The Signal, 1914-2-19, Page 1s COPISIDER EVERY DOLLAR yen got late good advertising not a dollar of expense, but a ydoolll�lar invested upom wbicb 'dais will receive her die Mum from any other investment. The tiimel Mlbe tad advertising mediate la Malan Ornat7 4 si%TY•IrOCRTY YEAS -Na !Mt - oarotiorn •w 'r t` i THE STERLING; BANK OF CANADA ,ww.ole.aelavw^-fare :stirnaa,.onians:s SAVE, because- ' No. 9$ A savings account enables you to reach the goal of your ambition with greater ease and surety. Head OtlbMae, Censer •[ sad Bay.Streets, Toronto Gummi Gedenci Bombo - A.H. Walker A. Porter OTHER BRANCHES AT Megaton. Ont. Sebrisrvilk, Ont. Varna, Ont. Migra. Ont. iselield. Oat. • A. G. NTSBET IS AGENT• FOR All kinds of Insuralnce • t►PFII'6 NEXT o ixwptAliTIAs ePUDIfMBRCE, OODBRN7H ft Plioaltll : arms Ls Hoc's M. P. 0. Box :its - _, [ 141IT Oft FOUND 1 AUCTION SALES 417......... R' -0x PRI'AY. FEBRUARY 4 U(TION SALE OF VALUABLE Isla. -swat' boll. es tele (' P.n. depot el ',mutt owreF:ItT1 a, 4 tar )r•.ws,' trent Ye, • '.-eras oileer pare raatsr-ese •.swag sews or moray. Val- The undersigned will oiler far oars* public •..e .. 4 mill. f oaeer ebem rebs. r. •t mossy at \w auction room. e• Hamilton *6.. J. IM tl.TtlSH 4. tarot rsr.ets trill Asmet In t4he town of tioderloh on anturday, - - the lett ear of e'ehrnarT. A.D. 1991. at one lobs\ in On afternoon, the following proper ty. TO : Pars of lot • 1 and ^ 1n the Erse o,neenHon. meets d.rlism of the ton n.hfp of i 'there. _ W the roe.nt of Horan. and ',arta of lot. 1; and - - - 7 In the blal'I',artavl,d 000 cewbn in the rid town. :: ANTED elep of 1 dh,rne. comprising together alnety- -_. _ eta and Psi -bnHbeer of ?and more or lee.. A 1t M RILP AN D DOMESTIC The. prop-rts whlh era. formerly part of GI Map thong tie John I:or.ter faros. hue the reputation of mould et etre to WTW-4Y MIL- and theroee of at her trust fors+ In th. musty. of 1 1s, fieveesm•et 1�/Mymr., t and then t. •t pevwrnt about forty acre.. of Anat. rot. CheMn left with H. D. .hoed f Here n Ruth ..ter to the pronetty. ( • grind frame tern with .tone •tsbllm\, and the Wonting. S , (let, will ,e 'eve preempt .gr etre %at( I;OAAU WANTED. -POR AN EL - 1 early Mae wf' • bop Mobs ya•r ..4. Would I... was wa. ee pleas ayes Goer are O. •.mall • 1 tierce •e.d .odd Wan le fermi \ own rem. 1'A) .-sere,.-. Aad•ww. B X WI.Oodorielt It • 1'I•T.-ON TNl'RSDAY. FBBRC. Awe la • .m.M @ma iso bar ms. '.•••••C • .Isla el tie nadir patty Imre .• rax emit 01,81Amo L i WANTED Modern boom M ant Or falaahaaa at wire ( J."W. CRAiGIE i A...eras s and Beal &tate Agent 5 The Wawa. re•Wwiewsror•ra.... �Y•rY WEST WAWANOSH FIREINSUEANCECO. One of the best In the Prov- ince. Filed rata of a•sesemeut Live Mork Insured at its full value whether on the farm or net. No trouble to make adjust- ! et IL McILWAiN, NUs. Agent for Colborne. L dslii�sl� SdaVMS Parlor ' 'Ars boat equipped and most wwdemshop Is town . PMR-evess barbers only em- iop will stand tins gov- S pt'"Mt @amatory `spswion. dame on roped � dears put in lest- W. G. L.UMRY 610DERICH 'BUS LINE Teo loses mot all teafs. was and adnamm...1°"~'� 1. : prism TiiDAVIS LiVERY T. M. DA VIM Prewar*** Son& Meet 'T'►sa. $o. •1 1 Noce. are in fair condition. TM L.od ban been well Itiled and i. in a good store Of r-ntnvrion and pet 'scu1.'rly well Anise.' for fruit. The t.operty will be catered for .al. .object to a rearmed 1 id. Tereus 61 wale - Ten per .tut. of the patchier money at the time of ...I, Lal..oe, within Geri r day.. Val thee paeticulu..nd condition. of .ale may 1b had from any et the undersigned. Dated thi. 7r da of Febatry A. D. 1914 I'HAR8I LI..Alta n °15'. Ooncaor tot A..Igoee of the a -tate or Nath niel I6,. -r IItlIUD