The Signal, 1914-2-12, Page 1CONSIDER
you pert Into good advertising
not • dollar of expense, bet a
dollar invested taw wWiti
,o. will receive higher dry
Adcock than from any oth.t
lit ve.tmun t•
'�(''khe,r eAs s1 1• tar trot adverudag
rasdleo la Hueco Constar
-tit TY -TOUT= T=AR -Na SIM
To renew your subscrip-
tion to The Signal and
receive one of this year's
A. 1. DRAIewIN, Pvs6ns
ti---!�►w'�"-_.�q•arnrrr.••^.+a�.wn1.+-1.'+wal,•i ..,.,slaryTl(„Iti;l9r9i6C01'reax.11n.
SAVE, because- No. 97
A weekly deposit ensures financial fre;dom
when employment is difficult to obtain.
Head Offices, Ceram King and Bay Streets, Toronto
General Manager - - - - - - A. H. Walker
Godericb Waugh - - - - - • - - A. Porter
Auburn, Ont. Mookton. Oot.
Bayfield., Out. Sebringville, Oot.
Daagaaaoe, Ont. Varna, Ont.
We Are Losing Our Individuality Says
Minister and Affirms Imitation is
Strong Feature of tveryday Life
The Age is Luxurious and The
is a Strong Desire For Display
In Knox church last Sunday even-
ing Rev. lieu. E. Rosa delivered a most
timely dieuine from the striking
text I. Kings, 19: Z, "Gold and til
ver, Ivory and Aprs and Peacocks.'
Notwithstanding the extreme cold a a
large and deeply interested congre-
gation aaewblyd.
After vividly describing Ilse splen-
dor and magnificence of King Sutton -
un and his kingdom. the text war
ehowu to have a very modern appliea
- -,_ tion and a warning wax sounded against
e • the same evils which are tending to
r Y`..wr'r`'r"s�.,....eer`--w .--�, detrsde national. eocual and individual
lite today viz : Materialism, luxury.
A.... i Imitation and display.
G. S He continued : "Greatly as we ad -
1 anis e a be euetwrs of raaoy of ser test
C&..nadians who have smeared large
furtunw we need t(. quem against
IS AGENT FOR setting before our young people that
the highest ideal *nd the goal of am•
1 bition i. to have and to bold. True
t greatness consists not in getting and
"All kinds of Insurance ootrolling so much as in making
nelleent use of wraith and life and
rendering service to our fellow -amen.
•'Our age is a luxurious one. '.Vi.
OFFICE NEXT CANADIAN RANK OFOOMMERCR, GODERICH are not Content with the common aatd
PHoxILA: OFFICE $) R0VIk i r theordinar . W r
.,f . P. O. Bog 301 t 41 are always seeking
-J 'something better and this b a health•
^_ ful.ign of progress. What a few
years ago were luxuries, however; are
noW regarded a, necessities and we
AUCTION SALES . are not happy till we get thein. Place
PUBLIC NOTICE - ; the blame ler the high cost of livif a
- -- _-- I where we may. lite truth iv that it is
1 1 .‘tat PRInPFHTY
the n,dersigavd ail! , tier for ale at public
.,Ladino at isle .oaken room. on Hamilton
.vast it. the lown of Goderkh un tam matey.
the Yoh day of February, .A.L. 1911, .t one
°clock in the alteruoon• the following grope,.
ty tv:
Parte of lot • a .and .; to the flet con....ioe.. die Lion of the town•hlp of I •olb•ene.
°, the count) of Huron. and part. of .a. a and
. In the Mal. bend ooneenalon in late +aid town
. hip of Colb.rm . ooetprtene meet hit ninety -
ds and ene-half awe• of land more or le...
Tia progeny, we lrh oat formerly part of
the John l:oweer farm. b •s the repetatiun tat
Winsome of the beet hunt farm. In tk twenty.
..nd there to at prevent about f••rty acre. of
o rellad Then M R Lad water on the pope, ty.
