The Signal, 1914-2-5, Page 7Sag yeas sa- 1ar1- Italy It to to ansa tie rh • now but Part the year ten the ■ In heat 127 It the h r.•" tern ales tale, tri • font Nal soon !I amp 1"011 tion seer - d• Th.. Pr, r.• t int m.•. ea t. THE SIGNAL 'ODBRICJI oNTAEIO 1' TleCain. y. !''tuaVLev 3, 1011 T Raeway's Ready belief sIrut .1. wsateewTt •d 1's4raw, X.3 . writ. + •'1 baro a lents tanekr 4 mail chines. sea .n Lu rand Oa seas) •wr'. bill. psalm, Heti *Moat 1t le a k a, r that. )Ir IIan girl Is. grrslsrd kat eft t.• sed rr .n.uad lino sitarist ear wilier .1...,r a..,iesy's Reedy Renee" CURES SORE THROAT /;1.)7 the Relief to the throb • rr4 ,'I«••t .•1 the •urface .asart. net „.kW... , .. 1'.. •ear's fill. 1a"AO. J•-•+ :,. e. ,11 f... iy Me NATO.. Y..r a -4.1.41. .- 1.I. int J..r• I Rodway'. 1Ifi., 1.,d ■ hey.. • • Itrtter wind a. 1••n+1. reset .t , f W..!a “In',br of h•rt wnl. r. Ii..rr rat ..t. t, .% I. miss g«•r.l•Irn.L.r .. i" L,,-,, 1, ., .1 Ile. W.vnlue 11... ...1.1 rill t- f 1t.1DttA1 4CU.. 31 nets, ;.L *'art 1'111; CAN ENTER ANY DAY AT THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO 1. a ge staff of specialists. Irad:t:d'eal fristru.•tioo. Positions guaranteed to graduates. e \. Fre/meet, F. C. A. • P1 incip*1 for U. D. FLE)tINti. St yeah. Secretary. 11.. r'• .1, or b„1 eelN, eRr t; the r; It: ter ket nl ' 1,▪ • p., n• is • n ee 11.- 1- r8, n- n- it - IJ m 14 • b. k re Ir_ i - sl of g le J. d er 1- 1- r. t. Ir IPhone tui Montreal Street T. Swarts' 'Bus, Livery and Hack- Stables ]ItINTUICAL 1:RE1 r JUa.T OFF THE S41t-.tt:t•: BUSES MEZT ALL TRAINS, AND : PASSENGER : BOATS Pnseenger• called for in .tny part of the town for all trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depot... Prompt eery ice and careful .ttten- d:ance 1 her Livery and Hack service will be found up- to-date in every respect. }'ear patronage solicited T. SWARTS. seeeesinokereeteseseenewasenoisesinew COLLEG E AT HOME Thousand. of Amblttsu. young pso;.:r ,re fan prepense In their own hoots. 'semen, leeretiva weetlon.. u rapher,bookkeeper., L.Is -iapMr•. , :van -ervaot., in fact every .Thor, of It ole. teas Activltte. Yon nay Mika ..t of lege if vel 10 w4►. Positions g[wren- •red. Enter macaw any da). Indivld ..1 Instrectlna. t' -part teeaeh.rv. Thirtyyearn' ex perlenre. t.erse+: • ',Iner. In l:nnad... seven college•. pc..'taI 0Oera. foe trencher-. Affiliated with t'.msieroi.•1 &Inca lore' A.,.oe:at:on of 1•anada. ,:.awmer wheel at fpmo*+ Ftuttoa 11 sine-, tilt. ge, London. Clinton Basiaess College Gt.,. drorro) Il. 1'. t%.tu. Prewidnc.i'r I nt•:1w: eieneeseseseesseseesseaseeasseeseeseeneets BUSINESS AND • SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert itnuters at the _4414..kr Aer, Y. IL C. A. BLDG. LortDON. orb'. Students ttrsintd to positions. College us swim sssssisfrom Septep2nd. Catalogue Matte Rrs tc LW. IlAMnvdt J. A/. -.k. Medial c3=4 niessM seisosesessesesiertse COAL Hay log purchased IIn htiai- neaa formerly condncte,l by F. Bellew Iln!asees. we per- poee dealing in Coal, Wood Lime, Content Firs Briek, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Coal, t wo lines whisk are varognbed se the bad. We wish to giro the pectis of ((oderich and 'IMatty the beat servie. pae- ans* as. hl, need shall Ire glad to hear hoot on of Mr. Hopes' ca steams and any others 1 ho wish anything to our All orders left with Jae. Yatesr W sot street, promptly ytdejcj he. 'Phos. No. 7111 Veto at O. T. It.. Mhos Street HONORED FOR BRAVERY Godench Boy Scouts Highly Praised by the Chief Scout Fur e•unspi.