FUMrr HAYS& RILU)RAN.stolid torr for Mary %Mte. TI1UNAv AI?NDIIT. Auctioneer. OtA SITUATIONS VACANT EARN S15.09 WEEKLY AT HOME evening.. moiling cotalogur. for forge 1 aeadtan mail order house Kepre.erdatoev. wanted to all elite.. town. and country.. NA• TIONAL 8UPI'LY ('o., Wfidnor. Ont. �It WANTED. -A RELIABLE MAN of god 'widow and •eme experience am a sel•onan to work the town of Goderich and owety of Huron. Splendid and pern)a000t m.aermIpi.n for the right man. STONE A V.ICL- LI N44Tt,N. nurserymen. Toronto Ont. ys-:K FOR SALE OR TO MINT kACTNCH FOR iALiL-.7G FOOT !tial. vett. aladsl: e.eller eagles•, tb.Uoetaesle. it . 5 ATB, (for iooderdcch, Agent for anti Motor.. 111-11. LAR SALE.-TWT►-MTUHY HUT1ciN: I' on heir. street. comaintng ten room., hoe gender batbror.ra. furnace.ud electric Ilaht. • tboroogbt repaired from cellar to roof . tell lot end smeary with some fruit. Apply to W. R PINDF.ft IG_tU. REAL i 141'Arj'klAokv8A1.F,. We hese for ole abo.it thirty town Iota. prim ranging from t4 upward.. also three moil od other dwellings and • tow farms. PROI'UFt*)T. HAYS t ILILLORA N. Gods roe\ Oat sat? EAHM FOR !tAI.ls. -- UEN'1'Kli halt lot it eamesa.tom 7, Lao Wawaooeh. sere..; KS clewed. will undesdralned. all seeded. good orrbard. Frame hoer. krt.e.hen sad moodrh•d. Harp sox70, on stonewall: esemeat .tab4., frame drleebou.a Whodunit W water 1e hon.., std .table. (lo gravel read between Wlnh am MM. and Myth o intim le 11 mf lee from ve tart office, Month and o.boel Apply ;o WM. W IOHT1AN. I.nt 3%, tJsa, M er K.R. No. 3 Wingb•n. Ili-Im 8ALIS -LU'ly 11; -(Ori•' t>± M.Dora . (Whores. about 127acres all cleared was M gram. bank baro and frame dw•slHygutIgg Ars grata war-horse Oedsrle\. proportion were owned by the Tau Andrews. Live Stalk healer. Apply Ea Drtarr, HAYII A KILWRAN. dei letter for Rseeatrlr, Mlts . L C. IN. AN- DatadFeb. a, iM4. Wit ESI DE:NI1IAL PROPERTY FOR MALL -Toe resideecs, with four M4. eerly known as the % Alen. Allan ('.mGeed }arMr Crowns awl Raglan vett \sae, two omit., In ant fops modem eme.. ventrea-Grounds planted wM\ variety of choles trent.. One of the hest ever V (lodorich. Its•aoeable term.. ril 121AMRNi t MA L. --'l H R- i*eet e.it�gpa,, a ane memo01 tbhet fourth epttoAM lac oeatd 31s se�r•erirrt.1��nee�_..pt� q�g adU nee fx i T8 i iI4 �el�wsdend. PIWI' F(XYT. RA t[ RAM, 6sdprlM AIM tyl•If pi tr'(11t 5SAls .1M= p�aeiepmeede�eWrilt } a4let thin a t d1.wase se Mgrs. 11 11111 131111NDrtr'Oy to 111 "Mika". ..EARN TOR BAIAMe -ONS �!llIttJN- Dim ERN £i. le s,,ww, os:h lir erre\ bee. with brie* Wein. .tla.\ed, • fend trek saes and bireleed Maim. roe.raielag yps1l. pen strew ream wetorad r.rsl, asst (rola Iw dreterr W i Yp p,1�f etas: gapA Well at baro. ingit•mals 1.me Oem► _ ham Aa\tes mooed Mr (•.1• R. IYtlw. Om. M use �dttmpmm oma 41P1.7:1414167 ale; _pe fs tae w P. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 ANNUAL MEETING AHMEEK CHAPTER I.0 U.E. CLOSE SUCCESSFUL YEAR Mrs. Dr.: Callow Retires from the Sec- retaryship -Finances in Excellent Shape -Thirteenth Annual Report Presented -Maintenance of Local Hospital Chief Work of the Chapter Considerable business war trans- acted at the *none meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, I.0.0.!. , held to the court house nn Monday afternoon. Oue lamentable feature, hoer%er•, was the fact that the secrets' , \Ira. D,. Galina', who w capita'. served the chapter last year, redo.-.' ti sod office. Her report as present.-. oda ;- Co the Regent and Menohrre ..f Ah - meek Chapter. I.O. D, E : PUBLIC NOTICE GEORGE LAirHWAITE, MAPLE LrA7 FARM. (k,DEKIt H TOWNSHIP • Itomialon Iounigr•tlm A.,•m. 11. argues. Ill -hint help should .end 1e their rpni.ttion. aft .