• erred frau. born with .roue .I.Niotr. n00 the
renre are in fair rendition, Th Lind haw been
-.hulled and 1. Ina p.od -tate of cu Lal rat ion
andnettle-miarly well AA Wed fee frail,.
The property will be offered fur .al., .object
te •, revered aid.
Tenni of sale: Tee per tent. of the no rehear -
ehaecaway at the time of we, balance within
ittrty day,.
F•nt,ber per•Iculers and asadWees of sale
rn.y 1.e bed fovea aay • f the aneerwtawe,l.
Rated chi 71► day et Iretwua►y. A. U. 1911
tit ARLIISGAkF't,N', sone for for A.dgoe.
el the ethane efKati, 0.1 Fra..
PItocI,ru..T. HAv9 a ILILLORAN. volIrI
len for Mary Wtie e.
THOMAS UI'NDRY. ,tuetloneer. 9131
80 Acres for Sale
silo: 1P 4 miles from (ioderich on
main toad between Guderich and
Hayfield,half rto
trail school s
church • f, how*. hnu, Man, •
strawshed and stable, good teed.
all clear, .mall (echat o, R.r.d (S
o[ water. Good reasons
for yelling, p -tee reasonable.
Write A. K. CRKByMAN,
`Waterloo, Ontario.
,e , .-./
One of I he be: t in the Prey- I
ince. Flied rote ,•r asseseweirt
l Live Mask insur.d at Its fuU
y( value whit her on t he farm or
noL No trouble to make adjust- i
men ts.
for Colborne.
Bedford Shams Parlor
The beat 'quipped and most
up-to-date shop le tont.
First -clean har•brrs only em•
Thi @bop will stead the Itov-
efntts@a$ sanitary
Outside work done
).sins and shears put in flrst-
Tire 'bines inset all wales.
i'rivol* ..lip home presort awl
Kamm *Oft at all Usage.
Remennage prime.
Pr pet ser
Ila Ilias.a 'leas M., n
A TR. W. .1. BOLUS CO„ Torto, U..,
new Nae of wall paper aampte book. la in lite
hand.e,t oorl:Werich .repreaentanve, MIL A.
SNAZFL Don't fail tome- then, before buy-
ing, by baviag them to your hon.••. Hoe.
der. as m.• prior. a. aide walla per roll. We
p+y all expo. ••barscs W (inderlch, Ws will
do pint paletiot and omerw t-
• i hat Lott* due to the luxurious ttte ofour day,
"Imitation also has become u strong
factor in our everyday life. What
Jones hes, Smith must also by e. We
ate tempted to follow suit at any Lost.
in no: ei r.ITlt or Weenie* T.>I.g\ . LATt or
THC Tow Astor or ColLeoawi. tit TIIE
l'ue•NTr or llt•ro9, YEOMAN.
"CoU00 t+ hereby give pwrsu*nt to 1 Ilen.
V.. caw. !:, sae. SS, that 411 peyrens havlog
Halm. m unat the e -'.t. of sistreee Foley,
late of tie town.blp of Colborne. in the t•oanty
f Heron. yeoman, dace• -.d, who dint on the
ninth der of Jwuuat Y. t. U. 1911. Orr n gatpM to
.end or deliver to the under ig• ed, anticuse
for the eaoeutot+ of the • •Id ".tato, on or be-
f°retM;.orndcay .f Msr, h A.U. I9ll, fell
particular- of their Claim., and the nature of
the aecurtty it any, heli by thein, and that
alter roes last mentioned date the .ald r%e•n.
, or. will peered lade+ relate t1s asses of the
• the porw.ena entitled
thereto laving arterard only to the claim. of
hare fr_ ▪ theuid y icutto winbejabr
meet, massy part thereof. to any termer
or penman. of whoe steam• notice 'hall net
have been received at the date of such dletri-
Dated tui- eleventh day of Fetroary, A.U.
CIl,tHLF:" I:AHItOt, God.-ri, t,, too.
Iaolieltot roe rHOM 9 JAMES FnI.FiY.
1T rr101rS TO ORR rnoRs
»rR M'KEeri., 1.4Tx or T••r. TOWNSHIP
or Asnrlx1.". IN 1'H; bbl -NTT or Hcaur.