•uuu. hereby to re.cuiau from drowning Ralph ?same, 14 -year - .Id des of Mr. Pearce, manager of the l)ominlou Hank. Tnr rat,, silver cr•eleses have been awarded to Hugh Graham )toes and Jetties Id. Ross, esewbrrs of the Goderich Boy Scout Troop e'l`ite presentation will take place here about the middle of retreu- ary. Miss Margaret McTaggart, itt Clinton, els.) tenderest material as- si.1an,e in raving young Pearce. said 14 congratulated by the Oevernor• tieneral iu a tetter to lir. H. G. Ham- mond, Provincial secretary of the Scouts. As described sense time ago the voting people were in bathing near r BayfieId summer retort. when Ralph, who was nut fuutiliar with the bench .it that Pal (jellied' point. slipped intu a deep hole, .tnd head gone down before tIle others uoticed he eras to difficulty. t)uc ut tb. /t•.-, boys went to his NS- slat/ince, hut Pearce being the heavier folded his arms sl%tut the resctser and carried bier beneath the outlets,. The Russ lad made a ,troug etiort for life, end in a fete-t.•.endr ese aided try Mina ,llcTijgsrt All three were in serious difficulty when the other Rose, boy sw ata tee thew. The three teecuers in teeter far ,ever their beads gradually dragged for drn.yning lad to shallow water. nod once they put foot on !settee' brought hint stately to shore. The two Puss boys and \lits '1cTag;- g.trt wcte completely exhausted when they ragAhed the Leach, but as no rue wan there to n•8Ibt they set to work, and within tlftren minutes brought the Pear.:.. bey eruurtd to coniciun.- neael. Hr teinem h••:ed nothing Prow the time he clasped his first rescuer eutil tv, %oke on the beach. HIGHLY PRAISED lb. its 1:. Hammond, plotinrixl secretory, has just i. e.etved the iulluw- irg letter from Ottawa: - • 1 all plessrd 1e) .tate that His Royal Ilighness Ute Chief knot has ap- pruaed ut the grau' ini; of silver medals t•it• life t-avi:tg to Snouts II. i.. 1f.y,- tutd J. 13. lessee( (itedeiich. flint. '1n 1'orwwding these medals node' ••••paratte coVi'r. iii. Royal Hig;hne.. ronuntanit. ole to inform you that he wvndd be gilt(' if hi, most sincere con- .retulstiens coul•I he eleveyted to the two Scouts in ,lue.tion .for whist was evidently a very gallantaiid ueteuuin- ed'recur. He chnsidere that act. of 1Iii lathes out telly redonod to the .•relit of the individuels in .;,estion, and the Hoy Scouts in psrticelar, hut also show the necessity of Scout education. a-. if these two boys had not ;earned how to swim. they would hive I»•en powerless in the • iteem- st.eryr.. whatever bravery they might Ihave displayed. "His Roysl Highness would also he glad if au expressiou of his high ap- preciation could he conveyed to Miss Margie et McTaggart, who gave a di.- jeav of heroism on that occasion Chet watt tit A very remarkable kind. Itis Itoyel Highness only wishes that it were possible to bestow a life-saving 10e1141 Int.'s her. as she full- deserve -- etch at nt.uk of recognition." PLEASANT SOCIAL HELD l.n;oyable Evening Spent at the Home of Mrs. Seager The so-ial at the reside) of Mrs. C Seeger, West street. on \Vedne.tlny evening last, given by the Unique Club for the benefit of Sr. George's new Parish bell. %vas a decided stic•ess. Although the weather was very un- teven-ahle, the large And epaciuus room. were %%e11 filled with an Appre- ciative Audience. The musical num- bers wet, well rendered. encores being (eleguent and kit;dl• responded to Thole takine part were, Mrs. King. Hiss Mary I'st•.00s. who inside her Hist Appearance ns a •olaist in public on this occasion and who was tuo`t enthua-evtieally enroteel. ?Ir. 0. L. Parson, :and Miss Glare Seager. violin- ist. The accompanists were \Ira. 1i. 1.. Parson. atnl Mr. A. Hoy Adam. Refreshments were wervetl later in the evening nod the candy and [aucy work 1thte's were %cell patronized. The hanjstnne bum of tr.11 was realiz- ed. Mit. Seger wi.h.'t to thank all the Isind friends who cnnnilatted to the• 101,•^en4 of 1h.. evening. ACT DEFEATED IN WELLAND Deputy is Alleged to Have "Fixed" Sox and Later Goes to Jul Vi el land. Feb. a - .