The Signal, 1914-2-12, Page 3TAE SIGNAL ; GODERiOA : ON'PARI(► ,,;uu„,L'ANUSIN6 SCENES AT 02Y .w TIIE COUNCIL MEETIN6I URINE DEW•RR OF MITA- TIONII SOLD ON THE MERITS OF Passage of Arms Between Collector and Councillor Delegates Appointed to Oo to Ottawa --Fire Committee Makes Recommendations ..NUB'S LINI/ENT B(10 KB! NDIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired, .GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS . ANerdawa .4 t• es waving w u ata A. E. TAY 1.OR, •,Penn. MEDICAL /1P. W. FF. SALLOW. M. IL ,lobf, wirelations*, dt .aSo ereas ewer lesel.terT.I.S S.s lin 1ili. F. J. R. roasTsa-snrx, EAR. it we aro {fit slaty. Bora work ew Yore (Aatbalodo sad Asian 4.t,, tAilikm .doted % Wet. Y ra�rateSr;Y1 4+'�i e r.rwie1urent, • I:. as:. 3 to I ik SM I p. h. Tdeebmi IINN. (INV. AN!) M. K. WHITING Il HCILILHANN. rrleapptbs.speeklKaIle i etnee • ant r'beldres'a elem..... arse. !.ronl. sed nor,.u. diked. M ere. err. te.•e .nd t Oros!, InwbaaoAnd it. uuu.t Le totA111los.. torte North .(Pus.. iblyd door trout the l pate - LEGAL Y,lut uruvT, ULYet t KiLLOR- AN. ba(r wa•, .oilalcrs 1lotatlee� pahllc ,sotton Ia tae w Kandla*sert, ata Prieste rand.. to lend at louse nen of merest. eve. Kee .Ids Galarich. .1c.•u •luOT. K. C.C. HAYO, J. is leILLOItA\. W. Mut; Lel riff . Jr. CANbKUN. K. C.. HARRIS - 111. TLLa .sslclt.r. mita" pupil.. 0 or.- b4rLtua Mtn.M. Otdsrlra, thud deer ft.. , eiatr I IHARL10% DARROW. LL.B., BAR R1MTk:lt. Asto tray saYultor. ow.. (.ode .1. 11 Mums et. lead at Mwewt rat.... AUCTIONEER. �1HOMAH SUNDRY A I: (TIUNI= .lox 37, /i oke* ` -AL tastruhishii bynd wen at wenn r.. end a 1.-- w Nkl•we ap1111 e HfnuiANCE, LOANS, ETC. ,e 4d FUNDS 49, UlJl1U , foam. Apsly 1. M. U. CAM t 'AWN. arrester Hammon tt;.ct. teudrtee. Thera were tether amusing Owes in the round! chamber ou Friday night last. when the regular meeting of . he ceutndl waif held. Tbe first event on that suspaclous occasion was the fact that I br lights (ailed and nice thine* were thought, not said, shout the Hydro. Improvised lights -the nisi coal oil lamps -were bnnrgh into rtrq,•usr. run &gala •ud the merlins procee fel The twit •'.pill accurrrd aIle. the report 01 the town ever:tee• had been read when a request wa. made by him to bats the uwe fur for payment of 1013 lairs extended unti the Piet of April, Councillor Elliott objected and a pas -ane of arm resulted. EXPECTED EXCLTKMF:NT Tbe meeting proceeded shortly after sigh... cluck. Mayor Krol presided and 411 the turwtwrs wine present. The iublic rvidettly expected won recd. -meat for a Wee &11ilietlee wee p...ent. After the usual prelimin- aries. the report of Mr. Wm. Camp- bell, .hr town collector, was read And it woe .uggr,ttrd G, neer it to le Finance cosuuitler for auditing as M.. Campbell hod asked. But a small ..ru• of about $12 for station- ery Hurt the rye of Couecillor Elliott. and be asked mean ilt•tuiZtd nemO 11r. (tempt -we, who wee piewot, strand t4i.4 such a lr.norl had never been mod.. belie. And Ile wassurprisett AL Any t.ainc,lt•r hl.knlg it now. 1'ouocillor Elliott thought rf it had not 1.• ru duttr before, it should he dune now. "rh♦t wean. that y••u have n . :.utel• next 111 'nee' said Mr. l'aniphell, ' t:A d d.N. L see illy l,Jp11e'/l at :Awls tar 1,riag math work' b.1:c f..r ray masse t' art war e1,r around here.