The Signal, 1914-2-12, Page 6• 1uvftwkaT Prit 12. 1414
Special Values in
Vtu'• fine Boa Calf Bluchers with median, arid extra heavy soles
at piker (rust $I.fiO to $1 01t.
Lather' fine lk,ngole Kid Button and Blucben. with patent toe
exp, and good soler at prices from $I.;d) to ll.
Mee our window a'isplsy for there specie! velure.
Out prices for children's foot wear are most meow:,aI.t.•.
Downing & 11cVicar
1'11.4 r 220
:. • µaa.-
' 4
Coocie6e walks
need no repairs
. ••wiNnl M
.. 'rl► i.i=d
TN EV are not only best at first but
• are cheaper in the end than any
other kind of walk. They are clean,
permanent and safe. There is no-
thing to become loose nor are they slip-
pery. They improve the general ap-
pearance of a house and are a source of
great satisfaction to every housewife be-
cause they keep children out of the
mud, prevent colds from wet feet and prevent dirt
from being "tracked in" on floors and carpets.
Equally important is the fact that they never wear
out and never need repairs.
This free book "What the Farmer can .to with
Concrete" tells all about concrete walks std how
to build them, and a score of other think. .ceded
on every farm. Write for it to -day.
Farmer's Information Bureau
Caseda Cement Company Limited
1121 Herald Building
Make Your Stock and
Poultry Pay Better with
At • ,met of ler than a cent day per health sleek around his plum Try It en
head of stock. it will increase their value 21 the pooreeteoaditaesed safest pee terve sad
per OMNI. Permanently cures Colie. Debility, we knew you'll he asrprWd et the result of 10
Worms, Dote and Skin Dress. Tow up short trsstaeat Caul. and hese tones
nes-ak,srn animate .o that they qu4ekly up a seats earlier Mau withoet it, which $,
anis r ,ght sad vigor. Ingresses the yield neem you Mare a smoath's feed tied •
el math e•.wv three to Il ie retinae ea
nae a day. uath's labor. You eau *tag Ma pies M ler
iesidn eariehing the quails of the mitis- the pink of essdiuo• at the met of 441.15 „
ROYAL PURPLE is eel a fond. It is a eon. Inners rs treated l• tmase way east no nevi
('*tenor --the test seer so•d. tt there was wore than 441.55 .eek to pet la prime .tae fall
any :atter .e would he muting It. It en- far market. ROYAL PURPLE arsciPIC on
5hlrn your stock to est the satunl food they !Mime and knee well sasns. molts M
eMertd cat and get the most besets from It saws. mama. deers. kegs. i.14 la pmkeasa.
Intro m t4 ad. ie. .f all thorough ,eterin- see, sad a4;lebt this. 441.N. kn
5ey doeton-" )'ed your sleek on food of 110.1
Mr. Aka. Yew( Gives up Treasurership
d AgrirlsI_J Society
The prlaelpal harleess trauascted at
the adjourned edseldel of' the West
Huron Agricultural Moet.ty, held on
tiatuaday ut last week, was. the teweiv-
Ijlps el the k origami°. of Ms. Was.
Young. who has beam treasurer for the
past two years. Mr. A. (1. Nisbet was
appointed as his successor.
A Het of cuscwIttres were arranged
and is as follows: -
Revision of Prize List- I. Salkeld.
W. F. Olark, G. W. Andrews, J. K.
('lark, 11. L. Hwlkeld, C. O. McNeil. L.
L. Knox. H. K. Revell, f, V. '1' Marney.
A. Flatter.
Ptihting and Advertising -1. L
Knox, W. T. Marney, C. A. Reid. W.
F. ('let k 11. L. Salkeld.
Attraction- H. 1.. Salkeld. 1V. F.
Clark. C. C. McNeil, C. A. Reid. W. T.
tlurney. 1, L. Knox, T. F. Quaid. G.
W. Andrews.
Track •udtipeed Tests -W. F. Clark.
H. I. Salkeld, C. C. McNeil. C. A. held
W. T. Muruey. L L Knox, T.
QuitG. W. Andrews.
re -(i. W..lodrewa. A. Fut
T. V. Quaid, F. L Young, W. F. CIA
('tittle -J. S. Clark. H. Hill.