-arty tie i.o.eible. Wilte whet you want en . post cord sod notch or it to ILIL No. 1. Gode. ✓ iso U• U. ALBRIGHT, D.C., ('HIR1►- rraetor. Harr and carve .vee.alid. 111 r prseUe 1. the .-dear.- that ears. witbw.t &wt. or knife. free vzwd••tlee. (Moe Lext neetwillen Hank of • oma,eros. Hoer. al and 'PP Hite. - • A L A,1"414 E4iLBN f.. OF' ►►J7 THit W. J. d. •Lt.j'G, 'roma" tier new has of wall pa,.r wimple book. M n the hood lot our Uederlcb 'presents, ce MIL A. $N a y:L tont roil to rt-' then, before bay. Ing, by having them -cat to your hou-r. liar dere some prlor, a- ale wall ser rail. We to) T.eer pslnUa t and oeurro4.. • will APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Notice 4 berehy Alyeo that an application will be made to t he L.gi.lalar.: of the ' •rovloce of (Tatar(* at the next rodeo Unwept by the maotelIeli y et( the town of Goderich. on behalf of Itself and the other tnr.nirtpalitler which hale geantnte.•.1 the boot. of The re. taro W eat ethane hallway (•o.ntwny. for au get to revive their[ of i•eoe,.orauon of .rid mow pry, being 2 kdward 7. chapter 7a. aae.nencl.d PT.ub-.que.t tegteMtfee. and emending the time fur tOecompletion of the iridertakual of said Rall..Chown, . Dated at Undo i, h this 17th day of February, A.D. 1914. CHARLES O.'ICROW. . `Solicitor for App,te:t o.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iv nor Farr tint: on^ LAmrele Fnt.sr, LITE or 1115 TowN•.,n' ov ()Largs., IN TWIT l Ol'\Tr or fIL'RO!1, YEOMAN, Drc►l.xp, \otilf, 1. berrby given pursuant to 1 Gat. V.. ea,'. N. .aro. 33. that all persons having clam.. against the .-nate of Matthew Foley. late of the township of (;olborne, in the county of Huron. y. auau. deceasedwho died on the ninth day o(Jaaua,y. A.D. rel. are required to rood or deliver to the under Igl.ed, solicitor for the execute!. of the ..1st ..tate, on or Ite- forelhc-econd nay or Marla A.D. 1914, full trrticular.ofth.1,claini•. and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. and that niter .ucn tart mentioned date the rid- rzern- loa. will proceed todwuRoute the ae.ota of the said deceased among the (w.orts entitled thereto having regard only W the claim. of whl h they hall then have rec.1 v ed notice. 1112.1 mod id ezecntors will notlte Isaias fie le f the &.Met.•, or any tort thereof to any person or person. of whine claim. notice -hall 1101 hare been received at the date of such diatri• hallo.. Dated 186. eleventh day of February, A.D. 1914. c1IARLEM I;ARItitW. Goderi. b t 41 9.6... for THOMI tM JA)lils POLICY. MATTHEW FULEY and RORER? uLRY, Illsose NOTICE TO CREDITORS Not ire la hereby given, pursuant to Section ,u5. 1 hnper 211 of the St+lute. of Ontario 1. George V., that all' p.rerw. Meleeeg eh1..'. aga.n,t Ube Notate of Da%id l:uthertord de. erased, who died on or about the Twentylblyd dayof IKeember. A.D. 1913, at the townppio of A.n 1d. 1n the l'nunty o/ Huron. are r•dlakerl to et nd by pont. prepared, or to deliver to John ('swan, Lorhal.h. tlnt.rio. on or before the Twenty-afth day of FebA.I). (914, their names and addre...el, with 1 particulars of their chime In writing, and the nature of the ftt any) held by thea. duly veered by a statutory declaration. And further take ootid that a(:er the aid Twenty-Ofth day of Febroary. 1911, the reels of the sold estate will b. dietrtboted by 14.e ex rotors among the parO.s entitled thereto. haring regard only W tufa clalma of which they *ball then have 110( kr. and the estate will not he liable Um any claims not Abed at the time of tho maid dl4rttouse. Dated at Win -ham this Twastyedghth day of January A.D11, ., 19 JOHN January, THUYAS DIXON. Fxeoatarv.. By R. VANSTON1. Winghun P.O. SCK Mollclt.r ter the Czecstor. APPLICATION TO THE LElIibl- WTVID: Males le hereby glee., that w application we' be made to the Leridative Asetesbly d the Provisos of °stares at 16e sort • rasion thereof. for as Sat to L...,peemb a company to be known ae 16. 