•' ••AA„ut all herd as I do," remarked 111. %Vonhip, while a titter went around m he roome e1 don't like that remark," Lemon strafed the co,ie••tor. tJouneillur Elliott sdsu obje•ct..1 to a rrqurst of the ••• (lector, that the length of time h1. extended for the c -•I1. -.tion •,f in, y'ear's taxers. He Paid the( hr bad gorse s u ee the lista and lotted l h•t ,r sever:II proper who could not pay their tax.. rould Afford to hate patties and hese their houses .1.1e7.e tt ith . li1tf t Hr thought •ht son r of the welt - to --coresident, could pay their litre. as writ as the working. man and he would .usgeat that they he made to immediately. M..yur Held «aid that the lusine•.a of the council was to deal alike with every lardy. Mr. Ciumplwil then +fated that if the ceuo,•il demanded it. he would ',bey, but he 'trust issue distress war - rattly et once. » Alter coniridereode diacuesion it wa. decided to extend the tin..• until April 1-1 as the result of a motion of Coun- cillor Leathwaite and the feeputy Reeve. WANTS A RAISE. Mr. W. T. %.Peery, who bac .erre{ the town as police setgeant for the pa.1 elm years, aekrtl text, in riot, ul 11. high cost of living, hi. salary be nereaerd. be rewire, was te•ferreos to the Finance commit:ee. May r Reel had it letter from F. A. Getty. the f engineer of the hydro- elect.ic coma, a -1r11, alai Out that the rqutpmint of Mr. W. H. Bullard, town inept (tor. was not sufficient for hi. nods. Ibe mayor replied the he we. ata loss to know what eqt: lament won went.d and he would like an em- pwnatlou alio the oricee of an outfit. SANCTIONS APPOINTMENT A communication front Mr. Charles (intros. tee titin odicieir. was teed, wherein be called attention to A letter from NI,. WV,n. Pu'udfoot, K.l' . to which ern stated that Mr. A. 1'. Neff had 1 c n n • mei e9 an accountant to g 05 rt the missing papers of the Ontario 1.'e.t Nb ,•• railway. The fee had been yes at 1115 per day. ' The Deputy Reeve and Councillor Proudf.aet moved that the commit sant,tiota the appoint turn( of Mr Net. A petition asking for a .ewer to he laid ..n Britannia road was referred to the clerk and the engineer for coo - federation. Mr (fee. initbwaite, Dominion im- migration &gent, waked for it grant for the purpose of further adyerti.ing Gedesieb in the Old Country. .The .enamel ewe referred to, the Finance committee. Dr.LEIGATES APPOINTED Tb• qu..Uon of' appointing a dele- gation to go to Ott♦wa to press harbor improvement was raped. It was re• marked that 11120,000 as given in the Intimates was a mere trifle as com- pared to the amount which ahoold be d. Councillor Proudfoot mored that Mame Reid and Councillor Tattle w ade form the delegation. Mayor Reid said that le bad been aceustfd, not only by private citizen,' tut alma by mantises alio council. of getting too many few trips and be wouM rather withdraw. Councillor Elliott took up the cudgel and meld that he %ho.sht a marine man ought to go. l:councillor Morrie thought that one delegate was enough. it was the opinion of Councillor Mc- ('bnton that the delegation should he • st rang trite. ('eunellkir Proudtod. thought it was beneath the dignity of the town to stood anybody sMe tett the mayor ern an oec•siom of (hie kind. On his lotion seconded by (Jrteneillor Wigk. the Mayer and Ootrnclllwr Laithweite War! appointed. The twappoi Una of Sher UT Iteynnlds to the plans of Wen. McNevin, wbo teodssed his resignation from the ColIu lace lkws Board. ease up. netlkw �ostie incised tri t bs sheriff be re- 4d but the majority gave it as Bile e-isisa that be would ani set. 