The Signal, 1914-2-12, Page 7st" adwayt; alp ady JA1 ell ef per Weak Yds. eh Ilt .. 7tear Teti. Init., .1 sa. I veiled le blur 43.4411,61r• hut law luau.: io h elp licr isay. We met se tau. se e • 11 COM AN COUGHS APO? tie PeNef es fee 41166•61 barl . the surrer• smarts owl rtvh1... 44.1 thin Wales. Vet s taloa.," 1.10.1 o et bet inner. Mk Ono ost loo• I4 BlitiMAI • CO.. lb Clow. re fire lint Ire YOU CAN ENTERANY DAY AT TtlE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN ROUND, ONTARIO 1. Argo staff of specialiets.• I mkt ill tial 101ettiletion. Positions guaranteed to graduates. Ptinripsil for XI year*. F. C. A. Reeretair free an T. Swarts' 'Bac, Livery and gad Stables Jcirr mer THE MaiVAKIE BUSE'S MEET ALL TRAINS Passengers called for in any part of the town for serviee and careful atten- Our Livery and Hack service will be found up- tredata In every respect. Yourpatrooage solicited. T. SWARTS l'bone 107 Montreal Street sweeketeteetetonalearesiereenewereameeme COLLEG E raleink to emitises as sue* IMINIBA IR MIN •We Thiseemills **bedew teem = e lreigab, le fast everrtdil=17 UAW - o we 11•10, Yee may 1110•1 at °N - .m4. mow sellsot Aker ladeda- inkitnisties. nowt teachers. Amsted ram osseekerc..0 Kauai ...Mel felalees Spoil= -.anew Clinton Business Cellege 0. tV1PICI Principal One E. R. WIGILE baler of Marriage Licenses Coal, Wood, Lima, Calmat rira Brisk, Lk. We will Molls Flaranton astilleighlb:aRey Coal, two are recognised as the people fioderrob mai idtria. rod Asti hs sled to bear frame GA Mr Mr. Holum' roatemere aid any others who wish anythias ht our AU raiders laft with Jae NEWS OF DISTRICT NEWSY ITEMS IN MRIEF FORM FROM OUTLYING PLACES Wingham Firemen to Have 'Phones In - mailed -hew Post Office For Exe- ter Mooted and Government Offi- cial Looking up Sae -Harristen Residents Boycott Thu; r Own Butchers -Mr. aid Thomas Seeman. .of Lkitetwel. recently celebrated ' their golden weeklies:. the new preeitient of the Ontario gall Fenn asenciation. --Mr. Elwyn' d Leech, a wicks respect- ed 'evident of Trowth idle. for the pest years, "leased awly on Wednesday Wed yeer at the reeidenze of 'his eon- -Mr. %Vilfrid Thompson and hietine team of draught Imre,: xitddenly event through the 1.•01.11 tile M..11.1.1111.1 l'iVol• Tresw•ter late Fridley afternoon mid Iola the rtatest kite' of a call from lVni. Crtig, fernier red katehrwitn, 1113,A year.. had been ailing with typheid bite& ot Al of via. Tbe &eel qty of .t ndrew Hereby was found in his V....111 et the Hweld ing% %bete 111. WAS !)04141infl. with the throat cut from eer to enr ere' e mazer lytng by hie side I wee Ife had been in a de - pouch -tit 'timid for 4, 4110 11 4.4. 311141 witls 41 very painful aceidelit. when ber little son eta held if r geeposteler itmt was praying with itMr.. Grey. - del not kriow whist the net. 00.'1 Was, etel 'tethered it up to throw it away. Inmead of throwing it out. Mtn. (ire% e tbrew Ike powder' Inteitti he ismer. rind in the 'vomiting .replosto,n.ny:ts teener *Minerely burned. -Mi. Edward neeeh..n resident of lest week, in his lined year. at the tied - donee of hie son-in-law, J It. Code. He celebrated his Wad birth- day en Janitery Iltii, When many old fa lend. were preeent. He Was one of the tAtt Leech brothel -A, who in the early days et Huron county were well- known and popular rtnidents of Blue! A Good Stunt , The Wingham tone' council has de- cided to have a telephone installed in the homes of all the town firemen. Gave Lecture Mr. 0. A Miller, principol on the Seeforth "eulleeiete institute gar, .t lecture. on. nPrehietoric Life" before the iVoitmn'e Canadien Cloth of that Leen on Tuesday evening cf this