1e des, angst Hied ..d Stratford Railway wawa ether moo as mar to given 10 It 67 ler Leriehtie• Aswbly• with pears M eeartnet and events a lima of railway Is Ontario hem the elty of ianden arthwe.lorty through the township of I.on- ds.; Ilona, .etthwm 11147 through t e town- .hive.f Lebo Ram Wilkens and W..t WU- limes be Parkhill or to • point Bear fart hill; Memo. mw4\w•terty 18,erbb the tovrwohlps el WeRelh rmy and nook... to Growl IteM theme weteriy to . pita at er 14atr Kona. mamma moo silty of sUatford. theses meth- weetsely to the city of Lmd....ad with power toesmpleM treadea i.Itemmien. of the ..M 1'eRwy. Sad 111/ omm .t .4*8 Soy railway, sew Malt er MU bulk at any palate atoms lhie H•. R tsYwr.. god wile power to operate east taawwr sr deem. /Iassrtm) er.tk.rwy. ; sad MO pewee be make ag,..mesm tar eels er m. -mailer with ether esmpmul.q and fns .-sea ems lows se are (Healy glees te ma- w .-amp..(•• •4 Ow welt pinyon se me msemmayr railway ammpmulsa fw eOses.ty, emmeetan es Me Seism mita runway epmpssiv. GRAY R GRAY Lemdm Inlatint Toreson nomoshoi T.... 'U**.Ar Me AsMmmRs. Dud tot Arms Me NM las it Ammml. A.D. NW MIL NEW MASONIC TEMPLE' It was recently completed u n co,, of $21,UI(J, arul it will be dedicated next month. 1•ADIc$:-In pi mooing to you 161 13th 16e annual report of our chapter, wish t1. remind you at .he uul.et the atthe .wg' 'ng.,('he year 1hechapte, feeling that they had sufi-l•nt fund on hand t.) meet nil dem ands likely let hr toed.. upon them fur r/ntle time to coupe, it felt that there ars three other thaptrr.reise.utin the w.0' 44) �g,,p�0 '11110 .0 -Ia' 'Eheiroaar., s.rdgtTtre t1ir'ahers .'vet y ehAbeef to get thoroughly e.ar.ntisherl This hedeg so. our 'spat shows vary much leer work nailer taken l.y our 'a:bapter Ulla ,year. This apperint in. activity, however; is not real, a. the energies of our anemia. r. have been employed in farther int; the welt. undertaken by When. We hate on mar Holl S3 members. and we here held sigh• Meetings dorio` the peon twrlee swathe.. They were ism hosteittic and'thoruu hly en joycd by Pur nl.'nflers, Am 41.1141 nor I1x-11l hospital bow been our chief care, snit we have supplied it 1.111) many Huai l art ic'e. 1 eq'110•.1 from time G) •1111•'. Mach a- a washing 111a^bine, an honing hoard, tni:et '.", (01lain., blinds, dish.'- towr ding, licking, lamp", rte.. oared a. provid- ing for Chile' teal .6torr for the patients maid a Chriat11148 gift for the malrun, NURSES HEMEN' REREI► The three nur-C. al -o wit.) griduat ed from the hospital training school this year were not forgotten but each received a,pocket case similar to that given t(1 CUT.' previous K'admit PS The hospital at Nasik. India, War also given a donation of live d� dlars. The teachers in our schools hey.- been interviewed with a view of fur - the, ing the work amongst the.r'holars and we anticipate much good from this t . o t t ecus 1 cel the future. n. A history of the t t -peer was writ- ten and forwarded to heady nal (era and appealed in the special edition of "Echoes." 1 would he remiss in my duty did i not once more t•eltilnd you of the con- tinued interest u►.nilested in our work h our esteemed fellow -citizen, Capt. Babb. To him we extend our hearty thanks and townie hitn of our deep appreciation of his efforts on our behalf. We would also extend our thanks to Mrs. Miner. of Cbi.