'The matter aces finally i!M i over gni 11 reosiSs in miss to try a elg. m la ii' R, LtulsisktT$Or. ' 1NerCAA NcK AUX.\ T. itsa 4111 1414114r11844 • British. C.uatia. and Ac^,t1A.at, 800•41411114141(0 d.M1•tou'Wu Ti lso - ITT : 1 he 004.0i Aoo40Yt and uaa/wutea .At{aesta..,. Limited. d. st Lrud.n. ,•keg• F'1uxu11 4111 tiuilurTar Bombe . 11w• U.S. veletas mud (iamranteetersepmn.,. tenor ..rnrWeutw, tuurtbesat oor,wr of Vie - eta and Si. la.od•, street. Pbooe 174. IcktU.Ur MUTUAL ?I1tE lL 1 U tt s N u L C O. -Kars Are undated t>Iet 13. McLean. Pr.,.. ttwafurth P.O.; ( tom t'r.►Pts., Osd.ri o P. U.; L tow7.s noe.-T ora. lieatorth P. U. 1.. F. YcOoeaor, nueloeta • Jobe fMsv., M man W Weans Mak CosAaaer; hew.. tboabrew ; James Yvsr.. ..ud, !tubers, rertk, Flarteek; Simonise Ili Evian, Mr��,y A 4: t, V-, ►sir, Belmwvllw; R. Smith. Y • r oc k; William Cheesy. $sahrth ; L' Iss.em..e. .'ober-woWm a psi NJ. 8s. di* thele eaeie /ses+aM at 11. J. lie a Clstbl.g attlw ' • M R y. 44i1rove sweet. W=IAGE LICEIi>liEi )JLLTMR K. KELLY, J. P., ooIHCRLH, utsl:li= Or eCAisiaos UJC1CNS1125. encu a -TSE'•LO AL AOBNlGY i _ -1! Dar. sasastar Tbs Skal o 1. at tbs rousse. !teak and etrat nary Mom .bars shwa OM M rehired ter ashaertptwaa. ad- tt lobate*.wail lobk, sed re.elsm btu be smsrlata said far Lao ram. TIE FIIST STEP 0alaltaasae ea triol` R bag ..set r llseaads at Meas whowr kyr rata "friar a•etw� Aall mita mei C al (11 seStreet. Tar W. M. SHAW. I'redeMt . _Z Brophey Bros. OODERiOR Tile Lead.( Peeeriel Directors sad Embalmers Osamu emreilrlly attas ed to at 4x11 haute, sight or day. 'htearaam P. LA M111 $ to for new plant of oke American li Rued Machine Cowpony was rebated to Lily .peeual committee. Mr. C. L. Mw ar. the ducal manager, wbo was peewee stated that he would like the nuttier diepow.d of as. soon as possible. DISAPPROVE: OF ('ANAL As the result of a communication .-•;r•vrd tom' the (creat Waterwaye Union to regard to barbor improve- useet tele t it ,wing redulution was p.rwed 1 Th 41. the council of the town of "fedi-rich do not approve of the pio- j-cl of the consuvcU,.0 of (be Ueon g an flay canal for several rraa,os ; suet the count.), is not p• spared to enter Into such at liege euotraet cust- •ng .0 Much .uoury : that we do nut outrider it to be in 111e beet Inteteet of tele ctunt.y Low a commercial staord- pulot ; that • he sera-uu is M, more Leal the titan ie: .zpeudltute would int be 140411411 able 1t was moved by C maudlin. McCituton and Reeve Elliott. 10 HELI' HYDRO l'ouncillur Pruuefuut wsltted to kitow w b dt arrefigru teut had been matte Iu keep an auxiliary light 111g p MIL 111 rear 01 a hydr, breakdown Mayor lurid raid that he did nut .u..w b..t .rral.grweut the Water and Lrgwtct.wam men had wale. He • zplati u.s Ib .t Lt.e r.,teliti411Ho had .ulreon to01 of [hr!mintbut he thought L woo I.1 acc-pt s Iei,.e-t 10 lire the old plain as au auxi.iary. Here. E:J.ut, br..ugul up the matter 11 .he ..... ui• 114.1P10P111 u1 the old LVh..-1 Ries' p..nl. Councillor F:Ilie,lt sold the, retrial nteu from litxl.rith Iwo lues entitle -Jett in C intont tilde ediettewbilielbe.tr tined... were living ..r. r Mayor Reid .GRI the council had the p.uwtre ul the company to start early .n for spring 11,110 be Iwheved the eowl'any would keep i4. promise. IMPItu%-EMENTte SUGGESTED C •nnc.ltor %V gle, a. thairuan of the Fire committee. presruted the Foe Mlle.'