week. Wants a Raise Mr Williatu Bright. town elerk Listowel. has applied tor en increase in eatery from -an) to 11InInt /11141 Mr. asked for an inerease from SW to New Post Office nit.. Dawson, of the puldie works de- partment. Ottawa, VIA4 in Exeter on Tuesday of last week in connection with the locetion of the bite for the new poet office provided for in the recent point:ties brought down by tbe Up Goes Meat Harriston butchein have increased the price of meet te such en extent t ba t a nominee of citizens have formed au orgiani,oation mei are having their supply of tneat furnished by ferules - in the neighborhood. County Orange Lodge Meets The County Loyal Orange lexIge of NI» th Heron wet in the Orange Wingbato. Tuerday of *et week. Their war a Rossi ratendamei loess all netts ot the ...witty mod the iopers of the entente( I lige+ allowed liat the Orisons Oa der is 141 n flourieh- Celebration to be Held the annual ineeting of 1) P county Orarege lodge. held in Exeter on Time -tiny of bud week. it wasdenoded to hula it celebration in tJuderich on July Kenney, in itobtup. unty 'fleeter J. W. liorigins. Lueare deputy county master ; John !tproule. Lame. chap plain ; Peter Cant -love Clinton. wee -e- ntry : Thor. Flynn, Creditor". financial secretary : Rd. Cs t Moo. Clinton, t rem - nrer ; John Armitage, Luaus.. and R. Metturray...Mayhold. lecturers; Vs inlet -burg. Chasten. director or Hemphill. Newell auditors. SUFFER NO LONGER ! KEPHALDOL ttas Now Conte to Canada' nufferers from ithemeektison, Lam. irigii, Sciatic*. Neuralgia, Haedecha.. meats may now And speedy, reekootse ielief and certain cute. At laid die •ictiais of thaws tortur- ing oreopiainta - men and wows wens, lire, aro lommeravraout army • gepbaklol ia now offered in Can- adian*. tot the fleet time. • ramody which nut only bee emildied modorm- maw for its efficacy. bat is ahoo toed to he a perfect ly safe pain- hvarteezoing valor nobly organ. Per onarrn and ▪ orimplartArhaidol is tor- equallid. A or two takes at rim thdligilign of motile mill is- ,Lhalkell 31 Latour street. • THE SIGNAL GOD CH ONTARIO Instead of tbe mewl prayer mei/lbw I Ma. Oswego Cade. Veafoetb. spout names missionary banieset should be sad the 81. oderi• h hockey eveolug, it was arraaged that • lay.. i &mar& arced hithwalli• "gape WIWI*. °lit with e heir permit held. About 175 invitations were sent I =Melt M Owl • meas. Mr. Arad Mrs. Nelson Couch. of ed after by tbe latikss, wee partaltsn of ' of Mr. U. C. Brown. in the basement of the church, after I Miss May Dickson. of Po. t .albert, which the gatherhig assembled in the spent the week -end wit It her friend, main edifice", when Rev. S. F. Sharpe, i Mille Haeel luellItine• .4 Exeter, sod Mr. It. D. Cameron, of I The eideoeld were in a, veil' lett Lucknow, gave two splendid addressee. condition until • th•Ir set in• Th. These two gentlemen have studied sleigning last week was not, very good. thin subject thoroughly, and in their Mr. Unsworth Jones und Mks Heku addresses th..y *hewed what the lay- I Pridbam. of Ciodericb. wens visiture meter movement 1. doing for enseions. i at the home .111r. t 'wee over sunday Both ad bosses were listened le wit h a bud, week • great. interest- Mrs. L. S. Palmer is as called teat Ther -day to the death iied of her MENSAL.