Sheep -6. O. Sturdy. 0. Edward.
Pigs -O. C. McNeil, T. W. Bela
Poulos --T. W. Bell, H. K. Rev
G. laltbwaite.
Ladies' Work and Floe Arta -('.
Reid, H. L. Salkeld. A. Eisler.
Bread and Domestic Manufactu
-Jahn E. Clark. G. 0 Sturdy.
Fruit -(i. W. Andrews, 11. Lai
waits, H. K. Recoil.
Flou'et•s-Preeidrnt H. Hill.
Vrfg,tabirs and Field Ciop•--C.
'4eNeil. T. 1'. Quaid. Y. L Young.
L. Salkelti.
Grand Stan(' W. T. Murnry 11.
Revell. H. I.. S alteld, T. W. Hell.
L. Knox.
Grounds and Gate. t'residont a
The pir..itleat is a member of
eoi mttteee and the first named
their -smut of each committee.
Much Danger to Those Trying to F
Tor -Merry Hole
W. CLAIM. NYS,, -ter rsnej
Full flavored and
perfectly cooked
make delicious
'55. Sudden Death at Parry Sound orf Mrs.
John Alex. Johnston
The many. frieodn in Colborne and
Godesich of Mrs. Jubn Alex. Johnston,
ell. of Parry $uetud, will learu with trgret
and sorrow of her sudden death. which
A. sad event occurred at entry PittUirl uo
0. Thursday night. January ''30th. Mr.
,tnhntlten. 1. ho se also a former reti-
res dent oftiodericb, will have the syue
patby of many old friends here in his
til- bereavement. Deceased was n •iole•r
of Mrs. Ellen Bellows of this tuwn
From the t'ar'ry Sound t'aua-lien of
t'. Mat week we take the following me-
lt. coma of for sad••dair :-
('itizen• were rho:keel on Friday
K. mourning last to bear tit the bud ten
L death of Mks John Alex Johnston.
which t..ok place the night le fore.
nd The deceased Indy had not be, in
good health vizier Di-ceatter, but on
all t buredav Was better. to wucl. int that
is she urged her hurt -and and daughter
10 attend the thldlrllows' at-uume
that night. Oa their return. about
midnight. t h"y found her unvutt)l loins.
k.sistance oles st once obtained. but
dl without avail. fife caner of her deer)
was paralysis. Mn. Johnstuu a -as it
woman) inendi esteemed by thole who
he knew httr. She w+s quite and reciting
ed I
n- t
don. and ?ire. Ellyn Sallow,, ret (lode
rich. and oto- brotber, Mr. JntureTutt,
of _McDougall towush.p, ate left to
Mown her Les; there ire a r'4WItr
of other relatives. Mtn. Johnaton
was born in Colborne. near Goderich,
in ll+ii and married at the same place
ai yearn AK-. Her parents arra %Vu
and ,lin.' Tutt. 'Ewen y five years
ago she came to Parry Sound with her
husband nod resided her until the day
of her death. She tens it member id
the Methodist church. and the funeral
set vice en Monday was conduct.J by
her pastor, Hrv. ♦. P. Latter. There
Witt; a large attendance of relatives
and Mends. Three from • dietetics
were her son, Floyd. her sister. M. s.
11 ('itemiser, and niers, M1r•s. Blakie. of
London: Thr flora) offerings were
t beautiful end nunsernu-. among them
h wreathe fr the (hdulellowt, the
t ladies' Aid of the Meihr.di..t church
1 :and Mr. E J. Vincent and stiff.
Ab s.- ee,.11 of a doer eull for
seriuua •cr'drt.t at the trig hole in t
woad it Tutnhrrra- town,bip. Her
Mulvey on Friday :afternoon order
all traffic nn the highway disco
A. nem ly a.i,(i00 bus been spent to
fat in ;.n una,eeesaful attempt to tilt
the hole. and it continue, to get big-
ger, it is likely that a bi idge will t•e
built. In the meantime. however,
no action will be taken. and the
(tdace will b e watched to ser what
(uytgse otl.