F'.,tta1:14 lr►:CEA.gtt
Notice I+ her.-bv given parole/it to the rtat
ate• in that behalf. that all perm... hating
claim. againrt the r-t'te of the . tore named
Ak.•nder Nick. IA.. who died on the 1101 d,y
of May 191°, am required to +end by nowt or
deliver to Murdoch M.Keoet., Knoell P.G.
adm i nldral or of the fatale of the said dresser.%
no or h fore the Lyth day of February. 1911, full
particulars of their airtime: and that a1 er the
mid Deli day of February-. say. M saki admin
Weldor will proceed to • baritone p • .ski
*eta. among the peva•n. entitled therms,
h•vtalt resent only a the el •Im. of which he
shah then have rpoel tied notice. sad that he
wql net be liable for the said estate er any part
thereof to ray penin of whose claim he shall
set them have rrmMvrd settee.
Dated at Dederick : hie Bib day of January.
A.L. 1911.
Wit .osraere for adtdaLtrater
36 Chapter id St bef the Seagate. sof Unar.oat to mei l L
George V.. Um( all pewee. heehaw .1-ima
against the taws et David F:ath Mord der
wood. w b. d ied en fireboat the Twenty W rd
=hitDobe 49. A.D. W is asetewa.hMref
s.i the cateary of are farts
M=rimed �sepairad er t. delver to Jobe
Cbwea. lwekatsk f)aterr, en or bit.., the
Twomey. INA day of February. A.U. Ial ta.$r
e mir sad wirer, With Pall parteruhwe .f
rhetr.halms l euN as.d the nature d the
•seesRiMQ�ae�•thm. duly werldse
Tw�gt� Sake HUM Diet after the maid
st 1M Said M ee et ■ Net. es gemmed th {{kke.en.
. exams swing f+�v asskld taocssa
ewe& rWdeleeofwhIsbtame
Raw and the-mn r
mo will
ear Heir est Mad se die time d
ef/ktgt t r tLl. Tw.aty.egbtk .lay
,liard A.
It YAilW O g. h.mIse the ` P.tx
huh. large. roomy model : 44 b- 1:0
No reasonable offer refined for twat, ••empleto
or hull ..p..rate. C. T. WAT,te)N, WdrrleI .
Agent for Gray motor.. Sa-tl.
11e has abdicated the reevesbip, but
intends to run again.
What sieves we are to fashion ' No
matter how Itnhecowing, pagan or
half decent co -torus u,,tv Ire, it is
worn because 11 is the style. We ore
fast lasing our independence and in.
dividu+lity, These tow t..11 today for
strong personalities 10 ri,.e up rind
resin the tide of prevailing tendencies
in much the. p-italos to life and
"A desire for oy'i t also charnc•
t erns(ic of our day. Social life,
thought, reeding, a,uu..etneuts are be
CA g very aulxrfl.•i t1. The fact id
we are pia. ing emphasis toe much on
the nor -.•sandal. First things should
be fleet. Far enol bre Is 1 he thing of
supreme value. M*•eriwl thing-, are
fleeting And unreal, character is essra-
tial and the highest type to realized
only as Chri,t is Nivea the throne
of our beasts and herecruses the con-
trolling factor of our whale awing,"
Old Landmark and Highly Respected
Resident Passes Away
Jaber Burne, wife of Dr. W. J. R.
Holmes, for teeny years county treas-
urer here, diel at (ioJerich on %mill y.
February 9th. She way burn in 1543
and lived in Osheer.. until' We death
of her he her. When she was *young
girl she moved with the rest of the
r,milvtolo.nnto,. Sine was married
n 1807 and went t,. An.leyviI1•-, near
cru -sal-, where her hu.hcand was prac-
ieing medicine. In 1584 she moved
God- etch and hat resided her«
since. Wherever rhe lived she made
warm friends and this was made
strikingly. evident, by the unremitting
*Itentiun bestowed upon her by her
imrnedieta circle of friends during her
long illni es and the moat lovely floral
• 1t rings sent in after her death,
amongst them being one from tit,
tietwg.-'. Guild, 010 from ,he medical
prActtt ione• s of (ioate n:h, and unr
from meads of Hilden Holmes. her
n, n/ For, *einem Oely ..Pe xi•ter,,
rs. (AD
Toronto, survives her
nd attended alts four -rat with her sun
the Rev Guy Gordon. of Niagara
Fall., Ont. Her three sons, Dudley,
of Wareham : Hihuo, of Fort Wil-
liam, and Fred,, ick Il trlow. of R.