- mother, Mrs. Joseph Beavers. of St. Marys, whose* desith occurred on Fri- , Mr. James Hulked. aasivtant ruall day, elerk en the Gland 'Trunk, is !nese Jannarv 23.11. Mrs. Palmer's ior holidays. ; daughter. Me -at Esther Bellamy. Ake I left on Satinday to attend the funeral. Mr. Janes Sparks is *pending ot • Pmv. H. A. Fivb. of Owen Suited. van few deem with bus parents prior to er- ganiser for the Change order. deliver - turning to Wallaceleiree ed en addiess in F:rskine churelt on Mr. IL J. le coolie, harrister. Ter- Ilredneeday of boa week on -Itoine's onto, is spending a few days in town. Intlnence 00 the Press. Public Szhoois coninining lousiness with pleesitre.. The ...hutch team/ pmcked to the doers, many cowing a el. s ad,ueter, New li ork Central Ione di.tettee to heti, this able speaker. Imam. Ties lasegebae walks. ewe- fiksesised. wee, trisisswe at the boss, HELPS THE SICK TO SET. WELL The letter below is oaly one of :mom that show bow GIN ?ILLS are regardeel by these wbo have used them. Well -cut Clothes Cannot Make a Gentleman; but Slip -shod Clothes Can Spoil One. We have just received ' A Large Shipment of Sem i=Ready CLOTHING le ate Deere*. McEonn bequeath- I rid on Frioety evening in the ed A tine tesildisse lot to the corpus- cultural hall wes suii eseful dtopite mion to he used its a site for the 'roc- the eoinewhet sinfavoraOle weether. • 4 . There were nearly two hundred people The new pipe orgaii for Carmel preeent from ell partg ho thoroughly Pteebyterian church it expected to tar- onj..ynd indulging 111 the dancing ere it-. this week. The opening ut the The Lueknon orchestra tut undue!. wilt einso place un March 'th. , welts served dui ing the evening. The Mr• ‘V 11. ili'd1401"- who for IndmY club haw foi•itsxtreeirlent E. D. Pal - Lre then went tor the west. le het" neer and the following e.imprisne the I visiting his old ft iends. Ile la sking c„rumit,„ loft H. AD.1 "I think it my ditty to tell you that ClIN l'ILCS are • sure cure for Kidney Trouble •nal La Grippe. I suffered so much with stly kidneys and La Grippe until I u.sel (.1N PILLS. stud now would not be without them in the house. 1 always recommend (AN PILLS tit anyttne I know is suffering with their j Kidneys." GIN PILLS are sold on • positive gitarautee of money refunded if they fait to gi‘e relief. sae. a box -6 for 14.5u. Sample free if yon write National lirtie end Cie -mica! Co. of Canada BLOOD & NERVE TABLETS are the ideal untie for pale. thin people. sue. a boa -6 torte -50. 7c7 Fued "4""lb"")""wo h•vina °re' A. Higgins They intend giving et) - Iteration. the lllll cll. Rt a recent I meeting. appointed Mr. Th *day evening. January neth. )1r lieorafe tire chief. e.tuse been miled rot 11u, „in the coming year followed by lb 11411- %1r. W. Perkin* proprietor of 4gthi, r,uyetb' room in connection' with his hotel when the Seutt Aet c lllll es into opet- (hand Master Bailie ellttfred tile hell dispatched. Following nre the officers Stewart V.U., Bro. 0. E. Augustine tit John'. _nuinican church hese un Friday evensue Wag largely att./lied War , Bro. J. R. ilieNab Clow, Bro. and greatly enjoyed. The cronies' iu the rink here hest D. McAllister ; FLS.N.G.. Bro. Geo. Tue-cloy evening. was very socceetut. Re. %ell, Bro. Geo. Adams; S. N'.0., The yuting bathes' hockey teems and Sproul : Bro. \i/m. McClure; afternoons rare oats Acting bur crowds. 1 Atiderem. Great prides is due Due The 100 -acre tarus owued y J. W. !Stutterer& of Peace River district, I I triet Deputy Grand Master Inailie for who w f 1 the excellent manner in which the was sold to Hobert Brown, of the. .82;1 work was done. After tbe instellattou township, at enntIO. There are 1400 the guesim began to aeries and very acme. with good brick house and hank been. Mn. and Mrs. Shortreed have since returned to their home near ( ;rand Prairie. Tbe contract for the new Presbyter- ian church was awantied to John Hun- ter. of Cranhrook, at n21.000, exclueive (if dictum.. glass and seats. A new inclosed cement home shed wee let to