. r,•u,•1 ,. l he committee need di.cteeed rev. -rel Iwp.uve.urnta -itch es a new 1.dder mel, .Ireping itteuttitente ill the „,e 11:.11 tot two Menne., it new .hal • ff nuzzle, in - 'i rction of the larger buildings by the lire chief and an it.cr.Ase in (be grant ..,ode to the theturn for their move:es. INCREASE (.RANT it recommended :hat the ladder wagon l e repai • d without delay •cud that 1 br hu -r a sgeon Le tvu•uirhel and aur -lack 1.4(81.•11. 11t•IiiVing Mat a c'nrrtakrt .h..utd tw appointed .. leo, after the f;, r hall the • outwit - tee tiro tier le • menced that the grant he MCIwitird 10 lour hundred .end fifty dollies. 1 hat the •-b1. 1. and his lieutenant'. m•kean inspect«ro it all the I..rge l•uilding. and I,1••t"rie• in town. which • b. y ale mot Ingo/tinted with ens another recumw.ud,tt' and ale.. that, en electric oepLueicr he attached to the tow, cl.ek t., facilieste• the •ingingof a lire alarm and that the chairman securrdala as (u the prole atee co+l of the .arue. Council adjourned *bout II n'cleek, MRS. SPIEGEL'S WILL UPHELD Charges Involving Capt C. C. Crabb are Not sustained The following i. from the Chicago Cummer. sol Cutoolds :- Thr wavy Irir,nti cud business er- quaintanrrs ..f Capt. Christopher C. 'rater are gtatlfltal to know that no oral ground rxl.ttd tor charge. of fraud which were made against hint end his w if. in coeuecaou wit h the will of sire. Mary Spiegel! .ludge Petit has tendered a deciei,.n oyelrul- tug &II appeal mum th1, Protxtle count and hulling that molesting heirs failed to pru,iuce p4 -00f that Capt. 4)1111/4 used fraudulent wetnuds to Induce the Ire - quest which makes him the rid n l uen.Ileiary .4 au estate estimated at about Illgtee te. Mr.. Spiegel died Meech e'fith, 1013, at Mr. Crabb'. borne, 21:4 Lakeview ave- nue. Brothers of for dressed, (7ornel- iva, Andrew and Jrrewlab O'Day, .Ileged that she died under susp:cioens circumstances and sought to have the w{11 set eater, in both t he Probate and Circuit mute. Judge Petit watnined the decision of Prohtrte§tndge (:ender. which not only upholds'the will tett carries withdt a tuor■l vindicalioo of (;apt. Crahhand hi. wife. It is en old Mae. that false teperts travel fast, and like • rolling snow• ball gather weight as they go Thus a business man who hecomrs involved in such reports may suffer much in- jury to hie reputation before the false- hood is overtaken and refuted. P'or this reason it is only a matter of com- mon justice to give them the heoellt of this unsolicited publicity on lbw oc- casion of (bele exoneration. in e11 eontrover.les involving the reputation or character of a citizen it is always well to remember t hat both slides should he beard heroes judg- ment is passed. Rumor. were Widely circulated at tbe time of Mrs. Spiyslte death re- flecting unjustly upon Capt. Orabb. It was intail thin Mrs, Opiewel bad iatee anioaRI<y' W attar dialog at M the OratesYeaae% add .bat undue Minuses had best brought to bear area hit' Is the Mablag of bar w111. it is =rill Shia r►a real fotada- Sou whish_ �o bass these rgnmo�n' Cideatio and Ids many or b++ it wide ea =ill be glassed td learn of Home teeter A Calan ttiwaq At W teasoal stair *hew al Lleaseeel. 1111 birds es Irate sad ..d �te.th.tarleaulleea tam/ as as ems 2+01 ncCatl's Patterns De MILLAR &SON sarmsslsaes ,.r. A ere. sea sad ..ylr. resew* Air Iran. 4114.1 aaMr.s. •IW,M .tele rA4 wn..aati was Lt AIM •e.r..rr.rlbb,e r.