John, were also present at the funeral,
which waw of a uriva a nature, •
`` on Keay..treet, containing ten room., hu
mod Nen bathroom. furnace and electric fiesta • 1
thoroughly repel red from nether tomo( . full lot t
and small barn with sometru11. Apply to W.
We Aare for a.le bout thirty town Iota.
prier* ranging from tint upward., also three
cottages and ether dwetltnga and n fee farm..
rich Uot.-_ __ Weif
ball lot 49, conet+'*ion '' Cam K'awwno,•b.
100 acre.; AS cleared. wellanderdrained, .11
weeded: coed orchard. Frame holm , kat. hen
sed .00d•hed. baro eOsT). on .tonewall:
cement .able, frame dn•.bo,,-e. Windmill M
and water In hone and .table. (togrin - t
been W
t a n inRhw.a ' millet and wytb 3 miL•a,
1: mib from delgra.e post tMlew, obonds and
Mrtl. At plyto WM, v.IOHTMAN, Lost .11,
( law. 10 or lig. No. 3 R•magma. et -len
L10ft SALE. -LOT 11. CON. 12.
[` W.D. ('.thea.• about 117 sere. all Blared
and U 177nni. bans Woe wad frame dwelling.
Alm grail. ware -home at G T 11.. (ioder.oh.
The ahove eretertiwa were owned by the late
John F. Andrew.. Lire Stook healer. Apply
to PRot1UFOO7•. HAYS it KILU/HAN, dot-
Pito, foe Cxoestrtz. MRS . L C. M. AN-
Dated Vets S. 1911, lit -It
1L MALL- The residence. with Mr Ion.
SWOOP kweaerty ki`s mss a theA .Lala. alta sty.
Ydiaa Geed
brick beers, tee stereos, la. .ret repair :
madam ve i- . Geese& pleated with
varMcy d Melee Meta Gar stew last pr
else., be Gederke. Rer 't terms. P:'
a- J.
RYAN. Gsdedebe 7Y -t1
rfd sae 1a the berth e�aees
Berries 111vlrlra et the teeteshie:The belld A.k
lir Y frame anew WS mem
ed frame
mbar. ThomY
WRAN. elo UUDFWT, liATit tom[ 4t
1Dl�irL Asa NA* 'POOP
/'OREAL 1C -1s -t haveled pleeed
na 9. a was several deferablepreperthe�i.
�taratei ea good stn.. 1n God •eleb : she .care
7faarsm lands entitle s et a .... rraof tetra. If
TRGYAa Gt NURY. an0 *. t 1, Let WO tarNVe
[E DSjD mem ea the 7th-eeemelen of ON
Recut. _ - lea �atb,d. a ►trd ask bust.
�1a�r�a�rM�pa�rwa pklg ahsA Qalall. eeesalalrrg
able.;waEfei ad he bme Iii Setdw
seder.' Well watered by Wine mink ;
rads wW a4 tvs. NUM melee hem
rtoh. t�raa t�llma hem Ashsn: taw a- .
wOrelSeem OwnSam kEba[m7.MMweCPA. ssem sa. Owe . -
JOtffrPoM ctatbw P.f1 opety to AN ere dairy piumme lMRsrr
Thews* G.edry, •. will .m by 'stab sest4n at 18. !r.wasmbe Fars.
read 11 alheMt of tleematal, se
TtT■atDAY. F'$BRUARY 17th
e menmetuI et 1 sutlers
.., _4Mr, ten a
f�e� �le. �*Iar, T "Is
!4.v Il.., freers stew
di. wallas Law Da.
sheet Iyslt Rea
ys�n a a lbs. im d. 7 )w ``,',`
yhUUrra ttaTOOetc11. t .r e
Y.eseeeseuI Angus cow,
Almesse Amgen beide.