Meese% Hunter k Barkley at $4000. %Week will be eommenced at as early a date se poesible. Tbe new edifice win he erected on e present site of the old church. CLINTON Mr. Herman Prior. who is •isiting Exeter froin the weet, was the guest 'Mies Minnie Folk, of y ispent it few days with her aunt., Mrs. Miss Lizzie Ford, (of Mitchell, spent the rveekeend with her parents, Mr. and NI's. John Red. Nike Jennie Holmes returned home on Wedneedey of last week after a throe weeke with friends in I-lel/- DO IMWie Avermore. sr., le spending the reineinder of the winter In Myth. Mis• M Cooper is %lilting with her Mother in Conine 0/0.41. Mr. %V. Brydone wail in Toronto on Monday of last week. Mr Laurie Greig left lett week after vecetien a• his home for his posi- tion in tbe Molgons hank ota Mei lin. in town lest week. Brussels et tend ing I he golden weeding anniversery of D•vid end .M Heist. M?s. Agtisw is rioter to Helot. spend wit • (short hum with his daugh- ter. Mrs .1 F. Wiesmen Although the old ern' loosen is up in the eighties be is wonderfully smart anti would pass Mr. Karl Wilkin. of Locknow, has been transferred to the Molsont bank Mr.. J. Leslie Kerr entertained her lady forieeee on. Tueedee mealier and Miss Nettie Byrne. of Stratford, "Nis wielding bee cousin, Mies Aline Mc - week -end viaitor with Mr. and M J. laselie Kerr. Mr. H. W. lirawn returned • week •ir, to Toreson after tern weeks* viler with her aister. Moo. J. Leslie Ms Janie. . Wale?. Vehe came flows from the west a few day* ego. io- toads returning In about two weeks. Mr,. McKellerttan, of Allterie. re- ser/sod to her bowie on Nloviday, after =I,Mrs. George Note iegt the Pew few weeks with her Mr. Otednia titres& who Isar been ledger keeper At ths Masons bank. hos been moved to the Avow branch. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Lame Back ran be cured the geese fruit kid ney and Nye remedy, PIO PILLS Bram ford, Oar. Aqg 1:1:1111r1 Your modiatior. Pike. hes want- ed wooden foe awl. Tim rhernisatie odor have aothily left mo and I oars imarything to I OW romody. Too WO at liberty to publish fhb. IL II. 0 truitArr At all dealer* 3) and 31 mina ere eehawi by boo ibt. Mow. - goon the beautiful hall was a 'cane of enjoyment, all seemingly entertained by the many *eines movitled by the management. About 11.00 p.m. it substantial repast wee prepared tor the occasion, consisting of oysters • sera ed in a manner that would have done credit to a theit-clmechee follow- e d by sandwiches, ice cream. cake, coffee and fruit. I r. Wni. Fee his Liletere fern, north After Partaking heartily of the of Zurich. r., things provided the games were ----- • Of Latest Spring Styles COME AND 'SELECT YOUR SPRING SUIT BEFORE TIIEY ARE ALL GONE. McLead-Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents fur Cal hare Overalls, StanSeid's Underwear. Fitwell H ats Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs JIM GODERICH TOWNSHIP t meld! met on February :Mil with ;r11 members •irra,uit. The minu es 41' the last meeting were trail and ;w - I A bylaw iiiithorizing the nutting of IMMO debenture for telephone purposee was reed and passed. The auditors' repot t wale read and adopted. Four npOlicatious were received ftir the pool- , noon of aseesior, and by the casting ' vote of the reeve fierbet.t Murphy secured the position at a salary 0[1010 The asset:or W•1•4 hy council to assess bush land et a higher value, timber land having increased in value considerably during the past fe The following. accounts were ordered paid : -Geo. P. Gould said Gleo. W. Acheson, auditors, W.:leach • W. Huck gravel :39 • John nal kind, h $6.0l ; Alex. Welsh, sheep valu- ator