\ ma both y of six .,Hes agsinet the Canard.. Tenlpe•r:en,re Ar: was found by Hugh A. Rose. tee Ulrninq ' officer. when lie made bis oMriat . summing up of the sworn stat ewenla of the deputies iron Mueaday. rotemeriently. he declared the ant de- feated. I it t lar pr ee'ne•e of represen- tatives of both sides Mr Rose began the work of summing up on Monday morning. There ass tithe slangs in t he figures until the !'allot box .,f F. ('. " (bultitorve; ef Hridgesb nil* Mies opened. when the atateuent showed 1V4 against And 12 foe. a difference o[ 1; beim the stateuseot he (pave to the temp,'*nor agent on the day of the voting. Mr. Coultburst did not d. - liver hit ballot hex until seturday *lad then the returning officer hail to send for it. He w to cabled to Welland, Ant left again on t e :Citi train for hwme. DEM :- T,r AIR lttaiTED The oute:ome was that f'oulthunt was &sleeted shortly after 11 o'clock that evening at his home in Btidge- burg by Prnvluci*l Constable John N. Dowd on a warrant homed by Police Magistrate Mutton Home., charging him with having issued A fal.e *ler'• tion return front hie poll. The warrant was isued an an information sworn net by William Christian. scrutiniser at the poll on the day the vo:leg tends place. A Woman of Few Words Mn. Harty E. Bye, .Main street north, Mount t' oreet. Ont . writes : '•1-olr remedyfor kidney, bladder and stomach troue has elven ,sse Kissed relief. Have taken three bozos and now fwd like living and better than f have felt for years and i give your FIO PiU.M all the praisefor they are the bast I have ever tried." At 411 deal rs. !S acrd yl rents, or Th* Fla Pill Oo.. Pit. Thomas, Oat. Hold in Roderick by E. K. Wick, druggist. MORTER'S HILL \hiss Switzer, of Kht:ardioe. is whit- logat lin. Ellintt's. rs. Cox. of Dakota, war visiting at Mrs. John Cox's lost week. Sind Wm. Johnston 1s visiting her 4aseghter, Mrs. Meer., as Mamma Mr. lathe Cox wears a smiling fad. • baby g -i having arrived at hi. home on Thursday last. Many miss the ring of the •uuitby's anvil, the village black.with being .:ontlned to the house with a slight attack ..t appendicitis. MAFEKING Ire your liens Iaying :- Mee J. Andrew an her slaughter, lire. C. Ritchie, visited friends :at Lanes I5A1 'Thursday. Mts. W. P. Heid rod her wuthu. Mrs. Henry Johnstonen Mafeking, are visiting friend, in Stratford. Messrs. S. 1'stnphell, ?Ielvin Reel and W. J. lane are bury drawing gravel for building in the spring. Mr. Edward Johnstone entertained A number of his friends the evening before leaving for his new house rt Ebenezer. GODERICH TOWNSHIP lir. A. J. Camelot' and his .sister. Mrs. \\'ebstee. went down' to Toronto ou Tuesday of last week. Mr. Geo. U. Ludlow, who came over to attend the inners! of the late Mr. Hart Hicks returned to his boule at Proton Station un Saturday. The A. Y.P._1. of St. Jawed chur'b, Middleton, paid a friendly visit to the soeiad Cluhof Trinity church. Hayfield. its Tueeday eveni rig of last week. lire. Fred \Vhlttinghnw and her two children. Willie and Ethel. and 1Ir. John W. \Vbittingbatu. of ttu'- Appelle, Saskatchewan, were visiting at 11,•r brother's, lir. Geurgpe H. Elliott. \Ir. John Etuioiu, who went west flue years ago and homesteaded :at 1 lgewa, Saskatchewan, has returned and has heel vibitiig with his brother. lir. David Easow. of the Itlth cum's.+ion. and old ;u:.puaintutce.. Ile lays he likes lite on the prairie. an,l be leeks well. DISTRICT NEWS Wmgham Hotels Close Sheds \\ ingh•un, .lana 31.-\I r. BArnie Hoyle, proprietor or the National Hotel. ha, boarded up his hotel sheds trout the pul,iic, also 3111'..lobi, Swartz, tet the queen's Hotel, has put down posLi and hong iron gates to. the en- trance,of all his public sheds. ' Wingham Wedding Rev. E. if. (Tidy, of the Anglican church in 1Vingb.uu, pet•tonoetl a wedding cetemouy on January :''th, the contracting parties being Miss Sophie Hayles'und Mr. 1Vm. Bunn. \ number if the young people of \Vmighaw enjoyed themselves on Thursday night at a ball held in the council chamber. A dainty luncheon wait served about midnight, sol the dewing was then resumed. Seven