4 Itheramker
IJ skate Dsrtt.ta bsI9*, .r rases. hews
l 1MI..S.* betters hare been
• alLoteraakf Wee&
aken Waft
f somas.
T► w ereemt were tall
MUST, Awlilrallg%
Parc.' Post Inaugurated
The parcel poet w+s inaugur-
ated at midnight of February
10th. The 'Jest parcel posted
under the new regulations was
sent by Por -master General
Hon. L. P. Pelletier to H.R.H.
the Governor-General.
Several parcels have been -post-
ed elready at the local post office
and a few peroele st•r.ived.
i{ir. joie IMarristt is Seriously Injured in
a Runaway
On Memel/my afternoon last about.
ix o'clock Mr. John Marriott met with
a painful accident. While driving
.Meat F, sat street. near the A merinosRoad Machine pleat. his teem,
which he wa. driving. rook fright and
bolted. Mr. Marriott was thrown nut
and his head .truck a teleph.tne pole
rendering him unconrcbous for a time.
His plight was .ren by some of this
*Me staff of the Ames -lean Road
Machine Oomp►ny and aoate of them
fed bis into the office. He was
Snot[ /revived and later taboo to hi.
horse On 8L David's street. He is re-
ported to be making as good progress
mean be expected.
I�wj [OLIN', �T, AND
9.d. t far J t B wM t. eh.ak
W drr
r ►. end k .bele
L•'!e•irisyl_ Jvnter' whe el .dsesaay.
WANT D.-�oao15 Lir DIR*O.R
• -
will maim grit
The Institute Was Founded in 1841
- Present Building Erected 1 hree
Years Later -Has'- Had Five Princi-
pals -Large Attendance and School
is Now i., Flourishing Cono.tion
Perhaps there is no building in
find. -rich, outride of the sacred edi-
tices, which commands or should com-
mand, mule reviler.. than t be Gude-
rich co11• ghat. institute. And it 1s
worthy of it fur it is n flue stalely old
building and it regular landmark. Its
historical old wails nuile At all .bow
who have been trained within its
walls to go out .nd 11011141 a distiu-
Pope Has Put a Ilan on the Tango
and Homan Society Has Frowned
Down on 1t -University Students
of Toronto also New
Dance -Opinions Are Invited
Art islitori,l which appeared in The
Signal a shoe t 1 line ago aroused the
ire 00 several Inc.! young people
because they could not rev "rye to
rye," with this gust family journal
on the tango queetinn. This paper
doer not want to take a bigottad or
narrow view of the tango hat has yet
to be shown that it. acs n.psnietd by
the “Bunny Hug," ••Tnrkry trot," etc,
is a graceful and nice danee. The
guished name. for the11,aelves 111 the columna of ibis pap.•r are open to atRu-
wurhl._ Like 'every inetiunion odors
EX•REEV. u. t:. MUNNINGS went and The Signal *tele.• me+ opin-
tbe chtirrc,ec is nurtuttrt and the child who hs. c• nn.......................................... to ion. both pro and ron on the subject.
le prepared to meal the Iii •1•and anis- haveliervr R•dThe Pope of Rome bar recently
placed a ban on this new trance and a
ulations of life, it has educated some recent dispatch front Munro states
of Crns►da'r illnsiria►a stole. -MUCH GAIETY that the ladies,in Roman salary have
Ay iT WAS Many Events are Scheduled for Next frowned down on the tang.,.