fig; ChildRen's Aid society, dona- tion, EU: F. W. Farnoutnb, engineer. int ; Jos. K. Whitely. Postage and N. W. TREWARTIIA, Clerk. Mc J. P. lima has purehanied trona nduliged in, if poesible, with greater zeet then before supper. Thuro parried ell too quickly an evening which is beginning to he anticipated with much pleasure and it is sincerely hoped that the lodge may bee fit to make it an annual fiener;..n. Drunkenness Can Me Cured Alcura Will teo It Aleera, the widely•known treat- ment. for elcoholion, can now be ob- tained it ism store. It is guaranteed to cure or heoent. or clumpy refunded. Remedy that has been tried by thou. - ands and found to be just g• it ej . hum. Drunkenneve is a disease. Those oho are afflicted with the craving for liquor have to he helped to throw it off. Alcune No. I can he given etacretly in :toffee or food. -lacuna No. 2 is tbe voluntary treatment.. Help your loved ones to restore thenteelves to liver of trohriety and usiefulnese and to regain the reelect of the community in which you live. Only $1.00 p -r hox. Ask for Free Hoek!. t. E R. Wigle, druggist. Gode- Paver Gedericb fee Cienp At the annual meeting of the officers of the :tied Regiment held in Clinton on Tbureutty, the 41164464 lose of tramirog eit h- r in Juno or August wits diecumed thortmehly and the majority were strongly ita favor of August. It was win? lel nut that tinder pres- ta conditions. it hi impossible in get he yetink termer,' nut in June. He- ruitiefe (officers have had the hardest getting even artisan pet cent age of really geed men fit tut -newt. Messy of the offerers mem moss. sae. Jennie rag of (Milt leondillong. and it wee oboe.'" thin many had regained recillatittir under conditions 11 hich Lo• ndon nn et -mein' of better ground, ph« (Akre., present were : Leen Willem. of feeeferth. who presided : Msloin Cettihe, Rance. Straw and Mc- Taggart, of Clinton : Cates. Dunlop of Harter ; Naftel and Mandel, .1 Doderish, and Sinelair nod Vetere., of I.:idiom,. and Lents. Toe n. of Clin- ton, Miners. ef Myth, and Hedging and Mtanlniry. of Eiti ter. in ACCOUNTANT APPOINTED Municipalities Will See Fair Play Over West Shore Railway Nini has been selectee' toy the interest- ed parties and the 0 -arm Railway Board to go over the necounta of ate Ontario West Klee railway and t Ise nection with the Investigation of the strain el' the railway compoiny and Ichn W. Mopes' interests in it. Weak Heart En4,,, Many people suffer from weak hearts. They may experience shortness of breath on exertion, pain over the heart, or dizzy feeling?, oppreesed breathing after meals or their eyes become blurred, the heart it. not sufficiently strong to pump blood to the extremities. and they have cold hands and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened bkod supply -to the stornsch. A heart teak and altersitive should be taken Isbell hae no bad afterninnect. Such is wIdott contains no dangerous ataroottos or alcohol. it helps the human system in tho constant manufacture of rich. red tined. it helps the stomach to maimilate or take up the proper elements from the food.thr rob, helping digestion and curing dyspepsia. 