Friday afternoon then the Men
mete ut aeon k hauling atone: to try and
fill in the place. !Ur. James Porter and
his team ' were eanght when the earth
snddenly gave way end thrown shout
five tett into the hole. It was with
great difficulty that they were gotten
n manner. hut wag always rrddv tt
end a helping hand to those in die
reap lire loss will he much felt. Be
ides a bushaod and daughter, PeaW
t holtlr, one son, Floyd, of .M dine
wo sisters. Mrs. ('henshrrs, of Los.
Death Comes Suddenly
('oncer • g them midden death of Mrs
Wm. Patteteen, at Hialio, California
on January 5th• the Rialto Recur
Temperance People Skaald Provtds Sub-
lkks44s for Bar
1 real 1ho Tweuto Mole.
The. recent 1'aeott Art victories In
Humes, Welland nod Peel counties
eucaturssgtug to themselves. will br of
little permanent Avail In the endleaa
nauipaign straggls against the evil of
social diluting. toilette some substitute
is found ler the bar -room or the Glut•
ere a plan of social conversation or
entertainment. It might bt• worth
temperance reformers while. to try'
what could he accomplished by means.
of recreative institutions, eveo locom-
petition with licensed drinkiug places.
hut in Scott Act counties these will be
for tbs next three years no liquor
licensee i.swd, w that luring that
time thine will he abundant opportun-
ity to carry on a bewrtio.nt humani-
tarian experiment. This is the Inst
way to prevent the repeal of the act
after the ptohntionary iute•rval, hut it
ie also the best way to work • positive
oercisl Improvement in rural (an nwun
In several local option towns, the
temperance workers have recognized
the fact that greet houses for the
travelling public are no nhsolute•
necessity by undertaking to provide
such stopping -places when the iwo-
prietors of hotels Mewed themselves
out of the catering btuioe.r, of pur-
posely allowed their standard of enter-
tainment to degrade. In one local
option town there were two hotels
under license when the prohibitory
bylaw was enacted and one of thew
undertook to keep up the tight against
it for the three-year interval The
pugoarious hotelykreper finally ruined
ortn.elf and was forced to seek some
memos of living elsewhere. while the I
other. who had frankly accepted the
.oust ion. prusnrled mine tbau ever I
he had done In towns
temperance workers who have bought i
hotel pre intoe. and bell -0111d i repan- I
sable for the :barecter or the manage-
tneot hay. aeerived a Iair urturn for
their investment IN bat writ have
dose in this way in one place woo can
no limier similar condo iota* in abotber,
provided they *wt. ;shout the under-
takwg at voce and it ready tar huai.
uess by the H,*t of stay or cerebri
Bat more loan av i,wwodat ion for
the travelling -stabile re werde-e1. • I n
tach tu,'al ceiftt-e of4,amisfaiion there •,
eboutd be some place ufentrrtaioutent
' where )nuns; people can Meet fur aft
- evening's innocent aucial recreation.
• swath for full snncuon of ,heir peseta.
• and gusudiaus Such a place
• t 11.411.41 as an appendage to it liquor-
- ; selling butyl would. not unjustly, be
- regarded with stop,eu'n to aversion :
attached to a temperance homes it
might become not iseerety usrfel bet;
lwpularasa place of mutual unidove-
mrut. Thus is the y..urtg people's
op,.ortuoity in the country village. and
it wilt be interesting to note and re-
•' cord the results of -their efforts if they
I try auy *octal experiments. i
`patched frr•m the arms of houyan
gaud health into the oblivion of drat
within ten minutes after abe hail 1.1
the h • id hiends, where she hat
.!tent the afire -neon. was lie terribl
fate ()I Mrs. %Vie Patterson, when she
stepped in Lunt -of Ole Rboenix nye
Monday afternoon, which passes
thro„gh here d oily at four o'clock.