Years for Constable \V:noipeg, Jan fit. -Constable Joe Reid of the city police force was given a seven years' sentence in the peniten- tiary by Magistrate Macdonald for p,articiprtiug in the escape of Kraf- elieneko, the Plow Coulee pandit. Reid is a n:alive of Lueenow. Ont.. and for 9. short time wasou theToruuto police force. Old Resident Dead Mark Mairins, the oldest reside•ut in Eeeter, died there on Thursday coerc- ing in his With year. He is survived from his fleet wife by four daughters And frim hie second wife by two girls. In entities he was a Conservative. and .a Methodist in religion. Nur fifty years he had resided in Exeter. The [1111e1 RI WAS held on Friday et 1.31 &clock to Kirkton cemetery. Rev. Dr. Collins oflciateed. Has Built Bridge A Grand Trunk bridge ging from S,rat fold removed Ile old bridge over 1Vhir1 ('reek, just east of Mitchell, and replaced it with a heavier etrurtute on.'4nuday, a week ego. Two steam cranes were used to shift the old bridge to one side and replaced it witb the new one. The old bridge was thought to he too light to caret- the ntocul engines which are now being used on this line to draw freight troll ttoderich. HOW TO AVOID COLD WEATHER DISEASES To prevent cold weather diseases, put your body :oto a proper healthy condition to .uccesdully rratst them Copia, bronchitis, pot umonia, catarrh, tgr oat !rive r, rheumatism and other Bailments ma) be a •,aped in reset cases, if this is done Butts up your health .end strength --you• nerves and Nosed and entire body- into truth mope: '410t can ci:sc.:tw ducts era:th all daring the winter months -by •:.ling Rcx.11 ( Rhee 011 Emulsion, the ideel bled, nerve and brsly builder. This et a rrtnnrku.' k medicine, but a gl.mmon-ernes one. It doesn't stimul.tt bo -called "tonics" that stimulate jive you io pets t.nen t relief : but lc ave you wire- e tt than before. Revell Dire t til Emulsion eon- te.ins ohne of these harmful, stimulating in- £rc a tienu gush as alcohol and dangerous an.: .:shit-formingg drugs. Its great hcncfat to you is through its real nerve ant blood and T)ody-Mtilding effectsit neurishcs,beilds, strengthens:. Its nerd dos a not rest on mak- ing ytAi feel hotter for a few minute.' at :. time after tacking i t , but on making ytnt f cti lbctter ns a result 1•f making you well RR,,aas.all (Rive Oil Enlul,ne.n is the ideal 110 d and ncree-fount tonic. Yon who are .week and run -dowse, and yens who arc ap- parently well rine' but arc liable to solder rem % arjtiun cold weather aihnrntr, else Rcx.-ill Olive / hl Emulsion to rt anti keep well and strong. Por the tired -out. raY- down, stn ease, emaciated of dtbilit..ted- thc cum tidcsteng - -growing children-tgr.i people- it is A sensible niel to renewed rtrrengtl hitter spirits, ng I:calth. Recall (Mite Oil Emu ion -kung of the ctlehvat d Resell Remedies -is for frrdan !ransack/tend you and your family. You'll 1* as enthusiastic abate it as we are when )-.1 have noted its pleasant taste, itsptrengl thening, invigorating, bbuiulingl-up.diaraas- prt•veottng effffhrts. If it does not help yoe, your matey will be given bee t o vnu with- out argument Soldin this munity only et our afore- The Resell s rota --steer of more than ;lilt) kaditlg drug stores in the United States. Canada and Great Britain Do liedfesd of Pb.. R. Drawees. NRS. WS W. IRE Tells Otto= Haw to Get Stang and Well. Mrs. W., W. Lak* of Aberdeen, Miss • says "The grippe had IHt me In a weak. run-down condition from which I suffered for some time L tried different remedies but nothing teemed to do me any rood until i took Vino). from which 1 received great benefit. My cough Is almost entirety gone and 1 ■m strong and well *gals, and 1 ant glad to recom- mend Vlnol to others who auffer as 1 did." Mrs. Take's recovery was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers --combined with the blood making :one strength creating progertiee of