l'he school wn. ieuIiv fuutttlyd shout Pew Days The Turnor., Haar..•f t,. of ay gives
I ill, ,,ns your after the rounding of
The social rvvnir, ,en Int n' ht an acel;lunt of thestitJruts of the Cui-
llurrn'■ university at Kingstuu, end by the J[rne•rt"n,1 rano- club started vel The prohibiting Ihr rang
the building i•.elf we• erre rd in 1844. a whirl ..f R:ai• ty in he I .inn and The following ()potions have been
Tire Hra principal sea. Mr. John Apparently thee.' i• a gr„e• NI rush w asked, as The Si,Rnal b heves t hat the
Hrurann.t~h . nrel tier I 'ill• ro. f.tuc+ squeeze in eoti,ert.,►ed'a• farfara of•tpy of irritn.e. 1ltuho~gl Ir oughtto
Seam,. was e..gnruaes Preston, whose whose ete , before 1. nt rt, -new. In ed. he leaders of public (writer' sl -o,
clition to ch.r.•h ret el ing+, club inert -
short tern• tat other, I:..t,nq but three Ing., hockey sea chs., yu ta rectal I take the stand outlined by our
rears. was to ur.LJi, for be schedule h.s t.' -eta it r „wed. T might ' church," said F'vrher Mclt.e when his
died in 11.71. F•tmi that time for ab theeoucert woe.. 1)3 N1s. King. Mian uy'uiuu Mas.ought. ' Iltrrr y out
years. Last 1 IRIS. D,. H- 1. $traog, Seeger and oilier*. i•. the Nor i, street who
tiny harm in the+dance itself but it
who is stilt greatly reveled by all Methodist chureii, w II Is- held. On is the a.eiely which euryounds it and
know him, preri•te,l. Dr, Strang '+ Friday in in the M. onsy will boli it has* tendency to • lathy. It
.u'xrSs, a and fi•u1Llt prtnripat was forth and in; otwl y oiwu 'h•ir NsaRti- has been termed a "fast dance" and
Dr. J. M. Feld, who kept the school ful new hall ISntbu.ia tic skaiers; for that reason We ought to seek to
up ton high standing mail be resign- will be able t . a •j •v for Carnival bD prevent it. The ehuslcb forbids
rchott isches and polkas which may not
ed tat, years ago to awe public the following night 11 HHB*ynight.
e' R, a tfe a
school ,.{..ct.,r of East Huron. The Feheoal y late, Ili•• GGt.neral Ele ugh appear to he ser n cwt the
y ba
P. nese*est Lal ,soap •1. Mr J. 1 . Hunte,r Chapter of th• Dm K. a.e arranging 1 tendency that way, •
nun to whom not only his scholars Iot,k for a ceed p Li ty t I Ise h •Id in tie "Many peapl.« haced*nted the tango
up G•, ,tat the wools , t,...uoun•ty at Maslnicbwlt.
The Rebekah Ind will very innocently and have not been
Icarg«, succeeded 1)r. ..n( .till Riven social in the Oddfehow. bail t►hlr to are any wrong in it, but as the
hold+ that p trition. Jir. Hume cwsnn cn the e • 41 n inR .1 Wednesday, ''hunch condemns it
, I take the stand
to Goder•ieb from Ingersoll and darting F'elwuary Ira, h Oo Tliur-d •y evemope *gsiost it," he ea id,
his shyrt resit'. nee liege has .rade the Lathes' (Judd o/9 law sig.'s church Rev, Oro, F:. diol.opinion of
many irirnd, and is very highly ie-
bolding a era jai at lbs bonne of the tango donor is *skeet. Permit use
.parted by all who know bin,. Mrs. WO. Bassa in nit. sof * new pariah to say that I regard the tango N a
AS IT IS Nt.p� tots will be in
ball. Real e, i' to *octet life.
Principal flume end his efficient Pn'Byes+ on the ,ext night, when-
�. NRt that 1 disapprove of datlleia
aR of wiz teacher. are r-crviov the troncert in Knoz • hu cin, h Al g
p grnsiraHf 10 coluiee days no one
indulged in the social enjoyment of a
dative more enc hulas, scally than 1
and 1 trust 1 cony always h. apprecia-
tive of dancifb properly conduotsd,
My knowledge of the however
is only from ober-retail, n but 1 do net
hrsitaG- lit agree wt.h eua1 y who hsye
pItoed it tinder the ban. T.. my mind
it bas nothing to cowmrnd it and
everything to condemn it. Lacking
in grew, r)thin and de.•rn�•y one oaD-
not regard the tango as well as the
••hunny-hug" and ••tltkay-Trot" as
other than an inti usion .4 a low end •
demoralising form of dancing Into
te.pectahle soci.tty. My arndid opin-
ion is that it ehould,be ahsolute'y pro-
hibited by parents and all patrons of `
.(N'it enjoyments 1
who eel any value
to purity amid goodness in the live. of
literary wAt•ers ere disco-.• IJ. Also ill-fated steamer J. A. McGeet lying, our young people.