Mos. Pettet-sou bad .pent .word
bout.. ca1!ing on friends, end durin
her visits remarked that she neve
felt better in her life. Sc'rrely ha
the smile died ft om het lien until sit
had entered the portal of death. Sh
was 'dwelt fin y serve old and is our
sive(' by a huelwand and two eons, on
of whout is mill rr, the east. The awfu
tragedy ramie as A great blow In th
husband and eon. Edward, who wer
frantic with grief when the loss u
their loved one W10, nettle known t
Funeral services were hell (ram the church after
noon. when Rev. 0. W. Rrinitu de
livered a touchingut
funeral nernn. A
quartette. comMwed of Mn. A. J
Herzell, Mrs. % :ill Needham, C. E
1'ihhot and I). !) Boyce. sang a num
bee of beautiful hymns at the church,
and "Jesus lover of My f4oul" was
rendered at the grave as the body was
were(' into its last testing place.
Me«t•a. (lend,.- Watts, J. !d. Beeln.r.
I.. Cramer, F. W. Axe, J. K. 1Ve1-
and H. J. Rohe, tson acted as psal-
ten. The stricken family has the
it -felt sympathy of the whole com-
nity in theirsorrow, sorw, which has not
ly entered their bone, hit scores of
hers where Mn. Patterson was
own and loved for her Bunny dig -
thin and keen wit. Her memory
11 sive !ung in the hearts of all who
ew her.
Its. Patterson was a sister of Mr.
ea Garrick, of Goderich.
Met sed Gan. of Wo dstock...Oat,.
putt Out an exceptionally good
for February, 1914, t'oth as re-
s the character of the reedit./
ter and the quality and Interest
the illustrations. That well-known
ler and naturalist. Bonnyeaatle
r. coottibutps an article entitled
Bearman, descriptive of it ranch
where bear. are bncresafully raised in
captivity. A hum -nous %train rens
through this story, a slight departure
but an entertaining ooe. Them this
writer's ordinary style. ••Prints
from Canadian Tian.- Is it eontinii- 1
ltipo pf the fine eerie. that is being
eontrlbuted to ibis laagaavine
Mortimee Batten ; b
be 1)nminzi
Parks' as seen bt* as American
writer is Needfully iilwtrated :
Edward Bteek weit(vender the head-
ing •'A NOVA Scotia Dlaeovrry" of
the excellent caviare that is to be
hied In that prevines ; • report
November Blizzard Damaged Many Fisit.
erman's Outfits
Sarnia, Feb. 12.- Fishermen all
g along the shore of bike Humn. from
I { here to Gates irh, are as busy as they
d o.
✓ n
e p
I w
e Ire
i d
f it
o tl
an be, trying to get their rests rend
ets in shape for the opening of the
season, which it is expected -will take
late about theenri of Mar. h.
After the big November et firm there
ere only lour nets that could he used
rtweets here and G.derirh. Hun-
reelsofHehernten had every net des -
()veil. In AAdition most of them had
teir boars badly damage('.
They have nut in the boldest winter•
they have ever had making new nets
and repairing their hosts, and many
ere doubt lnl if they will 4w• fully re•
equipped again 1.y the end of Match.
The damage done by the storm to
nets and flshiug h»ata will rUb into
nestle thous -oris of dnllan.
1 .
roar ewer 'arsine- -00 pamper with Try MAL PURPLE PAUL e wi
soft Ind -,,.ted mal .•, that .Stn • fes. Try V a. i :V{/ae
cannot digest .nod. et bah/woos font ea Tear IDOSE kD
: t•t ,rood 4..4 sr..r11 on your own
.a hMy. 0*1.. bran. ea.'''. Sfte. You kmw De pee knew that ROTAL PURPri POLL AM
. .at these things east you ase what toy TGT $rode,( : smokes bass lay 1m winter se
w .:1 da w.11 se to noncore bases them thee, tram' t•r-Y and If yw w it as direct.(', we 51001t, falter mad k..e. tom Is vleere.r Iwzie
• vel L. ? m44ut& to sn aid fe.atoroetma- Posse s Soso aosa Sere thaw 090, vas Mas
re■ •saws .. better re..iu 14.. If nn health. A Ie. p • eekare yx her ever
f •4 •ns of the coneaette.. oger.d os. the 'S d•ys. 115.40.1 Wee key IGT W. Mr. Bald
.5,1.4 Its -preeered feeds.- header+ .f roommeadatlw fess ata parte Mat
o1 the ,.entry. it ROTAL PVRPLI e.s of
•7{fa reel eta roe hotter results •kms anything wyi
al A 1I sea ever lead, or dive yea Matl•fa m.•. w to
.111 refuse your meow, N. smatter what
• tl .e. 4. • excises. peso/ a.,ybk.d pour .pblott of ether preparations, we weal tn.