•ago, Illinois, tor her ever welcome donation of twenty-five dollars towards the up- keep of the Miner ward iu the bow. pital. MASONIC AT HOME Fine New Temple is Format y Ops.sd. with Brilliant Event NOT ALL SUNSHINE As usual the year lots not been all sunshine, for the grin) reaper hoe east it shadow over the homes of throe of our families, Mrs. T. Davis, Dr, Related, and Misses Hutchison having hero called upon to part with their dear ones and to them we give our deep eat sympathy. Such then as we look hack has been our record for the past year, let u• al- ways looking forward, press onward and upward. striving for greater at- tainments in the year that is to come. (Signed) MAROARRT OALt.Ow, Secretary. GOOD FINANCES The financial statement showed the chapter to be in a gore: suoadois. The special done.o sewoslseersd a d\slmeme on band of Slid0.30; bnvpital depart- ment $4.43 and the o6aptae depart- ment $l7.5M. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The election of °Sloes was as fol- low, :-Hoimeary ol-low,:-Honorary regeet, Ms. Dan. McDonald ; regent, Mrs. W. I.. Eliot ; a vim -regent, Yrs. W. T. Rays ies-tgg.et, Ms. (De.) A. T. Taylor; 2nd watts -regent, Mrs. Geo. B. Ross ; esoretary, Mrs. Carrie ; treas- u rer, Miss Millar; standard bearer, Miss Hays ;councillors, Ms. Lee, Ms. 1)a.sy, Mee. PI.W. Ys. Phobia, Ms. John Acheson. Mt.. R. C. Hays, Ms. Noble, Mrs. U. U. R kUNy. Mrs, Howie, Mrs. (Fallow and Mine Hays. AUOTION SALES W Mai elbrearysa--lAwrtsgauction e bbe et tars 006. tmsMmeeu .ad boswb.M remlttwa prepsr_y of no Anus ewer*. let /emasaussa 1 �� Benebe t& Ars Adak e M bemAweYlarf7t7k u.a unme . •retleseer, v. Fsbn.gy 31.kari.l--4--tb . ,alp of \ad w Q1i 'M it tip T. vw'tv��aa. v to osiii W. -Amadeu ne set \time - arm tmersw, orr�ttes• msek, Os seat/ qtr, ; rr'swms+mUeMr mnay. The reception oIMaitdand acid A.M., tendered to the Indio' and wing wewhrrs of the families of the Woggle'. glaft to the new Masonic temple Trudy evening Iasi proved beyond doubt 'tiibe the most saocessfutdfaroo- is event. bold in Uoderieh for many bear=, The sumptuousle furnished lue thou:. with' it' adj,.ining recep- tion. eauquet and serving rooms, -prov- ed -drqu(tteto the ocoasinn in enter 1 tattoo/. the three hundred g.eople who attended. Frog' I lei•• corertuencement of the re- ception until the ending of e dant tial. 411 air -of th Iraier.al eordiality pre wailed, At the head of the wain stain wwa.'r group of lodge officer' welcomed theIrguests. In the reception room the waves 1.t several members *looked after the ladies, while the. entertain IoeHt and refreshment committees left no m ams unturned in coatitihoting to the plea.u,e of their viritPrs and ilia 'mere.• o1 the eve g. In the lodge Gram Ciltnmisuonen for the Donllnion of Canada are : re.oul, which hod been filled with chat' tor the occasion, an elatiot ate pr.gr• :e rat Met! 'caul music, vi'dw'01nti'),)., vocal ,and t.t.lH0r0ua 1.1(10x1. 'rad recitations were given. It wa. prealda-d eve, by Worshipful Mas- ter ih. A. ('. Hunter. and held .wxy until 111.3) p.m.. then the. assemblage r'•tm ed to the reception rooms where Pinch waeserved. After an enjoyable halt -hour of social intercourse and re- freshment aloe floor. were r'Irared for dancing where terpt.chorertn art was iodulged in to the excellent 1111)sic of piann.and violin discoursed by Mrs-rs. A. Roy Ada.ns nd Frank D,,tv. For those who h dui not dancecar( tables a les had h, -.n arranged in the blue room and not until 2.30 noun. did the vast as- semblage of jolly pleasure seekers give way. The danotng rooms, decorated with a pr'(usion of flags, end enchahc- .