The Signal, 1914-2-12, Page 44 TIlitiiseimlf. FRB. 12, 1914 THE KM N A I. : 410111FRIOH ONTARIO Have You Bilious Attacks? C.barriberiala Tablets keep the liver right up to nor- mal all the time—and that's why they are so effective in cure of Stomach Disorders. Fermentation. Indigestion, and all ailments which are the fore- runners of biliousness. Try them. 2Sc. a bottle Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 7 CRAM BERIAI N'S . .TABLETS . IT'S WASTIN6 DOLLARS to envy' •y 11 poci. pl•tothar. 11 103 1. queue was(e 111 v kitchen soil( PAO ri is. in me al .111.1ge t bait the pro. - of the VERY BEST PLUMBING Ferhatii ylio 'wive l• -en trying 10 CDOOPy 1111 p1 ii 111 I,j g 11111.1 11.•• lout dean through itt, the froternity. Let ii• show that there are toque teal plumb - ea in the 11U4111e-4. FRED HUNT HAMILTON STREET GODERICH PHONE 125 WINTER TOURS ) California and the South Retarn Pastaza low rates The 'Logical Route- . WESTERN CANADA For WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER Lease Toronto '020 p.m. daily lotorairt went I..lbr.ry tit...creation (*sir Stand,.rd Sleeistrut csn., Tourist Sleeping Cam 1,1,.loir usr. Phst Chas Coaches woe Ooluelst C rs. Part! Wars reventine Roil or Ocean tfiottet- f rein 3014. K I I ID. C.P.R. erg)). or wrhe M. O. MURPHY, Turves.. I Try our choice HOME -CURED Corn Beef a nd Pickled Pork NEWS OF DISTRICT Messrs. Fred. and Alex. Aruistrong intend leaving D.ownie for Dakota. --Mts. Johnson thewert died in Blarishesal et the age of 70 years. —A modern betel will he built at Windsor as it ems —The %Vattern ligundry t.4). have commenced operation. at Winghato --Mr. John Itodriph, reeve of Logan, is the new riteeldent or the Mouth Pert h Coneervat ive ressocietion. —The total ctintribut ion* during lb* tiara year in eonnertiem with the First Presbyterian rh/II ch, Meaforth, amounte.1 to fe5317. -Mr. Thome. Hill. fertuerly in the beiainese at Ivon•lealooroarid lied greve, hes purchased a hotel in Lon- don. Mrs. Catherine Plersch died at her h ))))) in lir entiowrivhip at the age of SO years. She was ill one week *ith paralysis. - Mr. Valter Jectil.s, of E sat Witwre nosh. leas added A .4p ev_np iridor 10 11i, farm pima end Overall% going extensively into the manufactine of pure maple syi eip, f mr which he claitn• is a 61111MI market. --Early elo-ing of -tores le exper- 1.11 to go into effect in Clinton ou February Id le, The town 1-1001'il hits c i•letes1 4 bylaw eIIiiig far the clewing of all t/toker at .eveti rilek eidch evenitur, recent on NVed- netelay* end SIstisnrlitys. The move ia the res'ilt of st lag agile' ion 1,11 the part ot the local mei ehente. -Mr. %Vendel &nit h hem void hie 100 - ice is fetus ..“.11401 /1I Zurich to Mr P. Farwell lot *19110 Found Dead on Roadside NI... Ant tinny Niever, of Hanover. was (mssol d.I .41 dm) 11).• 11.4.1sitt. while .11 riving I f ream AVelitert on. Death 541101 (1111 h. hP*0 t end had AP- parenrty taken pi ice helots 'lie old man had bem thrown 1. he 1.101..1. Ttbe re•ron.m.. were. rimy-y*41 to NValk- erton. where. ity wigs elerinith ip established. It appears thiat Mr. Nleyer had spent the -greater pert of •fileaday in Walkerton ancl s'arted for h • shortly after ten it'?Ieek. He, howe)er. had g••ne hot • sheet dis- tance when &eels overtook him ani the horse WhIPh was Mind in nne eye wandered off the road at this spot where it wit,. (mend. overturning the cotter. The dee-eased, who wax 71 years nf age, is survived by it witirsw. three daughters end three gone, ell of whom reside in Hanover. AUBURN,. Meette. Howsen k Lawson ars .hip ping rollers Oda week. Mr. Geo. F. Younghiut ha, s ear of feed corn at the elevator &It- sale. Mrs. Yeo im 'intim' friends in Pei- merston for N. month The weigh scales in the village were tested by the weight inspector this week and the usual fees collected. • nuniber attended the Maronic at- home at Cierlow hest Fe iday night and report a good time. LAURIER y M. and Mrs. J. Jamieson visited in Ltic ow one da14111iC week. 11 Sophia Kenstaton was the guest of Mies Agnes Wiley on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Neil G. MacKenzie i• getting his