Ue1ti by the C.P.P. ,
('.N.H., hank of Montreal,
Merchants Bank, Royal Bank,
Notthern Crown Rank, Might
I'ttect)ries, Limited, Bell Tele-
phone. Co., etc.
Made in Canada -Therefore
stye l.-, per cent that must 1a'
paid as duty on all other
It Costs you Nothing to
Try out an Empire in
New Model "Empire" Your Office
1• Adelaide !?t, W., Toronto Works -Montreal, Que.
flood Chopping Axeg : -
A good Axe is not a common article,
do not only recommend our axes to you but
guarantee them. Our prices range from
Cross -cut Saws :--
Wc handle the celebrated Maple Leaf line. All
these saws are made of razor steel and are guaran-
teed to hold a keener cutting edge and wear longer
than any other saw manufactured. A good stock
on hand.
Ruck Saws : --- -
High quality blade with strong frame .50
Maple Leaf blade warranted $1.00
Our sale of Mitts and Gloves is still on. We
have a good assortment left and we are selling. ti>!em
all at A off regular price.
Our Pricea are Right.
w , 5
but we
we will
75c to
Howell Hardware Co., Lid.