(1 by th. vari-colored cor m:nee of the ladies, the good nature of the couples es they glided' to and frc, lent • scene of indescribable beauty. That the event reflects greet credit 1.0 the lodge and the members who arranged And presided over the enter - DON'T FORGET To t•eoew your eubecrip• tion to The Signal and receive one of this year's Calendars. A. L BRANW1S. Put Lamm Much Grain Goes Through the Port of Goderich Over Nine Million Bushels Were Transhipped Here ---Local Elevator Was the First of Its Kind in Canada The recent . tlir•'rtl figures issued by the Hoard of 1train Cumn,(- sinners of Cannata eh.-tv that lioderich anomie third uk rate.- tifth in wheat and flax mad holds sixth place in the grain rec•eip•e (01 he a.'e-..n of 1913 In utile. word. 11,9 3,371 bushels of main pease.$ through th.t port last year. an d 1 lie .1t11),I4e) hu,:hels of grain e(med • H.r,i t 111 veieele lying here for the winter been token in consideration,' Oederich would have exceeded Kings-' ton and time bold fourth place this • year in gree. receipts. 1Vbile of course the Wrrtern Canada Flour Mills Co.,Umited, handle a Targe amount of grain the Goderich Elevator' andTransit Co. , Limited hasAlei bebtrtk of the grain which goes through this port. When the elevator of the (lode-, rich Elevator and Transit Co., Limited was built in 1104. there woe passing this port about . half a million bushels of grain yearly. This shows that the , grain tradSill the past 15 years has increased over 9,070,I90 bushel... Pre- vious to the erection of the Shit ole- vatorof the company which wow des- troyed byfire, the Grand Trunk ..per- I ated an elevator which served the grain trade from Chicago to God., ich.'l R had only A capacity of about O),UW bogbcls, whereas -the present huildingc holds In the neigbburbood of ewe millions btaheht. DESTROPFD BY FIRE . Th. original buildtig. of the &lode- hch Elevator and 'transit Ch,., Limited erected In I'908, was destroyed by Bre about 11105 acid the present structut.- was erected the followicg year. ' When it was built it had the destine - IThe Grain Shipments to Canadian and American Ports front Fort William and tion of being the first re-inforced con- crete sgnnte bin elevator in the Do - and held that distinction until 16e Maple Leaf Milling Co.Liwited, built a copy of it In I'•'rt SColborne. At the pre-ent time the elevator here Is the only elevator which has the square bin and ►nano. leg ..r working tower under the rare roof. HAS PROGRESSED About four year, ago, Mr. W. L. Horton toot over the managership and about the same time Mr. G. L. Parsons was Inede well erintendeht. Since that time the firm haw made ex- cellent prugraw tend now it steads in a bignly successful stale as it luta per- haps never done before. WANT IMPROVEMENTS Not only the directors of the West- ern Canada Flour Mills Co.,Limitedand the officials Pf the tindrrich Elevator and Transit Co., Limited, but all the members of the town council and the board of trade are urging that in view of so much grain bring. shipped through this port, the governweot take immediate ste(p►,s to have the b*.-hor improved, They allege that about irO er'tent of the grain grown in Canada travels to the Atlantic through United States parts. If the Aomelpheut would spend more by paying iocteased insurance premiums/ orhazardous mines instead of want - tag subsidies and give better facilities tut handling grain such a' having pro- per harbor.