house heated by steam radiators. Quite a number of tbe young folk attended the literary meeting at Ambee ley and ell repiet • good time. Thursday and Friday evenings' ot last week it ouraher 01 tbe young people spent, • delightful time on the ice skating. Rev. and Mrs. Hardie, of Lociodsh, visited at the home of Mr. John Jemieson, Lake View. Eiht McDonald was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. D. McDonald, Kin- , .4".4.9"..www"aosolseaseelhatelivereeteseleseleetereare A *elect stock always, on band., LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay the higheset cash prices for all kinds of good legs delivered at the Mill, foot of Anglesea Street, Goderich. Custom sawing and general mill work done promptly. O'BRIFN & LEGG While Front Moat Merket Bast Stet -et Phone 31 Pe mnpt Delivery J. E. BAECHLER Ridiculous Valentines Last about as long in the memory as ,poor Shoes last on the, feet. Send ;your girl a goi)d Valentine and buy yourself a good pair of ERVICEABLE WINTER SHOES A &god Liberal Discount on lines that are a little put of esatee testiness. J. 11. McCLINTON tail. for • feve dere last meek. Mr. Wm. Wiley is busy beadles tim- ber tor • oew barn whloh he inksd. to build in the sprang • - — --- COLBORNE Mb* Mabel Snyder is on the alek list this wank. Mr. Daniel Schwan& went some tame With friends in Cretin -cm and slaitairat last week. It is understood that Mr. 0 It For- ster hits enartiped the services ot Mr. Ernest McCue tney for sem her year. Mr. M. Ohler bed a bathroom out- fit installed in his home, last week. A very pletasent time waa epent at the borne of Mr. Levi ...nyder on Wed- newisy evening of last week when About forty relies people congregated at hie booms. The evening was spent in pleying game., telling sem bei, ere., the party lite,king 1hortly after mid-nieht. eve, ybialy feeling hat they bad had a good e Mee Merely Petterson, nf Auburn, visited at the home if Mt. J111111.11 Hut ledge, of Metiaw, for a few daysduring th- peso week M Ileortro Been ha. returned home fruna an enjoyeirle visit let Nestforth. SCHOOL REPORT I The following is theJetnerary month- ly report of echoot section No. 11, Stan- ley. The 114101./. *PP in order sif merit • class V. -N. J. Hood. . Sr I V. Lawrence K. NVeantann. Cecil Jeihnston end .anne Fisher. Jr. IV. -Willie Cooper, Mae greet Cooper. Belle Catlin-. Sr. 111.- Harold Hathwell, Willie Peloone and Archie Person. Jr. Ill.—Norma Hood, Ella Fisher, t cm. Sr. Wilfred Rom, Willie Har- vey 411.1 M /y Pisersone. Part II. Agora Nil. Clarence Havvey and Mt lvvstee Nigh. Part I. -Walter Warkniann, Dor- Sin% Foster and Welleee Heise • The beet speller. in the monthly spelling mitch were : Claeses V. and I V.—Loui•e McCiy- triont. Jr. W.—Bolin Collins. Sr. 111 —ffsimi14 Jr. 111.—Norma Hood. JI. 11. —Wilfrva Rose. Part II.—Fred Parsons. MULLETT Mr. John Watt, who lived near Mar- lon' in this township, died in the Clin- ton hospital on Jentiery 22nd. Although able to be around and to *1 - tend to his usual &We. until a few ditys before his death, Mr Watt had not enjoyed his usual trixel health for A year peeviously. He went to the hospital to undergo an operation which it was hoped would afford relief an4 prolong his life for eome time. The openation was successfully preformed, but his age and weakened conetitution prevented his withstandine the !hock and he cnly survived a few hours. Mr. Watt was ODP of the pioneer residents of Hullett. He came to Canada in 1842 and spent the greet., part of the time since then in this township. having resided on the ferns he occu- pied until his death for over half a century. He was a quiet, unasatim- ing man. but took a deep ioterest in public affair,. He had been a director of the McKillop Insurance Company for a greet many years and was regu- ler in his Attendance at all the meet- ;ngs, end only withdrew at the !mat annual meeting, a few daps preceding his death. on account of ill health. He wax a man of good judgment. sterling cbariteter and hospitahle and ateDeenUll to & fault. He WSS implicit - y trusted in the community where be head spent nesuly all his life and was esteeteed by