•tr. tor rot • 91 Ow arr.ew vapor. 14442. .•.ry ....r.. maim aw+uuy sag, s.,.mbp eh. owe It.... AAA 1168C.4981. A84484141•9441911 .<. 411». C.rr lrw►w. a asoshor. with Parr eaa.rs 884 • Must ss .se...,. haw AMt w.. seal r Metal air arsc.ipnra ►w►kL ALL D*Vaal$IS. A •eer aoHaOxAt Toe r.aa.w mem. nee 1r.,rr., .aaaln wcer ear '0..11. •s 108.10•041140. e. tar Vap. Cremates, C. it aaar R. Y.T. tamer Mir meanie Momotiat. Ca MORE ADDED TO LONG LIST Of Women Who Owe Their Health to Dudd's ICideey Pills White Head Ponce, Que.-Feb, Utb. -(Special)-As • remedy fur women Dodd's Kidney Pills bold an enviable place in the edlinetion of the people of Quetwe, and Mn. John Cabot, a highly -respected lady living here, adds her name to the list of those wbo stand ready to 8.e11 of the good work they are dol ug. o•My trouble," Mn. ('abot stales, ".farted crow a cold. and 1 suffered ft.r-ix years. Rbeunlati.w. neuralgia, stiffoese of the joint«, cramps in the wus:les and heart flint -tinge weer emu. g my symptom., and finally Bright's disea-e devrl•.ped. 1. wa. then 1 started to tea. D•elu', Kidney Pills, vett they helped me almost tto., .be •Pert. After taking lour lour.1 feel like it new woman." lie t ycur stationery pt nted aThe Signal. What the Btacksm:th Said "Ver, sir, the beet option bylaw was the bee.( melons', ere, intro hired In our..Wwaship." oliorental ked the tall N,cksmith in our hearing the nay wI- ter the Scott Act bad cal tied ov. r the C(wooty. "My shop ie in one of the villages near byseed t aro doing n fairly good tootle. My customer. come to m,• flout nodes around end 1 must say that 1 tweet had a tact,.•. eta,' business than the lest, and 1.89 trouble et the year'm end to te.ilecl ley ac- counts. When the hotel err. «. the woad had license my ctedenie,« wo..'d bring g rhere teams -say, Le he shed all round, or rice f. t some 1 .!,115 t1/5• r it, tmachinen• which would lake some time to ierc.•mpli,.h, 4.51(1 our• ie t he ton • they had to wait they w•t.511 I •tn ov r to the hotel and blow net ay with congenial coutpnni..ne the uo•ry they had brought with thein to pay for th• work. Then they would P111te biu•k apo ray :-Oh ! i h..vent 1h• tti,ney plat now. leo entr will hate to chatg. it on your bo ok to my eccelint, "Yee. sir! the Scott'A'ir i• the best thong for the c natty. for i, a►,nt• ue All the hers &h.i w•,' CPT t• • t -P 11 for whiskey after it conies in force.' - Perrin (cloves The New Wash Goods FEBRUARY is the month most women do their family sewing and we are better prepared to meet every requirement than ever before. Anderson's Kindergarten for Children's Wear The ideal winter' fur children's Wash Suits attd Urrssesis Abder.on's kindergar- ten .:loth, extra tough wearing (.•Diors. perfectly fast, in newest designs, .'S inches wide, per yard 200 Anderson's Celebrrted Glasgow Uinghams For the hest wearing and wnihiug gingham you con make no mistake in select- ing this standard line, even y color perfectly teat, 2'75 incite.. wide, per yettl.. 150 Special Values in White Cotton A fortunate purchase of white (cotton secured at the old prier., this maims a de- eided saving. Kerwin lonely coed velure, Canadian and ,owlet Cotton.. at per pod lode, late, Lee lie and .. ..... ...... 1 Bo The New Prints A large shipment of. the new prints )Int opened up n all the newest (I .lens in liahl end Berk grounds in almost every runeeivahlr..tyle of pat Lel n. 