• est es your farce, w hat ROTAL you te sirs ROTAL PURPLR POULTRY
et. Id 1.44 STraP7c .111 4* for It. A le- $PRfiFic • ohsmee to show what 1t as de
seat pa.ekaee Wow • sm. er born Cis data 1..
pow eItis-a _pasha*
The ..a k se trilling that 5. farmer 4. .hew you sears Gem esdoµW
er I4ere u4
Cassia has sae en.w5 I.e MOWS *nut. 44w packages set 441.55 aIreight Ur.
15.7.1 Purple Casgf Spedbe fey e.eeh and Moral Teeple Ileo Mar fee meaner bed
d..trsmper. (MII1 dire say .r'd4nen omit •.imol. br. seed $5 , W sail eree and
in four day). See, fay mall t'4. sea
31 s.4 Parole Gwent Llmwmowk for smr w % el Poen* Cell sties fen esratelws.
rAeemeWssm sposotiwl kMaOe•a .ter ' I iwti hr bum. ,Matas. owes mires. eta. the .M
llowed1 bMPurple worm Spoon. for Ul mr sw. be moll lea w Goa.
removei the e• 'ss. •4o their ions. 2K ns d Psrsle op .oS* $ . fee reap. Ny.
la mall 440.. rp►tbkoeio, typhoid fere. W.momism. ehl
44'omal55fifrple D4.laf.etoMt 1. 244.. lies ono fe base. . lm peen rd.
W. wan moll for the aeb4* erer now oe.teed 11111 -pee.
44.54 es •ssmsmee sum e% of Meek .s/ packer. Tens
hew he Ileal rift and les* berm, *lb. mm.ou
sews mslene elm& hens: eke bow Is bad sad knew
M M■ er.1.5a se tbst thus My where pod sbwmos. Cone
'-ahearss _1 .abeete he lbri Imo their asteria sere. This r a book
t •u .crud Se he weary hews. per.wl.a IGS Vasa Wow br year sept have.
W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canada
' o,,al Purple Supplies and Booklet- ,i ., be ofita.neal from
is Riven of for recent annual mee•ti e1
of the North Amerecan Forest, Fish
and Ilam. Ptmem IVP Aau,datinn by
A. If Smith : and every page of the,
WIMP fereialtiere hrrdtbs (land Atew4 l. i
fell of interest or
man aportgoaa.
Skein Mb Arra
Mr. Wm. Peed. imgleser of the
fell g o of (MabMonday
Inst week. Me doles some work
cocoon eta the lastallatio• of
the 7
There would he lots less sickness dural`
cokl weather if folks would only take ordi-
nary common -,rim- precautions against it. 1
When you hear there is *nail -pox around.
you don't lose much time w getting your i
family vaccinated. But Iota of you do not
use the sae Roof sense in preventing odds, ds, I
the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, tmhos' t
Large Gathering in Baptist Church on;
Fnday Night
A very enjoyable lime was experi-
enced by iii who wee present at the
Baptol chinch no Fraley evening last.
tt rocceseion beim{ the rrceptiui. of the
pastor and his wife. Rev. and" Mrs
H. 1Vrigbtun. Alt pr•aeut were
invited to partake of a dainty yet
'ample repa..t prepared by the labra
1 its the teaeenteot of the, cuureb. Mr.
J. H. Mai shall, us t hairtnnn. crated the
mooting to order. Rev...roues Hawil•
ton .,Ifere,f prayer.
The chairwau ui .i few lu.ppy re -
tonek. evoke of the per pose of the
meeting and called imam Rev. Gen. K.