al1. who knew him for him many even:table qualities of head and heart. He wee an active member oCHurns* Presbyterian cbureb, Hallett • etaunch Liberal in politics. He was never married, but is servived by several relatives. No More Dandruff or Falling Hair Parisian Sage Is Your Friend. Use It and All Hair and Scalp Troub- les Quickly Go No poisonoua sugar of le'Sd—no end phut —no dye in Premien Sage. The cleanest daintiest. moat refresh- ing and delightful hair tcnic in the world is Paribiao Sege. If you do not use it you are duly miseing a glorious treet. It is simply spieodid , for men, women and children. It ix sold at urug •nd toilet gonds (maniere titre only .10 cents a large bottle. Ask for Parisian Sege for your own pro- tection. The girl with the auburn hair is en every canon and bottle. Parisian Sage drives' out all dandruff end stops hair from falling in two weeke It stops itching scalp in 12 tenure It is a bale nouriaher and pi oropt ly puts life, lustre and beauty into dull, faded and 111 -looking hair. Hugh • DesMelChinon. of Ilearrtfont Ont.. ,weites : "I coneeder Parisian' Sege the hest prepanttion for the cure of dandruff, falling hair and itching scalp that. I have ever used. It ill an excellent hair tonic And dressing and I shall always he pkesed to highly re- commeild Parlit Sage." E. R. Wattle guarantees k. - - - - CHURCH NOTES Rev. Wm. H. NVriebton will mosseb in the Baptist church next Seedegy as 0110A1. '.71* JOY of Salvation" will be his subject in the morning. In the evening he will preach on ••Tb. Coo- Ifet14011 of the Ethlopean Ensuch." There will be • five nalmate cbildren'e sermon lett Use m meting trerviee• Stranger, heartily welcomed to both meetings. In Knox church next Sandiest even- ing. Rev. Geo. R. Roes will preach the annual aerosols to railway men. Sub- keei. "Safety Plea." Everyone later - mud is invited to ',need. The theme at ib. monsIng kenos will be "Seek- ing Use Lost The earranseet of the Lord's Nipper will be dispensed in Knox 'burets on Ib. Arse Sunday of Varela Prepare - :yearhaat bees asked to set Gast service the whelk emcee- every ervaat of the week and to otees4 suesial merles, is the churah. Great laterite' ki Wing num& festal. HEART1 BISEkSE la a scimptosa of Kidney Disease. A weileksows doctor has esid. "1 arrer yet MAPS feelionortaiel aniaselossaacame of death from Wart Meese. with- out lading the kidneys worsen fault. " TbsKidn., awelficiew which was fired oo the oartet, most esaccess- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, and most widely imitated ia Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 OBITUARY Robert Kay udiong from the large number who et,entled the (emeriti of the tete Rebert KAS. whit diif at his fathet 's reaidericv, Newgate nil Avec!. nes try, io • brew y 4•11, the Feting man was higeely teepo-ted lit.,.. (Ls.. E. Rus.. /1131141..41 14ild the benrer. were : Seed, Powell, Percy Johnston, William tailt.ei se, Joseph Minch, Josepii To I end NVI1.1. Lumley. As the decemed o..., berber and eue pi ,ved I.y Mr. ‘‘'tit Luttiby previous to his dee! h. all the, h.illurr vhope in town rhea,' &aro* the funeral. The la-, Mr. Kay seiceintilwd aft. an illness of three week., death resitait: ing front typhoid fever. .t very sad in••itlent • onneteed with th.• dea• h wins the fact that I h' y lllll man er NO. /11 lia lit• been mai tied on January 5lh to Nlib. Ducky:ore'', who waited oti bimetal threugh him illness. The deceasedwag a Presbyterian in religion end attended Knox clench. Besides Ks puree/eh, ie survived by four brothers,. .1Villient, of Sudbury ; John, of Preston: (levitate. of Detroit, and Devil. at homeand three 'haters. Mimeo. May rind Jeanie, of Detroit, and Miss Tens, at home. - MISS EDITH ELWOOD WEDUED _ Interesting Eveot Yesterday at St James' Cathedral, Tomato A wedding of unu-ual intereat took place at Toronto yevserday, when Miss Edith Constance Elwood. deughter of Mit). John Yeates Elwood, former- ly of Goderich, was two ried to Mr. John P. MecLaren, of Ottawa. The ceremony, whech wee solemnized by Hey. Canon Plummet. at St.James' cathedral, was wi•neetied by hundreds of the bride's frieede