6min-burn and many uncomfortable ump- teen, stops excessive tissue waste in convalescence from fevers; for tbe deem, anemic, thin -blooded people, the 'Discovery" ia refreshing and vitalizing. ha Niseikl se toilet hewn at await sfree Nevem oe sera ••••-••••C RENEW YO Subscription to The Sigoal and receive a 1914 calendar etereitorounemiesieweseesuweelielinteNeemewieentetteemesweednoitameteent GIVE THAT PUNY CHILD THIS GUARANTEED REMEDY If your child is under-ecight, ailing. liable to get eick easily. it needs a medicine to hull its weight and strengtii. For this puree -so there ts nothing else ter know of that we can so strongly endorse as able sureces of this splendid medicine is due to the fact that it ointsens ingredients that tone the neret's, enrich the hleod and furnish to the entire system the stnesgth, weight and health -building substances it needs. And, it dote :ill withont injur- ing the et/smack in 'fact, ResaTI nth -roil Emuimui is net retie pl....isant. to take. but cern the most sensitivo stonuich is lxne- fitea toy it, and the digestirm imoroved. the other hand. it amtaina nit alcohol (or habit -twining drugs, which meat parents object to giving their children. It does its rod work 1.y taking heti of the weakness nod balls the body op to its tinter*, streneth. at the same time making it stro.ng load your child up, feed the 'quilted. puny muscle, and make thc little flee lively, children an. ree..nt by nature to loa•-c, cotne hack and antl r t your money heck. We don't want you to lose &cent. We think this is no mon. than Lair, end it klives y. s: T10 CUM bi peepk :kV.) f• ---for convaleseviits-f./ all who arc rw-r- votetAired-otit. run -4.1m, no matter wlea the eause--wc titer Weed ()live Emul- enn with the same riarigitee ofintire set - 7,000 Resell Stores, and in this- si.n may ! ford block. Doderich. 111 1141 Vf All Growing Children ewe depends,* on nourialtereont for gpeourth. Their hamlet ma limn and wommant Ilmmally 1. hlifilid. bked141011. Used wise dim stir- =zoliselPhaimesa statowee grandma belsr-bellaig his so dist dmi blood absorb, ha slamIllk mid Mal= ewe them mil Pm Pin* It busman* Moir asmaifte. thaw It &Ai flases--esmoillhose Ike boils* varier Ohms aftwdr. wide" used immasks. alaalal weak la Ilairs Walla just parity awl arms& DO YOU WANT A GOOD BARGAIN ? If so, call and see the splendid bargains we have to offer in STOVES and RAN4IES. Even if you think you can make the oil stove last through the winter and get a new one next fall, it will pay you to buy NOW. THESE PRICES ARE vok SPOT CASH Crown Brilliant Heater. No. reguler price WSW, reduced *27.00 Crown Brilliant Heater, NO. 28. regular price $42.00. redueed Lo *31.00 Crowattrillient Heater, No. 2n, with oven, regular price *43.00. reduced to Crown Brilliant Heater, No. 2.e. with men. regular prier. Radiant Home Heater, No. S. 'regular price $45.0t1, redoreel to . 111115.00 Radiant Home Heater, No. 5, with oven, regular price $30.00. reduced to *40.00 Washington Orate Heater. regular price 1510 OS. reduced to 318.00 The' Winner, cegillar price$1640. reduced to. *II It 00 Dairy Oak, No. SOO, regular Price SEW. reduced to Royal Oak. No. III. regular price Ital.00, reduced tO. *16.00 .tiso number of secondhand Heaters at opiendid value gad several eseospdthsad Ranges at low prices. • Have you any PP.NOINO to do ? if to now is tips tiake to Imy. We Win sive yoo an .11Ne Coiled Spring Steel Amernean Pewee. 7 wire), turbos high, for 22e. per rod, while it lasts other Mare In pi °port 11117174 loft over, on which we can give. you seine splendid abuse Mee whet we are offering for resets in our big window. Some of the goods a little short worn, but vi ben put In use are as Ruud a.a if just from the factory. Do no not forget ehet we (-eery :t full line ef HARD COAL (Pea, Cheetnot. ahd Haw, Solvay Coate. Domestic Lis140. Cannel and Blacketnithing Coal. Plonapt attention evert to all If you are contemplating putting in a mettle nr wiring yn •,• house for electric lights it will pay you to see Hest CHAS. C. LEE HARDWARE, PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRIC WIRING. All work given prompt attention and folly guarieteed.