noir Iron, which are contained in I'taol,' and her rough disappeared as a natural result. We guarantee that \'enol will do all Ile claim and will pay back 'our stoney tf \'enol does not satiety you. H. Dunlop. Druggist, t:.,deeri ch. Oat BAYF1ELD Mrs. Jewel l'amplw•ll was recently vi.uing friends iu walkeryHie. \Ire. 1 .unit and 11n.. Edwestnn spent a leer d..v s with friend- in Clin- (Olt. \ nrtwherare engaged thi• week in cutting met .tot•iug their 'enamel sup- ple ofice Mr. John Torrance. License Iagree- tor for South Heron, was in the vil- lage recently. Mrs. William Stirling attended the funeral of her brother. Mr. Jame. Caldwell. of U•alericb,,ott Saturday of last weed. • The young people's guild of Trinity' chur-h entertained the A.Y.P.A. of St. Janne' chuieh. Middleton, on Totes - de) eveuing of Lest week when a very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent. Mr. A. M. Robertson. science toaster in the tie detach Collegiate, steel ipied the pelpit of St. Andrew s church on Sun- day morning a week ago and that of the Metboditt church in the evening, preaching interesting sermons in the interest- of the Canada -Temperance Act. . - The annual meeting of the cemetery company was held in Bavtleld on Mon- day a week .go when the following officers were elected : President, J.uues Thom•oo : vice-preaideot. James Campbell : se t etnry-treasurer, A. E. Erwin : directrne. Messes. John Middleton, T. J. Marks. John Ile - Naughton. Hobert Hanley. John M,:- I/oneul, Thos. Brl:wnett. Thr annual meeting of the Baytield Agricultural society was held on 1Ved- nesday of la -t week with a good at- tendance. The reports nt•esented were very eneoua•agiug. 01\i,•en were re- elected ns follows: i're.ident. R. Snowden : lit viae-pr'e•ident. K. Pen - hale ; 2nd vine -president, Dr. Woods; secretary A. E. Erwin : treasurer. F. A. Edwards. The director-, of last year were relecte'l with the excep- tion of James \fow. who is leaving the diatri.•t and was ieglaeed by Harry Talbot. CURED HER KIDNEYS Damn Mayer Tells How She Found A Core to Dodd's Kidney Pills H:ubnrdeau, .ltgentcuil Co.. Que.-- Feb. 2nd. -+Special.; _"I ;em always gltul to tell of my cure because 1 sympathize with •,thea- who may he suffering as 1 did." so *aye Lame Joseph Mayet. well known And highly respected here •For three years 1 was a very sick woman. Rheumatism, beadaehe, pal- pitation of the heal t and Bright's Disease were soy succeseion of tt•oubier, but Dodds Kidney Pills cured them all 1 nerd twentyfour boxes to complete us% cure. but they certainly made liue a ell. "I will never lee withnet.Dodd's Kidney Pills in the house." Dodd's Kidney Pill's curred Dame Mayere ills hers nee they are all c trona •hy diseased kidneys. Dndde Kidney Pills always ••urs diseased kidneys. SOON BE DRY Two Counties to be Dry After May ist As Result of Vote Toronto, Feb....-Iw•uediately upon the going iota effect of the Canada Temperate -4s Ant is 1herelent lee carry- ing it the Provincial Goverassettt 00 to hr neaponsrter for the esferre•e- ment of taws against illegal liquor selling and Use Lainissbn Government assamea that responsibility at the expense of the .'emnt V The Beene. inspector, now employed by the r Go..'1 ....t 'Net fie Itlh'a- drawn. the Provincial Government haring no jnri.dietinn. Huron cou.iy bad 11 li.guor licenses In the If teltl..kip.lities not .ender local option. Peel mute in the three municipalities and Welland :,l in 13. This is A 1•.t41 est ifs tertuin.ted in May. 1913, by the t .saada Tearper- •ecr .