AS well as by many of theme 1111101/g whcm she has worked during the 14.1 tee year,. The bride after greduating from St. Hilda's College engaged in siettlentent work in Toronto, mod for eigigt years was sa the bead of the Evangelist Settlement, doing st work whirh won for her tbe golden opinion.; of tholeabout bee. Mr. and Mie. Mac Lenin will reside at Ottawa Among those who were present at the wedding were Judge Holt and Mims A use's. tank, of Goderich. Mr. Geoffrey Holt was tbe organist. Read this: It may save your Life Sane' Kidney Remedy is made from herbs and is perfectly harmless. If you are • Buffeter from Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, er Orate, S•001 will effect a positive core. If you have backache, kidney, bladder trouble, or rheumatism that is canoed by excess of uric acid, dizziness, puffy melting* under the eye; swollen feet and ankles, tired nervous feeling. arm, very pale, or extra dark and cloudy, tee frequent and palatial urination, brick duet sediment in urine after standing a few bours; yen are in danger and Sand Litney Ranedy will save rm. At all Druggist; $130 per Dottie. Free Literature. Sand Manufactur- Log Co, Ltd, Wissipeg, Canada. MacEwan's Best Scranton Hard Coal—all sizes. Cannel Coal for open grates- -the highest ' quality of Coal that can be bought for the purpose. Empire Dome Of c Lump Coal — Most satisfactory Soft Coal for ranges, box stoves and fireplaces. Standard Chestnut and Furnace Coke. All kinds of Hard- wood and Kindling. Peter MacEwan Estate up. 11.11111111.11.11.11111mmeN The Time Is Nearing When Spring Goods Will Be Daily Asked For. Some are already securing what they know they will want for early Spring, which is a wise thing to do, because the choicest always go first. We .ttl vertise only %hat ‘‘e ha% e. No word, line, figure or price wilt appear - in our advertisement but what will be subitantjated by the goods in our store. There is a liberal supply of new Spring goods now on our shelves. Prints, Crepe Suitings, Stripe Cotton Suitings, Ginghams, Shirtings, Tickings, Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Art Sateens and Crepe Kimona Cloths, and you can make sure we are dead right on prices. -1 - Just ELEVEN WINTER COATS at only Half Price. \Lute for this Whiter's trade. FURS Only FOUR Muffs and TEN Stoles now left and you can get any one of them at Cost or Under. RUGS. AND LINOLEIUMS will he a Specie' feature in our business for the coughs/ Honig — _ J. H. COLBORNE ‘11111114wwimmimmanis RHEUM° CURES RHEUMATISM No twitter how long 'landing your case way be, don't deapaii , get a heath. of 'Rheum° toddy. J 11 itland sells it with a stuaraiitee to benefit rm. Rheu- m° Is wonder! til in it• quick action. the 1.4in cestmes, the muscle- mei bourse are rid of eternises and stiffneer, anti very goon a Rheum() pet ient ee able to have the seine strengt h and vie ale yof you, h. Rheum° builds 111 'id so rich and thick that uric acid cannot meads/ye exist. Itheunto costa .only 51.114) for • large brittle from F. J. Butland, or direct, all chargee prep tid. from B.V. Marion Co.. Bridgenurg, Ont. HARBOR APPROPRIATION Lesson of November Disaster Has Not Impressed Government The stun of fl1al,001 for harbor im- provements at tioderieh is in the esti - [sates of the Dominion government for this year. This sum • hi no doubt intended for a , continuation of the breakwater work. The general view In local cirries is that the appropria- tion proposed is altngether lnsde- uu*ts to meet the neede of Goderich harbor. Especially since the geese diameter last November and the ir.