Ross to welcome Mr. N rightou on
behalf of the ministerial aes.ciation.
in the mute., of hu eddirn. Mr. Noce
said he was sure that j1i. 1Vrigbton
was a man that all would look up too{
he fraud that he would always be I
looking duwu ulwn his fiock (Mr.t
1Vrighton extends six fr. t four inch -.1
eel He hoped the time was nut far die 1
Goat when the lSapastn wou„t !lave to
extend 'her cherub. Ms..1. F. Thom-
ism) sdelighted t
the auuiem•e with hi
rendering of "Thr Village. Black
smith" and wan compelled t.. give •n
encore. Mr. John Chantal then ex
tended the on . half of the
chuicb. He mentioned the tact that
hircorrespondence with Mr. 1Vrigh
tun he had been drawn towa,ds
him oaod that he felt be knew him
even before he came,
Rev. J. E. Ford was %eked to ex-
tend to Mr. and Mrs. Ws ighton a
welcome as citizens. He went un to
say- that Mr. Wr,gbton bad proved
that he was n good citizen by the
way be bad thrown bhumrlf into the
temperance campaign. After speak -
lig et come length on the proposed
eburch union M., Ford suggested tbat
t might be wen to itnuate hinowlf
w he was the aft-prin4 of Baptists on
ne side and of ('punch of England on
he other and was himself • Meibudist.
see Hildred fiction wait su enthusias-
lally encored atter sloping w good
Roolcb wing that she teepunded by
luting anteater of lake. ohmmeter. 14r.
B.. Muiotetr• presided as r be- ot•gR
brounggbout the evening. ttev. W.
W. 1Vylse. of Clinton, *poke on be-
half of lira community.
Hey Mr. IA' lighten (bashed the
speakers fot their kind words. and
mild that une of the things which had
helped him to decide to e.nne to (lode -
Oslo was Mr. Mallen'. lettere Nn.
alt a face forward and said
she *Mr ministry would b
sense ens.. After ..bort addresses
lir. IR A. Warner on behalf of the
People's slalom and Mr. A.
IBktns on behalf of the Mesoday
Mad all rose and Joined In simian
he Doxology wad Iter. Jaeses ani-
on proclaimed the Ileaedietloet.
fever, rheumatoid and otter ('nooses, Sonic M
some serious mart and dangerous. and
y every rrtinber of your
fancily is almost certain to suffer from he , d
fore winter -is over a alinutaros ro-,3. . .
ii'takeo to build up the body and put it in t
perfect order before cold weather sets in.
Vaccination pretence thegrowthoterms
o(snull-pox in the blood. and puts the eye -
tem in to a proper healthy condi tan to resist
small -pox. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is da
signed as an aid to prevent as well as relieve
urease. 11 strengthens the body to over-
come the germs and helps to put your .• W
tern intotieright condition tomtit disease.
It contains the four Hypopboaphites room- •
mended by physicians to tone the nerves
iodblood. incombinationwith purest Olive
Oil, to nonrIb and strengthen theta.
You whoare weak and run-down •and you se
who are apparently well now, hut are liable t
tosuReriromvariotacoldwenthetailment* ilt
*IU Olive Oil Bentibien to sod
t ills ald.1/lnlg. Pattie tired -oat r n
t wvous, swasia .d t a ('listed -
ii44 a aid
= better
rmaklgBladinhi Ter_ t i%y. Pissgi
-•(f'1 k
th. I
tithe s a
a curable dimmer, which nripdree
treatment. The ORRINE treatises%
he toed with absolute ooziddewes.
goys all dile for wb4.Ls
hoer or other Intoxitanta Can 6e
volt la ttte home. No aoahariem n -
as* at P. Vowhen be r tie it
e thtggit
peer newer aae ta.tong,(en b 11R1alum
1d ttst>
eon It. Odd 1R be ibis beck m
M our Mote-- _mow•p
mire thea 7 .10,,!! tie
ford Mooak' GedaiM • bti '''• Bed -
Veiled Etat*.
pease. No loss of tine bum week.
Goa be Hives secretly. 111 aRor a trial
yen Illino get any bengal Mini Ib sem
yew will be itis.('('.