'rhe quality is better than former seasons. a he tele' print and absolutely fast colors. Palatine Print, 31 inches wide, per yard 1210 The Fancy Nash Goo► R•tinea, crepes, crepons and n11 raft .slinging ula'rtial+ will held fleet Ware in this s. a..,o'. w.uh materiel... In our stork Is ill he found all the newest and popttl♦r c.•lot ing•o which will he Peen.' .5.r on in s ile .axon. Crepes and soils from, per yard, lira to 50c Redford (cords and Piques, plain and fancy, from per pard 20o During this month all odd Tots of winter goods, including Fur Coats, etc., will be cleared at sweeping reductions. McCall's new Spring Patterns now all in stock. -Amu Millar's Scotch Store hars6 ellOWMIllialemmoreee r l �ll�X 13ove 1 .r MAMEHOME BRIGHTER AND LABOR. LIGHTER UIighj .4 PASTE ITNtFF.DALLEYNo DUST N0 WASTE HAMILTON. CAMAS* I No RUST r -� Electric Fixtures SUPPLIES WIRING REPAIRS W. J. t1UDDART PHONE 157 Mlimeoll FOR BeautifuingYour flair The Ladies In this Town are Simply Going Wild over harmony IIair Beautifier. Arid no wonder, because to make the flair lustrous, soft and silky we believe there's nothing else - and we sell about all the various hair preparations made -that any- where near comes up to harmony .lair Beautifier. Ask any one of the many women in this town who use it - she'll tell you shc,ielovc.." it. Just look at her hair, and you'll opine to us and get some yourself. PIARMOMY HAIR BEAUTIFIER Is just what its name implies. --Just to make the hair glossy, lustrous, more beautiful.- Ju.9t to make it easier to dret+, and more natural to fall easily and gracefully into the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure. It lesseri•delightlnt frcrhrand cool-effevL poi * lingering. .*badoperfume. not change or -darken the coke. .Contains no oil; therefore doesn't leave the ' hair sticky or string*. Simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. But Set, make sure that your hair and scalp are clan, by using Harmony Shampoo -A liquid shampoo to keep the hair dean, soft, smooth and beautiful. It gig an instantaneous, rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part o( the hair and scalp. It is washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking only a few moments. 11 lavers no lumps or stickiness. ---hut it refreshing sense of cool, sweet c•leanlineaa.-,Tait a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance. -Both in odd -shaped ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops Ilarasonlf air Reasdfisr, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, dor;. Both are guaranteed to please you, or your money back. Thaw Six,. Beauties Enders. Them Then i. so Phar d tnw.ew .he keine tetter haw to diri:misate is the re d Oder to coal's Soma more ' W time attromes. Ameag alts away aiebrat.d .tats bsaa(im who rioted aotbwmiamti. fraise both Harmony Hair Heaatifier sod Ilareaoay Shampoo are: 1i1711L BARRY .ORF LAURET1'R TAYLOR I ear h T ii,." BFEBOUSOm s4w Trier. Now Tar!. Oar "lea o' My lt..rt.' Ora These. Nay Si(\ 'a anw,wa,- anon, N.e NATALIiE ALT imp• th' rt4 es.r 1a'A ds." lashamai T racer. Kw Yoe, Louisa 11111221ER BM COWMAN solr 'TMpee Yr! etmrr.r .rod nartrarmr." au_ Odra alar la 'Hes PWbrra,^ ow Mlri.t W MONOMONO. Oil es* Mas sine Om I'M aims elmaa Ours r Ilan aim Uwe IN glia Teas X. C. jH,q/op, Phm.B. Droffesl. B.ayfora Block