- vestigation which followed, showiog the urgent necessity of improved equipment to make this harbor safe and efficient as a harbor of Plugs should be, it is felt that the, govern- ment should proceed at once' to com- plete the outside breakwater and make the further cheirigre and improve. meats wh eh ezperience has shown are riqui, ed. For this purpotse it, would ie. neceeeary to have huge ap- propriations for two or three years, instead of baying the work spread over half -a -dozen or more years. Mr. E.N. Lew is, the memeer tor West Huron ei Ottawa, evidently has failed Lo inapreta upon the government the urgency of the case, and the old plan of dieing the work piecemeal is still in favor. Instead of az appropriation for an amount which would complete tbe work, there is just erough pro- vided to keep things going and have another bit of beeakwater built. An effort is to be madehowever, to im- press the government with the im- portance of the speed, completine of the woe k, and in a short time a depu- tation repreamting the Gliderich • own council. the Huron county council, the Clods, id) 13 lard of Trade, and possib- ly other western Ontario entereate, will wait ui on tbe usioiners at Ot- tawa and eodeavor to secure a larger vote. . Other appropriations for this dis- t let are: Brussels, public building. 11121.000. Rioter, public. building, 11115,1X10. iionfortbpublic building, f1.5,0110. Heyfieldrepair,' to piers, 1/4,500. Grand Bend, repairs and improve- ments, to breakwater and sheet piling, 54 WO. Kincardinp. construction of break- water and repairs to piers, 531,600. Port Elgin, repairs to breskwater. 112.100. Saugeen Hirerrepairs to piers, $5,- 000. Southampton, repairs to.,, break- waters. 99.000. THE RECARVING. OP HURON -- Redistribution Expected to Affect the Rep - resonation et This County It is altogether likely that Heron county will be subjected toe recruiting in the rettintibution bill which is now before the Dominion parliament at tleir preeent melon. It 14 unf• stood tbat the county will lore elle member. and that Gm new divisills will constitute north and youth Mk., with the dividing line loubabir far from the Grand Trunk from Dahlia to Godericb. If this phut le carried out, Mr. J. .1 Mentor, the preeent member for South Huron, grill no doubt be the favorite for the Conservative nomination few tho mow soma riding aad Mr. James Bowmafl. mosaber for East Huron. will to be Whose, for the north The preseet mem- bee for West upon may receive • sem torehly cr a Judgeship. A provincial railistellisinos oho is duo and the latest mere le tint Mown% Is to raMMI14. throe mositions. bat that Oodorish township is to to tokos hem Mouth Mem avid shied So Ihe maim riding. The idea, of mare; le that the large Cenesereekee magerity wish& the teweiship always levee sassy mishamusta Mr. Prendlloot. who I/* sot easily _bise.04bb 1be groom gam* at TO BUILDERS Having tiOw installed a re -cut Band Saw, wc are prepared to supply builders and the trade with RECUT SIDING in any quantities and of any material for building,. LUMBER OF ALL SIZES TO ORDER A large stock of 'Lumber en hand of standard sizes. Ontario White Pine Shingles and Lath. We are prepared to do jobbing or custom work on short notice. Soft and Hardwood Slabs for sale by the cord. The Paget Grain Door Co., Limited GODERICH The Empire Typewriter Visible Writing—Perfect Aliguakent—Vsktaing Escapement End unmet - -Speed As used by tbe C. . lc N.H., Hank of Ifontreol. ercbmits Bank, Royal Hanle. Northern Crown Bank, Might Uirectories, Limited. Bell Tele- phone Co.. etc blade In EXinatlis- -Therefore Nave tri per cent that meat he paid as duty on all othei makes. It Costs you Notkiog to Try out as Empire ift Nur Model “Fgeolre" Your Office WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Lisite d 14 Adelaide St W.. Toronto ‘Vorka -Montreal, Clew COMING Heautiful hair makes every WV/ill 411 beautiful and all wig° desire to male 110most a their appearance should a visit to PROP. PEMHER, et Toronto, wbo will be in GODERICH. at the FIRDPORD HOT/M, WILD"I'' DAY, FKIIRU•RT 21TII, with a vet, large stock of the latest style• in hair geode to suit every individual. Ladies should see our transforma- Goss, banes, waves, switches, IN. A Your, demonstration to alf. ounttornon who are bald call and see The " PEMB Lifghtweight Ventilated TOWDOit or Wig which is the meet naturyil substitiito few ose's own hair ever produced. l'nfw. PK MIARR will Owe diagnose free of cheese all eases of soalp Leoulsk. Do not fall to cell rand get any \Oriente - time you may require pertain's& to the hair I.nellea who cannot cad, kindly Winne. ew smite. nod Poor. Panora will eall year heme. fftrosestaIr efh Dab it