GRIMM. prepared .
oRtllis Ma A la pip EMS, Cress;
wile deice to take vetnnrp swap
...t. O s*.,sly $l OD a hoe. Ooar L................._
be Mid ter` sear tap natter .tis es. JAMES F. THOMSON
Ask toe booklet. P. J. Reiland,
Nan seed in r eSasskist.. r
Juicy, rich, healthful
oranges -the finest selected tree -ripened f-uit crown
in the world.
"SUNKIST" oranges arc the cleanest of all fruits.
Never touched by bare hands -all "Sunkist" picker,
and packers wear clean cotton gloves while at work.
Buy a box of "SUNKIST" oranges -much cheaper
by the box or half -box than by the cozen.
"Sunkist" Oranges Bring
Handsome Rogers Silverware
Send th.: trademarks cut from "Sunkist" orang
wrappers to u•t. We offer as premiums, elegant
Rogers Guaranteed A-1 Standard silverware.
27 different, magnificent premiums in c-:ctusiv_
"Sunkist" design.
This handsome orange spoon :ant to y rt, for 12 "Sunkist"
trademarks and 12 cent-:. Tradem-trk'. Lam__. "11,e1 Ball"
orange wrappers sato of ::.meat "Sunkist
In remittln,;, seed am.Jnts .if 20 cert. or Gee: by postal
Note, Port Office or Express Mocey Orct c.
Buy "Surst" Oranges
at Your Dealer's
Send your canoe acid full address for our c^r ; :c:: Lee
premium circular :.nd Premien. C7ud Piezi, Ad:tress
orders for prani'rr sllverwer;i aaJ 1.3 c'.:ar^d:iraticas t.
t:;fy .05 Les Street, Fast, ear. Okay , 'RTC' r) ONT.
A met i,•.'. Oreafe4
Hai. Proem Arti.t
Prof. ,Uore1nwend
M Tnrsrt nu
ii on D. (lode-
ri In, on 1'ree.dxy,
Frbli,runry lith.
renl•re hair oe: this
heait, et Ladle, arae
tie 11 o en who baro
..t ,Fe!r 1. i•. IIs h1.
*out rola turd hair
.w • fro. • I..w.. which
• r known all neer the
world, eve y woolen
,n... ton *mode to
1..,• to the heed. .high rues.. aealtL. comfort and good apt).
a vie.
Look tonrg. aryl hot., I!re miter*: pr.t'.
ee nes tet.. tate opeorlware. see 44. TrareiermadangwltrM.
N asoleit.. Par.i nodose,. s W Mitre. curia we. ,.
fientlemen (who are bald)
t"etert seal *stern roar bad head
i. h k, max hair. I,. order te h -v -
a conception rw the ww4rrnil
whir. - tont in the art . f heir a.r
.,rutting misty Laid wen should
-1' and .ere the large sample stew
• • Hair Toupee. wed ted Wig,
Adel. Prof. hurt' send will 4.
opts. WK. -
11tw•. wonderful covering. are +•
ra oras i,. appearnsea that dee.
t ion 1. 11. IR) .b;e. Tory are ed). 1
rl .0.eoorrlrt6 air heed that 14,
-.01.4 more mfr. •Roep( at the wren
'..I h They 0111 g.%, . ,none
and sateen's ex pees -its to the tar e.
A free drw.,u.t.•iui.w is extended to ail. Cow.. and P. •ne cont
ftisnda to •h•• HOTKi. IIBDFORi). (.Oi)F.RICi1, ou Tl'ESDAY.
When }amu go to a dealer's
store to hear a ' • • •, . •
be suit •
you hag an a s soh
Phonograph M
If you do not herr en E,trLott you do not hear a phone.
Tiler* is only
Eines end only one Ph000
e. la
6 seam Pkoaogrech i1 Mr. Fd.a3's
own achievement. He invested it and be pet-
it Hefor is clear, lifelke musical
86 . unbreakable. X1'0( bur
and Intim a lliieltlee. He has predimea the
li ce °Od Pyr ie needs
changini. reandy
perfected dui new cabins
ding of bounty
in aid a imarvel of
musical perfection.Hew this wow amodel. u .f
leatir orris.brain irrailihing ■
wank while
is do kid of some sad ions-
Lis Pit..rp". and %wilt ties NU*