- of refuge .established, etc., this plight., be prevented which no doubt would be a great boon to Canada: Port Arthur During Season of 1913 as Recently Issued by the Board of 'ainment iv saying very little. and the one ,egret expressed by the officers is that it wen impossible to make the in- vitation general to the ladies and gentlemen of Unclench. ENJOYABLE ENTERTAINMENT Moat Soleedid Spsctacl. Sees Sluts Structure Started One of the moo sorcessful and bril- liant events which have graced the opening of the fine new Masonic temple was a euchre party given on Monday evening last by the General Brough chapter of the Daughter. of the Empire. Everything the chapter attempts ie highly successful hut this party eclipsed all former records, and • real jolly time was %pent. The scene of hell and it festivities sermed its purpose uadmi R wore . There we34 tahtee for cards aid abort 110 remembers gaol friends 1 weave present. The flrsr-part -et fuse Rrrw1-witta 11 o'clock wag sprat in Dards. It was followed by a supper which all obs ladies of the chapter served to quar- tette Wh� the cards were in progrwws Mrs. theory', Williams, Mrs. Joseph Kidd. Mrs. Den. McDonald, Miss Mil- lar, Rev. J. H. F'otheringham and Mr. Joseph Kidd punched the tally Bards. in a stentorian voice Mr. Kidd then announe d the prise winners which ..sere : Pine psis -Mrs. James 13ushanan, Sb.riff R. U. Reynolds. Second -Mrs. P. J. prey, Mr. James Buchanan. Cnn•olatlon- Ise Hattie reicher, Cher. F. Com Attar supper. he tables and chain were cleared away and w short hut enjoyable dace was indulged In for aboet an hour. Miee Reta ('lark presided at the piano for • abort time and discoursed eseellent music of a dancing style, Mn. W. R. Bullard and Mrs. A. Car- den also played nicely. '(1,. happy Ratbrrisg broke up about I.D.S -- In the Toronto pollee court on Friday last George A. Galloway was ' .-set np to stand trial before • jot y oe a chores of et(Islingg verge suns of mnney from the Western Cond& Flour Moils Co.. [Taped. the fleet for whom be was at rare time accomt- i sot. it be alleged that da all Galloway took over MOM. l 0111 fir w,...h 1le(1ae t H'.b)r 3,(144. 1.4114OODE RICH - 5.097.313 Kingston 4J941.R45 Madiand and Tiffin 10,11.710 M'...r real 7 .•17,1 7 blew f o' d 44e,9rt Port Colborne -"0,11(7,731 Po, Nc\looll 11,1.55.1(51 Point l: sant Port Stanley .. 6i.iy Preeerou 15.9101 Thorold 117,311' Quebec 14(ored A'lost 1,111rJt11. Largo. W'rer•kel 4418.933 M•ar.AT OAT% 14•. Canadian P•rt. Holfalo Chicago Cleveland i.r land Detroit kr ie Fairport' Port Huron Toledo Stored Afloat Cargo.. Wreck. -4 American Port. 47.138,187 15,381,313 Total Solpment. 131,17.338 I.41...N 1 FP, 4.7111 1424,2g :.43.509 50,774 1,911(,702 1.379.(el 314e,9414 Limos, 8.eist.71t 1, 2b.734 3'.1(1 2.1/1(1,1.53 377,0711 11M,,UN 117.911 206.81 304.119 ttl,Is9 170,97; l,'0.,21. !UR. WI VI. AI TOTALS '23.718.311 7.273 701 1.742.13e Mb 331 (thin [I 242.1,2 187,1114 I71),0lil 4.144.331 1Su19Jl'd) 40,718,643 773.09 I lati,7H 2.432,147 1.1115.334 1:410,511 1110.1!1: 13.21,. SIu.I K. *1,7ts.3rn 9.Iloss.an 111,13at,IM2 18, 430,89! 14.912.964 23.eef,304 1Le1A1i.178 7sn, 721 2a,ry.i 37777,1,1 *17.711 191,1cD 101,4 id t.R,97:1 1.'14.1.47 .1,0)1,9,10 - 101,947, 7,11) 2.110', 467 B, s /, ii Y,ff711 3II1.•17- •,,2�,,5S1 2,112.391 V1 (101,311 If7,4t7s 31S,tr1 6,774 143,Sfy 3.X.3.801 .6 Ra.3.e19 712,3M Vitt 11.11441730 111,3;11 142.363 480.198 4.43,313 10.414,785 90,349,145 11,i310,331 1:.704 1X.)11 19,313.843 201.298,911 Note: The number of rooms to each .loan Ity have been eliminated, thus scooundng for .light variation tri'total' ..how,,. LITIGATION SETTLED The actions that have been pending in 16e courts for some time past. between Mr. R. S. Hays, plaintiff. and Dr. H. H. Ross, Mr. James Archibald, Mr. Alex. A. McLennan and Mr. James K. Smith. detendents, have been settled. the defetadaats paying the costar and signing the following apology and retraction To R. 8, HA Ta. loser., Ito slater and Solicitor, Monfort\, Onion We, the undentgned, have learned with n- 5rot Oust we are reported to have made stats meets ai derogatory 0 you and ttsad to your gofer reference to the caof ROL partleamt O With se W. beg Iare.