\rt• passed in thew two e' -untie. Inst Thursday. From May 1. i ill. the counties will i. dry try the action of the Proctorial Government in plar•issg therm under •'so hicesw." CANADIAN his M Ink Service Tesla lets 7. bwwh- webs TWOS!. aa. asshhag W 1awlpes s s.as. Ina bean 7,ia1a iii *awrasrt, Issvae wIs•I0. Lb p.m., 'unitise rarest s a a tea, ewe bees y w$1 4,swe rs e Tuusat l(*,a.s,id k4khi, sw, t OI .IvT.51yl'al' fg,l, tsk1w rateB Ining 051 'r+t rawdy *U.. masstMe =sit is Seek R.arie we Ni e Sr. tutees ear. reaarbles inhale Po. Winnipeg and Vancouver hers Uremia 1n ea. daily. l '.1.11 est library (7b• ,'ettp.. 1 'sr R rut *teethe tare Tellerae* to 1t lung T.rest. to yM•wwen, Yeerest iw..Mss l>,r,a Innen Oar. ewer clam. HMV meat ISEAFORTH Mr... Johu Pinkney visited liodsrich friends last week. Miss Margaret Wilson was visiting friends iu Exeter last week. Mr. Win. Beason, of Saskatoon, has I bene a a Janine ni.te lile4oeth lira th time here. returnedreturned from •a visit with friends in Port Hope Mr. . Mies Kate Broadfoot, of Ilamiltoe,, , was up visiting her mother for t few days. Ml'. Uaral• Reid .plot Itst week with his parent., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 1 Reid. Mn. M. Moab -del is on Vse sink list and is being wailed urdll by Miss I Dugan. Mt. Russell ,Brown. of 3100 r law, was vislth,g trieuds in town and vicinity. Mr. Robert I)svidaoll, of Mitchell. I visited his eouviu, Mr. Abe Davidson, tee-tru tl y. Mr. and Mrs. White, of Hamiote. Manitoba, were the guest*. of MIL ! Phos.. /tickle. Sir. W. J. Duff, formerly of Sea- I forth, died at Crystal City, Manitoba, on Jaoua•y Sl lir. Edward \Moles had his face .torched whilst wen king with a gaso- line teethUte the'. ley. Miss Sadie tiler. of ltromatty. was the gnewt of Thee Nae lcMiehael for III day of two recently. lir. Thee. Dickson, who had the urlsfcrtune to break hi, leg mute weeks al, o.:- able to be .about again. Miss Bird strphrur. who haw bad .a -.-vete attack o tuu-iilitir, is ituprove- ing and is enncidered .rut of danger, Mr. J. F. DAR' baa removed his stock from hi- old stand t,• his new and more cuwwodious %tore further nod t h. Mrs. McLaughlin. who ha. been visiting Mrs. \b.0-ra, (hetet hit street. for the past few week., has returne.l to her home iti Toledo. Mr. Wm. •1ohnaton, w110 is eighty years of age, slipped and fell iu his I own eell.ar one Clay recently- and re- ceived a Ifni shaking up. Dr. Oilkspie, of Baden. t 1 tt ed with \Ir. and Ales. John Gillespie. while her husband was making; a pro- fessional visit in Michigan. 31r. and \Ire J. 1V. $hurtreed, of Grande Prairie. Alberta, a lin have leen in (►oterio since t'hl'ittmas time, were in town te..ently ,•.tiling un friends. A Bouspiel for the colts wee held in St. Marys 14.1 week. and two rinks front. town took pact. The following %vete the players : Messrs. G. • Jack- son, ,l. McKay. W. Heetry end A. P. Forbes. skip. J. Il. Reid, W. south gate, W. H. Smith, and A. L. Smith skip. Sr. Marys. Jan. :II. --'The anniversary of the birth of Bums wins celebrated by a banquet on Monday eight at the Royal Edward hotel. under the aus- trice, of Highland Mary 1 .awp• Sons of Scotland. There was a large attend- ance present A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY .111 etuinetit scientist. the other day• gave bis opinion that the most wo'- derful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zsut•Buk. Just think ! As soon at a single thin layer of Zaw-Buk is applied to 4 wound or a sore. such injury ie 'insured against blood poison! Not one species of microbe bas been found that Zam-Buk dales not kill ! "Then again. As .con as leen-13uk ii applied to :a sore. or as cut. or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are sur h friends of Zam-,Bok. Tbey care nothing for the science of the thing. -'.11 they know iso that %nut-Buk stops their pain. Mothers should never forget this. Again. As as soon 'ham -Bulk is ap- plied to a woe's(' or to A diseased part, the cells /beneath the skins sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly feinted. This forming of fresh healthy tissue front below is Z ant-liuk's secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked tip to the enface and literally Ct'.te obi the deceased tissue above it. This is why ZsnrBuk euros ate permanent. Only the other dry Mr. Marsh. of 101 Delorintier Ave.. Uontre:al. called upon the %am-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he haul been n martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time sea coasted with sores that he had to ,leap in gloves. Four years ago. %aur-Buk was introduced to bim. and in a few months it enured him. 