*love for the down,., whi. li ,s most in .s•vera! lath s o1 w..ter• about a Rev. 1V. K. Hager : D -beery of
educating, hap begun to manifest' it- mile or sr (nee Mattel wort, it is sentiment about the mingling of men
self and at present .1o. clan i. 11,•ak- moat uncertain. as a ►bort interview and women in bodily-ont*ct such as
ing Arrangements t.. pre.,e..t "The Pri- The .Signal had with Mr. Charles• is necessitated in the modern dance
vale tiresrtarv," at, .he ,.1-..-.,. hou+e N.efirl )r.trr••ay weeniest rev/sled. ' room lutist always he considered w
on February lath. Mr. -Neftel .rated .ha about the 25t5 stark of gentle birth and culture. He
The co, leg. sir ho:Id keep the ' of last Novetnbr he ,,- Li • d tin ohjcct who would keep hu thsargblw purr sed
building up u, . good state of repair 1 against rise hu .xon. As rverytedy at hevehigh ideas of clean laving moat ice
and it i. one of the line buildings „( t tart time We. Lalsiva, 1. o- Ilcalirr cud •'careful of any atggestioe of indelicacy.
Goderich of which every FC.ideut I boats the filet ti go. which eros. d 1n the good old. days when diverees
his mind was thea at .sea a hull of -r were few and the s•citI evil and white
boast. It wo. ice 'lie eve,,.ng es th. i slavery rare, it was teat considered
sun was going doe n and nu a etivry good form to have dat►oee Ihat allowed
lake as the hie tl. • r. Ave e . oiling, t he inure then a alight touch '.1 the baud
ohjent loomed uuoatght nd he watch -i to your (vrtner, and it war vulgar to
come closer than ares length. The
Tango and most m..drrn dances dis-
t orb the sera.m of the delicacy of relar-
ttonafthe sexewand the vulgar famili-
arity of boys and girls will work bavoc
on the tuture life of society unless we
herd the good advice of one who said
to *void the very wppraranee of evil.
"kereeid not pfaAb[hit NReRogo.not
because 1 consider h fmmnral or im-
modest but I consider it ugly I think
it will die out itself in eour•.w, of time,
a natural death." srid J(Pv. J. B.
Fotberingham when his opinion was
asked on this metope.
Rev. W. It. Wrighton had not seen
It danced and thsyeftrye was unable to
say anything for or against it.
1 am not in • position to sayany- •
thing Inc or swains' it," said Rey. J.
E. Ford when his opinion was asked.
most objectionable feature of our
.t of the Meneeetont tame cru and the
high reputation of the .•ho .1, «sere• M.
ii -had bytheir u,edera• ,.� town council will vie with i'-nh other
t The aver- to see which can crus• h.- biggest
age (rely .ttcn.bor •e i. now 11.1 pupils crowd,
comprising lour turves, In the r-urth Uwiog to ••Nigg• of bt,'folbw-
ft,, wthe rser. fl, p8, .nd comfit are al 1414 and board •y • zt, wge-. peui•le
11, second SI, first 1 rn•rst rest. thin. + • -11 n- .-..her quiet
II. The .admix aubjecis are caught until Mondl , $i d. a the acdare
by Mi. Hu,su-. 'ctenre; D•-. St'A.g, of 'be H'gI .a.r..: 1 l give rb••ir
cla,,ics and h .t,•ryt Mr. A. M. Roo- rntevlrinntent .n tis Vr•
ertson flitted) hist. 17 and wni»r no opera
mathematic.;Mi... M. K. CI Hord,
house. At the s,.,,• time many
modern. .old Gogliso; Mise H•rigr, private pool. -.will h.• held end liter-
junior E1.101.h and 111.6'1/1y; 1 ss L ally, these will he a loot time in the old
Monte, junior luatheina ier, junior town neat wM•k•
aclrnee land English, and Miss Lillian , F1NrfING OF HULLS ALLEGED
Frnsrr, e. ...... etal snl.j.e.s.