- yea and say 018., tolwh Ytie W semi report may have morar that we have not at my tame tntentlon.Ity made any redact -Me open you le your p. dh,denal ,tberwiee. 11 anything said by a ha. been .. Interpreted K wee mite seet.1ury V ear par. pre aM istmet, and we mower r�eyl1 Reset 16e Meet tre m salloweyou have st wered wa oosndt�y. tM you la • manor creditable is y00�.a yea eR rytelsgtrmbeedMIr.tro Wtb.aswvi4 =and kin mare indebted forwest set'-assetbeastere dimmi(I.n ,t the eras sed me are Wed M mite tate emelt tae1W of e11beta g tng Last Is smasee tags 65.41* wst .f the master was is .rosy w.7 esS�A. ecumenist we my ever have media la o may with the feemdl.A t ,amt may have \eon a underbred. we withdrew eat ewe flame ear that my meek aWM ever Moe Moo elude or have beat se andemeaed. 4tsm.eed1 H. FL Ram, Down •mtmnwur.A. A. rT dIR PIA11. JAMA A. MsrtTlt, LEAGUE FORMED Temperance Workers Decide ea a Naas for Ther Org•aisatioo Henceforth thaw entbusia•tic tem- peranee workers who were instru- mental in the passing of the Canada Temper•anee. act In Galeria* will be known as the Ooderteb Citizens' league for moral reform. The name was decided upon at a meeting held in the temperance hall on Monday night IaeL There was ox.noidevabls diesels - W oo on the subject. Rogue were of the opinion that the hod? 'should oily be called the Citissas league and oth- ins.Ahmed that M it stood for social reform sad law eaforeernent, it ought to have its full name. r sre'atien TM Qosstioo or providing fox under the public library earns up and in view of the stand tak- en by the library beard at its present meat egl ow Rstneday Mobs last it was deEidd to have a eomm rtes meet oat appointed by iho library hoard. EXCELLENT RECITAL Local Minicmas Please Good Sized Audience 'Oodericb is essentially a music lov- ing town and perhaps for the else of it, there ere more musicians here than in the majority of oteee.. However, a real first-class musical treat was banded out to a good sicced audience which gathered in the North street Methodist church on Thursday erve. ing to listen to an excellent recital given by Mrs. Geo. H. King and Miss Grace Seager, with Mr. A. Roy Adams and Mr. Geo. H. King as aoconypan. iso. Mrs. King powwows lovely soprano voice and her solos were very much enjoyed. Mies Orace Seager i• also a musician of unusual ability. Hey, play- ing ig unique and bet tone i. exquisite. She di•playsd line execution and bap. - ing and both an en4 .114n, IL Saye are ftniamilt *5401.. The accompanists, Meows. King and Adam., are too well known for comment. The Programme wail arranged with 1a6t4 and was M follows : By Mrs. Geo. H King -Angus Mc- Donald. Mary of Argyle Scott'Whe Rae, Love's Torment, Little Orson (3atdem. By Mise Gnome (ter`Melofdie Serenade, Serenade, Lot Cygne. L The last number, )ve'. Coronatio was • beautiful blending of vocal a nd Instrumental 010.347. Mrs- Ring sang, MI.• Meager played lbw violin, Mr. King see(ympanioc on the piano and Mr. Adam. on the omen. An mason' was demanded. The patrons and ;metronomes of the recital were : Judge and Mn. Holt, Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Poth ringham, Rev. wed Mn. Geo. 7. Rosa, Rev. and Mel. J. R. Ford, Rev. and Mn. W. E. Hagler, Dr. and Mrs. H. I. Rtrung, Dr. and Mrs.A. T. 13mmPesore. Mr. and Ms. Et. J. Me- na., Mr, and Mee. Wm. Protdfoot. -A alai' t ler tee t bureau has been started in Winghass to wales those whim want employment and also time who des4e to engage moo_ LJasgs stir.-' Imes boon panted and p>e•eed Arcaw is conspb'noow planes nonan that ne around Crher P«s•e• hairwort to be denm are desired to Ise.-' an* mines at ole tows elerb'e ys�1m eel Y these who desire