'Today -over three years atter his cure of disease he bad for twenty-five years --he i. -till verse!. and has had rro trace of any return .,f the eczema! All druggists sell Zun-Buk at :ark. boy, or we will send free trial box if you send this ndverti•ement rod a lc. stamp ,to tiny return postage,. Ad- dress Z end ituk Co.. Toronto. a NERVOUS PEOPLE WOWS are tlasafy thin a n a easily worrited, sleet does net refresh and the system gradu- ally weakens from insu) tient nourishment. Scott's Emulsion corrects nervousness by its force of con- centrated medical nourishment it restores the healthy action of body cels, enricha the blood, sharpens the appetite. and feeds the nerve centres by distributing energy a n d !Dower all over the body. Don't resort to alcoholic mixtures or drug concoctions that stimulate and stupefy. Get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion for vow nerves-- nothing equals or compares r it, bet helot 'env owt,earr rase IT immonomminnialliis Families Are Buying "Sunkist" Oranges- by the Box or Half -Box Enjoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. .1 Have this golden fruit for breakfast , dessert .1nd "between meals." Cleanest of all fruits -never touched by bare hands. All the pickers and packers of "Sunkist'' oranges wear clean white Cotton gloves. "Sunkist" oranges are the fin- est, juiciest oranges in the world. Tree -ripened, fiberless. Not a seed in "Sunkist-" Buy them by the b..x or half -bolt. That is cheaper than buy- ing by the dozen. They k tc, for wee'. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist" Wrappers Cut the trademarks from " Sunkist -. orange wrappers and send them to us. We ofier•:'7 di;- ferent premiums, all Rogers A-1 Standard Guaran- teed Silverware. Exclusive "S;:r.kist" des. For this grange spoon send 12 Sunkist *rappers giv d 12 cent?. "Red Ball" or: pers count same as "Sunkist." in remitting. send amounts of '20 cents or over by Postal Note, Post Office or Express Money Order. Buy "Sunkist" Oranges at Your Dealer's Send your name and full atidrl:•.s for/free pre- mium circular and Premium Club Plan. Addres ;:11 orders for premiums and all inquiries to CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE 105 King Street, East, coy. Chsyd TORONTO, ONT. Wir Be Particular • UT HE KIND OF SEEDS YOU SOW ki In Seeds -as is everything you buy -there are hany grades. And since it 3s impossible to Jud eir quality by examining, 'oil must trust, en- tirely to yobr 6eedamen. !You can depend on us absolutely! We will send you, ,on requert, our big $0-p.re Catalogue -Free. Vslssk$a Preataw---TRII2---wlta nick wear. 'Sea we ass of G`Mava far strtieatirs.) wet. fee 11 Toler. DARCH elk HUNTER SEED CO. LIMITED Box 1241 ; LONDON, ONTARIO . is 0•4404484040i✓.4' .4aCeSOOi-dsIeG4' anuary Sale 'When you are hunting bargains, drop in and inspect Our Fur Coats Overcoats General Clothing Sweater Coats and Odd Winter Garments to be sold at rca,onable prices. McLean Bros. The Square, Goderich SEMI-READY.TAIL.ORISIG...=_ .e . Agate for Cerium, Overalls. Startfield's Underwear, Fitwell H - Arrow Brand Collars and Cuas. Special Values in FOOTWEAR Men's tine Box Calf Hluchere with tnetlium and ex;rut bee vy at pricer. from *1.30 to qti l}L Ladies' tine Ihtngola kid Hutton and Bleebers with patent to • cap* and good soles at prices from el it to IfY:.tt. Se's our window display- tor these special %-sluts. Our prices for ,•hiLlt en's footwear are most reasonable. REPAIRING Downing & arlacVicar Mote ROO (ioder.eh 1-