DI I i N G 0000 WORK
Alaaf Reports Art Afloat Over 1.1 -fated
The scholars sometime ago m -
le it, is , 1 s
ausZrtl a l t r• 1 cies. •o .e►a.141 bent 1 b41
1 .H.. .•, « teisth
i It sP e
K h ma-
y hull of w hoar all
monthly euthermgs \Vlle•1 dehcatr• and g• d t.• t e that of the
should feel pi oud.
The Town Exposit. in Wealth if not ,sd fursow..11(1e r1.0. not brtug .1.1.
in Pogabasa and Area to tell what it w....
As a p, (sof that this town 1. growing "Of rsaurse." said Mr. 19.ftel, "the
in wraith if not in population is way the ware.''-r.ur.t 1.. beak over
shown in the annual statement of Mr, the object led one at, Leh• yr that it
Wm, Cawphehl, which hen been sub- WAG the hull .,f 4 ten,., resting on a
milted to the council. The .'.t.went her." Mince tit .t tins- o., account of
allows that during the Iwet 10 the ice no fu, t h• r t•-44 r if the tuppos-
the .s.eaa2ent has kern Meteors' ed host h*s be• It sr. i.-
from•:t,llt))/tliea. $ 99ytlMANX lit: W)itet
Ae t►rbewrrdwr -. .of OOt7H,.
.rrich haver Almost ewer sum, t_.r ,.'rt ihle dire,-
not incres►..d to any extent and its ter of Novaluh r gib, r n have
population eery moo. thin sbnwe that been going an•un,. .-1 yellow!. tiring
the town he. gre+tly incrrwned in discovered between her.. tied Bayfield.
wealth. Thu. it pertly due to the fact A few weeks aao a mate e•r w to in pro -
that *few 111.0 . bmlder-go hive been green that the hull alt 1 he Wexford
erected, including the rieyr4w, the had been disc„yard L.*r Hayfield not
Masonic temple and other.. Values nothing definite rout., 1.e learned.
of commercial . and re-rd.-enial pro- Natuaslly An it i.. I I•ouaht, . bat al
Perrier have %too ascended to some ships foundered off th•e shute every -
extent in the last decade, htxly expect.. to find the hulls of the
An uA*mino,u s t.w roll his n 41x- vessel. near here. 1t I. probable that
tended to Rev, D. K. (intro. of the frame Will be found •.n.1 i1 ie likely that
Willis I'rwnytsrien church, in Olin- further some
i to .IIsi « 1he when.-
ton. from Old., Alberta. shoats off womLal it a, .111 be made
when the awing ol•-ti•
Temperance People WEI Supply Recre-
abee Reese few Bars
An the result of a meeting held in
the temperance hall on Moodily night.
the temperance people will egtabHMh
resort and recreation (rooms to supply
the place of the ban wbieb they are
hoping will be removed alter the
first of May next. Committees were
appointed to look into the macer and
report again et another tweeting held
next Monday night.
It was also decided tc organise for
Um porpoise of law enforcement there-
by making to compel the authorities
to /IMO. The eep the a. t r will tcomes b. her
dealt with on Monday night wont,
New Election at Winghaen
Wingbam. P.b. 11 --As a reaeult of
one of the most peculiar municipal
mil- ppee that has ever occurred In
this ddlstriet, Mayor A. .I. Irwin bee
rslgn..d to non amide as soon ae a now
election aan be Aatiisslisa
will also beheld hie aana lseu Otis
Celts aobool based aad the prams
M.atl y �ekpsr qyle\ wis:six